• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    Legal Advice I'm a college student and just lost all my financial aid money over the child support that my mom gets from my dad

    Legal Advice I'm a college student and just lost all my financial aid money over the child support that my mom gets from my dad

    I'm a college student and just lost all my financial aid money over the child support that my mom gets from my dad

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    I live in California. My bank account and my dad's are linked because he helped me open it before I was 18 as a student account. The account is still under my name. My dad currently has no job so he is basically living with the day to day money that he can get, but my mom still gets as much of that as she can over child support. Because of this dispute for whatever reason, that I can't seem to comprehend, the court took the money I had in my bank account. I had over $3000 worth of financial aid and scholarship that I was saving for the time when I go to a University but now I'm at $0 and I can't ask my mom for the money back because she will not give it to me no matter how I ask. Is there anything, with the bank or court, that I can do to dispute the charges?

    submitted by /u/SardonicTato
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    Cop reached in my back pocket and grabbed my wallet to give me a fake ID charge

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    A few weekends ago I was leaving a tailgate and two guys leaving as well slapped the side view mirrors off two cars parked outside. They both run away and a cop comes up to me and starts asking me questions. From here he asks to see my ID which I ask why causing him to get up in my face. To save trouble I oblige and pull my wallet out. My fake ID is in the clear outside pocket so I keep it face down as I pull my real ID out the other side. From here I give the cop my real ID and put my wallet back in my pocket. He asks why I don't keep my ID in the slot it's supposed to be in to which I say I just never really have done that. This caused him to grab in my back pocket, pull out my wallet, and write me a ticket for false identification. Is he legally allowed to reach in my back pocket with the probable cause of me not keeping my ID in the right spot? *LOCATED IN SOUTH CAROLINA*

    submitted by /u/jamest2225
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    Friend’s ex-boyfriend illegally transferred title of car to himself.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    Sorry if long and confusing tried to make it as simple as possible. In Massachusetts, USA. if it helps. My friend has been out of the country for 2 months and has left her car in America. While gone her ex-boyfriend trades in her car(without her permission), whom at the time she was still dating, ( car is titled only in her name) along with his car, (car titled only in his name) for a luxury car. Luxury car is still titled in only her name however. Friend finds out , and is of course upset. She then comes back to America gets a copy of title from rmv and precedes to tow the car. So that it now in her procession. While it was being towed her Ex took her original copy of the title and registration. The next day she Tries to sale the car to a dealership, with the copies that of all the information that she has, sales goes through at first, however a few hours later the dealership calls her and says that after filing for transfer of title with the RMV or whatever, the RMV informs the dealership that their was a discrepancy on the title IE the names didn't match. I was able to to confirm with the dealership that the name on the title was infract her ex's . At this point my friends and I contact the police and tell them The story. They run a search with their data base, the car's title comes back with no name on title. After a little bit the the police run a another search and confirm that the car is in her name. We are afraid that her ex is forging her name to steal the car. We speculate that he is working with another dealership to make this happen. What should we do?

    submitted by /u/legalcartrouble
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    Rent Unexpectedly Going Up Over 50%

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    Hi! Posting on behalf of a reddit-less friend.

    My friend started renting a house October 11 in Memphis, TN. Now, the house is changing from CB Properties as the leasing company to the owner of the house leasing it himself. He wrote to my friend yesterday, saying that her rent is going to go up over $300 / month.

    This doesn't seem right. She has a signed lease with the original rent amount. Shes tried communicating with the owner to no avail.

    I was wondering if anyone knew of any legal resources she could utilize? Thank you for any help you can give!

    submitted by /u/And_Falling_Fast
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    (VT, USA) Purchased a house without having a septic inspection done, septic is not working and there is evidence the sellers were aware at closing, but didn’t disclose that in the SPIR

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    Hello, I purchased a house in August of this year. I was trying to decide on a place to put a shed on my property, and wanted to make sure I didn't put in on the septic.

    I visited the town office and they had no information on my septic, as it has not officially failed and is old enough that it didn't need a plan (1970).

    Grasping at straws I called the local septic company to see if they had any idea. On the phone, they told me they didn't have that information but alerted me that in May of this year they were called out because the septic flowed back into the house.

    He suggested I dig up the tank to see if it was overfull, and it was. I had it pumped and have since then contacted my realtor, a few lawyers for consultations, and the septic company several times asking for service records and any notes describing why they were called, etc. The septic company now hangs up on me since I've mentioned talking to lawyers (not even trying to go after them, I just want the damn notes).

    I haven't received a receipt from the septic company for the work done earlier this week pumping the septic.

    The lawyers I talked to explained that without the notes the septic company has I don't have much of a case to get my money back.

    Am I screwed? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Alex6095
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    Losing my family farm

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:20 AM PDT

    I am a small grains and pulse crop farmer located in North-Eastern Montana.


    A mid-season policy change in a disaster-level crop insurance policy will likely be the final stake in losing my farm.

    My farm was in a very tight financial position last spring. A government program was available that offered disaster level insurance on planting a crop that does not grow well in my area. The guaranteed return on this program was significantly higher than I could have made planting other crops. I enrolled in this program, borrowing money to plant this crop using this disaster insurance program guarantee as well as other assets as collateral.

    As expected, the crop produced poorly. The government agency realized that the level of production they offered on the policy was inflated and wants to reduce the covered insurance amount. This will reduce my farm's revenue for the year by approximately $50,000. Without this money I will not be able to make my term debt payments for a second year in a row and likely have to sell my family's farm and home.

    So I received a phone call Tuesday afternoon and was told that if I do not sign paperwork acknowledging the reduced coverage by the end of today, (10-31), they will not cover my crop at all.

    My summary pretty well covers my situation. There are a lot of complications with financing and I obtain my financing mostly through the same organization that offers the program I spoke about. This program is the only reason I was offered financing for another year. When I signed up for the program, I was given a sheet with my per acre guaranteed dollar value. The worker that accepted my entry into the program signed her copy of the same sheet in front of me, but the copy I received did not have her signature on it, just a date stamp.

    Dozens of other farmers in my area are facing the same issue. Tens of millions of dollars were spent on crop inputs as a result of this program. The new lower guarantee amount is enough to cover the cost of these inputs in most situations, but does not cover the profit margin that I needed in order to make my term debt payments and break even for the year. The other farmers that I have spoken to are all accepting the change to avoid conflict with the organization as they rely on it for a lot of other programs.

    Should I take on a legal fight with a federal government agency over this $50,000 because it would cause the loss of my family farm? Virtually all of my personal assets are at risk. If I do sell the farm and related assets, I will have a significant capital gains tax liability that will likely consume most of the equity that I have in the property. I do have a salaried position off farm that I have held for almost a year now, but it would barely provide enough for my family to get by if we were to lose our home. My wife is at her end after several years of financial stress and is threatening divorce. She is attending college online and would like to move as far away from this farm as she can get. We do not have the resources to do so and I like the job that I have.

    I do not have an existing relationship with a lawyer. Legal resources in my small town are limited. I do not know of any lawyers in the area that have experience in agricultural programs.

    Thank you so very much for reading this and for any help you may offer. May you have a beautiful day!

    submitted by /u/Highspeed350
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    I defended myself and now I have to go to court

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:40 AM PDT

    A few day ago I was attacked by a 13 year old (I'm 17). When the fight started I had a metal pen in my pocket and when the kid threw the first punch at me I took the pen out of my pocket and started to hit him around the head area while trying to avoid everyone elses punches. At the end of the fight two of his friends were chasing me and I ran to a friends house. Later his bigger brother found my Instagram and texted me to talk with my parents, and because I was scared I kept it hidden from them, once my parents found out the kid's parents had already went to the police and now I risk being charged with bodily harm/battery. The kid had a ripped ear, a hole at the back of his head and scratches on the face and back, while I got out with a busted lip and small bruises. I really need some advise because this can destroy my whole life and my parents will have to pay a fortune for everything court related. Europe/Greece

    submitted by /u/helpIhaveAproblem
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    (TN)Minor hoodwinked into signing a quit claim on property he co-inherited with his bio father

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:41 AM PDT

    I am planning to consult with an attorney over this matter, but I wanted to get some Reddit prospective first. Names are changed.

    My son's(17M) paternal grandmother(Cee) contacted him at the beginning of Oct out of the blue, with a story of that she was holding some money $2400, that his great grandfather(Pa)left for him. His Pa passed in June 2017. Years before he passed, Pa made sure that I knew he willed my son and his bio dad his home and property, because Cee is quite the thief and involved with drugs and in and out of jail for both. Son's bio father is currently in Federal prison for drugs. Son does not have a relationship with either of the two misfits, and has not since he was 5, but did have a great relationship with his Pa when he was younger, but lost touch with him as he grew up, and we moved about 100 miles away. Pa was a very good and honest man.

    After my son told me about Cee contacting him offering money, I was very sure to warn him of her character, and told him to not get his hopes up about anything. He said he knows, and that he'll go along to see what comes of it. I did mention to him what Pa told me of years ago about the house. He says that Cee told him that's not what this money is from, and that the house is in the bio fathers name only. Cee tells son she needs him to sign something, in order for her atty to release a check, but that it had to be notarized. He drives 50 miles to meet Cee halfway at a notary service on 10/18(I had no idea all of this was taking place), and he signs whatever she says to, and Cee tells him that he have his check soon. Son says he remembers that the bio dad's name was on the document too, but wasn't signed.

    A week goes by and I assume son asks her about the check status and Cee gives him the runaround saying she's in FL, but she'll be back on 10/30 and she'll give it to him then. Yesterday he tried to confirm what time to meet, and Cee comes clean and tells son it was all a lie to get him to sign off on his inheritance. Son contacted the notary service to find out if she remembered him, and had a record of what it was he signed and she said that it looked like a quit claim deed to her and that he came in with his "mother". It's only now when son wants to involve me and let me know fully what's going on.

    My husband contacted Cee last night to ask her what is going on, since I was seeing red, and she sent a text back saying "You people don't deserve anything my dad had and never will." The property is run down, maybe worth about $13K if I'm being extra generous since there are 2 lots. The house itself would need to be bulldozed down. It wasn't Cee's choice to make on who deserved what, as Pa had a will, and that is what I'm furious about. I looked online, and property taxes have not been paid since 2016 as well.

    I could care less about whatever money son would receive, as I honestly figured they lost the property years ago, due to Cee and the bio dad's history. It's really about principle to me. This woman strung my son(her only grandchild) along for a month with a promise of something only to be tricked into giving up his interest in the only thing his Pa had to leave for him. If son would've involved me, he would not be in this situation, and I would already have an lawyer to negotiate for him if she was trying to sell property or whatever the heck this woman is trying to do.

    Is a minor able to revoke his signature on a quit claim deed if he didn't know what he was (tricked into)signing? I'm sure the deed has been recorded now(not sure what the law is with inmates and property), since Cee finally came clean with the truth. Should I get a copy of the will before consulting an attorney, or am I just wasting my effort on a lost cause? Thank you for any advice.

    submitted by /u/tigression
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    I work for a large financial corporation that perpetually "loses" my commissions. What are my options?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 09:50 AM PDT

    As I said in the title, I work a major financial company. My income is 100% commission-based on a variety of financial products. As an employee, I do not receive clear accounting of my commissions for a month. I have access to to thousands of line items for all of my commissions each month, but many of the line items are named "CUST UNKNOWN" or "ACCT # 00000000." This makes it impossible for me to consistently track.

    About once or twice per year, my monthly commissions will suddenly drop by $5-10,000. Every time my commissions drop it is always from the "CUST UNKNOWN" portion of my take home, making it impossible to track. My company has a service department to handle these things but every time I speak with them it is the same conversation:

    Me: My commissions appear to be missing X amount of dollars based on usual take home.

    Co: Can you prove it?

    Me: No, the section missing is labeled Customer Unknown

    Co: Well, how are we supposed to help if you cannot prove what is missing?

    Sometimes I am able to dig into all of the products sold and figure it out, but sometimes I can't. Since I've started working here I've probably had $60,000 or more go unpaid. I've recovered about $45,000 of that amount but the remaining $15,000 was simply too difficult to prove or too small to spend time on. Not to mention, I can't imagine how much has gone unpaid that was too tiny for me to even notice on a monthly basis.

    I'm currently in the process of trying to prove another chunk is missing but it looks like this chunk of change will never be recovered. I've gotten managers involved, and I even spoke to some of the company leadership at one point, but nothing has ever changed. What else can I do?

    Edit: in IL, company based in NY

    submitted by /u/theroxierox
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    Found out that the kid is not mine – chances to get easy divorce, get out of support?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:06 AM PDT

    Throwaway for clear reasons.

    Me and K married 2 years ago and had a child shortly after. He is now 20 months old.

    For context, I am an Italian immigrant who found job in the US, while my wife is American. I am the sole owner of the house, and we split the bills.

    Long story short, I have received an anonymous message on a social media, from what it looked like a burn account. The message went into a deep detailed story on how this individual saw my wife K and a stranger (I'll call him S) having sex at his house. My thinking is that the message comes from a roommate of S who now moved and feels free to tip me over without fearing repercussions from S. This is somehow implied in the message.

    As far as proof of infidelity, I have only this message saved as screenshot.

    I've done my researches on S and found out he is a real person. He is the kind of guy who's on and off jail for drugs. I am unable to determine how he and my wife know each other but that's irrelevant I think.

    I had the DNA test performed for paternity and found out that the kid is not my son.

    I am doing my best to set my emotions aside and avoid talking to my wife about it. It is easy as now I am in the UK for a month. I want to use this month best I can to prepare a case for divorce.

    How should I go about it? Obv contact a lawyer but I take any advices.

    I want off the hook of child support. I have recognized him as my son at birth (sigh) but ideally I want to pay 0 child support and have them both removed from my house.

    My wife is salaried okish, can afford a place on her own, and also she can move back with her parents who'll help so having her and the child moved out shouldn't be an issue.

    submitted by /u/Throwawayforever1988
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    Update: 10/03 accident

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    update 10/31

    Hi I posted earlier this month about an accident I got into and just wanted to let everyone know that the insurance did find the other driver 100% at fault (also if this isn't allowed please let me know and I'll delete, happy Halloween!)

    submitted by /u/wegetitmich
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    I found out I had a child when CPS contacted me because her mother was losing custody. Now what? (MD)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    Sorry for the shitty title.

    To make a long story short: I was a junkie and as a result did a lot of dumb, questionable things. I have been clean for eleven years now.

    About a week and a half ago I was contacted by CPS, who asked if I knew (Mary Smith), a woman with whom I had a relationship when I was on drugs. I said yes and was informed that she had a child, (Emma Lastname), who had been taken from the home and I was named as her father. With no other contactable family she could come to me or otherwise go to foster care. It was relayed to me that I was listed as the child's father on her legal documents as well.

    To cut out some bullshit from the middle here, I'll just skip to the fact that I did accept emergency custody of the child and I do actually pretty strongly believe that I'm probably her biological father for a number of reasons but I feel like at this point the case workers have been unhelpful and are basically like for all intents and purposes you're her legal father bye!!! And not answering my questions. ((Emma) apparently knew I existed and was told through her life that I was her father but her mother said she had no way of contacting me, which I guess is technically true).

    My questions:

    1) how was I listed on the birth certificate, legal records, school records, etc and literally never informed ever at any point? How is this possible?

    2) the case worker said that because I'm on the birth certificate (and the undertone here was "unless you have an identical twin somewhere that is 100% your child") there's no need to take a DNA test. Is there any benefit to doing so?

    3) this one I may have to consult with a lawyer on, but if I'm her father, am I then entitled to child support? Or the foster care stipend? That sounds terrible but I don't make a lot of money and I'm stressed because there's times I feel like I'm not sure if I'm going to have enough for myself even working full time, and I need to be able to provide for a kid now too. It's not about the money, but it's a little bit about the money.

    submitted by /u/apparentthrowaway79
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    An acquaintance of mine just took up residence in my backyard shed. I don't want to leave him homeless, but I want to at least have some kind of proper tenant agreement that gives me rights and makes it easier to kick him out if it comes to that.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    I'll try to keep the backstory brief, but it's kinda convoluted. I paid this guy to mow my lawn a few times, and I guess he just kinda decided we were besties. I don't dislike him, but I'm just an introvert who likes being by myself most of the time, so usually I would brush him off when he wanted to hang out.

    At one point, we randomly crossed paths while I was walking the dog, and somehow casual conversation turned to the subject of my house (which I own) having a room available, which someone could potentially stay in if they paid rent. Long story short, that didn't end up happening, and I didn't see him again for a while. He recently resurfaced, and we saw each other now and then until he told me that he was going to North Carolina. I thought that was the end of it, but of course he came back.

    That brings us to six days ago, when I saw him through my window carrying an office chair, so I went out there and asked him what he was doing. His answer, as I perceived it at the time, was that he just wanted a little personal spot to kinda kick back and have some alone time away from his job or whatever (he works within walking distance of my house). So I agreed to that; partially because I'm not really good at saying no, but also partially because I don't ever use my backyard or shed, so I figured if someone else got some use out of it, why the hell not? (I did make it clear that he was not permitted to smoke weed or do anything else illegal.)

    Big mistake, because one of the annoying things about this guy is, if you give him an inch, he'll take a mile. If he asks to use your bathroom, he'll come in and take a shower. And apparently, if he asks to leave a chair on your back porch, he'll take up permanent residence in your shed.

    At this point, it's kind of annoying, but I do still feel bad for the guy. I still don't actually use the shed for anything (yet), and he really doesn't seem like a bad guy, he just doesn't have a great sense of boundaries. Like, he never would've even asked permission to leave the chair there if I hadn't seen him walking by and flagged him down. But he doesn't seem to understand why someone else would have a problem with that. And I'm on the autism spectrum, so I already have enough problems with not being on the same wavelength as other people. But he's not really a dick, he just operates in a different way than I do.

    Anyway, the point is that I don't really want to kick him out, as long as I can clearly (and legally) define a framework that will make it harder for him to claim "squatter's rights" or whatever if I get fed up later and want him to leave then. I mentioned that to him and he seemed willing to sign something (as an alternative to me just kicking him out right now), but being as I'm not a lawyer, I don't know all the proper ways to phrase things so that it will be easier to maintain all my rights as the property owner, if he ever becomes less cooperative later.

    submitted by /u/rb4ld
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    Renter here. Homeowner is selling and the realtor is not providing proper notification for viewings. Random people entering our home without permission.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:20 PM PDT

    • I live in Oregon.
    • The lease says we should receive at least 24 hours notice before anyone may enter.
    • I have documented 7 times now that people have walked right in to the house.
    • I have contacted the realtor multiple times about this issue.
    • They say we are being notified but unresponsive when I ask them to resend as proof.
    • We have been very cooperative when we do receive 24hr notification of viewings by confirming and also leaving the premises during.
    • We aren't looking to break the lease. We like the house.
    • I contacted the owner today but haven't heard back yet.
    submitted by /u/Shiny0bjekt
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    Cars crashing into house

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:14 AM PDT

    In 2018 a car crashed into the front of my rental property. The intersection in front of my rental home was poorly designed and cars that failed to turn in time crash into it. I constructed a barrier,

    At the start of this year another car hit that barrier. At that time I complained to the cities traffic engineer I called the local news media and had a interview about the city not changing this traffic intersection.

    Eventually the city put in a stop sign. I requested them build a barrier or alter the intersection physically.

    Now this morning a driver careened off the road and into my backyard demolishing my fence. They knock siding off of my house. They put my tenants lives in danger. Does the city hold any liability for not taking enough action?

    If the city does have some liability what type of attorney should I get in touch with?

    City of Birmingham Alabama

    submitted by /u/Arctichydra7
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    Therapist will not stop contacting me after professional relationship ended [NY]

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    Throwaway for the obvious.

    I have a licensed therapist who I saw for approximately 10 years. I chose to end our patient relationship because I was not making any progress and he was starting to cross professional boundaries (nothing sexual or physical). I also found a more specialized counselor who he was obviously jealous of.

    He was generally manipulative and continued to text me for the next two months until I chose to block his number entirely. Four months after being blocked he emailed me out of the blue and said he had been in the area and it "took everything not to stop by".

    There was no threat of harm or any other context except he obviously considers our relationship to be something beyond professional. He seems to view our relationship as parent/child.

    I've already filed a police report, but there is no further criminal avenue until some threat is made. I've also called the NY State board of professions who said this was a "personal matter".

    Should I file a claim anyway with the licensing body? I don't agree with the phone operator at the state board that this is a personal matter.

    Also does this constitute a HIPPA violation ? It seems like using information submitted to a health professional for any reason other than medical would be.

    submitted by /u/stalker_therapist
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    My boss is taking half my sales commission for sales I make when she's not there because it's "corporate policy"

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    I work at a gym selling memberships and I get a little bit of commission for each one I sell. A couple of months ago, my boss said she would be splitting commission with everyone because we "weren't making enough sales". Well now, she's saying she can't go back to giving us full commission because it is "corporate policy to give the manager on duty half commission." I would accept this, but she is NEVER THERE, especially when I work. Is it legal to take half my commission when she's not even on location or working with me?

    submitted by /u/wreckweck
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    Been receiving someone else's mail. What do?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    My parents live in Philadelphia, and have been receiving someone else's mail. These include traffic tickets, court summons for those traffic tickets, and social welfare benefits. My dad is writing a letter to send to Philadelphia court and human service department. Are those things relevant for this? Is it sufficient?

    What else can and should I do about this?

    Also, is there anything my parents can potentially become liable for from this person using their address?

    submitted by /u/erocknine
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    Using "Dr." In a pen name. What's kosher and what isn't.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    As a bit of a background I'm writing a Comedic book that is written to appear as if it were by an actual Scholar discussing the topic. It contains No medical or dietary advice and the nom De Plum is very very very stupid (It's Dr. P.P. Butthole). Is there any negatives for doing so?

    submitted by /u/Flooblebox
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    [CA] Neighbor’s elderly parent keeps trying to steal my family’s dog

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:02 PM PDT

    My neighbor takes care of her mother who seems to have some form of diminished mental capacity (possibly dementia). Several years ago, one of her two small dogs died. They were both white shih tzu's. Our dog is a completely different color and breed.

    Ever since her dog passed, the elderly woman has spent at least 30 minutes a day, multiple days a week, walking up and down our street calling for her "missing" dog. My family dog barks at the woman, causing her to come up to our fence or even our front door and insist that OUR dog is HER missing dog. Even after we show her the dog looks nothing like her old dog, she will linger on our property and argue that our dog belongs to her. This has been happening multiple times a week for the past 3+ years.

    She managed to break into our backyard while no one was home and stole our dog. When we got home and realized what had happened, we confronted her and she claimed she did not know where our dog was, while hiding our dog behind her front door and pointing out her (other, living) dog. Eventually her daughter came home from work and made her give our dog back. This was almost two years ago. Since then she hasn't (to my knowledge) tried to break in again.

    Today, however, while looking for her missing dog, she opened my front door. It was unlocked. It was past dark, our front porch light wasn't on, and the woman opened the door to my house and was about to come in until I caught her. When we called her daughter, she let us know that she was at work and wouldn't be home until later. It seems that every occurrence of this has been while her daughter is at work.

    My family understands how difficult it can be to take care of an elderly parent, and didn't want to cause our neighbor any trouble by calling authorities, but tonight has been a wake up call that some kind of action needs to be taken. What authorities can we contact? Do we need to provide more than our personal accounts of this happening? What more can we do to ensure that this stops?

    submitted by /u/stopitgrandma
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    [NC] Is there anything illegal about the work this immigration firm would have me doing if I take the job offer?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    So I'm a recent grad desperate for a job that matches up with my educational qualifications. I don't currently live in NC, but this job I'm in the process of applying for is. The job title was "legal writing associate" at an immigration firm and the description online was somewhat vague, listing duties such as research, proofreading, and writing.

    I was given a grammar assessment based off my application materials, and passed. I then was given a phone screen, where they gave me the run down of the job. Basically, I would be ghost writing letters of recommendation for scientists from outside the US looking to secure work VISAs for the US. I would be given the applicant's portfolio and the name of the alleged recommender, would compose the recommendation letter myself based on the portfolio, and then sign the name of the recommender. I was told there would be attorneys working in the same office with me, but not to bother them with any questions about the letters and to just look them up online instead. I was also told I would need to use different fonts and formats for each letter to make them look unique.

    This comes across as unethical to me. However, I know basically nothing about immigration law and procedures in cases like these. Is any of this actually legally dubious, or is it fine and I'm just being overly concerned here?

    submitted by /u/teddy_vedder
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    Wisconsin. I let someone stay in my apartment while I was out of state. I'm back now. What is my first step to evict them?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:42 AM PDT

    Not sure how much background you guys need. I am the only one on the lease. He has been staying there for 3 months to play it safe (in July some of his stuff moved in bit by bit, though I don't consider that moving in because he didn't stay at my place). They have an immediate place to go (their parents, living nearby, it was always the plan for them to move back into their parents').

    I am moving back but our relationship got a bit strained, so **I want to start an eviction process as I am no longer certain that they would move out as verbally agreed upon.** The reason I don't trust it was that I found out his plans to move in his family members as well, despite knowing I was coming back (one of the family members convinced him that I was never coming, but that's not an excuse).

    I am not a landlord. My landlord was aware of him staying temporarily.

    How do I convince the landlord to change the locks?

    Any other information needed?

    submitted by /u/BuffetShirt
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    My dad bought a car and has been paying it off for the past year. He loaned it to a friend and now dad wants it back. Friend doesn’t want to give it back, what can he do?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:16 AM PDT

    Location: MA, USA

    Basically the title.

    My dad bought a car about a year ago and has been paying it off every month. He loaned it to a friend since his car broke down and he couldn't afford a new one. They agreed he could use it since my dad didn't really use the car daily — just needed it for errands etc. and my dad would continue paying for it.

    My dad now wants the car back since my youngest sister just got her drivers license. He asked for the car back, friend refuses to give it back. Is there anything he can do to get it back? I know the car is under his name and everything, so I think he could easily report it(I think?), but I'm not really sure how to go about that.

    Anything helps, thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ughhatemylife
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    [NY] Employer asking that salaried employees record no time for a week.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:51 AM PDT

    I posted recently about my employer moving us to a payment in arrears arrangement in which one half of this pay period would be withheld. While my understanding is that it's a legal thing to do, the employer is now telling us to record no time for that week. This makes me somewhat uncomfortable, as I'd be signing a false record, and while I trust that the mo eye will be put in arrears, theres no record of me working, so they could argue that I didnt work, so shouldnt be paid. Should I sign my timesheet in these circumstances?

    submitted by /u/CarterLawler
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