• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    My Employer gave me a Health Insurance that has no in-network doctors in our state! Please help. Insurance

    My Employer gave me a Health Insurance that has no in-network doctors in our state! Please help. Insurance

    My Employer gave me a Health Insurance that has no in-network doctors in our state! Please help.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:05 AM PDT

    This is my first time receiving insurance through an employer. Our business just went through a change in management corporations and the insurance plan they gave us is a plan from a different state entirely. When i use the company's search tool to find local doctors, there aren't any in-network doctors at all for 500 miles. I have no idea what to do in this situation. Any help at all would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/pillowwithaface
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    My home insurance premium went up nearly 40% this year

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    I live in southern California and my home insurance went up 37% this year. When I called my insurance provider, their reason was that California insurance policies went up this year because of all the fires. I'm just wondering if they're blowing smoke or this is actually the case?

    submitted by /u/a203040
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    Should I give a recorded statement to the other person’s car insurance agency? (not my fault)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 03:13 PM PDT

    I was involved in small accident a few days ago. I was going straight in the left lane of a 3-lane road when this other car made a wide right turn from the gas station on my right, passed the right and middle lanes, and hit me in the left lane. Luckily, the damage isn't too bad. There were witnesses, but no one stopped as we pulled over. There also wasn't a police report filed. (It was my first accident and I was practically shaking when it happened and forgot how to go about it)

    I talked to my car insurance adjuster earlier and gave her a recorded statement of what happened. She told me that she would contact the other person and their insurance company, and she would keep me updated. The other insurance company just called and left me a voicemail, basically saying that the determination of fault is still "pending" and asked if I could give a recorded statement of my version of what happened.

    My question is should I call them back or should I let my insurance agency handle it? I'm worried that they're going to make it seem like it was my fault since there aren't any available witnesses or a police report.

    EDIT: Thanks for the responses. I decided to contact my insurance adjuster first to see what she would say. She recommended that I let her speak to them first and to hold off on talking to them. So for now, I won't be contacting them and will let her handle it

    submitted by /u/icedvanillalattes
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    Independent insurance agent says CDT scan (alcoholism test) came back high enough to bump me to next tier for life insurance... but I definitely don't drink that much. Next steps?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    I've been working with an independent agent to get a 1Mil life insurance policy. I did a blood test with the company he recommended almost 2 months ago, and I was just notified Friday afternoon that I've been bumped up to the next more expensive tier with the insurance company "due the CDT scan results," which I assume means that they were high. I work in a *highly* relevant medical field and work with this test often-- I deal with a lot of alcoholics. There is no way my results should have come back that high-- "high" is ~5 drinks/day for about 2 weeks before the test. I do not drink anything close to that normally (my max is 2 drinks/day, 3 if it's a very special occasion, but most days I have 1 or 0 drinks). But moreover, the week before the test, I was very sick and didn't drink ANYTHING at all. I was on vacation, and I fell ill so badly that I had to go to the ER before returning home a few days later, so I can pinpoint the timeline in my calendar. For 7-8 day before the blood draw, I had no alcohol, and for about 2-3 days before that, I had max 1-2 drinks/day due to starting to feel a little "off" before I realized I was really sick.

    I understand how this test works, I understand how alcohol metabolizes on a scientific level, and I have watched so many people die of alcoholism in my work that I am pretty careful about my intake. I know for sure that the result cannot be accurately reflecting my intake. While the test is very often accurate, are several reasons it could show a false positive, and that the test results sometimes must be interpreted with a variety of other factors to determine if alcoholism is present. I am unsure what factors caused mine to come back high.

    But I also know from my work that alcoholics lie about their intake pretty much all the time, and they will almost always protest when you tell them that they are an alcoholic. I assume life insurance companies get the same protests when this test comes back high and will not be inclined to believe me. For people that work in life insurance, what should my next steps be? Is there a good way to contest the results? Should I get a new blood draw at an independent lab to double check? Do I need to start over with a new life insurance company?

    submitted by /u/anon_need_advice18
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    My medical reimbursement was denied because it was submitted late. Please help.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:48 PM PDT

    Balance Billing AZ

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:13 PM PDT


    My wife and I had our son in August. The birth was performed at a birth center in our city Phoenix, AZ.

    It was unfortunately out of network, as there are no out of network birth centers in Phoenix. Went through the entire GAP process but was denied.

    They submitted the bills to my health insurance AETNA. After review, AETNA knocked down a lot of their charges to roughly 30 percent of what they are billing. Because of them paying reasonable chargers for the services.

    Because of this they are now billing me for the remainder that I owe.

    Also, I have already met my out of pocket maximum for all the categories, and my EOB says I only have to pay for any applicable co-payment, coinsurance or deductible.

    I know balance billing is a big contested issue. But is there anything that I can do to have the billed amounts reconsidered? Or do I even have to pay the difference as my EOB says?

    Any help will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Hnp_hhp
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    Looking for help defining insurance industry terms.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    I am hoping someone in the insurance business can help me define some of these terms.

    These terms are part of a case study I am working on for a school project.

    "Average Allowed Amount per claim by DX Code."

    "Average Allowed Amount per Claim by provider Specialty"

    "Average Allowed per Claim"

    "Average Charged per Claim"

    "Average Adjustment per Claim"

    "Average # of Unites per Claimant"

    "% Allowed to Total Charged"

    "Average number of lines per Bill"

    "Average # of Bill per Claimant"

    I think I know what some of these mean, but I'd like to confirm with someone knowledgeable. Some of them I have no idea what they refer to or why they are important. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/properstranger9
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    At-fault driver's insurance only covering rental for 14 days

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    State: MA

    In early August my vehicle was rear-ended and totaled by another driver. Their insurance and driver accepted full responsibility. I went through my own insurance because the at-fault driver's insurance company was nowhere to be found online (very small independent company, had no phone number anywhere, etc.) and I had no faith in pursuing anything through them.

    I had a rental car for three weeks (paid out of pocket while my insurance company dealt with relocating the vehicle to a valuation lot, evaluating the total loss, and ultimately cutting me a check). The at-fault driver's insurance ended up contacting me and asking for rental receipts for reimbursement. I sent them but they claimed they are only reimbursing 14 days of a rental @ the daily rate I paid. However, everything I read online says they should be paying for a rental up until my insurance cut me a check for my total loss (23 days).

    Shouldn't they be paying me for an additional 9 days of rental payments? What can I do to pursue this?


    submitted by /u/Njburrito
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    Car insurance help!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:36 PM PDT

    So, tonight on my way home, a deer ran out in front of me and i hit it doing about 50mph, and the collision most likely totaled my car. It was leaking oil all over the road, front passenger side of my car completely smashed in, bumper rubbing all against my wheel. I read that deer run ins are covered by comprehensive insurance, but turns out, my mom actually just changed my policy only a month ago, to just liability, since i have an old car. So, reading online, i guess i'm SOL here, but i wasn't able to find out if the insurance company DOES total my car, will they still pay me any amount of money? or is it a hard no since i only have liability?

    Yes, i know i should take care of my own insurance, rather than having my mom do it. I'm on my mom's plan because i'm 19 and still living at home trying to save enough money to move out. I had no idea she had changed my plan. Thank you

    submitted by /u/niekothesickdad
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    Sister rents room from me, her insurance told her she has to add me to her policy, charging her more now.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:43 PM PDT

    She added me as an "excluded" driver, and now they're charging her $25 more a month. Why would it cost more if I am excluded from the policy? Does she legally have to add me? They told her she will "get in trouble" if she doesn't add me.

    submitted by /u/Starlight_Fire
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    Was rear ended by a uninsured driver

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    The other morning I woke up nice and early for a fishing trip and on my way there I was rear ended at a red light. I immediately called the police and when the officer asked for our insurance information the other driver could not provide any insurance. The officer issued him a citation and sent me on my way after filling out an accident report. I filed a claim with my insurance company that day and received a phone call from my insurance today, my agent told me that in fact the guy who hit me and was at fault for the accident was uninsured. Next he had me get a estimate for damages at one of their recommended collision shops and when I did he gave me a call back telling me I had to pay my $500 deductible. Now I don't understand why I would have to pay for anything out of pocket when this whole incident was in no way my fault. He proceeded to explain to me that the insurance company would attempt to get me my deductible back through wage garnishments and collections of the other driver, in which he could not provide me with a time table or if they could even get it back at all. If anyone has any experience or wisdom in this sort of situation I would really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/stiickyd
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    My parked car was hit. I have no collision insurance.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:50 PM PDT

    My car was hit while parked and I have no collision insurance. The other driver left their insurance info and there was a witness. I live in California. Also the police won't let you file a report if the other driver provides their license in my county.

    My insurance closed my claim saying that since I have no collision and that the other person was at fault that I should contact their insurance and that they would do anything to assist.

    Their insurance did not process the claim for two weeks and they are now finally starting to do some work. In the meanwhile I've had no car and gotten a parking ticket because I wasn't sure if I can move the car before it's inspected.

    What are they liable for besides the car, can I bill them for the parking ticket? What do I do if they deny my claim or low-ball me on compensation?

    Any expert advice appreciated (I know, choosy beggar), I'll pass on random speculation.

    submitted by /u/HULK_INVESTOR
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    How much can technology e&o underwriters make?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    I know a commercial underwriter can expect around 80k about 5 years out. I know professional liability underwriters make a bit more than others. I know tech is one of the more up and coming fields. So how much can a tech e&o underwriter expect to make?

    submitted by /u/Wooden_Team
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    Looking to switch my auto insurance from geico (with 1 at fault accident history claim) - which is better online quote or calling customer care number ?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:41 PM PDT

    I recently had an accident and my current provider geico increased the rates by 70 percent. Any recommendations for cheaper one ? or is it good to continue with geico itself ?

    I am in viriginia. I tried online quotes for costco auto insurance and it got denied. Progressive gave the same rate as in geico and state farm gave 250 % of my current insurance premium . Any thoughts on elephant and nationwide ? do they support online quotes ?

    submitted by /u/camillacabella
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    costco auto insurance denied - will it dent my credit score

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:24 PM PDT

    I recently tried applying for costco auto insurance and got denied. Is it a hard pull or soft pull credit pull ? will it dent my credit score.

    submitted by /u/camillacabella
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    Good student discount question

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:44 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, this might sound a little silly here, but I have a question on how the good student discount at Farmer's work. So Farmers give a student discount, and it seems that you can either have a good gpa, or be included in the dean's list. Although I don't qualify for the gpa cutoff, I was at one point included in the dean's list in my university. Can I still apply for the discount?

    submitted by /u/getadvicefrompeople
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    Uninsured motorist coverage question. (Connecticut)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    I just started a new policy and need to return a form asking what I want for uninsured motorist coverage. I can choose options for "UM with standard UIM Coverage" or "UM/UIM Conversion Coverage." The options range from 50K-1M, bodily injury limit, or double bodily injury limit. What's the best reasonable choice?

    submitted by /u/87Betelgeuse
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    Switching Dental Insurance

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:35 PM PDT

    Started freelancing and have to buy my own health insurance. I see that alot of "affordable" dental insurances that are $20/month - $35/month have an Annual Maximum of around $1,000. I'm looking to get my wisdom teeth taken out, so I think that all 4 would exceed $1,000, in this case, can I cancel my dental insurance and start a new one?

    submitted by /u/jzhang172
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    Will rental agency cover minor damage to 3rd party if renter doesn’t have liability insurance?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    I was told by sales representative when returning the car to Enterprise that in case it's proved that I'm at-fault, the rental agency will pay for the damages to the other car up to $15k even though I don't have any liability insurance.

    Backstory: I rented a car, waived their insurance as I have CDW through Chase credit card (I don't have my personal car insurance). Had minor fender bender. Rental car has a small dent on bumber, 3rd party vehicle has only barely visible dent. No stratches or anything else. No fault established. Exchanged info.

    When returning the car I asked what my options are, and the sales rep said they will take $500 as a deductible until their body shop decides if they will fix the dent or no. If no I get the money back, and if they want to fix it I should file a claim through my credit card.

    When asked what happens if other person claims I'm at fault the sales rep said that Enterprise will pay for the damage up to $15k because all their fleet is self-insured.

    I find that hard to believe. Did I missundertood something?

    submitted by /u/clogsroofer
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    Slander and bands

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    This came up at work today and I'm a little foggy. For you commercial insurance folks: If my insured (a coffee house) has a band come & perform regularly (not employees) and the singer makes slanderous remarks during the performance, is the coffee house protected under their GL?

    submitted by /u/3_littleByrds
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    Does a car have to be insured or am I fine if I'm just insured?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    I took over payments for my father's car but we're going to keep it under his name. I have a NNO policy. In a state where car insurance is mandatory, would that be fine or would my NNO policy not matter because the car itself isn't insured?

    submitted by /u/isit_friday_yet
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    Looking for providers for a hemp business

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    Anyone have experience getting insurance in the hemp industry? I need some basic coverage before I start a new venture.

    submitted by /u/BGreen22890
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    2 Different Insurance Company Repair Cost (auto)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    Rear end collision a month ago (Texas). Both mine (Progressive) and other parties (Geico) insurance companies found me not at fault 100%. I closed out my claim with Progressive to go through other parties insurance. I took it to their in network collision center. They quoted $19k worth of damages. Car was declared a total loss. Car was valued at $26k. I was then told the other party did not carry sufficient insurance to pay the damages. They recommended I go through my insurance company. I reopened my claim through progressive. They did their own inspection and now the same collision company is saying the damages are only $9k and they will not be doing several repairs that Geico was going to do. How is there a $10k difference in repair costs through the same collision company?

    I honestly do not want to be driving a car that has been declared totaled through another insurance company and that has had extensive damages. If Geico recommended that certain repairs be done then should progressive be held to the same standaed. Does this seem right? Totally at a loss for what to do as I've never been into an accident like this before.

    submitted by /u/oopshiwallawalla
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    First time home owner replacement cost question

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    We are purchasing a home with an attached garage and small composite deck (lets say deck value is $5000 max). The purchase price is 215000. Our State Farm quote is for a 245k dwelling and 24k extensions bring the total valuation to 270k which seems high compared to the purchase price -especially figuring lots in the area go for 39K. It is a replacement cost policy (which is a separate line item and cost on the quote). I did question the agent and his response was 'the replacement cost will always be higher than the market value of the home". Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/macimom
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    When will homeowner's insurance offer a discount/credit for roofing material used?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    I know that for some states, homeowner's insurance willoffer a credit/discount depending on the roofing material used. My question is, what exactly are they looking for? Are they looking for is the material is sustainable/environmentally friendly? Or are they checking for something else?

    submitted by /u/rulerdude
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