• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 29, 2020

    Legal Advice [CA] House buyer turns out to be realtors wife, now reselling it at higher price with better listing.

    Legal Advice [CA] House buyer turns out to be realtors wife, now reselling it at higher price with better listing.

    [CA] House buyer turns out to be realtors wife, now reselling it at higher price with better listing.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    My GFs parents sold their house in an LA suburb and the realtor they engaged pretended he found a buyer. The buyer turned out to be his wife, unbeknownst to her parents.

    Now the house is up for sale again, with a much better listing (much better pictures) at a higher price.

    Besides this smelling really fishy, is this legal? Is it worth it to collect more information and contact a lawyer about it?

    edit: According to his yelp reviews, he has been doing this with several houses in the area.

    holy crap this is blowing up, thanks to almost everyone commenting!

    submitted by /u/fuckinghumanZ
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    New Street light led fixture now lights up my house like high beams from a car.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    I live in a farming community in Michigan. The street light across the road had it's fixture replaced with an LED. Now it lights up my yard and interior of my house like the mothership is landing. Can I hold them accountable for the light covering more distance than it should? Ideally I would like them to install a shield or lower the light so it only covers the road and not 200' beyond the road. If I ask and they say no, do I have any legal standing? Thank you.

    Also I know this sounds like a petty thing, but I moved out to the county 3 miles from where I grew up so that I wouldn't have bright lights, close neighbors and I would be able to enjoy the wildlife. I just want to preserve that anyway that I can. If it served a purpose I would understand, but if the light is going to be that bright it should be contained.

    submitted by /u/protreefaller
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    Is it legal to not hire women for having small boobs? (Texas)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    For context, I worked at a waterpark over the summer. This is a place that gets a lot of families/kids, not an adult venue at all. It was mostly 18-24 year olds working there for temporary summer jobs.

    I helped with the hiring for the non-aquatic staff, i.e., anyone who is not a lifeguard. These people basically act as cashiers, collect tickets, answer questions, etc. They are required to be in a bathing suit even though they aren't getting wet.

    For females, one of the hiring criteria was breast size. This was explicitly stated on the point rubric. Our manager (also a female) said that having attractive girls at the front gate helps make customers happy.

    I know this is superficial and shallow, but is it illegal in any way? I feel that at least one or two otherwise qualified candidates may have been rejected because of this.

    submitted by /u/OkPassion1878
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    Pharmacy shorted me on a controlled substance

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Michigan (Not 100% sure I picked the right flair, sorry.)

    I get 150 generic brand adderall per month. I have been filling this prescription at the same pharmacy for nearly 3 years. I have been shorted by 1 at least 2 times, that I noticed. I never reported those shortages to the pharmacy because it's just one and not really worth the hassle of having to go back to the pharmacy and wait for them to count them out or recount their inventory. But today they shorted me by 10 pills.

    I take 5 a day, and most of them I have to take while I am at work. So when I pick up my prescription, I count out 100 and put them in my previous months prescription bottle and leave them at home. So I would have 50 in my new prescription bottle to bring to work. That way, if I lose them, or they get stolen or something, I'm not out my entire script, etc.

    While counting them out this morning I realized I was 10 short. I called the pharmacy and they asked me to come back with the prescription. While there, the fill-in pharmacist counted their inventory and told me he had exactly the amount he was supposed to have remaining. He said there wasn't anything he could do.

    I called my psychiatrist and left a message since he is closed until Tuesday. I'm not sure what to do now. My prescription says 150, that is how much me and my insurance paid for.

    My assumption is that there was a severe miscount before mine were counted out, or someone picketed them. I'd like the matter to be investigated but it doesn't seem like the pharmacy is willing to help me.

    What, if anything, can I do? If I have to have my psychiatrist call in another script for the 10, that doesn't resolve the problem that their inventory is obviously off, and that my insurance cover the full 150 when I was only given 140.

    submitted by /u/NapalmSunshine
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    Wire Fraud When Closing on Home

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Morning Redditors,

    Unfortunately, I have become a victim of wire fraud. This is my first time buying a home and I am set to close this upcoming Monday. On Wednesday of this week I had received an email from what I thought at the time was the lawyer that works with the title company. The email was asking to wire the closing costs of the home so we can close on time.

    I didn't think of it much at the time, because the email looked exactly like the email the lawyer uses to normally send correspondence, all the correct phone numbers and emails and letter head were there. I even asked in the email for the correct amount of closing costs to wire the money and the scammers had replied with the exact amount down to the cent (total was around 13k and some change).

    They had sent me the wiring instructions and like a complete fool I wired the money to the scammers account. Come Friday afternoon, 2 days later, I get an email from the lawyer asking me to wire the closing costs, so I immediately call them and tell them I had wired them the money two days ago. I said "You emailed me Wednesday the wiring instructions". The lawyer said no, I have not contacted you at all for closing costs.

    At that point I went back to look at the email and thats when I saw the actual email itself (checked where it came from) wasn't the same as the laywers. Luckily I still have some money to close on the home Monday, however I will completely depleted of cash savings. I feel completely violated and cheated. It baffles me how the scammers knew all the intimate details of the transaction.

    I've already contacted my bank to try and initiate a wire recall, but the money was already sent. I also tried contacting the receiving bank (Wells Fargo) and told them what happened and requested to freeze the receiving account but they said they cant just freeze accounts and had to open a case for me. At this point I am aware I can safely say I will never see that 13k again.

    It baffles me how the hackers/scammers knew all the intimate details of the transactions. The title lawyer told me that my email was probably hacked and I said thats not possible because I change my passwords monthly and have 2 factor auth set up. I get notified on my phone if anyone attempts to access my email.

    With all this said, is there any chance I can possible hold the title company or any other involved party liable for this? To me its pretty obvious that they might have a breach of security at their offices. What legal recourse do I have if any?

    EDIT: Charlotte, NC

    submitted by /u/ImmunogenicError
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    Delivery Driver forced to take a debit/tip card instead of keeping the tips.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    It's pretty much the same as what this guy was going through here, only I'm in Missouri. https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/hrg1kd/employer_signed_up_drivers_for_debit_cards_to/

    Due to Covid we were forced to sign up for these Tip Cards at the beginning. For about 2 weeks we had to use them and were given no choice. Then people started paying in cash again so we no longer needed them. Well I guess my Employer signed a contract with this Skylight (a company I know nothing about that has all my information and is probably selling it to someone else), because now we're told any cash we have on us we have to turn into the store at the end of the night and our tips would be given to us on our tip cards. Only it takes till the next day, and in my case 2 days later for me to even access that money.

    Is there anything I can do about this?

    submitted by /u/UncleLeoSaysHello
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    My dad has been skimming off my earnings... Advice please

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    So after approaching my dad, who has been my "financial manager" for about 15 months, about wanting to take control of my finances (which was a good chat, ended positively or so I thought) from him. Then I was reviewing my accounts after we talked and after crunching numbers, I earned about 19.5K to date between what I made working and then through COVID benefit. I pay all my bills out of my one checking account (car insurance, phone, etc) and spend off of a Capital One card that my father reloads once a week with a $300 limit.

    I realized through looking through my transactions that my dad has been making e transfers into his account totalling the amount of 4.6K since Jan 1st, 2020. I do owe him some money but after talking this morning he said that I haven't made any payments towards that as a result of it being a tumultuous year, so to speak.

    So basically I just found out an hour ago that my dad has been skimming almost exactly 25% of every fucking dollar I've made this year and probably even before that.

    What the fuck do I do?

    submitted by /u/MrNMFC
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    [CA] Raccoons destroyed lawn; Landlord says we have to pay for replacement

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    My partner and I just recently moved out of a rental property in the Bay Area. The property included a backyard, with a small grass lawn. The lawn was re-sodded just before we moved into the unit, nearly two years ago.

    When the lawn was re-sodded, whoever did the work did not perform it correctly -- they left the plastic netting on the bottom of the sod, which you are normally supposed to remove as you unroll the sod and lay it down on the lawn. This becomes relevant later.

    The Bay Area has a wet season / dry season climate, such that it rains a lot during the wet season, and not at all during the dry season. In order to keep the lawn and other backyard plants alive during the dry seasons, my partner and I dutifully watered the backyard once per week.

    Especially during the dry season, raccoons go looking for green, well-watered grassy areas, and dig them up to find edible insects. Back in April, on two separate occasions, my partner and I observed raccoons in our backyard ripping up the lawn to search for insects. Both times we chased them off, but they kept coming back and obviously it was not possible for us to guard the lawn 24/7. Eventually the entire lawn was destroyed. It looked kinda like this, except the damage was even more extensive, and for about 2/3rds of the lawn, the grass turned brown and died from being dug up / having the roots exposed.

    In our case, it was particularly easy for the raccoons to rip up the entire lawn, because they could just pull on the plastic netting under the grass that had never been removed when the sod was installed. This allowed the raccoons to "roll back" the lawn bit by bit with minimal effort.

    At the time we did not take any pictures of the damage or notify the landlord, because we did not want to pressure the landlord into re-sodding the lawn, figuring that it would be pointless because raccoons would just come back and destroy it again. It was probably a mistake on our part to not notify the landlord or take pictures.

    Toward the end of April, my partner and I got tired of looking at the sad dirt patch that our backyard had become, so we cleared away the dead grass and ripped-up plastic netting in the 2/3rds of the lawn that the raccoons had destroyed, and planted a garden in the dirt (pumpkins, watermelons, etc.).

    After enjoying a delicious harvest from our garden, my partner and I moved out of the property this month (August). We did not remove the garden plants before we left, figuring that it would be easier for the landlord to find a new lessor with a pretty garden in the backyard, than with a dirt patch.

    When the landlord performed the move-out inspection, the landlord discovered the garden where the lawn once was, and demanded that we pay to have the garden removed and the lawn re-sodded. The landlord is arguing that because we didn't notify her of the raccoon damage in April, and because we didn't take pictures of the lawn after the raccoon damage but before we cleared the debris and planted the garden, she has no way of knowing if there was actual raccoon damage or if we tore up the lawn ourselves.

    My partner and I feel strongly that we should NOT have to pay to have the lawn re-sodded (though we're open to chipping in for the cost of removing the garden -- however the landlord has yet to suggest such a compromise). We have some questions for the legal community:

    • Legally, can the landlord force us to pay for the installation of a new lawn, even though the old lawn was destroyed by raccoons?
    • Is it legally relevant that we didn't take pictures of the destroyed lawn before we cleared the debris and planted a garden, and is it legally relevant that we didn't notify the landlord of the damage when it happened?
    • Is it legally relevant that the sod was not installed properly (that the plastic netting was not removed when it was laid down)?
    • If we end up going to mediation or small claims court because we can't reach a consensus with the landlord, would it be worthwhile for my partner and I to submit a sworn affidavit affirming all of the details that I outlined in this post?

    Many thanks in advance for your help, Reddit.

    tl;dr: Raccoons destroyed lawn, we didn't take pictures or notify the landlord when it happened, later we planted a garden in the dirt patch where the lawn used to be, now landlord insists that we're responsible for paying to install a new lawn.

    submitted by /u/strog91
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    Ex and I split earlier this year, never married, bought a house together. Is there anything I can do to get the equity back that I put into the home?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    My ex and I split up after 11 years together. We bought the house together ten years ago. I supplied the down payment and gifted that money to her so that the mortgage would be in her name (stupid, I know). I just didn't have the credit at the time but had the funds. Long story short, I paid the mortgage the entire time I lived there and even after she kicked me out. I had hopes of us reconciling our differences but that doesn't look like it will happen.

    Is there anything I can do to gain any of the equity out that I put into the property? Pretty sure the answer is no and I'm just out all that money, but wanted to ask what the Reddit legal team thought.

    submitted by /u/captfuckup
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    [TN] My mentally disabled father is determined to panhandle at the convenience store down the road

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    (Posting from an alt account) My early 60s father suffers from a documented mental disability and my mother and I have been his care-takers for over a decade now (but there is no official guardianship in place). Unfortunately he also suffers from nicotine addiction which has occassionally caused tension with other family/close friends. Today he decided to cut out the middle man and walk to the convenience store to panhandle. Luckily it was extremely hot and he allowed me to take him home before he got there.

    My question is, what sort of legal options do I have to prevent this from happening in the future (that don't involve him getting arrested)?

    submitted by /u/code303
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    Getting charged $2500 because of a Google review

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    I got a message from my former rental management company (the place I was renting from) saying that there was a negative review posted and it was clearly us. I looked up the review. This is legal portion of our lease that was sent in the message.

    "Both parties agree that all disputes and complaints shall be resolved privately and confidentially between Tenant and Landlord, or individually through the courts or collections and further agrees to refrain from making defamatory statements orally or in writing about any other party and the representatives, partners, or agents of the parties. Both parties agree that it would be impractical and extremely difficult to ascertain the amount of actual damages caused by a failure to comply with this provision and liquidated damages of $2,500 shall be payable upon demand."

    So they charged us $2500. They said if we took down the review they would take the charge off. The review is not posted under any of our names and has no factors that indicate it's from us.

    Is this legal?

    Our lease ended last month with this company.

    submitted by /u/lebecky11
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    CPA and his lawyer wife made themselves executor of my grandpas will against his wishes. Can/should we report both of them??

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    My grandfather remarried and asked his accountant/friend of 40+ years if he would get his wife to do a prenup for him. They told him it was too late to do a prenup which was a lie as they weren't married yet. They basically got him to redo his will and create a trust. They told him that everything would be going directly to his three children with some living expenses to his new wife. I decided to read over his will and discovered his accountant is now the executor of the will and everything my grandfather owns, which is around $1 million, will go directly to this accountant and his wife. His three children are not even mentioned other than the fact that he has them. We have a new attorney redoing his will but I wanted to post here and see if something should be done about this. I've considered filing a grievance on behalf of my grandfather with the state bar against his wife but can anything be done against the accountant??

    The language is clear as day that this was a scam and my grandfather is devastated. We obtained the originals from her office to destroy and hopefully this will be taken care of but it also now gives his new wife claim to his assets since no prenup was done. Looking for some guidance as to what to do with the attorney and her husband as they most likely are doing this to other people. Anything would be appreciated.

    Edit: I just wanted to say we are in CT and that we have what I think is evidence. My mother and aunt were in the meeting and have notes of what the attorney said, which is the opposite of what was done. They were the original executor and back up executor.

    submitted by /u/boonsk
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    Roommate refuses to allow his information to be entered on the census- can o get in trouble?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Pretty straight forward based on the title. My roommate will not allow me to put any of his information into the 2020 census, but it is not allowing me to submit it for my household without his info. Is there anything I can do? Will this come back on me?

    submitted by /u/sushii96
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    Blocking a public road?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    If someone is blocking a road can they legally get in trouble? What can I do? I know that block parties people have to get special permission to block off a road. But my neighbors are basically throwing a party or playing and being obnoxious blocking the road. Cars have to come to a complete stop or even turn around because the people just won't move. They'll stare or throw things at the cars trying to get through, and if any emergency vehicles needed to get through they can't

    submitted by /u/twinnerbinner
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    My Aunt Stole Our Inheritance Money – What Can I do?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Hello. My mother recently died and she left money for my brother and I. However, my mom trusted her sister, so she created a bank account in Colombia, our native country, in her sister's name. This aunt, felt entitled to decide what to do with it and is supposedly giving it away to someone else in the family.

    The only thing I can think of that proves that the money under this horrendous lady is/was my mother's is that the deposits to said account show they were made by my mother. Is there anything that can be done at all?

    Please kindly advise.

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    submitted by /u/rooperine
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    Mufti posted my voice recording on his YouTube channel

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    I was talking to one of my relative about religion and he suddenly added a mufti on our call. (I don't believe in religion). We did had a long conversation about religion and everything. Today I came to know that he has posted the entire conversation on his YouTube channel along with my name, photo and address. And his followers who are in the same city as me are abusing me in the comments. I requested him to delete the video but he is not ready to delete the video. He lives in UNited States, Is there anything I can do. (I already reported the video on YouTube for privacy violation but I'm afraid YouTube will not delete the video)

    submitted by /u/justauselessman
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    Question about previous sellers failing to disclose material damage to home

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    We recently closed on a house in NC (Research Triangle). We had a home inspection where the inspectors noted that there was damage to trim around one of the front wooden windows. They recommended a handyman to replace the trim and potentially the external window sill in our official report. They estimated it to be ~200-500$ (which they aren't supposed to do, but this was verbal not in the report). They noted that the windows in the rest of the house were painted shut but looked fine. Our inspection occurred right at the end of our due diligence period.

    We sent the photos from the inspection report to 3 handymen, all of whom responded that it wasn't trim damage but the front window sash and frame were rotted so we needed to get the windows replaced by a window company. We got this information after closing on the home.

    When setting up consultations for new windows we found out that actually all of the windows in the home are rotted and had been recently painted shut. One company told me that the previous owners had a consultation with them in March 2020, where they found that the windows were rotten. The previous owners told the company in June that they decided not to move forward with replacements. They listed the property for sale in early July.

    The quotes we got for the windows range from 7-12k, + a few grand to fix the water drainage issues that caused the rot. Additionally, there could be more extensive damage to the frame of the house or even mold issues, since it seems that these windows have been rotten since at least march. We won't know until someone removes the old windows.

    From what I can gather it is difficult to go after sellers after closing, but had we known the extent of the damage our inspectors could have done a more thorough job checking for moisture intrusion and we certainly would not have agreed to the price that we paid.

    Is having the consultant's notes from March enough to prove that the owners knew about this damage and therefore were required to disclose it? We are leaning towards hiring an attorney to draft a letter requesting that the previous owners pay for half of the replacement cost of our middle quote (10k). Is this worth pursuing?

    submitted by /u/HousingthrowawayQs20
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    Someone went to jail for child pornography, I was the child they had photos of. 10 years later, is there any way for more to learn more about the case/trial/situation? (USA/Croatia)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    10 years ago, when I was 16, I was in an online "relationship" with an adult man. I lived in the USA and he lived in Croatia. I thought we were in love but in retrospect I was obviously being groomed and sent him more than a few nude photos of me. We spoke every day for many months until one day I stopped hearing from him.

    I was really sad about it for a week and faked sick on a Monday to stay home from school, hoping he might get online or reach out to me. Instead, the local police came to the door and sat down with me and my mom. They said they had been contacted by INTERPOL and his computer had been seized with photos of me and other underage girls. I was asked to give a statement. I spent several months in a mental health treatment center and I know he was in jail for at least a year.

    While this whole experience was scary and weird and traumatizing, I'm emotionally recovered and got the help I needed. What I'd like to know is if there's any way for me to learn more about the case now that it's been 10 years. Maybe some kind of public record, or could I reach out to the police office that handled the case locally? I'm not sure where to begin but I do think it would be helpful to me to learn more about what exactly happened. If this weren't an international issue involving a minor whose name may not have been recorded (me), I might have a better idea of where to start looking.

    Thank you for any suggestions.

    ETA: I do know his full name and the area where he was living at the time, as I know that info will be helpful in my search. I don't speak Croatian though.

    submitted by /u/big_fan_of_cheese
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    Signed a lease and paid the rent, but the tenant won’t leave. (Michigan)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    My boyfriend and I signed a lease a few weeks back to move in September 1st to an apartment about an hour from where we currently live. We paid the security deposit (equal to a months rent) and the first month rent. I already stopped/transferred the utilities for our move in move out dates, and ended our internet service and began a new one at the new location which has a $110 early cancellation fee.

    We were notified today by our landlord that the current tenant would not leave. The tenant was served an eviction notice over 30 days ago, and had told the landlord they would be moving out as they knew we were moving in. Thankfully, our current landlord is working with us on month to month, however it hinders them from being able to rent out the apartment to other tenants because they don't know when we will be leaving. Our future landlord is equally upset with the current tenants, and is trying his hardest to get them out when they said they would be out - but because of eviction laws considering COVID-19 in Michigan he said his hands are tied. Our future landlord has even gone far enough to offer the current tenants to pay for a hotel for them for a few weeks so we can move in on our lease start date.

    It seems as this will not be happening. The future landlord asked if we can push it back to September 10th, and we let him know that would not be realistic for us considering the plans we have already made with our employers and movers, etc.

    He let us know tonight that it would have to be the 10th because they would not leave. However, I understand that he cannot guarantee that because there is nothing legally binding to the current tenants that they will be out on that date. The landlord has been very communicative and willing to work with us in terms of prorating rent and whatnot.

    The town we live in has a very competitive market right now for renting and I do not know if it would be worth it for us to wait for the current tenants to leave, or if we should get our money back and look elsewhere.

    Do we have any rights considering we signed and paid for a lease starting on September 1st and the current tenant will not leave?

    submitted by /u/yerbuasniktaw
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    Someone stole my intellectual/creative property—what’s my first step?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    This is not actually about me but about my husband. Any guidance is really appreciated!

    My husband is a hobby composer—he has a library of virtual instruments and likes to create orchestral arrangements/songs and then put them on YouTube.

    Last year he did a medley of Christmas songs (all old carols/copyright free) and did a unique arrangement with them. He posted it on YouTube—he doesn't have a big following so it was maybe a couple hundred views, if that.

    Well, a couple weeks ago his video got removed because someone claimed it was a copyright violation. We don't know the person, and it was my husband's unique arrangement. We understand that copyright scams happen on YouTube so we figured we'd escalate it to the next step with YouTube and try to fight it but either way no big deal. It's not like he was making money from the video anyway.

    Well, as he started to dig into the situation, he discovered that this person ripped his song off YouTube and published it as their own song on their own album, and now is removing the video from YouTube claiming that we infringed his copyright. This is much more upsetting as they straight up stole his IP (even though he didn't bother to copyright it).

    What kind of action can we take? We don't even know how a consult would work or if we could talk to a lawyer for free to see how viable the case is and how much it would cost us.

    submitted by /u/katbreit
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    Question regarding the license to a Sound Sample Pack I legally downloaded

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Hey, I need some help with legal stuff regarding a vocal sample pack I downloaded from this website 'Antidote Audio', and I'm wondering if I'm allowed to use them in my commercial trailer (its practically a glorified music video). English isn't my mother tongue so this is really hard for me to decipher (this is taken from their website):

    "Licence Information and End User Agreement

    The Audio Recordings, Presets, MIDI Files & Project Files contained in Antidote Audio products are licensed not sold to you, the individual end user by Antidote Audio. This non transferable and non exchangeable licence is granted to the end user ONLY THROUGH PURCHASE either from 'antidoteaudio.com' or any other authorised Distributor.

    From henceforth in this agreement the Audio Recordings, Midi Files, Presets and Project files within the products will be referred to as the ("sounds")

    End users are licensed the non exclusive rights to use the sounds contained in the products 100% royalty free in commercial or non commercial musical works. These rights are only granted to the end user by Antidote Audio through the purchase of a product. The licensed, non exclusive rights are only granted to the product(s) that the end user purchases.

    By purchase of these products, the end user agrees to all terms and conditions in this agreement.

    Any Recording, Midi File, Preset or Project File contained within Antidote Audio products remain the property of Antidote Audio. The licensee may not claim ownership of The Sounds within these packs.

    The end user agrees that repackaging, reselling, gifting or relicensing any sounds in part or whole contained within Antidote Audio products to other individuals or groups is strictly prohibited. The Sounds contained in the Products may not be sold as part of another sample library whether modified or not.

    The end user may not copy or sell The Sounds except when used in productions as part of a greater body of work. Such Productions include, and are not limited to; Music, Games, Live Performances, Commercials, Tutorials, Compact Disc, Radio and Broadcasting.

    The licence agreements are effective for the lifetime of the purchaser. Antidote Audio reserves the right to revoke a granted license if any part of this agreement is breached."

    Any help would be appreciated. The vocal sample pack I downloaded was free, ie. i did not 'purchase' it.

    submitted by /u/Dumbolol
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    [Illinois] Person I was in a relationship with secretly recorded audio (possibly video) threatening to share with other people in my life

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Last year I was in a consensual, legal, primarily physical, relationship. It lasted over a period of several months. The person I was with played an audio recording of the two of us in an intimate situation, claiming it was made by mistake. Now, that person is threatening to share that recording with other people in my life. That person has also claimed to have video recordings but I can't be certain if that is the case.

    While it wouldn't be the worst thing if the audio came out, it would, at a minimum, cause a degree of embarrassment. One thought is just ignore and hope it goes away as escalating this could cause this person to go off the rails. The other thought is to let the person know that these threats are illegal and hope they understand the risk would be much worse for them.

    Any thoughts on how to approach would be greatly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Illinois-throwaway
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    (CA) Orange County, CA - Home for sale,termite inspection gone wrong.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    My wife and I are selling my late father in laws home in Orange County, CA. Prior to listing the home, we knew it needed some work to command a great price. We planned on full painting inside & out and all new flooring & more. Prior to the start of construction/renovations we hired a termite inspection company to perform a pre listing termite inspection. The report came back with very minimal findings, some dry rot wood railings on a deck, signs of prior termite damage with no current activity, a few places in a shiplap ceiling that needed repair.

    After receiving the report, we started construction. All items were repaired 100% based on their report and then some. The renovations came out fantastic, we listed and had multiple offers immediately. We entered escrow with a buyer, it was time to have the original termite inspection company back out to provide a reinspection/ clear report for escrow.

    The home is unoccupied, the termite inspector was given self access to the property to complete the reinspection. We gave the company very specific directions that the home just went through a 40k renovation, dont make holes anywhere. We received the reinspection report via email, this report was wildly different from the original! They noted wood damages to many areas throughout, recommended tenting and to repair the wood damage.

    We visited the property after receiving the report, the inspector made literally 50 + holes in wood surfaces around the property, literally destroyed this newly renovated home. I spoke to the owner of the company, asked why the inspection reports were so wildly different only two months apart. He acknowledged that his original inspector made a mistake and didn't preform a proper inspection, he offered us a free tenting of the property. (This is a 3k value)

    The problem now is, excluding the wood repairs, we will likely have to repaint the home at about 10k +/-, potentially loose our buyer and a month in time and "carry costs ". Had the 1st report been accurate, the corrections would have been completed when the house was gutted lprior to paint and finish work. Damages have been done, is it time for legal action?

    submitted by /u/TheContractor-79
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    Does a former toxic waste dump have to be disclosed on a disclosure agreement? (OH)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    I bought a house about a year ago. I recently found out that across the street from this place (literally right across the street) there used to be a toxic waste dump, and from what I've been hearing/reading it was one of the worst in the country back in the day (50's-60's). Due to this there was a string of elevated leukemia, ovarian and various other types of cancers cases on the entire road that I live on. Due to this the EPA does soil samples every 5 years but I can't find the results online so I have to wait until Monday to call and see if I can find out what the most recent results showed. I also plan on having an independent soil sample done on my own property. The homeowner I bought it from had previously lived there almost his entire life, and his other family lives on the road and were mentioned in the article I was reading about how bad it was so his family was directly effected by it, making me think he wasn't ignorant to the situation. They have gotten rid of the toxic waste dump a long time ago but were still doing construction on the site like adding more clay to the top of the soil as recently as 2012. Is this something that should have been disclosed to me when I bought the house, and is there anything I can do about this or am I out of luck?

    submitted by /u/Toxic_Throwaway123
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