• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Legal Advice (UPDATE) (FL) Security Guard Tried to Deny Access for not Smiling

    Legal Advice (UPDATE) (FL) Security Guard Tried to Deny Access for not Smiling

    (UPDATE) (FL) Security Guard Tried to Deny Access for not Smiling

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    First of all, thank you so much to everyone who responding to my first post and gave me the courage to approach HR!!

    Update: my sister (hospital physician) actually spoke to HR first. She went to them this morning (she was off yesterday) and then spoke to the head of the security team. I was asked to come into the hospital this morning to meet with hospital administration. My brother went in with me and corroborated my story. HR was appalled! They said that they'd heard rumors about this specific security guard but no one had ever escalated their complaints to administration. They brought in two more security guards who have worked with him to verify some of the rumors they've heard (apparently the guard in question has been caught lingering in front of the women's restrooms on his breaks, and he denied a doctor's wife entrance because she didn't know the room number for the cafeteria where she was meeting her husband for lunch.) The final thing HR said to me was, "Today will be the last day you will see him. We do not support this type of behavior at our institution and he will not continue with us."

    At the end, the HR director told me that it is SO IMPORTANT to report inappropriate behavior. She said that so many times people will gossip amongst themselves about situations but no one will actually take it up with administration, which subsequently makes HR's job more difficult to complete because then they don't know about happenings within the organization.

    Again, thank you thank you thank you!!

    submitted by /u/pineappleprincesspie
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    My manager will not close our restaurant despite having no functional toilets for a week.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:34 AM PST

    I work as a supervisor in a chain restaurant in the UK, recently due to rain and poor drainage systems in my area all our toilets have entirely out of action and we cannot get them fixed for 3 or 4 days... (we requested a portable toilet, which was denied.)

    Our operations manager is refusing to allow us to close despite this, and wants us to just simply let customers know about the problem before dining with us.

    My main concern however is the staff, we often do 10-12 hour shifts, and we are all having to go to supermarkets or other bars/restaurants in order to use the toilets... this not only seems highly illegal but it is also not fair at all, yesterday some of our staff we not drinking any water so that they didn't need to go to the bathroom.

    Is there any action we can take here?


    submitted by /u/Ryudolancer
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    My roommate took my rent money meant for our apartment’s sum check and spent it on herself for two months

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:30 AM PST

    My landlord has a stupid policy in the lease requiring that the tenants of my apartment (3 of us total) submit our rent to him in one large check. I asked him to change this policy when I moved in but he did not budge. Two nights ago I received an email from him stating that our October check bounced and he hadn't received November yet. He then stated that if we didn't submit any rent to him by 12 pm the next day he would be taking further action. This was the first time I had heard of any late rent whatsoever - I submitted mine to my roommate on time electronically each month. Apparently he sent the reminders to her alone for some reason. The story has evolved since then, the roommate has not submitted any money to landlord (she lied and told us all she had), and she has moved out of the apartment, deleted all of her social media profiles, and potentially has changed her phone number. Last night I tried to speak with her and she wouldn't engage with me, saying she had a "payment plan" in place with the landlord - another lie. This also ignores the fact that she spent over 3,000 of my and my other roommates money. After hearing her packing, I called the police last night and made a report with them with our names and what was going on. The landlord is somewhat incompetent and. I don't know what his plans are. The issue between him and the thief roommate is one of rent, but between me and the roommate is different. She took money meant for rent, and spent it on herself. Obviously this is all complicated by the fact that I sent it to her willingly, but this requirement is in our lease, and it was not meant for her personal use. Do I have any standing here? Is this criminal? Help!! I'm afraid she's trying to get away with it.

    submitted by /u/MonotheisticScup
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    [FL] As a part of lease renewal, the landlord is requiring us to sign for forced renovations and a $120-$200 Mid-Lease rent increase. [UPDATE]

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:48 AM PST

    Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/dbs5ja/fl_as_a_part_of_lease_renewal_the_landlord_is/

    Well, after I had made the post my landlord had made an appointment for myself, the assistant manager, and maintenance manager to meet together to discuss my lease and issues that I had previously reported. I wasn't rude but I was stern with my displeasure on my stay at the complex and the lease renewal documents. I had recorded the entire conversation and discussed how they should have notified all of the details of a new lease renewal 60-days prior to lease expiration. The conversation got heated and they verbally stated several illegal things that they do as a company; none of which I could have used in court because it wasn't until afterwards that I was notified that Florida is a 2-party consent state for voice recording.

    At the end of the meeting I had given a 30-day notice to vacate and they stated that I would owe an extreme amount of fees after I left. I did not care, I just wanted to be done with the company. We deep-cleaned the entire apartment and even shampooed the carpets 3 times and moved into the new house. I made sure to get an inspection with the landlord and got consent from them to record that entire thing. They stated that they don't see anything that they could charge me for in the apartment. Now, today almost a month after move-out, I receive a check in the mail from the company with my $900 deposit returned to me!

    submitted by /u/TornadoTigerWolf
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    Can my girlfriend's parents sue the nurse (or get her into any sort of ethical trouble) who prescribed my girlfriend two medications for hormone replacement therapy after she signed informed consent?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:18 AM PST

    My girlfriend's parents want to sue a nurse at Planned Parenthood in Maine after my girlfriend signed informed consent papers to receive hormone treat therapy because she is a transgender woman. My girlfriend lives with them but is 24 years old. My girlfriend had cancer as a child and now suffers from a complex seizure disorder. Her parents found out she was taking estrodial and spironolactone for hormone replacement therapy and flushed her medication down the toilet. They believe it was unethical and beyond the nurse's scope of working within her license, in the state of Maine, to prescribe her these medications. They are concerned that something bad could have happened and want to get the nurse in trouble for being unethical/malpractice. My girlfriend has discontinued the medication after it was flushed down the toilet by them. She disagrees with them entirely and has had no negative affects from the medications while she was on them. They think they can still pursue this as a legal matter or get her fired. Could they?

    submitted by /u/666inthetrash
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    (CA) I won in a small claims case against the defendant. The settled agreement was that they would pay $400 a month for two months. I haven’t received the last payment and it’s past due, what’re my next steps for collecting?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    An officer showed up to my house wanting to know if I wanted to press charges on my father.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:12 AM PST


    Back in july, I was doing a small job for my Grandma on my dad's side. Like cleaning up straw from the goats pen and putting straw back and putting food out for chickens. After I was done doing that job, I was told to go take a shower.

    While in the shower, my father came in and told me to step out of the shower and started to clean my back. During this time i was very uncomfortable and couldn't say anything due to the fact that I was taught at a young age not to,"Backtalk" to my dad and had an irrational fear of my father or anybody hurting me.

    After this had happened, I had told my boyfriend and his grandma, who then called CPS. They showed up at my grandma's house, and my father looked pissed. When I talked to the Case Worker, my grandma decided to come out and try and gaslight me by saying that he did not go into the bathroom. She got angry, extremely angry.

    Now, it is November and the Officer showed up asking me if I wanted to press charges.

    Edit: I live in WA state

    How much is this going to cost?

    submitted by /u/LilBitchCake78
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    Need help, dispute with a farmer as to who owns the gates to my horse pasture.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:30 AM PST

    Need some help here. This could get lengthy so I apologize in advance. I own a large section of land and woods. Behind my woods is a field that a farmer leases from my neighbor.

    About 10 years ago, the property we now own, was purchased from from my current neighbor. There is a grass lane that used to be the easement to get back to the field behind my woods. The easement was not written back in when the property changed hands. So legally the farmer has no right to use the lane to get back to the field anymore. The "proper" way would be for them to find a way to get through my neighbors woods with their equipment, since its my neighbor that owns the field. Obviously a combine isn't going to fit through a thick woods so the previous owners of my property had a handshake agreement with the farmer.

    They would let the farmer drive through their horse pasture and use their lane, so they don't have to try and figure out how to get farm equipment through a woods. The farmer in return would buy some large cattle gates for each corner of the pasture, so they could be opened wide to fit farm equipment through. This was 10 years ago now.

    We purchased the property three years ago. When we purchased the property, the gates were never listed as exempt from the sale of the home. We just assumed they were part of our pasture. I still allowed them to use the lane and pasture to get to the field for the past three years, because at the end of the day, it's not a major inconvenience for us, and it's always good to have friends in the neighborhood.

    I got a call from the previous owners of our house a few days ago that the farmer had contacted them and said he's done renting the farm-land and will be picking up his gates.

    I imediatly reached out to him and said what's going on? I'm hearing you plan to take part of my pasture? He said yep they're mine I'm taking them. I said now let's try and figure this out, that leaves two 35 foot holes in each corner of my pasture, what am I supposed to do with my horse? (to be clear there's two 16 foot gates in each corner that swing open, leaving a total opening in each side of about 35 foot). His response was that isn't his problem. I said I'll make you a deal. Leave me ONE of the four gates so I can still get out of one corner, and just replace the fencing in the holes you're leaving and you can take three. He said no because he needs them in pairs. He then said he would SELL them to me for half price of new. I said I'm not paying you for something, that we both know i legally own. He said then I'll see you in court and hung up.

    During our conversation he kept saying to get on tractor supplies website, the gates are 290$ a piece. After the call I got on tractor supplies website and they were 160$ a piece.

    I know the farmer has no agreement in writing. And the gates were purchased 10 years ago, I'm certain he has no receipts. This phone call was the first I've spoken to him ever. I tried to be civil and offer to let him take almost everything he wanted asking a small favor in return. Now I want to make sure he gets nothing. Think I'll come out on top in small claims? What evidence or documents should I have prepared?

    submitted by /u/ms9pop00
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    Father passed away without a will last year, left land that his wife isn't doing anything with [OK]

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:11 AM PST

    Last fall my father passed away, but before he did so he told me and my two siblings he wanted us to have a small lot he owns. After he passed we spoke to his wife about it since I assume everything he owned would go to her. She just avoided the topic and we gave up on getting the lot. Today my brother recieved a bill for the taxes on the lot as they haven't been paid. In the county records it still shows only my father as the owner. If she isn't going to do anything with the land or pay the taxes, is there any way me and my siblings could pay the taxes and keep the lot in our family?

    submitted by /u/landthrowaway19
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    I wasn’t notified I was in my uncle’s will

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:43 AM PST

    My uncle passed away last January and his Will was probated on January 17th. My mom had jury duty in May and just to see, requested a copy of his will at court, since we hadn't heard anything. That's when we found out I was in the will and my uncle had left me his house. As far as I know, the executor has 3 months to notify all beneficiaries that they are in the will and I wasn't told anything until I got a hold of the executor. He's a lawyer and he had me come to his office and he gave me a key to the house over the summer. I have not heard anything from him since. The property taxes should've been paid already but they haven't. I can't get a hold of him and he won't call me back. What should I do? I am a New Jersey resident.

    submitted by /u/Basiclobster
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    Mom was assaulted by (former) friend/customer at her previous workplace.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:43 AM PST

    My mom (44) was assaulted last weekend by a (now former) male friend of hers that frequents the bar she used to work at up until a month ago.

    The guy lives with his mom and asked her to help him move some furniture around the house for his mom. My mom (who is entirely too trusting of people and always has been) agreed and showed up at his house to help. Once inside, she said he slammed her up against a wall, pressed himself against her, and tried to choke her.

    She didn't really tell me much else about it because she was getting increasingly upset (I live in another state so she was telling me over the phone).

    She said that she filed a police report and they took pictures of her throat. She also went to an urgent care clinic because her throat was hurting pretty badly.

    Today, she told me that the DA isn't going to press charges because it's a he-said-she-said situation. As far as I can tell, she can't file a protective order either because he's not family/spouse/ex.

    Her and my dad don't have a lot of money because he's out of work from heart issues and a recent cancer surgery.

    What can she do to protect herself from this guy? The police officer believes he's done this before and we're not sure if he knows where they live or where her new work is.

    This is in Texas.

    submitted by /u/psyk0delic
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    (FL) Hospital Security Guard Tried to Deny Me Access Because I Didn’t Smile

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:47 PM PST

    Background: I am a 20-something female. My older sister is a physician at a hospital. She is hosting thanksgiving at her home this year, so my other siblings and I have flown in to stay with her. I had just gotten my older brother from the airport and we went to the hospital to pick up our sister after her shift.

    When we got to the hospital, there is a small security guard podium where the security guard hands out visitor's stickers. My brother and I went up to get our stickers and when the guard handed mine to me, he said "Why aren't you smiling?" I was exhausted because it had been a long day and I told him that I was tired and just wanted to get my sister so that we could all go home and relax. He kind of smirked/scoffed and then my brother and I walked away. We were all the way across the lobby when the security guard called after my brother with "Sir! Sir! You need to come back here." We both turned around and started walking back towards the guard, but he stopped me and told me to stay where I was. So I did.

    My brother went up to him and the guard told him that if I didn't smile the next time he saw me and if I wasn't in a better mood, then he had the right to deny me access into the hospital. To note, I was in no way rude to anyone, just tired and not very talkative (my brother's flight was delayed 3 hrs and I'd just spent most of the afternoon sitting in baggage claim.) My brother asked why the guard was talking to him and not to me and the guard's response was "Because you need to control her. You need to make certain that she behaves herself." At that point, my brother walked away and didn't want to engage any further. We got my sister a few minutes later and went home.

    One of my friends told me that the guard exercised "tone policing" along with a great display of misogyny. But aside from that, can a security guard reasonably deny me access because he doesn't like that I'm not cheerfully smiling? I would think that access can only be denied for legitimate threats, not a 20-something woman who is tired and not smiling. What is the legal basis here?

    TLDR: Security guard threatened to deny me access to hospital because I wasn't smiling. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/pineappleprincesspie
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    Inappropriate Behavior at the Workplace

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:39 AM PST

    Good Morning/Afternoon everyone,

    I'm from New Zealand and was wondering about what I could do regarding inappropriate behavior/sexual harassment in the workplace.

    It has gotten to the point that I have been diagnosed with Anxiety from having anxiety attacks related to work and the co-worker and dread going to work.

    A brief overview of what has been done to me: × Touching both sides of my face and running his fingers/hands along my jawline. × Touching my lower back × Touching my hands, shoulders and hips without consent × Confessing his love for me (he is 38 and I am 18...)

    I have informed my superior and she had a "chat" with him, but I'm still very uncomfortable around him and dread working alone with him as that is when most instances have occurred.

    I had a disciplinary meeting regarding not attending work consistently (due to the major anxiety and attacks) and mentioned this to the company "legal consultant" and he told me to harden up and "make myself unattractive" so that "he wouldnt want to date me in a million years". I'm really unhappy with the response I recieved and was told they would 'investigate' it, but I highly doubt it as there has been no improvement. The meeting was recorded and I have the recording.

    What can I do regarding this? I have no idea... Is there anything that I can pursue legally?

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Kittichu
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    My brother falsely accused of Rape

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:16 PM PST


    My brother (25) was hanging out with his now ex girlfriend, and broke the news that they needed to break up as he found out she was married. She proceeded to freak out and punch him and chase him with a knife. My brother called the police on her and tried to keep the situation calm until they got their. They took her outside and about five minutes later asked for my brother to come out. He was then arrested without being told his rights and thrown into holding. I guess as a form of revenge she told them false information. They are charging him with Assault With Intent To Commit Rape and set bail at 200,000. My brother is also on probation. Help? How does my family go about this case? Can we sue her?

    submitted by /u/sayangsara
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    Just found out I'm dealing with a fraudulent contractor. Home Insurance related. What do I do next?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:05 AM PST

    [Rhode Island]

    I recently found reviews for a company I had hired to complete the reconstruction at my home after a sewage backup. Unfortunately the reviews refer to someone at the company that had been arrested and had similar reconstruction companies in the past. They were shut down due to insurance fraud and many reviews say they do not complete their work.

    At this point they have been paid about 75% worth of the money that was required to do the work, but about 10% of the work has been done. I made the mistake of giving the initial check I received from the insurance company to the recon company before the work started. Then just a few days ago after insurance paid out the remainder for an updated estimate. They sent a check to me, but some conversation they had with the contractor led them to void my check and send it directly to the contractor. I only have about $5000 of the $22,000 that was paid to complete the work.

    I specifically put a hold on the work for a few months because I signed something that said I would be financially responsible for anything that USAA doesn't pay, so I did not want work to be done and then have USAA never pay for it. But a few weeks back we were supposed to start up the work again, and that has not happened and I do not expect that it will ever happen.

    Legally, what can I do? Every time I am told they have me on the schedule, there is another excuse. Is it best for me to ask for my money back and that I need to hire someone else? I fear that if I say that they will just continue to lead me on.

    I do not know who I should go to, or what I should say to USAA to start. I plan to call USAA in the morning and tell them my fears. Should I expect they will help me in this matter? What can I legally do against a contractor that has been dragging their feet?

    Please let me know if I can provide any further info. I am really at a loss on what to do.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/zWeApOnz
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    Owner taking back part of rental house

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:28 AM PST

    I'm renting a 3B/1B house in Texas that comes with an external storage closet attached to the side of the house. The owner of the house has decided he wants to store his things there so he's removed all of my property from it, left it on the lawn, and is in the process of replacing the door and lock. No discussion with me.

    This seems wrong on several fronts. But what are my options? What do I need to look for in the lease? Pretty sure he can't remove items from my house, even if it's from a storage closet. What about changing the lock and denying me use of the space?

    Fwiw I've never been late with rent and keep the property in excellent shape. I'm also starting my 3rd year at the property.

    submitted by /u/ap0110
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    My Amazon Package Was Delivered To My Neighbor, but They have not opened the Door after I knocked the Day it was Delivered and the Following Day

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:17 PM PST

    So recently I ordered a few items on Amazon, which was delivered by their services. The package was delivered to the wrong address, but it was only a few houses away so I went to there to ask if they could give it back. With the doorstep being the exact same as the picture that Amazon sent me, I proceeded to ring the doorbell with the house having lights on. No response, so I waited until the next day[today] to ring again to see if they would be home. I am very frustrated with Amazon's delivery service since the driver cannot even take some time to just look at the house number to make sure the package was delivered correctly. Now, I am contemplating filing a police report for theft if the neighbors do not return my items by November 30th. I wrote a letter asking them to return my items to my house or I may consider taking them to court for theft if they contents are opened and they do not comply with returning the items. I contacted Amazon customer service already, so they have a recording of the conversation where the person helped me pinpoint the exact house it was delivered to as well as the photo of the package on their doorstep. Am I allowed to file this police report as theft? I paid for these items with my own money and it was fairly expensive and I really needed those items ASAP. I live in Southern California, United States.

    Edit: Thank you for those that gave me advice. I wrote this post out of frustration and did not think about the alternatives too much since I knew where the items where. I'm grateful for the advice and I will take that into account. I just really want my product that I paid for.

    submitted by /u/antomiozhao
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    Should I contact the prosecutor who is trying my child molesting step brother? [WA]

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:20 PM PST

    I am no contact with my family because they took my stepbrother's side when I told them that he pretty regularly sexually assaulted me growing up. Now my asshole stepbrother is being tried for 4 counts of child rape. Two charges are for under age 12 and 2 charges are for between age 12 and 14. I'm assuming these are his stepdaughters.

    I don't really know what is going on because I am no contact. I got a text from my mom apologizing to me and telling me he had been booked for child rape. I googled until I found where he was booked and what the counts were.

    There is a LOT to process here, obviously, but the good news is that I am in therapy and I have a wonderful wife and great support system.

    My biggest question is: would there by any benefit at all to contacting the prosecutor and telling him what he did to me? I don't have any diaries from that time anymore, and I didn't tell anyone about it until recently so there wouldn't be anything to corroborate it from that time. This was 20-25 years ago. We were also the same age so there wasn't any sort of age thing going on.

    It doesn't seem like there would be any benefit, but I do want to do anything I can to help those poor girls. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/uforgotaboutelaine
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    Life Insurance Payout After Suicide?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:48 AM PST

    My Father recently took his own life in Virginia after having the policy for 26 months. I think it is apparent that he did not purchase the insurance knowing he would do this if that matters at all. I know I've read about state laws regarding suicide and life insurance payout, but I am not savvy enough to understand them. It's enough to pay for my college and start a sizable retirement account, so I am definitely keen on getting this money if I can. Can someone help me out with Virginia suicide law, or if the law leaves it up to the contract, what I should look for in that?

    submitted by /u/deaddadthrowaway888
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    Towing company destroyed vehicle.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    So my car was towed early Sunday morning by a private company for being parked in a lot without a permit. I went to the lot, paid the impound fee and got it out around 7am. Drove it to work Sunday and Monday before realizing something was wrong. It wasn't shifting into different gears very well at all. I took a short trip to the store the next day when I realized it was getting progressively worse. Took it to the mechanic today and when they lifted it we could see the transmission pan had a hole in it and all fluid had leaked out. To make matters worse, the case is cracked and needs to be completely replaced, according to them. When I told them it was recently towed they said it was likely because the chain was improperly placed and the impact ruptured the transmission. I am now wondering how to get compensation from the towing company. I am in Wisconsin.

    submitted by /u/ark_darts
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    Adult with disabilities being taken advantage of, what can I do?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:39 PM PST

    Just some info before continuing, my parents are recently divorced (still in the same house), we live in Illinois and my brother has never been diagnosed with a disability but very obviously has one.

    I helped my brother get a part time job and he is making about $500-$700 a month. He's really trying to save for a car, since he's now an adult and wants a better job. When I tried helping him get a job with better pay and hours, our mom wouldn't give him his social and said he wasn't allowed to try for a different job. Now the main problem is, when he very first started working our mom already had her hands in his pockets (she does not work, doesn't want to) and asked to borrow his card once, and only once. I am not sure if she took a photo or just wrote down his card information, but after that one time, she started charging his card for online gaming. This has caused some issues once it reached a significant amount, so we had it where he didn't leave anything but lunch money in his account, which he didn't mind as he is saving for his needs. Just recently though she took him to the bank and had him open up a second checking account since my father has access to the original and keeps an eye on his account for this exact situation. She put a few hundred dollars (of his) into that account and used some of it right away. I ended up finding about all of this once I asked him if he securely put the cash he had back into his savings, and he was nervous, scared, and knew it was going to start an argument with our mom as she did all of this in secret with the intention of sucking him dry whenever she wanted. She recently kicked him out and "changed her mind" whenever he doesn't do something she wants, gives her attitude or doesn't allow her full access to everything. I wish it was as simple as having him leave, or making a report everytime it happens, but it's not, he's very non confrontational and cannot stand up for himself. What are my options to help him? I hate seeing him being taken advantage of, as she has done the same thing to me when I was a minor.

    What can I do? How do I help him? Can I report this on his behalf? Any help or advice? I'll appreciate any advice!

    submitted by /u/-Throw-Away-1317
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    A woman asked to walk my dog and he was attacked.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:33 AM PST

    So April of this year, I was at home and a woman whom I had known for 3 months asked to walk my black lab. I was in the middle of a work week( Self employed designer) and she planned on walking with a mutual friend who had a juvenile daggo Argentine who was 10 months and unneutered. My dog is 11yrs old and has issues with intact males. I was clear with her to walk with my dog on lead and with muzzle. The other dog had to be on lead or in control with a shock collar. Neither of these things occurred. She left with my dog and 20 mins later she arrived with a bloody and in shock dog. I then had to spend thousands repairing a broken upper mandible and having to fly him for reconstructive surgery. My dog now has breathing problems and is aggressive towards other males.Ive had to bring in professional help to get him back to his old self. Recently the same girl has refused to help in any way to cover his vet bills or any accountability. I have been pretty accommodating and now I'm ready to sue her to recover costs for his care. I'm in Canada, but have very little knowledge about pursuing civil matters of this kind.

    submitted by /u/mirrabythesea
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    [OR] Payroll “missed a multiplier” while calculating my holiday pay and my paycheck is short. They want to make up the difference on my next check. Am I entitled to it sooner?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:16 PM PST

    Issue is basically the title. I worked Veterans Day, and should have been paid time and a half rates. Payroll sent me a message saying that the difference will be added to my check coming December 10th. Are they allowed to do this? Two weeks is a long time when you need every penny you can get.

    They also miscalculated my rate on one other date. I spent a portion of a shift training (being paid training rates) and then a few hours on my own which should have been my standard rate. I'm bringing this up as well, but I wanted to address both issues at once.

    I did my best to research the issue on my own but could only locate laws for other states and not Oregon. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/thesubmissivesiren
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