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    Monday, November 25, 2019

    Legal Advice Neighbour left dog at home while on holiday Part 2

    Legal Advice Neighbour left dog at home while on holiday Part 2

    Neighbour left dog at home while on holiday Part 2

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:56 AM PST

    This is an update as promised around my breaking and entering. You can see the first section here https://redd.it/dz10jh Thanks all for your advice and support you made me feel better when I was alone.

    I contacted the RSPCA and explained what happened (I came clean) honesty is the best policy. They confirmed that the owner and that address is on their system as being banned from owning animals.

    They told me I was wrong to take the law into my hands. Even they don't have the power to break and enter they have to call in the police for the entry part.

    However they have taken the dog into their care and advised the made contact with the owner. They pushed that had I not acted in the way I did the owner would be in deeper water as the dog could have potentially starved/died.

    For now there hasn't been any action against me but let's hope this guy doesn't keep any more pets when he Is banned from doing so.

    Location: Sunderland UK

    submitted by /u/TruthReptile
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    During a training, HR accidentally showed a view of their portal that showed all of my PII including SSN and my salary to half the company and then distributed a video recording of the training to the rest of the company

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:44 AM PST

    I didn't even know about this until someone else at the company notified me. The company is based in Virginia. As far as I know no harm has come to me as a result of this, but is there anything I should do/be prepared for or action I should take?

    submitted by /u/to_hell_you_ride
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    Is it legal to require 100% United Way donation participation from employees in exchange for days off? The company I work for gives the days between Christmas and New Year's off (paid) as a "reward" for 100% participation.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:16 AM PST

    This feels like extortion to me and it's especially wrong bc we're all already woefully underpaid (even for a non-profit). Filling out the form and saying "no donation" does not count as participation as I've learned it does in other companies. Also, we have to hit a certain amount to get the days off. If we don't reach that amount, we have to fundraise (again off the employees) all year until a certain deadline. Is this illegal? Or does it simply fall under crappy-but-legal?

    submitted by /u/ThrowAwaySparkleFun
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    Can spouse hold up divorce over last name? (Indiana)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:42 AM PST

    We were married in early 2015. At the time he expressed absolutely no opinion either way on whether I'd take his last name but did listen to my reasons why I wanted to. Basically, I am not attached to my birth surname and it's hard for other people to spell or pronounce. He had a much more "normal" name.

    I told him in March that I wanted a divorce. As he had no job, I suggested staying married so that he could stay on my insurance until he had a job. He moved out in June. He now has a job so I filed initial paperwork last week. As we've agreed on all property division and have no children, I did it myself by filling out forms provided by the legal system. I did not check the box on the paperwork asking for my maiden name to be restored.

    Honestly, name changes are a pain. I still prefer my new last name to my original one for the same reasons I changed it in the first place. We are not at all involved in each other's lives and may possibly never so much as see or hear about each other again once this is finalized. And in the past 8 months he has not mentioned my last name at all.

    This is apparently an issue, now. He received the paperwork over the weekend and told me that he refuses to allow me to keep his last name. Can he hold up the divorce over that? If he disputes the name change, what would be next steps? What would happen if he just refuses to sign the paperwork?

    submitted by /u/artipants
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    Told I can't do my job because of my race - options? (WI)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:49 AM PST

    Throwaway account. I am an artist and I work for a non-profit organization ran by a city agency in Wisconsin. My job is to teach community members different ways to make art, and give them access to spaces where the can make things. Although I teach several different types of art (oils, portraits, graphics, etc) my expertise is in creating murals and graffiti ; I've been working with this organization for 10 years and been doing murals for almost 20. I have a background in both education and art, and a degree in art - which helped me get this job. I have also won several awards for my work, and been recognized/published on a national scale. Other people in the organization joke that I am overqualified to be here.

    My supervisor at the organization and I have never seen eye to eye. He actively dismisses my skill set, ideas and input for our programs and often insults me on a personal level. My mechanism to cope with this has always been to just keep my head down, do my work, and do the best I can. Although my supervisor has never told me I've done a good job or thanked me, his supervisors and other members of leadership often tell me how great of a job I do and how much they appreciate it.

    Early this year, a second person was hired to teach other art styles - this person has no experience, education, published work or anything. When I asked why we would bring this person on board without them having any knowledge or experience, I was told "They are cool". A month after they were hired I caught the new person watching porn in public, in the workplace. When I told my supervisor, I was told I shouldn't be snooping and I was lucky no one was calling HR on me. Soon after, people began to complain that the new person didn't know how to teach what he was hired to teach - so my supervisor hired an outside artist as a temp to teach the new guy how to do what he was hired to do. I said nothing and kept my head down.

    Last week I learned that the new person was working with a group to make a mural - the thing I do and have won awards for. I had no idea this was even happening. I also heard that they were struggling, because the new person had no idea what he was doing. I told my supervisor I was more than happy to help with the program and get them set up to make a cool mural.

    The supervisor flat out said, "No, that project is with black kids. You're white. We should have a black person working with them." I was shook. I work with communities of color all the time, with great success for the last 10 years. Please don't misunderstand me - representation is super important, as is equity. I'm not saying they are not. However, being told I can't do the job I was hired to do and have been doing for years because I'm white feels like it's not legal or moral.

    Friends have suggested I talk to HR, but previous complaints about this supervisors behavior have gone unchecked. I'm posting here to see if I should speak to a lawyer or HR - what do you think?

    submitted by /u/throwawaybob1980
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    Storage facility changed lock - unit fully paid - they were just curious what was inside. Preventing access to contents.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:10 AM PST

    New Jersey - Storage unit leased to an llc,

    Owner deceased, estate admin and employees of the deceased's llc have been ensuring unit is paid monthly while sorting contents.

    -Nov 17 unit lock changed discovered

    -Nov 21 Facility management contacted and offered "unit was improperly secured" ...."so we replaced the lock and mailed the key to the address on file"

    -No key has been received to date.


    1. Is it legal to cut a lock based on it being a combination lock ? Is that a contract detail that would even be legal (seems the type of lock would be up to the customer to determine what is best for their needs)

    2. What are the best ways to proceed to gain access

    3. Does customer have a right to a credit for time access was improperly prevented ?

    • 4. Any grounds for a civil suit?
    submitted by /u/RETX-horizon
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    Landlord banned use of included fireplace.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:54 AM PST

    I have been renting my apartment since 2015. My apartment came with a working wood burning fireplace which is one of the reasons I chose to live here. On November 22nd tenants were informed that they could no longer use their fireplaces due to safety concerns. I emailed the property manager asking what my rent deduction would be since I no longer have access to the amenity. They responded that there is "nothing regarding a working fireplace in your lease agreement, therefore there is not an amenity charge related to your rental rate." I'm in North Dakota. Are there any options for me here?

    EDIT: More info: there have been two notice.

    The first one says; "May 1st Based on the findings of the recent inspections of the fireplaces at (name), we have been advised to cease wood burning in the fireplaces effective immediately. At this time it is undecided what will be done with the fireplaces but we will share updates as soon as we are able."

    The second one says: "Important notice do not use fireplace. November 22nd 2019. This notice will serve as a reminder that the fireplaces in your homes are non-operational and cannot be used. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation."

    I have not heard any reasonings behind why.

    submitted by /u/out_down
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    Mother won't give me my belongings after I got taken out of her custody (AZ)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

    Arizona, United States.

    Basically as the title says. I'm 16, and I was taken out of my mom's custody about a month ago. I now live in a group home. I was slowly given some of my belongings over the course of this month, but I've only received less than half of it in total. My mom refuses to let DCS into her home anymore to get my belongings. Apparently, my caseworker says they can't do anymore than ask. I'm missing essentials, and I don't have the money to buy it back. I've purchased several items myself that she isn't giving me. With winter approaching, I've had to have friends give me their hoodies and such because I've gone to school freezing and not dressed for the weather. The group home can't give me clothes, since I have to wait for my clothing allowance in a month. But obviously, I want my own clothes. I'm getting extremely frustrated. Is there anything I can do to get my mom to hand over my stuff? I'm not speaking to my mother, and last time I asked for my things, she blew up in my face and threatened me.

    submitted by /u/solaceinflowers
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    My home is being foreclosed and it's my bank's fault.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:24 AM PST

    Throwaway account.

    We live just south of Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

    Recently my wife and I have received a letter in the mail telling us that our house is going up for sale on December 3rd due to failure to make payments. The original loan was sold to a new company and we have been making payments to this new company for 6 months. However, we received a letter telling us that we were late on our first month's pay, and thus our home will be foreclosed and sold. We had 10 days to respond to the letter before the foreclosure process began; unfortunately, we didn't see it in time. So as soon as we opened it, we called the loan company that sent us the letter and have the bank statements to prove the money has been coming out and going to their account.

    They eventually 'found' the payment (presumably the money went into another account?), but said it could take a week to 10 days to stop everything. This is concerning because the latest timeline would put it past the sell date (December 3). We are still receiving letters from random people and companies about saving our house and recently received a statement from the loan company saying we were still past due. I'm just curious about what will happen if it isn't stopped by December 3, 2019, considering the loan company had the money the whole time.

    submitted by /u/Legitimate-Tangerine
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    Accused of being drunk on duty by a colleague I filed an HR complaint about in April for threatening workplace violence. Federal law enforcement he called to the work place cleared me.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PST

    So my coworker accused me of being drunk on the job. I work for a contracting company that works for the federal government.

    He told our country manager I was drunk so he (my manager) saw me talking to another country manager in close proximity. My manager came to speak to me and conferred with the other manager that I was not intoxicated nor did I smell like alcohol.

    My manager told the complainant he smelled no odor from me nor did the other manager.

    The guy who filed against me then took it to our customer and called federal law enforcement officers into my place of duty to test me. I took field sobriety tests and passed. Two federal agents reported I was not intoxicated nor did I smell like alcohol.

    I self-reported to the clinic and breathalyzers were not available on post. But the doctor asked about drinking and did the math stating in an official report I was never intoxicated on duty.

    The doctor told me to establish a timeline from my last drink and get colleagues to report on official email that I was not drunk on duty. I have 7 emails on official government email backing me up and I have 8 people willing to stand by the accusations of a hostile work environment and being targeted.

    This person is on a 1 year probation for earlier complaints against him and threatening work place violence.

    Should I leave it to my company to handle or go direct to diplomatic HR?

    submitted by /u/Zemykitty
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    Former Owner keeps Using my Phone Number

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:44 AM PST

    CA. I have owned my phone number for about 5 years but for some reason the previous owner of the number keeps using my phone number for everything from job applications to credit card applications. I had to remove my number from rewards programs like Safeway rewards which allow you to use your phone number to access the account. I have a lot of business which requires me to keep this number.

    Is there something I don't know about which can stop her from using my number?

    submitted by /u/djone1248
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    Can I wear a body cam In MD to back up interaction with a neighbor? I am not law enforcement.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:01 AM PST

    I have a few encounters with them and they have been aggressive, rude, cursing, and threatening. This is over something that is common use in our community, but they want to be the only ones to use it. I brought it up to HOA, and we had a hearing with board members... I was shocked by the amount of lies she told them. She denied everything and said I was a disturbing person, and lot More. They sort of ask us to make peace, but how can I? When I see she is lying in my face, fabricating stuff. So I think I am going to wear a body cam when I am Outside My home, it's the only way to prove the stuff and interactions, but I wonder about the legal implications. I know in MD, the surveillance video it's ok, it's just audio recording That has to be notified and consent from all the parties. I am just not sure if a body cam fits the "surveillance law"

    submitted by /u/carolmandm
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    In Debt for being too nice

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:30 PM PST

    This is for a friend. They don't even know I'm posting this here, but they desperately need help.

    They had an old roommate, they were nice to this roommate and got a car loan for them to get a car. The car is in the friend's name still. The roommate, while living together was paying monthly on the loan. Now that the roommate left, they don't answer the phone, claims there is issues with their phones (bullshit), and not paying their loans to the friend.

    They also ran tolls in the car and friend now has a $4,000 bill from unpaid tolls with that car.

    On top of that, they stole the router that was also in friend's name and claimed they turned it in. Friend checked the address and they said they never received it.

    What can my friend do to get what is owed to them or at least find a way to stop all these extra debts?

    We are in Virginia.

    submitted by /u/Astraeum
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    Car parked outside of my garage door. NYC.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:39 AM PST

    For the past 3 days a car has been parked outside of my garage. I called tow trucks and they stated that I need the cops to ticket the car. I called the cops 3 days in a row when I get home from work and have been no shows.

    What's my next move? I have video and photos of all 3 days.

    submitted by /u/Successful-Intention
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    Man wearing nail polish

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:12 AM PST

    Can my employer tell me not to wear nail polish strictly because I'm a guy? I work at a cell phone store at a corporate location and my female co workers usually have painted nails and false nails so I don't really see the issue.

    submitted by /u/InsaneBreed
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    Employer not paying for 120 leave hours after resigning

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:42 AM PST

    I have 200 hours left in my leave bank but employer informed that their policy will only allow them to pay me for 80 hours (so I will loose 120 hours)

    is this lawful ? (I work in DC and live in VA)

    is there anything I can do to get paid for all of my unused leave ?


    submitted by /u/AlmostThere77
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    My daughter wants to make a hot cocoa stand, but also wants to sell roasted almonds. We live in mpls, MN. I’m pretty sure I can’t legally let her sell food of any kind without a permit. What are the laws regarding this? She’s very excited and I’m hoping I can make it work somehow.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:28 PM PST

    What would I need to do to let her do this in front of the house? I would of course be helping her. I don't want to discourage her with this stuff. She actually made 8 bucks selling pictures she drew for a dollar each yesterday lol. We have good neighbors but I'm always worried about that one person who complains just cause they are bored.

    submitted by /u/26Nada
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    Neighbor set off an actual cannon today.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:18 PM PST

    Hi, I'd like to start off by saying I am posting this for myself and my landlord, who owns a dog/cat kennel (like where owners bring their dogs when they go on vacation). She also owns several horses on the property, and I have two dogs (an Australian Shepherd and a pitbull)

    We live in a rural part of Pennsylvania.

    Our neighbor, who we do not know the name of, usually just shoots off guns and such and that doesn't bother our animals, but today they set off an actual cannon. We can only assume it was a cannon because of how loud it was (it was a very loud BOOM that you could almost feel) and because it'd stop, wait 20 minutes, and go off again, which tells me that's the loading time. This went on for a good 2-3 hours. It made our animals go completely ballistic.

    My aussie, who gets set off by loud noises, began freaking out, barking and howling, and by the end of it, he had made himself sick twice. Everytime I had calmed him down, the cannon would shoot off again.

    Her horses had to be brought inside their STABLE, the dogs started having anxiety shits, and the cats all hid into corners. But most importantly, when the first one went off, one of the staying dogs was outside, jumped the fence and started into the forest around the property.

    She's going to call the borough and ask if theyre even allowed to shoot off a cannon like that, but even if they are, could we still do something about it since it's negatively impacting the dogs and cats staying on the property, which by that effects her livelihood? They do this at random times of the day/night and we are worried that if another dog were to jump the fence again, they could be hit by a car.

    Edit: thank you all for your generous help! The word is stable and I will be discussing the options with my landlord tonight.

    submitted by /u/DucksandMercy
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    Online nursery advertised sale on items on their website, it ended up being a crowdsourcing donation situation to help expand their business with a preorder on the plants as a reward. Upon further review, this nursery is not even registered with the state they are located in. What can I do?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:54 AM PST

    I am located in Bend, Oregon/Boise, Idaho and I purchased two plants as a preorder donation through a nursery called EdenCPS. They advertised this as a sale and even went as far as to tell people to set their alarms to get in quick - making us think there were a select number of items available. Reading through the site I see they won't be available until next June which was fine for me because I don't mind preordering plants to send to me in better weather conditions. Then at the very end it says "All donation packages offer some type of reward - we are NOT offering equity or any kind of financial return." People asked about this and wondered if it meant that they didn't meet their goal that no one would get the plants that they thought they bought. The site was updated to include "PLEASE NOTE - We guarantee to fulfill all rewards for the Grow Eden Project or provide a 100% refund. If we do not reach our minimum funding level, we will STILL be providing all rewards as planned. Again, if we're unable to fulfill our obligations for any reason, you will get a complete refund." I was trusting of this and went through with my donation/purchases. After that I find out that they are notorious for pushing back the dates of when the plants arrive so you can no longer dispute with your bank or PayPal because too much time has passed. I also found out that they usually send out dying plants that are packaged to the point of breaking to pieces on arrival. The big kicker is that someone looked into it and asked the Negar Edwards Clemson University Nursery Programs Coordinator Department and EdenCPS is not a registed nursery in the state of South Carolina where they are located. Do I have legal ground to even dispute the purchase and reverse it? Should I seek legal counsel about this? EdenCPS has stopped communicating with everyone who purchased who are now concerned.

    submitted by /u/jimjonesbeverage
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    I think my job is fucking me over

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:16 PM PST

    I posted this in another sub, and I'm Irish if that helps. So about 2 months ago I started a new job, in food service (nothing special but it was getting me by), and about 2 weeks ago I had an argument with my boss, and I haven't been given any hours since (I signed a full time contract), I'm essentially being ghosted by my work. I've been looking for a new job in the meantime, and not having any luck. I think we all know how depressing the cycle of looking for jobs and going for interviews to no response is. However, since I am still technically employed I don't think I can claim social welfare or anything. I'm 22 and I've never been in a situation like this before. It has me in a very bad situation, emotionally and financially, and I'm having to rely on my partner to help me with my living costs (my rent has to be paid weekly on top of food and general living costs). Has anyone else been in a situation like this and what did you do? I really don't know what my rights are, and what I'm entitled to. I was thinking of seeing the Community Welfare Officer up in tbe Social Welfare office but I don't know if they can help me.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/OfficerPeanut
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    [NC] Public park has sign stating fenced field is for use by public. Rec department states it is for use by local soccer team only.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:00 PM PST

    I was told to leave the field this past weekend by a couple people who are affiliated with this soccer team and left when they threatened to call the police even though the sign that's posted on the field states it is for use by the public in a first come first serve capacity. When I contacted the Recreation Department, the point person stated that is incorrect and it is only to be used by the soccer team.

    Does official city government posting supersede what this government official says? I tried looking up NC state law, but couldn't find anything lucid on this topic.

    submitted by /u/Kennyfuckingloggins
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    Catch 22 - I never got a state ID and now I can't get it or a driver's license because I have no official ID and was born outside the US 30 years ago

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    I left college over this reason over a decade ago and now that life is going okay, I'd like to focus on getting this fixed ASAP.

    The situation is I was born outside of the united states. My mother is a foreigner but my Father was born in Texas. We moved here when I was 2 and 1/2 years old. I'm now looking forward to my 32nd birthday next year and still do not have a state ID or license.

    When I tried to speak with the DMV, they said I need an ID to get a driver's license. When I went to get a state ID, they said I needed a driver's license or something else to support it. I do have a copy of my country of origin's birth certificate and have been issued an SSN plus I pay taxes. I figure if I was issued an SSN, that should be enough to start me on the road towards getting these additional documents. I'd love to travel the country (and the world) but without an ID, I can't even get on a plane.

    I spoke with an immigration lawyer a year or so ago who basically said I had two options. Marriage or going through a 3-year process that is expensive and difficult to do. I don't want to get married just for getting these items as I do love my girlfriend but when I pop the question, I don't want any selfish reasons behind it (outside of wanting to be with her haha).

    What is the most efficient route in my situation to get my IDs finally and become an "official" American?

    submitted by /u/AceUnbound
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    My(f19) ex(m19) is blackmailing me by our chats, videoclips and images. I broke up with him 5-6 months ago and he started this 2 weeks ago. I cannot involve my parents. Is there some way that i can stop him.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:29 AM PST

    EDIT1- I am in India.

    submitted by /u/weaboooos
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    Boyfriend's (18M) mother says she has the right to control his finances. Something seems fishy to me (Canada)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    I'm asking this question on behalf of my boyfriend because he is convinced that his mom has the legal right to control the money in his bank account. His parents divorced three years back and they (the parents) came to an agreement that they would keep his education funds in an account under his name that isn't accessable to him. I believe that the funds kept in that account are just from his dad, but I'm not entirely sure. Because of this his mom made him sign a document stating that she would have complete control over his finances. My boyfriend claims that the document was legally binding, but he doesn't know anything about it and he signed it before he was 18. I'm no lawyer, but this doesn't sound legal at all to me.

    She has full access to his banking information and frequently checks his transactions. My boyfriend is really good with saving his money, so I see it as some sort of control tactic. He has a job and he worked the whole summer and saved his money. We want to go on a vacation together this summer but he's worried his mom won't permit it.

    Any idea what's going on here?? We're both just so legally clueless, but I truly feel like my boyfriend is getting screwed over.

    submitted by /u/throwaway445932
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