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    Thursday, March 26, 2020

    Business Interruption - Shutdown Due to Corona Virus Insurance

    Business Interruption - Shutdown Due to Corona Virus Insurance

    Business Interruption - Shutdown Due to Corona Virus

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Sorry for the length. I'm trying to understand my Commercial policy in light of state (California) ordered business shutdown because of the Corona virus. Insurance Policy reading and comprehension is tough!

    I own a small business and have a commercial liability insurance policy that lists "Business income and extra expense" under the Additional Coverage section. I'm trying to determine if I'm covered for Business Interruption and/or Loss of Business Income as a result of being directed to indefinitely suspend operation of my business by Executive Order of the state Governor due to the Corona virus. The exact wording makes me believe that Loss of Business Income is only covered when it results from PHYSICAL DAMAGE to the building or to business property. It says "Business Income. (a) We will pay for the actual loss of Business Income you sustain due to the necessary suspension of your "operations" during the "period of restoration". The suspension must be caused by direct physical loss of or damage to property at the described premises. The loss or damage must be caused by or result from a Covered Cause of Loss." Elsewhere the policy states "Loss of Business Income must be caused by direct physical loss or damage at the described premises caused by or resulting from any Covered Cause of Loss."

    The section describing Civil Authority says. We will pay for the actual loss of Business Income you sustain and necessary Extra Expense caused by action of civil authority that prohibits access to the described premises, provided that both of the following apply: (1) Access to the area immediately surrounding the damaged property is prohibited by civil authority as a result of the damage, and the described premises are within that area but are not more than one mile from the damaged property; and (2) The action of civil authority is taken in response to dangerous physical conditions resulting from the damage or continuation of the Covered Cause of Loss that caused the damage, or the action is taken to enable a civil authority to have unimpeded access to the damaged property.

    I believe my policy doesn't cover the Governor ordering us to shut down due to the Corona virus, because there is no physical damage involved. Does that appear to be correct? Does anyone with more experience see it differently?

    Sincere thanks in advance for your time - PearlsB4

    submitted by /u/PearlsB4
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    My boyfriend has a lot of interest in becoming a Claims Adjuster (P&C/business industry, not health) — can any claims adjusters out there share the experience of being one and what you did to get there? Highlights? Pros/Cons?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Tell us your stories, CAs~

    submitted by /u/lunelectric
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    Can someone explain to me what an operators/non-owners auto insurance policy is? Are the two the same thing? How would I go about getting one?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    Life Insurance Question

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    Hypothetically, if insured died to suicide, would the company pay in full to the beneficiaries? Insured has had life insurance for 20+ years.

    submitted by /u/IllHighway5
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    How do claims adjusters get paid?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    Do they not get paid hourly? I read somewhere that your salary is dependent on how many claims you complete.

    submitted by /u/yoohfooker
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    How can I look up an agent by their license number? (Health Insurance - Maryland)

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    I am just wanting to verify information and see if I am dealing with someone I can trust. This is in Maryland.

    submitted by /u/bpsleo
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    Theft claim denial based on package "never being delivered".

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    I ordered a high value package from a seller (not amazon or anything) that was stolen off my porch. I filed a claimed with my homeowners insurance on the suggestion of another redditor - but I was denied based on the fact that I have no "definitive documentation that package was delivered". I have then recently acquired a recording from my local USPS manager who stated the package was indeed delivered to my house, AND they have location tracking to back it up. Insurance isn't budging on denial of this because they contacted some legal counsel about it, but I contacted them as well and they haven't provided any reason why this isn't considered proof, not to mention them hanging up on me.

    Is this bad faith?

    submitted by /u/Moritsuna
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    Hello I need health insurance... no clue what to do

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    So I'm 29 yrs old and need health insurance before I start full time job in 6 months. I live in Georgia... have no idea what is cheapest and decent coverage and if they even do 6 months. Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bak9867
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    Should I go through insurance or pay out of pocket?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    A few weeks ago I scratched a Tesla. I was trying to exit a parking lot by making a right turn into a street with cars waiting at a red light. There was ample room to turn into but the guy to my left was being really aggressive and moved in to close the gap. Thinking he was going to hit my car, I moved my car to the right and the Tesla to my right was fully stopped so I hit the brakes. Eventually the guy let me through and I pulled into the stress and then into the left turn lane. The guy in the Tesla pulled up next to me and said that he thinks I scratched his car. I don't think either of us were aware of this and a 3rd driver pointed it out to him. I was sure I didn't scratch it so I didn't think to stop the aggressive car and get their info. There was a small scratch on the Tesla's rear bumper and my car was fine other than some scuffs after I wiped his paint off of my front bumper.

    I gave the Tesla guy my insurance info but asked him to handle this ourselves thinking it would be around $400-500 since it was a pretty minor scratch.

    He agreed and went and got a quote for $1300. I asked a friend of a friend who has an auto body shop and they confirmed this estimate was accurate.

    My deductible for insurance is $500 but I don't really need to make a claim since there's no damage on my car. I'm considering letting him go through insurance since I already gave him my information and even if I pay him cash he could go and make a claim anyways. I'm also worried that even though I don't make a claim, I will get an accident report on my carfax and my car will lose value.

    Any thoughts or advice is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/ILostMyMojo_
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    Can insurance company cancel policy after they give you certificate?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I'm in the healthcare field and require insurance (professional liability). I asked for run-off/tail end insurance for 5 years (required by my college) and back in Dec when I asked it was $1800, and now it is $3300. I got the one person to honour the $1800, I signed policy, sent it to them, paid online. The next day they sent me the certificate. THEN I get another email from a different person in the company saying they are cancelling the policy and will only give me it if I pay the difference. I'm wondering- can they do that? After everyone signed everything and I have the certificate? (I'm in Ontario)

    submitted by /u/31daysinmay
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    Neighbor's pitbull terrorizes my family, attacked me, says he doesn't have insurance

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    Background: My neighbor's pit bull bit me while I was talking to the owner literally less than a minute after the owner said it would not bite. We were having a friendly conversation over our shared wall, I rested my arm on top of the wall, asking him about his job when seemingly out of nowhere I felt the bite: the dog ran and jumped, getting his mouth over onto where my arm was resting, it bit down and hung on my arm until I ripped away from it.

    It left a dental imprint. One puncture bled for about 12 hours. The VA made sure I had current tetanus, gave me wound care instructions, and told me to make sure the dog isn't rabid.

    I called animal control, they said an officer would come over. I went to the hospital. The VA ER physician had me fill out a form to give to the city. They told me the dog needs to be put under quarantine to check for rabies. While I was gone an officer came out, I talked to him on the phone. I expected the dog would be taken into quarantine.

    The dog was not taken away. He's still there, just this afternoon my wife and children came into the house crying and screaming. That attack dog is still terrorizing my wife, and our 1-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter.

    I called the officer, he said the neighbor is acting in good faith. They are avoiding taking dogs in because of covid19. The owner told the officer that he's putting in a wall modification that will block the dog from doing that. He is working on that today. He said that if the dog attacked my kid it would be deemed dangerous. I asked him if I could defend myself if the dog did that again, he said yes, so that's a removal option

    I asked the neighbor if he has renters insurance. He said that he doesn't, but he's looking into getting one, they will give the info to me. I told him it wouldn't be covered. I asked him if the owner had homeowners' insurance. He said he doesn't think so. I told him I would need contact info for the landlord.

    He gave me the name and number. I texted the landlord, asking for insurance info. He responded, asking for more information on the incident. I told him that the police had a report if he needed it. He said that he's not responsible for his tenant. I asked him if he has a lease agreement. He said to ask the tenant, and he's not responsible, said sorry. I haven't seen the tenant lately, so I asked the owner for his contact number and he hasn't responded.

    Question: I've talked to personal injury lawyers, but they aren't interested since it's not a major bite, and there's no easy path to a payday. Frankly, I don't want any money for my injury. It's a simple flesh wound and is healing well, also I'm a disabled veteran and I pay $0 when I go to the VA. I just don't my wife and kids getting scared. I don't think he plans to get rid of the dogs.

    Does anyone know how to find out if there is an insurance policy on the property? Is there any way to make my family whole out of this ordeal?

    submitted by /u/weezerwookie
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    Insurance Declaring Car Total Loss

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    I'm hoping you can advise me of my rights here. I'm dealing with a vehicle in Alberta, Canada which was rear ended by someone. It's an old vehicle and not worth much. However, I recently made some expensive repairs to the vehicle and it is mechanically sound.

    The shop which did the assessment said that the car is repairable, but the insurance company is declaring it a total loss. I'm assuming this might be because the repair value exceeds the blue book value of the car.

    I'd like this car to be repaired as this is much cheaper than purchasing a new vehicle. Does anyone know what rights I have in this situation?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/clearsolution
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    Pizza delivery insurance: Should I get combined single limit instead of bodily injury and liability?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    I'm looking at getting a commercial plan but I'm having a lot of trouble deciding. I was thinking of doing either 100k or 300k single limit, the minimum for uninsured, under-insure, no medical expense, $5k deductible for collision and $5k for comprehensive. I've read about umbrella insurance so I want to look into that too.

    I have a cheap car so I'm not worried about property damage for myself. I also have medical insurance so I'm not worried about having my auto insurance cover that part. I mostly just want to make sure I'm not going to be on the hook for someone's medical bills.

    submitted by /u/vunderbubb
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    My insurance plan sucks

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    My insurance plan for dental sucks. It's closed network through Cigna and the only provider they cover here is... Lacking. I live in the Northeast corner of Arkansas and have been to the dentist like six times in the last two months. Three for a crown, which had to be put in because the filling they made fell out every couple weeks when I flossed. They don't listen when I say a tooth is sensitive and tell me it will pass, and after all this I have found a small carry in the tooth. Not only that, but Cigna keeps randomly denying claims unless they are refilled and I act as an in between for the dentist and the company.

    I need another plan, an affordable one, please help. Any companies I should look to? Any policies? I have a DHMO right now because its what I can afford, but can I afford it if I keep having all these problems?

    submitted by /u/Alleycatwrites
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    Question about Types of Insurance

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this, but I was hoping that you all could help me with something. This summer, I will be interning with USI Insurance as a Sales and Consulting Intern. I am really looking forward to it, but in all honesty, my knowledge of insurance is pretty low. Today, my boss asked me if I would prefer to go into Property & Casualty or Employee Benefits. As of this moment, I don't have a preference one way or the other, but I need to let them know by Friday at 5pm. With my limited knowledge, I feel that Property & Casualty would be the better choice as it is more widely applicable, but with our current healthcare situation, maybe now is the time to do Employee Benefits?

    Any sort of feedback or guidance would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ibroughtuamento
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    What would you do? Vehicle was stolen, determined as total lost, insurance asked me to get a new car. Later, they violated estoppel saying the car has been found and can be repaired. I wrote to client care and ombudsman, should I take back the old stolen vehicle or insist not picking up?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Since they now claimed the stolen car is now repairable (found in Montreal), and they say they're going to clean it and repair it. I personally don't want to take the car back, because I'm still contacting TD client care and customer service (Had they not determined the car non-repairable and encouraged me to get a new car in email, I wouldn't have gone ahead and made the purchases. They have also verbally offered me settlement) Can they force me to take it back? Thanks for your advice.

    submitted by /u/Reddit-leaveit
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    Ford raptor GEICO claim

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Last week a heavy duty chair fell off a vehicle in front of me on the freeway and damaged my truck fairly severely. I sent photos to Geico and they sent me back an estimate on the damage. The estimate they sent back was around $1200, I looked up the oem parts myself and the parts alone are over $6k without labor. The price was unsurprisingly low as they wrote up to repair some items that are completely irreparable. I know they tend to lowball and try to get you to take the check and settle. There were some items that they didn't price and said to have the estimator at the shop look at them and they would send a supplemental check while they repair it. My goal is to get the check in my hands so I can purchase and aftermarket bumper and maybe some other items to replace. How should I do this?

    submitted by /u/Slippy_slappy_sam
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