• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    Legal Advice [MN] My ex-wife opened a credit card in my name ($2000 balance) to start selling makeup through a MLM scheme.

    Legal Advice [MN] My ex-wife opened a credit card in my name ($2000 balance) to start selling makeup through a MLM scheme.

    [MN] My ex-wife opened a credit card in my name ($2000 balance) to start selling makeup through a MLM scheme.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:24 AM PDT

    We divorced back in January and it was fairly amicable, no kids and no spousal support. Since then, I learned she lost her job and had to move back in with her parents. I received a letter yesterday from a collection agency. On it is a credit card I've never had before and an "offer" to pay off the $2000+ balance for $1700. I called the number and asked what the hell it was about. After a couple minutes of back and forth, I learned one of the addresses they had in their system for my account came back to my ex-wife's parents' house. At this point I'm livid. I hung up and immediately called her.

    I asked her if she opened a credit card in my name and I got a long-winded story about how she was going to start her own makeup consultancy business with a pyramid scheme company since she had to move back home. She needed to pay for the initial product, marketing materials and a car wrap. It cost her about $1700. Her "plan" was to use the money she was going to make to pay off the credit card and close the account. She can't get a credit card due to some really bad financial decisions she made in her early 20s (she's in her late 20s now).

    Unsurprisingly (to me) nobody wanted to buy the makeup and she had no way of paying the credit card so she didn't even try making a single payment. I laughed at how absurd it was, hung up, and sent her mom and dad a text about it and haven't heard anything back. At this point, would I need to sue her to get my money back or would that be pointless since she has no assets of her own?

    submitted by /u/tentimesthesky
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    My roommate went behind my back and got an ESA. My insurance has gone up drastically. What can I legally do to get her and/or this dog out of my house.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    For a bit of background; I live in the USA. Connecticut specifically. (Not sure if itll make a difference) boyfriend and I own our home. We rented out a room to a female friend. Our lease came with the stipulation of absolutely no dogs allowed, but other pets are welcome.

    The exact wording of the clause is "Absolutely no dogs other than [REDACTED my name]' allowed in the home. Other animals including but not limited to cats, birds, and reptiles are welcome with proof of current vaccines if applicable"

    Its a 6 month lease. This is the only property we own.

    She went and got papers from her doctor for an ESA and adopted a pitbull. This is going to cause my homeowners insurance to SKYROCKET due to the breed. This dog has already shown aggression towards my husky, including biting her. The lawyer I spoke to told me there was nothing I could do about it, so I came here to ask. What can I do about this? We cant afford for our homeowners insurance to raise drastically, nor do I want my dog, or the pitbull, hurt.

    I would have worked with her if she had discussed it with me, and modified the lease to allow a small dog, or any breed that wouldnt cause my insurance to rise drastically.

    Edited for further information

    submitted by /u/onelittlesunbeam
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    Alabama cop hassled me about being truant but i’m 19.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    I am 19 but haven't started college yet. My mom moved to a new town and I and my developmental disabled 16 year old brother who attends a special school a town over that was closed for a development day were helping my mother do some moving in. She ran to the store to get something and left me with my brother. A cop pulled up and started asking us why we weren't in school. He said they have had issue with some truant kids lately. He asked for ID but I don't have one. I don't drive due to a medical condition. He said I had to have an ID. I shrugged. He said I looked young. He kept asking us pressing questions. My brother got frustrated and tried to walk inside and it felt like it was going to escalate. Finally my mom showed up and explained everything. After some back and forth and my mother having to prove my brother's school was closed, the officer left. We think the neighbors called the police because they saw two teens outside. The cop said we had to understand how this looked. But I don't understand. If my mom hadn't shown up I am not sure what would have happened. Do police usually follow up on truancy calls like that? Do I have to carry an ID?

    submitted by /u/BeatRICEnn
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    [NC] The gym I signed a contract with closed. Without telling me, they sold my contract to another gym, which is very rundown. I have no desire to go to this gym, especially for the $60/month, but they are refusing to cancel my contract and charging my debit card every month. What can I do?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    I am extremely frustrated with this and don't know how this is legal. I payed for a very very nice gym and this is gym that bought the contract is practically someones basement. They are refusing to end my membership and have threatened to send me to collections if I do not continue to pay the full $60 a month. The gym that closed and the gym that bought the contract are not the same company.

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Try_Another_NO
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    [NC] A local store was robbed yesterday and the worker gave my exact description as the thief. I have a rock solid alibi but don’t know if I should get out in front of it.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:49 AM PDT

    I was at work this morning reading the news and saw a story about a store in my town getting robbed. When it got to the description of the suspect, it all fit me down to a T which I though was amusing. I was shocked however when they mentioned a specific tattoo that the perp had that I also have in the exact same place. This is a very unique tattoo that I would be shocked if anyone else had, especially in the same location. I was at work all day when the store was robbed and can have a dozen witnesses verify that I was. I've never even gotten a speeding ticket so I don't think anyone would think I would do something like this. The fact that my height, weight, facial hair, and tattoo match the perp concerns me though and I worried someone who knows me might give my name to the police. Should I get a lawyer and go down to the station to get ahead of it or just wait and see what happens?

    submitted by /u/mistaken_identity123
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    [IL] My job took money out of my check because the register was short and I worked the register...

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    So I got this job at the beginning of the month and upon picking up my first check on October 9th, my manager told me the register was missing $90 so because I worked on the register that day I would have that taken out of my check. I was compliant because I figured it was just once but today I went in to pick up my check and they told me $100 was missing the day I worked the register last week. The checks don't arrive for a couple hours so I haven't seen how much I'm being paid, but based on last week I'm expecting them to take some amount out of my check. The thing I don't understand is that there's multiple security cameras in the kitchen so if they were dedicated on finding out who shorted the register I'd imagine they could figure it out that way. I'm only 18 and this is my first job so I'm not entirely sure of the legal action I can take if I'm even able. Regardless, I'm gonna be looking for a new job later today/this week.

    submitted by /u/threelanesfull
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    [TX] Want to make sure my family can never adopt again but...

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:50 AM PDT

    Bg for why they should never adopt again:

    *Medical Neglect including but not limited to: not taking me/siblings to hospital when stabbed, little to no vaxxs, wouldn't allow doctors (when we went the times required for school) to put down any sort of disability info and refusal for medication.

    *In a cult: Quiverfull movement with a side of C.O.G teachings.

    *Emotional / mental abuse and the allotment of sexual abuse done by siblings.

    *Are planning on going off the grid slash possibly do the whole the world is ending with a shipping crate.

    With that out of the way: On to the questions...

    I did call my Adoption lady who informed me that our last known location had been in OK...when I was 8. They had not informed them of this large move and they were receiving help slash aid for this in money. Can I be held liable for the money or the fraud?

    I also tried to report them for said fraud but there is no record of them with their names or (in my mums case) maiden name with the ages that they gave me... Nor with a ten year span with said names.

    I am able to find records online of my parents with the names they gave me. (EX: a work PDF my dad did for his company 5 years ago and my moms family on white list.)

    I want to make sure they can't ever adopt again but I would need that info.

    Is there any way for me to get it without having to contact them?

    Do I have to report in court?

    Should I hire someone to help me?

    submitted by /u/thatawkwardcosplayer
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    Name change... Punctuation issues

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    USA - I'm not sure where would be the best place to ask this but hopefully someone can help. My husbands last name is St James/St. James. His whole family styles it differently which drives my OCD bonkers (StJames/St.James/etc). His SS card and birth certificate are St James and so when I changed my last name recently I did not put the period either because I wanted them to be consistent. We style it at St. James but it's convenient to have no period when flying because their systems are weird sometimes. We assume that if it is supposed to have the period it just wasn't possible for them to do the punctuation at the time when he got his many years ago. I am about to change my name at work for my tax forms and insurance and at the bank so my question is, is if I put a period does that mean my name will not be able to be verified with my ID/SS card/passport? Or does the period not even factor in to the legal part of the name? For example, if my insurance card says X St. James and my ID is X St James is that considered two different names or the same? I need to know before I change my name on all of my accounts if I need to just have the space but style it as St. James everywhere else... I have searched google and cannot find anything on this topic (just hyphenated names which I feel is a little different). Thank you!

    ETA: Thanks everyone for the advice! I will continue to put St James on everything.

    submitted by /u/madjeans
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    Land manager's son threatening people and tampering with neighbors cars.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    Eastern CT, USA. My apartment manager has issues with 7 out of 8 apartments and the landlord only visits once a year.

    Things have been escalating recently and her 17 year old son has threatened 2 of us in different apartments. Both times it came out of no where and over nothing. Full on dead-eyes-rage mode. Last night i got to experience it first hand.

    I stepped outside to grab the mail and the manager popped her head out to talk. She accused me of "starting shit" and that her 17 year old boy is very angry with me. She then called her son out of the house so he could talk to me. He was red face angry already and preceded to tell me to "go to your car or go inside, go the fuck away" He then said he was "going to beat the shit out of you and take you down." I said something like "You're showing off in front of your mom, be quiet and dont threaten me" I then walked away to try to get my cat inside and away from him. His mother had to drag him away because he was still going off.

    I told them I was calling the police, but I never did. I'm thinking about making a report today though. I also feel like I should confront the landlord about this. At least 5-6 of my neighbors would definitely back me up. We have all had issues.

    Also, just last week this young man had a very similar freakout on another neighbor. He was screaming and threatening violence.

    Thanks in advance. I'm still reeling from everything so I'll check back later and edit.

    submitted by /u/ElmoDoes3D
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    How to stop our mother from using our sisters disability while the sister is often in mental hospital?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: This is family I am not close to & do not want to get myself involved. Our grandmother is upset & worried though so I told her I would look into it. My sister is schizophrenic & often finds herself in mental hospitals for extended periods. Our mother does not often work & is accustomed to living off whoever she can. She is on my sister's bank account for emergencies. And while my sister is in the hospital always uses all of her money so when she gets out she has nothing. The issue is most of the time our mother is who she lives with when she gets out because she has nowhere else to go. So even when she is mentally sound to do so she can't press any charges & burn the bridge to the only human she has even if that human is using her as a free ride. I checked with an abuse legal advocate program & they gave me paperwork & advice on getting durable power of attorney. The problem is I don't want to be involved. Our grandmother would do it but she is quite elderly & honestly can't. Is there a non-profit or organization I can turn her info over to who would help & protect her when she is vulnerable? I want to help but not at the risk of tying myself up legally with family I have cut ties with many years ago. I just hate to see her in this terrible loop for the remainder of her life. Mental illness is an unforgiving master.

    submitted by /u/NoKarmaForKindness
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    [VA] We need our driveway paved - the bottom 100 ft crosses neighbors land. We have an easement for use. Cannot reach neighbor - in VA. Can we proceed?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    We purchased a house in Virginia in 2013. It sits on part of a larger property that was split, and the remainder was picked up by another owner through the woods behind our house 2 years later.

    When we bought, we had an easement where we had use of the driveway, cannot obstruct the other property, and that we would jointly be responsible for maintaining, etc. We are the only users of this part of the property, and the portion that the neighbor bought is wooded and tacked onto their back yard making their lot larger. Their property is not accessible through any driveway or path other than where our driveway curves through. If they wanted to use this area to access their property, they would need to level a hill and cut down a lot of trees.

    Our tar and chip driveway is badly in need of repair. We need to have it paved, and have been trying to reach out to neighbor to get their OK since it's not our land. We have not asked for anything other than permission. We are not seeking any money and we do not expect them to pay anything for this work.

    I've reached out by email, phone to two numbers, sent the wife a facebook message, we've knocked on the door... we cannot reach them at all. We don't know these people at all, but the husband is the mayor of our tiny town in a suburban area so there was an email posted online.

    Can we proceed without permission by the land owner without creating a situation where we could be in legal trouble? We would be repairing a driveway, and not creating any new passage or blocking anything off. We don't want to wait much longer as we need the good weather to have it done.

    What do we need to consider before proceeding? Anything we're missing that could be a problem?

    submitted by /u/thechickenfoot
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    Can my employer force me to share my Facebook log in? (California)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    The company I work for is asking all employees to share their Facebook log in with HR. They are not asking for log in info for our personal pages. But many employees here have Facebook accounts specific to the company, for example "John Smith - Company Account Manager".

    Can we be forced to share our passwords with HR for these pages? For the most part, the pages were created by employees without being asked by the company and were created to keep work life and personal life separate. Many of our clients want to interact with us on social media but we did not want to connect with them on our personal pages so we created these company pages.

    I am aware this may violate Facebook's user agreement. That is not what this post is about.

    submitted by /u/alkmstonatrizad
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    [FL] Used Rover to find a pet sitter for my dog. My dog ended up destroying the property of a third-party.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    I used Rover to find a pet sitter for my dog. I told the pet sitter that my dog had separation anxiety issues and will bark if left alone. My dog has never damaged any property here or elsewhere while left alone, just barked, but we also leave her in a crate. We did not provide a crate, but we offered to provide one.

    Since the pet sitter knew of her separation issues, the sitter took my dog to walk a different client's dog (unknown if this is also through Rover). The pet sitter was tending to the other dog while my dog was shut off into a separate room. While I'm glad that the pet sitter considered my dog's emotions, my dog ended up destroying some property of the third-party when my dog was blocked off in a different room.

    From what I gathered by reading the ToC, I don't believe I am liable for this damage. It also looks like Rover does not cover damage done to the pet sitter's property by my dog. It looks like they cover damage from the pet sitter to a different user's property, but only if the pet sitter fails to reimburse the user.

    Subject to these Guarantee Terms (including without limitation Section 2, above), Rover will reimburse a Pet Owner as Requesting Party for expenses that a Service Provider is legally obligated (but fails) to pay for damage to the Pet Owner's personal property (other than injury or damage to his or her pet, covered above in Section 3).

    I may be mistaken on responsibility for the damages here, but it appears the liability falls on the pet sitter.

    My questions:

    If I offer the pet sitter compensation for the damages, would I be legally responsible if the third-party pursues more compensation? Would the compensation be admitting liability? Have I misinterpreted the ToC and I am legally responsible for all damages caused by my dog?

    Edit: clarification of pronouns (her/she -> my dog and her/she -> pet sitter)

    submitted by /u/WindyWhims
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    What should I do if no one will serve my PFA?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:39 PM PDT


    I was granted a PFA exactly one week ago. I have my copy of it, and the PD and County Sherif have their copy. The person who it is against has not been served.

    The order will remove this person from my home, but since they haven't been served they haven't been removed. They are destroying my things, sending me harassing texts, pictures, and voice messages, and effectively holding my dog hostage.

    I have called up to both departments multiple times, and Legal Aid has called on my behalf. Every time, I have been told "They have not been served, there is an ongoing investigation. Have a nice day, ma'am."

    Who else can I contact about this? What can I do to get this person out of my home?

    submitted by /u/14Beans
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    Grandmother's will states her house to be split 50/50 between her daughter and son. What are the legal implications?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    My grandmother has stated that in her will the family house, which was built by her husband, is to be owned 50/50 between her daughter, my mother, and her son, my uncle. Right now my mother lives in this house and pays rent to my grandmother. My uncle lives elsewhere with his family.

    I'm curious to know what the legal implications would be of this arrangement? Specifically, what if one party wants to sell and the other doesn't? Does that partner need to be bought out? What if they cannot afford a buy out?

    submitted by /u/cnguy034
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    [CA] Lawyer never gave me a bill, reported him to the bar, wondering if I have any other recourse?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    I hired a lawyer to represent me for a defamation case that was actually, unfortunately, fairly well covered in the media. He represented me for 2 years, but I had to drop the case when he suddenly wanted $5k for a piece of paper and then $12k for a trial.

    I had funded most of his fees via crowdfunding, which always gets you accusations of scamming. But my lawyer never provided a bill or accounting, though I asked for it 3 times during our working together. He quit after I asked the first time, ignored the second time and told me he was getting one together the third time, but it failed to materialize.

    He also failed to attend a proceeding and dismissed my case with prejudice, without ever asking me my opinion. I also believe he's done some things to pad the accounts, but I don't know because I haven't seen the bill.

    I reported him to the bar, and one man at the bar told me they demanded the bill from him and he produced it. They said there isn't much they can do but make him take an ethics course on his own dime for negation to give me my bill. They said his defense would be that I stayed with him even though he clearly violated the ethics code. I tried to change lawyers, but I didn't have $10k to drop on a new retainer fee, and I didn't want to waste crowdfunded money, so I stuck with him. I knew I'd be accused of scamming even further if I asked for more money.

    I ended up dropping the case because there was no warning I was nearly out of money (I can't imagine I spent $30k on 3 case management hearings and serving the defendant). I asked people if we should go ahead and try to raise it and they said yes, but I had lost all faith in him by then and knew there would be more money added later. I decided to drop it and refund the excess crowdfunded money (but still some people believe him asking for extra money is me running a scam and that I pocketed the donations, despite proof of hearings on the superior court website, etc.)

    I asked if I could do fee arbitration and I was told yes but his defense could also be again that I stayed with him despite the fees (I was paying him a set fee every month above the retainer), and I got no breakdown of anything, so I still don't know what was spent on what.

    I also need the proof the case was dropped to file criminal charges against the defendant and he supplied this to the bar but not me.

    Do I have no recourse at all? It seems awfully stacked against members of the public who are either not wealthy or don't have law experience. (This is the first time I've done anything like this.)

    submitted by /u/confusedlizzy5642
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    Phone seizure during an arrest, I have questions..

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    I was recently arrested in Maryland for a warrant issued from Delaware. Upon my arrest, my phone was confiscated for further investigation and to my knowledge, without warrant. I was in jail for a few days and was eventually let out, but my phone has yet to be returned to me. I suspect the police are keeping the phone under seizure while they wait to obtain a search warrant to go through it. Do I have any grounds to stand on when it comes to deactivating/wiping out memory on the device from a remote location?

    submitted by /u/Hshufelt
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    My landlord (U.S, Iowa) threatened to fine anyone who has friends over for 150$ a person.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    My landlord has sent out a mass text saying

    (1/2) Hi- Due to "Fight Club" last week, everyone is being penalized. I will not allow any parties AKA "having a few friends" over starting today 10/16-10/30. (2/2) $150 fine per person will be issued, no exceptions. I will be here as well as watching the cameras.

    This is in response to a very large party last Thursday where there was a fight that lead to an ambulance being called. This strikes me as very vague. The lease never covered anything like this. Can she fine for something as vague as having a few friends over?

    submitted by /u/Alvincay
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    How long, after a judgement, does it take for a bank account to be levied? [MO]

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    I've recently had a judgement against me for credit card debt. Is there a set amount of time it takes for an account can be levied? I'm more concerned about a levy, than a garnishment, as I want to make sure I have the funds for bankruptcy.

    submitted by /u/throwdebt
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    How to legally evict a group of druggies from a home you own?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    I am posting for an older friend who does not know her rights or the laws in the state of TN. She bought a small house a few years ago for her sister to live in & has been paying the mortgage & utilities on it. (The sister is a druggie & a user & a truly terrible person but that's a whole other story.) She loves the sister, though that's beyond my understanding, and for awhile wanted to let her continue to live there while evicting all of the drug dealing adult sons & their durggie friends who moved in & have taken advantage of this sweet setup their mother has found herself in. They have all gotten so verbally abusive lately that my friend is thankfully ready to evict them all the sister included but doesn't know where to start. She's depressed & overwhelmed by it & is honestly considering just walking away & letting the bank take the house & forfeitting the many thousands of dollars she has in it. She is not a rich woman & has no savings. So this is me trying to help. What does she need to do? The last text from her sister was this " (Name of one of the drug dealers) said if you evict him he's going to charge you with discrimination. You two had a verbal agreement. Who do you think you are!?" So now my friend is worried that she doesn't know what her legal rights even are. They don't have a lease & don't pay to live there.Though I think the newest one has paid a utility or two for the first time ever. How can she walk away from this situation easiest & with the least harm. She's too kind a woman with too kind a heart. I went to the sheriff in that county a month ago & gave them a list of names with the address & told them I was sure thy had warrants for most if not all of those people but honestly when they get out of jail they'll just go back to the place. My friend lives out of state so it's hard for her to get here to deal with them face to face & honestly she's scared of them. Help me help her please.

    submitted by /u/NoKarmaForKindness
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    My son fell off a faulty medical bed and broke his ankle at a famous theme park.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    My son is non verbal and has cerebral palsy; he fell off a four foot medical bed at the parks first aid station with my other son and I and the EMT who set up the bed witnessing it. The bed's front legs gave way to my son's 55 pound weight seconds after putting him on the bed. I threw myself on the ground to try break/catch his fall. I caught his upper body but his leg twisted/smack the floor. My wife came back from getting water and saw my son and I on the floor with him crying. He's non verbal and can't explain his pain. The EMTs wrote a report and asked us if we wanted a ambulance. We've had crappy experiences with ambulances; we declined. We left the park immediately and went to an urgent care that was a branch of the nearest children's hospital. They took xrays and said his ankle was broken. We left early the next morning for home which was 15 hours always because we had gotten a faster appointment for an orthopedic specialist back home rather than wait for their specialist in Florida. My son is now in a cast. I'm bruised but did not seek care.The parks risk management asked what they could do for us. They agreed so far to pay the medical cost and gave us 3 day passes with food plans included. I'm a simple guy and think that's a good way to say sorry, but people I talk to say we should do more about this. What is ok?

    submitted by /u/michigansuckz
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    [AZ] How to get someone into mental health treatment when they won't go willingly?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    My wife is suffering very badly from paranoid delusions (if you want details you can ask but I'll skip posting them here). I've been trying for months to convince her to get checked out and treated but she uses ridicule, wild accusations and emotional manipulation to try and counter my efforts to help.

    She's semi-functional and not violent (unless you count last night when she very weakly punched me in the face). She hasn't directly threatened suicide but she has mentioned it very frequently, mostly as emotional manipulation to get me to back down.

    Treatment options are complicated by pregnancy, too. Late 2nd trimester.

    It's been very painful living with her for the past year or longer, both watching her suffer and the way she has been emotionally abusing me.

    She has repeatedly refused to accept medical professionals' mental health diagnoses and refuses to believe that my efforts to encourage her to get help are sincere.

    What options do I have?

    submitted by /u/EMI_Black_Ace
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    Dermatologist attempting insurance fraud

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    [Chicago] I'm not sure where to turn but my dermatologist is claiming they conducted a medical procedure which is not true. I went to see the dermatologist for a routine check up and was in the room for 5 mins when a fire drill went off forcing everyone to leave the facility. The doctor told me I could leave since nothing was wrong. I've since gotten a bill for $265 after insurance claiming this 'freezing' procedure.

    I'm going to contact my insurance company but is there anything else I can/should do? Thank you for any help.

    submitted by /u/GiuntaWorks
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