• Breaking News

    Monday, October 28, 2019

    Legal Advice My mother committed suicide earlier this year. My aunt wants to take me to court.

    Legal Advice My mother committed suicide earlier this year. My aunt wants to take me to court.

    My mother committed suicide earlier this year. My aunt wants to take me to court.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    I posted the whole story in r/relationship_advice. You can see that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/dnppxb/my_aunt_is_taking_me_to_court_after_my_mothers/, but essentially, when my mother killed herself, my aunt and my grandmother blamed me for this by calling me and telling me how I "didn't cry when she died, didn't call her enough, etc", and now I feel they are trying to take some legal action against me. I am my mother's only child (son). I am in charge of her estate, but I am 22 years old and really have no idea how to handle any of this. She stated in her letter to me that everything she has goes to me. No will though. She was divorced and single I am proceeding with probate, although, very slowly because I was so confused and hurt by all of this for quite some time.

    My aunt recently sent me an email with one sentence, saying: "call 123-123-1234 Blah blah Law Office. You're going to court!" I was advised not to engage with her at all and speak with my probate lawyer first. What could she possibly be trying to do?

    Maybe I sound confident and calm now, but in reality, my aunt and grandmother have shocked and hurt me and my father soooo very much by their actions recently, and the thought of dealing with her makes me feel nauseous. Please feel free to ask for more info if this seems too vague. Thank you for any help.

    Edit: I'm in the USA. This occurred in Florida, but I do not live in Florida.

    EDIT 2 PLEASE READ: OK hold up. I'm so relieved. Really sorry for the false alarm, but I just got a message from my dad. He told me my aunt left a voicemail for him and said that a lawyer is contacting her about the unpaid condo fees. I have no idea why she just didn't say that in the email. After the accusations they've made towards me, I thought for sure she was going to give me trouble and had hired a lawyer. I don't know how she didn't realize that her email sounded so threatening

    submitted by /u/throwRA-myname
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    [NC] My dog went missing a month ago and i found her on Facebook. The family that has her refuses to return her to me. What can I do?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    So a little over a month ago my purebred yellow lab went missing from my backyard. At first I thought she might have escaped but after looking around it turned out someone broke into my backyard and took her. I made a police report but nothing ever came of it and she didn't turn up anywhere.

    Last week though a friend who lives over four hours away from me sent me fliers that were put up for a found dog. It was my dog. I should mention here that my lab stands out due to the fact that she got into an accident as a pup that she lost her left eye in and tore here left ear up pretty bad.

    I called the number on the flier yesterday and got into contact with a woman well call stacy. I told stacy that she had my dog and after a 20 minute conversation I all but confirmed it. Here's the problem, when I asked what a good time to come and get my dog back she refused. Stacy claims that they have had the dog for almost 3 weeks now and that because I took so long to get into contact with her she decided she's going to keep my dog because her kids have "fallen in love with her". I told her that was complete bullshit and that she was needed to give my dog back but she hung up on me and i assume she blocked my number.

    I found stacy on facebook and she wasn't lying. I found a status from around three weeks ago talking about how she found my dog abandoned on the side of the street and took her in. She is now also posting pictures of her kids and my dog claiming they "adopted" her and renamed her.

    I'm pissed right now and don't know what to do. That dog lived with me for over 5 years since she was a puppy and now because they've had her for three weeks they think they get to keep her. What can I do? I have all of the papers that prove I own her (dog licence, proof of ownership, medical records, etc) and she is chipped. I also have that police report. What do I need to do to get my dog back?

    submitted by /u/DogGone324
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    All of the upper management at the large bar I work at are either enabling or working together to get incredibly intoxicated women to have sex with them in the staff stairwell and I don’t know how to stop this.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:20 PM PDT

    TW: sexual assault

    I (22/F) started working at this large 4 story pub/cocktail bar/nightclub in Australia 3 months ago. I worked mainly on the rooftop cocktail bar. A month ago I saw my 40 year old head bartender (S) flirting with a girl who looked barely 18. They disappeared even though he was on the clock and supposed to be supervising me. She, N, was extremely drunk because he kept feeding her drinks. Hours later I ran into her at a bar I went to after my shift, she seemed more sober. We got to chatting and she told me S said he wanted to kiss her and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the staff stairwell. She kept saying she didn't want to have sex, but he kept pushing her until he got her to give him a blow job. She felt uncomfortable about the whole thing. There's an inherent power dynamic at play, plus he's dead sober and she was wasted (unable to consent).

    I report this to our head manager two days later for the cocktail bar (D). He immediately tells me not to tell anyone else and he says he will look at the footage. He asks me "what was she wearing?" And "how drunk was she?" He says women hit on bartenders all the time. Nothing happens and two days after that I run into an old coworker (A). I'm talking to her about this and she tells me D used to constantly sexually harass her, asking to "see her tits," trying to take pics up her skirt with his phone, groping her ass etc. A made a report to upper upper management and HR and nothing happened because in their words, "as you know, the owner of [name of bar] is currently in a very public sexual assault case with an old employee who he supposedly took advantage of at the company party. Another case would ruin the bar's rep entirely."

    I then find out after talking to N again (we had exchanged numbers), that almost a year prior when N was visiting the bar, manager D pulled her into the stairwell too, when she was so drunk she could hardly walk. She kept saying "no" and he took her hand and shoved it down his pants, pushed her against a wall etc., until she shoved him and left. He didn't rape her, but he did force her to touch him, quite violently. A had also told me that bartender S and D would work together to target drunk women and take turns taking them to the stairwell.

    I was so sickened by all of this that I then reported it to the highest manager, R. I only reported N's story about S (sorry for all the confusion) because that was the most recent one, which I was sure was on camera. R wasn't surprised and said he'd have a look at the camera footage. I then find out the next day, from overhearing a manager in the stairwell (sound echoes) that apparently the footage was DELETED from that night, probably by D who I reported it to first.

    I'm sorry this was all over the place and very confusing. I know most of it is hearsay but after seeing my management's responses I am very concerned by the predatory behavior which is allowed at the bar. Is there anything I can do, from a legal standpoint, to try and stop this. I'm worried for women who come to the bar. I'm disgusted by how much this is brushed off. I am consistently sexually harassed at the bar and nothing happens when I report it (another less important story). Can the police do anything? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Gibranies
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    City is Compelling Me to Cut Down Tree, But Neighbor Won't Give Me Access I need To Do So. City Told Me To Get A Lawyer. Need to Understand This.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:13 AM PDT

    So my neighbor called the city to complain about a tree. The city came and then had an arborist come and the city sent me a letter telling me about need to cut the tree down immediately. I contacted a company to do this for me, but they need access to the the neighbor's property to do so. So we are clear, the tree is on my property, just up against the property line, with lots of branches almost completely on their property. When I sent a plan of action to to the city, I was called by the city that I need to get a lawyer to help me get this done. Can someone explain to me why I would need a lawyer and why the city isn't helping me with the matter?

    Location: Willowick, OH

    EDIT: I am worried the city is going to try and come in and cut the tree themselves, charge me an outrageous amount, and bond them to my taxes, which seems unfair as I have followed all their requirements for doing this by hiring a licensed, bonded, and insured tree service to get this done and trying to get this done.

    submitted by /u/mikeisnowonfire
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    My brother is a proven pedophile who now has a small daughter in his house, is there anything I can do to keep her safe?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:59 PM PDT

    Long story short, my brother raped my sister and I growing up, and molested 5 of our friends. My parents are aware of this. In 2013 his then girlfriend gave birth to his daughter. I warned the girlfriend in front of my brother that he has molested children in the past and that it is not safe for her child. He told her that it was all consensual. The baby was taken away by social workers with in the first year of her life for other reasons, but my parents got temporary custody. My sister and I called CPS and told them what had happened to us in attempt for them to realize that neither my parents home or brother's was a safe place. My sister and I then promptly got disowned by my parents thus keeping us out of the loop. I do know my parents fought for my brother to keep custody and he now is a stay at home dad with my parents supporting him, and he also now has a son, who could potentially be in danger as well. Is there anything else I can legally do to keep her safe? She is getting near the age that he raped my sister and I at, and the thought that I could do more haunts me.

    [Edit] We are in Pennsylvania. Last time one of use was abused (those we know about) by him was 17 years ago.

    submitted by /u/Forshadowed_Disaster
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    My neighbor repeatedly calls the police for no reason

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    Backstory: In August I moved in with a friend and the neighborhood we live in is made up of townhouses and most of our neighbors are older people (30-35 and up). The day that I moved in was the first time it happened. My dad ( a Black man) and my boyfriend (white man) helped me move. We only have two parking spots per house so my boyfriend parked in our second spot while my dad parked in the visitor spot . When my dad was leaving, he sat in his car for less than 10 minutes waiting for the air conditioning to kick in and to transfer money for me. In that time she had the police show up and later that day she warned my roommate about "the strange black man in the red car."

    Since then she has continued to call the police and stare me down almost every time she sees me doing something. I'm in college and I work at night so I'm never home and when I am home I stay inside. I don't smoke and I always drink inside my home so I am literally doing nothing that would make me a "rowdy" neighbor. This morning when my boyfriend dropped me off before school, she was out on her porch smoking and as he was backing into the parking spot IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE she went inside, grabbed her phone, and came back on her porch and watched me until I went inside. Then a little while later I see the police officer drive through. He comes over often and she's always out on her porch smoking so I know she's seen his car before.

    So my question is: Can I legally file a complaint with the police if she keeps doing this for no reason. I introduced myself to her as soon as my roommate told me about the comments about my dad so that she would know who I am. I thought that if she knew me it wouldn't happen again. It makes me so uncomfortable because I feel like I can't do anything in my own neighborhood without her being suspicious of me, which then makes me nervous because I'm afraid of the police showing up at my house. She hasn't said anything to me directly, but I honestly think that the fact that I'm black is the reason she's always suspicious. She doesn't do this with my roommate and we basically have the same work/school schedule and routine. Is this considered harassment?

    Edit: I live in North Carolina.

    Another edit: Random bit of information: I've only seen 3 other Black people living here since I've moved in so there aren't really many of us living here. Also, my roommate is biracial but could pass as a white woman if you didn't know her background. And the young guys across from us that I mentioned in a comment are white.

    submitted by /u/sufferingneighbor
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    Tow truck driver kept my computers

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    I was broke down in SoCal with my Class A motorhome. I have premium AAA membership that entitled me to 200 miles. Large big-rig tow truck company from Santa Clarita came, after hooking up my MH, he demanded $1300. He said only 100 free, then the last 86 miles home was at $25.00 a mile and $150 an hour. I was stuck. He would not move until I paid. CASH.. he said he was making me a deal since normally the charges was to my home, (86 miles and return to his shop, 196 miles @ quoted costs.)

    I paid, turned the recept into AAA the following week. AAA is not happy.

    He would not put the driveshaft back in on my MH. So when I was up under the MH at midnight putting in the driveshaft, he dropped my motorhome and left with my computers. Several tabs, a laptop and a hotspot.

    One already has been accessed. I saw it on the hotspot WIFI file. I called his company, he denies it of course. The owner said she would

    "PRAY FOR ME." hung up. I reported stolen and turned it over to my homeowners' insurance.

    Any advice? Other than keeping my future computers closer at hand? That day was horrid.

    Since that company pulls for CHP and law enforcement should I pursue this or just consider it part of life.

    I am getting messages from GMAIL and YAHOO that someone is trying to access my email accounts. Passwords are changed, but it appears they somehow got past the 4 digit passcode to open up the laptop. I am going to thte Credit Union this AM to challenge the cash advance charge (shows the tow truck company as the one who received the cash), as a fraud.

    Anything else anyone can think of?

    submitted by /u/RoscoeBColtrane
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    Landlord trying to pin an expensive plumbing problem on me and my wife simply because I called it in first in a 4-plex.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:12 AM PDT


    We live in a 4-plex with 3 other lessees and their families. Plumber found tampons, bags and toothbrushes at the access by the road ( not on city property) a few months ago.

    Same issue happened first thing this morning. When the landlord responded to my text and called back, she claimed that I was responsible for the last issue, and our NEW lease agreement states that I will be responsible simply because i called about it. She stated that I'd have to call the plumber and be responsible for the bill.

    My neighbor who is a plumber, had already woken up and knew about it and tried to fix. He just didn't bother telling the landlord. The two other tenants were out of the 4-plex, but he told me that it was a pile of tampons blocking the line and more needs to come out.

    Now I knew for sure it wasn't us because my wife is pregnant and we haven't had a need for them in 2-3 months.

    If the landlord is still trying to pin the charge on me when I get back from work, is their anyway to protect myself from it?

    Where do plumbing issues legally stop becoming the tenants problem and become the lessors?

    Lease states that " Lessor shall not be liable if any of the above conditions is caused due to the misconduct of Leeses or persons under Leeses direction or control".

    So how do they prove that I am the one clogging up the line? And is the Landlord in the legal right to charge a non guilty party for damages?

    submitted by /u/George_A_Romero
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    The landlord keeps letting the power and gas cut off. This has gotten crazy and we need a way to make him take this seriously.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:41 AM PDT

    This is a house share, and around 10 times over the last month, we've had to go hours without being able to cook, or shower for work. The landlord keeps topping up as little as he can. Is there anything legal I could bring to his attention. Like if I didnt have to pay rent for those days he would certainly make sure to have it paid up at all times.

    There are 7 of us living here, so everytime its cut off, at least one persons day is completely ruined


    submitted by /u/mogley1992
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    (NJ) Ticketed for passing a school bus with no stop sign/red lights

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    I was driving behind a school bus today, and as someone who is aware of the problem with drivers passing buses that have their stop sign out, I was watching it and being sure to be ready to stop for it.

    When I first ended up behind it, it was already stopped with its stop sign extended and red lights flashing, so I stopped and waited behind it until it put its sign away and started moving. Later down the road, it pulled over into a shoulder, and I had ample room to pass, and it had its stop sign completely folded, not moving, and no lights flashing, so I proceeded around it. About 10 seconds later I was promptly pulled over by a police officer.

    The officer was polite and respectful, and as was I in return. He explained that the bus had pulled over and I was supposed to stop for it. I asked him if the stop sign was on or activated, he said no, but that the bus had "its yellow lights on". I told him I hadn't noticed any yellow lights, only the lights on the rear of the bus that looked like brake lights. Nothing was flashing or signaling anything, as far a I was aware. I explained that I'm aware of the issues of people passing buses who have their stop signs out. He asked me how I'm aware. I explained that I've seen videos on the internet of people doing this and agree that it's an issue, and that I try to be aware of buses and to not pass when it is signaling not to. He took my information and went back to his car.

    He came back out and asked me a few rhetorical questions about the situation, basically implying that despite the stop sign being retracted, a kid could still run out and that I should be careful, to which I agreed. He said that after reviewing the video, he decided he will only be giving me a lesser citation instead of one for passing a bus, and gave me a ticket for careless driving. He asked me if I have any questions. I respectfully told him that I didn't agree that it was necessary that he give me a ticket, as he could have made this a learning experience with just a warning. He said that's fine, and he won't mind if I come to court about this to plead not guilty, nor will he object to any plea deals with a prosecutor if I plea for a no-points ticket.

    He didn't have an attitude at all, nor did I, so I can't complain about this situation at all if the ticket is justified. But I just googled the law in my state and I don't see a single thing about stopping for a bus that has just pulled over, or a bus with "yellow lights", only about it being illegal to pass a bus when it has red lights flashing.

    I would appreciate if anyone familiar with NJ law could chime in here and let me know if this ticket is worth fighting. I don't believe I broke the law, but I am welcome to being corrected in my understanding. I will accept the ticket if it's justified, especially since he gave me a lesser ticket than an actual citation for passing a school bus illegally. But from what I can read, it sounds like I didn't do anything wrong.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_DATSUN
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    Dad won in small claims court, but can't find the person's job to garnish wages for payment

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    Location: Georgia.

    My dad won a small claims case against my old roommate who broke our lease and damaged/left property which we had to remove and pay for (long story but he ended up inadvertently co-signing for her so he became responsible for her).

    He won his claim against her; she never showed up to court. However, her last place of employment claims she does not work there anymore- I'm not sure if they are allowed to lie. He even ran into her a few months ago as her grandmother lives down the road from us, and she claimed she does not have a job. I have no idea if this is true. She was yelling at him and this really pissed me off. He was just trying to help me out. We have tried to figure out if she really has a job or not and where her permanent place of residence is but no luck- this has also been about 2 years ago I think since the case was won. I am worried the statue of limitations is running out and I really want my dad to recoup his money.

    Is there anything I can do to help, or are we basically just out of luck on this one?

    Thank you for any help. Roommates, man.

    submitted by /u/jessieminden
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    My job fired me for giving my two weeks notice. They are refusing to pay out my earned commission because I “failed to give two weeks notice”. Is this legal? (Tx)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:21 AM PDT

    (CA) I'm 17 and my boss is refusing to pay me and is ignoring my attempts to contact him. Please help me

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:52 PM PDT


    I am 17 years old and live in the CA Bay Area. I recently got a weekend job installing bouncy houses with a guy who owns the business independently. I asked if I needed a form or anything and he said he'll just pay me "under the table" (no taxes). I only worked my first day, the day he scammed me.

    I worked from 9AM-1PM and we set up three bouncy houses, which was very hard work as I had to clean the entire thing as well, and he made me do most of the work to 'teach me'. He said he'll pay me $25 per bounce house so a total of $75 for setting up and taking down the 3 houses. After the last one he said I had to meet him at 7PM the same day to take them down, I texted him to confirm but he never said anything back so I didn't go. This was two weeks ago. Since then I've been nonstop calling and texting for payment and he's been avoiding me and ending the calls.

    I feel really hurt and betrayed as we were nice to each other and I was breaking my back to help him.

    I am a minor and CA minimum wage is 12 an hour so he owes me about $50. He also paid me illegally under the table

    I am a college student and have a small amount of saved cash and my mom is unemployed so a lawyer is out of the question. I have proof that I worked with him and can ask the houses we visited for verification I worked there. Do I go to small claims court? What can I do? I feel helpless and angry.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/redditisforsadlosers
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    [CA] A bunch of people, myself included, are planning a suit against the construction site going on next to us. Our cars are getting ruined and we're having breathing and skin problems. Any and all advice appreciated.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:53 AM PDT


    I live in a complex that has been around for about 30 years? It's lower income, no central air, everyone has wall units, no gate, just to paint a bit of a picture. I've loved it here for the most part. 2 years ago, this development company bought the land next to my complex. They are currently building a 90something unit building. The noise has been horrible but it would have been tolerable.

    The past few months though, they started laying concrete. The entire parking lot me and my neighbors share has been covered in cement or whatever dust. It won't come off. I washed my car, and I gave it several white vinegar baths and the cement won't come off. And then after washing my car, they poured cement again, and again, and now there is a thick layer of cement on my car.

    I have videos of the dust, like thick clouds of cement dust and thicker clouds of stucco stuff billowing out of the construction site and settling in my complex. Theres about 50 people living here, I know about 10 of them and we are all having breathing issues. A few of the residents have filed small claims for the damage to the cars. The construction boss says its just dirt, but it's absolutely not. The construction workers are all wearing breathing masks and eye protection when they work, so I'm thinking this is really bad stuff we should not be breathing.

    I've called the construction company and the development company and no one ever answers the phone. If I leave voice mails on any of the numbers, the construction boss calls me back and says its just dirt and that I can go talk to him whenever I want. I did go talk to him, and he kept saying it was just dirt and there's nothing I can do about it.

    Some of us were talking about a class action suit? I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    tldr: construction site near my home is using chemicals that ruined cars and seem to be causing health problems

    submitted by /u/kaeladurden
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    Getting Sued for Mystery $10k by Sub-Contractor Who Botched Our Roof

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    Hi LA!

    TL;DR: Sub-contractor who installed a roof on our home (albeit, incorrectly the first time, resulting in his company demo-ing and reinstalling a second roof) claims that we owe over $10k in mystery charges that he did not send over a change order for or even provide any documentation as to what it's for.

    I'm writing this post from Colorado as we just got served to show up in small claims court by a sub-contractor on our home build. We hired his company, let's call them Roof Doofus (RD), to do almost all of the exterior work on the home we built last year (we were rebuilding with insurance money after losing our home to a house fire, but that's only relevant in that there was some paperwork with additional protections that the bank holding the money in escrow made RD sign). We signed a contract for a $X and his company was responsible for doors, windows, siding, soffit, facia, garage door, and roof.

    His company was wrapping up the work in December of 2018, when our roof started leaking after a bad snowstorm. We called an inspector in who told us our roof had been installed entirely incorrectly and would need to be demo-ed and redone. When we called up RD, the owner told us that he wanted to come on site with his own inspector to investigate, which we agreed to. When we all met at the house, even his inspector told him that the other guy was correct, job needed to be totally redone. Owner of RD told us he'd figure out how to proceed, and additionally made mention (for the first time) that our roof had ended up being bigger than their software had estimated, so materials had costed more than originally anticipated. We balked at this, asking why we hadn't heard about this back when materials were ordered or hadn't been sent a change order, and asked him to send invoices for the materials ordered so we could review before discussing the matter further. At this juncture, owner of RD requested that we pay the remainder owed of the agreed contract amount (even though not all line items had been finished yet, plus we needed a whole new roof....), and we agreed to this and wrote a check that made our side of the contract paid in full.

    RD didn't ever send any invoices for the "additional material" that they claimed the first attempt at the roof required, but they did (to their credit) demo the botched roof and install a new one in the next couple months. During the demo, 3 windows were damaged (two were scratched and one was totally smashed and the frame was bent), which we documented with photos and in an email to RD. When the roof was done and it came time to discuss these damages, as well as a time-frame for the remaining line items (staining our soffit and general clean-up of window/door installation), RD asked for an in-person meeting so that we could also discuss the materials overage they claimed we owed. We emailed back that were uncomfortable meeting in person until we could review documentation of the materials purchased, as we wanted to come to a meeting fully informed.

    This is where the owner of RD starts to get really aggressive, sending multiple emails demanding an in-person meeting and calling our phones 5-6 times a day. At this point we wanted all communication to be documented so we stopped answering his calls and wrote an email expressing our wish to have all correspondence in writing, as well as reiterating our need for documentation of any funds he thought he was owed. He continues to call multiple times a day for a few weeks, leaving voicemails with threats to place a lien on our property. In our final email to him, we denied owing him any additional money, pointed out he never sent over any documentation or change orders, and sent over paperwork he had signed (provided by the bank) that stated he was not able to place a lien on our property if the amount in the signed contract was paid in full.

    Now, about 6 months after our last correspondence with him, we were just served. He is taking us to small claims court for an about just over $10k, claiming "labor/material/service exterior - balance due." Does he have a leg to stand on? We can provide the signed contract with the agreed upon amount (which includes a clause that states that any changes to this contract need to be amended with a change order signed by both parties to avoid misunderstandings), proof of the money we paid which equals the amount agreed to in the contract, the correspondence of us asking for documentation about any additional charges he claimed he was owed (and never receiving any explanation or documentation), as well as proof that RD did not finish the work they agreed to in the contract or address the damage they caused while demo-ing the first roof.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    submitted by /u/roofdoofus
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    Someone ordered a hit on me

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    I'm on mobile so I apologize ahead of time for any formatting issues. But anyways...

    This morning while getting prepared for my daily work duties, I receive a text from an unknown number. The message reads "I advise before I kill, been told to eliminate you (my full name) this week but no precise date." I then say "I think you have the wrong number" to which he replies "I know I have the right number thanks."

    No other context, I did not say anything back. I immediately go to the local police department and they pretty much told me it could be a scam or a prank but then asked where I live. I told them and they said it's out of their hands anyways because it's out of jurisdiction because I live in a different area and referred me to that police department, so I went. I spoke with a officer there and he said the same thing, it's likely a scam but asked me where I received the text and I told him. He referred me back to the previous police department. I have not gone yet and I'm not sure what to think at this point.

    I don't know anyone that would be after me and nobody I know would play a prank on me. What's most alarming about all of this, the person that texted me has not stated anything about money. I may just be paranoid but I need advice. Please reddit help me out

    submitted by /u/Work0fArt
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    Called in sick. Manager told me my shift was covered and that it was fine. 40mins later she texts and tells me I'm fired because I didn't come in. Is this legal? (London, UK)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    I work in a pub in London, and I've been feeling ill for around a week - there has been an illness going round all the staff - but I haven't called in sick, not this week, and not in the entire year I have worked at this pub, not once.

    On Friday, I went on a night out in Bristol for my birthday and when I woke up on Saturday I felt even worse - not just hungover, I felt absolutely awful. I tried all day to feel better but it only got worse so I called the pub and said I wouldn't be making it to work that evening and my supervisor said it was fine.

    Next thing you know the manager is texting me saying I'm 'taking the piss' and 'there won't be a job for me' if I don't come in that night (Saturday). I reply saying that I feel really awful and it's very unfair to threaten me when I've never taken a sick day but, obviously, I will have to come in if she is going to fire me over it!

    A few mins later she texts and says my shift has been covered, so I relax and don't go in. 40minutes later I get another text from her saying that it's 'out of her hands' and that the owners want me fired anyway.

    I don't know a lot about employment law but surely you can't tell someone their job is safe and that they don't need to come in, and then fire them for not coming in anyway? Surely this is the employment equivalent of entrapment or something?

    submitted by /u/-ClaraRose-
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    Today I got a call from an insurance company about an injury related settlement.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    So, in mid-August of 2018, I was rear-ended pretty hard. I didn't see any sort of doctor up until mid-September, when I started having issues in my abdominal region: cramps, bouts of nausea, etc. Long story short, I've been having scans, tests, and so on done for a little over a year over. We didn't consider the possibility that the accident was related to my health issues, until probably around November. My specialist told me that they had no definitive evidence that there was a link, but there was a possibility. Regardless, I don't particularly want to turn over my medical records to an insurance company.

    Anyways, I got woken up this morning by a phone call from a man representing the Insurance company of the person who hit me. He said that he had been calling my father, leaving voice messages, sending mail to our PO Box, attempting to get in contact with me, because my father allegedly reopened the case back in March. (I should mention, that at the time of this accident, I was a minor. I've since turned 18, hence why they're contacting me.) They said they offered my father a $500 settlement "for my troubles" (they already paid for repairs to my car) but my father wanted $2500. I had no knowledge of this at all until receiving this call. Seeing as my parents wouldn't provide any medical records, the company couldn't make that payment. They're claiming that since that conversation in March, my parents haven't been contacting them. They've sent mail addressed to me, which I never received, due to my parents and I sharing a PO Box. I asked for a claim of $1000 and they said they would work with that. I got the name of the insurance, a direct line to the person I spoke to, a fax number, a claim number, and the email of the man I spoke to (which ended in [the name of the insurance].com). My dad confirmed that the name I was given was the same name of the person he spoke to, but is refusing to tell me anymore information, because we don't have a very good relationship. Also, after speaking with them for a while, they asked for my social security number before I accept the claim (they said something about it being a federal requirement to check for Medicare/Medicaid?? Something along those lines?). That made me weary it was a scam. All the information they have lines up, and they seem to have knowledge of the accident, as well as the potential of it being related to my on-going medical issues (not sure how else they'd get the info unless my father gave it to them), along with my mailing addresses. So, I ask you, what do I do? Should I give them my information? Should I ask for more money? How should I handle this? I'm incredibly worried about having my identity stolen, but I desperately need the money for self care, as my homelife isn't all that good, and my health issues prevent me from working or actively educating myself (I'm on home bound, for school). My knowledge on this is incredibly small; I've never had to deal with anything even remotely close to this nature, and honestly, it's quite overwhelming. Anything would be appreciated. Thanks for your time

    Side notes: I'm located in Missouri, the insurance company is located in Tennessee. I'm still under my parents' insurance.

    submitted by /u/KingSalmonFishGod
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    I’m a 18 year old girl and a 20 year old man is creating multiple social accounts threatening to black mail me within 4 hours.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    I had a fling with an older man through social media. I ended the fling and he was very upset. Threatening suicide and tried to guilt trip me. I finally blocked him through all social media and he hasn't tried to approach me in a while. Until he made an Instagram account and tried to talk to me in an unfriendly manner. I didn't reply, i brushed it off. The last 2 days he made 2 separate instagram accounts and is contacting me in a threatening way. His most recent account said "You have 4 hours or Facebook, Instagram, and twitter friends and followers get to see everything. Be a shame if that happened now" I waited for a bit and said "Hello Lucas, i'm gonna have to ask you to please stop the creation of multiple Instagram accounts to harass and threaten me. I am currently seeking legal advice. The law says I should tell you to stop first." That's what I saw online and I didn't know what else to do. I don't know what to do without getting my parents involved. He lives in New York and I am from North Carolina.

    submitted by /u/anonformysafety
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    My mom is sedated with no sign of regaining consciousness and we were not able to get financial power of attorney, is it possible to do while she’s sedated?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Title. We're in Cincinnati Ohio. We were going to do it this morning but last night her body started to fail and they had to sedate her. The DR's and specialist do not think she is going to be taken off sedation and I don't know if it's possible to get financial power of attorney if she isn't awake to give it. Is there a chance we can still get financial poa?

    submitted by /u/NoKroger
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    [CA] I am a landlord; my tenants altered my top floor attic? flooring without asking me and now it is causing a mold issue in the bedroom closet below. They want to take legal action for their clothes which apparently contacted the mold.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    Sorry if i was confusing EDIT: It was hardwood flooring. They altered it to something, they told me it was cement but I don't know for sure. It was a DiY job on their part.

    My tenants are saying their clothes are growing with mold and they want to contact insurance to cover it or possibly sue me? This is some sort of violation right? That they altered the flooring without telling me and now it's causing a mold issue in my house and they want to sue me for the mold issue they caused? I honestly don't know what to do because this is my first time dealing with such a situation , thank you for any advice. Also this is definitely hurting and hurt my house since now my house has a mold issue due to them. It would also definitely cost me to repair the flooring or revert it back to its previous condition. If possible, how should I address this issue in a step by step manner? I am really upset because they a) did this without my consent and without asking me b) the repairs is going to take a lot of money c) i treasure the house very much and i feel like they just ruined a part of it d) they want to possibly take legal action? towards me when they caused the issue

    I am sorry if I sound stupid I just am totally new to this and I am just so sad because that house is not just a house; it has sentimental value to me and so to hear this news just makes me emotional, I don't really know how to address this in a methodical manner I am just fumbling around right now

    Edit: I found this in the contract so they definitely violated it


    Additionally, am i able to ask them to pay for the restoration of the flooring back to hardwood and how do I go about asking them? Do I just say something like "You violated agreement item 17, please pay for the restoration of the flooring back to its original material of hardwood"

    submitted by /u/Ineedadvice145
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    I (unknowingly) signed a lease to a meth house.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    In hindsight, I did a lot of stupid things that lead me to where I am now, but this is my first time ever getting an apartment.

    I moved to my current residence as of last weekend, I was informed by a neighbor that the previous ouccupant used to make and distribute methamphetamine in that apartment before he got busted. By my neighbor's claim, our landlord told her not to tell me anything (she obviously did). In the state of Virginia it is illegal not to disclose that the last occupant used to make meth in that residence, unless it was specifcally disclosed to me (it wasnt), or that it was properly santized (unsure if it was, though likely not).

    I'd like advice on the process of getting this handled, what my options are in terms of solutions (aka compensation, proper cleaning, or break of lease)

    submitted by /u/Artyhardedison
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    Landlord is asking for 3 years of water bills due to sending the bills to an incorrect email

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    Location: Seattle, Washington, USA

    My boyfriend and I moved into a lovely house 3 years ago with some roommates. Part of the contract was to pay for utilities and electricity. While I was able to open an account with the local electricity company, Seattle wishes to keep utilities under the landlord's name, thus landlords are supposed to forward the bills to their tenants.

    After several months, we noticed we've never received a utility bill so we sent a text to our landlord. He says he will follow up... This goes on for MONTHS. The landlord keeps saying we will receive them soon, but we never did. We have all the text messages of these conversations. Eventually, we give up, because after 6-7 months, and long periods where our landlord would just disappear, we were done trying to put effort into paying a bill.

    We sign a new contract (months after our other one expired... yeah, this is how negligent our landlord is) and he doesn't mention anything about a utility bill.

    Five months ago, our landlord reached out about the utility bill. Remember, this is about 2.5 years after we moved in. It seems he finally discovered we weren't receiving the bill. Even with this information, it still took him five months to send us our first bill, which was today. All this is in email and text messages.

    The problem is... he wants us to pay 4,000 dollars for the entirety of our time living at the house.

    While I don't mind paying for future utility bills, I feel like we shouldn't be on the hook for previous bills. It was entirely the landlord's fault, which he even admitted to in the email stating that: 'he had been sending it to the wrong email address this entire time.'

    Would this fall under landlord negligence? We have the documentation to prove that we tried in good faith to get this information and he never followed through. At this point in time, we are planning on putting in our 30 days move out notice (because fuck this shit), as our old contract expired months ago and we are now month-to-month as he never renewed it.

    Edit: I also want to add we've received communications via email, such as a copy of our contract, in the past. So our landlord has had our correct email addresses.

    submitted by /u/Lindsiria
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    My Dad is going crazy, my mom is scared, and he won’t go away.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:03 AM PDT

    my parents split up about a year ago now, my dad was seemingly fine for a good while and was trying to work everything out for a good while but more recently i don't know whats up with him. my mom has blocked him several times on facebook ad blocked his number because he will text her crazy shit in the middle of the night. we have one of those ring doorbells with the camera on it and he used to come to our house in the middle of the day for seemingly no reason, we changed the locks because he got ito her password books and signed onto her version account and read her messages... he ran away what used to be his best friend because he accused him of hacking his phone. every picture of a petite brunette woman he sees he sends to my mother accusing her of being with another man. he recently ran into a old family friend of ours in public and that family friend immediately called us and said that he was wacking out and something was off. he has been seen driving like a maniac and has been in a few minor accidents just over the past month. there are inconsistencies and sketchy shit everywhere. something very odd is happening, i looked at his phone bill because it still comes to our address and is still on our plan and on the call log it says he's in one town at a certain time and 5 minutes later he's across the state.. he's constantly paranoid and he's always saying someone is out to get him. The weirdest part is he never acts really crazy around me but i know for a fact what he's doing everywhere else. i only see him maybe once every few weeks nowadays , he seems a little off but not wacko. im not sure what to do other than stay away. this whole situation worries and scares me. is there anything me or my mother can do legally to get him away or get him mental help? im in NC, Usa

    submitted by /u/ahoforaho
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