• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Business Tesla shares crater 17% after coronavirus delays Model 3 deliveries

    Business Tesla shares crater 17% after coronavirus delays Model 3 deliveries

    Tesla shares crater 17% after coronavirus delays Model 3 deliveries

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:12 PM PST

    Spotify Hits 124 Million Paid Subscribers

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:12 AM PST

    Coronavirus Phishing Attacks Aim to Spread Malware Infection

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:47 PM PST

    Any other lgbt diversity missions?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:15 AM PST

    Daylite is an affordable CRM specially designed for small businesses

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:30 PM PST

    Why I became an entrepreneur, and what I learned from it. (Part 3)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:24 PM PST

    For me that meant joining a CEO group. My group was made up of CEOs of other businesses that were, on average, 10 to 15 years older than me. We would meet once a month and talk about each other's business, primarily functioning as a sounding board for ideas, issues or problems.

    In my first year I probably didn't say 20 words, I just sat and soaked up as much information about how business worked from these men. Men who had been there and done that before me. That education was invaluable, and some of the best educational money I ever spent was on that group.

    To this day we still get together, and now I am the guy with the experience to pass along to the younger guys. I also realized that, although I sat for the first year and mainly listened, I was actually providing something. Memories and perspective for the older guys.

    When I have the opportunity to help new business owners in the same way, it reminds me of what I went through building my own companies. All of those lessons that I learned are reinforced as I pass the knowledge along to others. I did not realize at the time that they were getting as much from me as I was from them!

    So finding a specific person or a group to give you advice will provide you with a significant advantage over going it alone.

    I also loved the competition, and the competition of business is fierce. I also love the "business" of business. I devour every magazine on the subject, as well as read as much as I can click on via the internet. These three places are where I learned how business worked!

    (Keep an eye out for part 4 of the series)

    submitted by /u/JerryBrazie
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    Unique way to invest 10k?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:57 PM PST

    Hitting a wall when it comes to equity

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:13 PM PST

    I am the CEO and founder of a small team launching a new business.

    I've been at the company obviously the longest. This is the first company I've launched of this size and scale, but a private investor came in but required significant equity at 60%. I retained 20%.

    I have spilt the other 20% up among the other people who have helped start the company.

    There's a few problems. Two of the people who have equity only put in a short amount of time and for one reason or another have stopped over a year ago. They represent 6%.

    We are trying to attract some new staff including a CFO. They of course want equity, but at the moment everything is assigned unless I dropped below 20% Which I don't really feel is appropriate or best for me.

    submitted by /u/GabrielForests
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    Is Grand Canyon Education Really the "Enron of Education"?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Can you work with a business person to open a restaurant and not have to do anything besides be the brains?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:00 PM PST

    So I came up with a restaurant concept earlier today and the idea kind of blew up on Twitter. People are really into it, it's unique, memorable, all that good stuff. I think it actually could work our. My problem is I suck at math and have no money. I have all the ideas, just no means to go through with any of them. Would any investors be willing to take this on and give me, say, 15% for my ideas and whatnot? Is that something that can be done?

    submitted by /u/talkthattalktome
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    What’s the process like for starting a group home or becoming a staff at home?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:10 PM PST

    I'm going to go into college soon and I want to know what the requirements would be or what I'll have to take to become a group home staff or how to run one. Preferably one for youth.

    submitted by /u/brendensjewish
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    How do I go from self-employed to business owner?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:32 PM PST

    I am partners in a small business but I have to work it everyday to make it tick. I want to create more businesses that can help others in different aspects without me being the one to make the business tick. I want to help more people but just dont know how to break out of this self-employed cycle.

    submitted by /u/AwesomeParker
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    Spotify Will Acquire Bill Simmons’ The Ringer

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Why Google Reviews is a complete rubbish!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:24 AM PST

    So, I've been dealing with Google's mybusiness page for a number of years for a small business. The most important feature there is is Google REVIEWS as people do read them, which then reflects other customer's attitudes towards such business. Majority of businesses care about the image of their company and having positive reviews is an important factor for them. HOWEVER, dealing with these reviews and the whole approach from Google staff is terrible, here's why:

    1. It is literally impossible to remove a bad review and it does not matter whether it's a complete fake or in breach of Google's own terms and conditions:

    - google staff nearly always replies with standard copy/paste, to whatever argument and point you are making and at whatever level of escalation. It feels like speaking with somebody who does not understand your language!;

    - it's like google staff actually does not even read these reviews (when escalated). They most likely just put it towards some automatic algorithm and if it says the review is fine, then it is left untouched;

    - obvious breaches of google's Terms and Conditions are ignored by google staff, examples below;

    - the usual route of letting know of the fake etc review is completely flawed, you can only flagg it, select one of the category and putting your e-mail address. You can't comment it at all. Only by "contacting google" you can provide more details and that is hard to find if you don't know where to look at.

    2. There is no way knowing whether this is a genuine experience or a coordinated attack by a competitor or some complete weirdo who makes up fake accounts just to destroy your business. The review is a review and google allows it being there, whatever the facts, especially if it does not have any content (just a star rating);

    3. Attracting positive reviews is very hard. Majority of satisfied customers are not keen on writing a review (especially that not everybody has google account), whereas a "bad experience" nearly always results in a negative review. It also depends much on the type of the business it is, population group type which uses it etc. You can't officially "reward" customers for a review and various attempts of asking them are usually not very effective;

    4. It is known that buying positive reviews is widely used - making a case that a genuine business has very limitted chances of having a positive outcome of such feature, unless he invests heavilly and uses dodgy ways;

    6. Legal request for removal is rubbish. You do not even get an e-mail reply if the case is refused (it says the staff may contact you). There is no direct link to trace your case (you only get a general confirmation of logging of the case). Getting actual legal help is way too expensive to consider (thousands of dollars/pounds to start dealing with the case if you finally reach a professional who actually knows the topic).


    - a customer makes a serious criminal offence claim on google review, towards a somebody who is not even affiliated with that business. A phone-call discussion with google staff is completely brick-hitting - he just repeats the same information over and over again. He is then told that the case will be taken to the police and it still is not a problem so discussion is ended. Then, after a couple of moments the review dissapears! So has it been a fair claim? Why a constant refusal over the phone and previous e-mail communication then?

    - there are proofs a reviewer works at a competitor. He also left positive reviews for the place he works at. A clear breach of T&S. Google refuses, providing general reply of "not breaching T&C" and says that they cannot take external proofs. So how on earth do they decide on breach of this point of "conflict of interest"?

    - writing reviews one after another, from the same person but from different accounts. This is happening constantly and only once the review was taken down (obviously after a battle with google staff first!). The deductions are simple: very similiar content, reviews left basically one after another and often within a minutes between each other (whereas the usual is one review per week for that business);

    - the content of the review has clear "hate speech" and this was reported and logged in by the police force. Google still ignores it completely by pasting the same copy/paste reply;

    submitted by /u/pharao007
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    Kabbage debuts short-term loan product for small business owners

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:14 AM PST

    Do I have to have an LLC to accept funding from investors?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:17 PM PST

    Do I actually need an LLC to accept funding from investors or can I wait until I meet my goal of $500,000k? So far I have $312,000 raised for my project.

    submitted by /u/Cryptell
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    Signs a company is going public?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:36 AM PST

    In the past couple of years, my company has changed CFOs, added several controllers, along with making other significant staffing changes. I was just informed that I would not be receiving a bonus this year, despite the company being more profitable than last year. The company is about 1000 employees and $500 million in revenue. The CEO made a point of saying it will "remain a private company" in a recent meeting, but it feels like they are making some significant bottom-line savings plans as though they want to go public, or could these be signs of something else?

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    Whoopi Goldberg's Celebrity Cannabis Brand Whoopi & Maya Shuts Down

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:59 AM PST

    What’s the future of VC?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:37 AM PST

    Anyone have good business ideas?

    If you're into thinking, here's a thought experiment for yah:

    ‪A new company is started. Just a founder and an idea. You have no other information, but are in a situation where you need to value the company. An investor has agreed - for whatever reason - to invest $50k and asked you to justify what % of ownership she should take.

    There are three options to advise the investor:
    1) "it's impossible to value it so roll a 100-sided di and ask for that equity" 2) "founders and ideas are worth $0, so ask for 100%" 3) 100*[50,000/(50,000 + value of founder + value of idea)]

    We have quite of slew of arguments for each option. It's fun!!

    submitted by /u/404040life
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    Spotify is buying Bill Simmons’ The Ringer to boost its podcast business

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:34 AM PST

    Where to learn business process in some verticals ?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:46 AM PST

    Where can i learn how some industry vertical work in details. Everything from taking order and marketing to the shipping.

    I am interested in many industries not just commerce but also pharmacy, oil gas etc.

    Is there any source to get this insight knowledge?

    submitted by /u/belforto
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