• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    Legal Advice Airbnb guest rents our home under false pretenses. Throws a huge summer bash (posted on eventbrite) with 300+ strangers in our home. Property is damaged.

    Legal Advice Airbnb guest rents our home under false pretenses. Throws a huge summer bash (posted on eventbrite) with 300+ strangers in our home. Property is damaged.

    Airbnb guest rents our home under false pretenses. Throws a huge summer bash (posted on eventbrite) with 300+ strangers in our home. Property is damaged.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    TLDR: a guest threw a huge bash at my parents home and property was destroyed.

    So this girl reached out to rent our Airbnb for the weekend. It is my parents and sisters full time home and they come stay with me when they have guests. My parents aren't really in a good place financially and it's a good way for them to make extra money. The house rules state no parties or events. The security deposit is $5,000 and it states we can charge up to $50 per extra guest.

    Anyway, the girls said she and four other couples would be staying to have a goodbye barbecue for a friend that was deploying. My mom isn't really tech savvy and took her word for it without looking into anything further.

    About 4 pm this Saturday, we get a call from a neighbor saying that there are at least 40+ vehicles parked in our yard. My mom calls the guest and asks her to make everyone leave. She apologized and said word got out on social media and it got out of hand. Mom gets the sheriff to go up to the property and disband the party. So everyone leaves and the guest swears it won't happen again.

    Well, no much longer after my mom left, the people who left returned plus even more. By the time the sheriff got back out there at 11 pm, there were over 300 people partying in our home. Property is destroyed and the house is a wreck. The guest who booked it swears her innocence, but then we found an eventbrite posting with our home address on it and they were charging people a fee to come party on our property.

    My mom is very distraught. To top it all off, some people that attended the party left their grill. My mom said they could come get it for the past two days and they said no that wouldn't work. They got my mom's number from the guest and have been texting her non stop over it.

    Are there any legal ramifications here? Or is it their right to completely violate my mom's home and peace of mind like this?

    Also, the people who hosted it the event is called *** gang entertainment and they are seen pictured with guns, other weapons, and money on their social media pages. My mom is terrified that they will try to retaliate if she tries to hold them accountable and now they all know where she lives. She is so emotionally distraught. I feel so bad for her. We don't know what to do.

    We are documenting everything for Airbnb and keeping receipts but we heard Airbnb can be difficult to deal with this type of situation.

    submitted by /u/thebchild
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    We believe a family "friend" has been hiding our dog for months because she got attached.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    In march one of my mother in law's small dog was let out on the farm as she does every day along with the other dogs. She has gone to the edges of the property before but this time she didn't come back but the other small dog did. Cue posting fliers in all locations possible in the surrounding area and knocking on doors on all surrounding streets and notifying the groomer, vet, and animal shelters. We even asked (family friend) R is she had seen her and she said no. I could understand that the dog looked stray because she was very scruffy as she had a grooming appointment coming up and she went out without her color but she was a very loved and healthy young dog.

    It's been months and we had lost hope of finding her but we got a call yesterday from someone who has spoken to R's family who said that R did find a dog with the same description as ours and was telling family to not say anything to us because she had gotten attached. We went to R's house yesterday and she was holding a dog but it was a multicolored mini collie or such and instead of being friendly and extremely talkative like she usually is, R could not wait to get rid of us and dismissed anything we said quickly while repeatedly asking if we needed something.

    She is a well respected and very active member at our local church, apparently her family is loyal to her to not tell us for months that she has found a dog, our direct neighbor's who we have spoken to several times about it are best friends with R and have not directly answered anything just that they hope we find her. And to top it all off one of her family members is the Deputy Sheriff and also our old neighbor. We talked to her brother in law yesterday as well and he confirmed she picked up a small gray dog around that time frame and told us to go to her house and ask and if R won't return her then take it to court. I am fairly positive R has our dog from the tip we recieved and the Deputy's account. The problem is we haven't seen the dog with her and she wont talk to us which is very strange.

    I am at a loss at what to do. Hopefully she let it slip to someone else I know that she found a dog and they can confirm that she has more than the tri colored but if everyone is protecting her I feel we have run out of options. The dog is micro chipped and registered as well but we don't know if R knows that. My mother in law has said she would press charges or anything necessary to get the dog back as she has all the records I think she would need but I don't know what to do eithout having seen the dog. Any advise on a move forward would be greatly appreciated. We are in West Virginia.

    submitted by /u/anemone_nanny
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    My insurance company denied my medicine and it put me in the hospital. Should my family sue the insurance company?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease at 16 and have had many hospital visits since. In August of 2019 my intestines had a scar tissue build up requiring me to get emergency surgery to remove part of my small intestine and part of my colon.

    I had been receiving Remicade infusions for my condition before this event but after a while my insurance company deemed it medically unnecessary. After the surgery they approved me again for an infusion while in the hospital. At this point I was in remission and the doctor said that with continued infusions I would be able to stay in remission. Then when it came time for my next infusion the insurance company denied it once again. (Also this medication cost around $43000 without insurance).

    My doctor's office and my parents both tried many times over a 6 month span to get me my medicine. Everytime though the insurance company denied their requests.

    Then in March of 2020 I came out of remission and had a flare up due to the lack of medicine. (Each of these flare ups is extremely putting me into screaming pain for hours on end). My parents now furious at this point with the fact that I'm back in the hospital once again are contacting the insurance company and finally get someone at the company to look into the my file. (Only because I was in the hospital once again). Come to find out the insurance company had made a mistake when denying the medication when I was supposed to be approved.

    This mistake left me without medication for that 6 month period and landed me in the hospital in a tremendous amount of pain.

    Does my family have grounds to sue the insurance company?

    TLDR: My insurance company denied my medication due to an error in their system and it put me in the hospital in a lot of pain. Do I have grounds to sue them?

    Edit: I'm in Houston, TX

    submitted by /u/Grexify
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    Bank made a mistake and cashed a check twice which seriously overdrew my account

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    TL;DR: About $10,000 is still missing and the bank is yet to return my money. 12 days later...

    I live in Ohio and got my driveway re-paved two weeks ago and paid the company with a check. When the company submitted the check for deposit the mobile system processed the check twice. So what should have been ~$10,000 withdraw from turned out to be ~$20,000. This severely overdrew my account because we only keep enough in that account to cover bills. I was charged $36 overdraft fee as well which I had to fight to get back.

    I got an alert on my phone that the account was overdrawn and got the mistaken withdrawal returned to bring my account back to positive which took three business days. Fun fact: if an account is overdrawn you can't use it.

    I got a call from the driveway company stating that the check bounced and they did not get paid which is puzzling because the original amount (~$10,000) is still missing. I called the bank again and they said "no the money did not go to the company and it will be returned to your account following an investigation as to what happened. This should take two business days"

    My wife and I discussed it and we wanted to pay our debt so we transferred from our savings account the money to cover the cost of the driveway and told the company we would deal with the bank.

    It has been 6 business days and still I do not have my money from the bank back in my account. Every time I call the bank I have to explain all of this to someone new and then they "contact a manager" and I get the run-around about the process and it should be resolved soon.

    I am by no means rich. We get by and this new driveway payment took quite some time to save. Is there anything that I should be doing other than calling the bank every single day until I get my money?

    Quick update: I finally spoke with someone that has decided to bird-dog this thing for me and try and get some answers about everything. She has called me almost too often to ask questions and give updates. She said she would call first thing in the morning if she has more to update.

    submitted by /u/morebeansmrtaggart
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    I rejected a guy at work, he did not take the hint, he sent me a message about how he "manifested me into his life" that is creepy as fuck and I want to file a no-contact order if he approaches me or contacts me again. When do I tell my GM what has been going on?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    As the title says. I talked to him only with other people leading up to this and two of those people have already agreed to give me written statements saying I did nothing to encourage this behavior and I didnt in any way treat him differently than my other coworkers. He messaged me, my response was to the effect of "I dont know why you think I would be interested in you, I felt that I made it clear I wasn't, I have no interest in being friends with people who have a crush on me". He then asked me to talk to him the following week and kept insisting that "he knew I had feelings for him and I should give him a chance." I told him no again and after completely ignoring him for two weeks he sent me a LONG message about how he is having some type of spiritual awakening and believes he "manifested me into his life or I manifested him into mine". I told him he wasn't listening to me when I said I wasnt interested and to not contact me again. I don't feel physically threatened by him but I am thoroughly freaked out by his insistence that he knows how I "feel about him"... if he contacts me again I am going to file a no-contact order. I live in an at-will state (Washington) and while I am hoping it is over, I don't know whether I should involve my GM now or wait til I am filing the order if he does try and approach me again. If my company doesn't stand with me I have witnesses and text messages to prove all of this and I will consider taking legal action.... what should I know and how should I proceed?

    submitted by /u/hebridesisles
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    Skip the dishes delivery drivers.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    Hey everyone.

    I am located in Canada. Recently I've installed a smart doorbell so I can keep an eye on the kid across my street who's got the cops called on him daily and swears at me when i see him. Completely unrelated to that however is the fact skip the dishes continually uses my driveway to get to my neighbors door as it's easier then walking around her grass and saves potentially 7-10 seconds of walking.

    I have emailed skip the dishes 6 times with pictures of their drivers hitting my cars and walking between them after complaining. They tell me I need to have the customers order number to do anything but my neighbors will not help me out. I've sent them all the pictures and asked repeatedly to help but the simply will not.

    What are my options as they are littering in my yard, parking extremely close to my vehicles and hit my vehicles with their red skip bags... Its driving me bonkers and I would appreciate any help or advice.

    submitted by /u/dechtera2
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    Just Overheard a Sheriff's Deputy Openly Admit To Making Up Ordinance Violations

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    This just happened outside my office. A deputy came in to apologize to our zoning enforcer that he was going to have someone come in and double check on an ordinance violation he (the deputy) had issued. He said that "this usually works" but this time the person was upset and going in to the township hall to inquire about it further.

    I am beyond pissed off that this deputy came in and not only did this, but admitted to doing it in the past successfully.

    Where do I go? The Sheriff Department is most likely not going to care. Given the current climate, is making up ordinances even on the scale of needing to be reported?

    This is in Michigan, in a northern county.

    EDIT: Specifically the made up ordinance was for a lady feeding feral cats in her backyard. There is no ordinance against this. Should she be doing it? No. Should a deputy make up an ordinance to get her to stop? Hell fucking no.

    submitted by /u/ninjatiptoe
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    (NC) Former employer told my new clients I signed a two year non-compete document, when I never did. Her previous clients ended their relationship with her, reached out to me, and asked me to manage their marketing. Now she’s lying to them saying I signed a n-c. She has a history of forging docs.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    I used to work for an ad agency in North Carolina. Things didn't work out — I ended up being terminated (with unemployment) over an argument we had. Termination date was Jan 13, 2020. I never signed a non-compete document upon being hired or terminated. Ever.

    Over the last 5 months, I started my own marketing agency. I got 3 clients. One of my new clients told my old clients (from previous agency) how well I was doing. Fast forward to a few weeks ago.

    Former clients reached out to me, asking if I was accepting any new clients. I said yes, I was. They told me they were ending things with my previous employer because they were unhappy with their work, then asked me to take them on, so I did. We signed contracts and we're good to go.

    During the marketing switch, they had to reach out to my former employer to hand over the access to their websites and hosting (I'm a digital ad agency). Former employer ignored us for weeks, refusing to forfeit the information.

    I found out this morning that she had a phone call with my client and said I signed a two year non-compete agreement, which is why she refused to transfer the websites. This never happened. In fact, when I used to work there, I warned her that she left herself open by not providing contracts or making anyone sign documents. She told me she didn't like all the fine print and chose to go without. The only thing I ever signed from her was a letter of acceptance, my tax doc, and then the letter of termination. Never once signed a non-compete and there were no clauses in the documents I did sign.

    My former employer has a past of photoshopping invoices and forging documents. I am very worried that she is going to create a fake document and forge my signature. She has copies of what my signature looks like, so it wouldn't be too hard for her to print it out and trace it onto a doc.

    Please help. I texted her this morning telling her that she blatantly lied and that I never signed anything. Now she wants to call me later. I don't want to talk to her. Can someone please give me some advice? Does she have a leg to stand on?

    Should I lawyer up now? TIA for any advice!!

    submitted by /u/hypertonica
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    Bank account closed. No explanation given

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    So this morning, I tried to log into chase to see my balance like I do just about every day or every other day. I was having problems doing that so I tried on my computer, same issue. I call the bank and I was told my account has been permanently closed. I asked them why and they said they can't give me that information and I said well if you're closing my account for good I think I deserve some sort of explanation and she said "actually we don't have to give you an explanation". I was told that I'd receive a check in the mail with my balance in 7-10 business days and that I would never be able to open an account with chase again. I have absolutely NO idea what is going on and I am freaking out. A few years back, some suspicious activity was going on with my account from someone that lived in California (mind you I live in NY). They told me what was going on and they opened up a new account for me right away. THIS situation here is really making me worry. I checked my credit report to make sure that someone wasn't using my identity to open up any other accounts in my name. Everything seemed legit. Should I be worried? And are they allowed to withhold information from me regarding MY account if they suspect something fishy going on?

    submitted by /u/desilove13
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    Unbearable smell coming from apartment below us

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    There is a horrible burning plastic smell that has filled our apartment once a week for the past 5 weeks; this week has now been twice. We have been in contact with the leasing office for the apartment complex several times. We confronted different neighbors last week and no one could smell it. When we confronted our downstairs neighbor, as soon as the door opened we could smell it. She claimed it was bad firewood from Seven Eleven. It is June and around 60°F at night; we do not believe this is firewood. The smell always starts between 9 P.M. and 2 A.M. and takes hours to air out of our apartment. It also causes us to wake us up in the middle of the night.

    We have suspicions that it might be the smell of smoking crack, but so far the apartment people haven't done anything besides call our neighbors to ask them if they smelled anything. Is there anything else that we can do because we can't take it anymore.

    Location: Oregon

    Update: Just received a call from leasing office stating that they would launch an investigation to find out where the smell is coming from. They mentioned that they called the apartment below us and that they had smelled the same thing. I have a 5-6 week old email chain stating the different times that we smelled the burning plastic smell, so hopefully they will be able to figure out what it is. I read most of the comments and it seems best route is to wait for it to happen again then call the fire department while the smell is still around. Thank you everyone for your input!

    submitted by /u/Rokionu
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    2 years of harrassment from tenants next door.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    INDIANA- Hi all. I am turning to reddit to see if anyone can offer insight. my husband and I are home owners who live next to renters who have continually harassed us for 2+ years and are out of control. they refuse to stay off our property, call the police if a ball goes in our yard we don't IMMEDIATELY return it (within 3 min), spray painted our fence, yell insults at me when I am outside, etc. we have built a privacy fence, continually make it clear all we want is for them to stay away from our family (she came pounding on door yesterday) and we have continuously contacted their landlord about numerous harrassment issues (too many to list). I have also sought out police advice and really they seem to always treat it as a neighbor squabble though it is much more and genuinely a threat to my family (our safety bc they are very clearly emotionally unstable and a threat to out peace of mind). The landlords run a property group and are often regarded as slumlords, they never return my calls and refuse to get their tenants in check. the police recommended possibly filing a protective order but said it would likely get denied bc those tend to be given in domestic abuse cases. I have photos and dates of the harrassment and phone records to police/landlord from past 2 years (Its gone on longer but that's when we began documenting). I truly just want something that ensures they stay away from me so I can feel comfortable and come home from work without fearing a confrontation/being ambushed. I feel as if my hands are tied and not sure how to get their unresponsive landlords to act. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

    submitted by /u/WindingRoad9
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    Person I did a car wrap for took the remaining material and refuses to give it back.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Myself and a friend have a car wrapping business and recently wrapped the car of a person we know. Upon finishing that job, without our knowledge, he left with the remaining material for the car that was left over. When we discovered this, we emailed them about it and asked for it back and explained that he didn't pay for that, he paid for the job to be done, and that the material bought for it is an expense that we have to pay for in order to complete it (like a baker buying flower). After 10 or so emails back and forth he refuses to hand over the remaining material.

    Here's where things are complicated slightly. The premises we use for wrapping cars is not owned by us. It is owned by a corporation that is 50% owned by my parents, and 50% owned by the parents of, you guessed it, the guy we did the wrap for. We operate in the facility with an agreement between all the shareholders that we can use that part of the premises.

    My question is, in lieu of that, is there any legal action we can take to get the material back? Or does the fact that his parents co-own the facility which the wrap was stored in technically not a theft, even though we bought it and have the receipt and such?

    Location - Ontario, Canada

    submitted by /u/SA_Dude
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    I was laid off due to Covid in April and have not been allowed to access the office to retrieve my personal belongings. Is this legal?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    30% of the company I worked for got laid off. Some in NYC and some in FL. I'm in FL. Due to Covid we were sent to work from home, and since no one was sure how long we'd be WFH, I didn't grab my personal belongings. About a month in there was a mass layoff.

    The company sent boxes to people's homes so they could send back the company property, but no one has heard any word on when/how they'd receive their own belongings from their desks.

    I have $300 headphones at my desk (along with some other things) that I am technically not allowed to grab, even though I still have a fob to the office, and I live a block away. I could simply walk in and walk out, but the company cut ties with all the ex employees and there has been no update.

    I heard from a coworker still working there that they're planning on slowly moving people back to the office in August, but that's still over two months away. It's already been two months, and I need my headphones. I have a right to my own personal belongings.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/rivigurl
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    I was filmed (without my consent) during a sex act by my ex. His new girlfriend posted those videos online and my entire instagram followers list got the video. How to proceed?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    I am using my sister's account to post this. She understands reddit, I don't. She will be checking the post for updates for me.

    I live in Canada, they (ex and his new gf) live in the US right now. I have filed a police report in Canada, but I don't know what else I can do to get this to stop and to have them charged. The Canadian police don't seem to have many answers for me. Any advice would be helpful.

    Update: Thank you for all the advice so far. I totally understand why this was locked. Thanks for the explanation mods.

    submitted by /u/lezbhonest_Im_punny
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    (MI) Landlord is forcing girlfriend to pay property tax on home

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Landlord sends an email with an attachment of the rental home's property tax. Landlord states it is up to my girlfriend to pay the property tax on top of month's rent. Nowhere in the lease does it state girlfriend is responsible for property tax of home. She has lived in home for 3 years and now she has to pay the property tax for 2019?

    Rent is $1,000 and property tax bill is another $2,700. How is my girlfriend going to come up with $3,700 by June 30th? She is still laid off due to pandemic and collecting unemployment. If she is forced to pay this, it will cripple her and leave her homeless (She actually won't be homeless as she will have somewhere else to stay)

    I don't see how renter is responsible for this? If this is how it works, why doesn't the renter just pay the mortage on top of the rent and property tax.

    submitted by /u/crhyaarnb
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    Can I kick out a roommates guest when the roommate is no longer home?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    (Colorado) My friend's roommate had a guest who has been staying at the house for a few weeks without paying rent and has become a nuisance. Landlord said to get him arrested for trespassing. I'm assuming my friend can not call the police on him for trespassing when another tenant on the lease approves of the guest, however, is this still true when the tenant is out of the house? Does their roommate have the right to have guests even while they're not home? The guest is the significant other of another roommate who is not on the lease, but one tenant on the lease approves of this guest.

    submitted by /u/hccghhugghhkmkhgr
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    My employer is getting rid of my position and giving us two days to decide wether we want to take the new position with no chance of severance and say it will be a voluntary quit if we don’t agree. Is this legal?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    I work in sales at a large beverage company and my company just announced that they will be eliminating my current role and turning it into a new position that's more work with less benefits. They are giving us 2 days to sign a contract agreeing and say if we don't, it will count as is voluntarily quitting and there not offering a severance. Is there any options or are they just in doing that?

    The new role is our same hourly wage but they are taking away a monthly car allowance and lowering our gas mileage reimbursement rate etc.

    I currently am location in Los Angeles California.

    submitted by /u/Award930
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    I have been harassed for a year. I need it to stop.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    I joined a company last year and stumbled upon a large amount of fraud and stealing which i reported to the owner. The owner gave me a promotion and is pursuing criminal and civil action against the people responsible. When the culprits first found out how it was reported they threatened me in multiple ways, the owner of the company had his lawyer send a notice to no longer contact any of his employees or him and all communication would need to be done between their lawyers and the owners lawyer. Well I started receiving NO CALLER ID phone calls everyday with a guy just breathing on the other side. They have also started calling the owner around the same times they are calling me like they are alternating between calls. They have also began texting me through textnow numbers, they never admit who they are on text but I know they also reach out to other employees to get updated phone numbers for me as well as asking questions about how I am doing in the company.

    Is there anything I can do to make this stop or prove that it is them, I know it is, but having a hunch isn't really evidence. The calls will start at 9:58pm for about thirty minutes and then stop. Then they begin blowing up my phone again around 6:00am. Because of the nature of my work I need to have my phone on and to be able to answer a call at all times of the day so I cant simply silence my phone or turn it off. Thank you for any help you can provide. I am based in Colorado, USA.

    submitted by /u/Fall4fun
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    Ex-Gf gave my number out and I am getting death threats

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Okay guys here's the short version...

    I am 25. Was about to move in to an apartment with my girlfriend (in May) who is 20. I had a guy call me and say he had sex with my girlfriend in April.

    I had given her several chances to admit to me if she had ever cheated and she constantly denied it.

    When the guy randomly called asking if I was her boyfriend (he saw photos of me and her on my Instagram) he told me the truth and sent screen shots of their text...

    Next thing I know, another guy messaged me claiming he was "talking" to her for a month and he was absolutely pissed that she had a boyfriend the entire time..

    So I broke up with her... Then the following happened.

    1) One of the guys posted photos of us together saying #EXPOSED, she has had a boyfriend all year and had sex with another guy while also "talking" to me for a month.

    2) He was going on chat sites and giving her number out in order to spam her phone. She was getting hundreds of texts and calls a day from random guys and being called a hoe.

    3) My ex believed it was me getting revenge and gave my # to a guy in his 30s. This guy sent me a photo of a gun with bullets and a bunch of threatening texts saying she gave him my # and a photo of my drivers license.. He said he knows who my family is too. My youngest brother is 12 and I have been renting my parents guest house. So the thought of this crazy guy sending photos of a gun and threatening my parents/younger brothers home is insane..

    4) She called me and claimed that her friends credit card was stolen and she was being blackmailed by a person claiming to be me....

    She's claiming that she filed a police report. The guy who she slept with behind my back has also been getting majorly harassed and spammed, also allegedly filed a police report against me.

    First off, I had nothing to do with any of this. Will the police just assume it's me? Anyone can call and claim to be someone but even then, let's say this person has a VPN, how could the police even trace whoever is doing this?

    How can I prove it's not me?

    Also, the fact that she gave some guy my address and he sent a photo of a gun with bullets.. Can she be charged with anything?

    My parents brand new mailbox was completely destroyed right when this started..

    I have been getting random texts and threats on a regular basis. Assuming from text apps.

    Which, can be made under fake emails and then the accounts can be deleted making them not traceable.

    I am really scared because I was not involved, but if someone is cat fishing people and pretending to be me, would the local police even have a way to arrest me?

    If this went to someone like the FBI (would never happen) they could obviously prove it's not me.

    But does local law enforcement or county have the technology to trace IP addresses and locate texting apps?

    One of my biggest fears is that it seems like women can claim they were raped or make up stories and the police automatically side with the girl over the guy.

    This girl ended up being incredibly abusive during our relationship. At one point she punched me four times in the face, until her hand was bleeding because I accused her of cheating.. I was giving her rides to and from work everyday driving 3+ hours, I spent $7K spoiling her with clothes/jewelry and flowers every other week. I'm a nice guy and definitely didn't deserve what happened.

    I was also going to propose and to find out she was sleeping with who knows how many guys is incredibly hurtful, but it's even more hurtful knowing I could potentially go to prison over her lying to police.

    There's no telling what she told them.

    submitted by /u/Weekend-Icy
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    Pennsylvania has approved my unemployment claim, and continues to accept my biweekly claims, but has yet to send me a cent. Their offices are unresponsive, and physical locations are closed. Will I have recourse of any kind when the quarantine lifts?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Edit: I applied the last day of April

    So, the title says most of my situation.

    The government is unresponsive totally. They list on their website that it takes 21 days on avg to receive an email reply, and it's been close to 50. The phones are all down, and the virtual chat won't connect with an operator. On top of that, the physical offices are deemed non-essential.

    I'm dying here.

    When this is all over, will I have a case against Pennsylvania?

    submitted by /u/harharhar25
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    Noncustodial parent says she eventually wants rights back. How hard would it be?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    I am the partner of the custodial parent (father has sole legal custody, I don't know if I used the right terms. He takes care of her 24/7 and makes all decisions about her health, schooling, well being.) of 5 year old. We have plans to get married and file for adoption, but understand that we will need consent from noncustodial parent.

    Noncustodial parent has lost visitation rights, is under child support and has not paid. The stimulus check was taken away from her and is being used to pay off her missed child support payments. She does not see or speak to her child often at all, and I am always trying to give her the chance to talk to her daughter on the phone because I know the daughter misses her and often wonders why she is not in her life. I want to believe one day, she will make the changes.

    My question is, due to the no shows at court, her criminal record, lack communication and visitation with her daughter, child support... How difficult would it be for her to file for her rights back?

    Even though I don't legally have the title as being her step mother, the child looks up to me as her mother figure. We are a blended family, and yes, I am very afraid to lose her if it came down to that. But, I would also understand providing the missing link and happiness for her, if it meant she will be loved and taken care of by her biological mother. Whatever makes that kid happy.

    Much appreciated. Edit: in california.

    submitted by /u/Hey_There4
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    Grounds for damages for selling a domain name that my former business partners transferred to me and are still using?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:47 AM PDT


    Very long story short, I joined with a group of investors for a project last year that went south very quickly. They were mostly doctors who refused to listen to any advice, and I ended up losing significant amounts of money and time on the project. The business I am referring to is in Alabama, but the company we shared equity in was incorporated in Tennessee.

    They screwed me and my group in so many ways it was staggering: verbal abuse, libel after the fact, slashed pay, false IRS filings (I'm sure they'll be audited), and somehow never were able to face the reality the projects failures were almost entirely on them for strangleholding the project. Because of this, they attempted to be litigious when the project failed, but our legal ripped their contact to shreds (metaphorically) and so the two sides split with a Hold Harmless agreement.

    Now while I worked for them, one of the many accounts I managed was a medical clinic. In December when I tried to leave I transferred over all of the social and online accounts to the 4 businesses I assisted with to their new 'marketing person', a housewife who couldn't even figure out how to accept a domain transfer.

    Everything I had has been transferred to them accept for one domain name. For 6 months I have tried to submit it. Two months ago they finally communicated with me through her, and after submitting the transfer multiple times, emails, working with customer service, THEY NEVER FIGURED OUT HOW TO CLICK ACCEPT.

    I had to pay for this years renewal myself because it expired and I wanted it off my account and you can only transfer up-to-date domains. There is no written agreement about the domain being their own. So I have it in my GoDaddy, and I pay for it. I am now deep in debt thanks to them and quite frankly spiteful. I would like to auction the domain off to try and recoup some of my losses but they do actively use the site. Would they have legal grounds to come after me if I sold it?

    Tl;DR- I have a domain name from former partners that is active and I pay for renewal and I would like to sell it but am worried they could come after me for damages.

    submitted by /u/ftp67
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    Returning to the workplace (NJ)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:53 PM PDT


    I'm from NJ and am an hourly employee working in an office job. The CEO of the company is making us all go back to the office on Monday, and I've seen their setup -- they have no social distancing or measures whatsoever to protect the workers. The cubicles are packed in closer than 6 feet apart. The business is nonessential and we have been running smoothly during the lockdown. I live in a high risk area with my parents who are high risk for complications from Covid-19 and I don't feel comfortable going into the office on monday. They said that they have no room for flexibility. If I refuse to go in on Monday, am I legally quitting? Or are they violating some sort of health guidelines or workplace safety regulations in NJ? What are my options as an hourly employee? Please don't hesitate to ask for more info as I am very nervous about this and would really appreciate any relevant advice. Thanks so much.

    submitted by /u/Eclone
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    (AZ) Apartment added an additional monthly rent on the lease and says they can increase it as long as they give a 30 day notice, is that legal?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    I'm in the process of renewing my lease and on the new lease they added an additional monthly rent of $2 for the parcel locker, and in the lease it says "Resident further understands and agrees that the monthly rent may increase with 30-days advance notice."

    I don't mind paying $2 extra a month but my concern is what stops them from increasing the parcel locker fee to $200 next month. It's my understanding that it's illegal to raise the rent before the term ends. But if you make part of the rent a separate fee then you can raise it however you want?

    submitted by /u/callmefirebitch
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    No longer able to renew lease due to financial impacts of COVID. Property manager says that we are rent responsible beyond the termination of our lease.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Hi! First time poster here.

    My roommate and I were making plans months ago to find a third roommate and renew the lease. Without revealing too much, finding a third person fell through just a few days ago and we're no longer able to afford a renewal of our lease here because on top of that, (1) we've been badly affected financially by COVID and (2) the apartment complex has incorporated a rent increase this week that's beyond our ability to pay.

    We decided we need to move out and not renew the lease because of this. The problem comes when we are discussing this matter and our situation with the property manager.

    She says that we are rent responsible 60 days beyond the expiration of our lease. It's mentioned in the lease that we do have to give a 60 day notice to vacate (albeit in vague language). On top of that, they're not accepting our previous 3rd roommate's notice to vacate, who had moved out months ago and sent the notice 70+ days ago.

    Are there any protections for renters who are in my situation and financially impacted by COVID?

    State: North Carolina

    submitted by /u/awayso
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