• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    Legal Advice Upcoming AMA: Kimberly Robinson, Supreme Court reporter for Bloomberg Law.

    Legal Advice Upcoming AMA: Kimberly Robinson, Supreme Court reporter for Bloomberg Law.

    Upcoming AMA: Kimberly Robinson, Supreme Court reporter for Bloomberg Law.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:14 PM PST

    Kimberly's bio:

    I report for Bloomberg Law on cases at the Supreme Court, following the cases through orders and oral arguments, all the way to decision days. I also keep track of the justices and what they're up to around Washington, D.C. I've been a reporter with Bloomberg Law for the past seven years, where I've covered hot-button issues like abortion, affirmative action, and LGBT rights. Before that, I worked as an associate at Morrison & Foerster LLP.

    We did an AMA before First Monday, and we're back to do a mid-term look back and look forward to what's to come in the term.

    This AMA will start tentatively around 1:00 ET, on Tuesday, February 4.

    Note: Any questions from this post will get ported over to the AMA post.

    submitted by /u/bug-hunter
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    Brothers ex keeps claiming thier kid on taxes despite the judge ruling they have to switch off every year.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:00 AM PST

    What can he do to help this?


    submitted by /u/mamalulu434
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    Colorado. Daughter's stalker using police to harass her.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:39 PM PST

    My daughter works seasonally in Colorado. After an ugly break up with her boyfriend last year, she decided to relocate permanently. Apparently, he moved there 2 months after she did. Since we are about 2000 miles away from Colorado, I think it's safe to say it wasn't an accident. She knew he was there, friends told her. He briefly contacted her through a spoofed number. There was no contact after the 1st week when she asked him to leave her alone.

    Last week she took a bus to another ski town to have a boot fixed. She ran into him in a shop. They didn't interact.

    Yesterday she was phoned from the other towns police department and an officer asked her if she had vandalized his car. She is being accused of keying his car the day she had her boot fixed. She explained to the police that she was on the bus, did not know where he lived and had done nothing to his car. She said that they had been separated for a period of time and she did not wish to be contacted by him as he had followed her to Colorado. She told them straight up front that it had been an abusive relationship.

    Today she was a called again and she told the police officer what I told her to say. " You are being used to harass me. Please do not contact me again."

    She said the officer became a little bit aggressive on the phone and said he would put her down as refusing to cooperate. She told him that was fine thanked him and hung up.

    Is there anything else we should be doing? She has not contacted this guy in any way.

    Edit: after this was locked, I have had multiple direct contacts from redditors. Don't do this. The one advocating murder was a bit much. Guess I know why the thread was locked. Most useful info was from the redditor who explained this is a misdemeanor out of his town's jurisdiction. I am hopeful this is the end of it.

    She is seasonal hospitality. He knows where she works. Large corporation. Multiple acquaintances. No tracking devices were involved.

    The ironic thing about being accused of keying his car is that she had taken the bus to his town because she had lost her car keys, turned in the next week. If she had not lost her keys, she would have not been at the bus stop where he saw her. He doesn't know her current car.

    Right now, the plan is that she will never set foot in the town that she now knows he is in. Lawyer if needed. Even if he figures out the town she is in, she is in secured employee housing with about a million other seasonal workers.

    2nd edit. Good grief. My top post ever and it's on a throwaway. Oh, well.

    submitted by /u/throwaway303ski
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    [Pennsylvania] Neighbor refuses to allow Internet/Power lines to be put up alongside the road.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:13 AM PST

    For the entire time I've lived in my lovely rural home, we've had a property behind my house that is owned by someone who lives out of state. Sometimes they come up during the Summer to ride ATVs around in the woods, but that's about it. They refuse to allow any sort of poles to be built, resulting in our power and internet to have to be re-routed around the mountain. Because of this, we are forced to use the one ISP has lines that come out that way, and they gouge us with terrible speeds. Meanwhile, on the other side of they no-poles property, they can receive multiple ISPs and have way faster options.

    If we can get poles put up there, we'd have way more competitive internet options.

    I have heard of a "Road Allowance" rule, where the government/township actually can use the land so many feet from the side of the road, enough room to put up poles and not affect the integrity of the woods. I was hoping I could get some elaboration on that and prepare a case to bring to a governing authority or lawyer so I can get some poles put up and then feel like I'm part of modern society.

    Thank you for any interest, and if you need a drawn (MS Paint) example of how the properties are laid out, I'd be happy to oblige.

    submitted by /u/Jmac5270
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    Is it legal for my friend who is in commission-based sales for his work to require him to pay back a "minimum wage allowance" [NJ, USA]

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:49 AM PST

    My friend (posting this on his behalf for reasons he cannot) is paid as a contractor and earns commission-based salary for a widely known car sales company.

    He was making an hourly rate above NJs set minimum wage ($10hr) on top of commission but they removed that and are now strictly paying him commission only. If he does not make income for the 40 hours he works a week that is in accordance with the law, the company will pay him a "draw". I believe this is legal. However, is it legal for them to REQUIRE he pays back this "draw" (what they call it)? At that point, he wouldn't have been making the legal set minimum wage if he is required to pay it back. If he goes over a certain amount of "draw", they will terminate his employment.

    His draw may or may not be more than this commission earnings on some weeks.

    He does not do accounting work or conduct sales outside of the office (although he uses his personal cell phone to help customers when he is not at work).

    If his work requires him to do training or driving when he is away from the office, and not earning commission because he is not selling, do the rules for "draws" change because of that?

    He works overtime regularly, how does the 1.5x pay rate work?

    I know there are some exemptions and NJ changed the commission salary law a few years ago, but I am not familiar with it. Thank you reddit!

    If this is indeed legal, and he is fired for taking too many "draws", can the work place strictly say he was fired without giving a reason to future employers? (specifically law enforcement jobs, as this would ruin his reputation despite having a good record/ethic with this current workplace)

    submitted by /u/whitefox094
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    [Utah] Employer has told pregnant women that they can park in the handicap spaces in the lot.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:24 PM PST

    I work at a pretty diverse company. Great maternity benefits, which has led to lots of women and especially lots of pregnant women working there. A few months ago it was announced that the executives were going to give up their reserved parking spaces and turn them into maternity parking spaces. Everyone thought it was a really cool selfless thing coming from the executives.

    But then just a few weeks ago they announced that the new parking space plan was starting, only now the executives changed their minds about giving up their spots. But not to worry, because pregnant women can just start taking up all the handicap spots.

    This doesn't sit right with me, my company just leases space in a complex, so we don't have soul ownership of those parking spaces. Handicaps spaces are legally required and any of these companies could have employees or visitors that need those spots but can't use them now that my company has pregnant women parking in them.

    I'm thinking of just calling the non emergency line and having the police come take care of it, but maybe not. Would appreciate any input.

    submitted by /u/maybe_tom_cruise
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    Mom drained a saving account, I didn't know she had access to.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:02 AM PST

    This is an involved story and I actually have 2 related problems.

    When I was around the age of 7 maybe 8 my parents took me to a credit union and created a savings account for me in my name. I for the past 20 years I have been putting money into this account to the tune of about 15 thousand dollars. My mother who is manic at times but refuses to get help or take medication sent me a message the other day saying that "oh by the way I drained the joint savings account to get by for the next few months, will refill when I can, probably at a different bank." I now live 2000 miles away from the closest branch of this bank, I attempted to contact them but I have only been passively using this account for 20 years I haven't touched the money in it in at least 15 years, I have a debit card but couldn't answer the questions necessary to get specific account info without going to the branch in person. I do know that the money is gone and I will travel to the bank in person by the end of the week, but I want to know what my recourse is. I was not aware that my mom had access to this account or I wouldn't have been putting money in there. I know about custodian accounts, but how can she still have access to the money after I turned 18. Is this legal or is it theft?

    My second problem is again with my mom and this is more my fault as I have been actively aware of it, I've just been letting it slide. When I was 16 my mom opened a joint credit card with me, her idea not mine. She claimed that it was to establish my credit. I will admit to wracking up a significant balance on the card to which I have paid my mom off for more than twice over. However she has continued to maintain a maxed out balance on the card only paying a couple hundred every now and then only to max it out again she has been doing this for last 10 years. It has caused my credit score to be low despite excellent credit and payment history with a number of other accounts. I have allowed this to go on because I was worried that card was the only reason she wasn't homeless. Now after the problem above I want to cut her off, maybe then she will be forced to get the help she needs. To that end I spoke with the bank, I was told that to close the account I would have to pay the balance in full another 12k. I'm willing to pay this balance but I cannot do it in full and if I start making payments she will simply max it out again. Is there anything that I can do to get out from under her. I had no idea that I was so financially tied to her until now, and she did it all while I was underage... Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/srob07
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    Former employee is having paranoid delusions and believes my husband is harassing her family and friends

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

    My husband (Male, 35) used to manage an employee (Female, 40's) at his company, located in Delaware USA. He has switched jobs and is no longer her manager (changed jobs in June 2019) but still works at the same company. When he changed jobs, he provided his employees with his cell number in case they wanted to keep in touch (it's a large company) .

    This employee texted him back in October 2019 asking him if he still lived in the same location (not anywhere near her apartment, but in the same county) because she claimed "I thought I heard and saw you around my apartment." He jokingly said he may have a doppelgänger and they proceeded to talk about whether he was enjoying his new job. The conversation was very short and uneventful.

    Today she texted him asking him if he had been in contact with her family and friends (no specific names provided). He replied that he didn't think he knew any of them.

    Here's what she said:

    "Okay, I don't really believe you because I have heard you talk about them. You were not supposed to contact them.

    I have been suspecting that something has been going on between you and my family. I am not accusing you of anything but if what I suspect is true, I don't appreciate how you are treating me.

    I just moved here to work for your corporation not to be harassed by you.

    You were never trying to get me in a team you just wanted to touch everyone in my community. I don't care if you block me now I just needed to tell you that because you have been continually trying to hurt me when I never tried to hurt you."

    We believe she is delusional and paranoid. He does not know any of her family or friends and no longer speaks to her either (in a professional or personal environment).

    We're worried that she is going to go to HR or the police. Is there anything we can do proactively? Should he try to speak to a lawyer? HR? He doesn't want to open anything up for trouble, but is afraid of some sort of ramification (either legal or work related) if she truly believes he is harassing her or wanting to hurt her, especially because she was a subordinate.

    Appreciate any advice! Strange situation.

    submitted by /u/bobbi_joy
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    Incompetent HR department (NJ)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:50 AM PST

    So, I was hired as a nurse to a state hospital in NJ in June. I informed my bosses that I was pregnant a week after being hired. They took it great, and I got a jump on filing all of the necessary medical leave if absence paperwork since I am not eligible for FMLA since I have not been employed with then for a year yet. I filed all of this paperwork with HR in June and was told that they would submit the medical leave of absence form to my department head for approval in the next few months. I was due in November so I kept following up only to have my calls not answered by the woman in charge of FMLA in HR. I eventually got my boss involved, and we discovered that she lost ALL of my paperwork. When we found this out it was only about a week before the 30 days notice that you have to give for medical leave paperwork. Luckily I had copies and resubmitted. I had my baby a week early, went out on leave (8 weeks due to c section) and submitted ny disability forms to payroll and HR within the first 2 weeks after having the baby. Then I continually followed up only to have payroll blame HR for missing documents and HR blame payroll back and forth for 2 months now. I sent them both all of my paperwork again and yet it still has not been filed. Do I have any kind of legal recourse here? It has been 2 and a half months and my disability paperwork has not been submitted, and frankly I need the income. In addition, I was wondering if anyone knows the legality of taking my FMLA once I have been at the company for a year? Even though my baby will be 6 months old, could I take my baby bonding time then? Thank you in advance everyone!

    submitted by /u/sidewalkshadows
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    Forced to Clean with Bleach and Ammonia

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:05 AM PST

    Hey guys! I posted a few days ago about something related to my job and I have another question for ya'll. I'm in New Jersey, my coworker and I were discussing our closing procedures for work today and we realized that while mopping our boss makes us mix together two chemicals, household bleach and a floor cleaner that contains a decent amount of ammonia.

    Neither of us had ever realized before but it is dangerous to mix bleach and ammonia, I only came to realization that thats what was happening because my mom and I had a conversation about what to clean or not clean with last weekend. My coworkers and I were never told this by our boss. We were actually reprimanded if we didn't use both products and I personally have had to re-mop areas that I didn't use the mixed products in.

    We've both been using this mixture for 3-4 days a week each since October. I've had 2 upper respiratory infections since November (I don't usually get them so this was odd to me, not sure if directly related to the job) and I just want to know what we should do about this?

    submitted by /u/issathrowawayofc
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    What type of lawyer would be used to file suit over Florida's $10K ballot access fee?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:00 PM PST

    It's currently $10,440 (6% of the annual salary of the position) to get listed on a ballot in Florida. If someone wanted to file a suit claiming that this is an unreasonable barrier to entry for people that aren't rich (Alaska's ballot fee is $100 as a counterpoint), what type of attorney should be engaged for this? We have enough problems getting people politically engaged without these kinds of shenanigans.

    submitted by /u/Skjarl
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    (outside US) I failed to report my FBAR to IRS for my entire life. What do I need to do?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:07 AM PST

    I (24M) am U.S citizen who lived outside of U.S my entire life (in asian country). I never knew that I have to file taxes and report my bank accounts. I have never worked in my life. I am being financially supported by my parents and don't have any education other than high school diploma (I study in university though). I had my bank account for 5+ years and my dad would deposit me money occasionally ($250-500 every few months). Recently I found out that I had to report and it turns out that penalties are extreme. $10000 per violation (per year I think) and possibly a jail time. My 2 accounts have never exceeded $10000 combined as far as I am aware. Can I hire a U.S lawyer while being outside of U.S? What kind of lawyer? Should I even hire one in a first place?

    submitted by /u/mgElitefriend
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    Fighting Dirty Sidewalk Tickets in New York City - Nycac 16-118(2)(a)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:13 AM PST

    How lovely was it coming home to a pink slip stuck onto your door?

    Here's the icing on the cake, it's a $100 offense !

    What the officer wrote on the ticket was, "large accumulations of bags, napkins, etc". We live on the side of the street when the wind hits, so the neighbors litter gets blown over to my house.

    And it is total bogus, because the officer stated that it was seen in the morning. Like bro, I have work to go to, I can't be home at that time cleaning the damn sidewalk.

    Has anyone here have success fighting off this ticket?

    submitted by /u/doropoto
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    I got ran off the road, hit a garbage can, and the police won't do anything??

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Hi, new-ish user on mobile here so please excuse any improper format.

    I'm not sure if this is even the proper subreddit, but I'm hoping someone here can help?

    I live in south Florida and for some clarity, it was my parents who were run off the road- not me. Anyways. Some guy was driving recklessly and bullying them on the road, and eventually veered towards them, running them off the road and causing them to hit a garbage can and break their left side mirror.

    My parents got his license plate number and even trailed him to his home and got his address, but after calling the police, they (the police) said they couldn't do anything because they didn't witness it.

    A year or so ago, my mother and I were reversed into at a stoplight, which caused her whole fender to come detached, and we couldn't do anything because we didn't get a license plate number.

    How, on one instance, can police not do anything when we didn't have the license plate number but in another, they can't do anything despite having it because they didn't see it happening?

    Things aren't adding up and they've surrendered to nobody doing anything, but I personally feel helpless and confused!!

    Someone, please help :(

    submitted by /u/not-thecoolest
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    Employer just informed me I was never put on payroll and "don't have a w2"

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Very unusual situation. My former employer who laid all of us off suddenly in mid November is just today telling me that I was never "entered into payroll" and don't have a w2. He is suggesting that instead he can write me a check for the taxes already withheld from my pay. This immediately rang alarm bells because I'm not an idiot. I said replied neutrally that I needed time to make a decision. Here's the thing, throughout my employment there I was not provided with paystubs with each paycheck. I repeatedly asked for my paystubs and it was always blamed on "the bookkeeper". I looked it up and the state I'm in does not require employers to provide paystubs. Fine. But when I was laid off I wanted to apply for unemployment and needed a final paystub. After almost a month of daily texts I finally got a final paystub from him, reviewing it now I had almost $1500 withheld in taxes from a gross pay of around $2500 over a period of about 3.5 months. This amount of tax now seems excessively high AND if I "have no w2" does that mean my employer withheld taxes from my pay and did not actually pay that money forward as taxes. What do I need to do here to both stay in the clear tax wise AND potentially recover the money withheld perhaps wrongly?

    submitted by /u/d0ntplay26
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    Landlord installed cameras into the hallways and back yard of house. One camer looks directly into my bedroom.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:34 PM PST

    There are more cameras in the backyard which i have exclusive use of. The cameras have audio as well. I live in NYC

    submitted by /u/dropbomzonyamomz
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    American citizen in ICE detention

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:12 PM PST

    So I live in Michigan and I have a co-worker who happens to be a Mexican American, father of four, (his kids have never been to Mexico) he has been married in the US, and has been a citizen since he was 6. (Mid 30's now) and has been picked by ICE two days ago and is being transferred to a detention center.

    I know my options are limited as an acquaintance, but if there are any sites, information, advice etc that I can send to his family that would be most appreciated. Obviously the first thing we told them is get representation. But would letters of recommendation from his friends, acquaintances, co-workers and bosses help at all?

    As a co-worker obviously I don't know all the details of his case, but in googling the process I'm struggling to find many resources that are overly helpful. So I'm basically searching for the best ways to get educated on the process of how immigration courts and ICE specifically operates. And if there are any experts on immigration law that can point me in some ways of possibly expediting the process at all for them.

    Thank you all in advance!

    submitted by /u/mrcloudies
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    Independent Dog-Walker or is my ex-boss just skimping on taxes and abusing workers?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:50 AM PST

    Hello All - -

    I understand that many large dog walking companies require that you complete a 1099-Misc. form (with a starting contract) or 1099 variation that claims you as an independent contractor for them. This situation is a little different and I believe I am being ripped off in my taxes considering the work I completed.

    I worked for a small business in Pennsylvania for 10 months. I was never given a contract or guidelines for the agreement, which I understand isn't necessary, but I feel that my former boss has overstepped many lines that would make me a W2 qualified worker. The terms were I do the walks, she keeps 20%. No termination contracts if I didn't complete my task.

    This website outlined many of the things that make me believe i am an employee: ( https://www.timetopet.com/blog/the-great-independent-contractor-vs-employee-debate)

    The primary issues, with violations in (x) :

    - She repeatedly set guidelines in emails and in person, limiting my work with other companies or work I could do myself. She told me not to loiter in lobbies, not to talk to certain people and other requests I was not bound to comply to. (Violated: Level of Instruction, Extent of Personal Services, Availability to the Public, Control Over Discharge)

    - I worked for her for 10 months, almost every day. (Violated: Continuity of Relationship)

    -Set Schedule with Timetables, 30-40 hours a week. (Violated: Flexibility of Schedule, Demands for Full-Time Work, Sequence of Work)

    -Regularly updating and reporting to my ex-boss and clients (Violated: Requirements for Reports)

    - Myself and 2 others were her primary source of income. Her success was dependent on this. (Violated: Degree of Business Integration)

    - She repeatedly tried to take my TIPS that I earned from walks. She tried to take the 20% cut out of my tips and became infuriated when I refused. (Violated: Realization of Profit Control/Loss?)

    I would be suspicious if it was even one of these things but it is multiple instances of her controlling my ability to do other work whilst she is managing my schedule on a full-time basis over a long period of time.

    What do I do from here? Do I file a SS-8 form? Contact a Lawyer? Is this enough to get the IRS to audit her company and get my tax penalties sorted out? This is becoming more than just worrying about my 1099 Taxes that I would have to pay and realizing that she is abusing and taking money from all her contractors who are really her employees.

    I will detail in the comments also how my termination occurred, which was on very odd terms. Thanks for the help in advance.

    *** EDIT: My current plan of action is to file an SS-8 Form then a Form 8919.

    To detail my "firing", breaking of non-existent contract:

    A few weeks before, I had given out a business card of my ex-boss to a potential client. On the back of the card, I wrote my name and phone number since I would be the one contacting them and completing the service, this made sense to me. I told my ex-boss I passed along the info. I got a furious call, saying she was extremely uncomfortable with my passing my information along and threatening that the "last person that did that got fired immediately - I will not tolerate it". Later the next week, I received a $20 tip from my client. At the end of the week, my ex-boss and I would make sure the cash amount I received matched up with the amount she added and then deducted. The numbers were off, as she took 20% from the $20 tip, so she was paying me $4 less than my proper amount. She called me immediately and the conversation went like this:

    Me: "Hi, what's up?!"

    Her: "WHAT'S UP? This is not right. Do not accept tips from anyone again. I will let it slide this time, but you are not to take anyone's money."

    I waited a few days to calm down, because I was furious that I was being told to not accept a perk of doing work at my job. I texted her and asked her to speak with her on the phone, or meet in person because I wanted to address the mocking "what's up" and all the details of how inappropriate it was to talk to me that way. She refused all my phone calls, wouldn't meet me in person. I got a text at the end of my work week that said she was making "Staffing changes and no longer needed me"

    It's infuriating to look back and see how she tried to restrict my income, let alone tips if I was truly an "independent contractor". There is no rule that I can't pass along my info. Let alone I was boosting her company. I felt that I had no legal backing from my "termination" because we had no contract, terms or clarity. But hell, I do know that I worked for her for 10 months and then she dropped me like that.

    Firing Detail:

    To detail my "firing", breaking of non-existent contract:

    A few weeks before, I had given out a business card of my ex-boss to a potential client. On the back of the card, I wrote my name and phone number since I would be the one contacting them and completing the service, this made sense to me. I told my ex-boss I passed along the info. I got a furious call, saying she was extremely uncomfortable with my passing my information along and threatening that the "last person that did that got fired immediately - I will not tolerate it". Later the next week, I received a $20 tip from my client. At the end of the week, my ex-boss and I would make sure the cash amount I received matched up with the amount she added and then deducted. The numbers were off, as she took 20% from the $20 tip, so she was paying me $4 less than my proper amount. She called me immediately and the conversation went like this:

    Me: "Hi, what's up?!"

    Her: "WHAT'S UP? This is not right. Do not accept tips from anyone again. I will let it slide this time, but you are not to take anyone's money."

    submitted by /u/dogwalkerproblemsz
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    My employer changed pay periods which now means we don’t get overtime pay in certain situations.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:41 AM PST

    My employer recently changed the payroll system and pay periods. Our old pay period was from Sunday to Saturday. Our new pay period is from Saturday to Friday.

    Due to the company's need to have sites staffed on Saturday, procedure was to take off the Wednesday before the Saturday we worked. So, we'd work Monday and Tuesday, be off on Wednesday, work Thursday through Saturday, be off on Sunday. This procedure has not changed, however that means that week would be 32 hours instead of 40. This is where is gets a little complicated because there are a lot of variables for the other pay week, depending on the employee's position.

    Overall though, this change has resulted in short pay checks for full time hourly employees, but the same amount of hours worked in the standard week format (which is Sunday to Saturday or Monday to Sunday). The company's solution at this time is to have full time hourly employees work Monday-Saturday at 8 hours per day for a total of 48 hours in that week without overtime pay. We don't get overtime pay because of the new pay period.

    This greatly affects office staff because either we get short pay checks or have to work six days in a row without overtime. The change has an even greater affect on maintenance staff for the same reasons but also because they have to do on-call work, so if they have on-call work on a Friday that carries over into Saturday they do not get overtime for the hours worked on Saturday.

    We are all hourly employees working for a non-exempt company in Michigan.

    submitted by /u/justamidnightjune
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    Someone stole and totalled my car. Can I sue them for lost Uber wages?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:18 PM PST

    A "friend" decided to steal my car and totalled it. He claims he doesn't have to pay for the lost wages for uber nor does he have to pay for the taxes I paid on the car, because "I'm not a government entity", this made no sense because when I buy a new car I'll have to pay taxes again out of my pocket.

    He has also caused havoc on my families emotional and mental health. We have lost a source of income (my Uber job) and we have no car now.

    We are having trouble doing basic everyday things such as grocery shopping, taking our daughter to her doctor appointment and not to mention the time I lose everyday taking the bus to and from my day job, that I could spending with my family.

    Will I be able to actually get money for Uber wages, taxes paid on car and Emotional Distress through small claims?

    • located in illinois
    submitted by /u/Vintagentrepreneur
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    Please help with a very unusual medical situation

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:13 AM PST

    I share 50/50 custody of a 14 yo boy, and the mother and I were never married. We alternate week on, week off.

    Two weeks ago, my son took the bus home to his mother's apartment after school and found her on the floor in a very confused and in a partially responsive state. He immediate contacted me, and I went there. I believed that she may have had a stroke from initial appearances and called 911.

    She was taken to the emergency room and ran through a series of tests, then transferred to a different hospital that specializes in neurological conditions in the very early hours of the next morning.

    My son and I headed up to see her the next day after school, and were immediately greeted by the neurologist who informed us that an MRI showed she had a large (6cm) glioblastoma.

    Here is where the legal question comes into play. Her and I did not communicate much, so I didn't know what was going on with her, but apparently she was experiencing some very odd symptoms for a month or so before this incident. She was getting extremely tired, having issues with her bladder, and some other things that were making going to work very difficult. She applied for medical leave, but due to the growing tumor never returned the paperwork. (she has a lot of memory lapses during these weeks). I learned that on December 30th, she sent in an email resigning. She has no idea why she did this. Again, the tumor was affecting here mentally in several ways.

    Her company is not reinstating her insurance, and now she is faced with being left to die because the hospital will only provide superficial treatment without insurance.

    Because of her mental state, does she have any legal recourse to force her company to reinstate her or her benefits? Is there anything that can be done?

    Thank you for reading this, and any information or advice is greatly appreciated. God Bless.

    PS - This is in Arizona.

    - Throwaway used for privacy issues.

    *Edited for grammar and clarity.

    submitted by /u/JoeThrow2020
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    So my landlord set my apartment on fire...

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:33 PM PST

    So, as the title says my landlord accidentally set my apartment on fire while doing some plumbing work that we are pretty sure he isn't certified to do because the owners of the building were too cheap to pay for an actual plumber (his words). Our bathroom was destroyed along with our living room way. Luckily, most of the damage was superficial but we have tons of damage to the walls and ceilings from where the firefighters axed into our walls and we are not sure what to do next. We don't really want to live in a place that is missing ceilings, walls and insulation and feel we are entitled to some reduction in our coming months of rent. Any ideas are welcome. We live in BC, Canada.

    submitted by /u/TravestyDiner
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    [US/Cali] Startup just got acquired and new parent company wants to drug test - is there legal precedent for this?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:52 AM PST

    From what I've been reading, pre-employment, non-discriminatory drug testing is legal in California, but random/suspiscion-less drug testing to existing employees has to be justified against the employer's right to privacy.

    I am wondering if there is any legal precedent for whether drug testing is legal in an acquisition. In some ways, it is like a pre-employment drug test in that this new parent company may be treating us all like new employees. However, in many ways it is a random, suspicion-less test, because as existing employees we have a history of performance, and we are not in a process of providing personal information/giving up some privacy as one would in a job application as a new employee.

    I am also not in a safety-sensitive (ie, aviation) nor federally regulated (ie, defense contractors) industry.

    submitted by /u/legalqueforyou
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    [Georgia, USA]

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:30 AM PST


    We bought a house recently and welcomed a new dog into our family. She started going through heat, and our neighbors sire male pitbull ate through/dug under our fence and impregnated her. Multiple times. We've currently got a set up on the fence that stops him, but the damage is done. What I want to know is, will his owner have any rights to my dog's puppies? He already doesn't take care of the dogs he breeds, but when we talked with him about moving his dog, he said he would, but also said to let him know if there are puppies. Yeah, no thanks dude. One of my friends pointed out he could charge us a sire fee if we don't come to an agreement with him about it and he finds out we adopted puppies out behind his back. It makes me angry. I feel like with the damage done to our property alone we maybe able to avoid it. I don't want to do this, we just moved here, and it's a small town, people talk. Bottom line is that I don't want his involvement in any of it. I don't want to have to hand over puppies that he'll sell, or keep chained up outside. Does he have any ground, or am I just needlessly worrying?

    submitted by /u/Aloria_Lain
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