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    Thursday, October 10, 2019

    Personal Finance How do I find deceased parent’s debt?

    Personal Finance How do I find deceased parent’s debt?

    How do I find deceased parent’s debt?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    Hi personal finance, I'm in a real jam.

    One of my parents (unmarried) recently passed away in Texas. I am living in New York, and I have one sibling in Texas (Drug Sibling) and one sibling in middle America (Sober Sibling).

    Drug Sibling and Drug Sibling Spouse, since they live close to our parent's house, have accessed the house, taken documents, and had all of our parent's mail forwarded to them.

    They believe they are entitled to live in and take ownership of the house as long as they pay the mortgage back payments.

    However, Sober Sibling and I would like to look into selling the house and splitting the profit between all three siblings if the profit would be worth making the back payments and doing a little work on the house.

    In order to determine whether it's worth it, we need to know what our dead parent's debts are, as those creditors could make a lien against any sale profits. Of course, since Drug Sibling and their Spouse have already accessed and intercepted all documents and want the house for themselves (and are therefore uncooperative) we don't know how to figure out those potential debts.

    So, is their a way to look up a dead parent's debts without knowing where they had credit cards, where they got medical treatment, etc?

    Thanks for any advice.

    ETA: There is no will. I do not at all understand what Texas's "intestate succession" process looks like, but based on our circumstances it states that the estate should be split evenly between my siblings and I.

    submitted by /u/hanniballectress
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    Given the Fed is cutting rates and all the HYSA are following suit, at what % would it make sense to move the money out from the HYSA to something else?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    I use Marcus and it's currently at 1.9% I don't know if this is enough to beat inflation, at the very least.

    If they continue dropping further, at what % would it make sense to move my money out into a CD/bond fund/money market fund?

    submitted by /u/venkrish
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    Old debt charged back by insurance company?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:30 AM PDT

    Hi PF,

    My first post here, could really use some guidance/help.

    In 2014 I had just turned 18 and was still covered in my parents health plan. In June 2014 my dad lost his job, and was not hired into another company until August 2014. I had a medical procedure done in July 2014. My dad elected to buy COBRA through Priority Health which is who his previous employer used. Priority Health made a payment of $650 for the services but then did a charge back because they claim that the insurance policy ended in June. So now I have a bill in collections for the $650 amount. Is my best bet just calling Priority Health and having them check the records for my dad's COBRA purchase?


    submitted by /u/nodangles6
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    An EMS company is billing me for an ambulance ride in a state i don’t even live in or have been to!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    An ems company is billing me 1800 dollars for an ambulance ride in florida while i live in nc. The patients name is the same as mine, supposedly the last four of the ssn are the same as mine and the dob is off by two days, how do i handle this? My information is now there and im being billed, please help.

    submitted by /u/mekingjr1992
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    My doctor's billing department says my insurance company is screwing me: UHC says a facility that shows as in-network on their website is out-of-network, even though it's my in-network doctor's main office, and the tax ID, NPIs, medical group, and billing provider/address are in-network.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:12 PM PDT

    I'm filing an appeal for these claims but wanted to reach out for any possible helpful information/experiences before I do. I want to do this right.

    Basic info:

    • Located in CA
    • I have a primary care physician at Clinic A. It is part of a greater medical group that has multiple offices around the area. They are in-network and I have been going for about two years now. I have also had tests done in-network at their enormous main location, Clinic M.
    • Needed to find a new gynecologist so I decided to make Clinic A my OBGYN as well as PCP.
    • Make same-day appointment and see new doctor. We talk about birth control and decide to go with an IUD. She said they'd make me an appointment.
    • I get a message online saying my appointment has been automatically scheduled for a few weeks later at Clinic B.
    • I make sure Clinic B is in network (never visited before) through the UHC website. The location is listed as my (in-network) doctor's main office (she must have been just helping out at Clinic A when I had my initial visit with her), and as an in-network location for the medical group. I have screenshots of everything.
    • Go to Clinic B, have IUD insertion.

    Then I get the bills:

    • The procedure itself and the office visit were a normal combined copay, which was expected
    • The IUD itself was considered out-of-network
    • The pee-stick pregnancy test (one I had just done a couple weeks before at Clinic A and was $14 before insurance) was $62 before insurance as it was billed as out-of-network.

    So I do a ton of research, have a dozen conversations and visits between my health insurance company and doctor's billing department, and got a bunch of documents from my doctor's office, including UB-04s, CMS-1500s, and W9s for almost every claim.

    What I've discovered for some previous bills that have been processed as in-network:

    • Use the same tax ID as the out-of-network bills
    • Use the same NPIs as the out-of-network bills
    • Use the same billing provider info as the out-of-network bills
    • Use the same billing provider "lockbox" PO Box address for every clinic in the entire medical group (office said they do this specifically for these insurance issues)

    All of this, on top of UHC's website showing:

    • My doctor is in-network and Clinic B is the only location listed under her in UHC's in-network checking database, as well as the NPPES NPI Registry
    • The medical group is in-network
    • Other clinics in the medical group have been processed as in-network
    • This location shows as in-network

    I called UHC and asked them how it could be out-of-network if the tax ID and the NPIs are in-network for other claims and they said it's because the name of Listed Provider isn't the same and it doesn't show as in-network. This is after she told me that they only look at Tax ID # and NPI.

    The NPPES NPI Registry shows that all the clinics I have ever visited from this group have the same "Name" but different "Doing Business As" names, which distinguish each location.

    My doctor's billing department seems to have my back. They've said:

    • UHC does this all the time
    • UHC hopes I'll just pay it
    • They have a single "lockbox" PO Box address for billing for every clinic to prevent this from happening
    • If one of their group's clinic takes my insurance (in-network), then they all do
    • Some have initially misunderstood and tried explaining that certain doctors aren't covered and are literally shocked when I tell them that my doctor is in-network, but UHC is saying her office is not
    • Nothing will change unless I bury them with paperwork in an appeal

    Has anyone been through this scenario before? Does anyone in either industry (medical or insurance) have any advice or info to help clarify anything for me? Does anyone have any insight into the appeals process?

    Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your knowledge, experience, and advice. Everything is very appreciated!

    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/mountainofdreams
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    Can I file for unemployment? When? Don’t know if I’m fired.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:25 PM PDT

    I've only been at my job for 2.5 months. I was working a straight 40 each week, I got cut to 32, my supervisor got mad at me for complaining about the hour cut because his friends didn't get hour cuts, they actually got increases in hours, and I got put at 0 for saying something about it. I asked to be reassigned to a new site and was told I would be by my area manager.

    I've been without hours since 10/4. I called HR they said not my problem. I called my manager on 10/7 as soon as he got in the office and he said he would get me a site and call back later. No call. I called the next day, same thing, said he would call me back later that day and no call. Now he is completely ignoring my calls. I leave a voicemail every day politely asking him to return my call when he gets a chance. He's receiving them because he's in the office M-F. I try to tell HR and once again they say it's not their problem and I have to talk with the manager. I'm basically getting nowhere.

    At this rate I don't know if I even consider myself employed by them. It's going to be a week without any clear answers. I thought I would at least hear back something, even if it's a "No, nothing is available right now". My next paycheck is going to be a whopping $0 and I've got bills to pay.

    Do I even qualify for unemployment since I haven't been working for them long? How long should I wait until I officially give up trying to get some hours? Will hinting claiming unemployment to HR make them take it a little more seriously?

    I'm trying to find another job right now but it's been difficult.

    submitted by /u/letsgo-depression
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    Always check with your current phone provider if interested in changing providers

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    Husband and I have iPhone SE's. Mine is...not doing well...and he said I should get a new iPhone 11. Pretty expensive. And we have never gotten "the latest" phone, always a bit behind.

    We looked around for a decent deal. We've been with AT&T since they were Cingular and our plan is okay, fits our needs, and not too much money. Husband saw Costco had a good deal for iPhone 11's with Verizon on the cost, trading in our SE's, but we'd have to have a more expensive plan that would eat that savings up. And the discount was over 24 months, with full price on the phones. Hmmmm....

    So I chatted online with AT&T. They told me to call the Loyalty Department. I did and described the Costco/Verizon deal (in general) and asked what AT&T could do. They said $249.99 plus taxes, which would have to be paid up in one payment, not over time (which is what we wanted anyway), and a 24 month contract. I asked if we could get 2 phones at this price (yes) and waive the activation fee--now $45!! (yes). So $611 for two iPhone 11's, including taxes.

    We keep our plan ($600/year less than what would've been required by Verizon for their discount, so more money over the 2 years), have a 2 year contract (which we would've had with Verizon anyway, but are getting 2 iPhones. Not bad.

    They did say that they were coming up with promotions in the next week or so, so maybe we just got early what will be offered to all.

    The point is...CALL and ask your current provider what they can do for you.

    submitted by /u/propita106
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    Tactics when negotiating lab bills with hospital?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:53 PM PDT

    I recently got blood work done for my annual checkup - nothing crazy, lipid panel, a1c, and CMP. Knowing my insurance provider changed (and switched to HDHP) this year, I looked up the cost and provider map on the insurance company site. It showed the local hospital where I typically get my blood work done as a good location with the total estimated cost of my blood work being like $30.

    What I didn't realize at the time, was I wasn't paying nearly close enough attention and the listed hospital was actually a different hospital that is about equidistant from my home. Very dumb mistake I admit.

    Under my old provider for a similar set of labs I'd typically see something like $700 billed, $580 plan discounts, $101 paid by plan, - I'd ultimately owe like $20.

    Under my new plan I see 1069 billed, 532.34 provider responsibility, 536.66 allowed by benefit/my responsibility. My EOB confirms that this is an in-network provider and that they paid nothing (as expected, this is my first usage of insurance this year).

    I'm still kind of new to navigating health care costs but I think the summary here is the hospital I went to doesn't offer the steep discount to my provider that the other does even though they're both "in-network". What would have been a $35 bill is $536.66 as a result. Fully out of pocket I'm sure all this would be $200 or less at an independent lab.

    What talking points would you use in a situation like this? I know they offer financial assistance, but I don't think I'd qualify for that. It is the result of a dumb mistake on part for sure. But it also feels a little wrong to just pay $500 for what they typically more steeply discount for a different provider - and something that is half price or less outside their building.

    I'd be a lot more willing to take my lumps on this one if it were a reasonable system where I presented my insurance card before service, they consulted their list of pricing, the discounts with this provider and offered me some rough idea of what the cost to them would be. There seems like ample opportunity to help consumers understand pricing but no incentive.


    submitted by /u/FirmIndependence2
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    Why is it that banks reverse a transaction a fraudster sends me but can reverse the transaction I sent them?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    Hypothetical question here.

    So we all know the game. Fraudster sends us money for us to withdrawal and send to them. Then the money they sent us gets reversed by the bank.

    Why can't the bank reverse the transaction I sent to the Nigerian prince?

    submitted by /u/ryanppax
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    Keep a job that pays more, or take the lower paying offer that comes with full benefits?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:02 AM PDT

    EDIT: Wow! Thank you so much to everyone who has offered advice. You are all really knowledgeable and kind; thank you for taking the time to help guide me. While I haven't yet responded to every post, I have certainly read each one a few times. As an update... I accepted the new job!


    Hi. I am at a crossroads and despite all my research, I am finding myself confused. Hoping for some guidance...

    I currently make $27.50/hour at my job, which is private sector and offers healthcare (Anthem PPO). I also receive paid holidays, paid sick, and paid vacation time (though it accrues slowly). There is no retirement, 401k, etc.

    I was offered a government job that begins at $25.50, and after 6 months will be stepped up to $26.50 (provided I pass probation and do well). This job comes with full benefits; Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance, Pension Trust Retirement Fund, Paid Personal, Sick and Vacation Days, Paid Holidays, Employee Assistance Program, Education Allowance, even things like a discounted membership at a local gym.

    I am stressing out about the large hourly pay cut, but wondering if this is best due to the benefits and potential for growth. At my current job, I've hit the ceiling on pay. They're a non profit and, likely, I won't ever make more than what I am currently making. I am unsure if there are any offers for retirement plans on the horizon, but I would bet not. In addition, I have heard whispers that funding is severely diminished.

    The government job offers a lot of possible room for growth, both professionally and financially. And also, just feels like it might have more stability in the sense that its government.

    The other pros of my job now are that while it has its moments of high stress, it is relatively relaxed (plenty of Reddit time). The schedule is also very relaxed (aka, work life balance is prime), and I can take time — albeit unpaid, since the PTO is slow to accrue — anytime I want.

    What's the best decision, financially speaking?

    Thank you in advance.

    Edit to add: I have no college degree. I've worked my way up to a management position at my current company, and would be starting at square one at the new job.

    Also, TL;DR: Current job pays $2/hour more and offers great work/life balance, but limited benefits. Possible new job offers full benefits, possible room for growth, and most likely, a much stricter work schedule. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/IndigoSeasons
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    Is buying life insurance necessary right now or is my friend just trying to get an account?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:37 PM PDT

    A little background for starters. I'm in the Navy right now, I've been in 2 years and i don't plan on re-enlisting. I have life insurance through SGLI, but it's terminated if i don't do 20 years.

    My friend from back home works as a financial planner, whom I've asked for advice from on investing a couple times, and each time he starts talking about life insurance. I looked up the company he works for and it looks like selling insurance is really their main business.

    He tells me they accrue a cash value, and that it's like another form of saving for retirement. He said it's be around $60/month, and that I'd be able to use it as a form of collateral when applying for loans down the line, and i can access the ash value once the accounts premium is payed off in about 40 years.

    I already save around 15% of my paychecks in my TSP(basically a Roth IRA), and am working on building my emergency fund. Is buying life insurance really helpful for saving or is he just trying to gain an account?

    Edit: Fuck well this is disappointing. I think at best my friend actually believes what he's been told and doesn't understand that it's bullshit, or at worst he's actually trying to just make commission and doesn't really care. Hopefully the former, but at least i won't waste my money. Thanks for the info!

    submitted by /u/Nickbest2525
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    30, just became debt free. What is my next move?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    Paid off

    • Credit Cards (60k) worth

    • Student loans

    • Car loan

    Currently don't have any mortgage and the only thing I pay for is rent and food (cash)

    I run my own business, which pretty much is on auto pilot. I don't have IRA, savings, 401K and won't have SS income for retirement nor do I really want any of this.

    I'm looking to do something else now, to set up my future years, just have no idea what to do.

    I truly enjoy real estate and just joined a local REI group.

    Looking for some advice/ideas

    submitted by /u/IDidReadTheSideBar
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    In general, how much should you put into retirement?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:46 PM PDT

    So I came out of college and chased my career of aviation. I didn't make much for a while but now I do pretty well. I'm currently putting 12% of my income into my 401k to max it at $19k. Then I'm also getting an additional $4k/yr from the company match (they cap it at 4k).

    On top of that for the last coupe of years I was able to max my Roth IRAs but right now it might take a little tax magic to get to the point where I can still contribute. Besides my salaried job I do a little contract work here and there on the side that I usually put half of that in also.

    I'm 37yrs old currently.

    I have $58,000.00 in my 401k

    $23,600 in my Roth IRA

    I also have about $42,000.00 in personal investments.

    I know I'm 401k isn't much but it took 6yrs at a regional airline to break $30k and was hell on earth. I'm now making about $175k with bonuses this year included. Overall I'm probably around the $200k/yr amount. I also have a home that I've paid $100k into and it's value has increased as well so that's staying there. I'm wondering if maxing my 401k each year is enough or if I'm going to have to keep stepping it up? I'll be receiving a sizable inheritance one day but I'd rather pretend I'm not in the mix for that. I also have another $120k in a mutual fund but I pretend that does't exist and never touch it.

    submitted by /u/ElBigBad
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    What to do about a health bill I don’t owe

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:31 PM PDT

    I got an IUD about two years ago. 100% covered by insurance. Great. I moved out of the USA a year ago. One month ago I went home and my dad had a stack of bills for me. All it says is I owe $430. I call the people and they say it's for my IUD. I told them it was covered so they say call health insurance. I call health insurance and they say they can't see anything I owe or has been declined to pay. They say call branch that covers specialty pharmacy stuff. I call them and they give me the same talk- nothing declined, I owe no money. I asked the guy what to do and he said send a letter asking the people sending the bill to prove I owe that money (because nothing is even listed on the bill! Just $430!) I send the letter certified mail. And today my dad says another bill showed up.

    What do I do? I'm sick of calling around, no one has any clue what's happening, and I don't want my credit ruined for a bill I don't owe!

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/Sungirl1112
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    Have 4 months to pay an outstanding tuition balance, unsure what to do

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:16 PM PDT


    I'm 20 years old and a junior in college studying engineering. My family strictly doesn't help me out with money such as tuition or rent and here is my current situation.

    I have an $8,000 outstanding balance on my tuition from the 2019 Spring semester (last year) and the financial aid office at my school told me that my balance has to be zero before the start of next semester or else I won't be able to register for my classes. I can spare $2,400 from my 2019-2020 loan to pay some of it, and that leaves me with around $5,600 that I need to come up with fast, or else I'll have problems with the registrar.

    I asked them if I could pay the $2,400 this semester and pay the rest next semester but for some reason they said no. They said I can come in and work out a payment plan to get it paid off within 4 months, but a payment plan is absolutely useless if at the end of the day I still don't physically have the money.

    Like I said asking my family for money isn't an option. I'm thinking that my two options are:

    1) Try to retroactively get a loan for LAST year to pay it off, if that's even possible.

    2) Use my credit card (along with having to open up a couple more) to pay it off and absolutely wreck my credit score. I really really really don't want to do this because I won't be able to pay it off until I work full-time during the Summer and it'll really hurt my credit. IfI have no option other than being kicked out of school then I might have to do it though

    Does anybody have any advice here?

    TL;DR I really want to do the (1)st option obviously but I don't know if it's even possible to retroactively get a loan for LAST year's schooling without it being a federal plus loan being in my parents' name which my parent's won't let me do. Is there enough time left to get some sort of scholarship or subsidized loan in my name?

    submitted by /u/TuitionThrowaway284
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    Pay off house or car first?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    Trying to get debt free in the next 3 years. Need advice on what to pay off first. 44 years old and company was just purchased so future is unclear. No plans on moving anytime soon but want options open in case employment changes status

    Car loan: 2019 model, 29K owed @ 2.9% currency making double payments.

    Home: 25K left on mortgage @ 4.6%

    submitted by /u/rubicontraveler
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    If someone paid off my student loans, then I paid them back, would there be any tax implications?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    The person in question would either be my mom, dad, or husband.

    The idea would be to get out of the interest. All three of these people have enough money to pay off my loans or at least a big chunk of them, which are about $60,000.

    However would there be any tax implications? Would them paying them off be considered a gift to me? Would there be any issues with me transferring $500-1000 a month to them to pay them back? It seems like there would be but I don't know enough to say what I would need to do in order to do this legally and if it would even make financial sense.

    submitted by /u/throwaway-notthrown
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    Looking for advice on what to do with my 'emergency fund' that is now quite large.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    I started a high interest savings account for my emergency fund, I've just been throwing money into it for the past while without a care.

    It's my emergency 'if I lose my job' fund, or 'if my roof caves in' sort of money.

    Anyway, I checked this week for the first time in a long time and I've got 50k sitting in there.

    With the interest rates dropping to 1.8%, it's not making me that much.

    I checked my 401k and my money with fidelity has had a 14% return in 2019 YTD, so it got me thinking, there must be better places to put this 50k I'm sitting on.

    I'm a little paranoid to dump the 50k into anything volatile, I always have anxiety about losing my job or being homeless, or having some unfortunate event that will bankrupt me, so I hold onto money for dear life.

    I tried investing personally into stocks once, blue Chip stuff, but I just can't do it. I see the news about the DOW being down or something and I check and instantly my money invested in pharmaceutecls is down -20% because the guy who runs the countrg decided to tweet about a golf course in Siberia or something. I just can't handle that type of anxiety.

    I really just don't have the cajones for it.

    Anyway, I really need some help. I know my money is better suited elsewhere to make me more money but I have no idea where or how.

    submitted by /u/Ry_Tard_
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    Beneficiary questions (Kansas)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    I posted this in /r/legaladvice as well because I dont know the right spot to ask. My father (divorced) passed away and my brother and I are the beneficiaries of his 401k. He has taken out a few loans out of it and we had the options to pay it back first and collect the funds as we wish, to cash it out, or rollover to our our accounts. If we just rollover to our own accounts the estate gets taxed and penalized for the loan. Considering we are leaving his estate alone are there issues that will come up from this?

    submitted by /u/Joef034
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    Looking for simple but smart investment ideas.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    I will be receiving a small settlement payout soon and I'd like to take some of that money and turn it into more money for the future . I've never really been financially savvy...I'm still working on trying to get my first credit card. I've always had decent jobs and throughout my life paid for everything in cash upfront; I always thought it was wise to only buy things when i had the money, and avoid any debt... but now I'm almost 30 and I'm realizing that I was wrong; not having any credit has actually hurt me more than it helped.

    In any case, I would like some tips about things I can do with my money so it can grow. I'd like to set my starting budget small, (anywhere from $500-$2000) . I know its not much money, but it's all I can afford to remain comfortable while exploring a financial realm that i have little to no knowledge or experience with. I'm not looking for any sort or immediate payouts, or to just double my money real quick...I more interested in simple and safe ways to put some money away, and let it grow. I'm also interested in stocks...but I don't think I have the money or knowledge for that game, hopefully one day I'll be ready but for now I'm just looking for low risk/responsible options. I do feel a little embarrassed asking about this stuff, feels like at my age I should know at least a little but about this stuff, but I don't so I came to reddit for help. If anyone has suggestions for a beginner like me, I'd really appreciate your input. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/eye-lee-uh
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    Dad doesn’t have good prognosis - what should I do with house payments and life insurance?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:24 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. Looking to get some help here. I am 25 years old and my dad just got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease. It's not looking too great. Both of my parents are immigrants who speak little to no English and my mom doesn't work. They live paycheck to paycheck and are paying down a house they bought over 20 years ago with 85k left to go. Basically, they're poor af.

    I currently make around 80k but I also live in the most expensive city in the states. With rent, plus student loan debt, credit card debt, and car payments, I am left with little room to save. (Am able to save about 300 a month)

    They're saying my dad won't have long to live... is he able to transfer the house over to me? Or does that belong to the bank?

    I'm the sole individual in my family who makes an income. Would it be too late to take out a term life insurance on my dad (is he even insurable)?

    Sorry for all the questions. I am in a panic since everyone's relying on me to pay for everything.

    Thanks for the help in advance!

    submitted by /u/mythofsissyfits
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    24, no degree and starting to panic. To take out loans or not?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 06:55 PM PDT

    I'm currently 24, pregnant, new in my state and not broke but not middle class by any means. I'm having an existential crisis as of late. I am a massage therapist and started my career at 19, but I know I've always wanted to go back for a degree. Plus my body can't do this forever.

    Even though I'm pretty poor right now, my tax returns from last year are pretty decent because I was in my home state and working around the clock. So FAFSA will only give me loans most likely. Now I've moved, barely worked for 6 months because of trying to start my own business, but it's just not working so I've started working now to make ends meet. I'm on Medicaid and WIC, and I'm now married but our combined income is still garbage (he is a MT as well).

    I want to go back to school so badly to give us, and our soon to be child, a better life. My question is, is it better to take out loans and invest in my future and then worry about paying them off slowly as I go? Or better to wait until I'm more financially stable. I feel like the more I wait, the crazier I get about wasting my life away and getting too old to change careers. But I'd probably be 30k in debt by the time I got a degree.

    Just wanted some opinions, maybe if someone has been in this boat before and found it worth it.

    Edit: I am in CO, thinking maybe a business degree but not sure? Want to work a federal job or something that allows me to work over seas. Most countries require at least bachelor's from what I know

    submitted by /u/whirlpearl
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    Weird negative balances on bank account history

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:24 AM PDT

    So probably just an unimportant glitch, and I do plan to call the bank when I have a moment if it hasn't resolved itself, but just wondering if anyone here has experienced anything similar.

    I occasionally like to go back and compare what my checking account looked like a year ago to what it looks like today, to keep myself on track etc. Today I scrolled back and noticed something very strange. One June 25 of last year I had a balance of $4,840.33 in my account. Later that same day there was a bill paid for $475.77. That should have brought my total to $4,364.56. However, it shows that my balance went down to NEGATIVE $4,104.49. No matter how you slice it, that's just wrong. The balance continued to run as if -$4,104.49 was an accurate amount until the end of December when a deposit of $1,060.44 brought the "balance" from $4,840.33 all the way up to actually correct amount of $10,879.69. Again, that makes no mathematical sense.

    Obviously I wasn't actually running a negative balance for months, and I never got any overdraft notices or anything - the last time I scrolled back to look at my bank history, last month or so, all the right numbers were there. So again, I'm going to assume some weird software glitch that will probably sort itself out. But it is worrisome that this is happening at all and I am curious whether anyone has experienced something like this before.

    submitted by /u/filmhamster
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