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    Monday, February 3, 2020

    Sales and Depression, my story Sales and Selling

    Sales and Depression, my story Sales and Selling

    Sales and Depression, my story

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Today i want to share something very personal with you guys

    I thought a lot about if i should talk about it and eventually decided to take a step and do it because it might help others.

    Those others might be you, a family member, a friend, a child or a co-worker

    I will share my story with you, how i got into depression, how i got out of it, and how i try to stay out of it

    I always was someone with a lot of different interests. But they never lasted very long. Might had to do with my adhd. I can get motivated and sucked into something pretty fast but then after a couple of days, weeks or months i will lose interest.

    Just, like, that!

    You wont believe me when i tell you how many different jobs i had in my life.

    I was good in school but sucked at doing homework. I got through with a ton of luck, godgiven talent and supporting parents and teachers.

    I started an apprenticeship as a constructional engineer / drawer and quit in my last year because i couldnt keep my motivation and interest up for it any longer.

    Various jobs followed. I worked in construction, i worked as a grafic-designer, i repaired computers, i worked as a mechanic and as a bouncer.

    It was the same story everywhere. I was absolutely hooked in the beginning, started great, everyone loved me and all of a sudden i quit.

    Then there was a life changing event. I was at a cinema with a friend. Waiting to buy a ticket.

    This night, the computers of the cinema malfunctioned and all people were getting really upset and angry at the staff.

    I always had a natural ability to stay positive and connect with people. So i started talking with them, making jokes, calming everyone down.

    Within these people was an owner of a boutique insurance broker firm. He offered me a job right there.

    Well,wearing a suit selling insurances and financial products? Making some cash? Better than my handyman kinda jobs. Maybe my parents would be happy about it. Lets give it a shot!

    What can I say? While this guy was a total ass, i will for ever be grateful that he got me into sales.

    I absolutely crushed it! My adhd finally found an environment to thrive and excel. High pressure, lots of dynamics, lots of adrenaline, a rollercoaster job. Awesome!

    Since then i stayed in sales and i skyrocketed my career. I worked for some of the most known companies in the world and was promoted in every role i got into within a year.

    I worked 60 to 70 hours per week, i bought a ferrari at the age of 30, i travelled to foreign countries whenever i wanted, i earned more than a doctor and led large teams and even ended in c level management.

    All without a degree.

    But i was never truly happy

    While the air was burning, i was distracted.

    But underneath something dark was growing..

    And the thing is... once you are not working as a sdr anymore, you can become a bit more lazy.. because your work isnt rigorously tracked anymore.

    You can sleep longer, arrive at work later and leave earlier.

    You can decide if and when you will visit or call a client.

    And the longer the sales cycle become, the longer it takes for someone to realize if you are productive.

    Once you arrive at c level you have figured it out, how to be a lazy fuck.

    Your comfort zone is like a magnet.

    Like a black hole..

    It will suck you in slowly but with relentless persistence

    And then.. all of a sudden.. you are fucked

    I found myself without any motivation at all

    I had no interest in anything

    I didnt gave two fucks about my job. You want to kick me out? I dont care, where i live i have insurance for these kinda situations, i dont have to worry.

    I started to show up later and later at work.

    Sometimes i came around noon and left two hours later.

    Sometimes i didnt showed up at all.

    Well, some told me that its ok to take a day off and laying in the sun. Thing is, i did jack shit. I was at home. In my bed. Doing nothing.

    I just waited for the day to go by.

    Until its officially time to sleep again.

    I was really hoping to find something new.

    Something that could motivate me again to get out of bed.

    I couldnt.

    Some days were better. On these days i showed up at worked.

    On these days i sometimes managed to write an email to a client or to my team.

    You might experienced this yourself somewhere in the past. If not, you cant understand how fucking hard it can be to fire up your mail client and write two fucking sentences. To me it needed as much energy as if i tried to run a marathon.

    Once i did a small task like this, i was completely done. I just wanted to go back home. Back in my bed. Forcing myself to sleep.

    I realized the danger once i started to drink beer during the day, because the alcohol seemed to lighten my mood, it helped to get minor work done.

    I forgot to say, i lived with my family. Wife and kids. I helped doing stuff at home. Cleaning the kitchen, getting my kids ready for school. But it was brutally exhausting.

    To avoid questions i even rented a small office near my house, just to be alone and get some sleep.

    I occasionally met with some close friends but nothing seemed to matter.

    I was known assomeone who always was eating very clean and doing a lot of sports.

    During this period i lived of red bull, chips and fast food suppliers.

    I didnt worked out anymore.

    I felt completely lost and empty. Like as if i was absolutely wrong in this world and felt like the only person who just happened to be unable finding its place and more important peace.

    I always was someone you would call "driven" and "restless". Always on the search. But i somehow lost it. The fire inside of me was gone. Leaving back piles of ashes.

    To get the time through i eventually started listening to podcasts. Before i just watched netflix or youtube. Meaningles shit just to receive some sort of input and keep me distracted from reality.

    I then heard an interview with tyson fury. The heavyweight boxer. He shared his story. How he ended in depression. How he gained a shit ton of weight and lost all interest and started drinking alcohol.

    How he finally drove his ferrari towards a bridge. With a drink in his hand. With the intention to end it all.

    He stoped the car last second and decided to make a comeback. He shared how he tried to run for a mile and gassed out after a couple of meters.

    We all saw him in the ring lately against wilder. Competing for a world title again.

    The interview host himself is pretty successful (joe rogan) and he shared his own story as well and shared further stories about other very successful guys who all faced similar situations.

    This gave me hope.

    I wasnt alone.

    And i had to find a way out of it.

    Problem was, motivation comes and goes. Its temporary, it doesnt last. Its a bitch.

    I knew i couldnt do it on my own.

    So i took a leap and shared my state with some of my closest friends.

    This step was extremely important.

    They know me really well and they knew i wouldnt ever go to a doctor to get medicated.

    So they hold me accountable to my goals.

    They called me on a daily basis asking me if i managed to get out of bed. They hold me accountable for fucking baby steps.

    I started to eat healthy again, step by step.

    I started to work out again. Step by step.

    I started to figure out how i wanted to earn my money. Step by step.

    I cant say i am super happy at the moment, i still struggle with finding something that pays the bills and has a meaning to me but i am in control of my life again and i surround myself with stuff and people that bring me joy.

    During this time i learned that there is a shit ton of people dealing with depressions.


    and i figured out how to help most of them!

    I realized that this hole was there all the time(most likely) and it just got a hold of me on sucked me in because i let it do it.

    what got me into this hole was a series of negative baby steps. Every day i was sucked in a little bit more. I guess, while it felt like it came overnight, this had to be a process of months where i just couldnt see the signs.

    So just be aware if you notice negative thougts that keep sticking around.

    Be aware if you notice to neglect positive things like going to the gym, going out with friends, sharing quality time with friends and family (i isolated myself every day a bit more, doing stuff on my own).

    We all have down days. But you should keep an eye on it if these days showing up more often.

    And try to keep an eye on the people around you if you notice behaviour patterns changing to the negative, isolating side of things.

    Believe me, you wont see sad faces. In fact, i learned a lot of people will act as if they are super happy. I did the same. But its all a masquerade. Behind this show theres only darkness.

    What got me out of it was turning the process around.

    Baby steps in the right direction.

    Every day.

    You cant just jump out of it. Its not possible.

    You can drink or you could do drugs but this is only temporary and will in fact make things even worse.

    Set yourself a couple of goals.

    The rule from now on is "no steps backwards - ever!".

    You dont have to do a big step each day, its not possible. You have to commit and stick to baby steps.

    It doesnt matter how small the step is in the right direction, but it has to be a step.

    No step equals to a lost day and a step backwards!

    You cant get out of bed in the morning? Start with getting out of the bed at least once for a short period of time. Start with sitting up. You can allow yourself to sleep again afterwards. Once you managed to sit yourself up, add another tiny baby step the next day. Put your feet on the floor.

    Start working out. Its so fucking important!! It will release endorphins which make you feel better. Start with putting your running shoes besides your bed. Next baby step is to put them on. Next baby step is to go outside. Next babystep is to walk to the next corner. Etc etc

    Cant get things done at work? Start again with baby steps. Write a handwritten note what you have to do. Good! You have done something! Next day start with the first task. Dont want to do the follow up call? Thats ok! Go find the number of the client, put it next to your telephone, write some bullets down what you have to say. Thats it! Awesome, you have took another baby step towards the right direction.

    Talk to a close friend about your situation. Ask him to call you everyday and share your babystep goals with him. If you dont have a close friend ask reddit. There are truly wonderful people around eager to help you!

    If you can try to dream big again. Think about a goal that is extremely attractive to you and that resonates with you on a core level. Connect your baby steps to this vision.

    I know this can seem extremely silly. How can someone not do a fucking simple follow up call or clean his fucking kitchen if he has to. But this shit is for real.

    And its soul crushing once you are "that weak ass pussy"

    This is the one single thing that can bring the biggest baddest motherfuckers down on their knees

    But you can fight through it

    All it takes is a single glimpse of hope and will during a "good" moment and stick to "no backward steps - ever!", baby steps my friend! Fucking baby steps!

    Once you have followed this for a couple of days you will feel better. I promise you this! You will feel better and it will accelerate your process on its own, motion creates emotion.

    One more tip: dont hate. Dont talk bad about others. You might be in this state because of an asshole manager or a cunt of an exwife, get over it. Talking bad about others will backfire. It will make you feel worse. Concentrate on positivity.

    Sorry for this ultra long read and i am aware that my sentences arent very well structured.

    I really hope some of you can take something of value out of it for themselves or others

    for those wondering what i am up to these days.

    I quit my job and figuring out what i want to do next. i know i love sales and i know i want something with good people around me.

    i started a side project (reddit tip) that brings me joy and is helping others.
    the feedback i receive from the people i helped means a world to me and gives me "a mission" to keep going and being productive.

    i had a long talk with my wife. our relationship took a couple of hits during the last year but we both agreed to invest in us. baby steps..

    i spend a lot of time with my kids talking. not just playing, but talking. small kids are awesome life teachers.

    i started a new hobby. with a couple of friends on a weekly basis.

    i booked several weekends with my family and other weekends with my friends, where i do something that brings me joy and will result in lasting memories.

    Thanks guys have a great week

    submitted by /u/boilerroomcaller
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    Just closed a deal after one full month of being in the slump and countless times of self-doubt.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:09 AM PST

    If you're currently also feeling the same, remember to not get tricked by what your mind tells you. These days will be over.

    If you lost a deal, you lost a deal, but you're not a loser. You did it, and you can do it again.

    submitted by /u/alphamoonchild
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    I'm stuck. I've spent 6 months studying cognitive biases and converting them into applicable techniques as a brainstorming deck, so that I can use it for my work, mostly as a sales persona, creator & marketer. Now I am stuck at figuring how to make it as usable as possible for others.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:36 PM PST


    I'm putting myself in a vulnerable position and putting out some work in progress images below. I'm not even sure of it is going to be successful or not.

    I have been a sales persona, creator & marketer for as long as I can remember. When I came across the concept of Cognitive Biases (basically mental shortcuts we mortal humans use to process information & take decisions), it peaked my interest.

    Instead of just exploring these concepts, I thought of creating some end product as a result of my exploration. So I created this deck with 115 Biases and distilled them into applicable techniques. This deck is mostly useful for sales people, creators and marketers

    Most of the list of biases out there have generic definition. I wanted to make them relevant for people like me. So I tweaked the language accordingly.

    The Challenge: How to make this deck engaging and usable for you guys?

    Now that the deck is ready. The one thing I am really stuck at is, if you had these 115 cards, how would you use it as a brainstorming deck and what outcome would you create with it?

    How can I make this deck engaging enough to use for you? Any & all ideas are welcome.

    Example Cards Below:

    Note: Since I cannot upload images here, here is a link to the images : https://imgur.com/a/xz7ye93


    To make it easy for you, I am also pasting a few of these hacks below as plain text.


    Bias Name 1 : Subjective Validation

    Definition : Your users will tend to consider a statement or piece of information to be correct if it has any personal meaning or significance to themselves.

    Situation : When your user ignores your message...

    Hack Name : Be Personal

    How To Use It : Make your messaging personal to your user. Address your user by their name. Use 'you' & 'your' in your messaging. Frame the message in a positive way.


    Bias Name 2 : Ben Franklin Effect

    Definition : Your users will tend to perform more favours for you if they have already performed a favour for you once.

    Situation : When your user is not ready to give you greater commitments in terms of time, money or efforts...

    Hack Name : Start With Asking A Series Of Small Favours

    How To Use It : Ask your user to perform small favours for you before asking them for bigger commitments.


    Bias Name 3 : Unit Bias

    Definition : Your users will tend to complete a unit of a given item or task. Regardless of its size. It is the perception of completion that is satisfying to them.

    Situation : When your user is partially adopting your idea or product or is keeping actions incomplete...

    Hack Name : Make It Measurable

    How To Use It : Convert your idea or product or a desired action you want them to perform into measurable units. Show the progress they have made in a measurable way. This is done by using techniques like progress bar or assigning value to a unit.


    Bias Name 4 : Information Bias

    Definition : Your users will tend to seek more information while evaluating a choice. Even when they can often make better predictions or choices with less information..

    Situation : When your user is delaying or procrastinating in performing a desired action...

    Hack Name : Close The Information Loop With Concrete Conclusion

    How To Use It : Always close your information loop with concrete conclusions. Avoid keeping open loops in your information that would trigger your user to explore more.


    How would you use these hacks & biases? When would you use them? Will you go through all 115 of them?

    submitted by /u/prathameshkrisang
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    Share Mutual Action Plan with prospects?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:51 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm a CSM at a b2b saas company that serves call centers. Each account has multiple stakeholders that each have their own priorities/needs/requirements that our product is supposed to serve.

    I've noticed that with some of the accounts I am handed off, the account executive will also provide me with a "Mutual Action Plan" that was shared w/ the prospect during the sales process that really helps me understand the dynamics between different stakeholders and their needs. Generally speaking, I feel like these accounts are some of my best accounts.

    Unfortunately, not every salesperson at my company provides a Mutual Action Plan to their customers during the sales process (we're still a young org). I've brought this up to my manager who has tasked me with putting together a proposal for why we should request the sales organization to use a Mutual Action Plan with every prospect. I've combed google for a few resources and found the following:

    - https://www.saleshacker.com/mutual-action-plans/

    - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-mutually-agreed-action-plan-maap-help-you-take-sales-kreindler/

    - http://www.daryllu.com/2018/07/mutual-action-plans-map-ping-alignment.html

    These all seem great but also seem fairly operationally heavy (lots of manual work for the sales teams in terms of updating docs and sending things out). I think a MAP would help us out but am hesitating because it would mean more work for the sales team.

    My question for you all is:

    - Has anyone seem a MAP process be scaled out and enforced for a sales team?

    - If so, have you used any tools to make this process easier? Or did you have to build it all out in Salesforce/other CRM?


    submitted by /u/theENTlord
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    Tips for applying to SaaS BDR/SDR positions with an incomplete degree, how tough will it be?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:44 AM PST

    I have a long BDR internship under my belt as well as a year at a commission based retail sales position where I did well. I have a year left of college but for financial reasons am deciding to test the waters and see if anyone will hire me despite not having a degree. Based in the bay area so at least I can cast a wide net.

    I'll have to reach out to hiring managers directly and not just rely on bare resume submition.

    How much of a sticking point will it be?

    submitted by /u/ExtraFirmpillow
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    So some people wanted an update on my job hunt, my gripe is I’m a good salesman but some companies expect superstar status day 1. So to get away from that stress I grabbed a job with a starting pay of $43,000 a year as a Customer Service Rep for an awesome company :)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:43 AM PST

    My living expenses are low, I still live at home, and I am currently going to school for Meteorology. So in total my bills are about $700 a month. I hope I can stay here long term as this is a wonderful company to grow with and with overtime and bonuses I could be easily making 70k, VERY LOW stress environment. I will be a Sales Support person basically with the territory account managers.

    submitted by /u/JoeyMcMahon1
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    Low-calorie meals for road warriors

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I just wanted to post my personal list for easy, low-calorie food while you're on the road as I often forget to grab fruit/nuts/protein bars/smoothies and have to snag something from a fast-food restaurant instead. This list will have some of the most common places around the US and stay around 500 calories:

    1) Mcdonalds:

    -You actually have a nice variety here so feel free to do some research in case you don't like my suggestions. First suggestion is two egg white delights (260 calories each), tastes great and easy to eat. My second is two grilled chicken snack wraps, but the trick here is to have them swap the buttermilk ranch sauce for regular mustard saving you 100 calories and giving these a total of 240 calories each.

    2) Subway:

    -Probably the most filling on this list as you can stack this with fresh veggies and (believe it or not) I found a way to get a footlong while keeping it on the lower on the calories. You have to ask them to "scoop" the bread, basically taking out the filling. It's tough to say how many calories are cut out, but I would guess it's half the sandwich. My order is a footlong whole wheat scooped, double roasted chicken, some sort of spicy cheese like pepper jack, a ton of veggies, and a low-calorie sauce like vinaigrette, mustard, or light mayo. This brings you to about 500 calories if you count the scoop as a half a sandwich.

    3) Starbucks:

    This one is my favorite and it's weird because I never really considered Starbucks for its food, but after researching and giving it a try, I like it a lot. I get the spinach feta wrap (280 calories) with an order of egg white and pepper sous vide eggs (170 calories). Very filling and I'm always stopping at a coffee place to get work done, which brings me to my next place on the list. Totals 450 calories

    4) Dunkin' Donuts

    If you guys haven't guessed, I'm a big egg fan so I apologize to anyone reading that doesn't like eggs. The wake-up wraps are criminally underrated and the 2 for 1 deal they do makes this the cheapest option. at 150 calories each, the veggie egg white is a great choice. If you're really hungry, get four of them for 2 bucks totaling 600 calories.

    5) Taco Bell

    Two grilled chicken soft tacos fresco style (140 calories each, I add jalapenos) and a spicy tostada (190 calories). I love taco bell so it's really hard to not order anything more, but this definitely hits the spot totaling 470 calories. The only thing is it's a little messy to eat so I suggest stopping in a parking lot or heading inside to eat quick.

    6) Chick-Fil-A

    This one is tough cause CFA's fries are incredible but you have to be strong sometimes. I get the grilled chicken sandwich (320 calories) and an 8 piece grilled nuggets (180). I'll then use a single package of spicy buffalo sauce (25 calories) giving you a total of 525 calories.

    7) Chipotle

    Bowl with double steak, pinto beans, double veggies, tomato salsa, green chili salsa, red chili salsa, double lettuce. Totals out to be 550 calories.

    Hopefully you guys find this useful, In my experience, what happens is I forget to pack something healthy which leads me to buy something quick & easy. I then roll up to the ordering window and my stomach does the talking resulting in a very unhealthy and high calories lunch. This list lets my brain take charge. Also, I found that no matter where I am I can find one of these 7 places but if that isn't the case for you guys and you have another place in mind, let me know and I'll update the post.

    submitted by /u/leeber27
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    Looking for reps for a greeting card company

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:46 PM PST

    Hi Everyone,

    I co-own a greeting card company. We sell mostly to: card shops, gift boutiques & independent bookstores. We need commission only sales reps in states where we don't have any reps at the moment. 20% commission.

    Key states we need are: FL, NY, MI, NC, OH, PA, WA

    Key metro areas: NYC, Philly, Pittsburgh, Portland, St. Louis, Seattle, Washington DC

    States where we do have reps already: AZ, CA, CO, GA, IL, NM, ME, MA, TX, SD, WY

    Any state I didn't mention I'm interested in, as well.

    I'm certainly interested in talking to folks outside the US.

    We have lead lists, including dormant accounts. But would, obviously, like a rep to look for new accounts, as well.

    I can provide training via a Skype call based on my experience repping the cards. It's not rocket science, but there are some tried & true methods for getting meetings.

    It's really just a job for anyone who is friendly, likable and enjoys working with a creative product and has no fear of finding the decision maker and get a meeting.

    One thing, it costs us money and time to put together a sample kit and print catalogs, so I'll need people who are dedicated and serious about wanting to do this.

    Please reply or DM with interest and/or questions. And if it seems like a fit, you can send a resume and we'll go from there.

    Looking forward to seeing who might be interested in this.


    submitted by /u/lookingforreps2020
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    Best credit card for reimbursement/perks for account executive

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:42 PM PST

    Hey all! I'm considering an opportunity to go from a big software company with the standard green AmEx/no perks to an infosec security start-up with reimbursement. I've carried a Plat Amex for a few years for the airport lounge access at air ports, but that's a charge card and I've been burnt with start-ups sometimes taking 2-4 weeks to repay on expenses so having flexibility will be nice. I don't expect more than $30-50K (on the high end) per year in total expenses between airfare, M&E, and occasional marketing expenses. I'd love to know what some of you have gone with and if you have gone with more of the cashback perks or miles or whatnot.

    submitted by /u/slowgonomo
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    What to say during courtesy meeting

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:05 PM PST

    As a new sales Rep taking over a few existing accounts, I was advised to introduce myself by visiting the customer.

    I am wondering what exactly am I supposed to say during those so-called courtesy meetings? Just say hi and leave?

    submitted by /u/jtesuce
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    Needing a Change in Fields

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:00 PM PST

    As the title states, I am in need of change in my career. I currently sell manufacturing services (3D Printing) for a well-known company. I have been in the industry 5 or so years with a strong technical background so the sales process comes pretty easily. Prior to sales, I was a Applications/Service Engineer and before that, a military aircraft avionics technician. I currently make between $100k-$150k per year working remotely in the SouthEastern US.

    My problems lie in that I am absolutely fed up with the company and what feels like selling a commodity in a crowded market. Current company is known for being priced much higher than competition and with increased competition, I am losing ground on every account. I want a fresh start in a new industry as I have lost the excitement that used to be there in 3D printing and manufacturing. Also, I do not see a way to break the $200k barrier without being upper level management.

    What industries should I target and would be qualified to start in an Account Exec or Territory Sales role? I have looked at Software and Medical Device but most want fresh meat for an SDR role or territory assistant. Am I handcuffed into where I am not now without taking a step back?

    TL;DR: Want to move industries into something more exciting making $150k/year. In the SouthEastern US.

    submitted by /u/PinkTweeter
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    Some advice please!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:56 AM PST


    I'm brand new here so go easy please! :)

    Okay so I'm just after a bit of advice really.. I've been in a sales role for 4 years now and had no experience in sales before this job but have had massive growth and feel I've found my calling so to speak! None of my friends or anyone I can speak to have any knowledge or experience in sales either, other than the people I currently work for but I'm losing faith in them hence why I'm here for some guidance if possible. I just want to check if I'm completely wrong with my feelings currently and if I should stick it out.

    So currently I work for a company which has a very small team, only 2 (including myself) are in the sales department. My target is £140k net sales per month, with approx. 32-33% expected as profit. My salary before tax is £25k and my monthly bonus structure is if I reach £100k I get £100, £125k = £200, £140k = £300 (before tax).

    This means I make the company approx. £45k profit per month. Bearing in mind I literally barely have time to get my lunch most days to try and reach this target because there are only 2 of us and not enough hours in the day. I feel so stressed most days and feel super disheartened every pay day because I feel the work that I do isn't worth it for what I get back.

    Am I being reasonable in feeling this way or is this a good sales target/salary/bonus structure?

    submitted by /u/lola2473
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    Finding the line between persistence and annoyance

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:40 AM PST

    I've only ever been in B2B sales. It's only been a couple of years - I'm 24. Since I've started, I have always been on the service side of things. I was selling welding/steel services, so when I contacted a potential customer and they had a need, they were usually in a hurry to get the service. It was just the nature of the business.

    At the beginning of the year, I switched jobs and am now in the paper industry selling a product/machine. I am finding it is quite a change from selling a service.

    For example, the other day on 1/28/2020 I had a lead who showed quite a bit of interest in purchasing the machine. They asked a lot of questions and I answered them all thoroughly. She was head of purchasing and said she had to send it to the general manager to see if they wanted to go ahead and purchase. I have not heard from her since. I called her Friday 1/31 and left a voicemail, followed up by an email.

    So to get to the point of the post. How often should you follow up after they seem very interested? How much breathing room do you need to give them? I don't want to bother them every day and have me be an annoyance to them.

    submitted by /u/rapidcalf558754
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    Most ideal way of saying I bought someone's contact info?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:30 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm just wondering if there's a great way to answer this:

    "Mind if I ask how you got my contact info?"

    ..when I bought said lead(s). I don't mind telling them I bought it, but I'm not sure if saying I bought it sounds too generic and/or waters down my rapport with a prospect. If any of you have a more personable way of saying it then I'd really appreciate any insight.

    submitted by /u/Tnargkiller
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    600 cold calls, 0 close, should I quit ?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:28 AM PST

    Hello Gens,

    I'll make it short. I'm selling websites. I built a webscraper who get the phone numbers of restaurants from tripadvisor. To this day, I've been calling approx. 600 restaurants. Here's the result:

    400 Didn't answer the phone (Those professionals have better things to do than answering a potential client).

    55 Told me to call back later (We're busy / The manager is not here / etc... )

    95 Were Not interested / already happy with their website / don't give a damn about internet

    45 Were Arabs / Chinese / Indians and could barely speak my language (I'm calling in Europe)

    5 People listened to my speech, answered my questions, said they were interested and asked me to send them a mail with what I can do.

    Out of those 5 people:

    - I sent my mail to 3 of them at the end of last week. They never answered the mail and don't answer the phone anymore. In This mail, I sent them a screenshot of a website I would make for their specific restaurant. I took the time to research their menu and their infos online to make a fully customized mock up of what I could do for them. I didn't just send a regular portfolio with a bunch of website.

    Now to be fully clear: all those 3 " prospects " were on the "old and broke" side of the spectrum if you see what I mean. None of them sounded sharp and knowing what they wanted. More like " yeah, why not, I guess, send us what you have by email ".

    - I got the 2 remaining prospects today, so I didn't send them anything yet : one was not the decision maker (his son or a relative I think), the other one was completely stone and even though he spent 10 min at the phone answering me, he would hardly say anything else than " I don't know ... "

    So that's the type of leads I'm dealing with. Does anyone here have any experience doing something similar ?

    When do I know when I should quit ? Thanks for taking the time to read me.

    submitted by /u/alphasalesyo
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    What is a good online learning source on how to do bookkeeping for inventory/eCommerce type of business that involves purchasing inventory then selling it.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:28 AM PST

    Don't want to hire someone. I wanna get to learn the necessary basics and apply them raw on Quickbooks.

    submitted by /u/Chaos-MS
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    Should I take the job?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:14 AM PST

    I just graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in business. I managed a family owned business during the time I was attending college. I got an offer to do outside sales for ADP, one of the largest payroll companies.

    Is this a good place to start a career? Will it open good doors for me down the road? It is a 39k base plus commission.

    submitted by /u/CheapOriginal
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    Startup versus Enterprise, where you should take your career.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:11 PM PST

    I have been reading a lot of posts recently on people wanting to know whether to work for a startup or an enterprise/household name in their sales career, the pros and cons for both. For now I will do one part and depending on how it is received and your view, I will build on that.

    For starters, I have been in sales for quite some time and seen enough careers play out to give some feedback on this. I have been at startups who were in their Seed Round and Fortune 500 companies, have had friends go both routes as well.

    While the situation is unique and not all startups and large companies are created equal, I wanted to speak generally on what I have noticed.

    For one, people need to STOP drinking the startup Kool-Aid.

    Maybe it is a reddit thing where we have to constantly stick up for the little guy but I have seen way too many people drink the startup Kool-Aid, complain of big evil SaaS companies that make the Fortune 500, and tell everyone to head that route. I think most people are very partial towards startups and to be fair, I can see why. Startups will generally pay more, you get to make a difference and you will also get the good ole equity/stock options while getting to wear many hats. I am not saying that life at a large company is good but it has to be viewed more objectively.

    If you missed it.

    • Startups generally pay more
    • You get to wear more hats at a startup
    • Startups can give you more opportunities to move up in certain moments
    • You can make more of a difference at startups than at an enterprise where you can feel like a number

    Here are some misconceptions I want to tackle.

    You can be easily replaced at a large company while startups cannot afford to lose employees.

    False, in fact, startups have to churn and burn fast. A lot of startups will quickly cut through employees, at times even without a PIP, in troubling times in order to prove a point to investors. For large companies, you can be fired on the spot as well but usually there is a process. Most large companies will at least start to document and put you through a process before firing you.

    You should not want to aim for stability so readily as a salesperson given the volatility of the role but let's be practical here. For the most part, you will have bad months and you will go through slumps, things will change internally that make it hard for you to perform like you once did. You need a company that is going to be patient with you and realistic rather than fire you to cover their asses.

    Big companies will work you to death while startups are more relaxed.

    Once again, a misconception. While some large companies will overwork you, the truth is that startup life is grueling as well. Most startups that are at a key phase need all hands on deck and they need their salespeople to perform. A lot of startups will require long work hours since some are short-staffed and need all of the help that they can get. You will be tasked to do extra at a startup and "wear many hats" in order to get the results.

    You can't really learn anything and grow at a large enterprise company/Fortune 500.

    Once again, false. When you are at a large company, you have resources at your disposal and access to sessions with some of the top trainers in sales. One of my friends works for a company where they would receive sales training every year by the likes of John Barrows. Not only that, you have Sales Enablement teams designed to make salespeople as efficient as possible and turn them into sales pros. The issue is, those starting their careers at big companies take it for granted and end up not utilizing these resources.

    Now that we have evened the field a little, let's talk about where you should take your career.

    Acknowledge that not all startups and enterprise are created equal.

    Some startups are phenomenal and well worth looking into. Some enterprise companies are a fucking shitshow that should be avoided at all costs. While it helps to know the pros and cons of both, read the reviews for the company. Track how many employees have churned and how many have actually moved up. Look at career trajectories at the given company itself.

    Evaluate where in your career you are right now.

    If you are new to your career, you would probably benefit starting at a large company with processes built out or a startup that is at least at a Series C. Again, dependent on employee but it is much easier to go from a Fortune 500 to a startup than it is a startup to a Fortune 500, generally speaking though exceptions exist. More senior salespeople, especially in a closing role, might see a benefit at a startup where you can have more territories and green space.

    What are you really looking for as a salesperson?

    If you want to be a mover and shaker whose voice can be heard in every meeting and can potentially impact territories and even quotas? You'll have more fun at a startup.

    If you want some stability, possible work-life balance, and knowledge of career growth? You move to an enterprise, generally.

    Finally, the boss and manager > all.

    Bosses and managers make or break careers, fact. A bad manager at even the biggest name out there is worth avoiding and running away from. A good manager at a seed stage startup with decent circumstances can right the ship and take your career far. If you get a bad feeling about a manager in the interview and the leadership show bad character traits, abandon that opportunity.

    No brand name, and I mean none, is worth it to work for toxic people. Toxic people are vampires that will suck away at your life, make you miserable even outside of work, and ruin you. In the argument of startup versus large company, the direct manager wins above all.

    In the next part, I will cover how you can vet good versus bad managers.

    submitted by /u/OHouseStirFry
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    Is it difficult to get into sales from marketing?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:22 AM PST

    I have experience as a sales administrator (inside sales, answering calls from customers, etc), sales and marketing assistant & digital marketing exec. I am really good at digital marketing (websites, photoshop, SEO, email marketing, social media, analytics, etc) but long and short is I want money and I would love to get commission. Is it likely I can jump into a decent sales job with the experience I have? What kind of jobs should I be looking for? Entry level? Business development?

    submitted by /u/Capital_End
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    Is E&O Insurance Worth It?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Presently selling as a commission-only 1099 rep, and realized that my 'contractor status' might leave me exposed in the event of a lawsuit. Following up with my company about the possibility of coverage with them tomorrow, but for others in a similar boat, have you looked into E&O insurance before? Any particular company or plan you recommend? Also, any tips on how to keep yourself out of harm's way in general?

    Of course, I strive to be extremely forthright with my clients, but get the sense that might not be enough for certain unhappy customers. Given that, any and all relevant comments are greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/becomingelite
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    Is E&O Insurance Worth It?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:59 AM PST

    Presently selling solar as a commission-only 1099 rep, and realized that my 'contractor status' might leave me exposed in the event of a lawsuit. Following up with my company about the possibility of coverage with them tomorrow, but for others in a similar boat, have you looked into E&O insurance before? Any particular company or plan you recommend? Also, any tips on how to keep yourself out of harm's way in general?

    Of course, I strive to be extremely forthright with my clients, but get the sense that might not be enough for certain unhappy customers. Given that, any and all relevant comments are greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MyAccountForAsking
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    Virtual salesforce admin?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:46 AM PST

    What has been your experience with having a 3rd party as a salesforce admin? Any recommendations if you have had a positive experience?

    submitted by /u/GIOtheentrepreneur
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    Help with finding the right person to help me achieve my sales goals.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:36 AM PST

    I have a small web development firm and I have tried a couple of sales tactics but am not completely satisfied with the results.

    I have hired a telemarketer and had moderate success but at an expense per close higher than I wanted.

    I have an account with sales genie for cultivating leads.

    With telemarketing I paid a small hourly plus 30%. I did the list building and then handed that over to the telemarketer.

    I want someone who will take the entire task from deciding on the leads to cold calling to close.

    The only problem is that I don't have a shit ton of money to experiment with sales people.

    How would you suggest finding the right person to manage my sales.

    submitted by /u/ifelseandor
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    Systematic approach to finding your next sales job

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:16 AM PST

    It has to be systematic unless you just want a random sales job..what criteria have you considered (Market, people, job itself..) to land your dream job? What approach has worked for you?

    submitted by /u/Scientistara
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    Cold Email Subject lines to try

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:40 PM PST

    Here are few subject lines you can try for your next cold email campaign outreach!

    • I was right - and that's not good for you
    • Requesting a meeting on [Day]
    • Let's make a plan
    • Meeting invite: [Date]
    • Want to talk about {Topic}?
    • Shhh… Don't tell anyone
    • So nice to meet you, [Prospect]!
    • [Company name] + [Company name]: [Date]
    • Are you making these mistakes?
    • Did you get what you were looking for?
    • Feeling blue? Like baby pandas?
    • You left your stuff at our place…
    • Moving On.
    • Need help implementing {change due to a regulation}?
    • Am I assuming correctly?
    • Let me share an embarrassing story with you
    • Just lookin out for you 🙂
    • Where is the love?
    • bye, bye, bye
    • Here's that info I promised you
    • Fresh Dallas restaurant recommendations curated just for you
    • "RE:" which pretends as if this email is part of an ongoing email thread between you two when it clearly isn't.
    • Your clients will love our latest research
    • It's Arrived.

    For more Cold Email Subject Lines



    submitted by /u/sushantshekhar20
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