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    Friday, February 7, 2020

    Changes to Michigan Auto Insurance Insurance

    Changes to Michigan Auto Insurance Insurance

    Changes to Michigan Auto Insurance

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:49 PM PST


    How so you guys think this will effect the industry? Michigan is already a pretty tough place for auto insurance.

    submitted by /u/opflantern
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    Windshield replacement gone wrong

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:33 AM PST

    Hi, I'm looking for advice on a warranty on an insurance claim I had last week.

    My windshield cracked 10 days ago (Monday), to which I said "no problem," and called my insurance, who covers glass replacement. They got me in on Wednesday.

    8 days after I replaced my windshield (so, Thursday), my car was covered in snow. The snow turned to rain on my way in to work, and overall things got pretty soaked. I left it in a garage at work all day, and came back to find that water had leaked in through the new windshield and was sloshing around in my speakers.

    I have an appointment tomorrow with the company that my insurance contracts with to replace glass. I want to make sure that they will not only fix the seal on my windshield, but detail the inside of my car. I'm worried about the electronics being wet, the car fogs up whenever the heat is on now, and eventually I'd imagine it will smell incredibly musty.

    What is the likelihood of my warranty covering all this?

    submitted by /u/blueshran
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    Two non-fault claims in two weeks. What should I know and be prepared for?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:50 PM PST

    The first claim is due to a driver who struck me during an improper lane change. It was a pretty simple case; no injuries, minor body damage. The other party did not want to file with insurance, but also didn't offer to pay for damages. After talking with my insurance, I was determined to be not-at-fault. I also tried to report the collision to the police as a precautionary measure in case the other driver disputed anything, but was turned away because they believed that the damage was so minimal.

    The next week, I was given a rental during repairs. Unfortunately, it was struck in a retail parking lot about two days later. There was no contact information left behind and no witnesses came forward. I tried to get security footage from the retailer, but was told that no cameras face the parking lot. I contacted the police from the scene and they directed me to go to a station to file a report. At the station that same night, the officer looked at the photos and told me to report it online as property damage. I followed through and then informed my insurance company and rental agency.

    The insurance company again stated that I am not at fault.

    That's where everything is now. I understand that this is a lot for a two week period, so want to be prepared to resolve everything as easily as possible.

    From what it looks like, I have two separate claims with two separate adjusters.

    In both cases I sent myself an email documenting the events to have a written record. I also live in a no-fault province, so am not sure how this will affect my rates.

    submitted by /u/thxthxthxthx
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    After graduating college, I was offered a full time job selling health and life insurance. What should I expect from this profession? Would it be a waste since you only need a high school diploma to become an insurance agent?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:37 PM PST

    Can you use cash payout from an insurance company and get your own repairs done even if your own repairs are cheaper and you end up making a profit?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:00 PM PST

    Let's say a first car hits a second cars bumper. The first car is deemed 100 percent at fault and their insurance says they will pay all repairs. The second car gets a prelim cash estimate done at a repair shop that is a preferred shop with the first cars insurance company. The estimate says $1000.

    1) will the first cars insurance pay out the whole $1000 or whatever their insurance rate is for the estimate? 2) if the second car accepts the cash payout and goes to another shop and that shop only charges $600, has the second car done anything illegal or fraudulent by making a profit of $400 3) if the second car accepts the payout of $1000, and goes to a shop that'll charge $600, and damage is found underneath the dented bumper and it's determined to be from the incident where the first car hit the second car, will the insurance pay for these damages too or is the second car SOL? Does if make a difference if the second car goes to a preferred auto shop to pay the $600 cash. 4) if the second car declines rental coverage, can they get paid for loss of use and use that money for an uber?

    submitted by /u/trroptrrop
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    Apartment Flooded

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Hi All,

    My apartment flooded and rental insurance is offering to cover hotel rental costs while the damage is being fixed by the landlord.

    I am going to ask my landlord to also provide rent credit as a courtesy refund since the damage is not my fault and I am out of my place for over a month. If they do provide credit would this affect my insurance company paying my hotel bills?


    submitted by /u/trojanmana
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    2-20 Insurance License Test Tips

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:14 PM PST

    Hi everyone I am getting ready to take my 2-20 licensing exam in a few weeks and I am pretty nervous about it. Below I have a few questions I was hoping to have answered. All feedback in regards to test tips and tricks are appreciated!

    - Do Laws/ Regulations make up most of the test?

    - What online practice test closely resemble the state exam (Florida)?

    - What are the most effective ways to study this information?

    submitted by /u/glorifiedfrett
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    Returning to the US after living in Canada

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:22 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I'm considering returning to the US after a 9 year stay in Canada. I will, of course, need health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions. What is the law on this these days? Will my public coverage in Canada be considered continuous coverage if insurance companies are allowed to discriminate?

    Many thanks

    submitted by /u/beffiesv650
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    Old roof. Current insurer won't cover it.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:18 PM PST

    I have a 15 year old roof. It's in great shape (had it inspected last spring after a storm). No leaks or damage. Still looks good. Now my insurer is telling me they won't cover a roof that old going forward. I'm not married to them, so switching isn't a problem. What are my options? Can this be negotiated, or a special rider purchased, or are there other insurers that would insure a roof this old? Should I just start saving up for a new roof assuming I will eventually need to replace it due to age or damage? Should I just replace it now so I can maintain insurance on it? Is it reasonable to assume my insurance cost will go down since they are reducing coverage?

    submitted by /u/hostesstwinkie
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    Auto insurance news - Canadian province of British Columbia moving to no-fault injury coverage

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:48 PM PST

    HSA is missing and HR is not helping

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:42 PM PST

    Unique renters insurance question

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:15 PM PST

    My current job has me travel 100% of the time. As such I don't currently rent or own a dwelling, all of my possessions that are not with me on the road are in a storage unit in the state of Nevada. I am currently using my dad's address in Florida as my permanent address.

    I currently don't have any insurance protecting my stuff other than the insurance offered at the storage unit. I have been looking at renters insurance because I have been told I would help protect the stuff I have with me in the scenarios where my hotel room is broken into or burnt down which obviously would not be covered by my storage unit insurance. I have seen that stuff in a storage unit is covered by renters insurance.

    I would like to have all of my stuff covered by an insurance policy, the stuff with me and the stuff in storage. I am looking at different renter's insurance policies and I had some questions based on my unique situation.

    Should I get a policy in Nevada or Florida?

    If I go with Nevada can I just list the storage unit as my "apartment"?

    Are there any considerations I need to make if I travel out of the country (mostly Canada)?

    submitted by /u/Wadeace
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    Friend Needs Health Insurance Desperately

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:57 PM PST


    My friend who was in the foster system for two years has just turned 18. Her mother has completely abandoned her and she has lost the benefits of the foster system. She was just taken off of her health insurance, and she is due to receive an EKG and Blood tests for heart and blood issues. She is suffering from severe depression as a result of her struggles, and we are afraid she is going to kill herself, so we are looking for help urgently. We live in Southern California, and she has no family here as her stepfather and brother moved back to the Philippines after her mother cheated on him, and all of her family has cut off her mother and Beyoncé as a result of her mother. Please, any advice or answers would be appreciated greatly.

    submitted by /u/Peesanthar
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    Question about Comprehensive Coverage for Automobiles

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:29 PM PST

    I took my car into a shop for some repairs. The repairs included changing the valve cover gaskets and an oil change as well as other repairs totally approximately $5500. Other repairs included new rear brakes, parking brakes, the electric parking brake module ($1000 part) and some other repairs not related to the engine. I planned to keep the car for 3 to 5 more years and was addressing long term maintenance items. Car is a 2008 Land Rover LR3.

    While driving the car home in express lanes on the interstate, I got approximately 3 miles from the shop and the low oil pressure light came on. I drove to the next exit and shut the car off. There is no way to pull over on the express (HOT) lanes. I called the shop immediately and they said to drive it in the next day.

    The next day, the shop drains the oil and the oil is full of visible metal shavings from the bearings in the engine. I had the oil analyzed to see what type of metal it was. The metal was not in the oil that they drained from the engine during the oil change.

    The engine is ruined. The replacement cost of the engine exceeds (or is close to) the value of the car (approx. $10K).

    The shop is not working with me for repairs and stonewalling me.

    I want to make a claim under my "Other than Collision" (Comprehensive) damage (code D) with State Farm.

    State Farm is declining the coverage because it is not on their list of "known perils".

    They define Collision and then give examples that are Other Than Collision.

    From my insurance: "Collision" means the upset of "your covered auto" or a "non-owned auto" or their impact with another vehicle or object.

    Loss caused by the following is considered other than "collision":

    1. Missiles or falling objects;

    2. Fire;

    3. Theft or larceny;

    4. Explosion or earthquake;

    5. Windstorm;

    6. Hail, water or flood;

    7. Malicious mischief or vandalism;

    8. Riot or civil commotion;

    9. Contact with bird or animal; or

    10. Breakage of glass.

    Since damage "In the course of an oil change" or "negligent repair shops" is not on the list of examples they are denying coverage. They are telling me that the policy is "Inclusionary" and it has to be on the list.

    It seems to me the opposite. The damage is "Other than collision" and the list is examples of that.

    There are a bunch of exclusions on the policy as well that don't apply.

    To me this is similar to rodents eating your wiring which is frequently covered. It's not collision, it's not on the example list, it's not on the exclusion list, therefore it's covered.

    My questions is: Is "Other than Collision" damage restricted to the list of examples?

    Any insights from insurance experts would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/entrepreneur2
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    Selling AAA auto/home insurance

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:06 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    Possible career change coming my way via selling auto/home insurance for AAA here in St. Louis.

    Anyone have any tips, input, etc. about this?

    How hard is the personal lines test?

    Currently in car sales and have a bit of sales background thanks to this current job.

    Would love to hear some folks thoughts on this. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/TucciMane121
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    I was at fault in a car accident and have a few questions

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:37 PM PST

    Earlier today I was driving home and was involved in an accident that was my fault. I was turning right at a junction as the lights were changing and thought I had enough time to cross in front of the oncoming cars, however the oncoming cars had already started moving when I was crossing. By the time I realized that, I had already committed to the turn and a van bumped into the left side of the car.

    I pulled up a bit further down the road as did the driver of the van. By the time I had crossed the road to get to the other driver, there was another driver nearby who had captured it on their dashcam passing their number on to the van driver. I'm a new driver (only driving for about 5 months) and was in a semi panicking state so I never thought to get their number and they left. Then the van driver was asking me how I want to go about sorting this. His van only had a minor mark on the bumper so he said I could pay him £100 for the repairs and it will be settled privately. I explained to him that I wasn't entirely sure how the insurance works or paying him off for the damage etc so I said to him I'd have to call my dad and get him to come down and help with the situation. He then explained that he couldn't wait around for my dad to come since he had his (presumed) partner and a child in the van, so he gave me his number and his first name and told me to call him when I'd decided.

    That was it, no exchange of licence plates, pictures of the damages, addresses etc. Looking back at it, I was stupid to let him walk away without discussing any of that but as I said I've never been in that situation and was still panicking a bit.

    Anyway he left and about 10 minutes later my dad came to where I was and called the driver through my phone to discuss what we were going to do. The driver explained that the van wasn't actually owned by him and it was just a works van, so he gave his boss my number to call me. This is where my dad started seeing a few red flags and thinking that maybe the driver wasn't insured on the van in the first place which would explain him wanting to go home without exchanging any information other than my number and the dashcam footage.

    I'm still waiting to hear anything from him or his boss but while waiting I've been asking myself some questions that I hope one of you can answer.

    If he isn't insured on the van, what are the next steps? Would I still have to pay him for the damages and get my insurance company involved? If not, could the dashcam footage provided by the witnesses be used against me to report me and get me in trouble for causing the bump? Would I still have to pay money to him or would there simply be no case since he hasn't got insurance? If he does have insurance, since I had no photo evidence of the damage caused to the van would it be possible for him to go home and cause more damage and then claim even more from my insurance company for the damages.

    I'm still in a bit of a panicked state and am worried thinking about all the possibilities so any advice/help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/IncognitoWhiteKid
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    Originally on r/legaladvice but someone said to put it here

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:46 AM PST

    How long does it take to resolve an auto claim?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:27 PM PST

    renters/auto bundled--buying a home

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:03 AM PST

    What is the recommended way to insure my home, rented apartment, and car when buying a home?

    I currently have auto+renters bundled insurance and paid in full through April 5. I'm looking at closing on a home on March 31. My apartment lease goes through July 31 (though we're hoping get out of it by end of May or June).

    I know I have to at least pre-pay home insurance at closing, which I'll bundle with auto to get the best rate. Question is how I should handle the renter's insurance--do I just get a cheap month-to-month renter's insurance on top of the home? If my lender allows, I'd prefer to pay the home insurance in full for the year to get a further discounted rate. I think I can select which plans to pay in full and which to be monthly, but I may be mis-remembering.

    Thanks for any recommendations and insights!

    submitted by /u/jillanco
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    What happens if damages are more than the cars value? Also, how is value determined? California

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:33 AM PST

    I was in a accident 2 months ago and the at fault drivers insurance took forever in the process. The first check the issued me bounce so it took another week to get the replacement. Finally last week a check for $400 arrived which was based on their initial estimate from the damages pictures. I dropped it off at the repair shop Monday and their insurance didn't respond until today so they finally pulled the car apart for the supplemental repair and turns out there's $5,500 in damages because there's lower rail damage on top of the visible bumper damage. They're waiting to hear back to see if it's repairable which I'm assuming means to see if the repairs are more than the cars value since it is a 2003 Honda Pilot.

    Is the cars value determined by KBB only or do they take into consideration the current selling price of cars in similar condition? Also, what happens if they do determine the repair is more than the value? Are they going to want to just pay the value and junk the car or what? This is only my 2nd accident but first time actually going through insurance so I don't know the process. The adjuster takes forever to respond to calls so who knows how long it will be to hear. I'm just trying to figure out what to expect. I didn't get a rental because the repair was only supposed to be 4 days but we spent the past 3 just waiting for the adjuster to respond so I really need things to get rolling.

    submitted by /u/ImTheShizzniyee
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    Underwriter Job Interview Questions

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:10 PM PST

    Are Underwriter job interview questions from large companies more technical or behavioral oriented? It seems companies nowadays value your personality vs your experience, some even former your personality and who you are even more so. Are job interviews for Underwriters more informal - about who you are, behavioral based questions, or are the questions geared more towards your technical proficiency?

    submitted by /u/Marcelino4545
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    Low cost insurance

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:25 PM PST

    It is quite obvious the big-name insurance companies spend BIG bucks on advertising, and thus have higher premiums. What low-profile companies offer lower premiums, but still good customer service?

    submitted by /u/retiredguy1945
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    Good health insurance for low income house

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Hey guys, I need some cheap insurance so I can get a septoplasty to fix my deviated septum but my husband and I have a very small amount of money. We live in SC, Google is being stupid and it's pissing me off. Anybody know of any really cheap insurances that will cover a decent amount of the surgery? A septoplasty is about $2,100-$5,612.

    submitted by /u/pissed_cat
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    Is full coverage mandatory for a financed car?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:33 AM PST

    I always thought full coverage was mandatory if you finance a car. My friend is planning on getting his first car and said he's just gonna get libaility. I told him he needs to get full coverage otherwise he won't be approved for the loan amount. He told me since hes getting an older car 2010ish that its not necessary. Is this true?

    submitted by /u/Astermagic23
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