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    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    Legal Advice UPDATE: SIL Suing for WD after ex's OD Cook Co IL

    Legal Advice UPDATE: SIL Suing for WD after ex's OD Cook Co IL

    UPDATE: SIL Suing for WD after ex's OD Cook Co IL

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    Link to previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/gca7zo/estranged_husband_overdosed_after_our_last_court/

    I was initially going to wait to update until I had completely resolved the matter, but with court postponed until July I figured I'd go ahead.

    In my original post I did not mention that I work for a synagogue and am in the process of becoming a rabbi because it did not feel germane at the time. However, my entire congregation learned of my situation in real time, because the process server rang my doorbell in the middle of me reading Torah during Shabbat services on Zoom. By Saturday night I had received several offers of pro bono representation. Interestingly, because I refused to admit the unmasked stranger demanding entry to my residence, he left the summons without me signing for it, so there are now three distinct grounds for dismissal. My attorney is also pursuing sanctions against her counselor.

    I cannot adequately express my gratitude to those of you who commented on my original post. You armed my prefrontal cortex with adequate ammunition to keep my amygdala at bay. I suppose "thank you" will have to suffice. Stay safe, be well, and best wishes to you all.

    submitted by /u/Resident-Gain
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    My wife’s ex husband claimed one of our children on his taxes without our knowledge

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    My wife's ex husband claimed one of our two kids on his tax return without my wife's knowledge or permission. She has never told him that would be okay, she never signed the legal form, my wife is the custodial parent, and he is almost $30k in arrears.

    When only found out because our return was denied, and we confronted him. After giving us the runaround, he told us that he did it because he didn't want to have to owe this year, and that any return he got was going to go to their previous marital tax debt. (He led us to believe if he were to have gotten a return it would have been minimal)

    Then, one morning we see that the OAG has deposited $1700 into our account, and he subsequently emailed us asking us to return the money to him because it was his return. We also realized that he was awarded $500 extra in the stimulus program that was supposed to go to us because he claimed a child on his taxes.

    This means not only did he illegally claim a false deduction, he was also awarded our stimulus credit for one of the kids, he lied to us about where the return was really going, and he used what is essentially our money to pay his child support debt, so his arrears were credited $1700 because they were paid with our tax credit.

    We have filed a report with the IRS for false deduction, but is there any recourse here? He is ignoring any communications about amending his taxes, or any of the rest of this. In my view, he's stealing from us and resolving his debt with our money. Advice?

    Edit: location is Texas

    TL;DR wife's ex stole our tax credit and used it to pay his taxes and unpaid child support

    submitted by /u/t_ste5k
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    Let my people poop

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    I work at a car wash that is connected to a Mobil station. The two business share a pair of gendered bathrooms that are located in the Mobil station. Recently I had an employee of the gas station tell me I was not allowed to defecate on the premises. At times the car wash demands 13 hour shifts of employees. I know that this violates OSHA regulations. I'm asking for advice on how to resolve the situation.

    submitted by /u/KellentheGreat
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    Parents destroyed a sports bike payed in full by myself

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    Okay so recently I purchased a 2018 Suzuki gsx250r white bike. My parents weren't fully aware that I was getting a bike and but were aware I was getting a vehicle.

    I saved up every bit of cash from birthdays and Christmas and working at subway for two years and had enough that I could pay it in full in cash. The bike costed a total of 4,500 which I know it isn't much compared to other types of vehicles but I got it on my own by walking to and from work.

    When I got the bike I had my grandma take me to the Suzuki dealership and under who owns it I had my grandmother co sign the paperwork along with me being the primary owner of the bike.

    I then went to the dmv and got the training booklet and signed up for classes on my off days and went to 3 extra ones after I met the requirements of taking the test.

    I took the test and got my endorsement and got the bike and stuff registered and insurance for it that I pay every month considering I don't pay rent and I only pay for the insurance and the gas money.

    I parked it in my grandmas garage due to hers being cleaned and living right next door.

    My dad was going through my bank account because it's under a different connection and saw I withdrew the money and asked where it went.

    I showed them the bike and he smashed the windshield slashed the tires stabbed the gas tank on the bottom and cut the seats also denting most of the bike.

    Is there a way I could have him cover the damages or pay for a new bike if it's in fixable. Note I didn't put down a payment plan or finance it and I'm 17

    Edit 1: Previous to me buying the bike I asked if he could cover a down payment on it while I paid the cost of it and pay him back in time.

    He said he wouldn't pay the down payment on a motorcycle or a bike but he would for a car.

    I declined and he never brought it up hence me saving for it in full. I couldn't afford a down payment and then make the payment after that without the added stress of getting and maintaining.

    I asked my grandma for her opinion and she said to pay for it in full and she would have my uncles transport it safely.

    Under the part of it being in her garage this is due to my household not having one and it was to keep it out of the rain.

    I have videos of before the bike being damaged and pictures of the aftermath along with a video of him destroying it.

    I talked to him when he woke up and asked for the money for repairs if it was repairable or money for a new one.

    He declined and I expressed my interest in creating a police report and he said he would. I asked for the end of June since I had no vehicle transportation to and from work and he said that he could get it to me by the end of June

    I spoke to my insurance and they won't cover it since it wasn't an accident but rather a intentional damage. My insurance will only cover crashes not stuff such as above and any modifications to it.

    They advised a court since the bike is under my grandmothers name.

    Lastly my grandmother offered to help in terms of a legal case since it was and is under her name. However the court costs and such would be much more than if my dad decided to pay it.

    I didn't hide the bike in any intention and I wasn't told I couldn't get one. Just that the cost of one wouldn't be helped out in any way.

    My dad didn't think I would save up to get one since I'm a impulsive buyer and thus never thought I would get one. Again no restrictions were placed that I couldn't buy it just that I'd be on my own

    Edit 2: sorry misrepresentation on my part. A police report is filed. He said he would pay by the end of the month in exchange for not having to go to court over it.

    submitted by /u/hakxnenc
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    My daughter ran away, detective says I can't go look for her (USA Georgia)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    My 17 year old daughter ran away and we called the cops. Spent a couple hours with them, they left, then we walked around the neighborhood talking to neighbors. The cops are on the case, but we get antsy and look around at the gas stations, waffle house, motels etc. We were spring her picture and asking anyone, we got a teenager that seemed like he knew something, but then the detective called my wife.

    The detective asked my wife if she was getting in the way of her investigation. My wife said yes (we're out looking for our fucking kid!!!!)

    And she basically said that if we continue looking, we are impeding their investigation, as in, it's a crime for us to look for her.

    Is this legal??

    submitted by /u/suddenimpulse01
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    My “roommates” have put our landlord into a position where she may lose her house. Looking for some guidance before we all get evicted by the bank.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    For context, we live in Dupage County in Illinois. Apologies, but there is a lot to explain here. So, the people living on the second floor of my landlord's home have been pushing our landlord and myself and my girlfriend over the edge for the past several months. They leave dirty dishes and food everywhere, toys from their kids are all over, and the often leave food out that our cat gets into. They are also 1-2 months behind on rent, which is not the first time this has happened. Our landlord is finally fed up and has asked them to leave which they have refused. Our landlord went down to the courthouse and got an eviction form hoping that would be enough to make them leave. However, today the "roommates" called the cops to the house. They showed the police the non-working washer, AC unit, and dishwasher. They also noted that they do not have a lease, but they do receive mail at the residence and their 11 year old child goes to school in this district. The police have since issued a ticket to our landlord forcing her to get a renters license and are giving her 30 days to fix all the non working appliances. On top of all this, the mortgage out on this house has a clause that prohibits the house from being rented. I'm really at a loss here. If she gets the rental license then she could lose the house. Where can we start so that our landlord doesn't lose the house and make us all homeless?

    submitted by /u/PrecooledShark
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    Is it legal for a tattoo shop owner to forewarn other tattoo shop owners about customers who duck out on payment? Kentucky.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    We've got a customer trying to press charges on our shop for refusing to refund her deposit. It's posted all over the shop and in the paperwork. She bullied us into refunding her anyway claiming she could bring our business down. So we warned a fellow and friend artist about her refusal to follow shop rules and now she's claiming she can sue is for sharing personal info.

    The only info we gave was her name.

    Edit; her boyfriend is slandering the owner, claiming we were open during shut down and we weren't; we were working on a project while closed, we build cosplays as well.

    submitted by /u/lycanfemmefatal
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    Neighbor has gone go missing. We had a key to her house.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Corrected title: Neighbor has guns go missing.

    Our neighbor here in New Mexico reported to the police that she was missing a cache of guns. Unaware that she had guns, we have had a neighborly key to her house for some time. Because of that, we are now unwittingly involved in the investigation. I returned her key, but only after we learned of her report.

    The cops have come by, asking about the key and for personal information. Obviously, this makes us nervous. So, a couple of questions:

    Could they show up with a search warrant?

    If we have to hire a lawyer, can we hold the neighbor liable for expenses?

    submitted by /u/Type2Pilot
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    Should I Get a Restraining Order?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    I (f17) and my boyfriend (m18) have been harassed by this classmate of ours (m17) for years. See, he's got a thing for girls with large rear ends (which I will admit that I am one). He's been trying to "win me over" for years. How does he do this? Well, he will go to reddit and ask how he can break me and my boyfriend up for his own profit, and he will ask me overly sexual questions at school, and mail me printed copies of his FanFiction that he posts online. A fair few of these have me written in them as a sex toy, and have my boyfriend be some abusive monster who gets murdered in the end. This makes us very uncomfortable, especially because he posts them online for all to see. We threatened a restraining order, and he bent over backwards to not let that happen, as it would force him to move schools right before his senior year. Lately though, he's been at it again, tweeting and reddit posting about a "superbottom" who can't take a compliment, and who strings "nice guys" along. My boyfriend sees this as a threat of sorts, and I'm kind of inclined to believe him. Talking to him and going to authorities hasn't worked before. It looks like reopening the restraining order is all we can do. Should we do it?

    TLDR: Creepy weirdo with a butt fetish won't leave me alone, and is becoming somewhat threatening.

    submitted by /u/SurvivorOfLTMI
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    CA - Help! Landlord says I have to get rid of my service dog!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Northern CA. My landlord is trying to make me get rid of my service animal! We've lived here for over 2 years without any problems. I gave my landlord all of my dog's paperwork the day I signed the lease.

    My landlord says that since my dog isn't on the lease, and because he owns less than 4 units and lives in 1 of them that he can "deny my request for a service animal". Is this true? It's true I didn't put my dog on the lease, but I didn't know I had to. And I have plenty of text messages where my landlord acknowledges that I have him, and even calls him by his name. Since we've been living here so long without issues, and he's known about my dog the entire time, how can we put a stop to this???

    submitted by /u/norcaltemp
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    My neighbor is threatening to take me to court because water from my aerobic system gets on her plants when the wind blows.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I live in a rather large HOA neighborhood in North East Texas. It is a requirement that each home has an aerobic septic system. Yesterday our neighbor behind us complained that our septic sprinkler has gone off several times and that it is spraying into her yard. No big deal! We adjusted the sprinkler head spray distance and my husband walked near the fence line to make sure it did not spray him as the sprinkler rotated.

    Today she said that it is still spraying into her yard and ruining her flowers. When I told her we calibrated it and double checked to make sure it didn't cross (or even come within 5 ft of) the fence line, she said that her plants still get wet if the sprinkler is running and the wind blows and that if we don't get it fixed that she will take us to court.

    By law our aerobic system is inspected 3x per year and we have records of each passing inspection. Are there any other documents I need or actions I should take to protect myself if she does choose to take us to court? I can prove passing inspections but I am not sure how I would prove that we calibrated the sprinkler head or prove that the sprinkler does not actually spray her yard.

    submitted by /u/-imposter_syndrome-
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    Can i (a minor 17) press charges on my moms abusive boyfriend if my mom refuses to?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Earlier tonight i was lying on my couch and i head my mom scream from her room so i ran in to see her boyfriend on top of her with his hand around her neck. He got off and left as soon as i came in. i let him walk away while i talked to my mom to figure out exactly what happened and she told me that he got pissed after she refused to let him look at her phone i told her she needed to call the police but she said she wouldnt becuase 1. She didnt want my sibling to get involved and 2. She didnt want him getting in trouble. This isnt the first time this has happend ive had to detain him before but was able to do so fairly easily because im alot stronger than he is however this time he came back in from the house with a glock and cocked it on his way to his room while everyone else was eating dinner for all my strength im no match for a gun and im genuinely scared for the first time since i was a small child i told my mom i wouldnt do anything at least until Tomorrow when my younger sibling leave to go visit our biological father but that was before the gun should i disregard our agreement and call the police? And can they even do anything about it if i did call them?

    submitted by /u/Fockingjay
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    Worst Neighbor of All Time- Is This Blackmail? Long But Entertaining

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Solved: Clearly the correct course of action is to press charges and pursue an RO. I'm pressing charges right now. Thanks to everyone.

    Im TLDR'ing this up here since it is a lot of text. Basically, I have a neighbor whom has a long history of antagonizing my family. I have hundreds of videos and reports that are uploaded to YouTube, and I would like to leave my neighbor a letter basically stating that if she does not stop these behaviors, I will not only be contacting the police again to press charges, but that I will make every YouTube video public with her name and address (or my address) on them. Would this be considered blackmail? It would probably be best to read the story if you need to understand the dynamics. But I need this to end, so please feel free to PM or anything that can help! This really has caused emotional damages.

    If you want the link to the videos just ask!

    This is a long story but it is well worth reading, and I believe that someone with a legal background would be very interested in how it has played out.

    I have lived in my home since 2016 and have a wife and two small children. Our neighbor originally was nice to us but showed some signs of mental illness. Such as placing a sign in her front yard saying, "THIS IS ANTIFREEZE" and a little plastic bowl of blue liquid (obviously its actually green and she didn't know). This was in response to a dog pooping in her yard. We also have a large lab, and one day I came home to find dog shit all over my porch. I watched her leave her home quickly, and then a police car came and basically told me that someone complained about a dog not being on a leash. I texted her saying sorry and I wanted to talk and she would not commit to it. Her grandkids and mine used to play together but do not, and a lot of her anger seemed to be around our son and her view that he was "a brat". I blocked her number after that and we were resolved to leave her alone.

    So, while we did leave her alone, her and her family did not do the same for us. I noticed a few months after this that random large rocks and sticks were in my yard that weren't there that morning. In February of 2017 I installed two cameras to watch my driveway and front porch. Almost daily she would walk onto our property and throw trash onto it, her daughter would take her car and rather than back down their own driveway, pull all the way around and drive straight through my yard. I kept this videos and began adding them to Youtube and USB drives. Finally, I recorded a video in April 2017 that clearly showed her dumping raw trash right onto my driveway. I went to the police station and reported it, showed the officers the videos, and they said they would talk to her. They did, I watched them go over there, and she denied everything. You would think that after police intervention she would stop, nope, it actually got worse.

    For the rest of April that year I had many videos of her and her grandchildren throwing rocks and hitting my house and doing the same general shit they always do. I knew that she was a Sunday school teacher, so I called her pastor and met with him and his wife to show the over 100 videos that I had collected. They were absolutely appalled and stated that they would speak to her. Mind you, this was an attempt to keep her and her grandkids out of real trouble with the law. The pastor talked to her and we thought that this would cause the behavior to stop, NOPE!

    From there, she proceeded to call the fire department on me almost daily. Her cousin is the fire chief of the county. I began asking that police come every time she did this and collecting many police reports. I finally had enough, and searched for the father of her two grandchildren to make him aware of what his kids were being coached to do by their grandma. It took a few days, but I did find him and speak to him. Both parents are divorced and their father is hated by my neighbor and subsequently he doesn't like his ex-wife or her either. This actually worked for about a year to get her to stop. It terrified her. Her daughter came over and apologized profusely and asked that I not press charges. I didn't. You would think this was the end, right? BIG OL' NOPE!!!

    She did seem to cease any activity that targeted me until about two months ago. She had coached her grandkids into bullying my son when he goes outside and to basically ride their bikes past him and his friends and be obnoxious jackasses'. I came home one day and my wife, our sons friends mom, and our shitball neighbor in a screaming match because the grandkids were once again being obnoxious and screaming things. I immediately took control of the situation, turned on my camera, and very calmly listened to my shitty neighbor basically claim complete innocence in all of this. I calmly explained to her that I have enough evidence to have her charged, and enough evidence to have her grandkids in trouble. She took this and stated that she also had evidence of us doing something, but we have not once ever retaliated, so clearly she's full of shit, which I also called out. According to her "I was going to come apologize to yall but didn't" and "the lord knows my heart". I asked her to leave us alone and we would do the same. You thought this was the end of this didn't you? NOPE!

    About a week later, I noticed that her and her grandkids were paying a lot of attention to the people that live directly behind her. So her anger now was targeting someone else for once. Over time I figured out that the dog back there sometimes barked, and she hated that, so that was her issue. I recorded and watched this dumbass and her dipshit offspring stand in the middle of their driveway blowing a "dog whistle" so that the dog would be in pain. She then decided that since the dog sometimes barked, that she needed to set off her car alarm every morning at 7am for a minimum of 5 minutes. Then also decided that what would really help is to throw rocks and trash over the fence and repeatedly hit the fence with a basketball. Seeing this and having all of the videos of it occurring, I wrote a letter to that neighbor and put it in his mailbox. Later that evening I received a call from him, and guess what?

    HES A COP!!!

    I met with him and gave him every single video I had of her and her shitty offspring messing with his dog, which ended up being about 25. She was unaware of this new found friendship, and he and I agreed that he would call his supervisor to get an officer from a different precinct to respond to a call at his home. When the officer got there, we showed him the plethora of videos and reports I have compiled. In total, I have about 200 videos and 60 pages of police and fire reports. The officer stated that we had enough evidence to take her to jail: animal abuse, littering, vandalism, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The officer asked if we wanted him to apprehend her. Myself and that neighbor ultimately decided against that (he didn't have the history with her that I do) but that the officer would go to her home and explain to her that should any of this continue she would be going to jail. He stayed at her home for about 30 minutes, and afterward called us both and stated that she denied everything, even when he said he clearly saw the videos, and kept offering to make him food or drinks. In the week after this I was away on business for a weekend. She stopped my wife outside and said that she had video of me putting nails in her tires. Clearly that is complete horse shit. What was odd is that all 4 of my cars tires had nails in them that were identical. And of course, my camera lost power over that weekend. You would think that this absolutely has to be the end, right? NOT A CHANCE!!!

    I ordered better surveillance cameras and installed them. They also have night vision. I have caught basically the same antics as before. Except this time she is directly targeting my son, I have her on video mocking the way he runs to her grandkids, but no sound. It was clear that is what she was doing. I also have more videos of her throwing shit too. Shes basically right back to where we started. When we are outside she makes it a point to go out and to talk loudly about anything, but she is a coward so cannot do it in person. Two nights ago she yelled at the top of her lungs that she had found glass in her yard, as if talking to someone inside of her home. Basically, this means that she has probably put glass into my yard, as when she ever does anything like that, you can bet that she actually did it.

    To give you an idea of the evidence I have collected and archived, and what I am holding back for a possible lawsuit. I give you the following:

    • I keep a Youtube account with at least 60 videos. And have a USB with well over 200 videos of some type of nuisance or crime being committed by her, her daughter, and both of her grandchildren. Or a mixture of both or all parties. These span from January 2017 until today.
    • Numerous police reports and fire department reports cataloged
    • Her mailbox is technically on my property, which I do believe I have the right to remove
    • Her shed never had a building permit issued, and it also is encroaching on my property by a few feet, which I also can have removed
    • There is a natural area between both of our homes that is rocky, and when it rains sediment runs down my driveway making a mess. She is the high point while my property is the low point. She purposely mows this area to kill it so that this will happen. By my county's laws that is her problem to fix at her on dime.

    So I am holding back quite a bit, and honestly I believe I could get a restraining order easily to protect my children from her, and I think that filing a suit stating emotional pain would also be successful. This genuinely causes anxiety and we cannot leave our home or face it being attacked.

    I didn't go into this, but it seems that she believes she is being persecuted. We have never retaliated against her but from what I understand she tells everyone that we are causing the issues, and that she is simply putting (insert object) back onto our property. She also claims to have all kinds of evidence that shows me personally doing (insert action) to her property. Clearly this person is mentally ill and I do pity her, but this has to end.

    TLDR is up top due to the length of this.

    submitted by /u/World_Renowned_Guy
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    An insurance claim is being filed against me for an accident I wasn't in

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    This happened a couple months ago. I was on my way to work, and the roads were slippery because it had just rained. I was driving straight down a steep road (Route 1), just under the speed limit. There was a white car that was coming from the road that stemmed off of Route 1. The driver didn't stop or yield to me at all, they just turned onto Route 1, jumping right in front of me. I tap my brakes hoping not to hit them, (and I didn't!) but because of the slippery roads and my crappy brakes, my car ended up skidding and sliding, which forced me into the grass halfway and in the road halfway.... facing the opposite direction of traffic. The white car ended up getting away from the scene. A blue car that was driving behind me got to stop in time to not hit me. But, a soccer mom SUV that was behind the blue car, panicked and swerved into the grass I was also in, to not hit them. The point is, NOBODY HIT ANYBODY. Everybody and their cars were fine, it's just that the SUV had gotten some slight damage on the underside from rushing into the grass. The police officer that came to investigate the scene said himself that I wasn't involved in this accident, and the accident only involved the SUV. So fast forward a couple months later, and I get a letter in the mail saying that I owe the SUV's insurance company $5,575 for the damages to their car. I know this is fraudulent, because NOBODY HIT ANYONE, and I was NOT involved in their accident. I'm afraid of being sued/taken to court about this matter. How do I go about this? All I know is that I am absolutely not paying that amount. I live in northern Virginia if it helps anything.

    submitted by /u/dntmtter
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    Woke from a nap to two "maintenance workers" going through my apartment

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    I was woken from a nap a few hours ago to two men going through my apartment. When I asked what they were doing they turned on the faucet and said 'I cant find the clog here' and left in a hurry (I did not have any service requests open). Since then Ive gone and gotten a door bar as well as security cameras and left a message at my leasing office to verify if these workers were legit. I'm wondering what the next steps are for reporting these two. Thanks in advanced, any help is appreciated.

    Edit: Denver, CO

    Edit: Thanks for the responses. Just got off the phone with our maintenance supervisor and she confirmed it was a mixup on their end going into the wrong building.

    submitted by /u/bootyhunter1
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    My mom (who was homeless) is an extreme hoarder, mentally unwell, threatening violence towards me, and is refusing any logical solutions to her financial situation and living situation. How do I get her out of my apartment?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    SORRY FOR LONG POST. It's a lot to unpack to figure out how I can best approach this situation with a parent who is in denial, an extreme hoarder, suffers from schizophrenia/paranoia, BPD, has threatened violence, and has been destroying my property.

    So last year in August my mom ended up homeless in Hawaii through her own fault. In the last few years she's been evicted quite a few times because she is very poor at money management and would spend her paycheck buying things from Ross or whatever and then realize she would have no money for rent or bills. It always piles up and then she gets evicted. This was the first time she ended up homeless though.

    I panicked and once I had enough money I bought her a ticket to LA to stay with me. We don't have a great relationship anymore and because of her mental health she has pushed everyone away except me. I had to help her get her shit together, doing months of paperwork to get her green card and passport back (which she had stolen from her while homeless).

    She receives social security so once I helped her get all her ID back, I asked her to start saving money while staying with me so she can save enough to move to a new place. Staying with me wasn't an option as she has extreme hoarding tendencies, refuses to listen to me, and we clash a lot because of it. She didn't save a single time. It wasn't until March that I asked her to give me her debit card to help her save her money. It worked, and so far I have saved up $1700 of her own money thus far.

    Since COVID started, I initially would quarantine one week with her and one week with my girlfriend. But my mom started to become increasingly more erratic and would not stop bringing dirty trash and furniture from the street into my apartment. If I asked her to stop, she would yell at me and throw a fit, telling me to fuck off and to not tell her what to do. Because of this, I decided to stay with my girlfriend in the mean time to stay safe for my own mental health.

    My plan was to get her up to $3000 so she'd have enough for deposit, first month's rent, and another month to hopefully have enough time to find a part time job. I see a path for her to live alright, but she's become extremely schizophrenic/paranoid (believes she is constantly under threat to be assaulted or attacked and believes she has a boyfriend who she's been straight up stalking... I called this man a few years ago and he said he would call the police on my mom if he ever saw her again) and suffers from BPD I believe. Earlier, if I mentioned a path to getting her back to living on her own it was fine. Now if I mention it, she tells me to shut the fuck up, says she's going to kill herself and threatens to punch me if I don't leave my own apartment immediately. My apartment is COMPLETELY trashed (save for my bedroom which I somehow managed her to not touch). There is furniture from outside and trash everywhere. It's disgusting. I've never had a roach problem and now I do. She has broken multiple dishware and a lamp out of her paranoia.

    I was hoping to get her a ticket back to Hawaii in July after finding her an affordable room to live in but she now refuses. Even though she does know people in Hawaii, now she says she longer does. Doesn't trust neighbors, says she wouldn't know how to get around (which makes no sense after living on the island for for almost 20 years), and would kill herself if she has to go. She believes my neighborhood is best for her (I live in Hollywood which is extremely expensive and I am planning to move out because it is unaffordable even for me now) because she thinks she has made "friends" and knows where everything. Mind you she only walks like 4 square blocks from around where I live and somehow found a homeless center she goes to do to activities with them. I keep trying to express to her that it isn't an option because there's no way she can afford it and it's impossible to find a job for her here. We tried last year. It didn't work. Hawaii in my opinion would be a better option as they are a lot of jobs seniors can do if they're not so adequate with technology.

    She's 72. I'm 29 years old and don't make shit. And to be fair my sister and I have spent over $20k between us in the last 10 years trying to help my mom out of her financial hole. She keeps messing it up and it's starting to affect me financially now. My sister said no more and has dipped out. I'm on my own.

    What do I do if my mom refuses to leave? I literally can't even bring up this topic anymore because within minutes she starts bawling, tells me to fuck off, threatens to punch me, and says I should leave my apartment immediately. She says I'm being controlling and am extremely rude.

    She's alone and I feel bad for her but I know her shitty decisions have led her here. She doesn't trust anyone anymore, blames everyone else for her problems, and this shit is a complete lost cause. But how do I get her the fuck out of my apartment?

    submitted by /u/trinitykills
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    Abusive parents got a lawyer on me

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    They got an attorney to send me a cease and desist letter for tweeting about how I was brought up in an abusive, religious environment and threatened to take legal action when I have text and email evidence of them harassing me and threatening suicide even.

    I know this is a means of control for them. What can I do about this? Should I take legal action back?

    Based in Washington state.

    submitted by /u/theastralfae
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    I’m leaving my house with some possessions left that I will have picked up later

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    This is an emergency. I'm sorry if I'm typing hysterically I'm crying very hard. I'm 20. I was just assaulted by my father for the first time in my life in an honestly non heated argument. I'm packing up and leaving immediately with my boyfriends family. Do I have legal protection over the things I leave in the house for the time being before I can have someone move them out for me?

    I live in New York

    submitted by /u/throwaway8272735
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    Apartment Complex New Package Rules

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    A few months back there were a string of package thefts in my complex located in Denver, CO. Our leasing office opted to have all packages delivered to the main office. I never had an issue with stolen packages in 5 years of living at this residence, but I understood the reasoning. However, now they have designated a two hour pickup window for packages at the end of their business day. They sent an email stating this would be the only time frame residents would be allowed to retrieve their packages. Is it legal for them to hold onto my personal property and enforce a two hour pickup window?

    submitted by /u/daddyjcole
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    Restraining order??????

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    So I've been broken up with my ex since December, we went no contact up until March. She reached out to me as I was in another city and asked me to come back to work things out yada yada yada...so things don't work out right, who would've known and then she simply hit me today with 'if I don't get access to the Ring cameras that are outside MY house, I'm getting a restraining order' I was baffled like dude it's been months, I forgot that. I called Ring up and they said since they are under your name which I purchased them from Sam's. They are legally yours, I asked her to let me pick them she hits me with this whole 'stay away from me, stay away from my house, stay away from my family' and if you don't give me the cameras I'm filing a restraining order against you! I don't have the receipts that show I purchased them but I can show it in my statement. How legit is this whole restraining order threat? Can she get a restraining order on me? Frankly I don't go anywhere near her, we spend our days arguing on the phone, her most recent action was deleting my Instagram profile!

    submitted by /u/Ribarra16
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    [MA] Moving out while rent is being withheld

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I have lived where I am for almost 3 years now and almost a year and a half ago things started to go wrong in the apartment and he has not fixed or made an attempt to come over since they have been addressed. I just held this months rent and it's my first time doing so, I always pay on time never an issue. He was quick to text me and I told him as soon as A-Z are fixed and I'll be having an inspector coming through this next week as well. Now I'm sure he will try and make some effort, who knows maybe even completes everything which is fine. But I plan on moving out at the end of my lease which ends September. Now I am curious to if he makes no repairs and I keep holding rent until I leave, do I sign over the escrow account to him? Does he forfeit it? I am not worried about being sued or anything because I have everything documented and our conversations between us. Me holding rent, is it going to negatively impact me/my credit/ trying to buy a house which is the plan in September? I'm sure I have more concerns as well but that's just going through my head.

    Problems include which the inspector on the phone said they are emergency visits: fire alarms go off at random times about once a week, roof leaks and pulled down sheet rock in one room, two light fixtures with fans leak when it rains and the LL said when I brought it up 'oh that's normal for when it rains sideways' the inspector lagged when I told her that. But she plans on coming out. Small issues been brought up: no hand rail in one stair well, from porch railing has been broken for over a year and a half, lawn hasn't been cut this season because and he doesn't respond when I ask him about it so the grass has started folding over.

    Any direction on or precautions to take I would appreciate it a lot.

    submitted by /u/ur_a_fat1
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    Husband threatened to divorce. About to buy house and have a baby. Advise please!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    I live in Arizona and have a baby. My husband and I are about to purchase a $500,000 house and he just told me today he thinks we should get a divorce and not purchase the house. A few hours later he changed his mind and decided he wants to work on things. My questions are:

    1. The loan is in my name for the house, but he will be on the title. Am I going to be totally screwed if we get a divorce because he's not on the loan too?

    2. He is emotionally abusive. Should I start writing down instances of abuse in case I need to show a judge for custody reasons?

    3. Should I open up a separate bank account and start putting money away in it? I'm the primary breadwinner and am concerned he's going to completely take me for everything I have.

    submitted by /u/ilovebeandip
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    Company I work for will not honor one of their coronavirus policies

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    The company I work for is in PA.

    With Covid 19 my company had a policy stating:

    "What do I do if my child's school is closed for an extended period and I don't have childcare, but I cannot work from home?

    If you are unable to work from home, you may use accrued PTO or Sick Time to cover your absences. Due to these extenuating circumstances, if you have not accrued enough PTO we will allow you to borrow up to 80 hours and you will not be held accountable to any attendance infractions due to the pandemic. Additionally, you may take an unpaid leave of absence or file for unemployment. "

    This was published on our employee portal for the entire corporation to see.

    My job has over 500 employees.

    I been employed with this company for about 4 months and have not accrued enough PTO. I been using this policy for the past 1 and a half weeks (5/22/2020 - 6/3/2020) due to being home with my child. When I first started using it everyday calling in I would state," I'm calling out due to child care and borrowing 8 hours of PTO due to COVID 19 policy." Nobody said anything to me until 6/1/2020. This is when I get a phone call from HR stating they did not know where I got this from. I walked them through the process of finding it and showing HR the document that stated the above quote. HR person said, "This is not a thing we offer. I do not know why it is even on the employee portal and after tonight it will be removed I'm making a few phone calls. HR stated that they guessed they have to honor it since I did see it and was using it. Come 6/03/2020 I received another phone call stating HR was unable to honor this policy since it should have never been there in the first place.

    submitted by /u/TheMeowstardCat
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    Can An Employer Force You to Take PTO Payout?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Location: Louisiana

    Everyone at my work got an email last night saying that 50% of our PTO balance will be added to our paychecks on Friday. The email said we can request more to be paid out if we want but a minimum of 50% will be taken regardless our choice. The reason they are doing this is so they can show the government that the employees are working a certain number of hours, so that they fit the criteria for getting a grant; this information was not disclosed to anyone and I only learned upon directly asking our office manager. Note, no one is being let go or furlowed at the moment.

    Currently I have 40 hours, and am saving up to go on a vacation with my husband in the next month or so. I can't find anywhere specifically saying if they're allowed to do this or not. Seeing as how I only accrue 2 hours of PTO a week, I don't want to give up half of that and not be able to take off when I want/need. We don't have any allotted sick leave/vacation time; our PTO is used for both. Is this a legal thing they can do, or should I bring it up to HR and refuse the payout?

    UPDATE so a few of us checked out employee website not too long ago. The email mentioned above was sent out at 5:00pm on the dot; our weekly work report (which tracks what hours we work) was approved with the PTO payout at 3:56pm; they didnt even properly notify us before going forward with this. What was originally a voluntary ordeal has turned into some scummy shifty mess; regardless on legality several of us will be speaking with HR about this, but any info or help is still much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/avo1021
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