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    Thursday, March 26, 2020

    Best Realtor one-liner of the day! Real Estate

    Best Realtor one-liner of the day! Real Estate

    Best Realtor one-liner of the day!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    "Can you see yourself being quarantined here??"

    submitted by /u/Donno14
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    Any thoughts on San Diego real estate prices in the coming future?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    About to close, but lender grossly miscalculated closing costs

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    I told the lender from the start how much cash I had to close which was around 188k. This was an all in by me, 175k was going in as a downpayment on a 690k condo with a loan amount of 515k. She estimated ~15k in closing costs. I only had 13k to close but I let her know I could save up an extra 2k which I did. Well I just got an updated fee sheet that shows I need about 21k to close. She was off the mark by 6k. I do not have this money and there is no way that I can come up with that much before close. Isn't the lender's job to ensure that this does not happen? Why did she even allow me to make on offer on this house if I wasn't going to have enough to close?

    Seems like she did not account for city transfer taxes, escrow charges, or prorated tax fees in her estimate. Is she at fault here? What options do I have? This was basically a huge waste of time and what I spent on the appraisal and inspections basically goes in the garbage. I hope I have no issues in getting my deposit back, but can I bring this up to the lender's management team and have them cover these extra costs she missed?

    submitted by /u/Oscur925
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    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Castle Rock, Colorado — March 26, 2020 — HomeServices of America and Realogy Brokerage Group (formerly NRT LLC) are leading the charge as the largest brokerages by transaction sides, according to the 2020 REAL Trends 500, an independently verified compilation of the nation's leading residential real estate companies. REAL Trends, the trusted source for news and research about the real estate brokerage industry, announced the results of the 2020 REAL Trends 500 today.

    submitted by /u/FLWriterGirl
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    Which areas/markets will be disproportionately affected by C-19 in your opinion?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    Come to mind:

    Oil dependent, entertainment/tourism dependent, and high CoL:Income places, tight-quarter condos, tight-quarter commercial real estate

    submitted by /u/marionettetest
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    Are there extensions in closing during these times of covid-19?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    We have sold our house and are in a 60 day escrow and just recently (this week) were contacted about getting a home inspection and an appraisal done this weekend for this house we're living in and the one we're about to purchase. I feel like this is not the time for inviting some random person/people into either homes just to accomplish closing. I have expressed this concern to my realtor and she states there are no extensions and exception being made since we have already started the process previous to the lock down in CA. I'm at a loss, I'd like an extension so we don't lose our future house or lose our buyers but now it's not the time to have those things happen and potentially be exposed to the virus. What are my options? What should I ask and say? Are there really no exceptions at this time?

    I also get it; she's probably really pushing for us to do these things so she can get paid and buffer herself from the incoming economic hardship she will face.

    Any advice would be wonderful in this stressful time.

    submitted by /u/stankpalm
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    Nightmare transaction

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    My wife and I put our second property under contract January 28th and have had issues ever since before whatever it seems to be going on.. I think there is a virus..? Anyway, we are finally getting close to a closing date now and there are now issues with the seller having things on the title that they have to get cleared off. That being said, we have a third property under contract now as well.

    What are some nightmare property stories you all have?

    submitted by /u/MPC_93
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    Should I Just Request a Virtual Tour?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    I inquired about a rental I'm interested in. I was given a video tour on youtube and a virtual tour like google street view. The agency asked if we could meet Saturday to see the place and I just agreed quickly as I was in a rush. now thinking about it, it would probably be best if I asked for him to simply FaceTime/video call me from the house on saturday? Would you see this as a rude thing to ask after agreeing? Sorry if its a dumb question I've just never done this before. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/usershar
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    Has anyone used the new virtual closing tool in NYC

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 02:38 AM PDT

    I'm scheduled to close in a few days for a home in ny. (likely won't happen) and just received a note from my real estate agent about the new virtual closing methods instituted by the REBNY to help facilitate closings during this time. Wondering if any has done this, and if so, how was your experience?

    submitted by /u/Trippleod3
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    Lost Employment Contract Because of Covid - Can I get out of my Sublease?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    Title speaks for itself. I signed a sublet contract for an apartment in the city I got a summer job at. The sublease is for May-August and I paid last months rent as a deposit.

    The firm I was supposed to be joining canceled my employment contract as a result of covid. I'm in Canada and because I'm still in law school I'm not eligible for EI or any of Trudeau's financial relief measures since I technically was not working at this place when covid started. I already have heavy student loans and it will literally be impossible for me to pay the rent at this moment (which is also in one of the most expensive cities in the world).

    My question is - even though there was no force majure clause in my sublease, would the circumstances of covid and me suddenly losing my employment because of it make me able to get out of the lease? Also if I can get out of the lease is there any prospect of the deposit I put down being retuned to me since it was supposed to be last months rent?

    submitted by /u/hour_blueberry
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    Anywhere I can track refinance rates in somewhat real time like an hour or so delay is fine.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    There has to be a better way than this. I keep going to various sites and input all my data and then 20 min later I'm being called non stop. I created a Google voice number to start leaving but I still get annoying emails and notifications, any ideas what's out there?

    submitted by /u/Gousf
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    How will the offer process work in hot markets once the stay at home order is lifted?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    I'm in a hot market and I've gotten used to the process of open houses on the weekends with offers due Monday. So far, houses we have been interested in (including one we put an offer on) have all received 10+ offers. I asked my agent what we would do if we liked more than one house with offers due on the same day, hoping that maybe we could go with option B if we were outbid on offer A, but she told me we'd really just have to pick one we want to offer on since you can't put in two offers. Makes sense.

    My question is how this will be handled when there's a sudden rush house of houses hitting the market at once. I'm guessing the first few weekends could be a bloodbath, and I'm wondering if maybe my strategy should be to not try to put offers in on the "best" (subjective, I know) homes in our price range, but instead maybe put offers in on our option B or C while everyone else dukes it out over option A. Anyone have any insight to this? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/osee115
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    COVID-19 Outbreak and Tenants are refusing to pay rent.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I own multiple businesses and real estate homes in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, multiple tenants have arrived at my personal business and have informed me that they have been laid off and cannot pay for rent and even refusing to pay for rent and saying that there is "Congress had 3-week country lay-off and there is no need to pay for rent due to this pandemic."

    I'm definitely confused and I've been Googling and I don't see where Congress has said that tenants do not need to pay for rent during the duration of this pandemic. Am I being scammed? I understand that they cannot pay for rent because they are laid off but this is also not my business as they signed a lease agreement and contract. I've talked to some friends and they told me that this is a scam and that I should serve them a conviction notice if they do not pay for rent, it's already a rude slap to the face that they would arrive to my personal business to inform me that they are refusing to pay for housing rent and living for free during the pandemic. My personal business has also taken a blow and at this point, I can only rely on rental income to survive.

    Please help!

    submitted by /u/daelyinht
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    Is the price of Italian real estate dropping due to COVID19?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    Lender is not requiring an appraisal on new home purchase.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    He just told me that it will save me money and keep everyone safe. The house is priced about 10k under the tax assessed value from last year. Is this a good idea, and could I also request no appraisal from another lender I am working with who has a lower rate?

    submitted by /u/mcbizkit02
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    Answered | How Low Will Home Prices Go Due To The Virus

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Impossible to calculate and every State, City and even street/block will have different results. Here are 17 condominium towers, all within Las Vegas, all performing differently over six years.


    submitted by /u/anthonyphillipsvegas
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    No House Showings Due to Coronavirus?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    sooo I asked to see a house and apparently all house showings are cancelled/forbidden by the California Association of Realtors?? How is anyone selling houses and how is the market not completely crashing right now then? https://www.carcovidupdates.org/stay-at-home-guidelines?mkt\_tok=eyJpIjoiTXpaak1qQmhaV0k0WkRJMiIsInQiOiJ2SkNSZHo5cDhMQ1NLdzM0R1YwSnhpS2V6cGdPSUhDbDdMRm9TMGNZWDRCYUNCTnpsUTB1KzNLdnY2RXZGa0Y3Y3JsM2hIWE1WY0ZEZFY5UGlqS0tvZ0loZldhV2VWZThNUGpUTHM0b21nVFduZTZRUlAxaFJlODBKSzB5TUNlQSJ9

    submitted by /u/ThisIsTheNightmare
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    Question Regarding Agents Working -CA

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    According to the governor agents are non-essential. California Association of Realtors has told us to cease all face-to-face operations, and recommends that it might be a good idea to withdraw listing. There is an agent in my office that is still going full bore with Home Inspections and seller appointments, and I'm finding myself very disturbed about it.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/unicornsandzombies
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    Can we back out without losing earnest deposit?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    We have a mortgage contingency. The lender just asked for an extension because they didn't receive several documents on time (1 supposedly from us/buyer and two others from 3rd parties out of our/buyers control). Would this allow us to back out using the "mortgage contingency" since we can't secure a mortgage by closing?

    We are concerned we may be over paying especially since we may not occupy the home past 5 years for a variety of reasons and worry selling it at break even or a profit may be difficult. If we planned on staying we'd probably have no issues moving forward.

    submitted by /u/gtcnyc
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    Advice on resolution period and what to request? First time home buyer.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    The title pretty much sums it up. My situation is a little complicated because I don't technically have a realtor but a transaction broker. In MO the transaction broker is neutral and assists both parties with the transaction. I don't want to take up a ton of time in why, but I'm comfortable with all parties involved and I'm good with this part of the decision.

    However, since I haven't done this before, I don't want to be too over the top in what I ask for in the resolution period. I've been advised to "ask for everything," but there is a bunch of little piddly stuff I don't necessarily think should be included (like a missing window latch, and a different type of cover for the outside electrical outlet, etc). I also don't want the buyer to be able to say, "I won't do this important job, but instead I'll do these six lesser jobs" or whatever. I don't really know what this typically looks like.

    The real estate market in KC is hot, in spite of the virus, and houses are still flying off the shelves, so to speak, so it is a seller's market. On the other hand, the seller is motivated because she wants to buy a different house and I'm keeping her closing costs down by not bringing in a realtor who will take a commission.

    I am already firm in my mind on a few things that must be repaired (biggest is some bracing and grading for the foundation) but there are a handful of other things I could wiggle on.

    I had two inspections done- one by a licensed experienced inspector and one freebie by a friend of a friend who is getting his certification (he's a carpenter and remodeled his own house). I also had an engineer inspect the foundation and had the sewer line scoped, so I have done lots of due diligence. 😊

    submitted by /u/mallorn_hugger
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    Building on lot under mortgage

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I bought a house with 10 acres. I'd like to build a new home in the back but I've been told I might need a real estate attorney because the land I'd be building on is under mortgage in a separate loan.

    Just looking for advice on where to start.

    submitted by /u/FullSlack
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    Dog urine damage on outside ac condenser unit

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    I'm in the process of buying a house for ~320k and the inspection revealed a couple spots including 2 corners of the outside ac condenser unit where a dog urinated and it has eaten a hole thru the aluminum fins and you can see exposed refrigerant lines. It's probably a 5 inch hole with 4 more inches of damaged looking fins above it on one corner and maybe 4 inches of damaged fins on another. We sent repair request to have ac condenser inspected and repaired/replaced as necessary. To me this meant to have the damaged parts replaced. The sellers hvac guy came out and said this has been noted on previous home visits and system is working correctly today. I'm dissatisfied with this and my realtor assured me they had spoke to an hvac supervisor from the company that inspected it and it would be fine. She told me to call him and he would explain it to me. When I call this guy he tells me he sees units with urine damage all the time and that it will be fine. I ask wouldnt this effect the efficiency and possibly lower the life of the unit. He says yes but you probably wont notice and as far as the life it might but probably not. He says he wasnt the tech that looked at it and he hadn't seen any pictures but just looking at the notes of the tech that looked it, he said it should be good. My wife asked about measuring the efficiency and he said they dont do that but they can tell us the pressures and temperatures are in range. Well I'm not really satisfied with this. The unit is damaged and I told my realtor I want to ask for half the repair costs from the sellers since we are supposed to close in a week and theres probably not enough time to have it repaired now. She said she really couldnt since the hvac guy said it was all good. I ask what about a warranty to cover it in case it has problems right after we buy and she says it's probably not possible to get a warranty on it since its damaged....which is my exact issue. I explained my point on the phone and now shes gonna have a 2nd hvac guy look at it. Am I crazy? Are we allowed to ask the sellers for half the repair cost? The worst they can say is no or counter right? Is my realtor justified in saying we couldnt?

    submitted by /u/fissionlol
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    Can I rent out other rooms in my house after evicting tenants with an N12?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:39 PM PDT


    This is a very long story. I have a 3 bedroom, 3 bath house in the GTA. The original plan (and that was communicated to the tenants) was to have a 1 year lease, and then move into my new house with my fiance and in laws. But, the tenants did not want to leave after the 12 months were done as disucussed, and we had to serve them with an n12. It took us a while to get them out, and they werent great tenants to begin with (damaged the doors, windows and locks of a brand new 2 year old house, never paid 2 months of rent till date etc. but we were very understanding and let all of it slide, and didnt make them pay for any of it.) over the next few months a few things changed though. My in laws (who live in another country) are unable to come right now because of visa issues. My fiances company transferred him to another branch, meaning he has to stay at our old rented space. I on the other hand, have to move in, as planned, because this house is closer to my work place. Unfortunately, with me just moving in, I do not need 3 bedrooms, and 3 bathrooms. My fiance also has to stay in the old rental (hence we need to pay the rent for the other home, and the mortgage of this home.) Since I do not need this much space, and money is tight with paying the rent and mortgage, I was wondering if i can rent out my extra rooms, and living room, to make up. I was wondering if this would go against my N12, as I should not be listing the property for rent for 12 months. But, I really dont think im going against the n12, because i still live in the place, and i am just renting out the rooms (not the whole house, like previously). I have tried calling the LTB, but they arent picking or unavailable in person due to the covid-19 thing. I need to know ASAP whether this is possible or not, because job cuts right now, are making it even harder for me and my fiance to manage a mortgage plus rent. Any help, or direction to help would be great!

    submitted by /u/htarpirs
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