• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Legal Advice (MD) Lady is convinced she owns our house-- she tried to evict us, and is now sending her mail here to falsify proof of residence. Help please?

    Legal Advice (MD) Lady is convinced she owns our house-- she tried to evict us, and is now sending her mail here to falsify proof of residence. Help please?

    (MD) Lady is convinced she owns our house-- she tried to evict us, and is now sending her mail here to falsify proof of residence. Help please?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:24 AM PST


    My husband and I bought a house in 2016 from a bank, as it had foreclosed upon the previous owner. About a year after we moved in, the previous owner showed up at our front door and tried to push past my sister to get into the house, saying she owned it. She left after threatening to call the police, but showed up 4-5 more times over the next 1.5 years, doing the same thing. She brought the police herself once, and they told her to leave once we showed him our contracts from closing on the house. He said that if she came back it would be considered trespassing, and included in his paperwork that she wasn't welcome on the property-- fortunately she hasn't been back since then. We invested in a Ring doorbell and security cameras near each door after the first two visits.

    After that she brought us to housing court in 2018 to try to evict us (from the house we own) but did not show up because she put our address down as her own in the paperwork, therefore never received the notice to appear since her copy was mailed to us. Fortunately we have title insurance and they send a lawyer to represent us for free, and the judge dismissed the case with prejudice. About a year later, she did the exact same thing but showed up to court saying she has a certified deed to the house so she owns it. The same lawyer represented this time, and the judge dismissed it again.

    The mail part:

    A bit over a year ago we began receiving her monthly phone bill in the mail (she didn't just forget to change the address after she moved, there was a 2-3 year gap with no mail in her name) so my husband brought a few of them, unopened, to the post office, explained what had been going on, and they said they'd take care of it. Then in summer 2019, the key to our mailbox no longer worked-- it turned out she brought her deed to the post office, said she lost her key, and asked them to change the lock and give her a new key. Fortunately when my husband realized the key didn't work, he went to the post office and was able to intercept before they gave her the new key, so I don't believe she actually gained access to the mailbox.

    During this time, the cell phone bills never stopped, and we've been receiving more mail in her name (from a radiology office, the Motor Vehicles Association, and other random non-spam items). I worry she's trying to do the same thing again-- have mail sent to our address, steal it somehow, and attempt to use it to prove residency.

    My husband said when he told the post office manager what had been happening, they would report it, but we haven't heard anything at all-- and as I mentioned, the mail in her name has increased since then. I tried calling the Post Inspector's hotline, but it went to voicemail and I've never gotten a response from any voicemail I left to them.

    I'm just kind of at a loss of what my next move should be? I just want this mess to be over.

    submitted by /u/CrazyLadyThrowaway8
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    My dead moms ex boyfriend won’t leave our house and the police won’t help. I feel like I’m in great danger.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:51 AM PST

    EDIT Thank you all SO MUCH for the advice. I didn't expect even one response and to wake up to so many people commenting is almost unreal.

    Sorry if this post is jumbled, I'm running off of 4 hours of sleep and am still in panic mode.

    For some back story I'm a 20yo female and I had just gotten a place with my mom about 2 months ago. She did a lease to own contract and was the only one on the lease. She had relapsed after being clean for over a year and accidentally overdosed and passed away about three weeks ago. Her boyfriend had moved in with us, even though I never liked or trusted him when I first met him a few months ago. Turns out they had relapsed together and he had lied to me about knowing if she had.

    He showed up high as FUCK to her funeral, literally nodding off at her casket and it was so bad that everyone told him he needed to leave. He's been texting me crazy shit like he's drinking and driving, hit a semi, and is high. He's on parole so I called his parole officer to try and speed up the eviction process as safely as possible. I guess in Utah you need a 30 day eviction notice so the detective on my moms case said it would be best to call him.

    Well the parole officer didn't do shit, I made it very clear that I felt I was in danger and I feel in fear for my life. This morning at around 5am I woke up to a car honking consistently right outside my house, I was so tired that I thought it was morning and someone was honking to pick somebody up. It kept happening for about 5 minutes so I finally rolled over and realized it was dark outside. After that I heard a huge bang come from my moms room, like a dresser or something had fallen. I opened my door and saw my moms light on and heard her boyfriend in there moaning and talking SUPER loud, I literally thought he was in there having an orgy or something.

    My roommate called her mom since she lives down the street and also had concealed carry, she came over here, ran up the stairs and basically told him to get the fuck out. He had two huge bumps on his head and was bleeding from his mouth and kept saying "I've been hit", but he was just super fucked up on drugs. He said that he had been doing meth and herion. She told him to pack his shit and get out, and I called the police. Turns out the honking was some chick in his car high as shit freaking the fuck out.

    The police got here and did NOTHING. They didn't arrest him, the didn't take his car, they just left and didn't do anything. I'm genuinely terrified for my life. I lost my aunt to domestic violence a few years back and this is exactly what went down. PLEASE HELP :(

    submitted by /u/Samarahaley6
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    (FL) Dealership took my car for a drive without the oil filter. Overheard employee tell Boss to “not tell the customer as it was a **** show”

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:08 AM PST

    They offered to give me everything free. The oil change was supposed to take less than one day (I brought it in for a service recall as well). The manager was next to me and knew I overheard the employee say that. I have not accepted the car back from the dealership yet. I just want my car but now i'm nervous there could be permanent damage to the engine. Advice?

    submitted by /u/spoolinup
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    My ex filed bankruptcy on the medical costs I paid for our kids and named ME as a creditor

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:51 AM PST

    Backstory: I have always paid for the medical costs of our children, and per the law, I inform my ex and send receipts within 30 days. At one point, he refuses to pay child support, let alone the other obligations - which are in our decree. So my family law attorney and I sue him for contempt. He doesn't show for his OWN trial and is found guilty. $9k in judgements, plus about $5k in judgment for attorney's fees. He is ordered to pay an additional $200 per month towards the arrears. This gets paid for about a year. Jump to now: he filed bankruptcy, chapter 7, and claimed me as a creditor. Claimed the money that he owes in "out of pocket" medical costs, plus the judgements against him. The bankruptcy was discharged last month.

    This is my question: What recourse do I have, if any? I read from a federal court website that "domestic support obligations" are not dischargeable, but out-of-pocket medical costs do not seem to be included in that category. Those obligations are defined as "alimony, maintenance, or support". Also, I read that court judgements ARE dischargeable.

    So this guy, who hasn't helped pay for braces, broken bones, ingrown toenails, or even fluoride, gets to just file bankruptcy...on his CHILDREN?!?!

    PLEASE help me

    Edit: location is complicated. The decree is in Utah, I live in Washington, ex lives in Indiana, bankruptcy is in Indiana...I think

    submitted by /u/harleygirl076
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    I was searched unlawfully, but on my discovery it says I “gave consent” for the police to search my person. There were no body cameras.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Is there a way I can prove I didn't do this? I had drugs on me, and I would never have given them consent to search my person. This was in Georgia, United States.

    submitted by /u/sernam3
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    Found out my ex-husband was charged with Child indecency by sexual contact- PLEASE HELP

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Some quick background info- I live in Texas and have 2 kids (son is 7, daughter is 8) with my ex-husband, who I was married with for 8 years. He was a horrible controlling husband and I can't be more than happy that I am divorced from him of 2 years. To my disdain, he has half custody of our children, but somehow we are able to assure that our children are happy.

    Back in September, Child Protective Services reached out to me to inform me that there has been a report of sexual abuse on my two children with the perpetrator being my ex-husband. The investigation has been closed after they determined there was not enough evidence of sexual abuse.

    The other day I was looking for some old divorce documents for my record online and found that my ex-husband was arrested on and charged with Child Indecency by Sexual Contact in November. His original court date was 02/20/2020, but has been re-scheduled to 03/12/2020. I have contacted Child Protective Services to request the documents of the investigation back in September. They told me that Child Protective Services can't do anything because my children aren't involved and to contact a lawyer. I fear my children may be involved and if not, something may happen to them in the future.

    Should I confront him about this? He doesn't know that I found out.

    I am really lost right now and not sure what to do. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

    TLDR- found out my controlling and emotionally abusive ex-husband that has half-custody of our two children and I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/Bloodyrocket
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    Please help, I'm going to court in a few hours, attorney stopped representing me three days ago, hasn't filed a motion for continuance and I can't seem to reach her. What do I do?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:47 AM PST

    This is a follow-up to my previous post. My company is being sued, we're going to court today. Our attorney declared a conflict of interest and stopped representing us three days ago. As I stated in my previous post it's not because I didn't pay her. I've tried reaching her all day even though I wasn't supposed to, but have not been successful. I've called the court yesterday and was told my attorney hasn't filed a motion to withdraw, nor a motion for continuance. So I'm going to court in a few hours with no legal representation, haven't heard from my lawyer in days, and I'm freaking out. I don't want to go to trial without an attorney, and I'm sure the judge will be mad at me for not telling him about this sooner.

    My question is: can I file a motion for continuance even though I'm not a lawyer? If yes, how should I proceed? And will I have to provide the exact reason why our attorney is no longer representing us?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated, this is kind of an emergency now.

    Edit: I'm in VA

    submitted by /u/Throwaway358282416
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    Estranged wife took out credit card in my name what can I do?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:34 AM PST

    We are seperated and currently going through a divorce. She does not live in the home but she opened a credit card with my information and had it sent to my address, took it when she was "taking her mail" and racked it up. We are in California. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/threwawaytoday93
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    Lawyer wants nudes instead of payment!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Posting for a friend!!

    I have a friend who went to court for custody of her son and her lawyer fees are over $20k (and she lost). Her lawyer was probably the worst ever she has to make a 6 hour drive one way to get her son from his dad they don't even meet half way. But anyways she has been struggling to make these payments to her lawyer and when asking him for an extension or to modify the current arrangement he instructed her to message him on snap chat. We all know where this is going it doesn't take a genius. What would y'all do in this situation? She obviously never sent any pics but tried to bait him into saying more. He never explicitly says what he'll give her in return but ANYONE can see what he means. Is there any course of action to take? Would you even try? This is in Texas. She met this lawyer in college he wanted to get in her pants she never got with him and when she asked about this case he told her his firm would take it on he needed some pro bono work and now she owes over $20k and got screwed he didn't even try to fight for her she heard him saying she was throwing a wrench in things when the lawyers for both parties were discussing hand off because she wanted to meet half way! He says in the messages to send her a pic so he knows they're on the same page.

    Sorry this is kind of sloppy but just really appalled at that behavior... also his mom owns the firm so going to his boss isn't an option.

    submitted by /u/nic530728
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    Parents are suing their daughter, now 18, for her braces / things they gave their when she was under 18

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:40 AM PST

    This is as ridiculous as it sounds. How do I help my friend?

    submitted by /u/SQbuilder
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    New employer has policy against discussing wages

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:01 AM PST

    Reading through the new hire paperwork and came across this,

    "Wage information is confidential. Discussion of your wage is a terminating offense."

    My first thought is that there is no way this can be legal. I did a little research but with my limited understanding of it all I don't feel comfortable making that assumption without input from someone who knows more than I do.

    I'm in Oklahoma, if that matters.

    Is this policy legal?

    submitted by /u/grimgrim97
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    I am an adult (25) and my parents are getting divorced. Can my father come after me for student loans they paid off?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:20 AM PST

    My parents are in the middle of a divorce.

    A bit of backstory, my mother has been the only one working for over 15 years under the statement that my father had to stay home and take care of me. I have not lived with them in over 7 years, and in that time he has made no effort to try and get a job or support the marriage in any tangible way.

    She has finally decided to stop supporting him and has filed for a non-contested divorce in the state of Florida. He now sees the $$$ going away and is starting to call me about a few things.

    The first one: my mother took out a parent plus loan in her name when I went to college to help me pay for it. My senior year they sold a house and decided to use the money to pay off the loan instead of paying off the mortgage on their primary house. He thinks I owe him this money. We don't have any written agreements that I was to pay these loans off. Aside from the basic "yeah, sure" when I went to college, there is nothing anywhere that I am responsible for these loans that were paid for 4 years ago or so. I would also imagine that the agreement would have had to be made when the loans were paid off?

    The second one: I took one of the family cars to college 5+ years ago (I couldn't have a car on campus the first 2 years). The running assumption for years has been that it is my car, and they just haven't signed it over. I was paying insurance/ maintenance/ etc. The title was in my father's name only, and he signed it over to me this year before the registration expired. He signed it over with no talk of payment for the car, and I didn't talk to him for about 2 months afterwards despite numerous attempts to contact him. Now that the divorce papers have been signed, he all of a sudden cares that I didn't pay anything for this car, and wants me to pay him for it. (This is not even to mention, I went and got my own insurance, when I registered the car, and he went and cancelled the old policy and kept the check (~$300) and has not said a peep about it.)

    Is there anything he can do to me? None of these items were listed in the divorce settlement he agreed to and signed. I think he is trying to guilt me into giving him money, and squeeze money he is not necessarily entitled to out of this, even though morally if I paid anyone for these items I would probably pay my mother.

    submitted by /u/TheRockFriend
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    Legally, was there anything wrong with this?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:18 PM PST

    My mother fully disinherited me, and I expected it. However, I wasn't notified of her death or mailed a copy of the will. My mother lived in California.

    My mother left her entire estate to a distant relative. My mother put the house and property in the relative's name before her death. After my mother died, this relative quickly emptied the home, removing all personal items, furniture, etc. The house was then put up for sale, and I still didn't know that my mother was deceased.

    I wasn't invited to the funeral or even notified of the death until after repeated attempts to get in touch with my mother failed.

    I have no intention of contesting the will. However, some of the personal items that were in the house have emotional significance to me (family pictures, records, mementos). Some items also had personal details (SS#, private conversations, etc). Do I have any legal recourse here?

    This distant relative is hostile.

    submitted by /u/Square-Rough
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    My ex knew he had HIV, but never told me. Now I am HIV+

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:05 AM PST

    We were sexually together for a year and a half. Meet him on an app and asked him before I went over to his place if he was negative. He said he was. Cut to later when after a doctors visit I get a call from the Dept of Health. After my visit When I told him I had I was diagnosed and that he should get tested he says he knows he has it, but his doctors at his clinic told him he was an Elite Controller so he didn't need medication to stay untransmitable. However after 2 minutes of googling I found out that while that is technique true Elite Controllers are still recommended to stay in medication as the virus mutates after a while. So I'm not really sure what to believe. I live in Alabama.

    submitted by /u/Dr30rockinThrones
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    Canada - boss doesnt have coverage for sick people and went on vacation

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:52 AM PST

    So just a 'quick' question. My gf works in a daycare. She has been there for 7ish years now. New owners bought the place 2 years ago and the place is much different now.

    Anyways, this new boss isnt very empathetic. My gf has called in sick once in the last couple of years, is a hard worker, stays late etc..

    So she actually got some kind of ear infection and had antibiotics perscribed. Her boss went to Mexico for 2 weeks (last minute booking) and left without any sick coverage for anyone - the last person they had on call quit a couple weeks before she decided to book a vacation..

    Now my gf is the type that wont abandon her coworkers out of guilt (daycares are based on ratio - 8 kids per 1 adult etc..) .. However she is actually really ill and im scared shes going to end up in the hospital over this.

    Whats her rights on this? The place is a private business , she has all her sick days / vacation hours.

    Shes basically scared her coworkers will bully her for calling in sick with no coverage ( yeah lovely coworkers she has ) and scared her boss will get mad at her for this.

    I know its possible to get let go..but basically, she believes she doesnt have the right to call in sick with no coverage for her... Im fairly certain this has nothing to do with her and some higher up licensing should be notified of this?

    submitted by /u/throthatawayo999
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    Odd situation unfolding after the birth of my daughter.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:43 PM PST

    My daughter was born in Henry Ford hospital in Michigan about a month ago. Our hospital stay was normal and went as expected. Our daughter was born and we left in normal time(about 48 hrs but they told us we could leave after 24 hours). We were told we had a healthy baby girl in every way and were sent on our way. 7 days later child protective services showed up at our door, and said that someone had made an allegation of neglect regarding our newborn daughter. After hearing the allegations, it was clear that the hospital was the source of the allegations. Allegation was that our daughter was born w drug withdrawals. CPS worker said they claimed the symptoms included "fever, respiratory rate(didnt specify more that that), and sinus issues". These "drug withdrawal symptoms" either did not exist at all when she was born, or they did exist and there is simply no records that confirm that these symptoms were present. If she was born w these issues it seems negligent to not mention it to either parent and not document it in any of her medical records from birth. Idk how all this could've happened. I'm very upset. I went from feeling like a proud father, to being scared, confused, embarrassed, angry, etc, as one would when they're accused of neglecting a newborn child. Sorry for the long post. I'd be very grateful for anyone taking the time to read this and offer some advice. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/zombeebabyjesus
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    (Ca) I got a random message today off Instagram claiming my ex has been claiming I abused and sexually assaulted her and is telling everyone shes pressing charges. How can I protect myself?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:19 AM PST

    So first off, my ex is crazy so I'm fully believing shes talking crap because she loves attention. But at the same time, my ex is crazy so I'm afraid she might just try something

    But I got a random message from some account on instagram that follows her. They claimed to be one of her longtime friends and knew most of the details revolving around our breakup. So she wanted to warn me. Stated that shes been posting on social media, reddit, etc that she was a victim of abuse from me. That I used to emotionally abuse her, yell at her and many points in our relationship laid my hands on her and even forced myself upon her.

    NONE OF THAT IS TRUE. I've never laid a hand or finger on her, she was the emotionally abusive one and at one point got so drunk in a fight we had that she refused when I said no and just did what she wanted to I laid there knowing shed pass out when she was done.

    I've spent all day taking screenshots of conversations and emails from our 5 years together of her belittling me, insulting me and even conversations we had after the night she refused when i said no.

    Now I'm taking all this with a grain of salt because my ex is crazy and loves attention and sympathy. But I'm also scared of her actually doing something because I have no idea what to do

    submitted by /u/DroppedLeSoap
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    Wife got a ticket for going through a yellow light (Olathe, Johnson County, KS)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:41 AM PST

    My wife got a ticket for going through a yellow light. It was one of those left turn lights with arrows specially for turning left at a 4 way intersection. The light was yellow when she went through it and the cop pulled her over and gave her a ticket.

    The reasoning on the ticket says - Section 10.01.013 Traffic Signal (Disobey)

    (b) Steady Yellow Indication.

    (1) Vehicular traffic facing a steady circular yellow or yellow arrow signal is thereby warned that the related green movement is being terminated or that a red indication will be exhibited immediately thereafter when vehicular traffic shall not enter the intersection.

    So trying to read this. If I'm reading it correctly it just says that yellow signals green is over and red is coming up and that we can't enter while it's red? Am I reading that correct.

    The officer clearly told me wife it was yellow when she went through it also. So, no mixups that he thought we ran a red light.

    All help and advice is more than welcome.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/PB-and-Jelly
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    The property next door to me is for sale. I made an offer and they accepted via text/verbal. They received another offer and say they're taking it now. Is this legal, or just shitty.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:14 AM PST

    Getting some kind of refund for a joyride and damages even though the goods were given to me?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:36 AM PST

    I took my car to a place to get the windows tinted. The guy did the tint as expected and it came out nice. However he took my vehicle on a short joyride and the paint came back scratched up (my ceramic coat will have to be re-done in some areas and the car will have to be paint corrected).

    Not happy with a bit of extra wear on my clutch, tires, and motor from him driving it like that without my permission. And I certainly am not happy about the scratches in my paint (which they denied doing) I have a few short videos of the incident. I already contacted them and the guy who drove my car said it was "no big deal" and that the window tint came out fine so it's whatever. He then proceeded to give me the weakest apology I've ever heard. In one video you can hear the same guy "testing the throttle" and spinning the tires as well as saying he doesn't know how to drive manual well while riding the clutch.

    After bringing this up to him he ended up finding a video I posted online of the incident and said he makes 100k a year as a window tinter and it isn't a bad gig. "Hemi life" (referring to the car he drives, a jab that it is better than my car. Also a jab because I said I was frustrated with him driving my car like that and spinning my tires because a set of them is $1,300.) I guess the 100k a year was him trying to flex on me.

    So yes the windows came out nice but the amount of disrespect I have gotten as well as the wear and damage to my paint on my car is really frustrating. Do I have any legal recourse to get a bit of a refund? I would like to have some money back to pay for these damages. I paid with a credit card so is trying to do a chargeback an option? I have pictures, videos, and screenshots of their comments to me.

    I don't think this is really worth going to court or something over but would a chargeback or something else be out of line?

    Thank you.

    EDIT: my location is Florida, USA.

    submitted by /u/Its_Juice
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    401k match after leaving employment

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:30 AM PST

    For context, I live and work in Texas. In December of 2019, I was given a letter from my employer stating that 100% of my 401k contributions for 2019 would be matched, citing a specific dollar amount. In late January of 2020, I left that employer for a new job. When the match amount came through on my retirement account, it showed only 50% of what I contributed. I emailed the CEO of the company and was told that they decided to match only 50% company wide after looking at 2019 financials. Does the company have any legal obligation to match the full 100%?

    submitted by /u/whitewater007
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    Question regarding former felon visiting Canada

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:27 AM PST

    Hello! I have a question I hope y'all can help me with please. A group of friends and I want to visit Vancouver, Canada on vacation. One of my friends has previous felonies on his record due to a time in his life where he struggled with addiction. None of the felonies were violence related (unsure if that matters). Also, the last time he was even arrested was over 10 years ago. What is the protocol for being able to go across? Does he need to apply for permission in advance? How will that work? Thanks in advance for your help and guidance.

    submitted by /u/supertweak54
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    Last day of work

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:39 AM PST

    So tomorrow is my last day of work, my boss has made it a living nightmare for the past 2 weeks. I told him on Monday I dont not have a vehicle due to my wife using it to move.

    He stated minutes ago I need to drive 2 hours away to another facility on my last day to install something. I already stated, in front of HR I have no vehicle. I have no means to do this. He continues to threaten to not pay my vacation benefits if I don't do this. It states no where in my job desc. that I am required to travel.

    Is what he is doing legal? Can I just come in. Do my 8 hours and leave this hell hole?

    I work in PA.

    submitted by /u/Randoworker2020
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