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    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Legal Advice My toddlers grandmother stealing his identity?

    Legal Advice My toddlers grandmother stealing his identity?

    My toddlers grandmother stealing his identity?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:18 AM PDT

    Just to give a little back story I have a son who is a year and half old. Me and his mother are no longer together but he lives with me now. Before he lived with me about 4 months ago, he was living in Florida with his mother and her mom.

    Her mother is notorious for stealing her children's identities, opening credit cards, putting bills in their names. Stuff like that. So it occurred to me that I dont have his social security number card. I asked his mother if she took it to Florida with her and she told me her mother stole it from her. Obviously this is a concern to me. I thought maybe I could check his credit on credit karma or something to see if shes used it yet but he isn't old enough for me to check that way.

    Is there a way for me to check if shes using his ssn? If not is there some way I can preemptively report her for stealing his identity even if I'm not sure that shes used it yet?

    If it's important, I know that she has a warrant out for her arrest for violating probation in North Carolina, thats why she moved to Florida.

    submitted by /u/TehBlackKite
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    My mom was arrested and i dont know what to do

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    I am 15 and dont have any way to help her or get in contact with her. My step dad last night said that he was gonna kill her and after that we went to bed, then this morning. They had a fight and then he went ahead and lied that my mom also said that she was gonna kill him, this happended while i was at school and i dont know what to do and how i am gonna see my mom, i am in cali and modesto to be exact

    submitted by /u/needhelpthatsall
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    New landlord served me a five day eviction notice, is my lease still valid? (LA)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:39 AM PDT

    Hi first time poster sorry for any formatting issues. I recently moved into a new apartment and signed a year long lease in a beautiful part of Louisiana. The previous owner of the building had died about a month before I moved in and left her property to some kind of non-profit, which is who I signed my lease with. The previous owners son then challenged the validity of his mother's will in court and was awarded all her properties, including the building I moved into. He has now served me a five day eviction, essentially saying the lease I signed was invalid as the people/company I signed it with never rightfully owned the building and had no authority to do so, calling me a "squatter". Is he correct? Do I have any rights here to have my lease honored or is it totally worthless? Any input would be greatly appreciated if don't know how I'm going to find another apartment on such short notice

    submitted by /u/thenewyippies
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    Florida: HOA board members waiving annual dues as compensation

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    Thanks for clarification and advice.

    It came out at this year's HOA meeting that the three board members have been waiving their own dues each year for a number of years. No one would say for how long it's been going on, but for more than a few years is the assumption.

    This is a small beach neighborhood of around 40 lots, with more than half of the lots undeveloped. My parents moved down there a couple years ago and were surprised to find out that of their roughly 12 neighbors, a quarter of them are not paying dues. The board's core members have remained the same basically sense the neighborhood was laid out.

    Florida law indicates that any form of compensation for sitting on the board is illegal with exceptions;

    (12) COMPENSATION PROHIBITED.—A director, officer, or committee member of the association may not directly receive any salary or compensation from the association for the performance of duties as a director, officer, or committee member and may not in any other way benefit financially from service to the association. This subsection does not preclude:


    (d) Any fee or compensation authorized in the governing documents.
    (e) Any fee or compensation authorized in advance by a vote of a majority of the voting interests voting in person or by proxy at a meeting of the members.

    The governing documents do not mention compensation for board members and when asked about it, the board members are vague and won't show proof that it was ever voted on and generally treat any question regarding the topic with open hostility ("You don't trust us?" or "There were never any problems before you moved here.")

    What can be done to address this and what should first steps look like?

    submitted by /u/DataSetMatch
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    A private insurance company has made the DMV withhold my driver's license

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:20 AM PDT

    I unfortunately got into a uninsured DUI accident back in October of 2012 in New Mexico. No one was hurt, but I did do some damage to another car, and wrecked mine. I pleaded no contest, went through the DUI first offenders program, and completed everything part except the interlock for one year, as I had wrecked my truck and it wasn't really safe to drive. I started with the interlock, but about two months in, the whole truck died and I wasn't able to finish out the contract, and the interlock company repo'ed my truck. Haven't had a vehicle since.

    Well, now I'm being sued by the insurance company of the other person to the tune of $14,000+ for damages, and that company has instructed the DMV to not release my licence until I've paid the balance.

    I live in Colorado now, and CO will not issue a license if you have unresolved issues in another state, but I can't get a second job (I already work one full time job) to help pay off the debt without a vehicle to get me around. I take the train or Uber/Lyft now, or depend on the kindness of others for rides.

    I guess my question is- can this company do this? How can I get my license back? I fully intend to satisfy the issue of money owed, but I need a vehicle. Is there anything I can do? Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/ClarkJoe
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    Previous Home Owner left valuable property

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    I bought a house around a month ago, the previous home owner and I agreed he would have a week to remove everything from the out buildings, it's been a month and I haven't heard anything from them, my realtor hasn't been able to get ahold of them, they left a relatively new car, a 70's trans am in pieces, a brand new crate motors for the aforementioned trans am, and thousands in tools and building materials. All told there's roughly $35k worth of stuff that's been seemingly abandoned, I'm unsure of what to do, I can't use any of my shops (the whole reason I bought the property) because their stuff is all over the place and not easily moveable and I'm not exactly wanting to take anything to court just yet, I feel bad for the guy, he didn't really want to sell and just went through a divorce, I'm not trying to make a quick buck off of this guy's misfortune but eventually those things need to go somewhere. What should I do? What are my options down the road, say six months out?

    submitted by /u/sorrow_anthropology
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    I'm trying to avoid being screwed by hotel, who charged me for a stay at their facility that didn't happen!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:53 AM PDT

    I will try to keep this short.

    What happened?

    I booked 5 rooms at the Homewood Suites for a bachelor party in Austin TX. The reservation dates were for 6/6 - 6/10. We decided to stay at the Indigo Hotel because of its location to downtown, so I booked 5 rooms with Indigo instead. I called HWS and told them I wanted to cancel all 5 of my reservation. This happened on 6/3. I still ended up getting charged, $1,237.40 by the HWS for one of the rooms.

    Chase Fraud team contacted me about the transaction. I told them I didn't authorize it, so they became involved. They contacted the HWS with me on the line, where I stated my case. I provided the HWS cancellation numbers to the HWS rep. They said they would refund the transaction. I thought I was done.

    Fast forward to 10/2, I informed by Chase that the HWS general manager had responded back to the Chargeback and provided Chase with an itemized receipt for the HWS 6/6-6/10 stay. (You know, the one I canceled back on 6/3) Chase said since I didn't respond with documentation to dispute the GM in a timely manner, the case would be closed and the transaction would be considered valid. I missed original summons for documentation because it went to my Gmail, which has a lot of daily stuff and also I thought this dispute was settled

    What have I done so far?

    1. I contacted Chase to reopen the case. They said I would need to provide documentation of a mistake from the HWS. I would also need to submit paperwork for another case to be opened.

    2. I have contacted the Hilton Hotel customer service and explained the situation. They opened a case but I was sent the response they have spoken with the GM and he mentioned a chargeback had been sent to Chase. Hilton CS referred me back to the HWS GM.

    3. I started an email correspondence with the GM, in which I explained my case. I provided the 5 HWS reservation numbers, and cancellation numbers, and a copy of my reservation numbers with Indigo hotel. He is still insistent that HWS didn't make a mistake because of the HWS itemized receipt that was charged to my card.

    4. I contacted the Indigo hotel and got the itemized receipts from our stay there. The receipt has the 5 rooms numbers and the cards used to pay for the rooms. I am hoping logic prevails here. I haven't sent this information to the GM yet. I wanted to ask here first.

    My next step

    1. Contact the HWS GM again and provide him with the itemized receipts from the Indigo Hotel. I hope logic prevails here because I can't be in 2 places at the same time. I don't have enough disposable income to stay at 2 hotels at the same time.

    2. What else should I do? Copy in Hilton Cooperate?


    1. The Indigo Hotel staff said he would be happy to help out and provide any information I need.

    2. I remember that the group bought drinks from the Indigo hotel bar. So I hope I can get proof there as well.

    3. The HWS receipt said I checked in at 1:55 am. I wonder if there are cameras in the lobby that would have recorded events at 1:55 am?

    4. When you check-in, isn't there a policy for a physical card to be put on file?

    submitted by /u/dontknowanswer
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    HR sent me an email that an audit had revealed they my initial offer for employment was incorrect almost a year after I was hired. CALIFORNIA

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    A few months less than a year ago, I received a job offer for a position I didn't think I was qualified for. I applied for the position knowing that I wasn't qualified hoping that the company would like me enough that they would find/make another position available for me.

    I crushed all of my interviews and the company made an offer to me for the actual position, a senior level design position. Money was great. The position was remote. The bonus, 401k match, yearly stock award was great. Most importantly, my boss and all of the designers I interviewed with were extremely supportive of me, very social, and great designers. I decided to be as candid as possible with my future boss and let him know that I was 100% on board with joining the team but that I had anxiety about being labeled a senior. My future boss and another high ranking designer on the team told me to quit calling myself a junior and that the only reason I was a junior was because that's the title I kept reminding everybody I was. I was flattered. I had worked my butt off. I told them I was very confident in my ability to solve problems but that there were a lot of gaps in my understanding that other senior designers probably don't have.

    I came up with the following plan: Initially, I would be given a title one level lower to their offer and we would revisit the senior title after my year review. The plan needed to be approved by the director but everything was given the thumbs up. Once it was approved, they sent me another offer. My salary in the second offer was the same as the first but my yearly bonus and annual stock award actually increased with the title change! It's worth noting that I was also offered a substantial signing bonus. I felt no need to negotiate and accepted immediately.

    I've been working for almost a year now and there have been some ups and some downs. The position is fully remote which is great for me as I have ongoing health problems that effect my mobility.


    -My boss quit and went to work for another great company 6 weeks after I was hired.

    -Most of the strong members of my team who I interviewed with and started working with were moved to a different team shortly thereafter.

    -We still don't have another boss yet.

    -I haven't progressed as fast as I hoped. The piece of technology is extremely complicated and I haven't had the support I would like.

    -I have had some major health problems with my large joints that cause me debilitating pain. I just had to get major surgery yesterday and will need to take off some time (up to possibly two weeks depending on pain). This condition will take anywhere from 6 months to a year to fully recover from.


    -I referred my brother for a job on my team in a position much higher than my own and he got the job starting ~3 months ago.

    -All of my reviews have been great.

    -I've learned a lot of really cool stuff.

    -I've made some great friends.

    -After 6 months, I moved to a large apartment on the high end of what we could afford. My girlfriend and I plan on starting a family here. It's worth noting we live in an extremely high COL area.

    Now, here's the problem:

    I just received an email on Tuesday from HR stating a routine audit had been performed and that my inital offer was a mistake. They sent me my new compensation package, effective immediately. There was no negotiation and nothing for me to sign.

    In my new offer, my entire starting bonus roughly 1/3 of my yearly salary was completely removed. This starting bonus was to be paid to me at the conclusion of my first year of employment.

    My annual bonus was reduced by 8% of my yearly salary.

    My yearly stock grant was reduced from 1/3 of my yearly salary to 1/6 of my yearly salary.

    My salary remained the same.

    My brother is furious and is telling me that the whole place is such a mess without a manager, he's considering quitting. This would be a huge blow to my team and reflect terribly on me.

    What should I do?

    I received this notice two days before my surgery and just had to put it out of my mind. I had so much anxiety about the surgery and having work problems at the same time was just too much for me.

    I'm just now addressing this problem. I haven't reached out to the director of my organization, who was cc'd on the email or responded to HR.

    I'm open to any and all advice and willing to answer any questions that anyone might have quickly. I'm a little loopy right now so forgive me for spelling/grammar mistakes.

    submitted by /u/golamonster
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    Doctor Lied About Removing IUD

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    Using my phone, so I apologize for formatting. This past June I had surgery to have my tubes tied and to have my IUD removed at the same time. My OBGYN (also the surgeon who performed my surgery) said that he was going to remove my IUD at my first appointment, at my pre-OP appointment, and at the hospital before my surgery. He verified that he removed my IUD after I woke up after surgery, and at the follow-up appointment the week after. During the follow-up appointment, I complained about a potential hormonal imbalance considering I was getting chin acne and gained weight. He responded with "well if anything, it's probably the removal of your IUD that's causing those symptoms".

    This is where it gets a bit weird. I had an ultrasound this morning, and my IUD was still in my uterus! So I requested that those images be sent to me for proof. And I went to my OBGYN right after and requested my records. I read through them and saw no notes regarding my IUD, but I requested a letter from my OBGYN/surgeon stating that he removed my IUD and I got it.

    So right now I have a signed statement from my OBGYN/surgeon stating that he removed my IUD during my surgery AND an image of my IUD still residing in my uterus. Do I have a malpractice case?

    submitted by /u/femaletwentytwo
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    Fraud Canada -I feel very much depressed and helpless so I thought I would try to ask for advice. My parents and two other friends of my dad invested about half a million dollars in this guys hotel business about a year and a half ago.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    They went through all the paperwork and the two guys whose hotel they invested in said that in return they would pay them the half a million dollars plus any interest over the two years. So long story short they kept stringing my parents and the other investors for months and years saying the reason why they can not make the monthly interest payments is because they gave all the money to another guy who has several hotels and are in some weird situation with him. My parents are some of the most hard working people I know, my dad prays everyday, he doesn't smoke or drink, he doesn't lie, he will literally take the shirt off his back and give it to someone in need. So my dad kept getting believing them for the longest time. We just found out that both of the guys took all of our money (500k) and fled to India. When confronted by my dad, one of the guys said "I don't have any money, and there's nothing you guys can do about it, try if you want". My heart hurts so much seeing my parents like this. They personally invested 250k from that money and my parents are middle class people, they took a loan on their own home to invest in this guys business hoping he would thrive and everyone would benefit out of it. When the guys were going through their hotel troubles, my dad even said dont worry about the interest for now because I dont want to take money knowing that you guys are suffering and caught up in stuff. My dad is an extremely naive guy but hes a good person. We immigrated to Canada and my dad worked like a dog to build his life here, and I cant express how much this hurts. I would love your advice. Please ignore any grammatical errors and such, I am half crying while writing this post. Also, I want to note that my dad has had bypass surgery a couple of years ago and he started having chest pain again because of all this. I don't want to lose him because of this. My parents are hurting, badly. Please send any help or advice. Thank you. I am in Canada, Toronto.

    submitted by /u/tryingtohelpxoxo
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    Strict HOA messing up our finances

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:51 AM PDT

    We live in a nice quiet neighborhood in AZ that has a strict HOA. Anyone that leaves their trashcan out on the curb at night gets fines. If the lid is not fully closed, they get fines, and so on. We are starting to get many trashcan ($100) fines due to all these issues, the problem is that the trashcan in question is our neighbors trash. We have advised our rental management property of this many times, because we do not have direct contact with HOA. They ignore our pleas and keep forwarding us the bill time after time, and have even suggested they would let us out of the lease if we cannot follow the rules. We cannot afford these continual fines and cannot afford to up and move. How do we stop any of this from happening.

    submitted by /u/Jniffa
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    (TX) Sister and mom let my sister’s boyfriend live with them, and he stole and pawned several thousands of dollars of their property for heroin. Cop says we must buy the items back from pawn that haven’t already been sold, and it can’t be a criminal case because he was living with them at the time

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    He stole nearly all of their valuables, some of them were heirlooms belonging to our dad who passed away and now we can never get them back. Most of it is gone forever. The only things that haven't been sold yet from the pawn shop are 2 guitars and the pawn is making them pay nearly 700 to get them back. The pawn shop owners are very angry and aggressive and refuse to budge. Mom and sister don't have the money to buy them back. Cops are being extremely unhelpful. Is this truly only a civil case in Texas because he happened to be living there when he stole them? He really can't be prosecuted for stealing all their stuff for drugs?

    He was kicked out as soon as they realized what he was doing, btw.

    submitted by /u/LeenSauce
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    Townhome burned down that i was renting personal liability covers 100,000 but land lords insurance os asking 178,889.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    So as the title states my townhome burned down. Well it didnt completly burn down, but it was severely damaged.

    My insurance adjuster went in after the fire and said the cost of repairs shoulds not cost over our liability of 100,000. But apparently my landlords insurance is clakming that the costs are above that.

    Here is what my insurance said

    "If so, you may be personally responsible for paying the amount that exceeds the limit. If a lawyer is needed to defend you, we will hire one. But because the damages in this claim could exceed your policy limits, you have the right to hire a lawyer, at your own expense, to represent you for this additional liability. We will cooperate fully with any lawyer you might decide to hire on your own"

    To be honest I don't really know my question here. Im just complety lost and scared right now that im not sure where to begin on how to handle this. There is no way I can afford laying the differance And advice on my next steps is greatly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/FriendOrfoe1738
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    Tenant (17f) attacked me (52f), how do I stay safe and evict the person ASAP? Iowa

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    (I am writing this for a friend, I will give all the relevant details that I know and will try to answer questions)

    This is in Iowa.

    I took in a 17 year old (EDIT: she's 18) who I've known for years. She had gotten out of a violent situation at home, and she is in trouble with the law, she robbed a tip jar from a local restaurant and is going through those charges now. Her mom kicked her out.

    I went to court with her, and the judge said that she would live with me for the time being. She is on probation, and has a probation officer.

    She has a curfew, no car, and is currently at school (it's 11:30am right now).

    This morning she attacked me, kicked me in the stomach and made my arm bleed. In self defense I sprayed perfume at her, and she has that on video, along with me calling her a bitch.

    Cops were called, they advised me that if I were going to press charges, that I would have charges for spraying the perfume as well. If I got that, I would most likely be fired so I dropped it. They took her to school.

    I spoke to her parole officer and he's filing paperwork to get her pre-trial probation removed (revoked?) so she will be out of house soon and in custody. I don't know how long that will take.

    She has threatened my cats and me. She gets out of school around 3. I don't know what to do to stay safe and how I can get her out of my house with out me getting in legal trouble.

    Update: 12:30, shes continuing to send mean texts, calling me old and ugly, how its "her house" she "ain't leaving". Her boyfriend is involved with a gang and I'm getting more and more scared.

    Parole officer said he filled the paperwork for her to get her parole evoked. It will take up to a week to remove her from my house. I don't know what to do until then.

    submitted by /u/charlesdickens2007
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    Not going on court ordered visitation advice

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:45 PM PDT

    So I'm 16 and I am court ordered to see my dad every other week. He's abusive but the court doesn't seem to believe me and my siblings. Not to mention my guardian only has temporarily custody to see if my dad changes his ways. If I don't go what will happen? Will my guardian get a ticket even if they tell me to go? What should I do to prove that my guardian "wants" me to go and told me so they won't get in trouble? I know that I should "follow the law" but going back there is putting my life in danger. So what do I do? I know people on here can't like solve this giant issue I just need a direction to go in so I get get through two years until I turn 18. I live in Illinois if that has to do with anything.

    Thanks In advance it mean alot

    submitted by /u/cas-per15
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    Parent plus loans...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    Edit, costs

    A parent plus loan is in my moms name, I didnt know about it for many years and she was never paying on it, i found out about it when she had them call me calling it "my loan" they threatened to repossess my stuff, thought it was a student loan on my name i didnt know about and did automatic payments for a year.

    Found out later that it's actually a parent plus loan and not my responcibility and she just isnt paying on it. Few more years go by and I hear nothin of it. Get a call from my mother saying they are garnishing her wages. The use to be $X bill is now $XXX. After the constantly emotional fear linked to this situation which has left me an anxiety ridden mess, I agree to give her $Xx on a bankers check memoed "student loans" she take out a loan and sends in a check to pay the loan. Months later find out in casual conversation "they never processed the check I'm giving the $Xx back and also it wasnt them garnishing my wages afterall" pissed off I tell her "no, keep the money my conscious is clear on this and it's your problem now, pay the bill and dont talk to me about this again"

    Forward 3 months, she just bought a car

    My question:

    Since my name isnt on this loan, it's a parent plus loan in her name, how screwd am I if she continues to refuse to pay it?

    Also... I'm pretty sure I'm being emotionally minipulated and robber...

    submitted by /u/LStreyder
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    Am I allowed to listen to the concert that’s going on at my university?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    There is a concert for a famous female artist happening tonight at a venue owned by the public university I attend in California. The venue is an indoor basket ball stadium but you can still hear music when artists come to perform. I was once asked to leave a public area outside of the venue because the security officer claimed I was listening and loitering. I was talking to a professor about the absurdity of the incident and he told me that since it's a public university, I'm allowed to sit on the property near the venue even though I don't have a ticket to the event. Is there any law/policy about trespassing or loitering on public university grounds? My broke ass just wants to listen to [artist] in peace without being asked to leave.

    Edit: I'm on mobile sorry for any formatting issues

    submitted by /u/catbaptisms
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    Identity has been stolen and someone purchased a home under my name in 2013 and now I have a lien for $95k. How can I get this resolved?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    I got a new job and the company ran a background check and notified me me a couple days that I have a lien for $95k. I spoke with the company that ran the background check for this employer and filled out this form that they provided me with to dispute this because I have never owned any property in my life. I checked the Miami Dade Property search website and there was my name, purchased in 2013 as the first owner and after that about 5 people lived there. Apparently the home has been taken away. I don't know who the bank was that approved this? What steps can I take to get this resolved? Who do I need to contact? Can I take any legal action and sue? Your help wold be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/a3b3
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    Moving company went bankrupt in the middle of moving and now is holding my stuff hostage

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    I am moving from Germany to the US and recently hired a German company (not sure if I am allowed to name the company) and they went bankrupt while shipping everything I own. My stuff is now sitting in a storage locker in Germany that I may have to pay for and I have lost all the thousands that I have already paid upfront. The company itself hires a lot of local companies to do all the moving on each end and pays everyone at the final end. Now they are saying that the several thousand that I paid them for everything has vanished because they declared it in their insolvency paperwork that was filed on October 14th. They say if I want my stuff relinquished I have to pay all of their local contractors for their work, possibly all the storage fees, and then I'm allowed to hire another company out of pocket to come pick up my stuff to ship to the US. I'm from the US and this is accounting practice is typically illegal (ponzi-like). They say that I have 2 options:

    1) Pay the bill for all the local contracts that they never paid and hire a new company.

    2) Wait for the insolvency agreements to be made in January and see if there is any compensation to all the customers.

    Though I wanted to see if r/legaladvicce knows of a third option where I would be able to get my money back or have the shipment go through.

    Thanks everyone

    submitted by /u/wbcm
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    How to serve papers to tenant who won't open door?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:50 PM PDT

    I live in whatcom county Washington and am trying to serve a notice of hearing. He wont respond or open the door. Can I post it on his door? He is purposely avoiding this and not because of any other reason besides not wanting this process to go further. The document is signed and stamped by the county and ready to be served.

    Can I serve him when he comes downstairs to eat? Just say here is the papers for a court hearing goodbye.

    He has no job and eating at 4 to 6am to prevent seeing me.

    It is quite scary being alone in the home with him. ( he lives in a room)

    submitted by /u/aidicjcje263
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    Landlord treats house like her personal air bnb.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    So we live in a shared house (PHL area), our housemates are cool but the landlord treats the place like her hotel when she travels.

    She shows up, brings a car load of laundry, her dogs, and stays for a week doing BS artsy stuff to the house and not fixing our fridge, our faucet with no handle, the bathroom fan, and more. Oh, she also pretty much takes over the entire communal space which we get yelled at for having laundry out in the basement livingroom (which no one else uses) to fold.

    If there's a spare room she takes that and if not she'll sleep on the couch for the entire time she's here. Today she texts us with "short notice" that her brother was staying the weekend. He was already here when I got the text.

    Is she allowed to do this? She owns the place but she doesn't live here so I'd think the 24-48hrs notice rule applies.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/GrittysLilPrincess
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    First time in court

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    hello everyone, i believe my flair is correct, if not, please let me know. I am based in Tennessee in the US.

    a week ago a cop came to my house and left a piece of paper saying i need to contact him, i did and today (a week later) he came back to my house. he explained what the paper was and when i needed to go to court and why i had to go. i know it's not a warrant... unless that's what a warrant is then. but after the cop explained everything he asked if i had questions and wished me a good day and left.

    i have never been in court before so i am beefing some help to prepare. i have to be in court in the next two months because i have failed to pay $750 plus some legal fees (so around $1000) to a quick loan company. it's my fault i haven't paid, money is tight and i understand them having to take me to court. now i know these are all questions i can probably ask an attorney, but this happened today and i just want to have an idea of what's happening.

    i know i need to get an attorney, and to dress appropriately but that's it. to make it easier these are my top questions:

    1. under judgement it says "under $ jurisdictional limits. what exactly does this mean?

    2. will i need to bring all that money the day i go to my hearing? or will i be able to set up some type of payment plan until everything is payed off?

    3. i don't plan on contesting or making this harder than it has to be, with that being said, (and i know it 100% is up to the judge and everyone) but would i have to appear in court again?

    3a. will i be able to leave the state later in the month? i know with murder and drug cases they tell people not to leave, but i do owe money.

    1. i know after a certain amount the charge would be a felony, with mine being $1,000 would it be? is there a chance i could go to jail that day or is that another court day?

    if there's anything that seems confusing or just questions please let me know. thank you everyone

    edit: additional info/question

    submitted by /u/Jensan21
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    Neighbors let their dogs wander around the neighborhood, can I do something about this?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is supposed to be legaladvice since I'm not necessarily looking to get them in trouble, I'm just kind of concerned and not sure what to do about the situation.

    I live in an average suburban neighborhood and some new neighbors just moved in across the street. They have a bunch of dogs, at least five - not sure what breed but they're small white lapdogs.

    I'm not sure if they're intentionally letting the dogs roam free or if they're just being extremely lax about them getting out, but the dogs frequently get out from their fenced in backyard and roam around the neighborhood. The first few times it happened I tried to catch them and bring them back to the house or at least tell them they've escaped, but the neighbors always seem extremely nonchalant about it. They usually say thanks but do not seem very concerned, and on a few occasions they've waived my help when I offer to help them catch the dogs. The other neighbors in the neighborhood have similar experiences.

    If the dogs were well trained and stayed in their own yard, I wouldn't be concerned (there's another dog in the neighborhood who does this) but these little dogs frequently cross the street when they're out. A lot of people use our street as a shortcut between two major roads and as a result there's a lot of people who speed. I'm really afraid one of these dogs is going to get hit by a car (my own dog was hit a few years ago, thankfully he was not seriously injured).

    Can I do anything about this or call someone? I'm not sure if I'm being nosy or overstepping my bounds but I'm worried about the dogs' safety or the safety of a potential bystander who might wander into the road to try to help the dogs.

    submitted by /u/not_homestuck
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