• Breaking News

    Monday, June 8, 2020

    Legal Advice UPDATE: My dad's house is serviced by a community well that is now owned by an HOA..

    Legal Advice UPDATE: My dad's house is serviced by a community well that is now owned by an HOA..

    UPDATE: My dad's house is serviced by a community well that is now owned by an HOA..

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Hi all I wanted to update on the outcome of this. Sorry, it's honestly a pretty boring outcome - no cool courtroom outbursts at all sadly. It turns out there were just some liars and there was never actually a legal problem in the first place, my dad was just the victim of the HOA trying to scam him.

    Here is my original thread. The summary is that my dad lives in a house served by a community well that is next to an HOA (but my dad is not part of it). The HOA told my dad that they now own the well and that he needs to join the HOA and effectively pay them $800/mo to use the well service plus the actual water bill on top of it.

    He did end up getting a lawyer to see him ASAP. The lawyer told him the first thing he needed to do was get records of ownership for the well and try to get his hands on the details of the sale. However after a couple days he said he was having issues getting up to date records and was waiting to hear back from a contact at the county because he wasn't sure if COVID had delayed records filing or what.

    Then my dad got a surprise: a water bill from the original well servicer, right on time for their 3-times-a-year billing. Obviously that's odd considering he's been told that they don't own the well anymore, and he called them up.

    It turns out he was just lied to. The well servicer was never looking to get out of the well business permanently, but rather was looking to contract out the day-to-day testing services of the well to another company because many of the wells they service now require more testing than they did years ago and they no longer have the manpower to do all of it themselves. But they were not selling the well, simply hiring an independent contractor to drive around and do well stuff all day.

    During that time the HOA had asked them to attend an HOA meeting so residents could ask questions about things like filtration, and they mentioned it at that meeting to let residents know that they would be seeing a new person going around doing testing and wanted to let them know because the testing involves taking samples from individual properties and they didn't want anyone to be freaked out.

    So when the HOA told my dad they now owned the well, they were just plain lying. When the HOA said they had a new company doing the servicing, they were half truthful: a new company was doing the testing, but the HOA had nothing to do with it, the contract is between the original well servicer and the individual guy they're contracting out to.

    The original well servicer also told my dad that the HOA had reached out and informed them around the same time they were contacting my dad, that they were taking over handling billing, and that the well servicer should bill the HOA for all properties and the HOA would then include it in the HOA dues billing to "streamline" things for residents claiming it would make their residents' lives easier if they only had to keep track of one bill and not multiple. However the HOA actually has no authority to just declare this and the well servicer just outright told them no, they will continue to bill individual properties. The timing of this coincides with when they started contacting my dad, so they were just trying to pull a fast one on everyone.

    The well servicer is confident that the HOA has 0 legal authority over the well situation and says they respected the HOA in an organizational capacity, like calling meetings so residents could ask questions, and were professionally annoyed with them trying to insert themselves into billing, but they were not aware that the HOA was claiming to own the well. They told my dad that he should not give the HOA any money for water servicing or accept water servicing related information from them in any way.

    So going back around to the lawyer, my dad got an appointment with the lawyer to tell him all this and the lawyer had his own news that matched up entirely: The reason he wasn't finding up to date records following the supposed sale was because he doesn't believe a legitimate sale has happened, he thinks my dad was just getting scammed.

    So all in all my dad will continue to use the well as he always has. He is pretty angry that he had to spend a bunch of money to find out what he already knew, that the HOA is made of dicks, but we are definitely breathing a sigh of relief.

    Meanwhile as for the HOA my father's lawyer has suggested that there may be room for legal action against the HOA reps for what was basically fraudulent claims. My father doesn't want to spend the money persuing it at this time, but the well servicer did ask for copies of everything he received from the HOA because they want to review it with their own lawyer.

    Thanks to everyone who gave advice - we're grateful for it and also for the fact that we didn't have to use most of it, ha ha!

    submitted by /u/gilliganssyrup
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    Update to Being sued by my parents

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Here is a quick link to my last post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/gpfe3q/being_sued_by_my_parents/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

    So I wanted to wait to make sure all the matters were solved before I posted this update and they have, in many ways. I followed several people's advice to contact the firm first. I looked up the law firm that sent me the letter and found out they exist and the contact number is the same as on the letter so I called, and found out they sent no such letter. (Talked to the guy whose name was on the letter who claimed he didn't write the letter.) Fast forward to last week, my dad did something really stupid and I now have a restraining order against him. Thank you to everyone who commented, you were a big help, thank you.

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    Update on Dad trying to take my car from 2017

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Below is the link to my original post.


    So after all has been said and done I have my car back.

    Last year I got so tired of dealing with him that I gave the car back to him and told him to never speak to me again. Between my last post and now I got into a wreck and my father told he it might be a good idea to kill myself. My mental health obviously spiraled and what he said wrecked me for another 2 and a half years.

    I had planned on taking him to court over the car and emotional damages but that is entirely unnecessary now. My father passed on in April from Covid. His wife decided to sell it to my mother for a dollar so that she wasn't technically breaking her promise to him. My mother has turned around and sold it to me for a dollar and as soon as the death certificate is in we will switch the title to my name.

    I have my car and I don't owe that monster 10,000 anymore. Thank you for the advice that was given on my previous post, it was a huge help while the car always in his name.

    submitted by /u/Azula_always_Lies
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    I was laid off, boss expects me to finish (for free) a big project given when I was salaried

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    State: Illinois.

    Basically, I was in a salary position and handled large projects that take days/weeks, so my job was never 9-5. With the current crisis, I was working from home for a few months. Last week, Thursday afternoon, my boss asked me to start working on a project requiring ~25 hours of work. The deadline was Friday, June 12, and I had another project ongoing, so I didn't start that new project right away, since I had time to handle it later.

    Today (Monday, June 8), my boss called me to tell me I've been laid off, but I'll keep working as a freelancer, because they can't afford me on a salary. I haven't started that big project yet, because I didn't work over the weekend as I had no idea I was about to be laid off; it was done with strictly no notice.

    Boss wants me to finish that project without being paid as a freelancer for it because I received the order while I was still salaried. He thinks that if I had worked all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday, it'd be done, therefore it's my responsibility to provide that labor for free now that I'm not salaried anymore. We're talking nearly $500 for that one project alone that I should get if I'm paid as a freelancer.

    Is he right? Do I "owe" my company that labor for not completing work I could have completed if I worked weekends but didn't because I thought it was unnecessary? Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Administrative-Pay-1
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    (IL) Just learned I'm the father of a 16 yo girl. Her mother (my ex-wife) never told me before, lied to her about me, and doesn't want to let me communicate with her.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    A few days ago I ran into my ex-wife whom I hadn't seen in almost 17 years. She was with her daughter. That night my ex-wife messaged me to let me know I'm her daughter's father. I was never informed of that before. I believe it to be true because she looks a lot like me. I knew my ex-wife was pregnant when we divorced, but she claimed it was with the man she was cheating with. At the time it seemed likely so I believed her. As a result I never had any opportunity to be a father to this kid. If I had known I would have gone to court for at least visitation rights. Her daughter doesn't know who her father is either. She was raised by a single mother. I messaged my ex-wife back to say what she did was unfair on her daughter and I. She answered that if I ever talk to her daughter she will sue me for 16 years of unpaid child support. And she told her daughter that her "sperm-donor" was abusive and abandoned them, so I'd better not try and talk to her. None of this is true.

    I'd like to know, first if I have any right to talk to my daughter. There are things I need to tell her, in particular health related things she should know of. Second, if I do so, can my ex-wife really sue me for child support? I would have contributed to raising my daughter if I had known, but I'm certainly in no position to pay 16 years of child support at once. Third, could her lying to her daughter about me be considered alienation?

    submitted by /u/FJGreenwood
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    Apartment didn't see my 60 day notice in time, blames me

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    My lease is up on July 25th, and I want to move out on August 1st (prorated rent between those dates). My lease agreement states that a "written notice to vacate" is required 60 days before the move-out date.

    Since my leasing office is closed due to COVID, I emailed them on May 22nd stating that I intended to move out on August 1st and that I hoped that the email could serve as a written notice, but that if I needed to do something else they could let me know. They didn't respond, and I called them and left a message saying the same thing on May 27th. They didn't respond to that either, so on June 1st I sent a follow up email saying that I wanted to confirm that the notice was received.

    They responded and said that they didn't see the first email, and that they would put me on notice to move out August 1st. They attached a Notice To Vacate form for me to fill out, and a mandatory part of the form was filling out my new address. I was in the process of signing a new lease and didn't have that yet, and asked if I could get the form back to them when I got it from my new leasing office. They said "that works, no biggie" and that was that.

    I just got my new forwarding address, so I filled out the form today and sent it back. They responded with this: " Thanks so much for getting this back to me! So the date when you delivered the notice is correct below as of June 8th but 60 days from June 8th will be August 7th. I just want you to know if I put you on notice it has to be 60 days from when notice was received so your move out date will be August 7th not August 1st. "

    If I made multiple efforts to contact them and they didn't respond until the day I needed to have the form in, and didn't mention the time restraint, is it really on me? Is there anything I can say to fight this? Thank you in advance, sorry for the long post.

    Edit: I am in Ohio

    submitted by /u/bitchass_mcgee
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    Neighbor trouble: Property line from 90 years ago doesn't allow room for modern vehicles in the driveway, fence runs around a tree effectively fencing off a portion of neighbor's yard on our side where he dumps his trash and other items of refuse. Please help me in Oklahoma!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    So I've lived in my home for over 10 years and I'm so tired of dealing with it! This morning I went to MY backyard and found an old broom and an old yard decoration along with old plastic light bulbs and tree trimmings. This happens regularly as the fence in the backyard does not sit on the property line. Years ago before we bought our home, neighbor built a fence, but there was and still is a huge elm tree on the property line so he built the fence about 3 feet onto his property to avoid the tree. There is no way for him to access this property as the tree blocks access and our small garage prevent him from walking around - he'd have to trespass or jump the fence to get to it

    In the front of the properties our driveway butts directly up to the property line. Essentially, when anyone gets out of a car in our driveway from the passenger side ,they step out onto his property.. he has planted saplings along the property line to further inconvenience us in addition to the big elm and another small elm. He doesn't trim any of them. Just let's them fall and collects insurance. In fact the large elm dropped a huge limb on our garage and destroyed the roof.

    In college I took a real estate law class and remember something, (maybe an easement?) where you can say that you need a small part of adjacent land in order to have full access to your own land. Can someone please explain what options I might have in getting this awful neighbor to stop being such an asshat? I would really love to take that strip from him. Also, side note, he recently listed his home for sale.

    Thanks in advance for any guidance you may have for me!

    submitted by /u/serennabeena
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    [Indiana] I want to out my rapist years after it happened. Worry about retaliation via defamation lawsuit.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    # Throwaway for obvious reasons…

    I've been a reader of legal advice or years, never thought I'd be posting, yet in retrospect, seems kinda obvious. Regardless, throwaway, etc.


    I'm a mid 40s male. When I was 16, I was raped by my youth minister. He got me drunk, and raped me while I was passed out. I woke up in the middle of it. It probably doesn't matter in the context of this post, but I'm not gay, and this definitely wasn't statutory rape. Even if I'd been sober, I wouldn't have consented.

    Before it happened, the youth minister told the church leadership that I confessed to being suicidal. I wasn't suicidal and certainly didn't confess, but I'm sure it was a preventative attempt to discredit me. They believed him. At no point did either the YM or I bring up the rape.

    I stopped attending the church. A couple years later, the YM was fired for calling gay porn phone lines from his church office. The church elders came to my house, told me what happened, and apologized. I told them thanks, but no thanks. That was the end of it.

    I've never told anyone about the rape. Like many victims I just wanted to forget it, so years ago I decided to let the matter lie (perhaps not my proudest moment). But last month, out of the blue, the YM sent me a Facebook message. The message was seemingly innocuous, just something that you'd send to a long-lost friend.

    My Question:

    The Facebook message has brought up long-buried emotions. I've thought of little else since. After a bit of googling, I learned he is currently a minister at a church within a couple hours drive, and I'm considering informing the Elders of his current church that he raped me. Obviously, after ~25 years, I've no proof; it's definitely a he said/he said situation.

    I'm worried about leaving myself open to a defamation lawsuit. It seems plausible that the YM would want to defend himself. If I'm believed, the information would destroy his career, family, probably his life. Google has also informed me that for a defamation lawsuit to be successful, you have to 1) prove the statement was false, 2) show damages, and 3) the statement has to be malicious.

    I'm looking for a lawyer now, but I want to be prepared during the initial consultation. Under the admittedly brief and detail-lite situation outlined above, would a defamation suit brought by my former youth minister likely be successful? I'm not a rich guy, paying for a defense would be difficult.

    Is there anything I'm missing? Some sort of law that protects victims of sexual assault? Is there anyway to share the information safely

    Edit: God, haven't even posted it, yet, and already adding an edit. After rereading my post, I realize there's probably no way anyone can give me specific advise. I guess I'm trying to determine if there's even any point in consulting a lawyer. Are they just going to say I'm opening myself up to massive liability with no upside? Anyway, thanks for any advice/insight provided. Also, on a personal note, tell your children to heed their spidey-sense.

    submitted by /u/fakityfakityfake
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    Wife left a few weeks ago, has not told me where she is. Question about property

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    (Texas) My wife has bipolar disorder and stopped taking her meds months ago. She stopped talking to me back in February and abruptly left 3 weeks ago without telling me where.

    She stopped paying any bills in January. I know she is now in California because of snapchats she is sending friends.

    I texted her and told her I needed her to get her belongings out of the apartment or send money for storage and she replied that she couldn't come get them. I told her she has 3 days before I get rid of it.

    3/4 of what is in my apartment is her clothing/shoes etc.

    Do I have any legal requirement to maintain it? I have no ETA on her ever getting it and the lease is up in a few months.

    submitted by /u/Bacon4x4
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    I was offered a job, given a start date, a raise, and now I’m being told I have to compete for the position with others.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    California-Two weeks ago I was given a department change and raise offer and I went through with it. It's on my schedule and I've been very excited about moving out of "lot". Yesterday the assistant manager who interviewed me for it told me he now has to hold the raise off until I fight for the position with other associates, who he's picked recently, and I only get the position and raise if I I'm a better fit than the people I'm competing with. Is this even legal?

    submitted by /u/Fat-Twig
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    [MO] Bought a S10 5G in December on Sprint, and now due to the merger with T-Mobile I am no longer able to connect to 5G due to network changes.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    So this may seem petty but I am a bit upset at this. I bought a 5G phone in December from Sprint because I liked the device and access to 5G was a advantage since I travel and work from my hotspot often. Well Sprint merged with T-Mobile and I received a notification that I would no longer be able to access 5G on my device. I called into customer support and they confirmed I would no longer be able to connect. One of the main reasons I paid extra for the device was for access to 5G and I feel like I am getting shorted now.

    They offered me a "deal" where I can upgrade my device to something that can connect but I would have to pay off the remaining amount due $700+ and then I can get a new one. This is no different than before the changes, and I am looking to see what my options are. After hours on the phone with various levels of reps and supervisors had lead to nothing.

    I had thought of filing a complaint but I am not sure what the best place to do that would be. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MrProfDrDickweed
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    It’s only a matter of time before the concrete slab porch falls 20 feet onto my unsuspecting neighbors.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I live on the 3rd floor apartment with serious concrete damage. They have serious cracks/sag about 3-4 inches and aren't even touching the beams. Meaning the slabs are being help up by the rebar only basically. It's a serious issue that is a ticking time bomb. I have notified the front office about it 3 months ago. Nothing was done. When they came to "fix" my A/C the other day I mentioned it again. I am in the construction industry so I know this is a real problem. What should I do to get something done? I will not be renewing my lease but I would like to address this issue before it kills someone. Thanks Reddit

    submitted by /u/sti-guy
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    My soon-to-be-ex-husband will not sign the Bill of Sale for our car that he wrecked.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Long story short- Me and Husband own a car together. Both on title. Loan is in my name with him as a co-signer. He totaled the car. Before we can get insurance to pay and for the GAP insurance go take affect, we have to get a bill of sale notarized for the company that towed it away (COPART). He refuses to get his part signed & notarized because he knows that I am responsible for the payments. I have already had to make one payment past it being wrecked. The next payment is due on the 16th. COPART needs him to sign since he is on the title. What can I do to where I can sign just myself? This is such a huge ordeal, like pulling teeth. I am so angry with him. He has blocked my phone number and all social media so I can't even get ahold of him now.

    submitted by /u/missme1995
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    Employer seems to be profiting from covid at our expense

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I need some advice.

    I work in Japan and my employer forced us to take two months off of work due to COVID and government advice, now instead of furloughing us they paid us in full and said we would have to make up the days by using all our holidays and working 6 day weeks until all the days have been made up. They did this because government assistance for furloughing only applies if the business is not charging it's customers for the period of the shutdown, my company decided to charge it's customers during lockdown and say the service will be provided later.

    I've received a job offer from another company and I'm concerned about what legal footing the company has to withhold my last months pay, or whether I could just quit next payday and say goodbye to them with no repercussions. I never agreed or signed anything about making up these days, this was a company decision.

    Thanks for your time

    submitted by /u/Ellit3
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    Landlord Issuing a Roommate Agreement?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    I'm renting an apartment from a landlord with a move-in date scheduled for next week. I am the only person who will be living in the apartment. I received the lease to sign today and it's listed as a roommate agreement. He is listed on the contract as a roommate instead of what I expected, which is the landlord. I am listed on the contract as the "new roommate" and he is listed as "roommates." It explicitly says, "This agreement is a New Roommate joining current tenancy among Roommates."

    I'm concerned about this because of privacy reasons, as well as liability reasons (maintenance, payment, etc). I assume this is not a common thing that is done and was wondering how to approach the situation?

    Edit: this is in New York.

    submitted by /u/weeny_hut_jr
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    Adopted Next of Kin

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    My fiance and her two younger biological sisters were adopted by a family back in the 1990's. In 2019, her middle sister was found unresponsive due to an apparent drug overdose and was put on life support until the family was contacted. After they were contacted it was deemed that she needed to be removed from life support as there was no brain activity. According to the funeral home there was an autopsy done, but the adoptive parents are not being forthcoming with what it contained. Not having answers has made it extremely difficult for the two surviving sisters to grieve and the parent's resistance to transparency is exacerbating the situation. My fiance even tried to get a copy of the autopsy report from the Virginia state medical examiner's office, but the state declined to provide it because she isn't considered the next of kin. The adoptive mother and father are considered the next of kin in our state. My question is, what legal recource, if any do the surviving sisters have to try to obtain the autopsy results? They know that they might not get all the answers they seek, but to at least have all the information that they can will assist in their healing from such a tragedy.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and any and all help/advice is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Rjnatas
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    House sellers learned about a sewer problem after we submitted our offer. Did they have any responsibility to disclose in IL?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    We put in an offer in February. Prior to us putting an offer in and going under contract, the sellers disclosed that they had a plumbing problem the previous December. They stated that there was a clog in the sewer line in the house caused by non-flushable materials and that the clog was removed by a licensed plumber. At the same time, since the sewer system in the house was already being scoped, they had the sewer line scoped for orangeburg. They included a copy of an invoice from a plumber with a brief description - removed clog, stop flushing these things, yadda yadda yadda, also scoped residential sewer line and found no fiber pipe. With an invoice from a licensed plumber saying no orangeburg, we stupidly did not pay for an independent scope check of our own.

    In May we began to have sewer problems and brought out a plumber. He immediately knew what our problem was: orageburg. He said that the house DOES have orangeburg pipe, and that it had previously had a bandaid put on where they line the orangeburg with an inner lining, but that it didn't help and the pipe is partially collapsed. He said he's shocked we didn't have problems sooner and it's probably thanks to us using trusty Scott 1000 because anything better would have clogged up the collapsed pipe again.

    More importantly and shockingly however, he had already been to the house for this issue. He checked his records for us and it was 10 days prior to closing (25 days into our contract). He said it was an after hours call and he found that the pipe was partially collapsed and with a reduced opening, matter was becoming blocked up at the collapse point and clogging. He advised the homeowners that they needed to immediately replace the orangeburg. He tells us that the homeowners told him they had a previous plumber tell them it was NOT orangeburg, so they were going to follow up with that other plumber who must have made a mistake. He never heard from them again. Out of all the pumbers in the world we just got lucky and called the same one.

    We just talked to him for the final time this morning so we are just coming out of shocked and confused mode. We don't know if the previous owners had an obligation to report this to us or not. We are going to try calling some lawyers this afternoon but we are overwhelmed by what is going on and wondering if anyone can provide any insight as to what to expect legally, or if we are just SOL.

    Thank you for reading all this and have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/orangeburgers
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    Our landlord is accusing us of breaking and entering into a room we have the key to.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Basically what the title says. There is a room across from our hallway that we have the key too and we've been in it multiple times. She accuses us of "breaking and entering" even though there's nothing on the lease stating that that room is off limits. And, like I said, she's the one who gave us the key to it.

    Is what we're doing illegal?

    submitted by /u/peacheigh
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    (PA) Employer HR head told me to get checked for hernia, said he would file workman's comp claim, but never did. $4400 exam/CT scan determined not hernia. Should their insurance cover the test?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    This occurred around the third week of November 2019 and bill was received in mid May '20. I was essentially a laborer for a construction company, about ten months total with no injuries. We moved a few tons of drywall through a building. The next day I had severe abdominal pain and other symptoms consistent with a hernia. Told my HR guy, he said to go to medexpress to get checked, said to send bills to company, and Monday he would submit a claim number. I ended up getting a 5 minute exam that cost $240 and told to go to the ER for suspected appendicitis. The hospital did a $4150 CT scan and determined it was appendicitis. Testing was done over the weekend, HR guy asked what was going on Sunday, I told him it was appendicitis. He never told me that he was no longer going to submit a claim.

    I assumed they covered the initial exam for about six months until I received a bill from MeX and found out there was no claim submitted. HR guy is saying there is no claim because it was not caused by work. I understand that well enough, but I have to wonder how a laborer is expected to pay $4400 to determine if they have a hernia or bulging disks or something else caused by work, if it's safe to continue working, etc. I know none of my coworkers would think this is a risk they are taking.

    It seems like there would be coverage for these situations. If it would have taken another day for diagnosis he would have submitted a claim and who knows what could have been covered (well hopefully someone here knows).. I was let go by the company around the same time I received the unpaid bill. I don't know if it was a coincidence, they've done some shady things before; responses from them have been sporadic at best, so I feel like I have to tread carefully to avoid them going no contact and having to get a lawyer involved to get them to acknowledge the situation. I don't want to do that if I have no legal rights in this.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    submitted by /u/ebaymasochist
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    Executor of the estate trying to claim 50%?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Sorry in advance if there is any poor formatting, on mobile, etc.

    This is in Georgia.

    My mother passed away in February 2019. She supposedly didn't have a will or it was unable to be found. Due to Georgia law, it calls for her husband and I to split the estate 50/50, or on whatever terms we come up with due to their not being a will.

    I currently live in Australia and due to timezones, I'm having my father handle the situation for me. I've sent in documentation stating he has my authority to authorise the decisions I make on my behalf, but I'm still fully in charge of any decisions before they are made.

    Now currently, our plan is to offer half of what the current property value is to my mother's husband and once that is finalized, we will renovate the house and property to increase the property value. After everything is paid for and finalized, the value will be around $120k.

    My father, when doing the math for this, is stating "now the final amount will be about $120,000, so you'll receive about $60k when we split it in half."

    This honestly just floored me because while I was absolutely planning on making sure he was fully reimbursed for any amount he's paid into this, on top of an executor's fee, I was absolutely not expecting him to just assume he would be receiving 50% of the estate's profit.

    I've looked around for what the typical executor's fee is and most places stated around 2-8%, depending on circumstances. I was originally thinking I was going to do around 10% which would put him at about $12,000.

    I told him that I wasn't comfortable with the idea of him taking $60k and he didn't respond to me. I then received an email last night where he reconfirmed the next step of the process and asked me if I was fine to proceed. He once again stated that we would split the $120,000 50/50 once more, disregarding my previous statement it seems.

    In short, am I wrong in thinking my father is not entitled to 50% of the outcome or is he trying to rip me off?

    submitted by /u/Vermeila
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    Threatened Death by a Bishop in the Mormon Church

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    I don't know if I'm in the wrong place but I'm lost right now Backstory I (21F) am currently living at home finishing my last year of university with my two parents who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints. For the past 6 years, my home life has been rocky, as my decision to leave the church immediately caused me to become the black sheep of the family. The abuse started nearly instantly. My father would often drag me through the house by my hair and encourage me to kill myself while I was crying in pain. My mother turned a blind eye to all of this which ultimately led to me leaving the house for nearly 6 months. I have journal entries dating back to 2014 documenting how close I nearly was taking my own life due to the constant torment I would face. Fast forward to the present day, financial struggles and the promise of a changed man after him becoming a BISHOP brought me back home. I have not spoken to my father while living at home for the past year and have maintained a civil relationship with my mother until today. I was cooking myself lunch in my kitchen when my mother snapped on me for "making a mess" and was told that I need to buy takeout because I can no longer use her kitchen. After presenting the fact that I've been providing my own food for over a year my father comes from the other room and pushes me to the ground and tells me he would kill me if I don't leave his house. I left and case back home late in the night while they were asleep because I have no where else to go. I'm scared the cycle of abuse will start again and I'll will be left to fend for myself while paying off student loans. I understand that I'm over 18 and can legally be told to leave my house but I was completely blindsided by all of this. If the abuse picks up again do I have grounds for a domestic abuse case? EDIT 1: We live in Ontario, Canada. Don't want to get any more specific the sake of anonymity

    submitted by /u/throwaway77167
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    Rent is set at $499 on lease, landlord says it's $575 unless I post about apartment on social media

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    I am looking into apartments around my area (Nevada) and found a room for $499/month + utilities. I contacted the landlord about the apartment, and she said that it is $499/month IF I make a post on Instagram saying how excited I was to live in X Apartments. If I don't make the post, she says it's $575/month + utilities. Is this legal? The listing explicitly said it was $499, and there are repeated references on their website to this price.

    submitted by /u/MazzyMars08
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    [FL] Crazy Ex-Girlfriend will stop at nothing. Just want to be left alone!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    This takes place in Santa Rosa County, Florida. This is between a good friend, we will call him Tom, and his ex girlfriend that we will call Jane.

    Tom reached out to me the day after it happened. Jane was at his place and threatened to report him for rape if he didn't have sex with her. It was a long argument they were having at 2 am. LUCKILY he recorded the whole exchange, and as far as we know, Jane has no idea the video exists. We are in the military, so two days later, Jane calls our superiors to inform them charges have been filed against Tom, in the hopes of getting him in trouble at work. A week goes buy and the sherrif finally decides to talk to Tom who is being charged with Rape, kidnapping, assault, obstruction of justice and grand larceny. Tom shows the video to the investigator and they said they are dropping it, no criminal charges will be pursued. Tom also went and tried to get a restraining order and was denied, which I thought was very weird.

    Maybe another 2 weeks goes by and tom gets a call from the court asking where he was, apparently he had a court date and no one served him papers. Papers finally got served and she is seeking an injunction for dating violence. Looks alot like a restraining order. So Jane's description of the night this all happened looks like a damn good story on paper, but is proven wrong by the video and audio recording.

    Can Jane get in any trouble for false statements, Perjury, Harassment, etc? Will they even take the video as evidence in a small Civil case? I cant find anything about how to submit evidence for this county.

    About the video, there's a bunch of back and forth but at the end here is the script... Tom: What do you want me to do? Jane: I want you to put your fucking phone down and let's go to bed. Tom: Thats it? Just go to bed? Jane: Yes....No, I want to have sex. Tom: You want to have sex? Jane: Yes, now let's go.

    submitted by /u/Harleydude112
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