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    Financial Independence Daily FI discussion thread - June 07, 2020

    Financial Independence Daily FI discussion thread - June 07, 2020

    Daily FI discussion thread - June 07, 2020

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply!

    Have a look at the FAQ for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked.

    Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I stopped caring about FIRE the instant I RE'd

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    I discovered FIRE about 6 or 7 years ago. At first, I was obsessed with it. I read all the blogs, tried all the super-frugal tips, made plenty of excel spreadsheet projections, checked my investment balance daily, etc. But after a while, it became repetitive and my interest waned. There really wasn't much to this whole FIRE thing. But no matter how boring or repetitive the content on this sub was, I checked it every day because my thoughts always drifted back to FIRE.

    FIRE was hope for me. Every day I woke up and as my consciousness miraculously reconstituted itself and I recalled who I was, where I was, and what I'd soon be doing with this precious and limited gift of life I'd once again been granted, there was a 5 out of 7 chance my first thought would be "Oh god...not another one of these..." My job was miserable, but the people who set the salary knew it was miserable and paid appropriately high amounts in order to keep some poor schmuck doing it. The dominant, rational part of me rejected changing careers or fields. Maximizing your earnings is the most efficient way to minimize your career length. You can endure this! So whenever work became too much to bear, I always found myself fantasizing about FIRE. The day I could buy my freedom. The day I would own myself.

    Somehow I made it six years on pure fumes and cynicism. Looking back, I'm not sure how I did it. I'd always planned to make a "I just RE'd!" post here and get told to go fuck myself. But the moment I retired I just allowed myself to be swept up by life. I let my whims guide me for the first time in over a decade, rather than carefully rationing out available time. I started doing things I "didn't have time for" before. I started writing for fun, I paid more attention to relationships I'd been neglecting, I played the same video game 3 times through back to back just because I wanted to, I went down wikipedia rabbit holes for hours, I and a friend became obsessed with a board game and sunk over 100 hours into it (and counting), etc etc.

    Today was the first time since I RE'd two months ago that I remembered that I used to be really into FIRE. Used to. As soon as my career was out of the picture and my hope was realized, I had no further reason to fantasize - I was living it. Upon returning to this sub and browsing through these familiar-looking threads, I found they held no appeal to me. If anything, they make me feel uneasy. They remind me of a bleaker time.

    I'm not sure if I made a mistake. Maybe I'd have been better off on the whole if I'd taken a lower-paid, less miserable job. Maybe it would've made those years easier to bear. But if I did that, I wouldn't be retired right now. And I wouldn't wake up each weekday with a smile, deeply appreciating just how lucky I am.

    submitted by /u/Jephta
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    FIRE Safety?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    I literally have spent the last few hours watching the True Crime Daily YouTube channel. One common theme I noticed across the videos I watched is people being murdered over finances. One of the more recent cases - which some may already know of - is the case of Daniel Wozniak. For those who don't know, he heartlessly killed two people, killing the main victim (Samuel Herr) over $62k because he was in 'financial distress' and had an upcoming wedding he couldn't afford. At some point in the friendship, Sam must've been transparent to Daniel about his funds because during Daniel's eventual confession, Daniel admits to killing Sam solely because of the money.

    Now I'm not trying to turn this sub dark with this post, but analyzing these various stories made me truly understand why so many folks are silent about their financial situation in life -- being too open can make you an unknowing target and put you in indirect grave danger.

    So to turn this into more of a discussion, how transparent are you guys about your financial situation/wealth in real life?

    submitted by /u/EndlessEvolution
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    Feeling inspired, get my financial life in order

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Can I just say how inspirational you guys all are? 33 here, soon to be divorced. I've always had this vague idea of early retirement to get a camper van and travel the country, then the world. My soon to be x was never really sold on the idea. He doesn't trust the stock market so only saves cash really, plus talking about money was always a bit/really awkward.

    I have taken this new chapter to really buckle down and plan, now that I am the only one I am accountable to. My net worth is -90k! This is mostly due to a large student loan debt of 260k. However that large student loan has allowed me a 4 day a week job making about 200k a year. My plan of attack is this:

    • Learn enough about financial management I feel comfortable letting go of my financial advisor who is $1500 per year plus management fees 😳😳

      ~ Question: so far I've read simple path to wealth, white coat investor and am working my way through the Bogleheads guide to investing.... any other suggestions for a beginner?

    • Get my emergency fund up to 50k ( at about 36k now due to my office being closed from the pandemic)

      ~ Question: right now I have this money just sitting in a WF checking account. Where should I put this money so it is easily accessible but also doing a bit of work? ally savings is 1.25 %... do I move a chunk there and just keep 10k in checking?

    • Fully fund my 401k (company not matching right now due to pandemic) which is currently at 75k

      ~ Some have said to just throw everything at loans, but with a super high tax bracket it seems silly not to take advantage of anything that lets me save and reduce my tax liability.... plus I don't feel like I'm missing out entirely on compounding

      ~ Alloctions : 75% stock like VTSAX, 25% bond sound reasonable? I would prefer to keep investments to the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid)

    • Fully fund my IRA which mg advisor has been converting to a backdoor Roth IRA (at 20k right now)

      ~ sample allocation as above?

      • Open and fully fund HSA to further help reduce tax liability

      ~ Question: can you invest this money while in an HSA or the cash has to sit there? - Anything left over goes to student loans (at 4.87%)

      ~ going to look at refinancing to about 4% once I get some good paychecks and my STBXH takes the house out of forbearance 🙄 - My house (which I am hoping to keep in the divorce) is 230k left at 3.75%, right now it just seems like it's the last priority after student loans and maximizing pretax contributions.

      ~ even if I have to pay my STBXH some (we've only been here 3 years so not much equity), I think it would still be cheaper than paying closing costs to sell and buy (where I live renting is actually more expensive that buying, especially with two dogs). - Driving a 2009 Lancer - I think it has some time to it, I might splurge and fix the AC. If something catastrophic happens, I want enough in saving for a 2-3 yr old Corolla. - When I write down my budget, after savings, loan payments, disability etc, I basically live on about 4K a month. I would like to aim for retirement at 55 - 60. Based on the 3-4% rule I'm looking at about 1.5 mil (would feel safer with 2)

    Ideas I am throwing around to help money wise ~ get a roommate ~ pick up a day or two a month

    Any input or advice/constructive criticism is always welcomed. I am just starting on this financial literacy path. I feel a lot of people in the financial world see a title and see dollar signs, but I'm learning no one is going to take care of my money better than me! So here's to learning!

    submitted by /u/Fizzlefazzle86
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    Growing your net worth besides real estate

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Assuming that someone has hypothetical savings of 100k, what are some solid investment opportunities to grow your net worth passively?

    I have dabbled in stock market, but have been on the sidelines recently because of the intense volatility.

    Real estate is something that I have never been able to wrap my head around because of debt that it involves. (Maybe I am wrong here?)

    Any suggestions on how to have a steady passive cashflow each month to FIRE?

    submitted by /u/throwingaway400010
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    16 and willing to gain knowledge through books

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Helli so I recently turned 16 and I want to gain as much knowledge through reading books especially on topics such as self development stock market investing real estate and general personal finance books

    I have started doing this for the past month after my birthday and I have read rich dad poor dad and how to win friends and influence people and I am looking for more suggestions Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Comicspy
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    Why do you make more than what you need?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    I can retire comfortably in the country I grew up in. It's pretty nice here. Much better than US for me.

    But I want to be able to retire in any country and any city. What if a war starts and my investments lose value too much value in the midst of a situation where its really hard to make money here?

    I also want to be able to fatFIRE because... why not?

    I am trying to come up with a definite number to aim. I went through some calculations and scenarios but just got frustrated. How do you decide on the number? My primal brain is like hey you have enough so just chill but I think my primal brain is stupid, yet in control sadly.

    submitted by /u/YER-A-WIZARD-HARRYY
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