• Breaking News

    Friday, June 5, 2020

    Legal Advice I recently found out that my grandparents left me 50k when they died years ago. My dad used that money without me knowing.

    Legal Advice I recently found out that my grandparents left me 50k when they died years ago. My dad used that money without me knowing.

    I recently found out that my grandparents left me 50k when they died years ago. My dad used that money without me knowing.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Throwaway account for obvious reasons.

    I was talking to my mom today and she revealed something very interesting to me. My grandparents, when they died, left all of us grandkids 50k each.

    I don't have all of the info yet, but my mom said that all of us kids had accounts (or maybe cheques or something?) with the 50k in them that were only supposed to only be accessed by us kids, when we turned 18.

    I don't know if that money was left to us in a will, or if it was put into an account before they passed. I think this all happened right before they died so they could 'gift' us the money to avoid paying taxes or something?? (I'm only in my early 20's I have no idea how this shit works lol)

    Apparently, after my grandparents died (like 15 years ago) my father got his lawyer to do some shady shit and somehow accessed all of our money, which he then used to buy a house for himself.

    Now I never even knew about this money and i certainly never gave my father permission to access this money (I was only 8 when they died anyways, i couldn't consent to that back then)

    I don't have any physical proof of this money ever existing though, just my mom's word. I don't know how I can even find out if this money ever existed and don't know if this is something I would even be able to sue my dad for.

    Any thoughts for next steps? Is this something that I could pursue? Would this be worth pursuing?

    Tl;dr: My grandparents apparently left me money when they died. My pos dad used that money to buy himself a house. I don't know if I can get that money back bc I don't have proof of it existing.

    Some additional info:

    Edit#1: We all live in the states (FL)- we moved out of the country for a few years when I was younger so that's why i spell it 'cheque'

    Edit#2: I'm 99% what my mom's saying is true. There is a bit of animosity between my parents for sure- but my mother has never lied to me before. She's also a nun and lying is against her religion.

    Edit #3: My siblings and I are the only grandchildren of my grandparents. None of us knew about this money.

    submitted by /u/Bitter-Lingonberry
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    Possibly the final update for stolen lake house.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:12 PM PDT


    post one

    post two

    Detective solved the case! Property preservation company is claiming full responsibility. They had the wrong house. None of the houses they owned out there had lot numbers on them in their system so they just ASSumed and went with it.

    Yes my mom is in contact with her atty before she settles. There is so much more that goes into this than just $30k worth of missing things. She asked if the DA is going to take the case he said they could but he advised her to contact her atty Monday before making that decision.

    The lake association had their monthly meeting. At which time the president informed everyone that the no trespassing signs weren't real. So my take on the neighbors is they are just assholes. But the detective called and talked to her so I'm sure they are aware now. I just am ready for it all to be over and I appreciate the amount of notice this has gotten here. My family is very impressed with all of you. ❤️

    submitted by /u/XRainbowCupcakeX
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    Mom was bit by the autistic neighbor while he tried to break into our house and climb into our pool.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    To start, we live in the US and specifically in MD.

    Our neighbors have been friends of ours for many years now, but time has separated us and now we rarely talk. They have their hands full with their severely autistic child who recently turned 18. He used to go to a home during the day, but now the place he was staying during the day has closed due to the pandemic. Our county has assigned a rotating schedule of at-home caretakers for the time being, but the caretakers are typically older.

    The past few weeks, our neighbors' autistic child has been escaping the supervision of his caretakers. When doing this, he runs into our house and takes the nearest VHS tapes he can find. Our front door is normally unlocked while we are home, so he runs right in. we have attempted to physically restrain him but I do not want to hurt him because we are scared of charges being pressed if he was hurt. I'm not sure of the trespassing laws protect us if something were to happen. All he is after are some VHS Tapes. The third time he entered our house, we had moved the VHS tapes and he became violent. His caretaker arrived a few minutes later and helped him out of the house. Of course, we more frequently began to lock our doors. We should have started making a habit of locking our doors earlier but going inside and outside is frequent while everyone is home. Luckily, the locked doors prevented a few attempts at getting in.

    This morning he escaped again and tried to get into our house. The front door was locked but we heard him trying to body-slam the door to get in. He ran around to the back of our yard through our open fence and tried to get into the back door. That was locked as well. My mom was in the room and witnessed him trying to get in the back door. After he realized the attempt was fruitless, he decided to try to get into our above-ground swimming pool. The ladder to get into and out of the pool was locked, so he started to climb over the 4 ft wall to get in, tearing apart the top of the pool while he was at it. Mom, assuming he could not swim, attempted to restrain him from getting in the pool because we did not want him to drown, and did not want to be liable if he drowned. By now the caretaker had arrived and watched the following scene unfold. He turned and elbowed my mom in the ribs until she loosened her grip, then bit her forearm enough to draw blood. She immediately called for the caretaker to help release him, but she was able to free herself. She has since visited a medical professional and was prescribed antibiotics and a tetanus shot.

    We do not want to press charges because we know the parents and the caretakers personally, but something needs to change. How do we protect ourselves legally if he were to get hurt on our property? What can we do to protect ourselves in this situation? Should we attempt to restrain him? Just let him be? Should I give my mom pepper spray for protection? We are planning on contacting the parents again tonight, but they are aware this is happening. Thanks in advance for any insight you may have for our family.

    submitted by /u/Scottaviusb
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    My wife was injured by falling construction materials from the neighbors house.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Hello, I am hoping for some guidance on what to do going forward.

    I live in a major metropolitan area, and as a result houses are very close together in my neighborhood. The next door house to us was previously owned by a absent landlord who let the house fall into disrepair. As a result the city had condemned the property and the city inspector had a long list of repairs that would be required to allow for it to be occupied again.

    The landlord ended up selling the property over the winter and when spring came the new owner has hired several different trades and contractors to come over and do various interior and exterior projects, including most recently a completely new roof.

    The roof was so bad that it needed to be completely removed and new trusses built up. Yesterday they began to put new sheathing on the roof, made of 5/8" sheets of OSB. While my wife was on our deck, in our back yard, potting some plants, an unsecured 4'x8' sheet of OSB came sliding off the neighbor's single story roof and hit her in the face. She called her father hysterical after taking a pretty solid blow to the face, and by the time he got over with his wife to our house, my wife was laying on the deck with the two main contractors consoling her.

    Shortly after they arrived, my wife started to get loopy and did a few things that made no sense, like trying to take cover under a chair on the deck. This was soon followed by a 4-5 minute seizure, which she does not have a history of having. My in-laws called 911 and an ambulance took her to the hospital. She had multiple more seizures on the way to the hospital.

    She was discharged from the hospital last night, and told to periodically ice her face, and continue to take ibuprofen and Tylenol. I'm not entirely confident that the hospital gave her the best care, and my brother who is a nurse has suggested we try to get her into a neurologist today since the hospital did not find a cause for the seizures.

    I'm not sure what to do going forward, there is more work to be done next door, and we have the business card for the contractor.

    Should we be contacting a personal injury attorney? Do we need to contact the city safety/building inspector about the workplace incident? What should we be doing?

    Edit: I'm located in the Minnesota, USA

    submitted by /u/Captain_Worf
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    Dealership "stole" back my vehicle

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    I'm a first time car buyer and completely unsure about how to deal with this situation.

    Purchased a used jeep from a dealer back in January. Had it repossessed months later due to financing not being approved. I inquired the manager about locating the jeep so I can retrieve my personal belongings and he claimed to not know where it was. Also inquired about finding new financing or what my options were. None of my questions were answered. Called them and left messages and emails that haven't been returned. I just want my personal stuff and my down payment and payments I made to them returned.

    More info: the jeep is back for sale on the same lot. Odometer is set back to the mileage from when I first attempted to purchase it.

    Located in Northern Virginia

    submitted by /u/lurksnomore7
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    Tiananmen Square FOIA request denied

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    My great uncle was an American journalist in China during the Tiananmen Square incident. He told our family how the US state department came to his hotel, took him back to the US and confiscated all the videos and photos he had taken. He managed to keep a few hidden which ended up making it into the public eye but told us there were dozens of other videos and photos. After he passed away we've been trying to track those down. Today marks the 3rd year in our search. We've filed FOIA requests but the response has been that it does not exist. Is there anything else that can be done?

    submitted by /u/746865646f6374
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    What can I do about a guy illegally dumping on my property when the police won't pursue it?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    I have HD footage of a guy illegally dumping on my property. I have license plates, a clear shot of his face, and the vehicle he used. I went to the police to file a complaint against the guy, but the officer gave me excuse after excuse and never even bothered with the footage. I gave him the license plate #'s and he came back with some stuff about how it's a stored vehicle and that there's nothing on record about this truck.

    I did a quick search and found the plates match the year, make, and model of the truck used to dump trash on my property.

    What should I do now?

    submitted by /u/CreepyCrab2
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    My lease ends in September and my landlord has recently put the house on the market, scheduling 5 showings a day in the time it has been listed.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    The house has been on the market (Orlando, Fl) since Tuesday (5/2/20). I've now received a message from the landlord asking me to accommodate additional showings tomorrow (Saturday) starting at 9am.

    My girlfriend and I are currently working from home, so the house is also our office at the moment. We're both having to schedule our work day, virtual meetings with clients, etc. around 5+ house showings per day.

    Also, as with the rest of the country/world, we're still in the middle of a pandemic. The landlord has provided masks/gloves/booties for people coming to see the house; however, I'm still concerned about the number of people coming in and out everyday, some of whom may potentially be asymptomatic and spreading the virus in the place where we sleep, eat, live.

    I have politely brought these points to her attention, basically getting the response that the number of weekday showings will continue as is and "well to be honest, weekends will probably be busier."

    Considering the WFH situation and ongoing pandemic, not to mention the simple ability to relax in our own home from time to time, do I have any recourse here?

    I should mention that she has been providing 24hr notice prior to scheduling showings.

    submitted by /u/jag_dog_91
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    Landlord asking me to pay for repairs

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    ST LOUIS MO - Hello! I am renting an apartment and have been here about a month. The unit was advertised to have washer and dryer hookups, and when I toured there was a visible wall outlet for a dryer, along with the neighboring units dryer hooked up to a wall outlet. After signing the lease, moving in and bringing my own dryer, I have found out That the outlet I saw doesn't actually work and they conveniently forgot to mention anywhere it's only gas dryer hookup for my unit. They are asking me to pay for the outlet to be put in working condition, and when I challenged that they said it wasn't out there by them but a previous tenant so it's not their responsibility. I am insisting that since the lease agreement says landlord is responsible for maintaining the electrical system that it's their responsibility. I've been renting for a while but I've never encountered something like this, and I'm not sure if I'm right in insisting it's their financial responsibility. If need be I can upload the part of the lease agreement that pertains to this

    submitted by /u/sourdandy
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    Unannounced and unfinished apartment maintenance in California

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I have lived in a one bedroom apartment in California for 6 months. Upon move in 2 doors in the apartment did not have door knobs and the light switch in the kitchen had no cover. I have brought these issues to my apartment managers attention three times and nothing has been fixed. 2 weeks ago my apartment manager told me they would be changing the water heater in my unit on the 15th of the month. I agreed to this. On the 1st of the month (Monday), I woke at 8:30 am to a maintenance worker letting himself into my apartment unannounced. He informed me the manager had given him the key to change the water heater. As I work from home I gathered my things to find WiFi and work elsewhere. Upon returning to my apartment that afternoon I saw that the door to the water heater closet had been ripped off and my apartment was left a disaster. When I called my manager very frustrated, I was told that the door would be fixed the following morning (Tuesday). Again, I packed up and left my apartment, and upon returning found the door had not been touched. I called again and was told the maintenance people had rescheduled for Thursday. At this point I emailed the apartment owner, and told him all this information including about the doorknobs and light switch cover. He told me to take $50 off my rent and that he was taking this issue "VERY seriously". On Thursday, the door again did not get fixed. I have not payed rent for this month based on these issues. I emailed the apartment owner again telling him all these things and asked for further reduction in rent based on all the inconvenience. He responded with a rude email basically saying sorry for the nuisance and to speak with the apartment manager (who was part of the initial problem). What rights as a tenant do I have here? What should my next move be legally?

    submitted by /u/gfhuscher
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    Credit Union is keeping wife's direct deposit to pay my debt.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    This is in PA

    Last year I closed my credit Union account. They didn't actually close it, so an automatic payment that should have bounced off didn't and caused fees I didn't know about since they never sent notice. We found out when they filed a claim with the magistrate, and the case was closed in our favor. This was early fall of 2019.

    My wife has never been on the account but a direct deposit from her school recently went there because of a mix up when entering Direct Deposit info (we both took classes). Due to the CARES act she got a small refund for the Fall term and we expected it to be returned to the school. After contacting the credit union, they have informed us that my account is still opened and therefore they are keeping the amount of the fees, and if we have a problem they will see us in court.

    Is it legal for them to keep her direct deposit and is there some way to ensure they actually close the account?

    submitted by /u/WaltersToupee
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    Mom has been keeping track of how much money she has spent on me - am I legally required to pay her back?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Since the age of 18 my mom has been keeping track of how much money she has spent on me. From eating out, basic life necessities when I didn't have a job to university costs and everything in between. I'm currently 25 living in ontario. My dad and her are legally separated (when I was 19) but have not officially divorced. I do not talk to my dad. He gave me 10 000 for university but verbally said he didn't expect to see the money back. I did not know of my moms "tab" at first but I found out a couple years ago. I've struggled with university and keeping a solid job. Got diagnosed and medicated for adhd and things have been a lot better. She has saved me from eviction so has put a decent amount of money into keeping me off the streets and fed etc. She has not been fully open with how much this "tab" is at. Pretty sure it's in the 50 000+ range. I have not finished university and will probably not be making a lot of money throughout my lifetime. I finally have some savings for the first time in my life. However, I will probably never be able to own a home. I have never signed any contract or official document saying that I agree to pay back this money. I don't mean to be unappreciative of the things she has done for me but in reality it will take me many many years to even start paying off this debt. She knows I have started saving money and is getting more and more pissed that I'm not giving her money. Does she have any legal standing to get this money back? She's getting older as well. Upon her death do my siblings have any grounds to get this money from me? If there is money from her death could they just take that money owed from my portion?

    submitted by /u/piratefker
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    Can a car repair shop charge you for things you didn’t take your car there for?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Took my car in for a problem with stalling shortly after turning on and after returning to the shop they claim they fixed $3000 worth of things but never fixed the issue I brought it in for. I told them I wanted the original issue fixed and they said since they couldn't figure it out they would take it into a dealership to let them fix it (and they would pay for it). A few weeks go by and we ask about the situation and they say they never took it to the dealership because they didn't know what was wrong with it(?). They're practically holding the car hostage and won't give updates or anything on the situation. Can they charge me for those things I never asked to be fixed? Location: Kansas

    submitted by /u/Mdballew
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    Told boss I needed to go to the hospital, told to go to the office first & FIRED.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Really was not given a fair chance, exhausted and defeated. I was almost out of the probation period, can I still file a human rights complaint or anything?

    Canadian citizen, got hired during quarantine and all work was over the phone and email. Case worker position helping people fresh out of prison find housing, investigate their needs and connect them with available services, ect. Was given a performance report about 2 weeks ago that was super vague, but pretty much impossible to measure but I tried my best to follow up and was even told I improved but needed to do more, again vague. Was essentially set up to fail, given only 3 cases after the performance report, usually 7+. Essentially Given less cases and worse yet the clients refused to pick up or family never knew where they were so there was basicially nothing I could even do. I asked about performance and said I wanted to do better and about my cases and the communication but not really given any feedback. Whenever I would try and figure out what exactly it was I needed to improve I would get a run around she said she would readdress performance in 2 weeks and that we would talk more about expectations, that was yesterday. Someone from part time just went full time, so I assume it was already decided. after that talk the mention of 2 weeks sounded like I was gonna be fired so I talked to a nice coworker and she offered to give training since she didn't get training when she was new either, she talked to the boss and was told they wouldn't allow it because her clients are slightly different, seemed like bullshit then, obviously was now.

    The illness is crohns disease, which if you don't know is basicially inflamed intestines, constant pain and nausea from the swelling, and the nastiest diarrhea. Had a flare up, put on immune suppressants, then a bladder infection that leaded to a kidney infection, and had just got antibiotics for that which gave some strength back. They were told of the meds, when and why, knew I had a week left of the immunosuppressant meds, which probably still remains for some time but I digress. the job was great cus it could be done from home because of covid and got put on them meds at the same time. This week they opened the office and extended hours to 10/day which they originally said they would never do, which was originally perfect because of Crohn's but obeyed in fear of loosing becuase the job is needed. got individual office with nobody else on account of immune system being suppressed for another week still and people dont like that I assume. they knew that immune system was compromised and was still expected to drive these guys who just got out to their new housing and put together a coffee get together and was in agreement because I already felt like I'd get fired for this illness again. At the workplace this morning I was exhausted, could barely even get out of bed. Its hard to stay hydrated especially when you have constant diarrhea and the feeling of dehydration from shitting your guts out is all to familiar. told her might have to go to the hospital for fluids and she told me to come to the office and fired me for poor performance. Then I went to the hospital, defeated.

    submitted by /u/upboatugboat
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    My Pharmacist won't refill my prescription any more because its too expensive.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    This is in NC.

    I went to pick up my prescription refill today and my pharmacist said that after this refill, they will no longer refill my prescription, even though I have multiple refills left on my script.

    They told me that "your insurance sucks", and they're losing too much money on my prescription (a zero cost to me BC) and won't refill for me specifically any longer. They said they carry the same medication for other customers and will continue to do so. Given that this doesn't hit the 'conscious clause' birth control refusal normally does, is this a legal refusal?

    submitted by /u/GWillikers_
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    Landlord charging for dumpster not in our lease?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:44 AM PDT


    RI here. My landlord sent an email about a month ago saying that he was getting a dumpster for my house and the two next to mine, which he also owns, for move out. He said he would charge every tenant $25 for the dumpster since we would all be using it. I didn't mind because I knew I would need to use it, and $25 wasn't an upsetting amount. That message had no information on what could and couldn't be thrown into the dumpster (though the dumpster said no explosives, etc.). Today I got an email saying that we would have to pay $400 for putting mattresses in the dumpster and that if the person who the mattresses in there did not identify themselves, we would all be charged for it. Then he said he was getting another dumpster and charging all of us another $25. Since this isn't part of our lease, and we were never told about the mattress fee, how responsible are we for ever paying the fee? We never asked for it, and it wasn't a part of any contractual or verbal agreement.


    submitted by /u/CaymusP
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    [Meridian, ID] Been in my townhome for just over a week, landlord ignoring us

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Hello, we just moved into a brand new townhome: we are the first to live in it, it was build mid-last year.

    We did our initial walk through and noted, the vinyl flooring peeling. Made a maintenance ticket after letting them know after our walkthrough and they said "Well have you made a maintenance ticket? That's what it's there for" and walking away from us before we could ask HOW to make a maintenance ticket.

    The half-bath toilet doesn't have enough water pressure to flush a sheet of toilet paper.

    Hot and cold water is swapped for the bath tub in the master.

    Gaps between the wall and the trim, trim doesn't run all the way to the corner in a lot of places--maybe I'm being nit-picky on this because I did work in construction, but it's really not that hard to cut trim to the length of the wall.

    Stair railing isn't completely secure, went in to tighten the screws and it doesn't feel like there are wall anchors.

    The master bathroom lock doesn't work because they installed the privacy knob with the lock on the inside and passage knob on the outside, so it doesn't have the complete internal locking mechanism.

    Three days in and our stove is no longer working--both the stove top and the oven. The warming element does heat up but nothing else does. Thinking the thermal fuse is bad.

    We submitted an urgent ticket immediately and have been having microwave dinners, cold food, ad eating delivery. We have heard nothing. When we reached out to the property manager for help, they said they "Couldn't help us and we just needed to wait for maintenance to follow up."

    They also did not provide a washer/dryer which a friend of mine mentioned that they were required to, but I couldn't find anything--in the contract or some of the "Know your rights" websites.

    What the heck can I do? There is a lot of basic bad construction in our townhouse (and of course we didn't get to see the specific one we were given until we started moving in). But I'd like to stop wasting money on take out. Can I get out of my lease without losing my deposit? Can I send them a certified letter to get my stuff fixed? Can I go after them for repair costs if I have to do it myself?

    I don't want to be that tenant, but they have been awful. We didn't make maintenance tickets for the BS stuff like the trim pulling away from the wall, just let them know that the construction of the home has some aesthetic issues and took photos so our security deposit isn't yoinked. But we have for safety hazards--stair rail, bathtub switch, toilet not flushing, no stove, etc.--and for things that could get worse if not taken care of--the lifting vinyl

    submitted by /u/OMG_A_Thing
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    Seller wants to terminate contract 19 days from closing date.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    Bear with me bc I am a bit frustrated at this moment in time but I need legal advice. My wife and I are purchasing a home and under contract for a property and have been for at least a month now. Today, my real estate agent called me to tell me that since the sellers have yet to find a property to move into/purchase out of state they want to terminate the contract and ultimately stay in the property. Mind you, we have already given notice to my current landlord and told him we'd be out but the end of June (he already has people lined up to rent so there's no way we can stay) invested thousands in the property already with inspections and appraisals, what are my rights? There was no contingency clause or no mention of needing to find a permanent residence before closing. Please help me figure this out.

    Thank you,

    a frustrated and worried human.

    Edit: closing is scheduled for June 26th.

    submitted by /u/BoopBoop20
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    I am a successor co-trustee for my gradfather's trust. He died in June of 2019. Should I have received any notice or paperwork by now?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    My grandfather set up a "Revocable Living Trust" in California back in the 1990s and he passed away last June. I have not received any communication/paperwork about his trust since he died, despite the fact that I am due a "gift" of a certain some of money, and am also listed as a successor co-trustee after my mom, aunt, and uncle pass away. The succession line is: His Daughter #1 is first successor trustee, then Son #1 and Daughter #2 are successor co-trustees, then Daughter #3 and Granddaughter #1 (me) are the next successor co-trustees. There are no more successor trustees after that because I am his last living issue. My question is: Should I have received some type of communication from anyone at this point? Or is it my responsibility to reach out to the firm that put together the trust, or the current trustee? I want to be respectful towards my family, but I also want to see any paperwork/accounting I am entitled to. The trust is quite large and I want to ensure that it's being managed per my grandfather's wishes. Thank you for any input.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway4AdvicePlea
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    My mom (57) has been online dating with a traveling contractor. Was sent a check out of the blue for a significant amount of money to hold onto.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    SO some background. My mom has been online dating for a bit and recently was raving about how much she loved someone she started dating. Dude is a railroad contractor who does contract bidding overseas. Recently (after about 3 months of dating) he sends my mother a business check to hold onto to the tune of $4.2 Million dollars from the phillipines. I reverse searched his website and found it's identical to another Railroad contracting website down to the HTML, logo, everything, just with the name swapped. They have not instructed anything be done regarding it, but only wanted visual validation she received it. This stinks to high heaven though. I've currently contacted our states AG office regarding the issue for possible advisory. However, she currently has the check still.

    What do I do here? While I feel this is a scam, the amount on the check has me worried its part of something larger.

    submitted by /u/DanSyron
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    Evicted when I wasn’t living there

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    So, about 5 years ago I was staying with a girlfriend in a basement apartment. I worked 50 hours a week and was kind of a shy person so I didn't ever have any contact with the landlord. I didn't sign a lease or ever hand over rent. My girlfriend told me she was giving her rent. But, she wasn't; spending the money out of my account on whatever.

    Well, right before I was forced to move out (I'll get to that) a realtor or some kind of representative came knocking. Revealing to me that we were 2 months behind on rent. I didn't have a way to just come up with this money.

    But, within a week or so there was a light domestic dispute between us. The cops came and removed me from the premises. She tried to stop me from leaving and I had to shove her off of me. She got a small bruise on her chest and her friends called the cops. In Virginia regardless of how she feels, the charges can't be dropped until a court case is carried out. And this led to me basically being given a restraining order. Obviously I wasn't allowed to live there anymore. I took the case without a lawyer and lost obviously. This has been expunged since and my record is now clean.

    Well, years down the road. That eviction went through. But, they never summoned me and I was never given the opportunity to pay it off. In fact, by the time I found out I had already moved to Arkansas. Landlord won the case because I never showed up ; and if my ex did, she never thought to say I wasn't living there even though she stayed until the court case finalized.

    My rental history and credit since then are fine. Everything is paid on time always. But, I just got declined for an apartment after explaining what I knew to a complex in Washington state. Which is where I am now.

    What I don't know is if my ex forged my name on a lease or how to get in contact with this landlord to find out any information. I mentioned the forgery because she actually forged my name to buy a Jeep in my name. Obviously, I don't sound like the most intelligent individual and I can't really argue that here. I also acknowledge that my chances of defending myself are null. How do I get this eviction off of my record, if possible?

    Also, AFAIK my ex is on the run with three felonies for grand larceny and credit fraud and I haven't spoken to her since 2015. So, my chances of getting a hold of her are minimal.

    submitted by /u/Arrow-Titanous
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    My landlord had someone move into my room on my lease...

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    Hey /r/legaladvice,

    so about 3 months ago I moved out of my apartment as my roommates mental health unraveled to the point where she made it unsafe for me to be there. At the time I let my landlord know that I wouldn't be living there but I would continue paying rent.

    Today I went there to grab some of my stuff to find that there was somebody living in my room. I talked to her and she said that she got permission from my landlord to live there for free. Instantly I was furious and contacted my landlord to ask her if she knew about it. Her response was "Yes I did thanks".

    I feel pretty disgusted that my landlord had this person living in my home without telling me and even more disgusted that my landlord would have me continue paying rent with a stranger living in my apartment.

    Now I'm just confused as to what to do next. I want to try to get the money back that she charged me or I want to overall stop paying rent for this apartment. Are there any legal steps that I should be making or have I dug myself in a hole?


    submitted by /u/whipworm
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    I’m being blackmailed advice needed

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    I have recently started being blackmailed and need advise on what I can do. I am a white woman in my 50s in Georgia. Several years ago my husband and I were in a rough patch. At his request I started meeting black men for him to watch and video. I know this was not a good idea. We did it about 5 times over about 2-3 years. Since then a lot has changed and we haven't done anything like that again.

    I am a public school teacher and an near retirement. Last week I got a text message from an unknown number to check my school email. In my email was a video of me and one of the men. I do not know if it's him or someone else. I also dont even know his name or anything even if it is the guy in the video. In the video it shows us having sex and I say the n word several Times. I am not racist. I do not use that word. I used it because the guy and my husband wanted me too. We talked about it before we did anything and he wanted me to use it.

    I sent a Venmo with the amount they asked for yesterday. They said the video would go away. However, this morning I got another text telling me to check my Facebook. I've been tagged in a picture (totally g rated) from the same night. They told me more was to come and I'd pay for being racist.

    I'm not sure what to do. I do not want to call cops because I'm sure my job would find out. Please help.

    submitted by /u/throwadviseneed
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