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    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    New teenage driver killing my rates... Insurance

    New teenage driver killing my rates... Insurance

    New teenage driver killing my rates...

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    Maybe this is just how life is now; but my new teenage driver is costing me $274 more a month on my policy. Any advice on how best to stay protected, but get a better rate? No accidents or tickets; just some inquiries I made to the carrier apparently is used against me although it never was a claim.

    I live in Washington state - I don't think I'm asking for a thousand of you to start giving me quotes; more advice than finding the cheapest was with Geico after leaving Safeco. With that kind of increase; maybe it's cheaper for my son to have his very own policy instead?

    submitted by /u/hortoristic
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    Allergist not covered by insurance??

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 04:36 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! I am looking for some insurance advise.

    A few weeks ago i began experiencing some severe itching along with a swollen tongue. I went to a covered primary care physician where it was decided that I was having an allergic reaction. I received a steroid shot along with some prescribed anti histamines which seemed to help overall.

    I had a blood allergy test come back positive for Cedar Mountain, Cat Dander, and I was also referred to an allergist to receive further testing.

    Here's where the problem is, I'm being told that allergy testing is not covered at all by my insurance and the test would be $350! I have called around my area to see if other allergy clinics prices were and those were upside of $600!

    Are there any tips or tricks I could use to help? Am i missing something as far as insurance goes? I live in Arizona and have Cigna as an insurance provider.

    Thanks in advance for any info!

    submitted by /u/CaiitlynMarie
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    SR-22 insurance

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 01:30 AM PDT

    When I was 17 years old(about 2 years ago) I was involved in an accident where the final conclusion was me getting charged with "Leaving Scene Accident" in Alabama. I do not wish to go into details about the indecent as I was younger and had just started driving. There were a lot of other details that led to the decision. In the end, my license was revoked.

    Now this accident took place in Alabama where in order to get your license back you must show proof of SR-22 insurance. However, I have not gone back in to get a new license since then.

    Fast forward to now, I live in Washington State where the punishment is less severe. My question is, if I eventually go and apply for a license, will the laws from Alabama follow me here and will I still need SR-22 insurance? This may be a question for r/legaladvice, but I figured I would check here as this relates mostly to insurance.

    Side note: Forgive me if this is a stupid question, I haven't driven in about a year and a half.

    submitted by /u/xayul
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    Rear ended at the interstate. At-fault car says his insurance will cover the repairs

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    First time I have an accident and file an insurance claim for myself. Heavy traffic during rush hour at one major freeway; bumper-to-bumper slow. I stopped and half-a-second later i feel a loud bang.. I got rear ended.

    We pull to the side, he admitted fault, we exchanged insurance docs, took pictures and we left the scene, since there were no injuries.

    He said "just file a claim with my insurance, not yours, so you won't get a premium increase".

    I called my insurance (geico) and the rep said "yep, you can do that, it will fall on his insurance, not yours "

    • called USAA, they took my statement & info and an adjuster was assigned to my case, I should expect a call back from her soon.


    • does it really work this way ?
    • will I have to pay anything down the road? How about getting a replacement car on his dime for the trouble while mine is on repair ?

    • it won't really affect my premiums and "drivers score" — would it ?

    Finally, just in case this happens to me in the future, and I'm the one at-fault .. will I get billed my own collision deductible for the other car?

    Thank you !

    submitted by /u/alexp1_
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    Involved in an accident (not at fault) but driver's insurance policy limit is only 25,000

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:26 PM PDT

    Keeping some details light to protect privacy, but I was involved in an accident very recently in which a driver lost control during a right turn resulting in hopping over the median and hitting 3 cars in the opposite lane with my car suffering the most damage. There is dash cam footage from my car and another car so there is video proof that he was at fault. My car is a brand new 2019 model and currently valued at around 38,000 USD. The car was purchased for 44,000 USD after taxes and fees with a 10k down payment early this year. I have 31k left on the loan. I was advised by his insurance that going through my insurance would be most advantageous as his policy limit is only 25,000 and would have to be split among the 3 drivers. My policy is 500,000 so I have opted to do it through mine, but I have received news from my insurance adjuster that there may be a scenario where my car will be a total loss because of the location of the damage resulting in either significant repair cost or possible frame damage.

    My questions are this:

    In the event of a total loss what recourse do I have so i do not l lose my shirt ? In a perfect scenario I would like to have at least 10k for a new car down payment after the loan is paid off from the insurance payout, but from what I'm reading I may be SOL.

    If the car is repairable may I claim for value lost on the vehicle because it has a car wreck on its carfax history?

    How does negligence play into this? His tires looked pretty worn and he took the turn too fast on a road that was slippery due to rain about 2 hours prior.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/fr33D1ckP1cs
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    Homeowners Insurance Question ... hoping my elderly mother didn’t get screwed...

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:01 PM PDT

    Sorry for the long post, but I really need some guidance...

    A few months ago, my 71 y/o mother discovered water had been (somehow) slowly getting in to the basement of her townhouse. She rarely uses this area except to store things, so it could've been going on a while. Upon family, friends and handymen looking around (even removing pieces of dry wall), no one could really determine the cause of the leakage. In fact, it could've been any number of things: cracked foundation, neighbors gutter downspout dumping straight down next to my moms house instead of out into yard, or even a pipe could've burst inside a wall of aforementioned neighbors vacant house; the possibilities are endless.

    I knew she was in the process of filing a claim, and I knew they denied it (probably based on some fine print exclusion in her plan), but come to find out recently, the denial was based on a few minute phone call only. She had taken photos, but they never asked to see them. They NEVER sent an adjuster out to look at the property. They just took an elderly woman's explanation of what she was seeing (water pretty much all over the basement coming from who knows where) and they denied the claim.

    Now I realize there are things like sump pumps that may not be covered under someone's policy, so I'm sure there's times they can make denials based on facts like this (I.e. sump pump backed up, sump not covered, therefore claim denied). This was not that cut and dry.

    It sounds like they attributed it to general ground seepage (again not sure how they could do that without sending someone out to inspect). For reference, she lost around $6-$7k of personal belongings. Not to mention the additional $5k in waterproofing that was done in "hopes" this fixes whatever the mystery cause was.

    Is it legal for an insurance company to deny a claim like this, with so little evidence of what caused? And without even sending an adjuster out?

    (Keep in mind, she's not in a flood zone, and this wasn't due to a flood).

    Any input or expertise anyone can provide is greatly appreciated, especially from my mother who has been quite depressed over losing most of her belongings.

    submitted by /u/hukejo
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    Can I cancel a car insurance claim?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 09:52 PM PDT

    Filed a claim hastily after car accident and want to cancel it as I don't want to go through insurance. Is that possible without my insurance going up or did I screw myself? I tried googling but couldn't find anything helpful. I have Geico and live in CA.

    submitted by /u/DistinctGuava
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    Car is likely totalled, still owe money on the car. Can I keep the car?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    State of Nevada, I was involved in an accident, other driver deemed at fault. Car is currently at the body shop, and it's looking like the car is totalled.

    1. The car is financed, what happens if the car is totalled regarding my loan?

    2. Is there any way I can keep my car after its declared totalled?

    submitted by /u/Oceanvisions
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    Loss of use - rented a car from family member

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Car was declared a total loss and I'd like to claim loss of use.

    I spoke to Geico and told them that a family member lent me their car. They asked me to get a statement from them that says at what rate per day we agreed on ? It wasn't really a rental rental like business, but i would like to reimburse them as i've been putting miles and miles on their car and they've been taken public transportation to go to work.

    Can you please tell me is there a template for this or anything similar that I can use? Also, is it an issue if it's a family member that lent us the car ?


    submitted by /u/tompoion
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    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    Most people just say im in the right age to join on my parent's insurance but my parent doesn't have insurance because we're poor. Thoughout my life we've used CHIP but im an adult now. I really appreciate it if anyone can help,I live in Texas btw.

    submitted by /u/GeneralBike3
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    Any tips for an 18yr old driver?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:12 PM PDT

    Prior to my accident and under my parents I payed roughly $100 dollars for car insurance and after I have to pay like $160 for the next 6 months. I was looking to leave there coverage for independence but $160 jumps to like $500 :/

    submitted by /u/nick_92921910
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    Got Offered a Job as A Sales Rep

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 09:10 AM PDT

    I got offered a job as a Sales Rep for Liberty Mutual. I'm wondering if anyone can talk me in/ out of the job. I was warned by the recruiter it's a hard job, but I speculate they say that because they have to spend a lot of money hiring people. They pay for you to get educated at a local college and get your certification. Full benefits/ pay is $65k starting, and by the end of the year it's $30k. They said the hardworking sales reps usually pull in $60-120k a year depending on seniority/amount you sell. The said you have to generate all your own leads, and are responsible for selling 5 units per week. The recruiter said it's a very demanding job, and it's not your typical 9-5, and I would be expected to work outside of those hours as well. Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Socrahauer
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    Do adjusters factor in previous repairs/maintenance when determining a car's value?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:59 PM PDT


    My 2003 Avalon XLS was hit while parked at a gas station's parking lot. The back door and wheel well are damaged. Nothing that stops me from driving this car whatsoever. The person who hit me admitted it and I'm working with her insurance.

    The repair estimate I got was $2800, which is probably pretty close to what the car is worth according to the KBB, however, in the past year I have done a lot of pricey work on this car - timing belt, shocks, brakes, and more - with receipts.

    Do adjusters take this into consideration when determining the car's value? I'd rather not have a situation where they total my car, take it from me, and write me a check for way less than I recently have into this car.

    I'm wanting to just take the money and use it as I see fit. Does anybody have any guidance on how to handle this or the procedures I should follow to 1. Keep my car and 2. Get a reasonable check from their insurance.

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/need2burn
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    My fiancee and I were in a car accident, but her insurance was paid for by someone she doesn't live with, and NJ has a weird policy where you have to go through the insurance of the person you live with, but the hospital doesn't understand and sent us to collections

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:57 PM PDT

    So this is confusing and I'll try to explain it as simply as possible.

    I'm 22 and my fiancee is 21. We both still live with our parents, but we're saving up for a house.

    At the beginning of August we got into a car accident (in my car) and were taken to the emergency room. We were 0% liable, not at fault. And we're okay now.

    My insurance handled everything perfectly, I never saw a hospital bill, I got the deductible on my car reimbursed and got some money for things in my car I needed that broke.

    The problem is with my fiancee. Her parents aren't the most financially well-off, so her grandfather was paying the insurance for her car. NJ has a policy where if someone is in an accident, they have to go through their own car insurance, so I couldn't have her medical bills paid through my insurance. Which is fine. So she called her grandfather, who called his insurance, but they said that, under NJ, a person needs to go through the car insurance of whoever is in their household. Which I guess is also fine.

    So my fiancee goes to her dad, who doesn't want to do it because he thinks it'll raise his car insurance, which is understandable because he can barely afford their house as-is. They get in an argument because, it's a $6000 medical bill, and someone is going to have to pay it.

    Eventually he agrees to call, and in the mean time in case he drags his feet, my fiancee sends in her health insurance so that at the very least, she'll just have to pay a copay. (this is not preferable because her insurance doesn't cover x-rays or CT scans)

    Almost three months later and her dad never called, and she got a letter in the mail saying they need the payment for $6000 TODAY or she'll have it sent to collections. We're trying to get married and buy a house and this huge payment would not even be a huge deal if her dad just made that phone call, but now we don't know what to do.

    I can put it on a credit card but neither of us want credit card debt. And I don't know if it's better or worse than collections. We're afraid of our credit scores being killed over this, and we don't know where this money is going to come from. My fiancee's dad has assured us he will make this phone call soon at least, but like I said, we need to pay this $6000 right now.

    So I guess I have two questions. One, if I put this debt onto my credit card, and her dad's car insurance actually comes through and does something about it, will I be reimbursed? Or should I just let it go to collections and hope the insurance works from there? Or should I call the hospital's patient services and give them my fiancee's health insurance info, and then have to worry about an expensive copay?

    Please help, reddit. I have to do something today.

    submitted by /u/car_accident_away
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    Which auto insurance companies have the lowest rates for people with an Accident?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 09:41 PM PDT

    I'm currently in college and was in an accident a year ago. No one was hurt, but it did leave my parents car to become totaled. Luckily their car was fully covered, but unlucky for me. A year afterwards. I bought a car fully and had to deal with the high interest rates.

    My brother was able to put me under his policy, and I only had to relatively pay 290$ every 6 months, but he moved to marry his wife in the other side of the US.

    I am now planning to get my own insurance coverage. Many insurance rates have ranged from 1000-2000$ that only covers liabilities for the 6 months. Only one insurance company has a low rate of 700$ every 6 months. Are there any recommended insurance companies or advice? I've tried Progressive, State Farm, Allstate, Mercury, the General, esurance, geico, and zebra. Many of these were just to high at 150-300$ a month. Thank you very much! (GA)

    submitted by /u/PastCover3
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    I was at fault in an accident, insurance didn't fully cover the damages, received a bill from the opposing insurance company. What are my options?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:54 PM PDT

    I was considered at fault in an accident in May, and my policy left roughly 3k not covered. What are my options, is it just set up a payment plan? My income would leave very little to be put towards that every month. Isn't this why people get underinsured coverage?

    submitted by /u/mamagee
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    House Renovation - Move Back In During Painting

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:41 PM PDT

    Hi - we recently had some damage to our home which requires all of the interior ceilings of our home be replaced. We will have to leave the home while the ceilings are replaced and the insulation removed/replaced. My insurance agent suggested today that we could move back in while the contractors are painting our walls/ceiling. His argument is that the home is "livable" at that point and would save costs.

    Our home is not that large (2BR/1BA urban bungalow) so we have concerns around breathing in fumes, not being able to use our bathroom/shower, lodging for our dog, and having sleeping space.

    Are we being unreasonable? I told him I was open to his thoughts, but I feel that they need to plan around our basic needs first. Any adjusters have insight here?

    I appreciate any advice you can provide!

    submitted by /u/sliptap
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    Term Life Insurance & Medicaid Asset Recovery Question

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    I'll try and keep this post simple. A few years ago we signed my wife's grandmother up for a AARP Life Insurance mailer for convenient sake because she wanted to make sure things were taken care of - our understanding is this is a term policy which renews every two years? The monthly premium increases each renewal up until I think 76 or something and (by this point it's $400 a month) until she turns 80 and then the policy expires.

    That being said we have a Term Life Insurance policy (death benefit) we live in South Carolina: my wife's grandmother's health is failing and she may need the assistances of Medicaid for being placed into a facility until she passes. (We currently take care of her, but it's getting close to being out of our hands)

    The question I have for you Reddit insurance people is this: the Social Worker we have has made it very clear that Medicaid is going to take this life insurance when she passes if they place her into a facility at there cost... While this is TRUE in the case of a Medicaid Asset Recovery when a person has a whole life insurance policy that has Cash value.. they can take proceeds from the Estate. We do not have an "estate" setup or anything. We have a Last Will testimony naming my wife as the only benefit of her personal assets etc. (She has no property, car, savings or anything of value.) Just what's in her room at our home.

    The Term life insurance is named to my wife as the sole beneficiary of the policy. Therefore Medicaid no matter what can not recovery the costs of her care by taking this policy because my wife is named as the beneficiary and NOT her "estate"

    If you could please answer as simple as possible and maybe provide me with a link to a reputable source so I can educate the social worker as to the correct answer.

    Thank you so very much. This has been a difficult situation for us 😔

    submitted by /u/LoveBrisk
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    All Lines Licensed, Seeking Mentor

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    I'm a new agent in my first 12 months of business, and I'm all lines licensed. I always joke that I never had any choice of being an agent because my parents are both insurance agents, but I truly do enjoy what I do! The problem is: my parents started an agency together and then had a nasty divorce. Dad started a new agency, mom got the original agency, and I work for my mom. Dad gives very limited advice and direction because I think he secretly wants my mom's business to fail. Mom gets overwhelmed easily and won't answer any questions or give me any bit of direction at all. I sit at my office every day confused not knowing how to use my all lines license. I'm not making hardly any money. I don't want to join a new agency, but I need some coaching/mentoring/goal setting/direction of how to be successful as an insurance agent. Are there any seasoned agents that can point me in the direction of some helpful tools so I can start thriving as an agent without having to start over at an agency with no family ties?

    submitted by /u/ksteelflex
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    Auto insurance claim with old license

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I was in an unfortunate wreck today - minutes after updating and paying my vehicle registration for the next year. It was deemed to be a no-fault accident - I have comprehensive and collision coverage.

    Anyway, I moved to a new state last year and updated my insurance and vehicle registration. However, I have not updated my license (most states technically have a 90-day grace period, but I'm beyond that) and instead have mine from my previous state (I just checked the claim and they still have my original license on file - this was the state I lived in 6 years ago and have moved 3 times since then, so I don't think it actually matters to them). Will this be a problem in getting my claim paid out since it will likely be my insurance covering my car?

    submitted by /u/AdamIsACylon
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    Health insurance question: I'm searching for a plan with better coverage for mental health therapy, any suggestions?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:35 PM PDT

    Hi y'all, first time posting here. I'm in the market for a new plan for the new year that hopefully has better coverage for mental health therapy. I am currently with Oscar on their Bronze 60 EPO for ~$230/mo. On this plan, I pay $76.72/week with my current therapist - which she's said is high. There's a ~$7000 deductible which I won't reach before the end of the year. I live in California, I'm 30, and I don't use my insurance for literally anything else. Anyone have any suggestions on how to search for a plan with better therapy coverage? Or specific plans to investigate?

    submitted by /u/your-boy-blue
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    [MA] Got on my domestic partners (way better) insurance - he got a huge bill retroactively even though up till then I had my own plan. Can one of us recover our paid premiums?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    My partner started working at a company that offered significantly better health plans that mine does, so we made it so I could be on his health plan, with me opting out of my works. Up till then, I'd been paying my monthly premiums for my work plan.

    Apparently my coverage through him became retroactive to his start date of employment, and he was charged a hefty bill for imputed income taxes due to that. Since I had my own coverage during the retroactive period, can one of us get a refund from our insurance companies for the double-covered period? It would be a huge help to us.


    submitted by /u/Connect_Kangaroo
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    Have seen an employment ad for a “claims adjuster” who represents homeowners, not the insurance company. This claim adjuster is supposed to make sure the insurance company doesn’t underpay the homeowner. Is this legit?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:43 AM PDT

    So the ad says you'd just have to go take pics of property (no climbing on roofs or crawling under houses) and fill out paperwork. They provide training.

    I live in a hurricane-prone area and I've never heard of a company like this.

    The ad says it pays 35k pt and 100k ft.

    Does anybody know anything about this?

    submitted by /u/dragonfliesloveme
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    Rental reimbursement for a drivable car?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    Someone side swiped me, and my car looks pretty bad on the passenger side, and the door is stiff. I'm going through the at fault party's insurance and I have it on dashcam. They're telling me I need to get my own rental, and they will reimburse if they deem a rental necessary.

    The car is 100% drivable, but I have to pick up clients and drive them around for work every once in a while. I need to do this on Friday, and it's a terrible look for my company. I also don't want to pay out of pocket for something that is an inconvenience caused by someone else. What're policies around this?

    submitted by /u/throwmeout12496
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