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    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Car was totaled, just found out my VIN is incorrect on policy Insurance

    Car was totaled, just found out my VIN is incorrect on policy Insurance

    Car was totaled, just found out my VIN is incorrect on policy

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    I'm freaking out a bit and am torn between here and r/legaladvice. I got into an accident on Sunday. I was at fault. I just got the call today that after inspecting it they deemed my car to be totaled. It sucks but it was a 2004 so I half expected it. Anyway the claims agent tells me that my truck is registered to some other guy that has a lien and asked me if he was the owner. I tell him that cant be right I'm the sole owner and I have a blue title in my office. I go check and pull it out and say here it is, i bought it from this lady and am listed as the sole owner. Issued 11/1/2018. he says DMV probably just havent updated it no worries as long as I have the VIN just send it in. I say OK. I thought that was weird and the people I bought it from didnt tell me the car was in an accident when I bought it (I didnt notice till later when I had A/C issues and my mechanic told me the engine was the wrong one for the car because the compressor didn't match up or something like that, i'm not a car person), so i thought maybe they did some trickery so then I called the shop and confirmed the VIN thats on my car is the one on my title. It was. So I chalked it up to some weirdness and let it go. That was about 4 hours ago. So now I'm getting ready to fill out the total paperwork the guy emailed to me and I see the VIN is different than the one on the title. I thought at first he mixed up my truck with another one he was working on but I checked the VIN online and its for a Dodge 1500 LARIMORE and my truck is a Dodge 1500 SLT. I Ran the VIN on my title and confirmed thats what it comes up as. I check my policy paperwork from my insurance co and its got the Larimore VIN on it. At this point im just confused as to how this is. I think back to when I was setting up the policy the agent asked if I had a green title because it was showing as salvage, i said no I remember my title was blue. She said "no worries probably just a system thing I can fix that" or something to that effect. In my head now I'm thinking maybe she changed the VIN so my title would show as clean so my rates wouldnt change. Yes, I know how that sounds but I dont know how else a different VIn can be showing on my policy. I went back and looked at docs online and the application and everyhting have this other VIN. Obviously I should have checked but really why would I ever think to check my VIN matches my card? I was just scanning the docs the coverages were right, it said "2004 dodge ram truck" so I thought everything was good. Why would I pull out my titles and make sure the VIN #'s matched? I assume agents fudge stuff like this all the time, wasnt till a few minutes ago when I realized how fucked I might be. If my VIN doesnt match my policy then they might deny this claim. Then I'm on the hook for the other guys damage and mine too. I went back and checked my emails and the first quote they sent me showed "Dodge Ram" but not the VIN. I went back in my texts and it shows the conversations I had with the Agent but I never sent her the VIn that must have been over the phone. This was 6 months ago so unless they keep those calls recorded I have no way of proving I gave her my correct VIN. Where the hell would I get a different VIN? I know if I call the guy in the morning and say my VIN is wrong and he opens an investigation its just my word against my Agents. SO unless they go through all of her policies and find she's been doing this for a while I'm probably fucked. SO do I call a lawyer and try to get ahead of it? I'm seriously at a loss

    TL:DR - After my car was totaled I found out the VIN on my Title doesnt match the VIN on my policy. I think my Agent fudged the numbers so I could get clean title rates, but I have no proof, I electronically signed docs with the fake VIN. Am I fucked? What do I do?

    submitted by /u/SirrSterl
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    FORL (Lesions In Cats Mouth) Dental Work Denied by Insurance

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:31 AM PDT


    My cat was diagnosed with FORL's (Lesions) in the mouth and now requires extractions which are happening today.

    My pet insurance for her has declined covering the dental work. I am not on their basic accident only plan but have the middle type coverage which includes dental work. The main issue is they state they only cover dental work for Injury or Accident but in the small print states it also covers manifestation of an illness.

    FORLS are a disease, and nothing down to poor hygiene. They cause issues with the teeth and gums which require teeth removal to cure the symptoms.

    Below is the small print terms for their dental work

    (e) Dentistry As a Direct Result of an Accident or Injury We will pay up to the Benefit Limit as shown in Your Benefit Table for dentistry as a direct result of an accident or injury. This is not a separate benefit but is limited under Veterinary Fees. Section 1A is applicable to Accident Only Benefit Limits will have the following meanings, wherever they appear in Your Policy, depending on the cover You have selected: For Our Accident Only policy the Benefit Limit means the maximum amount We will pay for a single Accident or Injury subject to the maximum Benefit Limit amount as shown in Your Schedule. Payments for Veterinary Fees are limited to costs incurred within 1 calendar year from the date the condition first manifested or the maximum Benefit Limit, which ever is reached first and subject to renewal. If You stop making premium payments to Us then cover will cease. Condition means any Injury sustained during, or resulting from, a single Accident or any manifestation of an Illness having the same diagnostic classification or resulting from the same disease process regardless of the number of incidents or areas of Your Pet's body affected. Please note that Illness is not covered on Accident Only cover.

    Do I have any kind of claim against my insurance on this ?

    submitted by /u/ExeCuteUK
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    Need to get out of adjusting

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    I'm sure this is a common notion for anyone who has worked an inside auto adjuster desk. But I'm burnt out. I have no more energy or empathy to give. I've been an adjuster for almost two years going from Liability determination to unrepresented third party injuries. And I can't keep doing it. Work builds up constantly and people leave and the company doesn't replace them. Plus the whole being a punching bag for everyone involved. It's just taken a turn for the worse and I'm constantly stressed out even when I leave for the day. So I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on where to go from here. I feel like the burnout largely has to do with dealing with customers and claimants. So I'm not looking to become a different type of adjuster. But this is essentially my most significant job experience. First full time job out of college.
    Are there any careers that utilize some of the skills an adjuster would have developed? I appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/afisher1995
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    How do I switch off my parents' car insurance to my own, if they don't want me to?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    Hi there. I'm 22 and live in FL. My mom and I have joint ownership of a car - it's an "or" title, meaning I could get the title in my name only or sell the car without her consent, or vice versa. She has her own car for work, as do I.

    I want to get my own insurance and switch from theirs to mine so I am no longer financially dependent on them for anything and we have no legal ties. However, they don't want me to do this, and would rather I remain on the insurance plan indefinitely, even though their rates would go down.

    They are controlling religious fundamentalists and I'm closeted transgender in a homosexual relationship, and I know from experience that they'll use anything they can as a bargaining chip to keep me financially reliant on them and get me to change. I'm trying to break off from them so I can transition and live with my partner. My car is old but very reliable and has good gas mileage, and I'd rather not have to part with it and blow 3k on another vehicle if I can avoid it.

    I essentially pay all my own bills except for this. Is there a way to switch insurance without them consenting to remove the car from theirs, so I can get the car in my name only? Or am I best off just buying another car?

    submitted by /u/trans_thr0waway
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    Old house, water loss & code upgrades

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 11:42 PM PDT

    Hi all, could use some 2 cents as I head into phase 2 of this project as it's all uncharted territory. My home is old-ish therefore I have the "code upgrade" rider on my policy. Ended up having water damage/loss that led to the entire kitchen being ripped out.

    Here's where the code upgrade comes into play (possibly). There may be some electrical in the kitchen that's not to code. Like having an outlet right above the gas stove cooktop. The dishwasher was hardwired. Not sure what else they're gonna find. I don't know what a general contractor will do vs what an electrician gets called in for and what requires permits. When does the "code upgrade" part get kicked in?

    This never would have been an issue if we didn't gut the place. What happens if one fix triggers another? As in my breaker box is in a spot that it can't be in (entryway closet). Is that covered too? What happens if electrical work mandates that get moved?

    I'll take any insight anyone has. I'm in Ca (if that matters)

    submitted by /u/bionicfeetgrl
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    U-Haul Accident - Need advice!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    I rented a 15' U-Haul truck with Safemove, which covers damage to the truck, but not liability damage to other vehicles in the event of an accident. Today a driver who was supposed to be yielding merged into my lane. I swerved into the left lane to avoid hitting the vehicle, however in doing so I side-swiped another car. The vehicle that caused the accident drove away untouched and probably didn't even realize they caused a wreck. I pulled into a parking lot along with the car I hit. No police report was filed. The owner of the car I hit filed a claim with his insurance Geico, and seems like a reasonable and understanding guy. He saw the whole thing and knows it's not my fault, but also not his fault that he got hit.

    It gets complicated because I'm personally uninsured for this month while I switch companies. But even if I was insured, most polices don't cover liability in a U-Haul. The other driver is really understanding, but his insurance, Geico, isn't claiming any liability. What are my options here? The driver that technically caused the wreck is nowhere to be found, U-Haul won't cover the other car's damage, and even if I was uninsured they wouldn't cover it either.

    UPDATE: I followed up to see if he has Uninsured Motorist Property Damage as apart of his Geico insurance.

    submitted by /u/zachsol
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    Attacked on motorcycle any advice?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:56 PM PDT

    Long story short I was riding my motorcycle home (2009 Harley xl1200c) I was less than a block from my street when some random guy ..meth head tackled me while I was in motion . I was going about 40 mph on a 55 slowing down on the left lane as I was about to prepare my self for the left turn to my street. .. I saw him running towards me and I tried breaking but this guy tackled me . so basically I flew off my motorcycle about 30-40 ft while my bike slid about 50-60 ft .. to the opposite lanes where car had to swerve to avoid hitting me .. also I have some pretty bad road rash on my arms and both my legs are sprained where I can't move around with out a wheelchair.. .. my bike has consideable cosmetic damage .. about about 1k in damages if I fix myself.. it was in pristine condition before this .. and it was worth around 4.5- 6k in realistic market value.. .... I have liability insurance .. stupid I know what are my options?? Is it worth while to sue .. what can I expect?? .. things I know is it was classified as a T.C in the police report.. but I have multiple witness backing it up that it was intentional.. .. like I mentioned I was tackled.. I didn't hit him in the front .. also the sheriff confirmed he was on something and reeked of alcohol. His words.. also he was fightings /arguing with the EMTs... As far as I know he didn't give any info .. / John Doe and when this happened the guy was shirtless .. hence I suspect he was a homeless person .. .any advice this happened in Lancaster CA . I also don't want to get screwed over by my insurance. I understand I'm Sol for being underinsured..

    submitted by /u/clark_is_awesome
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    Got in an auto accident and found out my insurance address wasn't up to date?!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    I moved about 1.5 months ago and setup a quote for the new state I'm in and had it applied but found out it never was. I just got in an accident and realized they still had my old polocy when I went to file a claim. I'm concerned they may not honor my policy. Immediately after finding this out I updated my policy. I've always been up to date on my insurance and never missed a payment with progressive and have multiple policies with them.

    What should/can I do? Try to explain to them what happened and pay any penalties? I spoke to them on the phone before the move and notified them which is how the quote came about and the insurance person said it'd be applied on the date I was supposed to arrive at the new state.

    I'm freaking out now cause I don't know if they'll honor this? I had my old policy still active at the time of the accident. I don't cut corners when it comes to insurance. I don't know if it matters but I've also only physically been in the state for about 10 days of the 1.5 months. I travel a lot for work so my truck hasn't seen much mileage since I got here.

    Has anyone else experienced this or know what to do in this situation? Am I screwed? Please only serious replies. I've been getting no sleep from this. Thank you all in advanced.

    Side notes: I don't know if it matters but I've also only physically been in the state for about 10 days of the 1.5 months. I travel a lot for work so my truck hasn't seen much mileage since I got here. It's been garaged in a secure area indoors. Insurance was the big deciding factor on where to move as well. I also had them apply my renters insurance for that same move date and it was successfully applied?

    TL:DR found out insurance wasn't updated after moving states despite contacting them setting it up prior to my move after accident. I was still under my previous states policy at the time. Am I screwed?

    submitted by /u/pasteface490
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    What happens to your plan deductible/OOP max progress when you downgrade?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:43 PM PDT

    If we downgrade from a Gold plan to a Bronze HSA plan halfway into a year due to a qualifying life event, what happens to the OOP max? If I've already maxed my OOP max, does it reset? If it is a company sponsored plan, can we downgrade the whole family to Bronze after a qualifying event (ie. having a baby)? And what are some traps or pros/cons we might not be aware of at this time?

    submitted by /u/fire_dawn
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    I have a PPO healthcare plan. Am I allowed to see any therapist?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    The title says all. I am on my employers health plan which is PPO. I was wondering if I can see a Psychologist that is out of network and pay less than what an office visit usually is since I'm on PPO?

    submitted by /u/BluePilotPen
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    Recreational activities

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    I have created a recreational activities group. It consists of people playing volleyball at our local school. The school had us sign a release form "hold harmless" to play. In the contract I am listed as the organizer and responsible for damages. Do I need insurance? Or can I have everyone sign a waiver saying they are responsible for their damages, if any.

    submitted by /u/griffinmurphy
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    Car Accident in California - best way to proceed

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    Hello /r/insurance,

    My cousin's car was parked on the street in front of his house and was hit last night. The driver who hit him fled the scene, but was later apprehended by the police. The police came to my cousin's house and gave him the case number, and told him the police report would be ready in a week.

    My cousin called his insurance company, and told his insurance what happened, and they said that because he only has liability insurance through them, they cannot help him out.

    How would my cousin proceed in this situation to get his car fixed? Assuming that the other driver had insurance, is my cousin supposed to reach out personally to the at fault driver's insurance and ask them to fix his vehicle?

    Any suggestions are welcome.


    submitted by /u/dgit2
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    At fault auto accident, no medpay. Can I use my health insurance??

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    As the title says I was in an accident. I rear ended someone and fractured my wrist. I didn't sign up for medpay because the coverage was expensive and only covered up to 2500 so I figured it wasn't worth it. Now I was referred to an ortho by urgent care but they said I'd have to pay OOP and try to get reimbursed on the back end by my insurance. My wife works in the medical field and says my insurance probably won't cover it since it was an auto accident. Do I have any options here? Or am I just SOL? If I would have known insurance companies don't pay for auto accidents I would have just paid for MPC but I didn't know this was a thing

    submitted by /u/SirrSterl
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    Just got in an accident before moving cross country. I am in a rental and the Geico agent(guy at faults insurance is paying for the rental)told me to leave the car unlocked and leave the key under my floormat in a dark parking lot. where it could be easily broken into, what happens if it's stolen?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    Primary driver vs secondary driver

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    Do I really need to list secondary drivers on my vehicles? Can't I be listed as the primary on all my vehicles?

    submitted by /u/griffinmurphy
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    How much does a car insurance company pay out per year total?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Curious and can't find it in google.

    submitted by /u/Sprockethead
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    My wife received a letter from EQUIAN with a bill from her accident?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:06 PM PDT

    She was rear ended a few moths ago, and we went to the emergency because she was having back pain. She reported the auto accident to the auto insurance, but hasn't followed up about her going to the hospital because she has I think 2 years to report it, she's procrastinating about it. Now she got a bill where the health insurance covered half of it. What does she need to do?

    submitted by /u/Doozies
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    Are you entitled to COBRA when you quit if you weren't enrolled in benefits at that time, but had been in the past?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    Basically what the title says - I had health benefits through an employer, but they stopped offering them to part-time employees (which is me) - so I'm not entitled to COBRA because there is no qualifying event (not leaving the job, not having hours reduced).

    My question is - when I do eventually leave the job - will I be entitled to COBRA then? Even though I won't be enrolled in the benefit plan at that time, but I had been in the past?

    submitted by /u/NYCRez
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    Term Life Insurance: Are they all the same?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 12:44 PM PDT

    Intro Assuming all goes well I will be a new parent in 2020 where I am also the sole income for the household. On the personal finance side I have solid numbers for what the cost of everything is, wills and trusts are created, etc, and there will be a written guide outside of thoe official documents to assist my wife.

    Question 1: Assuming my forecast is correct, should I look at a 20y term because the kids arent born yet? Or perhaps less because after 15years the house has more equity in it and investment accounts have grown?

    Question 2: As a perk through my job, they pay for a life insurance policy worth 2x my yearly salary.
    They also offer supplemental life insurance at a cost, via Cigna, is it worth investigating and doing the math on how expensive that would be compared to a normal term life insurance plan?

    Question 3:

    Are there any huge differences between life insurance companies in regards to term life insurance? From when I looked a few years back, they all seem to charge around the same based on your age bracket.

    Are there options that take good health into consideration (ie. non smoker, non drinker, not massivle obese, great blood workups) for a lower payment?

    submitted by /u/AGuyAndHisCat
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    "Not a valid insurance"

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    So my leasing company is telling me that I have to have insurance, which is fine I've had it the whole time I've lived here 3yrs, but now they sent a letter saying that "State Farm renters insurance is not accepted as valid renters insurance coverage"

    Is this legal? surely the same company that covers my car and has nationwide reach is valid. Do they really have this ability?

    (I live in Ohio)

    submitted by /u/Noname1189
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    Allstate quickfoto claim question

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    Hey guys. Someone recently hit my parked car. I have minimal coverage for myself, but they had Allstate. I used their app and did a quickfoto claim. I've been told that if I want to take it in to a mechanic Allstate will pay the repair cost for any damages that the quickfoto claim doesn't cover.

    My question is, is there any way for me to get a check instead of the mechanic? I'm strapped for cash right now and would like to repair things at my own pace.


    submitted by /u/MountlakeTerrace
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    First car, buying in cash

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 01:16 PM PDT

    Okay so basically this is my first time buying a car and I'm not sure when I should get insurance.

    Right now I've just been checking out cars (not from a dealership) and havnt bought anything but I was wondering how much my insurance would cost me monthly since I dont have any credit history and have only had my liscense for about a month?

    Also should I go in person to talk to about car insurance quotes or is it alright to do it online?

    submitted by /u/peepthatthought
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    Spousal surcharge

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    I had a meeting for my company's open enrollment today. I noticed this spousal surcharge for the first time, and checked my pay stub. I've been paying $100 a month for 17 months. My company says they automatically set you up to take the surcharge unless you show that your spouse is not covered and cannot be covered by their employer. My wife cannot get covered through her job and was never able. Yet I have been paying all that money for no reason. I want my money back what can i do?

    submitted by /u/terkinstein
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    Crashed my motorcycle. Who is responsible and best way to prove it to the other guy’s insurance?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    At an intersection I turn left and enter a two way split road. I'm distracted by some pedestrians on my right and end up hitting a car attempting turn around in the middle of both split lanes. Who's at fault here? I know I didn't pay attention to what was in front of me but I expect it to be free, at least for my direction.

    Edit: The guy said I was at fault because I crossed a pedestrian crossing and should have slowed down - I did not pay attention. Regardless of me paying attention though, he should always keep the lane free if traffic is coming towards him right? He can't just block my lane and expect me to slow down so he can complete his 180 turn.

    submitted by /u/Zelusson
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    Cheaper to not have Vision Insurance?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    I live in Virginia.

    I was looking to get new glasses because I've had the same glasses since high school. (Almost a decade. I've had them for so long cause I had a period where I wore contacts.) I called my optometrist to see how much it would cost for an exam without insurance, and I was quoted a flat $126. My friend told me that she got her glasses from online for no more than $50, so that's most likely where I'm going to get them.

    My current job offers insurance for roughly $173 a year with a $15 copay for a vision exam. The insurance company is VSP. From the looks of it, it doesn't get deducted from my gross pay and that I technically have to pay for it out of pocket. (Because I'm only part time.) From my company's HR website, it brings it straight to the website so that's what I assume.

    I'd really like new glasses because I feel like my current ones are so scratched up and dirty beyond repair. Would it be cheaper for me to just pay for everything out of pocket?

    submitted by /u/doctdad
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