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    Tuesday, March 24, 2020

    Startups Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Startups Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's Support Thread. Please refer to the below suggested formats to get the most out of this thread.

    Need Support?

    Please use the following format to seek support:


    What I am working on: What I need support with: Why I need support with this: My questions to the community: Requested Resources: Relevant URL: [if applicable] Additional Comments: Please add any additional comments that may provide more context around what you need support with so others can provide the most relevant support or guidance to you.

    Job Provider?

    Please use the following format to post a job listing:

    HIRING Company Name and URL: Job Title/Role: Employment Type: [Intern] [Contract] [Part Time] [Full Time] [Remote] Job Description/Responsibilities: Necessary Skills and Experience: Requested, but not necessary Skills and Experience: Job Compensation: Willing to Relocate New Hire: [yes] [no] Job Listing URL: Additional Comments:

    Please add any additional comments that may provide more context around the job listing to make it easier for the right people to apply.

    Job Seeker?

    Please use the following format to post an offer to work :

    FOR HIRE Title/Role: Desired Location: Willing to Relocate: [yes] [no] Remote Availability: [yes] [no] Relevant Skills and Experience: Requested Salary/Hourly Rate: Resume/Portfolio URL: Additional Comments:

    Please add any additional comments that may provide more context around the job listing to make it easier for the right people to apply.

    Resource Provider?

    Please use the following format to post an offer to work :

    RESOURCE Organization Name and URL: Location Served: Resource Name: Resource Description: Resource URL: Resource Cost:

    Do not forget to explore the /r/startups discord. We have many relevant channels to seek support, post job listings, share for hire offers, and share resources. You can also find more support using instant chat on the /r/startups discord.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Official COVID-19 Resource List - Country > Region Specific

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Please share in a comment any links to resources you have come across to support Employers or Workers.

    Please use this format to assist us in adding your shared resource to our list:


    Region (State/Province/Etc):

    Who This Resource Supports:

    URL To Resource:

    Thank you! Stay home and safe!


    United Kingdom

    United States


    submitted by /u/GaryARefuge
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    Doing sales/marketing at a struggling startup, boss wants to cut my salary by 45% for the rest of the year.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    How do I negotiate this? Our fundraising has gone cold since covid started and we have burn to last a few more months, and are struggling to bring in revenue.

    I have very mixed feelings. On one hand, I realize that I am under-performing in my role by objective measures and our company is in a dire financial position. I want to be a team player and help this company survive thru this epidemic. According to my boss, other employees are all taking a pay cut. I also know that finding another job in this economy will be very difficult. With that said, a nearly 50% pay cut seems drastic. Do I negotiate this or just nod my head and swallow this?

    submitted by /u/DiamondHyena
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    Moonlighting coders, how do you keep a work/life balance?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    I know several software developers that have built apps and complex websites in their spare time while holding down a 9am-5pm software development job. I want to do the same.

    I've got an idea for an app that will take a fair bit of dev effort. I want to stay sharp at my day job as a dev, get this app built in my spare time AND keep my current exercise habits (i.e go out running and visit the gym several times a week).

    Does anyone have any tips on how to manage this? (E.g. how much time you spend on each activity, how you structure the day/week, things to keep in mind)

    I want to get this thing built in a sustainable way while staying happy and healthy... oh, and socialising with friends somehow... and the moon on a stick.

    submitted by /u/KemanoThief
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    Innovation and startup reading list: The basics

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Nowadays, there are more resources and information on the Internet on every topic than one can ever absorb. This makes it all the more important to find the right information. Besides interesting official sources from universities that publish studies on entrepreneurship and innovation, there are reliable standard works on the subject.

    Disciplined Entrepreneurship - Bill Aulet

    Bill Aulet's work "disciplined entrepreneurship" focuses on clear structures and processes in the identification of innovations and the development of innovative business models. He follows 24 steps, ranging from market segmentation and pricing to the actual development of the company. However, Aulet repeatedly points out that there are no instructions for setting up a company and that more than just 24 steps are necessary to operate successfully.

    The book is therefore especially recommendable for new founders, as it regularly reminds them of important strategically sensible procedures, which they quickly forget in their founding euphoria. it is extremely important to make a well-founded analysis and plans before starting a business in the blue.

    Simply Seven: Seven Ways to Create a Sustainable Internet Business - Erik Schlie, Jörg Rheinboldt & Marcel Waesche

    According to the authors of "Simply Seven", there are only seven different models for Internet companies to make money. The book is adorned with various anecdotes about the individual business models in connection with well-known internet companies. "Simply Seven" is recommended for founders who are very focused on their product and may lose sight of the monetization.

    Digital Innovation Playbook - Dark Horse Innovation

    Dark Horse Innovation is a berlin-based digital and innovation agency that has written several interesting books on industry topics. The Digital Innovation Playbook is, as the name suggests, a comprehensive handbook filled with many strategies, methods and questions for innovation development. In addition to standard models such as the Business Model Canvas, it also presents approaches developed in-house. The book not only convinces with its content: the design is also modern and appealing.

    The Startup Owner's Manual - Steve Blank, Bob Dorf

    Similar to Disciplined Entrepreneurship and equally well structured, The Startup Owner's Manual takes a systematic approach to the development of companies. Apart from some common misunderstandings, it explains and structures the basics of starting a business. The book focuses on only two steps, customer segmentation and customer validation. In general, the validation of business models and business ideas is a tedious but definitely extremely important and often neglected process for start-ups. Therefore, the scientific approach of The Startup Owner's Manual should not be underestimated and is a good supplement.


    It is not only important but indispensable to have a sound basic knowledge of business development in order to develop innovations. At the end of the day, startup companies are still companies that are at best profitable and growing. Therefore, a good structure is the first step and should never be left out. As the complexity of a project increases with its size, the systematic implementation of procedures and processes makes sense.

    submitted by /u/DeployInnovation
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    I have one shot to ask top brands for their feedback on my product.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I have decided to take a top-bottom approach when it comes to GTM.

    I'm very well connected with decision makers at top brands, while I have a lack of understanding of the SMB sector.

    I know that this might not be wise, but I'll fix this later - we are still at MVP stage and no paid customers yet.

    Our SaaS product is still non mature, however quite a few marketing executives in my industry are willing to share their feature ideas to help us build a killer product (and hopefully buy it later on).

    But I need to make it easy for them - I can't expect them to write an essay for me.

    Do you guys suggest any effective product questionnaire that I can send to these potential enterprise users?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    submitted by /u/maschera84
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    Is it worth it to learn android/app dev

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    I have tech skills have created a few websites have never been good with making things look flashy or designing good UIs. I'm good in python and used java years ago but never android

    I feel like not knowing app dev or being able to create apps is holding me back and if I knew this skill I cold have better chance of creating start ups

    Am I thinking wrong should I learn a tool like flutter or android SDK i want to be able to do mvp solutions quickly

    submitted by /u/cerberuswebsites
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    How to buy off IP from a juggernaut?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Hypothetical serious question to finance regulars here from someone who doesn't know finance. How can one buy off property from a juggernaut that acquired its competition, who wasn't doing well? The said competition had a particular umbrella property (they acquired for 80M) that failed to do proper numbers and gain the expected revenue their parent expected; mostly because of corruption (siphoning of funds and cooking books from management) as well as bad quality output. Said company had a bid to be taken over and accepted it from a juggernaut in the same space because they've been bleeding money. Said juggernaut is acquiring them because of their install base and multiple properties under their umbrella; just so they can gain dominance in their field.

    A group of ragtag engineers want the particular property umbrella that didn't perform well because they know exactly how to turn it around. But the problem is, the company that owns it is a juggernaut, and had private equity money from another source to help them acquire the company. I understand the team needs to contact a banker and a lawyer assuming they have the funds, but I'm asking from a practical standpoint. Is there any incentive for a big company to sell off a piece of small property that was absorbed as part of a takeover? These people are fucking huge, like you can't speak to the receptionist unless you know someone, huge. The engineers have a plan to offer at least double the original amount the underperforming property was worth when the acquired company bought it from someone else; but would like to buy it with at most 25% more just because the acquired owners at the time completely shat the bed when launching it. They know the new company won't do well with it either.

    submitted by /u/SandanistaOctopus
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    Moral Question

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    I'm starting an specialty industrial chemical supply business in a few weeks (timing sucks but it's been planned for about 2 years and everything recently came together (before covid )) I will be covering the country as this only works on a national scale.

    Some of my customers (hopefully they will be customers) are personal friends of mine as I've been in the industry for many years.

    I obviously can't pay them IF they purchase from me but it is legal to pay them commission on leads they give me for other customers in their area? It brings me more detailed intel than I could gather on my own and I would be able to make better targeted sales calls. I'd pay them as consultant in a 1099

    I don't want to do anything that could get anyone in trouble and was just curious as to the legality of this

    submitted by /u/Sascot
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    How do I do this?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    So to start things off I'm a student, 19 years old now. I have no educational qualifications regarding tech or business. I am currently studying drama and psychology.

    I have abit of entrepreneurship skills and I'm expanding them day by day as much as I can.

    My dream is to launch an shopping app, with unique features. I am sure it will be a success as I have recognized the need for it, and done some research on my own.

    However, I am extremely afraid and anxious when it comes down to, how will I do this?

    I am planning to finish my diploma and then start on this project. However, I do not know how to go about it.

    My questions:

    1) Should I ask for investors first (I have little capital to Kickstart the app development by myself).

    2) Who should I include in my team? Currently it's only me and my partner working on this. Should I include the app development team too?

    3) As I have no educational qualifications in business or tech, will it discredit me when asking for investment?

    4) What do I exactly do before asking for investment? Trademark the app name? Look at financial prospects of the app? Make a sample of the app?

    5) How do I go about making legal documents? Terms of conditions, regarding equity, investment ect?

    6) Can someone explain to me how does this whole process go about? Has anyone launched an app before in this thread?

    submitted by /u/funnugget56
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    Seeking a Legal document I can use for Funding/Privately Investing in a close friends small e-commerce business

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    I'm investing in a close friends e-commerce business venture and it is going to be around 5K I'm giving her. The hand shake deal is 5K for 40% of profit. I'm passively active in launching and getting the business off the ground but rather have my friend be the "face" of the company. She has filed an LLC Sole Proprietorship without mention of my name on the form (I asked not to be listed within the LLC) and so that it can be a woman owned business. I'm attempting to find a simple legal document stating I provided 5K in funds and I will receive 40% of profits if the company produces revenue. I'm assuming the 5K risk and if the business fails I do not have to be paid back.

    Does anyone have of a legal document I could use or point me in the right direction for the type of document I need so that we both can sign and agree to these terms.

    Thank You for your help.

    submitted by /u/Yaht-Z
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    Coronavirus Relief?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Does anyone have any tips on getting some of the "free money" the fed and treasury are planning to hand out to small businesses?

    Hearing that many of these loans will be forgiven. Have no experience with this process whatsoever (have only raised venture in the past). Our company/industry was hit pretty directly by the virus. Still pre launch but it really rail-roaded a lot of our momentum...

    submitted by /u/Goku_ukoG
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    Pricing Strategy Help

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Hey there I'll be launching my sustainably lifestyle products brand very soon Me and my team have developed certain luxury products Can someone help me in calculating and determining the price of my products

    We plan to plant trees, support girl child education and women empowerment

    We are already doing all this and have paper work and proofs to show our work

    So can some one guide me in pricing my products which are 100% cotton dresses and handmade and hand-painted wodden toys

    Also any sort of advice would be most welcome

    submitted by /u/akingh4
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