• Breaking News

    Monday, March 23, 2020

    Some of you need to pump the brakes... Sales and Selling

    Some of you need to pump the brakes... Sales and Selling

    Some of you need to pump the brakes...

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    Listen we all know that sales is a mixture of variables on a good day in sunny weather. Great. But sometimes things get fucked and right now for some of us things are mega fucked. Calm down. Take a deep breath. For some in sales this is a golden opportunity. For some this is a time to hunker down and weather the storm. As always, what is your customer doing? What are they thinking? Is this really a moment to strike? Most customers are scared. Why wouldn't they be? Why aren't you? Sales is always fluid and always will be. Know your buyers. If you're not 100% sure they're in a buying mood why are you pressing in a once-in-a-lifetime disaster?

    Don't leave a bad taste in your money's mouth. Ride this out. This is chaos not Glengarry Glen Ross. These are hard times that are always going to come. If you weren't prepared this time get yourself prepared for the next time. It might not be a state of emergency but it might be something else that sucks. If your first call tomorrow is a long term lead do you really need to make that call or do you need to take this opportunity to research more leads to contact once this storm passes?

    Look I know some of you have managers that are going to lean on you just like this is every other calendar day. If they do then you need to start calculating your next move because your managers are idiots. Do what you can to survive for now if you have to. If you don't...then don't crap on great future prospects during a nationwide panic.

    I'm talking to both you and myself.

    Hang in there all of you.

    submitted by /u/dieselengine9
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    Is it really worth cold calling/emailing people right now?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    I work for a merchant services company. I'm feeling the pressure to cold call as if nothing is happening. I get that the higher-ups want us to keep making them money, but it feels wrong to ignore what's going on around us and send out pitches like its a regular Tuesday. People aren't in a buying mood. They're worried about their loved ones. They're worried their businesses might not make it out alive. They're worried a possible recession is coming; that they'll lose their jobs (if they haven't already)... A lot of people want to play this down, but even in the best scenario where we're just stuck at home to avoid getting sick, there's a cloud of stress and uncertainty all around us. It's scary. I don't think anyone wants to buy merchant services right now. I wish I wasn't forced to cold call/email right now. Am I wrong to think this way?

    submitted by /u/lunaconL
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    Anyone else feel like throwing up?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    I've been in my bathroom for 30 minutes nervously dry heaving trying to work myself up for 100 cold calls that won't go anywhere. I think we're good!

    Shouts out to my boys puking themselves into the zone for some shitty weeks ahead.

    Let's get this bread boys!

    submitted by /u/SalesGrind
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    Bonding over my company being union.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    My new job, it was mentioned to me that the warehouse & production staff are union. And that that might be part of a sales pitch if I have a prospect that is also union. Kind of a solidarity.

    Have you ever run into success with this?

    submitted by /u/pocketsked
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    Entry Level Sales: Started new job and they switched the industry I’d support 3 weeks in due to trouble with COVID-19

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Short version: I had a job for an IT manufacturer but after about a year wanted to work for a distributor to make commission. I just got a new job for a distributor but after 3 weeks they decided it'd be best to switch me to the construction industry because it's a struggling team and COVID-19 has made barriers with training to be on the IT team.

    Is it a bad idea to jump ship when everything is settled? Would you train on the new team then ask for your old position back? I'm not really sure what to do as I'm now currently working for the new company and really not enjoying the construction industry. This team in specific has a really bad turnover rate and is on their third sales manager in three years.

    submitted by /u/GodMike
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    I’m experienced enough to know the shot, but....

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    ....I'm having a real run of bad luck. Taking C19 aside which is the same for everyone....I don't consider that luck....

    I work in financial sales at a corporate level (investments/retirement). The last big deal, I did my bit and a colleague screwed the whole thing up. I searched for my own deficiency but everyone, my boss, etc, reassured me I did all I could.

    I had another big deal, which has grown to an even bigger deal, and it's so big, now, actuaries have become involved and they don't like the due diligence on the financials on the company and they've pulled the deal. Nothing to do with me, nothing I can do.

    A really nice kid joined our team recently, barely knows what he's doing, has no kids or family and I've been helping him, and he's writing bigger than I ever have! I don't resent him for it, but it doesn't make it easier.

    I know, I know, keep your attitude good, blah blah. It's just worn me down, I'm considering chucking my 13 year role away and doing something else. I'm basically an angry toddler who's sulking. Plus, with C19 these deals were vital, absolutely vital and nothing is going to happen for months.

    Nothing you can do, nothing I can do, just need to vent. I've never had a run so bad.

    submitted by /u/RaferJthe3rd
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    Email tracking software?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Hi. First timer here. Wondering if anyone can suggest a relatively cheap (best if free) customer management software? Specifically looking for something that makes it easy to keep track of sent emails, follow ups, sales cycle, etc....

    submitted by /u/maryugarfieldu84
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    Don’t get complacent

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Many of us are find ourselves in a tough spot.

    Pipelines disappearing, orders getting cancelled, and our customers fighting for survival. As many have commented prospecting is difficult at best, at worst it could damage your reputation.

    Take this time to stay sharp!

    Brush up on: - Product Knowledge - Industry Knowledge - Customer Use Cases - Competitive Intelligence - Connect with other departments and see how we can help

    I know a lot of folks are afraid of losing their job, and there is a lot that is out of control. Do what you can to demonstrate your a valuable asset.

    Whats everyone else going to stay busy?

    submitted by /u/lonemaverick87
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    Any recommendation for international sales certificates?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I'm an export sales manager and I want to get an international sales certificate. Ok I know that certificate is not necessary for a successful sales person but I just want to make my CV look stronger. Please recommend a certificate if you know one.

    PS: I'm looking for a job within EU that's why I want to get a certificate.

    submitted by /u/kgultekinn
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    Interest in cybersecurity but should I be ready to deal with a lot of pricks and rude people compared to other SaaS industries?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    I have a lot of interest in cybersecurity as a topic and wanted to potentially consider taking my career to a SaaS organization that deals with that. Throughout my years in selling to cybersecurity companies and also in talking to people in the field, I noticed an unusually smug, condescending, rude, arrogant, and disrespectful tone moreso than other areas of SaaS.

    If I do want to get into the field, should I get used to dealing with some really bad personalities?

    submitted by /u/highighhopes
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    Reply Sentiment Analysis

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    My company uses the Sales Automation tool in Outreach which logs all replies back to our emails that our reps are sending out into Salesforce.

    I was wondering how others are running a reply sentiment analysis on the replies they are getting back into their CRM

    submitted by /u/Mmetr
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    Laid off after less than a month working at company

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Long story short, laid off from a managerial role at my company. Been there less than a month and you guessed it...all because of good COVID.

    Company offered to keep me but as a rep and not a manager. Definitely a huge demotion in terms of career trajectory. Now I have to figure out of I should take it or look for another job.

    What's the outlook right now? Am I being too hopeful thinking there are jobs out there? Or should I just take what I can get at this point since its slim pickings out there..?

    Hang in there guys...hugs to all of you.

    submitted by /u/bubbleteabadazz
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    B2B Sales & Marketing

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    Hey, I've not really posted in r/sales many times, and on the whole, I'm more of a lurker than a poster on Reddit, but I know theres a whole load of experience in this subreddit, and I'm hoping to get a few tips if possible.

    I've spent the past 4 years in sales, mostly for a Mobile Phone company, and then a Home Broadband company after. Also a small bit of experience with a (shit) outsource company doing debt Recovery for a card machine company.

    I was making a move from sales into my dream job of going in the British Army this coming Sunday, but thanks to the current Covid19 situation, all training has been suspended until further notice, so it could be a long time before I go in.

    Anyway, enough about that shit.

    I've had a call/laid back phone interview this morning with a Sales/Marketing consultancy for a position as a Sales Agent, negotiating B2B contracts for all sorts of advertising and marketing positions. They're currently checking out my social media accounts to make sure I fit the bill, as a lot of their work is done through social media.

    All being well, they'll be calling me later on for a video conference with the person I spoke to and the director later on today, so it's not set in stone just yet.

    My issue is, although I have experience with B2B, B2C etc, I haven't really ever been in a position where I have to generate my own B2B leads from scratch. I understand and have worked with Lead generation before, but more from an analytical sense than actually going out and finding leads myself.

    My question (and TL;DR I guess) is, what are the best ways of generating your own leads from scratch? How do you identify the right businesses to target and pitch to, and make contact with the right person to speak to in order to close the sale?

    submitted by /u/deckchairs_ftw
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    Managing company expectations with increased demands at home.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    The company I work for has made it clear that they expect us out on the street, gaining new business and increasing current business. They have assured us that if our state enforces a shelter in place order, they will get us exemptions as employees of "essential business". Bear in mind that in the industry we are in, if one of us were to get the virus, we could potentially shut down an entire town.

    Add to this, our schools have been shut down for what is projected to be the end of the year. I have school aged kids, who will need to be able to keep up with assignments but are young enough that a parent has to help keep them on track. This should amount to a couple hours a day each, which is manageable but then there is the rest of the day to consider as well. My husband has more days off right now but I'm his field of work he is not around people for the most part so he is still working also.

    Are there other parents out there handling similar situations? Tips and best practices appreciated. At this point I am extremely fearful of losing my job, because I am not in an area with much growth potential even when there is not a global pandemic occurring.

    submitted by /u/ThrowRA9910112411491
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    Writing a Book on Linkedin Personal Branding: Looking for Feedback

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Good Morning!

    In brief: I'm writing a book on Personal Branding on Linkedin and am inquiring about what specific topics new sales professionals would like to read about.

    During these uncertain times amidst the Covid outbreak, I've decided to pursue a lifetime dream of mine and publish a book.

    My eBook will release this Summer and it is about how to build a personal brand on Linkedin for young sales professionals.

    In order to make this book as valuable as possible, I wanted to reach out to the incredible Reddit Sales community.

    Quick aside, Reddit sales actually helped me get my dream SDR job at a Fortune 500 Tech Company, become the #1 SDR in the company, get promoted to AE within a year, and now in my first year as AE, I've closed over $500,000 in sales. I truly believe this Reddit community was very impactful in all of these accomplishments.

    What I'm looking for is as follows:

    1. I'm looking for new/aspiring/young sales professionals and University students who can describe the current questions they have involving Linkedin, and any topics that they'd like me to cover.
    2. I'm looking for social selling/Linkedin superstars who I can bounce some ideas off of.

    Feel free to DM me and we can discuss in more depth.

    submitted by /u/Jsmoothie95
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    Face MASKS making shop in Atlanta looking for experienced sales personnel in medical field

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    We've just started ramping up our masks making for our shop in Atlanta and can deliver a few thousands reusable masks per week. We also carry disposable masks and n95 respirator - can do 30k per week. We don't know the medical industry and don't know how to reach the decision makers/procurement. If you're interested in some quick cash, please DM me. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/undrusr
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    How to Design a Sales Process in Dealing with Mega Brands + Fortune 500 Companies?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    So I've been a sales professional for coming on 20+ years. I started off in a boiler room in Miami and sold everything from securities to septic tank cleaner.

    I have recently joined a marketing firm that specializes in Marketing and POS for large liquor brands (Bacardi, Grey Goose, Macallen etc). Although I'm well versed in face to face sales etc I am not so well tuned in the proper protocols in sales processes when dealing some of these larger international brands who are under umbrellas of even larger conglomerates.

    I would really like to spruce myself up on the whole process. What are the best books/resources that I should be delving into to get me up to speed? I did an amazon search and found one book that may be ok, "Selling Professional Services to the Fortune 500", but I thought I would ask you guys your thoughts.

    Help Appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Monkitail
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    First time laid off

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    So I'm 23 and just got laid off from my first "big boy" job due to COVID-19. I was an Account Executive at a tech startup and prior to that I've only had b2c sales jobs with 4 years of experience.

    My question is, what kind of industries/ jobs would you recommend looking into getting to make ends meet until this all blows over? I've always been interested in car sales and real estate because I've seemed to enjoy the b2c experience more. However understandably now is probably not the best time to try and move into those fields.

    Are there any types of temporary jobs that I should stay away from if they're not sales or would future employers not care and understand the position I'm in if they saw that I went from selling software to a delivery driver for papa johns for example.

    submitted by /u/itsKOOZLE
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    How to improve at over the phone sales?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    I am typically a door to door sales guy. Obviously, because of covid 19 we aren't doing d2d anymore. I am good at the d2d part am #1 in our office and #4 company wide. For some reason this is not translating at all to over the phone sales! Still have yet to close a sale over the phone. What are some tips to be good at over the phone sales or some key differences in over the phone sales vs d2d? Stay safe out there guys!

    submitted by /u/Nhlcomedy
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    Tips on taking over a large boom of business?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    • Book of business

    Hello, I'm a salesmen for a large packaging distributor and I am taking over a large book of business. I'll be inheriting roughly 50-75 customers and about 1.5 million in sales a year. And while this is great news for my wallet, I am concerned with dropping the ball with my increased workload.

    It will be purely outside sales. Some VMI, some E-commerce and a ton of face to face.

    Does anyone have any tips? I am particularly looking for tips or tools for how to handle this many new customers.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Scubalou83
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    How can I make pre-sales before developing a product?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    Sorry if my title is wrong, I have spent 6 years in IT industry in ERP development and support. I have an idea of a new kind of product development in my mind for which I have created power point presentations.

    Now how can I sell my idea/projected product to potential customers/leads/people and get the money for development? I do not have any experience in sales but robust technical knowledge in software industry.

    Slowly I want to move to sales, what is the roadmap for it? Need help


    submitted by /u/unixbox911
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