• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 8, 2020

    Legal Advice Just saw a black male get pulled over by the cops, put his hands up, then get thrown to the ground and punched in the face. Then the cops DROVE his car off after arresting him. [NC]. I don’t think any of what I just witnessed was remotely legal and I don’t know what to do.

    Legal Advice Just saw a black male get pulled over by the cops, put his hands up, then get thrown to the ground and punched in the face. Then the cops DROVE his car off after arresting him. [NC]. I don’t think any of what I just witnessed was remotely legal and I don’t know what to do.

    Just saw a black male get pulled over by the cops, put his hands up, then get thrown to the ground and punched in the face. Then the cops DROVE his car off after arresting him. [NC]. I don’t think any of what I just witnessed was remotely legal and I don’t know what to do.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    Hanging out a friends house and heard sirens. Stick my head out the window to see what was going on.

    State trooper pulled into the street from the north side cutting a car off. A black male exited the vehicle with his arms over his head, the primary officer who cut him off stayed in his vehicle for approx 30 seconds until more state troopers arrived from the other side of the road.

    The primary officer and the first on scene rushed the suspect, threw him to the ground, then one of the officers straight up punched the suspect right in the face while he was laying down being handcuffed by the other officer.

    They pulled him up, and moved him to the first officer on the scenes vehicle, then 30ish minutes later an officer actually entered the suspects vehicle and drove off with it. The other state troopers followed.

    I don't think any of what I just witnessed was legal but I could be wrong.

    EDIT/UPDATE: First off, some of y'all are toxic people. The fact that the suspect was black is unfortunately pertinent because of the racism that we have seen in police brutality cases in America.

    Second, I would be posting this same shit if it was a white male. It's almost as if I'm asking because I saw something wrong happen, not because I'm involving race.

    Third, they were legit officers, and a whole bunch of them. The suspect was fleeing from arrest. I found his police arrest record this morning and you can visibly see the bruise where he was hit.

    Fourth and unless I get any better information, I contacted the NC ACLU and sent them my description of the situation and a screenshot of the suspects arrest record so they have his case number and information.

    EDIT2: I don't mean I have his arrest record. I sent a screenshot of the county's inmate roster with his picture and information and the charge he was arrested on.

    submitted by /u/poopchuteluke
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    Are there legal ways of disposing of urine bottles besides dumping them down the toilet?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Location: North Carolina

    I'll start this out by saying two things so no one else has to:

    1. Yes I have serious mental health problems I am getting help for
    2. Yes this is very repugnant and disgusting and something is wrong with me, thank you

    For years, not consistently but it has been going on for years, I've often urinated into bottles which I kept in my room. I'm not going to go into any details of my personal/mental health or try and explain why here. Usually I've dumped the bottles into the toilet after a short time.

    The last several months though I've been higher-functioning than usual outside of my room, often away and I haven't had the chance to dump these bottles out. They've now accumulated and some are several months old and I would dump them out but I don't live alone and I don't want the smell to permeate the air.

    Is there any legal way to dispose of these bottles without dumping them down the toilet?

    I'd like to apologize to anyone who has read this. Asking this fills me with complete shame.

    I'm very grateful to anyone who responds to this question.

    submitted by /u/shamedthrowaway2020
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    Apply for Canadian citizenship without letting my ex-Canadian father know? (Americans with 1 Canadian Parent)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Hey y'all. My brothers and I are Americans, born in 1990, 1992, and 1994. Our Mother is American and our father is a naturalized American, born in Canada to Canadian parents. Dad naturalized to the USA in 1991. While my father has "spiritually" renounced any ties to Canadaland, I don't believe any formal renunciation paperwork was ever filed. From what I was reading it looks like my brothers and I may have the legal right to Canadian Citizenship.

    Out of curiosity, I was looking at the applications, and the sticking point would be "proof of parent's citizenship". Our dad hates Canada, and to a lesser degree dislikes all three of his sons, so we can't just ask him for his Quebec Birth cert. (Born in Shawville, near Ottawa, in 1960)

    Is there any way we can obtain our citizenship without the direct help of our Canadian father? Recent instabilities in the USA are making us increasingly curious about having a "northern option". (also, growing up we spent a lot of time in the Ottawa area visiting family, so we do genuinely have an emotional connection to the country.)

    Edit: I already posted this to r/Legaladvicecanada , but since this main sub is more trafficked I wanted to post here for a second opinion.

    submitted by /u/suburiboy
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    My neighbors(renters) leave liter in my yard, scream obscenities at each other all day, let their kids(3,4,5) play in the road, and sell drugs out of their house.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Hello, most of the information is in the title, but I will expand on most of it.

    My neighbors have rented their home for 5 years now, I bought the house next door 3 years ago. They didn't seem this bad when I bought, so I didn't expect 90% of the shit I see on a day to day basis. To start off with the mom and dad(50,51) have three kids(16f, 17m, and 19f). Each of the kids have a child as well (3,4,5). The son constantly gets into fights with his mother screaming at each other and slamming doors. 30 minutes ago I heard the son scream "you are a drug selling c***, no one loves you" before getting in his car and speeding away.

    Beyond the screaming the do not pick up the trash in their yard which blows into mine and the man across the street, and recently I have been finding small broken chicken bones in my yard, which I believe is to kill my two dogs. They also have been using their condemned porch and shed.

    I am lost as I don't want to get police involved as I know in Ohio it is damn hard to remove tenants and I don't want me or my family in danger. What are my best options?

    submitted by /u/SirMemesAlot2019
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    One of my old students (19F) just informed me she was molested by her cousin 15 years ago when she was 5. Memories were repressed until recently. She lives in Iowa, but this happened in Florida. Her cousin was 18 at the time. He is in prison on unrelated charges in Florida.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    She is afraid of him getting out and doing it again. He's scheduled to be released in 5 years for an unrelated crime. She opened up to some family members, and it turns out he raped one of her female cousins around the same time. Family didn't press charges because that's the kind of family she's from. No one is on her side.

    Her memory of the molestation was repressed and she recently had a trigger that brought it back.

    This girl is no longer my student (she graduated 2 years ago). My instinct was to tell her to go to the police and report it, but I told her I'd check here to see if there was something else she should do. Is justice for her an option this far removed from when it happened? Can she do anything about it from another state? (She's loved in Iowa for many years now and finished school here).

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/BlameItOnTheStray
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    If I write a book before my divorce is finalized, is my ex entitled to any of the profits? (Texas)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    I've been workshopping the idea for a book I want to write for the past few months but I've held off on beginning the writing process because I'm in the middle of an unpleasant divorce and I'm not sure what the legalities are. I know I won't be done writing before the divorce is finalized, but I'm concerned that if I start writing while we're still legally married, my ex will have some kind of claim of ownership in some way. Does this matter at all or has my ex made me so paranoid that I'm being really ridiculous here?

    Not sure if the subject matter of the book makes a difference but it would be a memoir, but I plan to change the names in the book and modify a couple of details slightly so it's not a direct autobiographical story.

    submitted by /u/disappointedindallas
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    Can I use security locks in my apartment even though my landlord says I cannot install new locks.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    I'm moving into a new apartment. It is a ground level apartment on the side of a busy street. For my comfort I have been looking at getting the LOKmate Deadbolt Guard Door Lock Security-Magnet as well as the SABRE HS-DSB Adjustable 2 in 1 Home Bar, Strong Scratch-Proof, Removable Door knob Security bar. Both require no instillation and can only be installed when I am in the house. On the contract it states that I cannot install any new locks which I take to assume that these are a no-go. I have talked to her about it and although she doesn't say "no" she is very wary of saying yes. One of the agreements is that she can enter the house when she pleases. Which would hinder her from doing so.

    Something like this would give me much comfort as I am far from home and her practically no protection otherwise.

    Can I? Should I? Would this break my contract?

    I'm in Wyoming.

    submitted by /u/HeyThere103
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    Unhappy and miserable need legal advice.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Ive been married for 16 years but never happy. I tried my best but he tells me for years that his biggest dream is to be alone without me and without our 3 children. I am studying to became a Registered nurse and I just graduated as a License Practical nurse. He is abusive, takes my material stuff, such as cell phone and hides it. He also trow in my face that the food that I eat he is the one buying it. Once he lost his job then I worked overtime to pay for all the bill and I did this for 2 year while he was searching a job that made him happy. He never did, I actually ended up apllying for a position for him and he got hired where he still works until today. He is electronic engineer and works as technician because he says is too hard to find a engineer position. I am tired of his negativity and abuse. I just don't know how to start. We have 3 kids together and he says he only will give me the divorce after I finish RN school because he wanted to make sure he doesn't have to give me any child support. He does pays the bill, but I help with health and dental insurance, I do some groceries and I buy stuff for th ekids and pay my own bills. I never ask him for money. I wet trough school with scholarships and grants. I work full time, clean, cook and I am an excellent mom. All he wants is to be in the basement smoking pot and watching creepy movies. How do I get out of this hole?

    submitted by /u/lferrei3
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    One of my roomates keeps renting out rooms like candy in our rental house and we are on a month to month. HOW DO I GET OUT?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    We started out as just 3. A couple m/f and myself. We've been month to month for over a year now after our lease. In the last few months, one of my roomates has been constantly renting out rooms in our house to the point where there have been 4-5 different roomates staying with us since the beginning of the year.

    There are now 6 of us in the house and I want OUT!

    Can I just make an agreement with my roomates and just move out? Do I have to notify the property manager first? Do I have to wait until the first of the month to give notice? Also, we rent in California

    If anybody can help I would be incredibly grateful.

    submitted by /u/SickofROOM8s
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    "You can have your son if you say I'm right." My ex keeps giving me stipulations and tasks to get my 2yo son back.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Please please help me. Im in central Michigan. Long story short my divorce was defaulted with no judgment from FOC. At the pro con hearing we were referred back to FOC conciliation & a "status hearing" was scheduled months away. This happened over a week ago and FOC still has no information from the court about this conciliation, court says they'll get it eventually. My (almost) ex husband is picking my son up from daycare on my days, refusing to return him after visits, all the while admitting its to get out of child support and "take control from you". I can not deal with my son being taken from me constantly. He will tell me "if you do x y z you can have him back". Its likely not enough for an ex parte order but it is urgent. 😔 we have no legal custody agreement so he can get away with this.

    Bonus, his mom has been an employee at the FOC were in for 22 years and has overstepped into our case more than once.

    submitted by /u/superbella012
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    My sister may have been illegitimately claimed as a dependent by her estranged husband

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    This is my first time posting here so please bare with me!

    My sister was previously married at a young age to a much older man. Things didn't work out for many reasons, and although they have been separated for nearly 5 years, they have yet to file for divorce.

    She did not work last year and is living with our parents, so she didn't file a 2019 tax return. She tried to fill out the non-filers form to receive her stimulus check, and was told that she is ineligible as she was claimed as a dependent. Our parents didn't do this, so it was likely her husband. Again, they haven't lived together for 5 years, and even during that time she was financially responsible for everything, so he has no basis to claim her if that is what occurred.

    Is there any way to verify that he did this? And if so, how should we proceed?

    EDIT: She and her spouse live in Kentucky

    submitted by /u/InaccurateChinchilla
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    Insurance company cancelled my homeowners insurance a month before the effective date of notice

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    I recently purchased a home in NY in July, and had an insurance person come do an assessment of the house. He said there may be an issue with the tree overhanging but that I would be notified and given the opportunity to fix it.

    Fast forward to this week. As the title said, my homeowners insurance company (Progressive) sent me a letter stating my policy was cancelled because of tree limbs over hanging the dwelling that needed to be removed. The mailing date of the letter was July 29th and the effective date of notice listed said 9/06/2020. I received it August 2nd and immediately called a representative.

    The agent I spoke to told me that I had until 9/6 to remove the tree limbs in order to maintain my policy. I took down the email address and got to work looking up tree services. I eventually settled on renting a boom lift and doing it myself this weekend to save money.

    On 8/6 I got a refund for the remainder of my policy. I called again to ask what happened as the effective date of notice was 9/6 not 8/6, and I wanted to maintain the policy but couldn't rectify the issue in the few days that had passed. The agent told me it was indeed cancelled and I could start a new policy once I fixed the issue.

    Can they legally cancel it before the effective date of notice after saying I could fix it??? Is there anything I can do? I know I probably won't get the policy reinstated without the proof, but I'm very upset that I was told I had until 9/6 to fix the issue before it would be cancelled and they went ahead and cancelled it a month early.

    Edit: the tree is also not on my property, but in the vacant woods adjacent to us, there is another house about a quarter mile away, the woods separating us. Can I call the town to see if they own the land and ask them to trim the tree or cover the costs?

    submitted by /u/klaire-m
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    Roots from a tree on my property causing neighbor plumbing issues

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I am in the process of closing on a home. Current tenants are moving out within a month and I will then be able to take ownership of the property. My new neighbors have brought up a concern over a walnut tree growing near our property lines. They are claiming they think the roots from my tree may be causing a recent plumbing issue they are having. I cannot confirm or deny this without them getting a plumber out to their property, so currently it is purely speculation on their part. Being a new home owner, however, and am now greatly worried about if I were to be responsible for their plumbing repairs if this is indeed true. Am I legally responsible if my tree roots are indeed damaging their plumbing?

    submitted by /u/Mosquito_Control
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    Father died, Grandmother still alive, how will the will work?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Hello, yesterday my father died and me and my mother have to work out how everything will go on from now on. My father always handled problems like these but since hes not here and me and my mother have too little knowledge i came here to ask. My fathers mother is still alive and initially had a will for my father. Seing as he isnt here anymore would she have to change the will to give it to us? The problem is she lives on the other side of the world and she forgets things easily and gets things wrong easily which makes everything difficult, especially making her change the will which she would probably forget. As she lives in oceania and im european im afraid the will wont automatically go over to my mother or me but instead to my fathers sisters (that are quite greedy and will keep what they earned which should have been ours) Does anyone have exerience in something like this?

    Im from Austria

    submitted by /u/i-hatelife----
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    I was misdiagnosed with 2 LIFE THREATENING illnesses by my OBGYN

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I (19f) in Houston Texas, went to the gyno for a pain i've had for a while and as were doing the exam he pulls out a Q-tip and tells me that I am I'm probably miscarrying because "he's seen that placental tissue before" and also pressed my lower abdomen and tells me that I have appendicitis.

    Im waiting for the receptionist to schedule my ultrasound and I hear him talking about the 19-year-old that had a miscarriage. Both are life-threatening medical emergencies but he decided to schedule me an appointment three days later for a ultrasound. I also get a text a couple hours later from CVS saying that I had anabiotic's that no one told me about.

    I was given the wrong address to the imaging place so I was late to my imaging appointment. I get to the right imaging place and they tell me he scheduled the wrong screening for me, refuse service and told me to go to the ER. I go to the ER and they told me that I don't have appendicitis and I'm not miscarrying I only had an ovarian cyst..... so for two days I was mourning the loss of a child that I didn't even have. I feel like if he really thought I was having a miscarriage or if i had appendicitis he shouldn't of said anything unless he was 100% certain.

    This has just been a very traumatizing experience because it's my first gyno visit and I suffer from really bad anxiety and depression so that whole time i was worried my appendix would explode and that i did something wrong that made me lose my child.

    Is there anything i can do about this besides find a new OBGYN ? (sorry about format, this is my first post)

    submitted by /u/BigPappiiShrimp
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    [Connecticut] Received request for authorization for the use and disclosure of health information over a year after workers comp was settled

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    Location: Connecticut, USA

    During the spring of 2019 I was injured at work and received compensation for the two weeks that I was gone. I was in brief contact with a workers comp examiner (I believe through my companies insurance) where I provided details regarding the situation, the workers compensation 1a form and doctors notes detailing when I would be allowed to work again. Shortly after I received my compensation paycheck in the mail. I still have all of the e-mails/letters/doctors notes for my records.

    It is now over 1 year later and today I have received a letter in the mail asking for me to sign an "Authorization for the use and disclosure of health information" for a workers compensation case that is referenced as if it were in the letter but is not. I have not filed any workers compensation claims or even worked for the company since the summer of 2019. I have also only been contacted by mail. I have not received a phone call nor an e-mail both of which have not changed and both of which I was contacted at (Near daily) the last time I had spoken with them.

    My questions are:

    1) Should I contact the insurance company using the number from the original letters I received in 2019?

    2) Am I in any way putting myself at risk by contacting them?

    3) What specifically should I ask them?

    4) Provided the letter is legitimate, are there any obvious reasons why they may be contacting me over a year later?

    Thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/dietarnoldpalmer22
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    Indian girl with an abusive father. Need help!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    I don't know if it belongs here so please mods, help me before deleting this.

    I am living in prayagraj and my dad is a criminal lawyer and an alcoholic, a huge one. He has always been physically abusing me and my family since I was a little child. Now the physical abuse is less but he has now filed cases lf fake allegations on all of us. Even I, a 17 year old, is accused of attempting to kill him!

    He has stacked cases on my mom too. Mom n dad had a divorce but he moved in with his bottles and now magically all the divorce papers have vanished. He won't leave and tortures us all. He always throws stuff, shouts at us, beats and swears at us. He has a job and earns a lot and my mom had a tiffin service to support us 4.

    I googled a lot but I don't know which ngo will help me with this situation. I'm not that poor (or maybe I am) and I don't live in a village. My brain doesn't work well.

    I don't know what to do, I'm losing my mind, I cry every night. Please kind souls, help me.

    submitted by /u/ladywithaproblem
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    Father of my child is abusive and claims I’m making up my daughter being touched inappropriately.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    The father of my child has always been very abusive (physically, mentally, emotionally). He groomed me since I was 12 years old and he was 16 years old. Finally, after I had my daughter I decided to end things for good. She was 2 years old at the time. I struggled a lot and was determined to graduate college. I finally did it and found a job in another state. When I filed for a divorce he signed all the custody of our daughter over to me. So I was allowed to leave the state with her. Again, because this has always been a highly abusive relationship he made it very clear (in texts) that me moving away had nothing to do with our daughter and everything to do with me.

    Well judge ruled in my favor when he took me to court and allowed me to live in a new state but did give him half legal custody. He also assigned 8 consecutive weeks of summer vacation with him. My daughter who is 9 years old was only 7 at the time. She had never spent so much tome with him prior to those 8 weeks and every summer until now has been hell for her. He doesn't allow us to communicate AT ALL. Even with us having a set time to speak to her per the court order.

    I have no idea what is going on with my daughter and she gets in constant trouble when she cries for me, asks for me, or asks to speak to me. My daughter now has a lot of anxiety and separation issues which impact her school and everyday life because of it. Her father blames me and tells me I "need to go into a mental hospital because I caused all of this."

    This summer was especially hard. My daughter came back and told me that a 12 year old boy had touched her across her chest, follows her I ti rooms, and sits next to her every time she moves elsewhere. I brought this up to her father, who every summer drops her off at people's houses for extended periods of time, and him and his girlfriend decided to text me stating that I am crazy, having her make this up, saying they are going to have people say in court that I make things up, that I am forcing my daughter to say these things, and a whole bunch of awful names. He even went as far as claiming I cheated on my husband with him and messaged him. Which is absolutely not true and my husband and I just stood in disbelief.

    What can I do about all of this? I'm in the process of going back to court but everything is backed up due to COVID. What else can I do to protect her? Can I do a police report? What should I do? Please help me. I'm a teacher and have been so stressed with everything going on with schools right now and now this :( I appreciate any help!

    TLDR: Father of my child is abusive, there was some sexual assault with my 9 year old. Tried mentioning it to him and got verbally attacked by him and his gf. Claiming I'm forcing daughter to say it.

    submitted by /u/yogaandtattoos
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    California- If I pay 100% to replace a fence that sits on the property line, does it become my property or is it shared

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I have a house in California that has pretty old and beat up wood fence. The neighbor on the other side has trees lining the fence and are pretty overgrown. The branches a pushing on the fence and causing it to fall over. Ive spoke to the neighbor to see if they will split the cost of replacing the fence and they are not interested so Ive decided to pay the entire cost of replacing the fence. I also asked them to trim their trees so we can put up the new fencing but I dont think they will do that either. They want me to just trim them at the property line to put up the fence.

    My questions are....

    1. If I pay for all the costs of replacing the fence that sits on the property line, does that make it my fence or is it considered shared property?
    2. if the neighbors trees damage my new fence in the future, can they be held responsible for damages
    submitted by /u/krezvani
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    Can I be held accountable for unpaid internet bills from a former house mate?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    We've gotten a few letters from an internet company delivered to our apartment addressed to a guy who lived here a few years back that apparently owes them thousands of dollars. All we know (informed by a former house mate that knew him) is that he moved back to England and doesn't care about owing a Canadian internet company money.

    We use a different internet company now and have always just ignored those letters.

    The problem is, now our internet deal is ending next month and we're shopping around for a new plan. There are really only 2 good internet companies in our city, so its between the two. The better deal is with the company that English guy owes money. I want to go with that deal, but my roommate is worried that we'll end up being tied to this guys debt somehow if we try to open another account that company using the same address. I think its impossible for them to put that on us because we never lived with that guy and don't even know him.

    Am I crazy or is my roommate paranoid?

    submitted by /u/vrt7071
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    Can I file a police report for stolen laptop if I only have Text messages as proof?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    [ USA Minnesota] My sibling won't give me my laptop. They admit that they will give me the laptop thru text massages but that is the only proof that I have of ownership. I also have the laptop box too.

    My sibling doesn't live in the same household as me.

    Do I have a case here? Thanks you.

    submitted by /u/Hanshin6617
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