• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Legal Advice A guy I matched with on tinder is a twitch streamer, streaming tinder for content without any of these girls knowing [Ohio]

    Legal Advice A guy I matched with on tinder is a twitch streamer, streaming tinder for content without any of these girls knowing [Ohio]

    A guy I matched with on tinder is a twitch streamer, streaming tinder for content without any of these girls knowing [Ohio]

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:21 AM PST

    I recently matched with a guy on tinder who is a "verified twitch partner." I decided to see what he streams and at first it was okay, but on certain days of the week I found that he streams tinder the second half of his stream. Well I figured out what day we matched and when he messaged me and it aligned with his stream days. I wanted to see if I appeared during his stream and lo and behold I show up once when he initially swiped me, then a second time on a different stream he showed everyone the message I had sent him (before I found anything out).

    So my question is, is this fully legal? He's using these girls as content, fully showing their tinder profile, location, linked instagrams, and messages they've sent, to random people. None of these girls are even aware that this is happening, I didn't know until I "snooped" around and found his twitch.

    I feel like this isn't illegal but just walking the line of extremely weird and creepy.

    Edit: I appreciate the advice people have offered. I didn't think this was illegal but I wasn't sure exactly what could be done, if anything. I've reported his accounts, both the streams I was in and just account in general and I've notified some of the girls I knew that was shown on his streams. They've also reported him so we'll see.

    I've gotten several messages about people telling me that I need reminded of what I post on social media is public, which I fully understand. My profile is very average and isn't sexualized in any form. This being said, I'm more concerned about the girls who are seen on his stream since they are completely unaware of what he's doing. But thank you again it's been helpful, hopefully something will come out of reporting him.

    submitted by /u/dankm0m420
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    Neighbor has personal property on my land (Ohio)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:00 AM PST

    I recently purchased several acres of property. I have discovered that my neighbor has personal property located on my land including a fence, a woodpile that extends onto my property, deer stands and deer feeders. Additionally, his driveway encroaches slightly (1-2ft) onto my land. Prior to finalizing the purchase and since, he has also stood outside his home and screamed obscenities any time we walk on the property anywhere near the property line and as we drive past his house. And previously suggested he may harm one of my family members in a conversation to another neighbor. What are my options?

    Edit for additional facts:

    -Land was surveyed at time of sale

    -Fence has been up for approx 10 years (adverse possession in Ohio is 21 years)

    -neighbor acknowledged months ago, shortly after the property transfer that he had personal property on our land, knew where the boundary was and would be removing it, but obviously hasn't done that

    -deer stands and tree stands are a recent discovery that he acknowledged are his

    submitted by /u/Varaniks
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    [CO] Business was stealing my photos, I used their own algorithm to flood their Facebook page with pornography.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:43 PM PST

    Both myself and the business who stole my photos are located in Colorado, specifically the Boulder area. Also I apologize if algorithm isn't the right word, I'm not super tech savvy.

    I found a business who was stealing my (former professional, now part-time freelance photographer) photos from my Instagram page, for their Facebook page. I reached out numerous times, but never with a lawyer, and they always promised to remove my photos and to ensure it didn't happen again. This has been going on for about 6 months.

    Looking through my photos and the photos on their page, I realized they're using an algorithm or program of some sort to automatically download Instagram photos with a specific combination of hashtags, and to automatically post them on their Facebook page (without credit, if that's relevant). Over the weekend I had the idea to use a bunch of bogus Instagram accounts over the course of a couple days to upload a large number of softcore and hardcore pornography pics to Instagram, with the specific combination of hashtags. Most got removed almost immediately by Instagram, but at least 10 of these pictures were picked up by their program and uploaded to their Facebook page.

    I've since been messaged by the company on my Instagram (I assume they're assuming I had something to do with it since I've been regularly sending them takedown letters), threatening to sue me for loss of revenue, the spreading of lewd material, and the sabotage of a business.

    No actual lawyer has reached out to me, and I haven't replied to their message, nor do I intend to.

    1: Have I broken any laws? 2: If contacted by a lawyer, what kind of lawyer do I need to get?


    submitted by /u/votebooster
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    Car engine died at 48k miles while under warranty, dealership wont fix it

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:21 AM PST

    Im gonna try to set the timeline as clear as possible on this.

    To start I want to note this car was bought new and I have taken this car to get the oil changed every 3-4.5k miles at various different locations, but at the same location for my last two oil changes.

    Recently the car engine starting making a rattle. I made an appointment to get it checked out but the rattle worsened before the appointment so I started looking myself for some issues/solutions. I read that maybe the car is low on oil. I checked the oil and it was very low (the check oil light never once came on) so i bought and put in a quart that day and took it to get the oil changed the next day. The rattle lessens but still stays and I make another appointment to get it checked out in a week. Well 300 miles after my oil change and 2 days before my appointment the engine noise is at its worst and subsequently the engine dies.

    I get it towed to the dealership and after they look at it they say the oil filter is damaged and the location that has been changing my oil is at fault, and there is also sludge in my engine.

    Im not sure who is at fault here? Both parties are blaming each other. And im also not sure when the oil filter was damaged.

    Edit: The diagnosis was rod knock and my car will need an engine replacement. [Virginia]

    submitted by /u/Kakarots
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    Just realized my old job is still paying my salary... for 6 months now.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:38 AM PST

    I worked for a relatively large company as a software engineer. I left about 6 months ago for a better paying job and was making roughly 80k a year there. Around the same time I left I left that job I set up a new bank account and used the old one for all my automatic payments. I never looked at my balance and just transferred my bill money over every paycheck from my new account... I finally started get my tax stuff together and looked at my old account... they have been paying my salary since I left! I'm obviously gonna tell them about this and all their money is still in the account but it got me thinking... first. Can I get in any trouble for not knowing / being aloof and not keeping track of that account? I don't see how, but you never know. Secondly - and purely hypothetical - let's say I wasn't an honest guy and decided to see how long until they figure it out... I'm sure I'd have to pay it all back even if it went on for years but would there be some legal trouble from my side?

    submitted by /u/WennisTheMenace
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    Today I reported illegal and unethical behavior at my company, Also today I got fired for an unspecified reason [Oregon]

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:38 PM PST

    The director of Internal Audit rushed me into work today to talk about the answers I gave on a recent Internal Audit Ethics Questionnaire .

    I had previously reported that my boss was violating OR. REV. STAT. Ann. §§ 165.535, 165.540 by secretly recording our CEO during a private in person meeting. He never asked if it was OK and I didn't know he recorded the conversation until afterwords. I also reported that our support team has been secretly recording room and Online audio by way of skype, microsoft teams, and Zoom conferencing software.

    Ever since making those reports, the people I named (including my boss) have been hostile towards me, and my boss even put me on a vaguely worded preformance plan. I have since reported 2 other employees for harassing me and even had coworkers asking me why they were so hostile.

    I have been working closely with internal audit recently and last night the Director of Internal Audit wanted to speak to me ASAP about a recent ethic questionnaire.

    This morning I go in and she asks me why I said i didn't feel comfortable reporting an ethics violation at work. I told her what violations I've reported and who was involved and said that I was the only person who could know these events occurred, so I would be singled out as the whitleblower. Also that it was my boss who broke the law, so fear of retribution was real.

    She understood my fears and assured me that nobody would know I was the one who reported this and it would be anonymous...

    5 Hours later i'm sitting at my bosses desk with the HR rep i reported the ethics complaint to and I'm being told that this is my last day of employment. I ask for specifics and receive none. I ask for information on who to contact for legal questions and I'm only given a name.

    I've reached out to the Oregon state bar for a referral and have a whistle-blower protection packet coming in the mail.

    Anything else i can do?

    submitted by /u/BaconRaven
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    I was hired as a new employee at a former employer after 7 months of being away....but they are now docking my pay for things that happened while I was not employed?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:56 AM PST


    I left a large U.S. retail company in Connecticut on May 31 2019. I was then asked to come back to the same position, but in a different "market" (new location) and started as a New Employee on December 14th. I was not able to be reactivated and had to go through as a new hire again, although they kept my old employment number. I'm a new employee on the books now.

    My first new commission checks in January show that the company is deducting money from earned commissions for some reason. After some research, it turns out they are penalizing me for projects/materials refunded while I was not an employee (July and October) from my previous location in the other market. Somehow, I don't think this is right. Any insight here is appreciated before I go to the powers at be with a case here. Are they allowed to do this?

    submitted by /u/Lucentman4evr
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    Can I be held accountable for something I did while sleepwalking?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:08 AM PST

    USA, SC

    so I have a history with sleepwalking. I have done lots of weird stuff while sleep walking. Last night I apparently caused property damage and I hit someone. Can I be held accountable for this even tho I have no recollection and was sleep walking and unresponsive according to the victim?

    Edit: I have paid for the property damages but my roommate is wanting to press legal charges against me for hitting him in the face.

    submitted by /u/pusmaster420
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    Fired for writing a letter of recommendation

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:33 AM PST

    (Michigan) So my friend was a supervisor at a manufacturing facility. One of his employees applied for a new position with a different company and asked him to write a letter of recommendation for him. This employee got hired by the new company and the owner found out about the letter of recommendation. He ended up firing him for writing it as it "wasn't in the best interest of the business".

    So I know it's at will employment and everything but if it was cited as cause, is there any recourse? He was essentially acting as a reference and got fired for it, seems a little excessive to me. Any advice would be great, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Bionicoddity
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    Could someone please tell me what "the answer" is?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:03 AM PST

    So this is more of a question than a plea for advice, although I wouldn't mind some advice about my situation. I feel like I'm trapped in a Kafka novel at the moment.

    So about 5 years ago, a major credit card company decided that they didn't want me as a customer anymore. They took me to court and won a judgment against me for the amount I owed on the card. While it sucked, it wasn't a bad deal really: 5 years to pay and 0% interest on the balance. The law firm doing the collections set up my payment plan and my payments were automatically debited from my bank account until July of 2019. At that point the payments stopped being taken out of my account.

    In retrospect I should have confirmed that the debt was paid but, alas, I didn't. I assumed it had and assumed that the payments were no longer debited because the debt was satisfied. Boy was I wrong.

    Last week (January 29th) I go into my online banking and see all my accounts have a $0.00 balance. There's also a mysterious debit amount with "hold" next to it. I called my bank and they told me it was a legal order to freeze my accounts from the law firm that had been collecting my debt payments.

    I call them and they say "Yep. That's us. You haven't made a payment since July 2019." I told them I thought the debt was satisfied and they told me that no, their "system" can't set up more than 12 months of payments and I was somehow supposed to magically know to call them and set up another payment plan. I recall having done this maybe once before,but it seems a long time ago.

    Either way, I never received any notices about this -- I would have definitely opened a letter from the court or from this law firm immediately -- and was never served with any papers or even received any sort of certified mail or anything else that could be tracked in terms of a notice. That's BS point 1.

    The second piece of BS (and what my question is reallly about) is that the debt collectors say that they can't unfreeze my account without "the answer" from my bank. I have spoken to my bank and they have told me several times that "the answer" was sent a week ago today (on 1/29) but as of yesterday (2/4) the law firm hasn't received it. I have tried multiple avenues to get "the answer" from my bank but 1)they won't let customers speak to their legal department; and 2) they say I can't have it anyway. In the meantime I have absolutely no ability to use my bank accounts or access my funds.

    What is this mysterious "answer" that's holding up my life? Is there anything I can do? I live in Maryland and know that I can fille for an "exemption" on the levy for up to $6,000 so I could have access to my funds, but I've been told it can take weeks for the courts to process this. The other alternative that would free up my money (from my understanding) is to file for bankruptcy, but obviously this isn't my first choice.

    tl/dr: I have a levy that has frozen my bank accounts. The collection firm says that they can't do anything until they receive "the answer" from my bank. My bank says they've sent it and that I can't have a copy of it, but the collections people haven't gotten it yet after about a week. What is this mysterious document?

    submitted by /u/scartonbot
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    [MA] Potential employer invited me to interview, and sent a candidate expense report. Employer is now not reimbursing me for travel expenses.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:56 AM PST

    I was recently invited to interview with a Massachusetts company. In the invitation to interview that they sent, they included a candidate expense report as an attachment, with directions on how to fill it out. The employer is 457 miles away from my home address and was aware that I was traveling.

    They now tell me that I was never approved for travel expenses, and have apologized for not communicating that to me. My question is, is the email they sent with the attached candidate expense form enough for a court to understand that I justifiably relied on their given information? The total expenses come out to over $800.

    submitted by /u/cocoathunder420
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    School serving raw food

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:34 AM PST

    I'm currently attending high school as a Junior. On multiple occasions, people, as I've seen, have been served raw, uncooked chicken and pork. The chicken is bad normally, yeah even to the point where it's a tiny bit of meat with like an inch of breading somehow. Regardless, we've been served cold, seemingly near raw chicken strips and tenders. The school staff have been informed of this problem on multiple occasions, and it continues to happen. If people have ingested this and gotten sick, what legal action should theoretically be done in return? If any?

    EDIT: Location: in Shelby County, Alabama

    submitted by /u/merkee09
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    My wife put in her notice, got escorted out before her final hour she promised to work and now her final paycheck which was sent was not signed and is being accused of stealing. The job is in Virginia. Is there anything we can do to get her boss to sign the check we already physically have?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Employer refusing to pay the bonus promised in the contact

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:59 AM PST

    So I signed a 1 year contract with my current company and in the contract there was a term for a bonus of $6000 to be paid exactly 1 year from my original startdate. This bonus was paid.

    I received a contract extension but this extension which I signed simply stated that the terms would stay the same as the previous contract. My assumption was that it would also include the bonus given the first time if I stayed for the length of the contact extension.

    Not sure if I'm looking at this correctly but the extension gave me the impression that I would also receive another bonus. Based on that, I made some financial decisions and now it is coming back to bite me.

    I believe the contract extension should have stated that the terms would stay the same as the previous contract but excluding the bonus?

    submitted by /u/momo1da
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    New landlord making me get insurance that was previously included with rent.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:31 AM PST

    Hi everyone. I am currently living in an apartment that was recently sold to new management (including the rest of the apartments on the property). My original lease states that my renters insurance will he covered as part of my rent. However, new management is saying that this property-wide renters insurance is now cancelled and we have to get our own.

    Don't they have to abide by the terms of the original lease regardless of if I signed it before the property was sold? My rent hasn't changed, so it feels like they are just trying to get me to pay more.

    TL;DR: New management is trying to change the terms of my lease.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    Edit: Sorry I am in Indiana

    submitted by /u/bigWhp
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    Can public schools require students to take a school-specific pledge?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:26 PM PST

    I go to a public school in North Carolina. Students are allowed to refrain from saying the pledge of allegiance, but the school has created their own pledge that students are required to recite every morning. I always sit down and stay silent when we are supposed to say the pledge, but the principal recently announced that all students must stand and recite the school pledge. Can the school force me to say the pledge?

    submitted by /u/throwinthebin-
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    Can a teacher at a public school legally go on a anti-gay rant?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:33 AM PST

    A teacher at my child's public middle school recently decided to lecture on gay rights. It was less a discussion and more about how we live in a Christian country and people who are gay should not be able to force their rights on "us" (her words) and how it is a sin and those with homosexual feelings should repress them. There is an openly gay child in the class that just happened to be absent that day. Is there any kind of repercussions this teacher could face? We are located in TN.

    submitted by /u/twabthrowaway2020
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    Estranged wife didn't pay rent, I got taken to court....now no one will rent to me - Pennsylvania

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:57 AM PST

    I have been separated from my wife and living apart with family for almost a year and a half. Our lease was in my name, but she assured me she was going to have it put in her's since I was no longer there.

    So, the other day, I'm looking at a new place to rent, give my info to the landlord, who tells me he can't rent to me because there was a judgement against me two months ago for stiffing my landlord.

    I called her immediately, and she tells me "yeah, went to court, but I took care of it" and informs me that we both need to be there for the landlord to change the name on the lease. Also said she would sign something saying that it was her fault and not mine, since I haven't been there for over a year.

    Is there anyway to have this removed from public record.?

    submitted by /u/fireguypa
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    Clinic ‘Forgot’ to Add Me To Payroll: Refuses to Pay me 1800 dollars.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:25 PM PST

    I live in Texas.

    I work as an undergraduate research assistant for a small clinic. I was clocking 2-3 hours a week and helping them with basic tasks such as filing, data entry, and donor outreach. A month or so ago, they informed me that they had grant money that would go to waste if they did not spend it, and offered to hire me as a full time research assistant and would pay me with the grant money. They warned me in advance it would be a temporary position as the grant expired the first of February. I applied for the job internally and received it.

    Because I was getting paid, I switched from working 2-3 hours a week to 30-40 hours a week. I worked a total of 125 hours over 3 weeks. Today, I discovered that they were not able to 'add me to the payroll' on time, according to my supervisor. Because I was going to be paid out of grant money, which has now expired and is inaccessible, they told me there was nothing at all they could do for me and I would not be getting paid.

    Is this legal? Is there anything I can do to get the money I am owed?

    submitted by /u/Fun-Sherbet
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    Neighbor passed away in September and still no family have came forward. What can we do

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Our neighbor passed away back in September. He had no kids, no spouse, and to our knowledge no family. We found his girlfriend and took care of claiming the body and even the cremation. We reached out to multiple people and called many people but never found relatives. We have the certified death certificate and have been watching his house and keeping the yard picked up and clean. Is there anything we can do to legally get into his house and clean it. Our fear is the power was cutoff and the food inside is rotting. He also has a pool that is now a breeding ground for mosquitos. We are wanting to maintain everything until we can find someone Located in Arizona

    submitted by /u/SMayesJr
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    Missed a Civil Court Date Due to Incarceration

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:27 AM PST

    Throwaway account.

    My buddy was being sued by his landlord for unpaid rent. He missed the court date for the lawsuit because he was in jail for an unrelated matter. It appears that the lawsuit was ruled in favor of the landlord because he did not appear for his court date. Is there anything that he can do to appeal the lawsuit decision? The state is Michigan if it matters.

    submitted by /u/billiam566
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    My job is trying to do some less than acceptable stuff - is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:03 PM PST

    This is in Kansas.

    So basically, I'm a massage therapist that gets paid (effectively) commission rates for performing massages. When I do not have an appointment, I am not being paid. I have plenty of paperwork to back this up, but basically my job description is (in as few words as possible) "do the massage, treat clients well & clean up after yourself." We have a 'back of house' that is meant to take care of the rest of the building - whereas we massage therapists handle the 'hallway' (our storage location for stones, bamboo, lotion, and various other things used for our massages) and our rooms that we use that day. To save time, as I'm on my phone, the back of house job covers quite literally everything else. The locker rooms, waiting area, hallways, unused rooms, lights, dishes, robes and clothing, staff break room, etc etc. Literally everything else.

    The problem that we massage therapists are having is that the management staff are trying to enforce control over us while we are not booked. Some examples of this are that we are not allowed to sit in the break room during down time and instead should be cleaning the building and assisting back of house and the front desk. Or that we cannot have personal laptops or tablets in the breakroom to occupy ourselves during downtime. This is more of a neusance that I'd just rather not deal with, so I've been letting it slide and not complaining to the relevant team members.

    However, today things have changed. They have fired the back of house employees, and our manager now expects us service providers to perform their duties on top of our own. Mind you, though downtime does occur for us, it is not common and often it's sparratic (hope I spelled that right). So we have no way of garunteeing that dishes will be done when they need to, robes and laundry will be done when they need to, things will be folded and sticked where they are needed, hallways and waiting room will be clean and organized as needed... we have no way of assuring that. Also, it's very clearly not in our signed job description. To put the cherry on top - we have no garunteed compensation for any of that. It is to be done during our downtime, when we are paid $0.00 per hour.

    So is there anything that I or we can do, or is this something that they can get away with in some way and we just have to put up with it?

    Edit - apologies for any typos, I'm on mobile. If you need clarification please ask and I'll do my best.

    submitted by /u/scatty2010
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    Can I get out of my copier lease?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:59 PM PST

    Here's the issue: I work for a non-profit, and our Executive Director was targeted by a copier/printer company for this "great" deal on a used printer that our organization "needs." Without reading the contract and going from the sales pitch, she thought it sounded like a good deal and signed a 5.5 year leasing contract.

    After receiving the copier, we found that it doesn't work well at all. We are charged for every service call on this faulty piece of equipment. This company has a slew of reviews on Google from other non profits and churches saying that they've been taken advantage of by them. When we approached the company with our concerns, we were eventually send to the ED, who, to be honest, was a sexist ass on the phone and told us to tough it out.

    Yes, my ED should have read that contract before signing it. And I know that since she signed a contract stating in bold that we cannot cancel for any reason, there isn't much hope here.

    Regardless, I'm wondering if there is any way we can get out of this lease. Can we pay the entire amount up front to void the contract? Do we have any options?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/rootytootymcfruity
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