• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 2, 2020

    What percentage of U.S. drivers have just the minimum insurance for their state? (My Google skills have failed me.) Insurance

    What percentage of U.S. drivers have just the minimum insurance for their state? (My Google skills have failed me.) Insurance

    What percentage of U.S. drivers have just the minimum insurance for their state? (My Google skills have failed me.)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST

    I can find that 13% of drivers are uninsured, but are there statistics about what percentage of drivers nationwide have only the bare minimum?

    submitted by /u/loweffortjingle
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    [Houston, TX] Insurance company is trying to charge me $2000 for an accident I wasn't at fault in

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:42 AM PST

    Frustrating story here. It was only a few days since I returned home from the military. My friend and I wanted to hand out, so I picked him up in my vehicle and we went out. We did basic friend stuff, later in the day, I decided to stop by a store to get an item I wanted. I drive into the parking lot of this store and start scanning the lot for available parking spots. As I'm driving through the lot (store front to my left, parking spots to my right), I notice the vehicle behind is riding my ass. I see the frustrated look on the driver. I thought maybe he didn't like that I was driving at parking lot speeds or something, I didn't think much of it, because I found a spot and was about to make a turn anyway.

    Well, I start making a right turn, but in the blink of an eye, the car behind me quickly accelerates and tries to go around my right (driving over the striped lines and handicap spaces in the pavement, mind you). By the time I see his vehicle, it's too late. I'm already mid-turn by the time I feel my vehicle scrape his, I didn't even have time to make an effort to slam the brakes. I honk my horn and pull into a parking space. For a second, I couldn't tell if he was going to come back or not, but sure enough, he did a 180 and zoomed back toward me. He parked beside me, and I could see the anger in his face when he got out of his vehicle. I was worried he would try to get physical with me, which I absolutely did not want. But, I had no choice but to approach him. We calmed down and talked for a bit. He made it clear that he was upset with me, because I was driving too slow in this parking lot. He said he frequently gets frustrated with slow drivers in the area, and that he didn't expect me to make a turn. I told him that if he wanted to pass, he should have gone to the left which is the car lane, not to the right where the parking spaces are. He called the police over, they said a report was not necessary because it happened in a parking lot, so no report was made and the cop left. We took pictures and exchanged insurance information.

    After I tried explaining this to people who weren't there, I found that I struggled to adequately describe what happened. This was frustrating, so I made a little gif to demonstrate what happened in the incident from the best of my recollection. In this gif, I used the exact same spot where the accident happened at, found on google maps. I'm blue, he's red. Please full screen if you need to, to see the details. Notice how the red car was on my ass the entire time. Take note of the point when he decides to swerve around me and goes over the painted lines and handicap parking spaces in the pavement (he also continues to drive over the empty spots after contact). I wish I had video evidence, but this is the best I can do. The guy said he had dash cam footage, but then said he was having technical issues and couldn't retrieve the footage.

    Now, I was annoyed that this happened, but I was pretty confident I was not at fault and my vehicle didn't really have much more than a scratch (his had a huge dent), so I got over it pretty quickly. I did everything right, I was driving properly. I was using my blinkers and looking both ways, as you do when driving a vehicle. It wasn't my fault someone got hot headed and tried to dangerously speed around me. There was nothing more I could do to prevent it. So imagine my surprise when I get a call from his insurance, telling me that I'm at fault. I didn't argue with the guy's insurance over the phone, because I thought my insurance would handle it.

    Well, this is where it gets a bit messy. Unbeknownst to me, I was an uninsured driver that day, and I'm only finding out now (a month later). You see, it's not really MY vehicle, it's my grandmother's, and I'm usually a listed driver on her insurance plan. After the accident, I dug out the insurance papers and verified that I was listed and it was up to date. It was, so that's what I gave to the other guy to take photos of. It turns out, my grandmother had gotten a new insurance policy with a new company without me listed. The old insurance was void, despite what the insurance card said. I was driving around uninsured without even knowing it. Two days after the accident, my grandmother adds me on her new insurance, and I report the accident, but it was too late then. So our current insurance denied my claim, and I'm left to fend for myself against a big insurance company "determining" that I was at fault for this accident and trying to dig almost $2,000 out of my pockets.

    I really don't know what to do. I don't have that kind of money. Please help.

    submitted by /u/gothitgotcharged
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    Accident on record that I didn't admit to -CA

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:01 PM PST

    So let's say I was driving on day light turns green I hit th gas guy in front of me goes and stops for some reason and I tap his back and leave a small hole in his fender.(from license plate bolt) This was 2 years ago I think August 2018 anyways me being dumb he takes a picture of my license and the insurance which I didn't have but it was in my cousin's name.

    Anyways I just applied for insurance and see the accident on my record saying at fault and it made my insurance sky rocket any way to fight this. I never talked to the insurance company never gave any statement. The guy didn't have any injuries. It's saying my insurance is going to be $350 a month for a 4dr eco sedan is that normal or am I being charged a lot more for the accident

    submitted by /u/Foopsz
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    Just confused

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:45 PM PST

    My geico policy is due today 02/01/20 and I have it set to automatically withdraw from my credit card.. it still shows today as the "next payment"...what is going on..

    submitted by /u/blerner28
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    Verification of dependents - health benefits (Tx/USA)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:31 PM PST

    I have always covered my family through my employer. I have two biological children and I am married. We found out my husband's company has a much better plan and has lower premiums, so we decided to make the switch to his insurance through his employer. My husband works for a private healthcare network and they have an employee benefit plan for medical/dental and vision.

    My two children are not my husband's biological children although my husband adopted my youngest 10 years ago. My oldest is 18, is a dependent and is in college full time. We already confirmed that she was eligible for his insurance plan simply because she is a dependent and is a full time student. She is a step child and eligible.

    What we did not know is that the insurance company would ask if our son is a biological or adopted child. It's not a secret so that is not a problem to disclose. I'm just wondering why we are disclosing it. They want the court documents (which are sealed, however I do have original copies) and they want his birth certificate. His birth certificate lists my husband as his father. It does not say legal father or biological father. (Neither does my daughters. I assume this is something they changed in vital records between when I was born 1980 and when my children were born 2001/2007) Both certificates just say 'mother' and 'father'.

    We were always with Cigna with my employer and we never had to verify dependents so this is new to us. Is this common? We are having to provide last years tax return, a mortgage or bank statement to show joint ownership and still living together and our marriage license to prove we are legally married. We are also having to provide the kids birth certificates and of course the adoption paperwork. Since the birth certificate shows my husband as his father, we do not typically disclose that he is adopted. Even though it is not a secret, our son knows he is adopted; why are we being asked if he is biological or adopted? Does it legally make a difference?

    Edited to add: its hard to tell if it's the insurance company asking for this information or the employer since they are one and the same.

    submitted by /u/momboss79
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    Need help ASAP

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:36 PM PST

    If my teen (17) juniors license were to drive after 9, yes I know it's not allowed legally, I of course am thinking worse case scenario and something happens would insurance still cover even if he wasnt supposed to be driving in the first place?

    submitted by /u/NicoM00
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    Went to emergency room under the assumption it would be covered retroactively from COBRA, now I’m not sure my insurance company will pay for it.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:36 AM PST

    I just started a new job and was unable to enroll in insurance until 2/1, so I figured I would only activate COBRA coverage if I needed it. Well, in the middle of the month I had such severe abdominal pains and vomiting that I ended up going to the ER - it was around midnight that I went, so the only urgent care in the area was closed and there are no 24 hour practitioners near me, but I couldn't keep anything down and my family was worried about how severely dehydrated I was becoming. I started vomiting around 9 PM and almost 15 times in three hours later, I went to the hospital around midnight. They put me on an IV, gave me medication for the abdominal pain and an antacid, and let me go around 4 AM telling me that I had the stomach flu.

    I signed up for retroactive COBRA, have paid my premium for the month. But I'm reading through my insurance coverage now, and it says the below:

    Emergency Room coverage $200 copay Deductible waived Your plan pays 100% for emergency use of emergency room waive if confined Not covered non-emergency use of emergency room

    My question is - does this mean my emergency room visit is not covered at all and I'll have to pay the full price of the visit (over 5k)? There's no way I could have gone to an urgent care because it was the middle of the night and the nearest 24/7 urgent care (according to google) is the next state over.

    Is there a way to argue that my emergency room visit was an emergency when I submit the visit's paperwork to my insurance? Because I'm freaking out now that I just paid a $550 premium to get coverage for an emergency room visit that might not even be covered.

    submitted by /u/jsscvlnt
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    Root insurance

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:20 PM PST

    So I'm a little confused with the root insurance app. It says I have a 10 out of 10 score. But my focused driving keeps fluctuating which makes no sense. Like this morning it showed that my focused driving was in the perfect range. Then it moved to in the middle. But still shows my score 10/10. Is there a glitch in the app?

    submitted by /u/RussianBot300
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    Car insurance increased by more than 500?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:04 PM PST

    I have insurance with Statefarm and have three cars under the insurance.

    So a few months ago, I was parallel parking and backed up into a car. It was night time, and I didn't realize I backed up to the car behind me and proceeded to park in. The next day, a cop showed up at my doors saying I backed into a car. The cop said there were barely any damage and show me the pictures. He said the insurance won't cover it because it's a small damage.

    The pictures shows that the car has a few tiny paint scratch, no dents. It wasn't an expensive car. Now Statefarm inceased my insurance by more than 500 dollars and will last three years, probably that guy reported this to his insurance.

    Is a 500 increase on car insurance normal for such accidents? My insurance now is really expensive, how can I get it to go down?

    Just to note: I backed up to that car in my 2015 Toyota suv, but the insurance increased was put on the 2013 Toyota sedan.

    Edit: Asking for someone else who doesn't have reddit

    submitted by /u/24KPureHot
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    Insurance sent settlement check without agreement to anything.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:59 PM PST

    The insurance company that the driver who hit my car sent me a check without any agreement of payment or option to go to body shop. Only email saying "payment has been sent" after she verified who is the register owner of the car. This is wawanesa insurance I'm in Las Vegas the driver was out of state. I'm confused how they will send a $1700 check without any agreement. Or any option going to a body shop prior it doesn't bother me because I already bought the parts to fix the car. This has been super odd their aloud to do this ?

    submitted by /u/wrongonedon
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    Switching auto insurance after bundling home insurance?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:34 AM PST

    Back in Decemeber, I renewed my car insurance with state farm. It came a month too early because January was 5 years since I was in an accident. I stuck with state farm since other insurance companies were still penalizing me for the accident.

    Last week, I closed on my first home and I went through State Farm for homeowners insurance (Got discounts for having car insurance and renters insurance with them).

    What I am trying to see is will there be an issue if I stop my auto insurance with state farm now (Would my homeowners insurance rates get affected now)? Currently paying around $760 for 6months, trying to save some money on auto!

    Side question- not sure if this is true, but if there's a fire hydrant right in front of my property, will my insurance give me an additional discount? That's what I was told by a friend when moving in.

    submitted by /u/IamDoge1
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    Car Insurance

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Hello! This is my first time getting my own car insurance and I could use some advise.

    I'm in community college, have a part time job, and just got my first car.

    What are some things I should look for with car insurance? What are some things I should avoid? How do I get good insurance and a good deal?

    Any advice would be really helpful! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Breesters20
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    double claiming, is it right? s it lega?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:21 PM PST

    I have private medical insurance. My company just got acquired last month by a new company who offered additional medical insurance. They both cover part of my medical bill.

    My question is, could I claim the part they cover under both insurance companies (since I'm paying both premiums) and thus come closer to the total amount of my treatment.

    If it isn't legal, would they ever find out?

    submitted by /u/bosbcn
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    Does this sound right? Dental

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:54 AM PST

    Ok, so in 2018 I started my Invisalign journey with a dentist. (Texas)

    Before I started the journey, I ensured they were an in-network provider with Delta Dental DPO with both the dentist and the insurance company. After confirmation, I went in for a consult and asked for an estimate before I went through with it. They told me it cost $5000 and it would be filed under my insurance company. After the appointment, I called my insurance and asked what it would cost. They said I had a lifetime max of $3000, and they pay 80%, I pay 20% of ortho procedures. (This is my first ortho procedure.) After being told it might cost me $2000 at the end of the day, I decided to proceed after getting my wisdom teeth out (8months later.)

    At the dental office, they told me I had to pay the $5000 upfront through payment plans of $417(exactly $417) for 12 months. They said I'd have to file my own insurance claim but the insurance company told me I'd be getting $3000 back after the claim was filed so I went ahead with it. They had me sign an agreement that said I would pay the full $5000. The agreement said that I would make a monthly payment that would be taken out of my account automatically over the course of 12 months. (Note: on the agreement, there was only my signature, no witness signature or anything. There is also a sentence saying treatment would be a maximum of 6 months and a minimum of one year retention. (I witnessed the dentist cross out 6 months and write 12 months in pen next to it, "+ forever" is written in pen next to one year retention.)) Before signing it, I was assured by her that I would be able to submit it to my dental insurance and get $3000 back.

    My first actual Invisalign appointment was in February of 2019 and that was where I got the fitting done and everything. I put the down payment of $417 down. They gave me a paper that said Dental Claim Form at the top and had D8080, 02/19, "Length of Treatment 6 mos" and said it was the pre-estimate form that they sent off. They told me I would still have to file the claim myself but I should wait until the end of my treatments to do it (01/2020). Things went on where I paid $417 a month until 10/19.

    In October, my S.O. asked me why I was paying so much and told me I could have submitted the claim as soon as it started. I obviously didn't know how any of this worked and she used to file medical claims for doctors, so she called the insurance company for me to work on filing it and see where the hold up is. (She's the more abrasive out of us both.) They told her I could have filed from the beginning and that actually the dentist was one of their in-network providers and it was their responsibility to file the claim. That seemed like it was a lot easier to us since insurance was asking for a lot of information that the dentist had. She called the front desk woman to ask her to file the claim and she refused saying that they don't file claims for ortho and they haven't for any ortho clients before us either. "It was within their right to make us file the claim and it's a privilege for us to use insurance in the first place." After much argument, she said fine and we went up there to grab a claim form and all of my previous receipts (except the first one which the front desk person said they couldn't find) to mail the claim ourselves. I'm glad she was there because I honestly didn't know what npi or billing codes or anything are. The code of D8080 was the same though. She noticed on the "pre-estimate" form my account number was different than what was on this new form and all of my receipts. I mailed it with all of my receipts (the $417.)

    The insurance agent also said that the money automatically goes to the provider because they're in network with them after we told them that the provider told us to tell them to send us the money. We talked to the front desk about it, they said they would not accept money from them, they hadn't done it that way in the past from anyone else. Everyone else apparently was able to file it themselves and have the money sent to them (the patient.)

    We sent in the form and we followed up with insurance a month later. It should be noted they confirmed my address this time. They said it couldn't be filed because a number only the dentist had (their code id or something) and that the dentist really should be the one to file the claim. Another argument with the front desk woman and insurance person later, the front desk woman said the insurance company should now have all the information they needed. We thought we were done.

    January comes and I get an EOB in the mail dated on 01/15/2020. It said my summary of claims was $1880, accepted fee $1250, insurance pays $1000, I pay $250. The code on it is D8080 and the date of service is 02/19. I had my last Invisalign appointment a couple days later and my girlfriend went with me. When I got there, the office manager (who was actually there that day) asked for my last payment of $417 and I told them was that it looked like the claim had already gone through and I was told they got a $1000 check! yay! (Upon checking my emails, she had sent me a notification asking for the last $417 payment the day before the appt.) She claimed not to have seen that and double-checked my file and wrote me a check for $583, saying they were keeping the $417 as the last payment from it. While I was in the appt, my girlfriend called the ins company because it seemed really weird she kept the $417 when the claim apparently went through. They said that they had received a claim for orthodontics already from the dentist office directly back in 02/19 and that they had been sending them $104 a month making a total of payments towards them from the insurance company $2144 so far and that they would send any remaining amount in the upcoming months to the dental office.

    I had no clue what they were talking about and we asked for that EOB. She said I could find it on my delta dental account online, which I didn't know was an option and low and behold, I signed up for an account and there it is. One pre-treatment estimate from 04/18 for (D8080) submitted fee $5000, accepted fee $4370, Insurance pays $3000, I pay $1370. One benefit statement with a failed claim from 10/19 ( the one I sent) for (D8080) $5000, everything else $0 because they were missing the dentist license # and asked them to submit that information in the notes. One benefit statement that had passed accepted with an accepted claim with a date at the top saying 01/15/20) for (D8080) date of service 02/19, SF $1880, AF 1250, Ins 1000, me 250. One benefit statement dated 01/22/2020, for 11 claims each saying (D8670) SF $130, AF 130, Ins $104, Me $26. dates from 02/19 to 01/20 with the same day each month. I wasn't seen on any of those days and my actual appointments were very different days, those were when $417 was pulled from my account to them.

    We went back inside and told them that insurance what insurance told us and what we saw and they claimed the only amount they had received was the $1000. We asked where the numbers from the accepted claims came from and they said they had no clue. (Ins also said they didn't know what was happening and they believed we had been upsaled.) The office manager told us they hadn't received anything and they would send us a refund as they got it from insurance. We asked her to do a three-way call with the insurance company and us and she refused to. We asked for all of our previous receipts and she would only give us a single patient ledger that didn't have any codes for services but did have dates and what I've paid. When confronted about the amount on the claim form and her keeping the rest of the $1000, she said it was within their right to be able to bill us what they want to and have us claim separately according to Texas law and dismissed anything else said. (looking it up later, Balanced Billing is illegal in Texas.) She said they would probably get another check from insurance at an unknown later date and give it to us.

    We called the insurance to figure everything out and they said they had the information we saw on the site and offered for us to file a grievance with the dental company. They said they would have someone investigate them to see what happened. Wanting my money back and to figure out what was going on, I did.

    My girlfriend thinks the dentist was balanced billing me and is wondering if possible embezzlement is going on ( the separate account number.) From our knowledge, the dentist's office has received a total of $7144 from both insurance and me. Where is the extra money? Where is my $3000? What are those numbers on the accepted claim forms and why are the prices so different from the $5000 I know everything to cost? Why are the dates and lengths of treatment so different on everything? I would never have accepted to do any of this if I thought it was actually going to cost me $5000. Once again, this is the only ortho procedure I've ever had done.

    What should I do? I already filed the grievance. Do I need to do anything else? Do I need a lawyer or to contact the state or ADA? Am I screwed the whole $5000 because of all this confusion? Did I mess up? Is the dentist office screwing me over or did insurance?



    *Dentist is in-network Delta Dental DPO. I confirmed with both dentist and Ins.

    *Dentist charged me $5000. Refused to file claim themselves. $417 a month for 12 months out of pocket.

    *I was told by both Dentist and Ins I would get $3000 back from that amount.

    *I filed a claim with the code D8080 for $5000 that was denied because of missing information.

    *Office manager was abrasive and rude, Front desk woman was rude but seemed to be confused.

    *Found two Benefit Statements with:

    one claim D.O.S. 02/19 (D8080) SF $1880, AF 1250, Ins 1000, Me 250 (01/15 on top of page)


    eleven claims D.O.S. from 02/19-01/20. (D8670) SF $130, AF 130, Ins 104, Me 26.

    *I wasn't actually seen on the days one the eleven claim form but it is when the $417 got pulled out of my account.

    *Insurance said they've already sent $ 2144, I have paid $4583 out pocket. They gave me a check for $583 after I had proof insurance sent them $1000.

    *There is an account number with all of my information on it that I don't know about.

    *******WHAT"S HAPPENING!!!!!???? WHAT DO I DO????!!!!!**************

    Edit: Just to clarify, Balanced billing is illegal in Texas for in network providers.

    I was also seen by the dentist who owns the clinic for every visit. So she was definitely in network.

    I may crosspost to legal advice.

    submitted by /u/wordisthebird002
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    Fraud and HIPPA violation?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:41 AM PST

    My wife and I had a baby 2 months ago. A couple of days ago my wife got an email from McKesson that they were sending her a free breast pump. She just dismissed it as spam. Yesterday a breast pump from McKesson showed up at our house and then my wife checked her insurance and there was a claim for the cost of it.

    Is this not both insurance fraud and a HIPPA violation? She has never been in touch w McKesson for anything so they shouldn't even have her contact info much less insurance and health information. Anyone else seen this as it seems like it could easily be a widespread thing. We did not experience this 3 years ago after the birth of our first son.

    submitted by /u/Austintech2010
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    Car Insurance Question: If I have a good Personal Injust Protection (Personal injury protection - $250,000/$250 deductible), should I still need to buy un/underinsured Body Injury insurance?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:19 AM PST

    I feel like PIP and Un/underinsured Body Injury are redundant.

    This is my current structure:

    • Bodily injury liability: $250,000 per person/$500,000 per occurrence
    • Property damage liability: $100,000 per occurrence
    • Personal injury protection - $250,000/$250 ded.
    • Comprehensive - $1000 ded
    • Collision - $1,000 ded
    • Emergency Road Service - carried
    • Un/underinsured BI $250,000/person $500,000/accident
    • Un/underinsured PD $50,000/accident $500 ded
    submitted by /u/theusdesi
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    “Continuing coverage” auto insurance: worth it or scam?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:59 AM PST

    I sold my car and will definitely not be getting another for at least a couple of years, if not more. When I called Geico to cancel my insurance, the rep strongly suggested maintaining "continuing coverage" even though I won't have a car. Apparently, car insurers charge higher if they see a lapse in coverage, almost like poor credit. The 6-month premium is $107.33, so roughly $17.88 per month. This doesn't break the bank, so I'm fine with it if it's truly a good idea, but also feels stupid to be paying car insurance of any kind with no car. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/AniramAgram
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    New Job - Health Ins. Question

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:52 AM PST

    My spouse is a dependent on my employer's plan. She is getting a new job that offers a HDHP and HSA. It would be financially better for her to get off my plan and enroll in her new employer's plan.

    My question is am I allowed to cancel her from my insurance mid-year? I'm a little confused by things I'm reading online, and my insurance company is seemingly impossible to get a straight answer from.

    I'm assuming she has to enroll in her new plan before I can cancel her from mine? I then provide my ins. company proof of her new insurance, and then they have to cancel her from mine? Any potential issues here??

    submitted by /u/dercolee
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    Charged for fitting

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:01 AM PST

    So I just got onto a new insurance eyemed. And I went to my first eye doctor appointment and got a contact lens fitting which on my insurance says that they cover that. But when I asked the doctor about it, they said they never run fittings through insurance. I got this doctor's name from the paperwork that came with my insurance card. And I'm just confused as to why my insurance says that they do cover fittings, but the doctor they sent me to doesn't take that insurance for them? When I spoke to my insurance, they said to go through the doctor and talk to them about it. But the doctor said the same thing about the insurance.

    submitted by /u/Tracetheveins
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    Question about standing after car theft.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:44 AM PST

    A while back, my car was stolen and totalled by my insurance company (statefarm). Although, I bought it back and fixed it up myself, as it is still a clean title car, and it is insured on the same policy.

    Since I already made a claim on the vehicle, if it were to be totalled again, would I be covered?

    Edit: I am still on my parents family plan, and they are telling me that I can make a separate claim, and insurance will value the car no differently. I do not trust this.

    submitted by /u/Gusmanbro
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