• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 17, 2019

    Legal Advice Dad [61m] opened a credit card in my [26m] name to buy my step-mother [43f] gifts and can't pay it back. [IL]

    Legal Advice Dad [61m] opened a credit card in my [26m] name to buy my step-mother [43f] gifts and can't pay it back. [IL]

    Dad [61m] opened a credit card in my [26m] name to buy my step-mother [43f] gifts and can't pay it back. [IL]

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    Last year I was laid off from my job due to the company phasing out my department. I was given a healthy severance which allowed me to pay off my student loan debt and car loan. It left me debt free and I found another job paying slightly more for the same kind of work about 6 weeks later.

    Fast forward to Tuesday morning and I get a letter from what looks like a collection company. The claim I owe over $6000 for a credit card debt. After calling the credit card company directly, I learned a card was opened in my name last September and the address on the account is my dad's house 150 miles away.

    I called my dad and asked him what was going on since I knew he hasn't really had his finances in order for most of his adult life. I'm polite with my step-mother but we aren't close at all as she hates my mother. My dad and I have never been super close but over the past couple years he's gotten even more distant, I think a lot of it has to do with my step-mother. Basically he admitted to opening the credit card in my name to buy a bracelet for his wife, a week long trip to Chicago and a few other things. He then had the nerve to tell me I could pay it off with my severance, which was the end of the phone call.

    Am I going to have to sue him to get my money back?

    submitted by /u/AlwaysFdAgain
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    School based therapist kept seeing my child after I unenrolled him. Am I liable for the bill?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:44 AM PDT

    In Arkansas. My child received therapy through an in school program ran in conjuncture with a major hospital. Basically a major hospital sent a therapist to work in the schools with the children. My child struggles with anxiety and it sometimes impacts his school behavior. He is 9. He has been in this program for a year. He started having anxiety issues at 7 and they have gotten progressively better using an independent therapist (not the school based therapist) but when the new school based program came along I was overjoyed we wouldn't have to miss school or work days for him to go to an appointment since he could have it right at the school. I enrolled him. There was so debate whether my insurance would cover it but eventually they said they took my insurance and we proceeded. Then my workplace changed their insurance provider. This new insurance provider considered this type of therapy not a covered type of therapy because of how they bill it. They rejected the new claims leaving me on the hook for nearly $1000. I immediately called and unenrolled my child. I told them effective today. I can't afford it self pay.

    I got with the therapist we saw before. They accept my new insurance and we can resume seeing her again in a few months.

    I got another bill recently and talked to my child and apparently they have continued seeing him at the school even after I talked to multiple people saying to stop.

    I went and saw the therapist at the school and she said that no one told her at her clinic to stop pulling him out of class but they clinic said they have many notes where I did and they told her. The billing at this hospital is saying that I am responsible since they provided a service.

    At this point I am out $2745.00. The therapist also seemed to be seeing him very, very frequently. Nearly twice a week which seems excessive.

    The therapist said she could still see him under self pay and she suggested doing that. It would be $270 an hour though and she would see him once a month. I told her I had an old therapist we were using before and she said she would need proof of that. She said she had to make sure he was still receiving treatment and told me to have the old therapist contact her to confirm we had another appointment soon. My son is not in crisis and we see his regular doctor once a month for check ups and medicine. What? Can they do that?

    submitted by /u/Freeslanor
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    My future ex wife is trying to get our dogs certified as emotional support animals so she can keep them both

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    I am starting the process of a divorce (in Minnesota) and we have started talking about splitting up our things to prepare for meditation. We have 2 dogs one we adopted before marriage, but technically I adopted her. I am the only one on the adoption papers and I paid for her. The other dog we were watching for one of her friends who was in rehab and eventually passed away so we essentially inherited the dog. I assumed we would split the two dogs as they naturally split with me taking the one I technically adopted and her the other. She is attempting to take both dogs and is looking to have them certified as emotional support dogs by her therapist. Do i have any leverage because I'm the only one on the adoption papers. Or am a screwed if they become emotional support dogs?

    submitted by /u/jazzy_rugger
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    Update: Someone sold me their iCloud locked iPhone and is refusing to unlock it.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:28 PM PDT

    Hello all. Yesterday I posted regarding to being sold a locked iPhone 6 Plus. After contacting the owner, she confirmed that she is not the original owner therefore she can't unlock it. I took it to an Apple store and asked if they could lock it because the might give an exception in which they didn't. I am contacting the owner regarding a refund for it and if nothing happens I will file a police report for fraud and/or for civil a dispute.

    Thanks to all who gave responses. But in the end, nothing could happen.

    submitted by /u/KuLTGaming
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    Husband (UK citizen) dumped me 9 days after our conditional green card interview... how do I prevent him from getting his unconditional green card?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    It's been a rollercoaster of a year. My partner of 6 years and I got married in California in late December 2018, filed for a green card a few months later, and finally had the interview with USCIS on August 29th 2019 where the conditional green card status was granted. About a week after that, my partner sat me down and told me that he had lost his feelings for me 4 months ago, and had fallen in love with someone he started dating in June of 2019.

    I am shocked, hurt, angry, and trying to get through it (yes, I am seeing a therapist). My question is, how to I ensure that he is not able to get a free ride to unconditional green card status when the I-751 is due? I found out that it's possible for him to submit the I-751 waiver successfully without my signature if a divorce has happened. However, the timing is extremely suspicious and it's clear he didn't actually respect and value the marriage if he was starting a relationship with someone else within 6 months. How can I thwart his I-751 attempts?

    I am a low-income PhD student, so unfortunately access to an immigration attorney isn't super viable right now - thank you so much in advance for any info or advice you might have, I am incredibly appreciative!!

    submitted by /u/braaaains7
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    Roommate is MIA and past due

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:41 AM PDT

    My roommate is past due on rent, he had some health issues in September and changed jobs and didn't have rent when it was due...he promised in early October that he would be able to pay both October and September and all would be fine...So the day after he said he was going to pay rent, he says he's going to the park with his dog and just never comes back...He's been gone for 3 weeks now...At first we called the hospitals, then the jails to see if they had him, no luck - we were genuinely worried...two weeks of him being gone and we peeked in his room for any sort of clues as to what happened...Most of his things are there, but a few things are gone that seem to imply he ran away - his laptop, his tv and playstation and some camping gear... So my question is this...we're in Co just for reference...but when can we get rid of his stuff? I have absolutely no way to get ahold of the man...I called his job and he quit, changed his number, left social media...just disappeared He rents a room in my home and I'd really like to rent the room out or use it for something else, but he left an entire room full of stuff...I had a friend (who had this happen to her about 15 years ago) tell me after 30 days its abandonment but, he just left so much stuff you'd think he'd want it all back (family photos, a bed and furniture, a closet full of clothes, a dog kennel and a whole bunch more)... We never got a written lease from him, somehow that was missed, so I dont know if that changes anything (I know, been doing this for years and somehow he's the one guy we missed it on)...please helpful ideas and not lectures on the lack of lease, I already know that wasnt good

    submitted by /u/torigogogogo
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    MIL told husband she paid for his education. Turns out she took out $65k in loans in his name.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    Yeah, so we applied for a mortgage thinking we were debt free, and it turns out that my MIL did NOT pay for my husband's education but took out the loans in his name. Not only has she done that without his knowledge, she kept them in deferment for three years. She agreed to start paying them for the requisite 12 months so we could get a mortgage, then put them back in deferment just a few months later without telling us. This all feels very much like fraud. My husband never signed anything—she did it all online on his account. Now we're on the hook for $65k in student loans that he never agreed to because she was "paying for his education." Not to mention, she makes a LOT of money. How is she getting them deferred unless she's claiming to be my husband and claiming he's unemployed? Which he isn't!

    (Side note—we are working on breaking back into the account because she put her email and phone number on there and changed the password. That way we can see documentation and see the real damage. How much interest have these things racked up?!)

    ETA: Virginia, USA

    submitted by /u/_cassquatch
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    [TX] Returned work laptop to employer on last day. Now the employer is co tasting me saying that I still have it.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    As the title says, on my last day at my old job back in February, I returned my company property. Normal procedure in the company is to mail laptops back to a collection center, but in this case, an HR coordinator offered to take the laptop and send it back for me. I left the laptop with him.

    A few months later, the company contacted me asking about the laptop. There's been a lot of back and forth, but the support employee contacting me has not been helpful in helping me contact the HR coordinator. It's difficult to tell if this is due to the language barrier or if he is just giving me the run around. It's impossible for me to find the HR coordinator otherwise as I can't call the office or enter the office.

    Will I be on the hook for paying for the laptop, legally? Is there anything I can do here?

    Thanks for your time in reading this. Any advice will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/sorryfortheclutter
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    Internet Provider Charged Me To Settle Someone Else's Account

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    Alright, long story short. My former internet provider charged me almost $200 to settle someone else's overdue balance that shares the same name as me. This was after our services were cancelled. I've been talking to customer support for over a month now and it seems unlikely to be resolved. Apparently their "billing" department wants proof that my social security number is what I say it is, as it is different from the other person they have on file. I asked if they have a secure way for me to send it, and they said I can:

    1. Bring it into their store(Over 4 hours away from me)

    2. Fax it to their office

    3. Text it to them.

    All of these options are unacceptable to me as I am unwilling to risk sending my social to an already shady company via insecure methods, and I'm definitely not driving 8 hours total. Is there any room for legal action in this? I feel as though they can't simply steal from people based on names.

    submitted by /u/OkayDM
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    Adult M(stranger) sent me (F, 17) unsolicited nude pic.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    It was through Instagram direct message and it's in my requested messages because I don't follow him AND my age is in my bio. What are my rights? Can I take action? Location- Arizona, US

    submitted by /u/ageis1253
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    Me (20m college student) and my roommates (also 20m) have no control of going over on utilities

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    Background: We moved into an apartment on the 26th of August with various issues, some large some small. The relevant issues are that our air conditioning does not work properly and is basically always running, and our shower/sink faucets leak a significant amount of water everyday.

    What we've done: We have called in multiple maintenance requests, and only once have they sent out a technician. When they did, they only looked at the AC and it worked for two days then stopped again. I called in another maintenance request two weeks ago (October 4th) and nobody has came out yet.

    The problem: We were notified on October 15th that we were charged 51$ for going over on utilities for the month of August, when we only lived there for 3 days. At this rate, we will be charged an extra 500$ a month, when the issues present when we moved in are a large factor in us going over.

    Please help! Our lessor is notorious for having horrible maintenance and just generally not being very responsive, and I'm extremely worried we will be stuck with these issues and extra charges all year. I am a 20 year old college student and have never lived in an apartment before, so I genuinely have no idea what to do here. I feel like there has to be something I can do, since these issues were here when we moved in, and we have no control over any of it or any knowledge on how to fix it. Thank you for even reading this far, any and all advice is extremely appreciated.

    Edit: I go to school at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and live on campus.

    Edit 2: From the Champaign Municipal Code in Article IV - Property Maintenance Standards:

    Sec. 22-504.1. - General.

    "All plumbing fixtures shall be properly installed and maintained in working order, and shall be kept free from obstructions, leaks and defects and be capable of performing the function for which such plumbing fixtures are designed. All plumbing fixtures shall be maintained in a safe, sanitary and functional condition."

    I've talked with a city inspector and am going to schedule a "tenant inspection" where an inspector will come out to my apartment. If they find anything against code they will notify the property owner.

    submitted by /u/peteski99
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    How difficult is it to get grandparents rights in Texas?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    My father has threatened to take me to court for grandparents rights if I don't let him see my child. I have let him see my child under my supervision a few times, but I am planning on cutting off all contact because he and his wife are now in contact with a known child predator that they allowed around myself and my siblings for years. CPS is aware of the endangerment that they put us in. My father also has hurt me on one occasion when I was a minor, but I did not press charges. Would he stand a chance in court under the circumstances?

    submitted by /u/catinsanity
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    To Drink or not to Drink: That is the company policy

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    The guy I work for has a good heart, most of the time. Best he makes some straight up bone headed decisions.

    His latest is to ban our CSR folks from being able to drink at company events. All of our CSR's are women.

    On the flip side, no such rule has been placed against the Engineers or Sales reps. All of whom are men.

    EDIT: We are all Salaried employees.

    How not legal in how many ways is this?

    submitted by /u/Secretitnerd1
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    What can we do about our neighbours? Getting ridiculous now

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:56 AM PDT


    It all started recently around 6 months ago, we had been informed by the land lady that the house next door had been sold and she no longer owns it (we've complained to her before about previous people living there and that's why she told us, as she didn't want us to complain to her)

    However, we recently found out that she is still the landlady, and she had lied to us. She is renting out the current people living there, and they are nightmare.

    Every day for the past 4 months, there has been excessively loud music with the bass turned all the way up from the bedroom next door to me, the kitchen door is constantly open whether its sunny raining or even a storm, with the alexa in the kitchen at the max volume you can get. This has been EVERYDAY (and i'm not even joking, there has not been a single day where it hasn't been played) and it is driving me and my family insane.

    Not only this, but the teenage son next door to my bedroom is constantly punching my wall, punching his desk and screaming and threatening his mother and calling her all sorts of words, and then proceeds to turn on his music after having an argument for about an hour.

    I have multiple times had to deal with music being played til 12am/1am from the sons bedroom, and all he does is turn it up louder and punch my walls to wind me up. Not only this, but we have suspected they are neglecting their dog, as they have left it crying in a small cage for around 7 hours straight with no food/water whilst at work with their garden literately covered in dog faeces, and their youngest children are out there playing in the garden full of faeces. They are also looking after the land ladies dog and have been caught throwing it and kicking it out the door.

    The constant everyday music and arguments have stressed us badly, we are sat at home in a constant ball of anxiety and stress unable to even feel comfortable just sat alone because we are waiting for the next loud noise or argument. They have also smashed into peoples cars outside in the street multiple times trying to park.

    We have written all of this in the past 4 months inside a diary, which has lots of pages as everyday for 4 months we have had to write it down, I just wanted to ask what are the steps to take from here? The land lady is good friends with the tenants so I feel like she would laugh in our face (she did the previous tenants when we made complaints), so is there any legal way to have them gone or told to shut up?

    submitted by /u/breadboii123
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    Insanely high utility bill came down over 50% after utility company installed a new meter, saying the old one was sending faulty readings. Do I have recourse to collect my overpayments for the past 5 years?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:11 PM PDT

    I've lived in a small 2 bedroom house for 5 years. My monthly bills have always been high and the energy statements they regularly send out always show my house is %160 less efficient than other similar residences. Some years ago I called to find out why and they were not very helpful, saying I just live in an old drafty house, which happens to be true. A few months ago they sent out meter inspectors to everyone in my city. The service person was on his way out when I pressed him on why my bills are so high and showed him my billing history. He then took another look at my meter and said that the readings on the meter itself were not matching the readings at the facility, so he replaced the entire meter. I've received two bills since then and they are more than 50% lower than the past two years of bills I can see online. I've requested copies of my bills from the last 5 years so I can compare all months year-to-year, but it's obvious that I've been way overcharged for all of this time. (FYI last March my gas/electric bill was $478!)

    Do I have recourse and what is the best way to approach the utility company (which is already embroiled in lawsuits)? Thanks for any advice.

    location: Northern California

    submitted by /u/veggiepork
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    Fender bender. Cop says not my fault. Insurance wants me to pay

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    Got into a wreck this morning. Birmingham, AL

    There are 5 lanes. 2 turn left. 2 go forward. 1 goes forward to the interstate. THIS LIGHT IS ALWAYS GREEN! Other lights run like normal. I have only been in the far right lane (the one entering the highway). The lights to my left turn red and someone jumps out from a standstill in front of me and then slams on his brakes. I can't stop.

    Here's the kicker. Guy I hit says he looked at the wrong set of red lights and actually admits to pulling out in front of me! Cop says report will read that the other driver is at fault.

    Now, for the fun part. Insurance says that because I rear ended him, I'm liable no matter what. I should've maintained a proper distance.

    Please help. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/marodgrs
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    [NY] Job is telling me I can't be considered 'primary caregiver' because I am the father

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    I am expecting a child in June and my company offers two tiers of parental leave: "Primary Caregiver," which is sixteen weeks paid leave, and "Secondary Caregiver" which is six weeks paid leave. In a meeting with HR, I asked what documentation was necessary to show that I will be the primary caregiver. I was told, and I quote, "that tier is reserved for the mother. We find it's more important for the mother to bond with the child in those first several months. If the mother is still alive and in good health, you will be considered the secondary caregiver." Overt sexism aside, the mother does not work for a company that offers paid maternal leave. She will have to return to work after 3 weeks unless she wants to do unpaid FMLA, which we cannot afford.

    Is this classification system actually legal? It seems to me like it is just blatant sexual discrimination under the terminology of "primary and secondary." Would I actually have a case if I threatened legal action?

    submitted by /u/DirkTurpentine
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    [Ontario] The developer/builder of my condo is asking for my bank statements. Do I have to provide them?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    My mortgage wasn't approved for the full cost of my pre-construction condo, but this didn't bother me at all because I have cash on hand to cover the difference with a larger down payment when the mortgage starts. (I don't have to pay them until the building is finished and I can earn interest on the money until then.)

    The condo developer got their deposit in full, the contract is signed, and I have already given proof to my bank that I can cover the difference between my mortgage and the purchase price or else they wouldn't preapprove me.

    I just don't know if I feel comfortable giving out my banking information to my builders, as my unit is already worth more than I paid for it and they haven't even poured the foundation yet. Is this something I actually have to give them? Are they trying to get out of the contract in order to sell the unit to someone else for more money?

    submitted by /u/Infiltrator_Six
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    Neighbor's dog attacked my cat

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    My neighbor's dog came into my yard and actually got in through an open part of a glass storm door and attacked our cat. The cat was taken to a vet and is getting surgery to fix a broken arm. The surgery is obviously pricey. Are the neighbors liable for the medical costs of the cat? We also have video of the dog coming into our yard and getting inside the house when it happened.

    Edit: This was in New Mexico (US)

    submitted by /u/MadeOfPlazma
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    [Colorado] If I have a restraining order against my roommate, can her kids still live in my house? Can I have an answer for if they were minors as well as being adults?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    My roommate's crazy. Last Sunday she threatened my girlfriend and I repeatedly and tried multiple times to intimidate us various different ways like a wanna be thug. I got a temporary protection order issued against her on Tuesday. Wednesday it was enforced. Today I hear rustling upstairs and her kids are tearing into shit again. Can they do this? Thanks in advance for any insight, help, references, or resources.

    submitted by /u/ArtB_
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    Want mom off a lease

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, and thanks in advance for any advice you may have.

    I have a lease on an apartment. My mother's name is on that lease as well. The only people who live in the apartment are myself, my mother, and my son. We all have our own rooms, don't know if that matters.

    Recently, my mom has refused to pay me her portion of the rent. I want to get her out of the apartment. I spoke with the leasing company and I make enough money to be the only person named on the lease. However, my mother would need to agree to be taken off the lease. I also asked what happened if I just left with my son and left my mom in the apartment. They told me that when November came, my mother could either pay the rent herself, surrender the apartment, or wait to get evicted. I know that she would go with the eviction route, which will also go against my credit.

    There is nothing in writing saying that she agrees to pay me a certain amount of money every month for rent. While I do have records of her giving me money, it is varying amounts each month, based on what she could give at the time.

    Also, this is in Florida.

    What, if any, are my options here?

    submitted by /u/sk3erkrou
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    Capital One suing me. NYC.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    I owe $2200 cc debt. I made five payments this year for a total of $640. My last payment was in May. Today I received a letter in the mail from the New York Civil Court of The City of New York stating Capital One Bank (USA) NA as the plaintiff and me as the defendant (dated Oct 11). Says I should go to the court clerk's office ASAP to respond the the lawsuit by filing an "answer." If I do not then a judgement may be entered against me. It tells me to bring to notice to the office. There is no date by when I must do that, but before I go I would like your opinion on this because it's all new to me. I have a little under $1k in my bank account. Currently unemployed (quit job in August). How do I go about this? Do I contact the bank to pay it off while looking for a job or do I go to the court office? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/unluckymate2020
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    Can I be held responsible for someone else ignoring a lawsuit?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    [CA] I have received two voicemails from two different people stating that there has been a "formal complaint" made against my mom. They said they found me in their "legal database" as a point of contact for her. One said I need to immediately tell her to get into contact with the plaintiff, but did not say who that was. The other told me I need to give her documents for the case. They both have me case numbers, but they were different, and one referenced the court this is supposedly in. I've tried to find the case numbers in the courts online system, but no record is found and the case numbers are not even in the correct format for this court. This seems really off to me, and doesn't seem right that if there is a case against my mom (which I highly doubt, she's never been in legal trouble before), they would be allowed to contact family members about it. That seems like an invasion of privacy. So I'm just wondering if this is real, am I legally required to do anything? I'd rather not get myself involved at all, it's none of my business. If it's not legal or a scam is there something I should do to get these people to quit passing my mom's name around with these accusations? I would be very low on the list of contacts for my mom, so if they're calling me, I can only imagine they have contacted other family members.

    submitted by /u/RedditarDad
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    [NY] Is it legal for a college to do this to its living-on-campus residents?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:58 AM PDT

    I've included the email, with redactions below. Do paying residents of this campus really have to put up with this? Paying money for outages? Is this legal?

    "Dear ____ residents,

    Please be advised of the scheduled shutdown work occurring this weekend:

    This service interruption is done in order to perform semi-annual maintenance and repairs in the Campus' Heating Plant and associated high temperature/hot water piping. This shutdown occurs each Fall and Spring semester.

    We regret any inconvenience this outage may cause. Please make the necessary preparations.

    In order to better prepare for the heat and hot water shutdown over the weekend, here are some tips for staying warm:

    · Keep your south-facing blinds open during the day and closed in the evening.
    · Block drafts from your window by placing a rolled towel against the window opening.
    · Wear long-sleeved shirts, sweaters, socks, and long pants; also, wear slippers.
    · Keep windows and exterior doors shut/secured, keep bathroom fans off.
    · Keep lots of blankets handy.
    · Eat and drink warm meals and drinks.
    · Move furniture 6"-12" away from heating units to maximize heat flow.
    · Move around; exercise can warm your body muscles.

    Thank you."

    Residents are literally paying housing costs to live here in exchange for advice like "eat warm meals and exercise" since the housing facility won't be providing heat for X amount of time.

    submitted by /u/ThatRule34Guy
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