• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 30, 2019

    Legal Advice Apartment complex installed "SmartHome" devices in my apartment without my consent, is asking me to sign a lease addendum consenting to personal data collection and agreeing to be financially responsible for maintenance and upkeep of said devices. What are my options? [Colorado]

    Legal Advice Apartment complex installed "SmartHome" devices in my apartment without my consent, is asking me to sign a lease addendum consenting to personal data collection and agreeing to be financially responsible for maintenance and upkeep of said devices. What are my options? [Colorado]

    Apartment complex installed "SmartHome" devices in my apartment without my consent, is asking me to sign a lease addendum consenting to personal data collection and agreeing to be financially responsible for maintenance and upkeep of said devices. What are my options? [Colorado]

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:41 AM PDT

    I got a notice via email a while back that the Apartment complex where I live in Denver was going to be installing "SmartHome" devices in my apartment. I didn't respond because I assumed I would have to consent in order for them to do anything. I was wrong, and they replaced my door lock, thermostat, plugs and switches, water sensor, etc. while I was traveling for work.

    Now they want me (and every other tenant) to sign an addendum to our leases saying I requested this and asking that I consent to data collection and that if anything goes wrong with the devices that they put in, I am responsible to pay $250 to fix any damage or maintenance to repair or replace them if I do not notify the building within 5 days of malfunction.

    Some of the language in the addendum makes me very uneasy.

    "You have requested that we provide [Insert Name of SmartDevice Vendor] in your unit. We agree to do so and you agree to pay additional rent in the amount of $0.00 per month"

    I did not request this.

    "Information collected by [Insert Name of SmartDevice Venor] ("Information"): We have listed information collected by each device we supply, some of which may be considered "Personal Information," depending on your jurisdiction:""1. Front Door Lock:- Entry activity by time and code used- Technical information from device, including, but not limited to, battery level and lock status"

    This language is pretty much the same for Thermostat, SmartPlugs and Switches, Hub, Water Sensor and software to use it all.

    "Information Sharing: Anonymized and aggregated information collected by the Service may be shared with third parties for energy benchmarking, quality of service determinations, and for research and product development. Recipients of this information may include, but are not limited to, equipment manufacturers, consultants, educational institutions, utilities, study sponsors and government agencies"

    Additionally, there is language that specifies that the devices are owned by the property and if I lose or damage any of them, I am subject to a $250 fine.

    "If a device has been damaged or appears to be malfunctioning, you are required to notify us within five (5) days."

    What are my options? I really like my apartment and don't want to leave, but I also don't want to consent to sharing personal information re: entering/exiting my apartment with anyone, even if it is anonymized and aggregated and certainly don't want to be on the hook financially for malfunctioning products that I did not want or consent to being installed.

    Denver, CO.

    submitted by /u/SmartHomeThrowaway1
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    There's a video of me in a porn video going around my medical school

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:50 PM PDT

    Hello folks,

    I'm in dire need of advice.

    I was called into my associate dean's office where they told me that they had a complaint that I knowingly posting a video on my Instagram showing me and my partner in sexual acts. I thought it was ridiculous and told them that there was no way a video existed of me doing anything sexual and it would never end up on my Instagram. Which, as much as I knew, was the truth. So they dismissed me and told me they'd update me on what was happening if anything progressed.

    Today I received this email:

    "As promised I am following up with you regarding the video in question. The attached file was anonymously sent to me. Please advise as to whether, now that you've seen it, you have any knowledge of the video or it being posted to your Instagram account.

    -Associate Dean"

    Attached to the email was the video and it was exactly what they had described. It looked like an iPhone screen recording of my story with a video I made with an ex 5 years ago that I completely forgot about. I haven't talked to my ex in 2-3 years and it was a pretty brutal breakup so I just didn't think of it but we definitely made this video.

    What was really strange, other than it was up for at least an hour (according to the story stamp it said '1h') was that it had these captions on it:

    "She sent this as a 'promo'"

    "She said she was gonna blur my face but I don't want it up at all"

    "Any ideas to prevent her from posting it without getting law enforcement involved?"

    So I sent this as my reply:

    "This is my first time seeing that video, that was my ex of over 5 years ago who I have not spoken to in a few years. I just tried phoning her with no response and just texted her to see if she has any idea of what's going on. Never thought about an old partner having a video of us. To my knowledge, that video was never on my Instagram, let alone left on my story for over an hour, I'm constantly on Instagram.

    I just changed my password and hope to update you soon. "

    Followed soon with

    " I can't seem to be able to reach her. I'm not sure what the video says about releasing a promo or getting law enforcement involved. We haven't talked at all within the last 2 or 3 years.

    Any ideas of what I can do? Please advise. "

    I'm completely stunned. I never thought a video like that would come back to haunt me.

    My primary concern is to make sure that there is no legal ground to kick me out of school or prevent me from finishing my education as I'm in my second year and more than $150,000 in debt. Other concerns include, can I get in trouble for this? And what else can I do to mitigate the situation?

    Thank you for listening.

    submitted by /u/thro0waway3313
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    HOA in Florida is fining $1,000 for garden weeds. They claim they sent letters as well as a certified letter, but never got anything. Is this legal?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    Posting on behalf of my sister.

    My sister just got a notice of a $1,000 fine for weeds. They claim they sent her multiple letters as well as a certified letter and had a hearing. She never got anything about this. She posted in her neighborhood group and someone else said the same thing happened to her a couple of years ago with the HOA and they turned around and put a lien on her house when she refused to pay it.

    Can they really fine her without proof of a signature that she got this supposed certified letter?

    submitted by /u/ninerose
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    What can I do about someone pretending to be me and giving "consent" to be kidnapped and raped as a "kink"?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    Ok, so not me, asking for my wife who is understandably upset by this. I've lurked for a while and thought I could get some solid advice here. warning: this may be a bit long.

    details: in the United States, married for a few years, together for about 8 years.

    edit: I would never have known if she hadn't told me about it, so I doubt it is her. Plus, she's a terrible liar lol.

    A few years ago, my wife came to me after leaving her work, where she was a server and tells me a story about an older gentleman who approached her and was nice, but a little "creepy". Granted, being young, female, and attractive, she was/is used to random guys being creepy or weird. but this was different. he talked like they knew each other and he had details about her schedule, car, etc. and recognized her from pictures. eventually, they discover that he has been cat-fished by someone pretending to be her. weird, ok. But the kicker is that all of this happened on a "kink" social site and the cat-fisher was actively trying to recruit "doms" and "stalkers" to kidnap and rape her, and upload photos and videos, while giving "consent" posing as her.

    Long story short, she has been approached by multiple men, at various places of employment (using information provided by the cat-fisher) over the last few years, who thankfully, are decent human beings and decided a face to face chat was appropriate. she has kept most of their information in case we could use it later for an investigation or something. unfortunately she is a bit put off by involving the police, because she originally contacted a detective who didn't seem to take it seriously, and only wanted to try and get her to go out with him, so she stopped pursuing it. it has been a few years and we have forgotten about it, only to have it come up again. I think we hoped they would get bored or move on, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

    I have found the profile in question and it turns my stomach to see. There are multiple photos taken from her social media (now deactivated) that are badly cropped but clearly show her likeness. there are multiple instances where they described in posts where she was, or what she was doing, fairly accurately. the posts and pictures go back nearly 10 years.

    Possibly unrelated, but she also has a random person who will leave a little "love note" or a flower on her car once or twice a year for a few years now. honestly, its just exhausting and I want to help her get past this but we don't really know where to start. do we hire a private investigator? can we contact the FBI (conspiracy to commit kidnapping, rape etc)? we don't know where to start or what to do to actually get this to stop. My wife has said she just wants to know who it is.

    thanks to everyone who reads this. sorry it is my first post, so format is likely terrible.

    submitted by /u/throwawayduh0191833
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    Sister’s rich husband threatened to sue for custody of my daughter

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    Backstory: I (26F) sent my son (8M) to live with my sister (36F) and her husband (46M) in another state because I was trying to finish school and get a better job to better care for him. He lived over there with them for about a year. At first it was great – they took good care of him and I had the time to advance my standing in life and general ability to provide for my son. Then, they got too attached to my son. They told him to call them Mom & Dad, and often referred to me by my first name around him. This confused my son and was extremely disrespectful to me, so I decided to take him back before the agreed upon January 2020 date. When I discussed bringing him back, my sister was evasive and tried to keep pushing the date back. She also put in effort to try to convince my son that he would be unhappy if he came back to me. She really tried to sabotage my relationship with my son. Anyway, I got an opportunity last month in which they invited me over to watch my son while they went away for the weekend. In the weeks leading up to this, I worked hard to find a place for us to live on our own, got him into the best school in the area, and got him into a great after school program. When that weekend came, I brought my son back to live with me and notified my sister and husband only after the fact. They were furious as I expected, but now the husband has threatened (via text) to sue for custody after saying what I did was illegal.

    His threat included claims that custody cases are always more than $60k and he said he can afford it and I cannot. He said he will call CPS, the police, and a lawyer unless I apologize profusely to both of them and guarantee certain amounts of time for them to watch my son. He is very rich and I am not, so I think he is just trying to bully me into doing what he wants.

    Some other details: They are not legally married, which I think would help my case. They just tell people they are married. Also, we signed a guardianship agreement in the state of Georgia. This grants my sister guardian status until January 2020, but does not forfeit my parental rights. Also my son is thriving now and happy.

    How scared should I be of his threat?

    submitted by /u/bilsuxbigtime
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    Non-salaried employee on call 24/7...help, I’m tired.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:12 AM PDT

    I work a full-time job 40 hours a week in IL (USA) and I am paid an hourly rate (not salaried). For years I've been told that part of my job is to carry a pager 24 hours a day 5 to 7 days a week. I am expected to be available to respond to issues I am paged on within about 15 minutes (even overnight). I do not have to physically go on site in response to a page but sometimes resolution of the issue requires communications with people on site or work on my computer. I am consistently contacted an average of 4 to 5 times a day outside of my normal working hours on site however I am not being paid at all for the time I am on call. Sometimes I have even been expected to carry the pager during a holiday (for which I am required to use PTO). I have contacted my employer several times to request a change in this structure because I am exhausted. They have promised changes multiple times but no changes have been made. Since I am not a salaried employee, is this legal?

    Edit: Thank you everyone for your insight and help on this issue. I understand why I would be down voted for saying that I'm refusing to give the pager back without a plan in place for someone else to take care of it. I believe my reasons for that decision are valid but I am hesitant to provide additional context due to concern for my employer discovering my identity.

    Edit 2: based on my pager log, in the last 18 months I have received about 500 pages while offsite

    submitted by /u/snufflesthrowaway
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    Received an unexpected debt collection notice from DFAS for military benefits over-payment. However, no one can provide any proof to show that I in fact owe this debt despite constant requests for more information.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:31 AM PDT

    I am a former active duty military service member. I received a debt collection notice from Defense Finance Accounting Services (DFAS). To my knowledge, I did not owe the government any money when I completed my out-processing from active duty.

    The collection letter states: "the debts remaining on your account are as follows: basic allowance for quarters debt, cost of living allowance debt, family separation debt." It also lists the final amount of more than $10,000. That's it.

    I contacted the agency to find out more information about the debt. However, no one can provide a detailed line-by-line breakdown of benefits paid vs benefits overpaid on a month-to-month basis that shows how this debt accumulated to this amount.

    I contacted multiple agencies including DFAS, the U.S. Treasury, my former unit, and private collection agencies. None of them can provide the information I ask for. All of them tell me to contact another person to get more detailed information. I have been ping-ponging with these agencies for almost a year now.

    My credit report lists DFAS as the reporting agency. I already tried disputing this debt on my credit report. However, the dispute came back as "verified" that it belongs to me.

    Who is legally responsible to prove that I owe a debt? If no one can provide adequate information, can this debt be disputed legally? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/version626
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    My Grandmother is being messed around by an asshat of an exec for my grandfathers deceased estate

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    My grandfather passed away last year in May. We knew it was coming but it was still a difficult time. Anyway we met my grandfathers appointed executive of his estate, and he didn't sit right with me, he was very strange and made me uncomfortable. When we first met he grabbed my hand so hard and squeezed so hard my knees buckled. He also cannot be alone with any woman in my family because of how he makes us feel. The last time he hugged my grandmother he nearly cracked her ribs and dug her pace maker into her chest with the force of it.

    Throughout this past year and a half he was supposed to be doing his job but my mother and my grandmother have been schlepping around to different places sorting this whole mess out. One of his most recent screw ups was he "forgot" to inform the bank to release the money into my grandmothers account. The money is currently sitting in my grandfathers account which is frozen and she can't move it due to the account being frozen.

    Today she tried to activate a transfer and understand why she couldn't do it without her executor the lady at the bank said something was very fishy about the whole situation, we are worried he's trying to scam her out of the little money she has. Later on in the day he called her is a rage and screamed at her on the phone she hung up on him and he called her back and screamed again. She is not a fragile woman but she has been through a lot these past few years. Unfortunately we are not in a great financial situation and lawyers in South Africa are very expensive and he (the lawyer) was doing it pro bono. We are trying to get him removed as an executive, he is refusing to help her at all and has claimed he will be dropping off the files at her house because of her "betrayal". If anyone has any advice on what we should do, can we remove him as an exec and what do we do if he doesn't drop off the flies ?

    submitted by /u/oommynom
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    My dad stole my prescription medication. Georgia.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    Gonna try and keep it short and sweet. My dad is 55, has been an alcoholic and drug addict his whole life with an extensive record (pain pills and crack were his drugs of choice). I'm prescribed a medication for my migraines called Fioricet. They sit in my medication bottle on my dresser in my room. I get very little of these dispensed every month so I keep track of when I take one (I also keep a migraine log accordingly). There are other people who live in my home (my mom, has her own migraine meds and bf who isn't a suspect here at all he hasn't been home in the past 2 weeks to take them).

    Can I file a police report? Take the bottle to get finger printed? He's done this before and I'm sick of it. I want to do something. What actions should I take?

    submitted by /u/840InHalf
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    My daughter wants to change her last name to mine however there is an issue...

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    I have full custody of my daughter and she (my daughter) wants to change her name to get rid of the other parent's last name and just have mine. The issue is I have to have my ex's permission to do it. The other issue is we don't know where my ex is other than a last known location and that was 7 years ago (Galveston, TX). We live no where near there and are in WA state. What do I have to do in order to help my daughter change her name to what she wants to have? Do i have to take out a paper ad in the county/city she was last in? Also my ex is rather petty and would show up to contest this even if it is solely my daughter's idea.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway017Anon
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    [Florida] Neighbor keep threating to start calling the cops on me because my car is too loud

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:48 PM PDT

    I just moved to a new place and I have a sports car. The car is 100% stock, no mods at all.

    I started the car around 6 AM, opened the garage this morning and heard someone screaming. This really caught me by surprise and for like 2 minutes I was trying to find what the hell was going on. Then I finally saw my neighbor screaming from his bedroom window asking me if I could make the car quieter.

    I told him I was sorry but I can't. I added that the car was stock.

    When I came back from work, he confronted me and told me that if I don't find a solution, then he will start calling the cops on me.

    I was very patient and apologetic. I tried to defuse the situation by telling him that I do not rev the car in the morning and that's just how the car is from the factory. I also told him that I usually take 30 seconds to open my garage door and leave.

    He was not having it and kept telling me that he will start calling the cops yada yada.

    What can happen?

    submitted by /u/SalesAficionado
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    If someone hurts you, does the doctor have to report to police? (MA)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:54 AM PDT

    My ex-partner hurt me a few months ago. We've been no contact for a while now, so it's not currently ongoing. I'd like to see a doctor because I think I may have sustained an injury, since I've had nagging pain ever since. If I tell the doctor the true story (so that it's more likely he takes me seriously and orders an x-ray), are there mandatory reporting laws that will require him to report it to authorities? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/throwawaycuzholyshit
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    Duplex Destroyed Due to Slumlords

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    Hey guys, hoping for some keen legal advice here. (Mauldin, South Carolina)

    October 26th, my brother and I came home and all of our home was destroyed due to negligence on our landlords part. The entire ceiling had come down all at once, destroying all our furniture, paintings of mine (I'm a professional artist), kitchen appliances, tv, surround sound, etc. Wish I could post pictures to show just HOW bad this was. We are being treated with no concern, respect or justice after our home was completely wrecked. Here is an itemized list of what has transpired since our shitty duplex was acquired by these people.


    In August 2019, An appraiser / inspector comes to apartment and inspects the home. While there is considerable structural flaws in the home, no repairs or renovations are ever mentioned. (Huge dip in our ceiling was present at the time of inspection)

    New Landlords acquires our lease as of August 23rd, 2019

    Front Door / ceiling / Roof / Holes in bathroom / water damage in front of duplex all never fixed

    AC goes out, we put in a ticket, and it takes two weeks for the AC to be replaced in the hottest weeks of August/September

    October 26, 2019 -- Ceiling collapses destroying our living room / kitchen Estimated cost of damages: $5,650

    October 26, 2019 -- landlord sends out cleaning crew, who leave due to lead and asbestos

    Tenants across the street say 'We have not even asked for them to fix up so many issues on our property because we are fearful of the management culture'

    October 28, 2019 -- City code enforcement comes to 128 B. Pleasant Drive, and verifies conditions unlivable, then the duplex is condemned

    October 28, 2019 -- landlord calls and offers a transfer to 133 B. Pleasant Drive, and we see the apartment with a code enforcement officer

    Aforementioned Apartment is unlivable, in poor quality, damages covered up with aesthetic fixes, lacking shower handles, in poor condition, roof damages, no driveway, cracks in the ceiling, and smaller than our previous.

    October 28, 2019 -- landlord offers two nights inhotel, and downplays the damages. The owner of 128b. Is in talks with the insurance company and deny liability for damages.

    October 29, 2019 -- 10AM Phone call was made to landlord to discover the process of 133 B. Pleasant Drive, Mauldin SC -- property manager says she is getting in contact with the property owner and will let us know by the end of the day

    Oct 29, 2019 - 8PM No call back from landlord concerning the update on repairs done to 133 B pleasant drive Mauldin SC

    Oct 30, 2019 — Landlords no longer let us speak to property owner and are dodging us hardcore. (Assuming they're are waiting us out til the end of the month)


    They have dealt with us so poorly, we have gotten counsel from the magistrates office, and are just looking for advice! The ENTIRE CEILING crashed down and destroyed everything. We've made an itemized list of actual damages and replacement costs including punitive. Just in case we need to go to small claims court. We DO NOT have renters insurance.

    Let us know if we have a case or what we can do.

    <3 currently homeless redditor

    submitted by /u/pwalters64
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    Clock In & Out for Office errands?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    I work for the corporate office of a mid-sized company in Newport, Ky. I'm basically the executive assistants assistant. I still work very closely with all the executives and recently they've been requesting more office errands. Simple things like go grab coffee, ship this package, pick up lunch or office supplies etc.

    This morning when I came back from such an errand I was pulled aside and told I need to start clocking out for these errands, clocking back in when I return. I immediately mentioned that was illegal and was told my hours would be "added back later" but wasn't told the details of how.

    When I asked why they said it was for insurance purposes. Since I'm on company time and using my own personal vehicle I just assume they don't want to be liable in case there's an accident...but this just sounds so fishy.

    What are my options?

    submitted by /u/NecessaryCasual
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    Just found out my employer terminated my health insurance coverage 13 days after I gave birth, but they continued to deduct money from my paycheck for medical, dental, and vision each month for 6 months until I found out today. What can I do?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:03 PM PDT

    I gave birth on 4/16/19. I went on protected paid leave from a full time employee status. I had about 2 months of PTO and EIB saved. I just found out today after my claim for some lab work being denied that my employers HR terminated my insurance on 4/30/19. I never received notification or a cobra packet indicating I had lost coverage, so up until today, I assumed I was fully covered. This assumption was verified by looking at my pay stubs and seeing deductions made for medical, dental and vision for each pay period.

    I returned to work Sept 1st and have been working as a medical professional at a local trauma center without health insurance.

    I am completely confused and livid. What can I do? How illegal is this? Advice please!

    Edit: Sorry everyone. I accidentally put 5 for my birth month and it was 4. A typo. I gave birth 4/16 and my insurance was terminated on 4/30. Sorry for the confusion!!

    submitted by /u/fake_tan
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    I got rear ended and the they said it is my fault.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Two days ago i was driving on a main road, my car had white smoke coming out of the hood, then i heard a loud sound of something exploding, i had to stop immediately as i couldn't see anything from the smoke. I was stopping gradually the car behind me wasn't very close to me and i thought that it'd stop, but it did not. The officer said its my fault for stopping at a green light, he didnt give me a ticket though because i stopped due to an emergency. So is the fault on me or the car that hit me?

    Notes: - sorry for the bad English, it isn't my first language. - this happened in Illinois, US - only reason why im questioning is that lots of people are telling me that it isnt my fault. - my car overheated

    submitted by /u/ED_SAAAN
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    Town police towed brothers car before the date they posted to tow it from a legal public spot.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    Location: Asbury Park, NJ

    I told him to report it stolen.

    So my brother has had a car sitting for a couple months just down the street from where he lives with very limited parking, because he has two cars he has been trying to sell this one. The town put a sticker notice saying they would tow it 30 days from October 18th. Yesterday they towed it.

    Though he hasn't been driving it, it's still insured and everything like that. He has been moving the spots since the notice up or down a couple so it's not remaining in the same spot. He went out there to change his tire (mysterious flat, he found finger marks on his dirty wheel near the tire valve) the day before it got towed and talked to a man who came out, turns out his car is sitting in front of the town Judge's house and the man was the Judge.

    So that day a uniformed man came to his door (not sure if it was police or traffic patrol and they didn't identify themselves) demanding that he moves his car or they will tow it, my brother explained all this and that he has been moving it and it's not abandoned, and said he has to go out tomorrow morning to get an air compressor and breaker bar because his lug-nuts are seized to put his spare on to move it. Officer then said "Ok I'll give you untill the morning." My brother also let him know that the notice says 30 days from October 18th to be towed.

    He went outside to go take care of it around 10am and the car was gone.

    What should he do now? How illegal is what they did?

    Here's a pic of the tow notice. [Imgur](https://imgur.com/ScedSjc)

    submitted by /u/demoncamber
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    HR Claims Offer Was A Mistake

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    A friend told me about a situation at his job last week, and I'm curious to get some other people's opinion on it. HR told him that the initial offer letter was a mistake and that he's actually only entitled to half of the promised annual bonus and none of some RSU's in the initial offer. They're keeping his salary the same. The total hit to his compensation is mid five figures. He can cover his rent, bills, etc. out of his salary, and has been since he started there back in January, but he budgeted to have this as a big lump sum into his savings and so this puts him in a bad spot financially.

    I suggested he lawyer up and start putting together an exit strategy, but he's being very timid about the whole thing. He thinks, in the long run, this is a good place to work and insists he can resolve it by talking to HR or his boss. Am I wrong for thinking this is a terrible idea? For thinking that a job that takes tens of thousands of dollars from you after you've started working is not a good place to work? Is there any reason NOT to talk to an attorney right now (e.g. this sort of thing is clearly legal, even though it might suck for him)?

    He's in California.

    submitted by /u/pmiguy
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    Child Accidently Took My Entire Paycheck

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:21 AM PDT

    Hey guys first time posting here but I'm a little confused how to go about figuring this out. This is in Missouri.

    I was unemployed for a few months so I fell behind on my child support. I finally found the job with the U.S. government and was working out fine but when I was supposed to receive my first few paychecks i found that they had entered my information in incorrectly and my bank sent it back to the treasury.

    I had been waiting a couple months for it when I received a letter from the Department of Social Service showing that my child support had substantially been reduced. Come to find out that that had intercepted my entire paycheck believing it was a refund. I called the office explaining the situation but told me since it had been dispersed they couldn't do anything but send me a complaint letter. I've been struggling trying to catch up and this check was supposed to get me through the next few weeks.

    Any advice would be appreciated and thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/thath276
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    Got stuck with a $3000 bill from my school for the Spring semester. Any advice?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Hi, on October 1st, I received a letter from my school saying I owe about 3k from my spring semester, and it will be going to collections December 1st, due to financial aid being cancelled due to my performance (failed my classes because of mental health). I attended the whole way through, and even registered with an on-campus help center, however, the reason my aid was cancelled retroactively seems to be that they needed verification that I actually attended, and since I never received clear emails on what I needed to do, I didn't appeal in time. Since I feel I was not made clearly aware of this, and I only received physical correspondence in the mail 2 months before it goes to collections, anyone have any advice as to what I can do? In CT, USA.

    Edit: I have already contacted the Financial Aid Office and the Bursar's Office, and they say there can be no appeals or payment plans at this point. Only to seek a retroactive loan from their site or pay it off, as per their advice. However, I am nearly broke and have been trying to find employment for a couple months to no avail, so I can't pay it in time. I just need some advice on what to do.

    submitted by /u/PlayedLykADamnFiddle
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    Scholarship "is not able" to send funds

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:54 PM PDT

    First time posting here, so hopefully this is done right. Sorry for the length!

    TLDR at the end

    4 Years ago I won a scholarship that was worth $10,000, with $2500 being paid out yearly while we were still in school, with the stipulation that I maintained a certain GPA. I have maintained that GPA and sent my transcripts anytime they have asked for them (they asked every semester for the first 3 semesters), then stopped. The first semester they told me they would be slightly behind on sending the first check out since they were in an audit and massive staff turnover (this is a local non-profit). They also usually have one winner for the large scholarship and multiple smaller ones, but the year I won, there was a second winner (we attend university together).

    I had planned to use that scholarship check to cover my housing with the university and I kept getting told it would be delayed. At the end of my spring semester, my payment for the housing was late, and I was kept from enrolling in classes because I couldn't afford the housing bill. I got my parents involved who called the university and the organization, and they came to an agreement that the organization would pay the university directly in my name in a month's time when the funding became unfrozen. This was in May/June of 2017.

    Fast forward to November 2017, I get a call from the university saying I have like 3 days to pay or I'm going to be locked out of classes for the next semester because, surprise, they never paid or got in contact again. I needed to be able to enroll in classes in order to keep another scholarship that I have, and I immediately got in contact with them, explained the situation, and they said they would try to find the funds to send immediately. After pestering them for a few days and having a lot of phone calls, they finally paid the amount as a sponsor in my housing account (just the way the university made them do it to process in time). I thank them for handling it quickly and they say they hope it doesn't happen again later that year etc.

    I called again that February and got lead around in circles before having to take out a student loan to help pay my rent for the semester (I have always worked in college, but after realizing I wasn't getting that money, I haven't worked less than 3 jobs at any given time to help pay for expenses and the loans. I now am working 5 jobs, between 45-70 hours a week and am a full-time student with other part-time gigs as they come). I decided that I wasn't going to get that money so I kind of forgot about it, but this last August I was contacted by the other winner and was asked if I ever received any of the money since she hadn't. I told her I hadn't after that first year.

    I called again about a month ago and found out that they had lost their financial support so they were looking for new financial backers for the scholarship (at least that's what I was told). I was also told that there were a lot of people on hold for this year's scholarship at which point I pointed out that I hadn't received anything the previous two years as well. The person on the phone put me on hold while looking my information up, and when he got back to me seemed very nervous to confirm what I told him. He said he would see what he could do and give me a call back a few days later. After a week I called back and the front desk said they would let him know I called and get back to me. I'm still waiting for that call back about month later.

    TLDR: Scholarship has been leading me on about paying the amount awarded/promised, claims they have no more backers and owe tens of thousands of dollars to multiple students. Anything we can do to get the funds?

    Not sure if there is anything I can do at this point? Is the money ever going to come in? I would really like the loan to be paid off, but also I feel really unsettled that there are a lot of people who are dealing with this organization (respected in our community) and that they are not being told up front what is happening. My parents want me to take it to the local news stations so that at the very least people know what is going on, but I'm not sure that exposing them would do any good.

    Just looking for some thoughts and advice from people who may know more about laws, regulations, and the specifics of what can and can't be done.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/UnnaturallyAthletic
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    Can I be fired for not working during a mandatory evacuation? (North California Kincade fire)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:48 AM PDT

    I work for a beverage distributor that is located within the mandatory evacuation zone. I also live in the mandatory evacuation zone. I'm one of few that are here today and I'm wondering if I can be fired if I don't come back tomorrow.

    I asked our GM about this and all he said was "There's work and you need to show up for work." However I noticed quite a few other employees I know live in the mandatory evacuation zone aren't here today. They work in a diffrent department than I do so maybe that has something to do with it but I have no clue. We are non-union. Not sure if it's considered private sector.

    submitted by /u/707RiverRat
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