• Breaking News

    Friday, October 18, 2019

    Legal Advice I just moved, and a neighbor putting up flyers accusing me of being a child molester. I am not. New York State.

    Legal Advice I just moved, and a neighbor putting up flyers accusing me of being a child molester. I am not. New York State.

    I just moved, and a neighbor putting up flyers accusing me of being a child molester. I am not. New York State.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    So I moved into a new neighborhood in August. Shortly after I moved in, flyers started appearing on utility poles etc, alerting the residents that a child sexual predator has moved to the neighborhood. The flyer contains a cropped screenshot of the person they are "mistaking" me for's entry on the sex offender registry - we do share a name, but that's it. My name is not uncommon - I'm not Joe Smith but I am not Eusebius Cadmarenious either. Either way, the person posting these is definitely aware of the fact that it's not me, as they cropped the offender's mugshot out of the screenshot and replaced it with a picture from my LinkedIn profile. I have looked up Not-Me's entry on the sex offender registry, and he's a fat white guy in his sixties. I am an average build mixed dude (who looks black) in my thirties. And to be clear, while there's no such thing as a minor sex crime, this guy is on the registry for forcible rape of a child under 13 or something along those lines.

    I spoke to the police as soon as I found out about the flyers via my wife, which must have been a fun surprise for her to see when she was walking home from the train. They basically said "that sucks but how do you expect us to find out who is putting them up?" I was confronted by a neighbor yesterday; luckily I bookmarked Not-Me's sex offender registry page on my phone, and the guy who confronted me was level headed enough to immediately apologize. He knew who was putting the flyers up, gave me the guy's name and described him as "kind of a conspiracy nut." Great. The abundant misspellings and CAPS for EMPHASIS on the flyer should have tipped me off. Anyway, I have no interest in confronting this guy myself, because there's a very low chance of the interaction ending in any manner that involves all of his teeth remaining in his head. I called the police again, and this time their take on it is more or less "well being wrong isn't a crime, just keep taking the flyers down when you see them and try to ignore it." This was last night.

    Ignoring this isn't an option. I am planning on going to the department in person today when I get back from work. Has a crime been committed here, or is my only remedy going to be civil court? I feel like this is way beyond the standard type of libel that might fuck with my ability to get a job or something, as there's a non-zero chance that this kind of bullshit could lead to a vigilante type trying something.

    I've got something of a hectic day at work (otherwise I would have gone in late to get my ass to the police department earlier), so I might not respond here right away, but if any more information or clarification is needed, I'll get to it as soon as I can. Thanks in advance for the help.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_101819
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    Update: I make payments on a horse. The owner is extremely elderly. What happens contractually if she passes away?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:00 PM PDT

    More than two years ago, I made a post on here about purchasing a horse via a contract that stipulated monthly installments because there was literally no chance of me being able to afford him up front. The seller was an elderly woman and I was asking about what would happen should something happen to her, since she was obviously the party that I was making payments to. I was pretty afraid of paying thousands of dollars on an animal and then having a potential heir situation dispute my ownership interest.
    I had full interest transferred to me after the first payment so it was like buying a property that was owner-financed, I guess—I just made payments directly to the seller. I recently saw on Facebook that the seller was having health challenges, so I rushed and paid off my balance with her a few months early. I have some experience in the field of elder law and I have noticed that when one thing happens to an old body, there tends to be a tragic domino effect. I didn't want to get caught in a situation where there was any potential for conflict; I just wanted a pony...I have now cleared my debt to her and the horse's papers are en route to me via his breed registry, to be transferred into my name. The seller's health has since improved in while she is still pursuing some treatments, she is still absolutely as sharp as a whip and we enjoyed a nice telephone call this week.
    As for the horse: he is one hundred percent of my sanity and my life is much improved with him in it. He is gorgeous and exactly what the seller promised me that he was. He is now twelve years old, which is the prime of a horse's life, and it shows. He is castrated, but I am in the process of contacting the owner of the sire to see if it would be possible to freeze some semen if said sire still fertile. I would like to help continue this unique bloodline, if that's possible, since both the seller of my horse and the current owner of the stud are ladies have an advanced age.
    My horse and I are planning to make a debut at a higher level in a FEI-affiliated event in January. Everything has worked out better than could've been hoped for. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm excited to report that it may not be a train.

    submitted by /u/forwardaboveallelse
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    Update: My GM is implying ill be Terminated or forced to pay back some money that went missing after we do an "Investigation"(ARKANSAS)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:57 AM PDT

    Hello this an update for: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/dge74l/my_gm_is_strongly_implying_ill_be_terminated_or/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    Today, marks 1 week since the incident occurred. When I went into work last week for the "investigation" nothing happened at the location but I did get threatened by my superior in front of the GM and he decided to turn a blind ear to it.

    The story: I came into work went right to the office. The office is small like 5 by 5 small its pretty much a closet. The GM is on the computer with his friend who also happens to be my superior, and also one of the names implicated on my report. The friend asks me about my report, shes heard of it but doesn't know whats on it.

    I tell her this "The safe is electronic, its always logging entry. I just ran the report for that day."

    She's upset she raises her voice "I wish you would try to use that Safe. God help me cuz your going to need more than your sister to save you."

    I ask her straight up "Are your threatening me? On the clock? In front of the GM?"

    She responds:"I dont know what your talking about aint nobody threatened you and aint nobody heard shit. He didn't hear shit"

    I ask the GM "Did you not hear her threaten me?"

    The GM respones : "Im just here on this computer"

    I IMMEDIATELY leave the office and call the District Coach and inform him what just happened. I also take the time to present my report. He sounded like he agreed with me and that he would help break this stuff up but its been one week and I haven't heard anything.

    Im planning on calling for a follow up. I just wanted some help identifying all my options. Depending on how the call goes I may just quit on the spot. The environment is just so much more hostile since the $100 went missing.

    Thanks in advance!

    Side note about the threat: The lady threatening me has already mentioned to me before the threat that shes no stranger to fist fighting at the workplace. "She ain't no bitch" shes told me she has had to clock out beat someones ass then clock back in. "Its just something you gotta do" She spent most of one night telling me all this after my sister came by the job to see how I was doing. She thought my sister was looking at her funny hence the threat now.

    submitted by /u/roastedmarshmellow86
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    My HOA towed every car in my lot with no warning. What are my options?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:55 AM PDT

    I live in the suburbs of Las Vegas NV. My building began repaving the parking lot this morning around 7 am. I woke up around 730 to a bunch of loud noises, looked out the window and my car was gone, and the lot was completely empty.

    There were never any signs posted on doors, mailboxes etc. letting us know this would be going on. I contacted the property management company and he also stated they did not send them anything letting them know of paving. I wouldn't have even known how to find my car if I didn't catch the tow truck as he was towing the last car.

    It will cost me 350 to get my car out. They also used a towing company 30 miles from me in an area with minimal public transportation, so my Uber ride will be incredibly expensive. What are my options legally as far as getting my money back?

    submitted by /u/wheezebutmakeitsexy
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    My neighbor is trying to appropriate my yard.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    Ohio checking in. I am living in a house that is on a corner lot due to an alley running down the left side of the house, drawn below. We moved into this house 2 years ago and there was no mention of a covenant or easement for our neighbor to access her property, but our backyard was fenced short of our property line and our neighbor parked an inoperable vehicle in the space.


    We asked the neighbor to move the vehicle and it was towed away. We proceeded to build a new fence that enclosed our entire backyard. This fence includes a gate on both ends of the drive, with the installed on the inside being paid for by us. We do have a survey showing us our property lines and we do not encroach on her property. This fence has been built for a year now. Finally, we paid to have a driveway put in so we can park in our newly gated driveway.

    Our neighbor texted yesterday to give intent that they will be using our driveway to either park or use as a passthrough to a driveway of their own that they plan on building. We have not replied. We are thinking of acquiring a lawyer and putting better locks on both gates. I assume we need to retain a lawyer.

    Help https://imgur.com/gallery/7zxoyLn

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/highchaos
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    When does a subpoena end?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:21 AM PDT

    My subpoena was for 9:00 on October 15 in Virginia.

    I went to the trial on Tuesday as requested at 9:00. I was there until 5:00 and never got called as they ran out of time. They got all of the defendant's people through, but not who I was subpoenaed by (complainant). So they asked me to go back the next day/Wednesday.

    Got there Wednesday at 10:00 and stayed until 5:00 again and was never called because they ran out of time. So they asked me to come back the next day, Thursday.

    I go back again at 9:00 yesterday and at about 11:30 the defendant's lawyer comes out and says that the complainant's lawyer quit/resigned and she's (the complainant) going to be representing herself and we're free to leave but to maybe contact her to see if she wants me to come back that afternoon.

    I contacted her but never heard back so I didn't show up. I got an email later last night from her asking me to come back on Monday at 2:00.

    I have appointments and shit I need to take care of before going out of town on Wednesday that i pushed to this Monday and Tuesday because of this past week. Do I legally have to show up??

    submitted by /u/anotheronelikeyou
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    Sister's kids ruined a new 1100 dollar gaming laptop

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    I was at work yesterday and while I was gone, my parents and sister failed to watch my twin nephews and they broke into my room. They pulled my door the wrong way so much they broke the top hinge and were able to enter my room. They then trashed the room, but that's fine in comparison to what they did to my laptop. It was put up and I came home and saw it laying on my bed stretched all the way open. I booted it up and half the keyboard no longer works at all because they had dumped something on it.

    This is a computer I had rented in July from All American Rental so of course it's a long way from being paid off but it should be insured. But I want my sister to pay me back for the damages and she probably won't do it without something legal getting involved. What should I do? I've never gotten involved in something like this. Or should I just let it go? I am located in Missouri USA.

    submitted by /u/SweetElixir
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    School called CPS on me

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    Location (TX)

    I'll try and be short. (Trash account)

    CPS and Police were called because of something my 7yr old said at school. Apparently this kid at school told my kid "your moms gay and you have sex with her". My kid then told the kid back "no you have sex with your dad". But instead of saying YOU, she said l. So it came out " I have sex with my dad". The teacher overheard and informed the principal which the called police and cps. So my wife and I were asked to wait in the hall while they questioned my kid in a room with the principal. They came out and told us that they don't feel our children was in danger due to the answers my child gave. The office said that my kid said they didn't even know what "sex" meant. By this time CPS was still not there.

    The officer said he called CPS back and told them what happened and that everything was ok. He then told us that we may still receive a call from CPS as part of their protocol but they were no longer on their way. They let us all go and gave us a case number.

    I should have prefaced this by saying I would never do anything like that to my kids. I guess for me that goes without saying.

    My questions are

    Will CPS conduct a visit even though police gave them their statement?

    Should we cooperate with them? I've seen horror stories on here and other sites where wrong accusations turn into loosing parental rights because a house had dirty dishes.

    Should we contact a lawyer for any reason?

    Like I said, I've read and heard horror stories about cps and my wife and I want to be prepared to handle them.


    So the social worker showed up unannounced a while ago. I took the advice of being positive and inviting. Offered a seat and something to drink. Social worker asked what I felt were basic protocol questions and told us case will be closed next week. Apparently a call still has to be made to a person that knows us and our child's relationship. I gave 2 references and that was that. The social worker told us how to have the case redacted from records. <— I think that's the right word.

    All in all I believe this is the end of it. Unless anyone has heard of CPS saying one thing and doing another? She was nice and rather quick. Told us there is no reason for her to believe the child was/is in any harm or danger.

    Thanks for all the info. It was very very helpful!

    submitted by /u/nottherealmr314159
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    Evicting ex-husband from my court-awarded property

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    My divorce was final in early September and part of the terms of the property settlement agreement gave my ex-husband 90 days to get out of the condo I'm keeping. Since he's made sure to drag everything out as long as possible, what can I do if he doesn't get out of the property by the agreed upon date? Do I have to evict him even though I already have a court order saying the property is mine? I'm in the northern Virginia area, for legal purposes.

    Update: forgot to include location

    submitted by /u/cheekymonkey083
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    Grandparents put money away for me and my brothers when we were kids and I had no idea until the other day when my father drained most of it out, please help!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    I live in Washington State and I'm redoing this cause I accidentally put it in personalfinance just flustered, anyway. There was about $11 ish grand in this UTMA account and I had no Idea it existed at all and then my father tells me about it and says he needs it to pay some IRS crap or whatever, I said maybe (Since he has helped me a lot over the years I should help him some) But I want to see how much you owe to the IRS and I want to see my account then cause I've never heard about this at all! and He claimed he told me...He didn't... And I kept asking him about it and he kept deflecting " I don't know" "I don't remember" "It's written down at home somewhere" " I'll find it later" and Turns out he had already liquidated $9,000 worth of my UTMA account Without me knowing, and the Group is telling me that he was allowed to do that even though I'm 27 years old!. I have called everyone else, Td ameritrade, Merril Lynch, Betterment, Ally, ALlywest, etc etc etc... ALL of them and all off them have told me the exact opposite. NO when the FBO reaches that age the Custodian is not allowed to take the money out anymore even if they haven't fulfilled their responsibility of handing the account over to the person in question. So

    What do I do?

    TL;DR: Father took money out of UTMA portfolio long after I reached age of control and the "group" Is telling me they did nothing wrong by hiding everything from me as well.

    submitted by /u/teschafer
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    Hospital ER Charging me for checking in with receptionist, even though I was never seen by literally anyone.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    I got cut pretty bad in April of this year, and my boyfriend convinced me to go to the ER, because I might need stitches. I went checked in with the receptionist. I didnt have my insurance information at the time, so I just gave her my name and date of birth. Walked away from the desk and decided I would just wait and go to urgent care in the morning if I really felt the need to, so I left. Was never seen, never even gave my insurance, just name and DOB. I got a bill for $100 a few months later. I call and ask why, because there was literally no service to be charged for, and they're telling me since I checked in with the receptionist, I "registered" with the ER and that's what the charge is for. Is this legal? Is there a way I can dispute it/ get them to remove the charge?

    submitted by /u/dovah9
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    (MN) got a call from public services saying we’ve used 68,000 cubic feet of water

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    hey folks. we just moved into our brand spankin new townhome at the beginning of september. our first bill was for the first 15 days, and we used 300 cubic feet of water between the three of us. i got a call from public services this morning alerting us that we used a "really high amount of water" this month and that we should prepare for a large bill.

    the lady originally said we used 650 cubic feet of water, and before 8am this morning i knew nothing about typical water usage so i assumes that was super high. (this is our first time living in something other than an apartment, we're just three 19 and 20 year olds here.) when we called back after realizing that 650 isn't all that high, they changed the number to 68,000. confirmed that number multiple times. they said they'd send someone out on monday to check that our meter is working properly.

    we don't have any leaky toilets, no sprinklers or faucets outside, nothing. everything is brand new. all the other units are apparently using water normally. i have no idea what could be the issue here. my concern is that we're going to get slapped with this 2200 dollar bill that we can't afford to pay for water we aren't using. i asked if that number could be for all the units altogether, i was told no.

    are we on the hook for this bill if it turns out to be an accurate number? i texted our landlord to alert him of the situation and all he said was "yeah bc that's a ridiculous amount of water and there's no way you wouldn't notice a leak"

    submitted by /u/tjsthoughts
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    my parents took away my medicine

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    i was diagnosed with depression and prescribed pills by a psychiatrist. my dad always yelled at me about it for "being on drugs" and my mom didn't approve either. then they took them away and said i didn't need them. is this illegal? edit: i am a minor in texas

    submitted by /u/rollerchad
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    Husband’s affair partner’s spouse

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:01 AM PDT

    I just recently found out my husband had a year-long affair from 2017-18 with coworker. His affair parter's husband found out a year ago and this caused the affair to end and them to separate and divorce. Apparently it was part of their agreed upon terms that my husbands name was kept out of things to protect both of their jobs. She told my husband that she gave something up in divorce settlement to keep her spouse from suing my husband for alienation of affection. So I assume her now ex-husband signed some type of NDA saying he wouldn't ever drag his name through the mud. Not sure if that would mean he couldn't contact me as well. My husband has been pretty forthcoming about this- and several other things I found out about. He had long ago deleted all correspondence in this case (not so with others), so I cant help this feeling of wanting to fact check what he's telling about this relationship. At least so far as frequency of meetings, etc. So my question - if I contacted him, he can he legally talk to me about all of this? Just don't want to bother reaching out if he legally CAN'T. I'm not trying to blow anything up here. I just want to make sure I'm getting the truth, after only being told bits and pieces at a time. I'm in North Carolina if that matters.

    submitted by /u/scatteredpieces89
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    Property I bought in CT is registered as a business

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:51 AM PDT


    I bought a residential one family house in Connecticut and right now I just found out it is registered as a business. The business is not there (obviously) but the company is not closed either. What do I have to do to insure that long-term this won't affect me?

    submitted by /u/NoNeedForGoodUser
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    My ex gave me a paystub that looks fishy for the reason why he isn’t paying child support [NV]

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    My ex gave me one of his pay stubs for 'proof' as to why he hasn't been paying child support. His pay stub only shows him as working for 39 hours in the past two weeks. He says he worked 80, but his company overpaid him a month ago and has been taking it directly from his hours, so it is like he never worked it. Nowhere on his pay stub does it show this deduction anywhere. It just shows him working for 39 hours instead of 80.

    Now I'm inclined to call his bluff and I have, but he is swearing up and down he's telling the truth and is going to be telling the judge the same thing.

    Is this even legal? Is a company allowed to just dock the hours that you've worked and not deduct it from your pay?

    submitted by /u/faemur
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    (Nova Scotia, Canada) Coordinator left cases of alcohol behind after an event, despite being paid to tear-down and remove items that belonged to us.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    To make a long story short, we hired a wedding coordinator for the two weeks leading up to our wedding. We asked hthem to tear-down for us so friends & family would not have to worry. The venue was completely empty and a clean-slate. Tear-down was listed on the invoice of services we paid for. Both us and the bride's sister made clear that we wanted everything that belonged to us to be removed at the end of the night.

    We had a special liquor license for the event and the following morning the venue dumped out 5 full unopened cases of wine that were left on the premises. (They were within their rights to do this as the license would have been expired)

    The coordinator gave us back (almost) everything that was left behind as we expected, but then claimed they didn't know the cases of wine were ours. Legally, it could not have reasonably belonged to anyone else. Although they claimed took on the phone for the mishap, they have been dodgy and deny responsibility in email/texts.

    The contact at the venue knows exactly what was left behind and can attest to that fact. We wouldn't have hired a coordinator if we knew they could just deny responsibility for things that, to us, seemed like reasonable coordinator responsibility.

    We gave the person we hired the chance to make it right and they are not cooperating. Other than whether or not the effort here is worth it, we would appreciate advice on if we have a case. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Fitechnical
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    UPDATE: Mother tried to strangle me, cops, instead of arresting her, attempt to send me to a psychiatric ward instead

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    this is an update to https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/dhg6f5/mother_tried_to_strangle_me_cops_instead_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

    this is in Texas by the way

    After the incident on saturday, the police have now filed assault charges against me, citing these few pieces of evidence:

    -Blood on the floor: This blood is actually mine, however the police took a picture and are claiming that it was my mother's blood after i beat her

    -Unreliable witness's testimony: This witness is my brother, who claimed that he saw me "beat my mother," when he didn't even end up witnessing the entire event. Furthermore, he's been known to be a chronic liar, and even my mother denied his testimony, saying that I did not lay hands on her.

    -Injuries on my mother: They are attempting to link me to some very minor scratches that they found on my mother, which I did not cause.

    So what can I do? I didn't lay hands on her, in fact she had tried to strangle me.

    submitted by /u/UltraNebulatrix
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    I believe my company is committing Medicare Fraud

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:52 PM PDT


    Basically the title but some details. Not my main account in case someone I work with finds this.

    I work in the medical field. Basically my job description is traveling to patients homes to perform a medical test. I've been with this company for 10 months. The pay is great, auto expenses and gas covered, and quarterly bonuses. I love my job. Once I'm done with the number of patients I've got scheduled I get to go home. I also get the freedom of meeting my patients earlier in the day if I feel like and finish earlier. It's honesty a great gig.

    The way we get referrals for patients are that our sales reps go around the state to more rural areas and get primary care physicians to recommend patients to do the test. The reps tell the doctors to send us patients that have certain symptoms or a certain medical history as they would qualify for the test. It's a specialized test and not everybody benefits from it, so we need a certain type of patient with a certain medical history or symptoms to be able to do the test.

    Over the last 3 months especially, we've gotten patients referred to us that do not qualify for the test. We go over the medical history with the patients and ask them what their main concern is, and many of these patients will not benefit from this test. We've (myself and the other 2 techs) have told these patients that there's no need to have the test done so they refuse. This has been causing stress in the office because of many patients refusing to have the test. Our bonuses depend on how many studies we get done during the quarter, so many in the office are not happy when a patient refuses. We've talked to our supervisor(one of the owners of the company) about the quality of patients we're getting multiple times but he says that's not his department, that falls on the Lead Sales Rep (another owner).

    Over the last couple of months, I've come to find out that this Lead Sales Rep(owner) has been telling they doctors he sees to send us certain patients for "pain". The doctor gives him the list of patients in his office that see him for pain management. The Lead Sales Rep then calls the patients himself to schedule the test with us, telling them that our test can help determine how much pain they're in (he's already been told this is false) and that if they refuse that they're medications will be accepted (which we don't have the ability to change their treatment plan, and is of course unethical).

    On top of all this, most of our patients are on Medicare. Many are older and can not think critically wether what they're told is true or not. I feel that this is highly unethical, possibly fraud since the company bills Medicare for a test, giving a certain diagnosis code that is automatically approved by Medicare for the test, but the actual reason for the test is completely different than what is being billed.

    I know it's a lot to read, but any insight on this will be appreciated. I will edit this post as I answer questions.

    submitted by /u/MIG2018336
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    Restaurant closed and won't pay employees

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    The restaurant my husband worked for closed unexpectedly because they didn't pay rent and the landlord seized the property. To my knowledge, the company has not filed for bankruptcy, but they sent a message to everyone saying no one would be getting a final check because they needed more days open to make payroll. Can they do that? Do we have any legal way to get that last check? We're in Texas for reference.

    submitted by /u/tanabelego
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    Neighbor is attempting to get my dog taken away by animal control (Georgia)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:20 PM PDT

    My neighbor is apparently having issues with my dog barking when she's in my backyard, she put two letters in my mailbox last week stating that she works at home and can't stand my dog barking, I understood a little bit of it since she stated the dog barking at 11 at night, I let her out just before bed for about 15 minutes so she can do her business and then bring her in. Well she seems to also hate when my dog barks in general, I can't help a dog being a dog, she's going to bark, and I don't know know if animal control can take my dog away for doing nothing wrong on my property, but I don't want to find out, what can I do? There is no noise curfew until 12 at night.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Of_The_Arena
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    Are the homeless a protected classes in California? If so, can a business refuse service to someone just because they're homeless?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:36 AM PDT

    Ok I currently work at a gas station. We have regular customers coming in, including this one homeless man. Despite him being a paying and regular customer, my boss doesn't want him using the bathroom. Recently he chewed me out for letting him use it and made me tell him he can't use it anymore, as he was buying his items. I did give him a wink to let him know I will still let him. Of course this man is a customer, so he's not technically breaking the 'customers only' policy. But my boss insist that he can't use the bathroom. It is his store so he can ban anyone he wants for any reason, but of course there are limits to that. From what I can gather you can ban anybody if they are part of a protective group, especially here in California. Race, religion, disablities. What about the homeless? Is my boss in the right to refuse service to homeless person? Can my boss refuse a person access to the bathroom even though he is a paying customer? Can my boss fire me for not enforcing his dumb rule? Can he fire me if I called corporate and report him for this? Who else can I call?

    Edit: Spelling and Grammer

    submitted by /u/jerrythefaceless
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    Little brother was kept 2 hours after school, interrogated by school officer and vice principal/principal, and had his phone taken up.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:38 PM PDT

    My little brother (14) is in junior high school. He got pulled into the vice principal and principal's office at 2 pm because a child threw a water bottle at another child from inside the bathroom stall. The school had security cameras facing the bathroom's sinks, but the cameras don't look inside of the stall. The couldn't identify the kid who did it, so they (assumed) my little brother, who was washing his hands, would know who the kid was. The school officer cursed at him, saying "they didn't believe his bullshit" and that not disclosing who did it wasn't going to benefit him. They also took away his phone, and didn't contact our parents until after this entire ordeal. He was wearing a hoodie, and the principal said if he came in wearing one again she would cut his hood off with scissors.

    Finally, he wrote a written statement saying he "inferred, from the security camera that it could be _____, but that he wasn't sure." They pulled the other kid into the office, and he admitted to throwing the water bottle. Because of this, they are now giving my little brother 3 hours of detention next week for "wasting their time". This is a public high school in north Texas. Do I have any leeway here? I think it's completely unjustified that they did this, especially because they didn't consult in our parents and he was held 2 hours after school. Please tell me what I can do here. Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/mrm97
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    The roommate of my mother and I kicked me out, but not my mom. Her and I are now living somewhere else, but want to take legal action.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:05 PM PDT

    I'm a minor in Colorado. I used to live in California with my mom (separates parents).

    We moved up to Colorado with our now former roommate. Him and my mom were friends, no romantic relationship whatsoever.

    So, about a year ago I got in an argument with the roommate, let's call him Greg. Greg decided to take away an item of mine, and in return I took something of his. When he came back home from a dinner with his friends, he demanded that I gave it back or he called the cops. My mom got home around the same time as him and heard the arguing, and came into my room to speak to me alone, in which Greg left. 5-10 minutes later, Greg came upstairs telling us that the cops were called. The situation ended with him giving my item back and me returning his, no charges pressed on either end.

    Recently, August to be exact, at the beginning of the month he decided to tell us that he'd be kicking us out and we have thirty days. Mind you, he is another tenant on the same lease as my mom; not the landlord / home owner. I do have a recording of the entire conversation because I felt like I would eventually be taking legal action on the situation, so if it went to court I do have evidence of this. I stated that it will most likely be over thirty days and he said fine. I knew that he can't enforce it and I'm sure he knew. For future reference, Greg is 26 I am 17.

    The first week of September, I confronted Greg over Snapchat about how he was controlling and lying about the situation a year earlier (he told people I pulled a knife on him and my mom, but I never pursued defamation because I never lost money or reputation for it (I really don't care what people think of me)).

    The next day, after I left for work he went into my room and moved my belongings into the garage, and texted my mom that he's installed cameras and that I am not allowed back on property. The same day I called CPS and they said that while they don't know for sure, he should not be able to kick me out since he is not the landlord. Later that day my mom and I called for a police escort so that I could go and pick out some items I don't want Greg touching (school supplies, phone equipment, vehicle title, etc.) (Also for clarification, my mom never signed an eviction notice and we were never presented one.)

    My mother and I are currently living in our own place and have been out of contact with Greg since the incident. However recently there has been writing on our mail stating "evicted" when legally we were not, and it's getting to the point he's trying petty things to get us to contact him.

    In the same recording, I have him agreeing to allow my mom to use one of his spare vehicles until she gets her own so that she could get to and from work. Greg forced us to return it, even though he verbally agreed and it's on recording; would I be able to charge him for the gas I used in my own vehicle to transport my mom? Would I be able to make him pay for a vehicle for us?

    Sorry this post is all over the place, but here's essentially what I'm asking: given all this information, does anyone believe I could take legal action against Greg and/or the landlord? If so, how would I get started? What's the cheapest way of doing it since money is tight? My mother is aware of the post and will be answering questions along with me via this account if anyone needs more information, as long as it doesn't ruin our anonymity.

    EDIT: The landlord and roommate were friends, however nothing signed by either party allowed the roommate to have more power than anyone else paying rent (or me because I'm under my mom).

    submitted by /u/loudest-silence
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