• Breaking News

    Friday, October 25, 2019

    First time posters, we need to know where you are! Insurance

    First time posters, we need to know where you are! Insurance

    First time posters, we need to know where you are!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    In order to better help you, please make sure to include your location in your post. Insurance varies wildly across international borders as well as state/provincial lines. If you want accurate answers to your questions, we need to know where you are, regardless of the kind of insurance.


    submitted by /u/key2616
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    Bought a Tesla Model 3 at 17 years old

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:29 AM PDT


    I am 17 years old and have been freelancing as a developer and have recently joined a software company. I have been making a lot of money and I purchased a Tesla Model 3 about 5 months back. It arrives mid November and I was hoping to do some practise in it as I don't have my license yet however even if my dad is in the car and insured I still would have to be a named driver. I paid the car is cash and am not short for money but I cannot even get a quote. I am not sure what to do as I have worked so hard to get this car and I cant even get insured. I live in London and park on the street outside my house.

    Let me know if anyone can help.


    submitted by /u/liamseskis
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    Venting as an Adjuster

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    ‪Today may be the day that I'm convinced my job is questionably ethical. Ethical may not be the right word for this. Anyway. Sending $5k in claims money directly to a mentally ill, homeless man just doesn't sit well with me.‬ I understand we should/will pay back what we owe, and the goal is to help get the person back to where they were as if they weren't (financially) affected by the accident. However, that is a LOT of money to send someone that I'm not sure is mentally well enough to use it responsibly. It's my best hope that this money will help this man get to a good place, but after many conversations with this man, I can't be sure that is the case. This is more of a rant/venting sessions, but this is something I couldn't just keep in, or complain to coworkers about.

    submitted by /u/ellgor94
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    Auto Insurance lapsed and was hit by hit and run

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:05 PM PDT

    My stepdaughter and son in law live in Washington state and were behind on their insurance and were hit by a hit and run driver. Son in law says he tried to make a payment online earlier in the week but the insurance company would not accept an online payment. He was waiting for his payday tomorrow to get his insurance reinstated. He says he has gap insurance from when he bought the car. Is there any chance that would cover a car loan or because of no primary insurance is he out of luck?

    submitted by /u/starkies
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    Actual Cash Value offer

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:18 PM PDT

    Posting from mobile so I'm sorry if this formats weird.

    I was in a three vehicle accident recently. A vehicle rear ended me and the force knocked me into the vehicle in front of me.

    I was working directly with the insurance (USAA) of the person that rear ended me and they accepted fault for the accident. They notified me that my vehicle is a total loss and offered me ACV for it.

    They then reached out and said that the two vehicles involved in the claim ended up being over their coverage (25k) and we both have to go through our own insurance. So my insurance (Farmers) will be figuring it all out from here and I assume will come up with pretty much the same thing.

    My question is with the ACV. Is there anything I can do to dispute this amount? Also what questions should I ask about the ACV to make sure it is correct?

    My truck (2014 Nissan Titan SV, 86k miles) was fully paid off and if my insurance comes back with the same ACV offer it is not going to be able to get me into anything close mileage/vehicle type to what I had.

    TLDR - Truck is a total loss, ACV offer is not going to be enough to get comparable vehicle. What are my options?

    submitted by /u/anferny82
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    [MD] Van declared total loss, but given option of "cosmetic back out" without salvage title, seems to good to be true

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:16 PM PDT

    So I backed into corner of my house with my 2006 kia van. Van is driveable, needs taillight assembly replaced (bulbs are fine, outter cover broke), bumper badly dented, and panel above tailight has a gash. I only have a 500 deductable so I thought I'll just go through insurance. Well progressive declared a total loss because of 2600 in estimated repairs and van only worth 2900. The rep gave me 2 options, A. Take the ACV after deductable of 2400 or B. Salvage the title, have it towed away, and I'd have to have it repaired and inspected on my own to get title cleared.. He made it sound like I couldn't even get the van back and just drive away like I cancelled the claim. I told him I guess I should take the ACV and start shopping. I talked it over with a few folks and ultimately decided I wanted it back.

    So I called him back expecting a fight and he tells me another option. Apparently Maryland has a "cosmetic back out" law where they estimate the amount to fix the van to a safe driveable degree but not fully repaired, so like not painted, no molding, ect... and I get that amount to go fix it myself. The title isn't salvaged, I don't even have to pay deductable or the estimate shop, but fixing it is on me.

    This sounds too good to be true?? I went from totalling a van that was perfectly driveable to being written a 2000 check to go fix it myself. There's no inspection, no deductable, no agreement to actually fix it, and title is untouched. Now he did keep stating that the vehicle is a total loss which kind of confused me, like there's something he's not telling me. Is there some kind of catch I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/indigoataxia
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    Physical therapist billing me instead of insurance

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    Age: 27 State: California County: Placer Bill: $1,125.00 for four 1-hour visits in the month of April.

    Timeline/coverage as I understood it: In early January 2019 I was referred to a Physical Therapist for scoliosis and told by Medical that I was approved for 12 visits. Approximately one visit per week starting in February until the end of April. From 1/1/19 – 4/30/19: I had medical coverage through Medicare that was covering all physical therapy. From 5/1/19 – present I have been covered through Covered California – Blue Shield

    I got a letter in late April that my Medical coverage was being terminated because I was above the income threshold to quality so I scrambled to get insurance and ended up with Covered California – Blue Shield

    Timeline as I have been made aware as of 10/20/19: From 1/1/19 – 3/31/19 I had medical coverage through Medicare that was covering all physical therapy 4/1/19 – 4/30/19: I had absolutely no coverage 5/1/19 – Present I have been covered through Covered California – Blue Shield

    At the time I visited my physical therapist on April 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th I was under the impression that I was covered by Medical because I hadn't received a termination letter saying that I was no long covered.

    I called the County/Medical people and they claim I was sent a termination letter in mid-March saying that my coverage would be terminated at end of March. I never received this letter. I didn't check that my coverage was still valid before seeing the therapist because I had no reason to think I wasn't covered – remember, I was approved for 12 visits. The Physical therapist didn't check that my coverage was still active and that I was covered prior to treatment at each visit.

    As with almost all medical treatment prior to service they make you sign a contract saying, in essence, "I will pay whatever insurance doesn't cover".

    I have talked to the County/Medical and they won't retroactively approve me to be covered in April because I was dropped due to income because I made ~$200 more for the month of February than I was supposed to (the welfare cliff in action). I talked to Blue Shield and they cannot pay for the coverage because I didn't have their coverage at the time of service.

    I have also called the state ombudsman to ask them if there is a reasonable course of action for me, but that call didn't result in any eureka moments.

    My last option, as far as I know, is to contact the Physical Therapist and ask if they can charge the service back to the month of March when I was covered by Medical, or possibly even an earlier month when I was approved for the 12 visits.

    Knowing all of this - what are my options?

    Is there some type of requirement that all medical professionals check that insurance is up to date before rendering treatment? When I talked to the county worker who does all the Medical stuff she said that is the norm that all medical professionals check that their patient is covered before treatment. Unfortunately, this physical therapist didn't do that. Maybe because it is a small husband and wife team? IDK. Is there some type of health and safety code or other law to protect consumer like myself in this situation?

    I might be able to negotiate a lower price with the Physical therapist, but they have a contract (the one I mentioned signing earlier) and will undoubtedly want as much money out of me as possible. I have asked for an itemized bill to understand how exactly one one-hour visit can cost $281.25, but it will probably be several days until I get that because they use a third-party billing service. I have also asked for all documents from the referring doctor and Medical insurance that say I was approved for 12 visits.

    I sure hope some of you can help me out of this pickle!

    Note: I have posted this same thread in r/personalfinance, r/insurance, r/healthinsurance, r/legaladvice, r/askreddit, and r/california. If there is a more appropriate subreddit please tell me.

    Edits: Added my County to body of post.

    submitted by /u/Reddit-KF-dandert24
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    Not sure how this proceeds, vehicle declared a total loss. Salvage title! Lien holder?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:36 PM PDT

    I live in Nevada. I financed a car. I was involved in an accident a while ago, was rear ended, and was deemed not at fault by the other guys insurance (State Farm.)

    However! My insurance had actually lapsed a few days prior to the accident, and I was unaware. So no comprehensive/collision. I am also liable for the gap, because I didn't have gap liability insurance. Sucks.

    The car has been at the body shop for the past week, and I was just informed that it is being deemed a total loss by State farm. I'm supposed to go in to the body shop tomorrow and sign paper However, I want to keep the vehicle with a salvage title.

    How does this work? On the DMV site it says,

    "When a vehicle has been damaged to the extent it becomes a salvage vehicle, an orange-colored Salvage Title must be issued. The responsibility to complete this process rests with:

    The insurance company if the company declares the vehicle to be a total loss.

    The lienholder, if any, if there is no comprehensive/collision insurance. The registered owner must notify any lienholder of the damage to the vehicle within 10 days and the lienholder must apply for a salvage title within 30 days."

    Any guidance or advice? Anything helps!

    submitted by /u/Oceanvisions
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    Express Car wash pile up debacle

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:24 PM PDT

    Last week i was taking my car through an express car wash, to which we have a monthly membership. This is an express type car wash that "rollers" come up and push your car through it. Your car is supposed to be in neutral with the brake off. About 30 seconds into the carwash i feel a bump. I dont think much of it. Again, i feel a bump, then again. I use my wipers to clear the windshield from soap and the car in front of me has break lights on and is dead stopped inside the carwash. The car behind me has hit me, the car behind him, hit him, and so on. Total of 4 cars in this "Pile up". At no time was the car wash stopped. I honked my horn to which the car in front of me "drove out".

    The car in front of me stops by the office leaving and i stop as well when i get out of the 'tunnel'. We fill out a incident report. The manager asks driver of the car in front of me who was on her brakes for insurance information. She refuses and drives off. I leave my information with the manager and was told that someone would reach out to me within 24 hours.

    The next day i get a call from the car wash chains' claims manager. He sends me the video of the entire thing happening. He tells me to go to a particular body shop and get a estimate to repair. The repair comes back at $2200 to repair front and rear bumper. He then tells me that they are not going to pay it and that i should file a police report and get driver 1's insurance information and make a claim with her insurance. He also mentioned that i could also file a no fault claim with my insurance. I told him i didn't think this was the right way to do this and let him know i would get back to him.

    Should the car wash make a claim with their insurance and then go after driver 1 if they believe they were at fault? I believe the car wash to be at fault for not properly instructing driver 1 to stay off her brakes. I also believe they are at fault for not shutting down the car wash at any point during the pile up process. Does anyone have any experience with something like this? What should be my next move?


    submitted by /u/EF200098
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    Help needed about dentist

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    This is my first post on reddit.

    Here is the story and my question. I visited a dental office to get a crown replaced. However sadly the dentist abraded another tooth too much and I still feel uncomfortable and cannot use that teeth for eating anything.

    May I know where or what department should I complain to or get help?

    I am living in bucks county , Pennsylvania, US.

    Thank you very much for your help!

    submitted by /u/paap55
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    I have a term life policy with Banner Life and want to learn to fly. [WA State]

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    Pretty much what the title says. It's a 30 year term policy and I got it 5 years ago. I went through the policy paperwork work and this is what it asked me back then:

    1. Do you hold a current pilot license, or have you in the past 5 years flown, or within the next 2 years do you intend to fly, other than as a passenger in any type of aircraft? (If Yes, complete Aviation Questionnaire.)

    I selected NO for that answer.

    So I have a few questions: 1. Do I need to change anything on my policy since it's been 5 years since I got it? 2. Do I need to let Banner know I'm going to be a student pilot? 3. If the answers to previous are yes, is there a way to still be covered in an aviation accident? I know this would cost a pretty penny but just wondering if they even cover that at all. 4. Can Banner decided to drop me if I ask them about this?

    submitted by /u/BoredMechanic
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    Is this legal!?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:02 PM PDT

    My dad has been paying for full coverage insurance on all three of his vehicles for several years. Yesterday my brothers got into an accident that they were at fault for. Upon calling the insurance company, my dad was informed that they had canceled his collision coverage in March already. Can an insurance company do this without notifying the client? Any info at all would be appreciated, as I'm not finding much on google. Oh, and we live in Alberta, Canada.

    submitted by /u/TizzyRean
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    State Farm Claim Specialist(Property Adjuster)

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    I recently accepted the above mentioned position. I want to know if anyone out there works for SF as a Claim Specialist...I have some questions to ask. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/charlesd80
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    I’m looking for some help.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    Insurance company doesn't want to pay the body shop to repair my parents vehicle correctly. What options do they have?

    submitted by /u/youneedCPR
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    Rear ended someone today

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:20 PM PDT

    He said his back hurt and left in an ambulance. But he was walking around after the accident.

    What is the maximum he could get out of my insurance? An amount I should worry about? Like over $100k, leaving me personally liable for any excess? My insurance covers $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence.

    I live in Massachusetts.

    submitted by /u/aarora610
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    Finally got that job...now time to adult and learn about renters insurance

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:18 PM PDT

    Title says it...it's time to grow up, move out, and of course...get renters insurance but sadly I know very little. Moving to Stamford CT and the top three options were: Lemonade, Liberty Mutual, Progressive

    I want to be able to have the electronics covered as much as possible is a big part for me as we have one car and plan to get a second.

    Any tips or policies to want/look out for?

    Really anytime will help thanks!

    submitted by /u/medicallyspecial
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    Hail Damage 2018 Honda CRV (Leased)

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    I filed a claim for hail damage I got the check in the mail for my estimate at collision caliber. Do I have to get done at collision or can I take it to family own auto body repair shop and see if I can get it done for less or at least not have to pay my $500 deductible and have them just take it out of the check I received from my insurance. (hope this make sense)

    Or can I just cash the check since I plane on keeping my CRV after the lease?

    submitted by /u/NewAlex32
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    [MD]What exactly goes on after an accident?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    So basically, I was in a not at fault accident. My car is 20 years old and not worth much, so I'm kinda confused/scared at what's going to happen.

    Someone reversed into my parked car, and left a huge dent in it/ messed up the paint. I am going through their insurance.

    They gave me a list of their body shops I should take it to and luckily one is pretty close to me with good reviews so I chose them.

    What happens after this? They're putting me in a rental, but what happens if they total my car? How long would I be able to stay in the rental until I find a new one? How long would it take to find out if It will get totaled? What if I decide to keep the car and live with the damage? So many questions, any insight?

    submitted by /u/OsamaBinRobbin
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    Medical provider failed to bill my secondary insurance, resulting in a bill I paid. Figured out they screwed up very late- secondary wont pay. Can I get the provider to pay up?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    I'm in Florida

    I got a pair of orthotics (leg braces) done way back in summer 2017. The total bill was around $2300. I had Cigna as a primary through work and was paying out of pocket for a Medicare Advantage plan - I'd come off SSDI for this job and you can pay for medicare out of pocket for years afterwards.

    Per Cigna I had the responsibility to pay a $500 payment (deductible?) and 20% of the bill. I paid the $500 then later $186 or so.

    May 2018 I moved and had to change my Medicare Advantage plan because the option I had while the company covered the whole state they had broken the state into regions. Plan A covered one town, plan B covered another. So I did some benefit shopping and discovered that MA plans had no copay/deductible for orthotics, just co-insurance. When I called to ask my MA plan about it, they said they were never billed and I needed prior authorization.

    Ive asked the provider/brace builder to send info- they did, repeatedly. We've even had multiple 3 way conversations between myself, the provider and the MA plan. They flat out refuse to reimburse me for what they should have paid, but the brace maker keeps trying to send paperwork/bill instead of paying me for their screw up?

    I figure I'm out somewhere between $185-$685. Am I just shit out of luck? If I'm not SOL how do I get somebody to take responsibility and fix this?

    submitted by /u/reddituseranyonymous
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    Dental surgery

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    Hope I'm in the right sub for this. tl;dr at bottom

    So 10 years ago or so I got braces. I was born without two of my adult teeth so naturally I had gaps in my teeth. They were moved with braces so now I have two large gaps and a retainer with two fake teeth.

    While it's fun to mess with people it's been going on far too long. I'm 26 and I have a metal bar in my mouth everyday. I know it could be worse but damn it I just want to be able to pop food in my mouth willy nilly.

    Unfortunately my father passed away young and he was never able to help me get the surgery done. And I've been trying to save money for years for this. My mother offered half to help since it was their decision but she also lives below the poverty line and I'm not willing to stress her further.

    Now this is where it starts to get interesting. At first I was quoted around $5,000 and it's considered cosmetic surgery. We could not afford it so we put it off. Last time we checked they quoted $13,000 or so because now my bones in my mouth have deteriorated and I'll need bone graphs so they can put the screws and teeth securely in the gums. Again the dentist says insurance will cover absolutely nothing because this is an elective cosmetic surgery.

    Isn't there something along a quality of life increase or some other "loophole" to get some help on this? I find it absurd that I'm gonna have to sink a house down payment into my mouth. This has been negatively affecting me for well over a decade.

    Location Ohio, USA.

    tl;dr. Dental insurance will not cover $13k borne graph teeth implants. Basis is elective cosmetic surgery.

    I appreciate your time and help!

    submitted by /u/Grueshbag
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    Diminished Value Claim

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    I am working on a diminished value claim for an accident where I was rear ended. Their insurance wants two sets of 3 examples of comparable cars with history reports, 1 set with damage and another without. What's the best way to acquire these? Everything I've seen I have to pay for the reports. Any tips for the claim in general? The accident is still in mediation I believe, so far they've only accepted half the liability.

    submitted by /u/jmanny405
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    uninsured lady ran a light and hit my vehicle

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    so not gonna go into details about the accident but a kind lady ran a red light and smashed into my car. Police report filed, they showed up pretty much immediately and impounded her car. Said she was completely at fault and also uninsured. Yes I have 25k/25k uninsured motorist coverage. Mine had to get towed by an insurance recommended tow company which cost me $140 for a mile tow. Whatever, shitty start to my day but I paid it. Now they want me to pay a $200 deductible. I've been sore for a week now so i've been thinking about seeing a chiropractor. Got quite a few calls from lawyers and a couple regional medical centers trying to make money off this case. Is there any merit to them? I don't really want to seek anymore damages other than my car repair (already paid for), the tow cost (still out of my pocket), and the deductible (still out of my pocket) but I'm a poor student and this neck/back pain is kinda bringing me down, killed my ability to workout and play basketball, and I lost a whole days wages so I'm wondering what my options here are.

    Thanks a ton.

    submitted by /u/Shenbatu
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    Windshield claim in Florida

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:46 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    A rock flew into my car the other day causing a 2 inch scratch on my hood and cracked my windshield so i filed a claim with my insurance. In the state of Florida, your insurance is required to repair or replaced your windshield with no deductible but my insurance is claiming thats not the case because of the scratch on my hood. I said what if I just file a claim for the just the glass only and they said I can't do that because they're aware of the damage. The reason i'm asking is because they quoted $250 to fix the scratch which is under my $500 deductible. So now, they want me to pay the $500 regardless if I get the scratch fixed or not. Is the legal?

    submitted by /u/Kits2gr
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    Confusing policy limit per occurrence wording

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    There is a scheduled policy with 15-20 locations. The flood has its own limit and deductible for each location (scheduled). But there is a statement that's says "flood deductible: $5,000 per building subject to a minimum of $50,000 per occurrence". What does that statement mean. Would that $50,000 be treated like a minimum deductible across the whole policy or the claim would have to be $50,000 before the policy would act? I originally was interepreting it to mean that, each building per loss has a $5,000 ded but they must reach $50,000 before anything pays out of the limit

    Later on in the policy there is a section that says, minimum dollar deductible per occurrence - $50,000

    This wording is just confusing me here, might be much more straightforward than how I am viewing it for whatever reason.

    submitted by /u/LevelJob
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    Had an accident and need advice where to go from here

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    So a few days ago, I got into a very minor incident, or at least for me. I'm borrowing a car for the moment and I was going through drive thru. Now, this is a 2004 car and they had parked me at the next window. Next thing you know, Car gets stuck in Neutral and Drive, my boot heel gets slightly stuck between gas and brake and I go flying 3 or 4 feet over a curb and into a do not enter sign. It, for better or worse, is very damaged.

    I'm an extremely anxious person and I tend to flip out very easily. I enter panic attack but grab their insurance information and sit for a half hour with the store manager. He takes my personal information, policy number and the police still havent shown. He gives me his phone number and told me I could go, and with my flight or fight response, I left it at that. Where do I go from here? I'm very aware that I messed up in not waiting for the police myself, but I was not being logical at the time.

    What's the best and worst options here? Does my insurance fix the restaurant sign? Does the car's owner's insurance cover it? Idk what to even do

    submitted by /u/Frenchtoastgoddess
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