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    Sunday, June 7, 2020

    Legal Advice Landlord died and now I'm in limbo

    Legal Advice Landlord died and now I'm in limbo

    Landlord died and now I'm in limbo

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    I live in Texas (USA) and I found out today that my landlord died unexpectedly about a month and a half ago and I was relatively close with him I am 99.99% positive he has no living family, outstanding debts or next of kin. I still paid this month's rent to his bank account on the 1st like I always do but I am not sure what the next move is. Nobody has come knocking on the door yet. Any advise?

    submitted by /u/awesomecvl
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    I’m buying acreage in MO. The seller hayed it after the contract was signed.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    I'm under contract for 22 acres m/l of pasture in Missouri, USA. When the contract was signed, it had plenty of grass that looked like it'd be able to be hayed for a pretty penny. In fact, when giving us a tour of the property the listing agent told us he thought it'd be about $6,000 of hay. That affected the price we offered for the land.

    Here we are a couple weeks into the contract, and the owner had the property hayed without notifying us. Luckily we noticed before the bales were removed from the property — but after it was all cut and round baled.

    If that hay is removed from the property, the grass won't self-seed and the nutrients from that organic matter won't end up back in the soil; that means we'd need to fertilize and possibly seed the property, which we wouldn't have if they'd left the grass untouched. Or we could have chosen to hay it ourselves and taken that trade off in exchange for the market value of the hay.

    Are we correct in thinking this is a material loss to the property and that we'd be entitled to the hay, the proceeds from selling the hay, or a lower sales price?

    submitted by /u/KerrickLong
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    Adverse Possession in New York, My neighbor doesn't want me to move my fence.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Quick background, I purchased my home about 8 months ago, when the survey was done it found the rear fence of the property (my fence) is between 2.4 and 2.8 feet (depending on which side of the property) into my backyard. There are two properties that back up to mine, one has a fence (about 2.6 feet into my property, the other has no fence.

    So, I spoke to the neighbor that doesn't have a fence, thinking this was going to be easier. I let him know that I was going to be putting up a fence in the near future, and that I'm planning on doing it on the property line, a little over 2' closer to his house than the current fence. I provided him a copy of the survey and told him I would be happy to discuss any concerns.

    Yesterday I woke up to a team of landscapers planting 15' tall arborvitaes up against my fence, they trimmed the side facing the fence so the trunks are pressed up and literally tied to my fence.

    So I'm looking for a lawyer now, but I want to throw two questions out to the community.

    First does this neighbor have any right to do what he's doing, I read what I could find about adverse possession in NY and he seems to be going about it wrong if it is his goal.

    Second, any advice on how to approach the other neighbor who has 6' privacy fence and his own row of arborvitaes on my property?

    submitted by /u/KTRyan30
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    [WV] Hospital refusing wife to see newborn

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Update: We have possession of the baby now. Baby is latching and feeding. However, I don't want to just let this go. I am 100% not okay with the way we were treated and I'm not going to just let it go because we have her now.

    My wife went into labor at 2000, 6 June 2020. It was a very difficult labor and ended with us almost losing the baby and having an emergency c-section which was terrible enough on its own. After she came out of recovery from the c-section they are refusing us access to the baby. 12 hours later, we still haven't seen her.

    They aren't letting us see her because my wife is an employee of the hospital in the ED and they want her to have a covid test before either of us are allowed to see the baby. I'm not allowed to leave the recovery room at all to go anywhere.

    No one is able to provide us any policy or any documentation that states that a non-symptomatic mom has to be isolated from the infant until results are back. No other mothers on the floor have been tested for covid or isolated from their infant.

    Also, our infant has been isolated and not in the standard nursery.

    My wife is extremely distraught, she is already having nightmares because the c section was so traumatic and now she is feeling inadequate and afraid the baby won't bond with her(we are already in contact with her PCM to get therapy lined up)

    Do we have any legal recourse to ensure that this doesn't happen to anyone else.

    Sorry if this seems like incoherent rambling. I'm still speaking from emotion so my logic may be shaky.

    submitted by /u/cvlrymedic
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    If the police doesn’t help a possible pedophile/revenge porn case- where else can someone go to file a complaint?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Long story short about 3-4 years ago I was the victim of revenge porn,grooming,manipulation, etc at the age of 14/15. I was threatened with murder, illegal prostitution, and rape if I ever came forward. Despite my efforts to stay quiet, my mom went to the police and told them what happened only for them to tell her that if she would like to pursue the case- I would possibly end up in jail for cp distribution. So we ended up calling it off and rn my abuser is back at it again possibly with a girl who's about 16/17 yrs old and him being 20/21/22 (he was about 17-19yrs old when I was 14/15)

    Apperently I can't make a file on the police website just to warn the police about him and when I looked elsewhere I was referred to complain to the fbi however I'm not sure if I can do that?


    submitted by /u/Salro_
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    My housemate BROKE into my room to have a party and snort COCAINE on MY bed

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    My housemate has been pretty problematic for the past few months. Me and my other housemates haven't been living at the house we rent because of the pandemic amongst various other reasons. "Gene" is the only one living there. Last week when I went back for a day to grab some stuff, Gene threw a party and had a dozen strangers in our home until 1:40am. They were doing various drugs and being incredibly loud and obnoxious. Today my friends sent me a video that Gene took of her with her ass out on my bed with a bunch of her friends hanging out in my room. She literally broke into my room and had a party in which she let her friends snort cocaine off of her ass while she laid down in MY BED. Me and my other housemates texted her to get out of my room and all she said was to call the cops. I have picture and video evidence of her possessing and using cocaine as well as her being in my room without consent (breaking in). What can/should I do????? Also her father is a lawyer :/ (in California)

    submitted by /u/meowitsmichele
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    Water runoff to newly developed land, my responsibility?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    I purchased a house in a completed neighborhood a few years ago. Recently a developer purchased the land that sits downhill from my house and about 15 others on my street. They have now cleared the land and put in streets for what will probably be an additional 20-30 home lots. As part of their clearing of the land they graded it however they wanted in order to make flat lots below. I recently received a letter from the new developer stating that they think water is "illegally" running off the back of my property and into the new vacant lots below. They are saying I need to correct this issue.

    Is this my problem? They bought land below an existing neighborhood and could see exactly how the existing neighborhood is setup, then graded the land, and are now saying since water runs downhill onto their newly graded land it's my issue. I don't have anything unusual setup in my backyard... just a regular backyard with grass.

    This is in Utah.

    submitted by /u/WasatchMF
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    Kansas Employer sold our store to new franchise owners, who slashed our wages while bringing in their family to work for minimum. $13/hr to $9.50. Is this a breach of contract? Could I file for unemployment since I refused to work for the new rate?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Primary questions are in the title.

    For some background: My old sandwhich shop called me up in January saying that the old owner was selling the store to corporate, and needed some experienced workers fast. Got offered $12.50 and knew the job was super easy and I'd be getting a lot of hours, so I took it. 6 months later I had gotten a little raise and was looking to take over GMing the store around the end of the year.

    Without any warning they called us to a meeting, where they introduced us to the new owners they were selling the location to. A lady I hadn't met before (and I know most of corporate by now) was there stressing that we're not being fired, but need to fill out new hire paperwork because we're technically working for someone else. Problem is, that someone else is not maintaining our wages. The new owners are from India, don't speak English very well, and said they'll offer $9.50 to everyone who was a part of the corporate crew. Most of the crew was fine with this since they were making around that much anyway, but myself and another employee were at $13/hr for good reason. Our general manager got the worst end of it, going down from 40k a year salary to the same amount as the rest of us, $9.50/hr and crew status.

    I'm sure they had the lady there stressing this isnt a firing so that we couldn't turn around and claim unemployment, since the new job was 'guaranteed', but is that bologna or legitimate? Is this possibly a breach of contract, and if so, what could I do about it? Is there a way I could speak to an employment lawyer about this, if so, how would I contact them?

    submitted by /u/LoneLegionaire
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    AT&T gave me an offer for “free internet for life”, and then randomly took it away without saying anything (AL)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Back in October 2019, I started internet service with AT&T. They repeatedly overcharged me for my internet plan. Eventually they offered me "Free Internet for Life". Which is 100mbps for $0/month. I asked them if it was a 12 month offer or what. They said it was for life as long as I made no changes to the account.

    Yesterday, I check my bill and they're charging me again, and support is saying they discontinued the offer in early may. This doesn't feel legal of them to do. I held up my end of the offer, and they took theirs away without warning.

    Is there anything I can do here? I feel like if they actually did this to a bunch of people in my position, we might have a case against them.

    submitted by /u/TacoMan42
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    Louisiana, going through a divorce and my future ex(who signed the divorce agreement) put a tracking device in my vehicle.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    the vehicle is in my name alone. Is this legal? agreement states all assets are 50/50 but the loan is under my name alone.

    submitted by /u/idkgr8
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    I'm 17 and getting blackmailed, help.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    AZ, USA

    Back story: I was depressed a bit ago and that caused loneliness, I wanted attention so I sent explicit photos of myself to a man. I regret and I hate myself for it, I'm scared because hes blackmailing me for more. Hes making me be his gf and send him more pictures. I only have a few hours till I'm forced to send him more explicit stuff. I need help, I tried to get help from and online number but they shunned me away because if my age. Idk what to do, I tried to text my counselor to see if she could help but I don't think they will reach her. I want minimal parent involvement because it's my fault not theirs, I dont have much money so I cant but fancy lawyers. I'm scared and anxious. Help

    submitted by /u/isitokaytobethisway
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    Elderly parents in India being threatened by tenant refusing to leave or pay rent after contract. In dire need of help and advice.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    My father is an elderly professor in Delhi. He joined his work at such a time that he will not get pension after retirement. So my parents really try to save but I have much younger siblings and I'm not at a position right now to support them.

    A few years ago, they had bought and renovated a 2bhk apartment to keep tenants.

    The contract of the current tenant (small businessman) expired sometime in February/March. He requested to extend his contract yet never signed it himself. During the Covid lockdown he didn't pay the rent (OK by the Indian govt). But now he's refusing to leave! My father had the police, the local housing association, and realtors involved, but his answer? "you can't make me".

    My parents are old and they should be at home as much as possible in this atmosphere. My father has several heart and health conditions.

    A lawyer would be extremely costly, though I will try to cover for them a bit myself.

    What can I do? Thank you!

    Tldr; parents rented an apartment as a source of small income and the tenant refuses to budge. Need serious advice since parents are old and I am stuck in another country.

    submitted by /u/laradrekko
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    What to do if there is no bike lane?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    According to California laws, I'm not permitted to ride my electric scooter on the sidewalk. Yesterday, I rode my electric scooter and when I approached the intersection, there was no bike lane. I decided to ride on the right lane and stopped at the intersection waiting for a light. I felt bad because there were cars waiting behind me. The right lane I rode on was too narrow for cars to pass.

    submitted by /u/rakhez
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    Wheel came off and hit another vehicle after recent tire rotation and maintenance check

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    I was driving earlier today when all of the sudden my steering became unwieldy and suddenly I lost a rear wheel which struck a car in the oncoming lane. No one was injured but there is some damage to the other vehicle as well as significant damage to my rotor and sheered bolts. The police showed up and we exchanged information, but the driver of the other vehicle was understanding and is willing to wait to see how the auto shop handles this before pursuing an insurance claim. I took the vehicle in for maintenance less than two weeks ago for a top down inspection to make sure it was safe for my newborn daughter and they rotated the tires as part of the service. I have all the original paperwork which lists all the services provided. I had the vehicle towed to the shop which was closed, but I plan on making a visit first thing tomorrow morning. If they aren't willing to make this right on the spot do I have any grounds for action? Thank you.

    edit: This is in the United States and the auto shop is part of a large mid Atlantic chain.

    submitted by /u/Carcinogenica
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    Got a cease and desist order in the mail today from a law firm because of a Google review.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    This is the same lady that sent me an email after I posted the review threating to call CPS on me if i didn't remove the post in 12 hours. I really don't want to remove the review because I feel it is 100% truth. Can I crumple this letter up or should I hire a lawyer to respond?

    submitted by /u/sellingmachine
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    Can I do anything to stop my false accuser

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    When I was 15 I had a fling with a girl but broke it off when I started to go after my now gf

    A year later the girl i had a fling with accused me of sexually assaulting her the year prior but after almost half a year waiting for the discovery to be given to the prosecutor the case was quickly thrown out by the prosecutor

    Now another year later and I am hearing through friends that apparently she is planning on making a post "exposing" me on her twitter (with around 10k followers)

    I'm no longer charged but my case doesn't officially close until late July

    I would've asked my lawyer from last year but she has since retired, would it be good idea to contact a new lawyer to either prevent her post or at least get it taken down soon after its made?

    submitted by /u/Unknown_Luke
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    Should I have to pay for a mechanic to correct his faulty repair?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    TL;DR: I own a boat and a marina made a faulty repair that allowed water to enter my outdrive gear case (essentially the transmission) and cause an oil leak. The marina is now potentially looking to bill me for the additional repairs.

    Full story: I live in Michigan.

    My boat has two outdrives: port (left) and starboard (right). My boat was stored on land at a marina for the winter and I was preparing it to be launched for the season. I changed the gear oil in both outdrives and noticed stripped threads in the dipstick port on the starboard outdrive. Repairing that is beyond my mechanical ability so I contacted the marina's service department and asked them to repair it.

    The marina service department contacted me and said they could either install a Helicoil thread insert or replace the gear case cover that has the stripped threads. I told them I would leave it to their professional judgement as I had reviewed several Internet boating forums and found the Helicoil thread insert to be a common repair method for this failure. Due to flooding of the marina's parking lot, I was unable to access my boat from the time the repair was done until the time it was put into the water at the hoist.

    My wife and I met the boat at the hoist as the marina mechanic was preparing it to be placed in the water. When the boat was placed in the water, a small oil sheen was noticed behind the boat. The mechanic called the service manager over and both chalked the oil sheen up to residual oil from the gear oil changes.

    We piloted the boat to our new marina approximately 16 miles away. After arriving at our new slip, we noticed an oil sheen developing behind our boat and it was only getting worse. We called a local TowBoatUS service to clean up the oil and they towed our boat to the new marina's hoist to be hauled out to stop further oil leakage. I initiated an insurance claim for the oil cleanup and marina hoist fees.

    My insurance decided to hire an independent marine surveyor to represent their interests and confirm the oil did in fact leak from my boat, and if so, what caused the leak. The surveyor contacted the service manager at the marina that made the repair. The surveyor then coordinated to have himself, my new mechanic, and the service manager present to inspect the outdrive that was suspected of leaking. Upon inspection of my outdrives it was visibly obvious that the gear case cover the marina inserted the Helicoil into was sitting higher and had a larger gap between the cover and the gear case body than the cover they did not touch. They found my outdrive was ~75% full of water and the remaining oil was milky indicating water contamination. The leak was determined to be caused by the repair the marina made, and resealing their repair allowed the outdrive to hold pressure confirming that gasket was the leak point. The Helicoil thread insert was seated too deeply and contacting the top bearing which prevented the gear case cover from sealing properly.

    The service manager from marina who made the faulty removed my outdrive and took it back to their shop. He said they would "make it right" and "take care of me". He said he wanted to disassemble the gear case and check the bearings for rust because water had been in the gear case for 2 weeks. He also wanted to check the gears to make sure there was no damage done on my 16 mile trip up to the new marina. He said they would most likely replace the gear case cover with a new one instead of the Helicoil thread insert. I would be willing to pay for the parts cost.

    Two days later, I received a call from the service department requesting authorization to bill 2.5 hours of labor to disassemble the outdrive and inspect the bearings due to water being in the gear case for 2 weeks. After some discussion with the service department, they are now saying they "don't want to point fingers" and "there could be multiple reasons for the leak". I asked if they were going to perform the disassembly, inspection, and reassembly for free and was told they would perform the disassembly and then draft and estimate for any repairs and reassembly.

    I don't believe I should be required to pay any additional labor for their inspections and repairs for damages due to their faulty repair. I already paid 1.5 hours labor for them to remove the gear case cover, insert the Helicoil thread insert (which they did incorrectly by seating it too deeply), and reinstall the gear case cover (which did not seal correctly due to the Helicoil thread insert). Had they opted to replace the gear case cover with a new one, or even simply pressure tested the outdrive to ensure a proper seal, none of this would have happened.

    Should I have to pay additional money for them to correct their mistake and ensure they didn't cause further damage?

    submitted by /u/rjbergen
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    Insane grandmother keeps making false accusations against me

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    US, Tennessee.

    Here's the situation: My grandma has always been eccentric/borderline insane, but usually harmless. The kind of old lady who keeps chickens in her home and mails you a box of random trash/crap across the country, insured for a hundred dollars because it's "valuable." She is a major hoarder.

    Recently, as in the last two-ish years, she has become way more out of touch with reality and had started pulling paranoid stunts. She has called the police to accuse me of stealing her rolling pins, my brother of stealing her mail, and a few months ago actually had two officers over for several hours to have them write a report that she believed I had stolen... I think it was a medallion of her father's? And some pearls. They wrote it up, likely to appease her. This was extremely upsetting to me as I work in healthcare and must pass background checks. A week later a friend convinced her to go to the police station and apologize and explain that she had lied about me and just misplaced her items. But they said they couldn't delete the report. She does have moments where I think she knows what she's saying isn't true, but mostly I think it's real to her.

    Tonight I found out she told a family friend that I stole narcotics from her house!! This is a HUGE red flag for me, because not only do I work in healthcare and have background checks, but I am on controlled substance prescriptions that I have to take. I don't think she has actually officially accused me to police, but I have no way to know that she won't.

    Do I have any way to keep her from making these accusations against me? I have no idea why she targets me out of my family, other than she is paranoid and must be really losing reality. She's completely incapable of being reasoned with. I don't know what to do.

    Can I go to the police and tell them about her? Would it keep them from believing her when she next decides to try to ruin my career and life? If she does go to police, do I have any way to have reports written about me removed? How do I even prove that she's crazy? I have 20+ family and friends that could witness to her erratic and paranoid behavior, I don't have keys/access to her house although it is owned by my father, and I haven't been to her house in probably a year or more. I have never stolen anything from her or anyone else, and I don't know what to do to protect myself.

    Edit: I just found out my mom talked to her doctor and he said he has never prescribed any narcotics to her. My parents told her that if they found out she did have narcotics they would turn her in to the police for illegal drug possession. They also told me if she tried to accuse me again they would work toward getting her admitted to a mental facility. I don't know what else we can do.

    submitted by /u/StarvingMedici
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    My neighbors are killing grass on my property and do not speak English. Is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Here's a photo showing my property line in red and the damage they have done to my yard.

    This is the 3rd time they've sprayed. The first time, I hated it, but wasn't sure it was my property and we had just moved in. Had the land surveyed and yes, the red line is my property. The 2nd time, I knocked on the door, a woman answered and I asked her to please not spray the area, pointed it out and thought she understood, but she didn't hardly speak any English. She lives alone, and the man working on her yard is a family member who also does not speak English. I was under the impression that maybe what I asked for was understood, so I spent money and time putting down top soil and grass seed in that area that was coming in well, only to be killed months later.

    I am absolutely livid. Located in North Carolina. We have an HOA. Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/lbandrew
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    US Citizen Detained in Japan

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    This is a throwaway account for privacy reasons. I will refer to US Citizen as X.

    I am also a US citizen currently in the US seeking advice.

    X was set to return to LAX from Tokyo June 5th. I don't know the exact timeline of events, but the night before their flight, X was drinking. I checked up on X after the last few drunk texts, and my messages weren't received (as indicated by Facebook messenger check marks). This told me that X hasn't had wifi. Worried, I tried all other means of communication and internet activity I could think of (even shared Spotify activity and Nintendo Switch connection). X had gone without contacting me for over 48 hours, and I was beginning to think of the worst. None of X's roommates or family members have heard from them either.

    Today, at the 56 hour mark of X's "disappearance", I received a call from Tokyo. It was a translator for a lawyer. They informed me that they were calling because X did not want anyone in the US to worry. X was detained for accidentally breaking a window (I'm assuming whilst drunk). In the back and forth with the translator and the lawyer, I was informed that it is considered a very small case and that the lawyer is confident X would be out in a couple of days. They also informed me that the most likely solution is paying off the broken window, but that a settlement needs to be made officially first.

    They did give me the lawyer's contact details and the location of where X is detained.

    I was overwhelmed with relief, but now I realize I should have asked several questions on how to proceed. How can I help X?

    My friends in Japan did a little research and verified that the lawyer was legitimate from a law firm. I'm not sure what the appropriate step to take is. I suppose I'm here asking if I should contact the US embassy in Japan or if that would be overreacting since the lawyer told me it was a "very small crime" and not to worry because "they detain people who commit small crimes because of how strict it is in japan but it's no cause for alarm".

    They did insist that they were calling to assure me that X is safe, healthy, and alive. Do I let Japanese law take its course or do I call the US Embassy in Japan? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs here in the US?

    What's the right step?

    submitted by /u/peachshouldbeelite
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    Father in law hit my gf/his daughter(19) (oh)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    So, as the post says. My gf lives with her parents, she's 19, today her and her dad got into a fight over her dad losing her dog. He gets in uer face and pushes her, almost falling off the porch she grabs him to not fall. So he thought she was pushing him and grabed her arms very tight(bruises) and started yelling at her, she said fuck you and he smacked her across the face(marks are visible). Now, even though she lives with them she can still file a suit right? She plans on moving out soon and living with me, but ig those plans have came a bit sooner, so she does have somewhere to go. Just looking for the legality of all this, should we hire an attorney? Is it worth it?

    submitted by /u/fukaduk55
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    Poisoned with laxatives (AR)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Due to Covid-19, I had to move in with some family members until I can work again.

    I put my Brita pitcher in the refrigerator and know others are drinking the water & refilling it. No big deal.

    There are three children in the home, as well.

    I've been feeling ill for some time now but went to stay with a friend for a few days and felt better.

    Tonight, another member of the household told me that my own brother has been filling the pitcher with Mirolax and only told her because he saw her drinking it and complaining about stomach issues.

    I have given my nephew water from this pitcher several times.

    I just dumped it out and threw away the filter.

    Is this a crime if no one ended up in the hospital?

    He's very abusive and has multiple warrants (they won't pick him up, we've tried).

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Whats-Your-Damage
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    Unfair Neighbours complaining?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Hello, So here is the story I live in Ontario Canada. I live in a 2 house kind of semi they're considered condos. The grass is considered all common area there's no like oh this is your space this is ours type thing. We live on the beach , there's a clear divider in our backyard where the grass ends and the beach starts.

    So the condo rules are quite strict, we're not allowed to have anything big in our yards. We can't burn anything but wood in our fire pit . well yesterday for my kids birthday we started the fire with a piece of cardboard to get it going not even a big piece of cardboard maybe a 7 inch by 8 inch piece . Our neighbours called it in and complained about us using a small piece of cardboard to start the fire and called bylaw on us and the housing authority . On top of that we had bought our kid a big inflatable toy this thing is pretty big probably 12 feet by 6 feet . We used it late last night and we left it inflated and tucked it beside our deck where nobody could see it to dry off overnight cause it was late last night when we finished , well the neighbour was out early walking about and saw this beside our deck and called the housing authority again that's twice in two days. I get it , I shouldn't have left it inflated , it's probably legit they called but here's my question

    They literally built a massive deck on the beach (which is a public beach ) they built it so they could sit on it and have a fire at night , well this deck is probably the same size as the inflatable raft I left out for one day 12 foot by 6 foot. I asked them why they're allowed to build a massive deck on public land and we can't have a raft out drying for 12 hours. They said because it's against the housing code to have stuff like that just left there . And they said their deck isn't on the condos land. They said it's public land . Which is true , what this deck is , is it's sitting on 5 big concrete bricks in the sand then made of wood . So the beach isn't public as is everyone comes to swim at it , it's public as in it's behind our houses and anyone could walk down the beach from the public access down the road . Do I have a case if I call the city on them? I know for a fact they never asked the city to put it there. I don't know the bylaws in Ontario nor where to find them. I'm just curious if After all this garbage they've called in on us , has the housing authority on our ass , and it's not even like We rent we OWN the condo we just still have to abide by the associations rules unfortunately .

    Question : Is there a bylaw that I can call in on them and have them have to remove that deck.? I can't imagine you can just put a big deck on public beach like that , and after all the dumb stuff they've called on us for I'd love to have them have to tear out the deck they spent 2 days building

    submitted by /u/Darby1997
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    Can I file for Estate Malpractice?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    This all takes place in Kentucky.

    My brother and I put our dad in contact with a local estate planning attorney we had found online to draft a will in December of 2018. He died January 20th of 2019. My brother and I visited the lawyer to start the estate process at the beginning of February 2019. We were told that notices would have to be put in local papers and probate court would have to be notified and that all of this would take about six months. So we left and checked back late July to discover that the office had neglected to file the case or place notices at all. They apologized and said they would file it right away and to check back again after the six month period. During that time my brother moved out of state to Utah. I visited the office in January to inquire about the status of the estate only to be told the person handling it was out for the day, but that they would call me soon as there was paperwork I needed to sign. I was never called. My brother has made repeated phone calls to the office to speak with the person handling the case only to be told they are not there for the day and they will call him back. He has never received a call back. Every time I have visited the office to inquire about the status of the case no one can tell me anything about, not even whether any claims have yet been filed against the estate.

    This is not a large estate, my brother and I were the sole heirs, and no one has disputed the will. The estate was primarily a single bank account with $10k in it, two cars more than fifteen years old, and a house valued at around $25k. We did not sell the house as part of the estate as I've spent the past year living in it to reduce expenses while finishing my last year of university. It is however now June and I have graduated, and I would like to start the process to try to sell the house so that I can move and find better work opportunities elsewhere given my new educational status. Obviously we cannot sell it until the estate has been finalized.

    Would it be advisable at this point to try speaking to another attorney about filing for estate malpractice or do I not have any sort of case?

    submitted by /u/Charlem99
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    I don’t have control of my legal documents, how do I get out of my home?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I'm (18F) currently a college student who has been forced to go back to living full time at my abusive mothers (60F) house. Recently she's been having more and more breakdowns with this last breakdown finally involving a police visit.

    Nothing came of the visit except for our dog being taken away, which was fully needed. She had been the only caretaker of the dog while I was away and her mental state lead to her no longer taking him to the groomers or the vet. He lost a ton of weight and his fur. Upon getting back home I was shocked and devastated to see his state and urged her to take him to the vet, which she claimed she would for weeks, going so far as to fake appointments. This is typical behavior for her as she's even done this to me when I was younger. I had managed to get him to gain a little bit of weight and grow some hair back but he was still in bad shape. I wasn't able to take him to the vet myself because I don't currently have a license and she spends 24/7 on the couch next to him, so I could not sneak him out of the house.

    I fully believe that her mental state is deteriorating, as she makes threats like burning down the house and a few minutes later saying that she's gonna fix up our house and sell it. But she believe that this will happen in a period of 1-2 days. She controls all of my assets and personal documents like my social security card, birth certificate, etc, with her flying into a rage every time I ask for anything. I'm currently trying to convince her to move into a senior living community with our dog (although he may be going to my sister, fingers crossed) so that both of them will be looked after. What steps should I be taking to set myself up to be completely independent? Are there any legal pitfalls I should be looking at?

    submitted by /u/TheStageHand
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