• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 8, 2019

    Legal Advice [UPDATE] My friend was drugged at a bar, has evidence, but police refuse to investigate. What can she do?

    Legal Advice [UPDATE] My friend was drugged at a bar, has evidence, but police refuse to investigate. What can she do?

    [UPDATE] My friend was drugged at a bar, has evidence, but police refuse to investigate. What can she do?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    Update to Original Post

    I took the advice from some posters on my original post, and decided we would work on getting security video from the bar ourselves. My friend and I went to the bar as soon as they opened this afternoon. The owner wasn't there, but a nice older woman was bartending and when we explained what happened, and that we just wanted to see if they caught anything on video, she had no problem showing us. I'm still shaking, but it WAS caught it on video, clear as day!!

    At 10:30 PM, my friend walked me out, went back to her seat, picked up and placed her drink on a shelf behind the bar, and went to the bathroom. The bartender was already outside smoking with several customers, and the only other patrons in there were an elderly man playing the slot machines way on the other side of the place, a woman who was standing at the internet jukebox with her back to the bar, and a man seated at the bar. He rummaged around his pockets a bit, glancing back and forth, and very casually reached his hand over the bar and dumped something into her glass (I don't think it was a solid pill, based on the "dumping" motion), then picked up the TV remote. He made it seem like he was just reaching for the remote, but you can clearly view some kind of dumping motion right above her glass. About 5 seconds later she emerges from the bathroom and retrieves her glass and begins to drink it. He left shortly afterwards. 17 minutes later she called me because she was feeling sluggish and way more intoxicated than she should, and she left while on the phone with me. He isn't seen again until about 45 minutes later, which I described in another comment, but basically he comes in, orders a drink, walks around the place looking around, makes an obscene gesture to a lady whose sitting with her boyfriend (behind his back), and then just leaves without drinking his drink, and isn't seen again. This guy was driving a crappy old truck with a home made paint job painted on the entire truck, with a business name spray painted on the side. It's a VERY noticeable vehicle. The bartender immediately knew who it was (first name only). I looked up the website from the truck and got a phone number. So now we have: Clear and identifiable video of him actually tampering with her drink (We took cellphone video of the security video, because the bartender didn't know how to make copies and "didn't want to mess with it"), photos of his vehicle, license plates, a first name, a possible phone number (we didn't call it, and not planning to), a website (the business name seems to be a DBA name, I already searched our state database to see if it was a registered company, and nothing came up), in addition to her lab test results from the hospital. I noticed several squad cars driving past the bar while we were there, and I know they all have dash cams rolling while they're out patrolling, so even the police could probably independently place him at the bar during that time frame.

    Right now we are backing up and making hard copies of the evidence we have, and a burned copy of the security video we recorded. We plan to go back to the police station this evening, to give them all of the information we've collected. We will beg them to investigate this if we have to. Based on how they've treated her so far, I really want to record this interaction, because it's just been so unbelievable and nobody would believe us, but I'm not sure if recording police inside the PD is legal or not. I honestly wish there was some kind of resource for victims of crimes who could help us communicate with the police better, because clearly we must have done or said something wrong.

    I'm hoping that by handing over this information, my friend will be able to get justice and peace of mind. It's horrible to think of what might have happened to her if she wasn't so quick to realize what was happening and call for help. It's equally horrifying to think of how many times this person may have done this, or will do it to other people. I will post an update if/when there is any developments in this situation. Thank you all for the advice.

    submitted by /u/FTThrowAway123
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    Cell phone repair guy stole my nudes!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:56 PM PDT

    Just like the title said, dropped my phone off, an imessage was sent to an unfamiliar number while it was there - I could see it on iMessage through my Mac. It contained 5 of my more private photos.

    Upon pickup the employees were dismissive saying no one would do such a thing, and they can't touch texts because they'd be in "big trouble". The offending employee was quick to blame it on a glitch that comes with the new update, an update I haven't even applied. Not to mention the photos were stored in a separate app.

    I called the number a while later to find that it belonged to the employee. He apologized and promised to delete the photos, but I am pretty upset that my privacy was violated. I called the store to complain but only the offending employee was there and wouldn't let me speak to his boss. I've left a complaint email but is this grounds for legal action? I can't help but think I may not be the only person he's done this to.

    submitted by /u/anaganji
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    (Ohio) I posted dashcam footage of a guy freaking out in his car behind me to Facebook. The guy is threatening to get a lawyer and sue me for invading his privacy. Real thing to be worried about?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:57 AM PDT

    A few days ago I was at a four way stop sign intersection. To my right there was a black suburban who didn't go when it was his turn (looked like he was on his phone). I waited (to me) an obscenely long time for him to go before I finally went. He finally decided to go when I went and as a result from his point of view I would imagine he thought I cut him off. He was pretty pissed and tailgated me for about two miles on my way to work and screamed and yelled out the window like a maniac.

    I have a very good rear-facing dash cam and recorded all this in HD. His face is pretty clearly visible in the video and he looks like a lunatic. I posted the video to the Facebook group for my local suburb with the commentary "if anybody knows this guy, tell him to chill out." I will say his license plate is NOT visible in the clip I posted.

    Long story short, the video got back to him and he's messaging me through his wife's Facebook account, threatening to call the cops and get a lawyer saying I breached his privacy by posting the video.

    There's no sort of presumption of privacy in public, correct?

    He's also threatening to tell the cops I ran the stop sign when my front facing dash cam clearly shows me coming to a complete stop and waiting 21 seconds for him to go before I went. So I'm not worried about any sort of traffic citation for going before him at the intersection.

    submitted by /u/dashcamfacebook
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    My friend was drugged at a bar, has evidence, but police refuse to investigate. What can she do?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    Last night, my friend (30F) was drugged at a local bar we go to on occasion, after work. The bar is a few blocks away from her house. I can confirm she was not drinking at work before this. We each had one drink (tap beer), and then I went home. She had ordered a second beer, and was going to finish that and walk home. About 15 minutes later, I get a call from her saying she feels extremely intoxicated, warm, and like her limbs are heavy, and she knew something wasn't right. Just in the brief phone conversation we had, I could hear her speech rapidly deteriorating, and asked her where she was, which she had a difficult time communicating to me. I quickly sent my husband out to find her, but he had no luck. She also said a man she didn't know was walking a quarter block behind her, and she turned on her cellphone light and pointed it at this person and pretended she was recording. The person then turned around and walked away. She started slurring more and more, and then the line went quiet. I called her mom, who rushed there and found her staggering on the sidewalk on a side street. Her mom took her to the police department, at which point my friend was pretty incoherent and on the verge of unconscious. Her mom says the police were very dismissive, implying she'd simply had too much to drink and was too embarrassed to admit it to her mom. (Which is ridiculous, she's a grown woman and doesn't hide the fact that she has an occasional drink) They advised her that if she really felt like she'd been drugged, to go to the ER and have blood and urine tests done, which she did. The tests showed a BAC under the legal limit, and a high concentration of benzodiazepines, which they seemed to think was Xanax (or similar). My friend does not have a prescription for, nor does she take Xanax recreationally. The only logical conclusion we can find is that someone slipped it into her drink when she used the bathroom. My friend was discharged and when she woke up this morning, I took her to the police department again, armed with her lab test results.

    Shockingly, the police either don't believe her, or don't care. They kept asking her over and over again if she drank too much or popped a few Xanax, and no matter how many times she insists that no, she had 1.5 beers and that's it, they aren't having it. They said things like, "Why would someone drug you? Especially when you were with a friend?" (I wasn't there for the last 15 minutes or so) "Did anyone commit any crime against you? What exactly do you want us to do about this? Do you know who may have done this, and do you have any evidence?" The whole bar is covered with security cameras, which we explicitly told them over and over and over again. Whoever did this, would have been caught on video. But apparently they don't think it's worth looking into??? We left with a pretty clear message that this wasn't going to be investigated, and my friend bawling and feeling very dejected and discouraged.

    I'm just absolutely stunned and really disgusted and disappointed in their attitude about all of this. My question is, what can she even do? They made it seem like drugging someone isn't a crime unless they were assaulted afterwards, which I can't believe is true, but I don't know the law well enough to say with certainty. Is drugging someone without their consent a crime? Does she need to hire an attorney to advocate for her? What recourse does a person have when the police ignore a report of a crime, even with evidence?

    This happened in Wisconsin. Thank you for your advice.

    *UPDATE Post: First of all, thank you all for your advice. Some commenters suggested we try to view the bar security video as soon as possible, before it was deleted or automatically overwritten. We went and asked nicely and were allowed to view the security video at the bar, and the incident *was captured on video. I posted additional information in the update post, but basically I think we've got enough evidence now, and will be turning it over to police shortly. Thank you all for your help, every comment was helpful in some way. I will try to post updates if I'm allowed to.

    submitted by /u/FTThrowAway123
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    My mother may try to steal my home

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    Location: Nevada, USA.
    When i was younger my mother became a crystal meth addict and my parents went through a divorce. It has been over 20 years since my father and i have spoken to my mother (my sister still does and shes been using my sister for information about the family). 2 years ago i had my son and my father had come into a very large cash settlement the year prior and he said he wanted to buy us (him, my wife, my son and myself) a house together and when he passed the house would be mine. Well, he may pass a lot sooner than expected. He's currently in the hospital with sepsis and possible bone cancer. It had struck me that my mother ran off before the divorce proceedings could finalize and my father may still be married to my mother. I know that if she could take the house and his estate, she would in an instant to fuel her drug addiction. Once she found out his retirement amount she said she is going to try to "mess with it". Is there anything i can do from stopping that from happening? Does the last 20 years of cutting her out of our lives and moving out of state mean anything or does only that marriage certificate matter? Im sorry if this is kind of scatter brained, its 5am and i haven't had my coffee yet.

    submitted by /u/UnicornMolestor
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    Parents want Durable Power of Attorney over my trust. Do I sign?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    EDIT : Thanks for responding everyone. I am reading all responses. Thank you. I would like to be clear that the information I've responded with is what I know and as I understand it. I will report back once I've spoken to a lawyer. If anything, it should be clear that things were misrepresented to me. As something is definitely awry.

    Hi, first apologies - I'm at work and on mobile.

    I have a trust set aside by my uncle. I will not be able to access it until I am 60. I'm 32 now.

    Recently, I am thinking about buying a car. My parents suggested I give them durable power of attorney over my account so they can gift me $14,999 from the account.

    However, after reading the documents, it seems that this durable power of attorney will allow them to sell assets and more. I'm a little taken a back because I wasn't expecting this document. I was expecting to sign a document with bank information. This makes it seem like they would sell the assets, take control of them, then gift it to me.

    Can someone explain to me what durable power of attorney will allow them to do? Am still protected? It's written in the document that actions must be made in the interest of the account owner.

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/WeeklyNerve
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    I just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. I don’t know what to do. TEXAS

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    I had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified.

    I am at a loss for words right now. I feel like my entire existence has been a lie. I have lived for 28 years and now I feel like I even know who I am anymore.

    I was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. I was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn't been touched in years. I was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. I had never seen these pictures so I looked through them all. After a few photos, they were just photos of me. Usually alone on a bed. Then there were photos of me naked. And I was crying. I dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos I saw.

    My parents were divorced, so this must have happened during Christmas or summer break since that's when I had visits with my dad. My mom is going to be devastated. I don't want her to blame herself. She tried hard to allow my dad custody. He was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so I guess he had a good lawyer.

    I'm not really sure what my next steps are here. Do I report this? I never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did I have any PTSD because I never knew I was abused. My mind is all over the place and I just feel lost.

    submitted by /u/forever-a-lostsoul
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    My cousin is accusing me of molesting her 13 years ago

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    I live in Arkansas, and am really not sure about the legal precedent here.

    My cousin and I have always had a shaky relationship at best. We constantly flip-flopped from being friendly to at each other's throats. A few years ago, she moved a few hours away, and I haven't made much of an attempt to keep up with her.

    Then last night, out of the blue, she calls her dad and claims that 13 years ago (I would have been 11, she would have been 7), I molested her and forced her to "do things" to me. He approached me about it, and needless to say, I told him that it never happened.

    Her mom automatically believed her, and is now refusing to let her other daughters come to their grandparents' house (where I'm living). My uncle, after hearing me defend myself, said that he didn't want to press charges, but if there wasn't another option, he would.

    So should I do anything? Ultimately, it's my word against hers about a supposed incident that happened when we were very young children. Is there any chance of this actually going to court, and if so, should I consult with a lawyer ahead of time?

    submitted by /u/dtfbutmia
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    Mother wants to sue me for $5000.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:00 AM PDT

    When I was 17, I went to esthetician school. My whole cost of tuition was $5000 and my parents paid that for me. Their reason being that they paid for my brother to take a school trip to Asia, and because I didn't get anything quite like that when I was in high school they said they would just pay the tuition for me. My mother also suggests that she would like to get free services from me and products at my cost in return for paying my tuition. I tell her I would be happy to do something like that but no contract was ever set in place. It was looked at as a gift.

    Fast forward a few years, my mom is threatening to sue me because I am not holding up my "end of the bargain" because I haven't been providing her services. I went no contact with my mother for about half a year because of the emotional and manipulative abuse she gives me. I even started going to therapy because of the abuse. Of course I am not going to do free services for a mother that harasses and abuses me. My therapist even agrees with me that no-contact with her has been the healthiest move I could make.

    My question is how to handle this if she does take it to court. I felt that giving free services in return was a way I could say thank you for paying my tuition, but I will not do that for someone who treats me so poorly. My mother left me a voicemail saying, "All our problems will just go away if you pay me back the $5000, and I'll take this to court if I have to". Will I have to be responsible for paying back that money that was gifted to me?

    Edit: both my mother and I live in Nebraska

    submitted by /u/throw_away5001
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    What can I do about the Absolutely Insane Move-Out Bill on my Apartment Left in Good Condition?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    Update - we are located in New Jersey

    My boyfriend and I lived in an apartment for a year while saving up for down payment on our house. We bought the house, moved in and were living the dream.

    Until we got the move out bill for our apartment. They are charging us $1800. They are keeping our $500 security deposit and making us pay out another $1300 on top of it.

    The charges were broken down in the bill:

    Accelerated rent (5 days) - $286.33 Damaged blinds - $70 Carpet cleaning - $150 Carpet repair - $275 Painting - $853.60 Unit cleaning - $150 Utitilies - $91.16

    Most of these charges I am fine with paying. The cats did tear up a corner of the carpet (I don't think $275 worth of repairs, but whatever). However - I am absolutely outraged about the $850 painting charge. We didn't put holes in the wall - we even used a magic eraser to remove any smudges before we moved out. I have a video of the apartment before we moved out showing it is in good condition. As I searched online, I learned this apartment company does this to almost everyone. I've emailed asking for the detailed bill on the paint charges and it's been over a week and I haven't heard back. I've called, I've sent follow up emails. They still aren't able to provide a detailed bill.

    I just need some help with what my next move should be going forward. Everything I can find about going to small claims court is about landlords wrongfully keeping the security deposit. I could careless if they keep my money. I just don't want to pay another $1300 :(

    Any help on next steps would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/beehappy5
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    AT&T Contractor punctured my sewer line but no one is accepting responsibility for $2.5k damages

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    Near Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA

    Hi! I was having AT&T fiber installed at my house, and so one day a contractor for them came out with one of those "Ditch Witch" boring machines, as they had determined they needed to bore a hole beneath my driveway to put the line. (Previously someone from a cable TV line locator company had come out and put little CATV flags showing where the cable was, but no one from gas/sewer/other had ever come out).

    In the process of drilling, they hit my sewer line that carries my house's sewage to the street - dirty sewer water backed out of the hole, they covered it up (spraypainted a marker where the damage was) and left. (August 27th) I had a plumber come out, excavate the hole and make the repairs. (~$2.5k) Then, I filed a claim with AT&T.

    AT&T's claims company (Sedgewick) denied the claim, (Sept 27th) saying it was the contractor's responsibility, and gave me their contact #.

    I called the contractor, (Sept 30th) who called their sub-contractor who did the work, and after a week or so they said it wasn't their responsibility because the locator services they worked with didn't mark the line (and in fact had said in the ticket that there was no conflict and they were clear to dig).

    I called the locator service, (Oct 8) and they said it wasn't their responsibility to have gotten someone to do the location on the sewer line because that part of it was the homeowner's responsibility. Which doesn't make sense because there was no way the diggers would've known (they were digging during the day, and I only just happened to be home), and cable/fiber lines are apparently only supposed to be at 18 inches under ground, and the sewer line (as required) was 5-6 ft down.

    What should I do? Obviously one of the 3 is responsible, but honestly I don't know legally who it is - and I don't really want to spend the time arguing with their people on the phone to find out. Is this something I should get a lawyer for? File in small claims? Or something else?

    Thank you all in advance for your help!

    submitted by /u/Schwerpunkt02
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    (Georgia) HOA was dissolved by the State for non-renewal - Claim the Bylaws still apply, but they are incomplete

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    Asking from my own curiosity because of friends' current experience...

    So the background is: HOA decided to get rid of the lawyer on retainer, removed one of the members because they asked to many questions, and tried to make it a go of themselves, aaaand failed miserably. The State has dissolved the HOA because they didn't pay the yearly fee and the board has yet to file new paperwork while still trying to act like an HOA.

    During this time my friend was trying to get a fence put in around his back yard, but the HOA kept rejecting the application. He asked for a vote, and the people that did appear voted yes. The Board said no because more people emailed in saying no and that the votes are confidential. (I smell a rat here, but I digress). The also stated that even though the HOA is non-existent, the CCR's still apply since they were agreed to at purchase. However, the filed and available copy is missing the last couple pages (Conveniently the section on how to dissolve the HOA and bylaws).

    The friend thinks that because one of the board members' house will face the fence, the member is bullying others to say no because that member doesn't want to look at a fence from their front door.


    In the state of Georgia, if the HOA is dissolved by the state and the filed CCR's are incomplete, do the homeowners still have to abide by them?

    submitted by /u/netboy34
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    Friend is to be searched everyday before entering school

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    This is in Connecticut. I have a goth friend in school, who brands himself as a Satanist. He wears all black and is generally pretty edgy in a fairly cringy way. Despite this, he's a nice guy, who unfortunately ended up on our schools roll of people who need to be searched everyday before entering the building. Someone left a tip to the police that he had brought a knife to school, and had a journal of people he wanted to hurt/kill. He has done neither of those things. We do not know who left the tip, or why, but he ended up missing school for a day because he had to deal with the police. Does this anonymous tip with no evidence give the school enough suspicion to search him every day, and is essentially treated like a possible school shooter? Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/UselessManatee
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    My stalker deemed incompetent to stand trial, so the District Attorney voluntarily drops all charges

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    I am livid right now. Despite assurances from the prison, DA's office, and victim services that I would be notified if my stalker was released from custody, I found out today through googling that he was released two months ago and that the DA voluntarily dismissed all charges.

    I called the DA assigned to my case, and all she could tell me is that my stalker was bounced between the prison and mental hospital several times and found incompetent to stand trial and that, "once that happens, there's nothing we can do." I questioned why the DA would voluntarily dismiss the charges rather than having the judge enter any type of order. She said that this is just how it works and that it sucks. So my stalker was deemed so mentally ill that he cannot face criminal charges, and he was simply released from custody to be a danger to himself and others.

    This result is why victims don't come forward. I debated long and hard about bringing charges against my stalker: why risk his anger when he would only receive a slap on the wrist? I decided to go through with legal action for the benefit of his inevitable next victim; so SHE could feel secure in going to the police, knowing that his criminal history will weigh against him.

    Two years later, after having to push the police and attorneys to do anything and fight for any updates whatsoever, he is a free man with no stain on his record

    Is there any way to proceed after the voluntary dismissal, or any other avenue I can take? This is in Pennsylvania.

    submitted by /u/theyseemescrollin98
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    I have a suicidal and homeless employee at my company with many severe mental illnesses. Are there any resources available to try and help or intervene?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:43 AM PDT

    So, this person is not a direct employee but I'm management over their general area so I can represent their employer to whatever meaningful extent it might matter. I live in the state of Kentucky, USA.

    So I know way more about this person than I probably should because they've chosen to show me. They're an elderly person that's in the bottom 5 percentile of intelligence and most measurable things, with a host of diagnosed mental illness that lead to a lot of depression and paranoia. Literally a mind of maybe a 8 year old.

    I've had to talk this person off of the ledge of a 10 story building before and then they left for weeks on anxiety based disability immediately after. There was a lot of improvement since they've returned, but recently there's been a lot of breaks in reality and concerning behavior.

    Then.. they disappeared for a week and when I finally got a hold of them I learned they had been arrested and hospitalized for attempting to jump off a local bridge. They're homeless, living in a car, and convinced they'll buy a house and won't listen to me when I say they need to rent or find somewhere before it's cold. I know the credit score... they aren't buying a house.

    They don't have any immediate surviving family except for a sister they refuse to talk to. Is there any way that I can get them help at all? I don't think they're able to take care of themselves, and honestly it's just emotionally breaking me. My father killed himself and listening to a 8 year old talking about their attempted suicide is too much for me. They're living in the company parking lot, they have great health insurance, actually make very good money considering.

    I know this happens every day to people with mental illness, but surely there has to be some way to do.. anything to help.

    submitted by /u/SuicidalEEthrowaway
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    I’ve been called 62 times by my brother’s time share company in the past 2 weeks.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    Some back story: About 8 months ago my older brother and his wife purchased a time share and gave them my information and a few other people as contact information for people who might be interested in getting one. I got a few calls then and told them I was not interested in a time share and to please take me off whatever calling list they had. Since then, I haven't heard anything from the company.

    Fast forward to two weeks ago when the calls started, I ignored them constantly as it was coming up as "No caller ID". Today, after 62 calls without answering, and no voice mails being left, I answered the phone to find out who was calling. I was greeted with a "We've been trying to get ahold of you for a few weeks now to see if you would be interested in a free weekend getaway due to the rewards program your brother is enrolled in." Well, I asked them about 8 times in the phone call to please not call me again and to take me off any list that they have that has my name on it. When I was done talking to them, which is important as they were apparently not done trying to talk to me, I said "Thank you, but I'm not interested in this. Please stop calling me. Goodbye." And hung up.

    10 minutes after this call, my brother calls me crying laughing, "I just got a call from the time share company and they tell me you were rude to them and that they want me to make sure you know this is legit. They are going to call you again at 8 apparently" this will make it 63 calls in 2 weeks knowing that I would like them to not call me again.

    Is this many calls legal? Even after I've asked them to not call me anymore? What do I do about this?

    I currently live in Georgia if that is relevant

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Devmac0100
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    Update: Website refuses to take down the ad for seasonal renting of our squated house

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I wanted to give you news as a lot of you sent us advice and ideas.

    First, I listened to you and gave up on my lawyer. We didn't have the money to get another one, but I hired a jurist/negociator to try and figure something out.

    Unfortunately they ignored her too. We were getting rather desperate, thought it was goint to end up in the tribunal when we got a message that they had left and the keys were in the veranda.

    It was. They left a lot of things behind, including framed pictures of my husband, I guess that's his mom's way of saying she's cutting him off. She also blocked him on social medias.

    Now, to the point I was trying to debate: the website forever refused to comply and take the ad down. As a matter of fact it is still on, I think the squatters enjoy the fact that we find it annoying!

    I pulled, pushed, wrote, called, complained and filled an official complaint for the pictures to be taken down.

    Nada, nothing. That very famous international website got all the proofs that the house they were renting was illegally occupied, aknowledged that, and told me there was nothing they would/could do until I had a court order, basically.

    That was one insane rabbit hole I went down to, I am still quite confused as to how they can justify that.

    Now, we are changing the locks and getting ready to do some work/furnish it and rent it.

    The squatters have bought another house with a B&B and have been renting for more than a month now. They were probably already gone when I posted my first message, but because of the situation of the house in a dead end, and the fact that they attacked my husband last time he was there, we didn't go and check, convinced they wouldn't leave until the end of September at best.

    We didn't do anything to push them out, as we didn't want to find ourselves sued/hurt, and we were afraid of retaliation on our animals. Basically, anything would have been illegal, short of staying outside of the property and taking pictures, have people roam around without getting in, and tell people that the renting of the rooms were illegal.

    This has cause a lot of stress and sorrow, but at least now we can move on!

    Thank you guys for your support and advice, and sorry moderators for creating a lot of work for you!

    TLDR: Squatters left on their own, the website still hasn't taken their advert down and won't unless they have a court order!

    submitted by /u/Kenova22
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    My car was towed, Now there is damage

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    Its a lot to read so i appreciate any and all help or direction because i'm unsure how to go about this.

    I live in a apartment complex where they allow a local towing company to "Open Tow" any cars that are not supposed to be parked in front of the apartment buildings. All residents are given a sticker for their car to show its allowed to be there, just a simple "my apartment name, 20xx-20xx year"

    You have the option to pay for a covered parking spot which is another pass similar to a handicapped hanger. You have to fill out extra paperwork with all my information on it including license plate, year, make, model.

    I pay for my covered parking spot, my Hanger was clearly visible in my front windshield. My car was towed because i didn't have my current year sticker on the back. i've lived at my apartment for 4 years, when i moved in i was given a copy of my lease with all my information and my parking passes. When i resigned i was not given a new parking pass.

    My car is towed, The leasing office is arguing that because they sent 2 emails months ago that residents needed to come get new passes that they will not cover the towing fee. i bite the bullet and pay the fee to get my car back.

    I didn't get out of the towing company's lot and i could tell my car had damage. i drive a 04 Buick Rendezvous AWD model. I told the towing company about the noises and they assured me their drivers can identify AWD cars and always dolly or lift them somehow so things are not damaged. My car does not have any badges stating its AWD...

    it is very apparent to me that there is some form of drivetrain damage, i can hear popping, grinding, and my RPM tack is all over the place when driving.

    The next day after talking to both the towing company and apartment complex, no one wants to admit fault. Regardless of why it was towed from my PAID parking spot, there was damage and i am being jerked around either way.

    I do have a written statement from a girl in my building who saw my car be towed, and from her testimony my car was hooked to with chains and dragged 2-3 car lengths before being loaded onto a flatbed. In that statement she said "i couldn't see where the man attached the chains to the back of the car but it was in park and the car was dragged out by force. All i could hear was tires screeching and loud popping sounds. i even texted my friend and told them 'all i hear is tires screeching on the ground, bro im shook""

    Im trying to get in touch with my attorney with all that i have, how do i go about this?

    submitted by /u/LifeIsTestingMe
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    Exposed to HIV. Took a life-saving drug. Now have permanent kidney damage.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    USA - GA I'll try to keep this short. Basically I was stabbed by a needle and may have been exposed to HIV about 2 years ago. I was prescribed a medication for post exposure by an urgent care. I was unaware that the medication was extremely "rough" on the kidneys. Neither the urgent care nor the pharmacy told me this. The urgent care neglected to tell me to get a rental panel test to ensure my kidneys would not fail during the course of the treatment.

    There are several multi-million dollar lawsuits against the manufacturer of this drug for not disclosing the possibility of kidney failure.

    My kidneys have always been sub-par, but never raised a red flag at my doctor. I have test results to prove this prior to taking the medication.

    I went to my PCP months later as I was always extremely fatigued, shedding weight drastically, etc. I told him about the HIV incident and they demanded I get a rental panel test. He stated no one should prescribe the drug without first having the patient get a renal panel test. My kidneys at this point were functioning very poorly and I must get monthly renal tests monthly to monitor them. A particular liver enzyme is also extremely high - it's known that the medicine can artificially spike this enzyme. But it's been 2 years and my liver is still showing the enzyme is very high. My doctor doesn't seem to be so worried - just monitoring it monthly. It doesn't seem to be improving although I've been told to, and have changed my lifestyle and diet.

    My question: Do I have any legal recourse against the urgent care for not informing me of the dangers of the drug / not requiring a kidney test? Is this negligence?

    The manufacturer of the drug is withholding a safer alternative to the drug I took, and have not addressed the problems of the current drug - knowing and once withholding info related to kidney damage. Would I be eligible to claim injuries and sue the manufacturer?

    I don't know a lot about this topic - but I can prove decreasing kidney function and a degrading lifestyle due to this drug.

    Basically: who can I "go after"? What kind of lawyer should I be looking for? Personal injury? Malpractice?

    submitted by /u/EditThanks4TheSilver
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    Apartment uninhabitable on move-in day (IL)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    Please respond - I'm incredibly anxious about this and now I'm getting strong armed.

    I checked out all of the tenant docs on this sub and reviewed my lease and now I'm here for advice...

    My lease started September 15th. However, when I arrived to get my keys, the landlord and I did our walk through and absolutely nothing was fixed. The hardwood floors were in dangerous disrepair in the kitchen, none of the walls were painted, there were exposed cords in multiple areas throughout the apartment, both bathrooms had broken toilets, and a whole host of other problems as well. The landlord took photos and video of everything and said they'd get a maintenance guy in to fix all of the things as soon as possible. It took three days.

    Meanwhile, before I signed the lease to my apartment, I had seen some of these issues on my walk through and talked to the landlord about them. There's a clause in the lease about delivering the unit in the condition it was seen unless the landlord agreed to fix things in advance. And then there's a follow up clause in the lease that says if the landlord doesn't deliver the unit on time then they're on the hook for a prorated rent rate or the tenant can elect to terminate. I have the exact verbiage but I'm paranoid to share so let me know if you really need it. Well, before I signed the lease, I cited the clause in the lease and emailed the property manager my concerns that the problems wouldn't be fixed when it was turned over to me. The landlord wrote back that all would be taken care of (even specifying the things that would be fixed like the floor and repainting). I thanked them and signed the lease.

    Now we're in a back-and-forth regarding how much rent is due given this issue. They've agreed to give me my rent back and (perhaps foolishly), I pushed back and said that they should at least partially pay for the massive inconvenience (such as extending the rent of my old place, changing delivery dates, etc.). I included the price breakdown of everything, cited the lease, provided a copy of the email correspondence, and then told them what I was looking for in compensation (basically just covering my other rent and nothing else). They were not pleased with this and are now getting a lawyer involved - I'm sure just to scare me but I'd be lying if I said it's not working a little bit. I mean, the amount is just so low that involving a lawyer will cost more to them than just agreeing to my ask (or meeting me in the middle which is what I've been encouraging them to do). That's why I'm here. I happen to love the unit now that it's fixed and I'm nervous about what could happen next. Reddit lawyers, please advise?

    Edit: Heard back from lawyer

    You do have a right to an apartment that is "reasonable fit and habitable" under the Chicago Landlord/Tenant Ordinance. What "habitable" means is defined not by statute or ordinance but through Illinois and Chicago case law. Caselaw has generally focused on material noncompliance with building codes, such as a lack of heat, water or windows. I have never seen paint touch-ups and other minor punch-list items used as a means to call a unit uninhabitable.

    If there is a breach by LL of the implied warranty of habitability or of the Chicago Landlord/Tenant Ordinance, Tenant's remedies are to terminate the Lease, to repair the damages (up to $500), or to deduct the difference in value between the unit at full value and the unit in non-complying condition. In this case, even if the unit were uninhabitable, the cap in damages would be rent abatement. In my view, you could not recover other, indirect damages.

    Thus, based on my reading, you are not entitled to any abatement, since there was not a material, noncompliance with the ordinance. Even if there were material noncompliance, the most you could obtain would be a proportionate adjustment of rent – not external damages for costs.

    So does that mean they're reneging on giving me my rent back as well? Do I have any recourse?

    Text from my lease:

    1. Tenant Inspection Prior to Occupancy: Building Code Violations. Tenant has inspected the Premises and all common areas of the property to which Tenant has lawful access during the Lease Term, and is satisfied with their general condition and appearance. Tenant acknowledges that there have been no representations, promises or other undertakings by Landlord, or any agent of Landlord, made to induce Tenant to enter into this Lease, except those expressly made in writing, relative to the repairs, decorating, additions to, or removal of any portion of the Premises or of the property. Tenant further acknowledges that attached hereto are copies, if any, of notices received from the City of Chicago during the twelve months prior to the date hereof concerning code violations, and copies of notices from any utility provider regarding termination of utility services

    2. Possession. Landlord shall deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant on the Beginning Date of the Lease. If Landlord is unable to deliver possession to Tenant on such date, this Lease shall remain in full force and effect except that the Monthly Rent shall be abated pro rata until possession is delivered, unless Tenant elects to maintain an action for possession of the Premises or, upon written notice to Landlord, elects to terminate this Lease.

    What do I do? Is it worth me getting a lawyer at this point?

    submitted by /u/throwaway_393294
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    My Employer hasn't fufiilled their end of an apprenticeship program contract fully. Could I have the contract voided?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    [Illinois, USA] The company I work for offered an apprenticeship through a consortium and where we take two summer tests our first and third year, we have only taken one and therefore cannot obtain the Department of Labor certificate. In the Contract that I signed it expressed the full completion of said program through the consortium. The company has also included a clause that if I leave the company before two years that I have to reimburse the company for the cost of schooling. With my employer not completing their end of the contract would I be able to void the contract?

    submitted by /u/Dmartin75
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    [IL] Are my parents allowed to take my car?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:03 AM PDT

    When I (19 IL) was 16 I was given my great-grandmother's car as she was too old to drive. I believe my parents paid about $500 for to my grandmother, who was taking care of my great-grandmother at the time. Long story short my parents are kicking me out and telling me that I cannot have my car. I desperately need my car to get to work, and my parents have also taken all of my savings so I cannot afford another one atm. They gave it to me as a gift, I am the only person who has driven it in 3-4 years, and I pay the insurance for it completely separate from my parents. Is it considered my car or my parents'? If I moved out and took it with me, would there be any legal ramifications? Is there any way ownership can be officially transferred to me?

    submitted by /u/paracrypt
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    [VA] Can the city tell me not to park on the street like this?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 03:01 PM PDT

    Got home from work today and found this sign posted in the grass where we usually park. https://imgur.com/2vfD2TB

    The city is hosting a half marathon this weekend that I assume is taking part on our road due to these signs. We don't have a driveway. There have been dozens of races held in our neighborhood and on our road before but we've never been told we can't park there for them.

    Any advice? Sorry if this is an inappropriate sub to be asking this in.

    submitted by /u/Vax_Merstappen
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