• Breaking News

    Friday, October 18, 2019

    Cancelled progressive auto policy on the day next monthly payment was due, but they're charging me $75. Insurance

    Cancelled progressive auto policy on the day next monthly payment was due, but they're charging me $75. Insurance

    Cancelled progressive auto policy on the day next monthly payment was due, but they're charging me $75.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:40 AM PDT

    Just what the title says.

    TLDR: payment was due on Sept 26, I cancelled on Sept 26, new coverage took effect Sept 26. Progressive says I owe them $75 for "days we covered you."

    My total monthly premium with them was $123 and some change per month, I cancelled on the day the next payment would have been due as my new policy took effect that same day. They're saying I owe them $75 for days they covered me, but this makes zero sense because if I were to not pay on the due date, I know full well they'd immediately cancel the coverage. I paid the day I began coverage with them and each monthly payment pays for the next month. Even if they covered me for a few days under a new month, I have a hard time believing I owe them $75. I requested an itemized bill before I'll pay anything. They said they sent one which I never received at my new address. When I spoke with them to cancel, they had my address from two homes ago on file even though they had sent mail to my prior address and I had supplied my most recent prior address to them. So, I don't doubt that they sent the bill to the wrong place even after I gave them my new address.

    ETA: I had gone through the steps in the app to estimate what it would cost to add a second vehicle but never supplied the VIN. On my payment schedule for Sept 26 they had that they were going to charge me the premium for two vehicles instead of one even though I never officially added the second vehicle. CSR swears they're only charging me for coverage on one vehicle, I'm not sure I believe it.

    submitted by /u/WaY_WeiRd
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    Why is comprehensive insurance cheaper on a new larger 20’ model motorcycle, than a 17’ used model motorcycle?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:07 AM PDT

    Here is the equation for the bike's (cost is $100 a month for the bike itself):

    20': 3 years at $200 a month = $7,200

    17': 3 years at $300 a month = $10,800

    So I've been looking for a bike, and I'm a graduate college student who is gonna move in with a buddy. I have a car wreck on my record and zero speeding tickets. I'm gonna have to keep the bike outside, so I'm getting a cover, an alarm wheel lock, and a chain to chain it to the carport support. I'll then wedge it in between my car and the curb to store. I may have to leave it there somedays due to rain ore something though.

    So I'm conflicted, because I want a bike and everyone tells me to go used, especially because I'm storing it outside. Yet comprehensive on every other used starter bike is like $200-300 a month. Yet for the new Ninja its only $110. Wtf?

    Doing this leaves me about $500 in extra spending (or saving) money a month after EVERYTHING I need to live.

    submitted by /u/CamoGamer123
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    When an insurance agent chooses the wrong plan for you, and you go to make a claim but aren’t covered, do you have any options?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    Asking for my mom. For property insurance she wanted full coverage. Turns out she got specific coverage. Past winter the barn roof caved roof caved from snow, which wasn't covered, now she's going to be out $40k. Does she have any way to make this claim?

    submitted by /u/throawayboi
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    Boring question about non-owner SR-22

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:31 AM PDT

    So my partner hasn't had a license for about 15 years. Got some DUI convictions as a young adult back in the 90s, Texas. We're currently in the process of getting everything reinstated.

    My partner went through insurance company A for their SR-22 and non-owners car insurance. I have insurance company B, and I own/finance the vehicles. Once the drivers license is reinstated I plan on allowing my partner to use one of my vehicles to get to and from work. We live together, unmarried, but I've been the only named insured as I'm the only licensed driver. When I add my partner to my insurance, is it ok to have insurance through the two different companies? Does that matter? I'm not knowledgeable on multiple policies or SR-22s and google isn't giving me any helpful answers. If it's relevant, my insurance coverage is way over the state minimum, by like 10x.

    I just want to make sure everything is golden before handing my keys to someone else. Thanks to anyone that replies.

    submitted by /u/chicostick
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    Career advice

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    Got into fender bender, not at fault. Can I collect payment even with expired tags?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:44 AM PDT

    I moved to Texas recently, and my license plate from my last state has expired. Someone got into a fender bender with me and they were ruled at-fault. Will I not be able to collect payment from their insurance company because my tags are out of state and expired? I was planning on getting my Texas license plate and tags updated immediately.

    submitted by /u/cmurda69
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    Auto insurance claim in Alberta for not at fault accident.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    ​How are the calculations made for the repair versus write-off by ​a​uto insurance companies in Alberta​, Canada​?

    As a claimant, are we privy as to how the insurer arrived at a ​settlement number?
    We had requested for this info and they've got back after almost a week saying that the info is confidential. This is after following up with them daily for almost close to a week.

    ​More details: ​We were involved in a not at fault accident in Alberta and ​o​ur insurance says that that the car has to be repaired with the estimate quote around $12000 whereas the car FMV according to them is $16000. They've estimated the salvageable value for 3 year car as $1500 which we find it hard to believe.

    We have also been been paying extra for the depreciation endorsement. ​​

    P.S : This is the first time we are making an auto ​insurance ​claim​.

    submitted by /u/ranganayakee
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    Is my son covered?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    People keep telling that because I have full coverage on my car that if I allow another licensed driver to drive it they will be covered too.

    Is this true? I can't find it on my policy.

    submitted by /u/Stacylulubee
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    Dumb question but can you get insurance for a car you don’t own?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:11 PM PDT

    So my brother is giving me his car and he doesn't have insurance on it. So I need to get insurance on it and then change the title to my name. Will insurance agency's have a problem with that?

    submitted by /u/Kongyang96
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    Leased Car's Window Smashed/Broken Into, What to Do?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:40 AM PDT


    I know leasing a car is incredibly taboo, but I did it because it made sense at the time.

    My passenger window was completely smashed in by a break-in. They grabbed a back pack and I'm filing a police report on the whole incident.

    I currently have GEICO and my deductible for glass repair is $100, which seems to be much cheaper than getting it fixed without insurance.

    My question is that GEICO offers a "Safelite" option where I'll only be required to pay the deductible but they say it's a good option if I "own" my car (which I'm not sure if a lease qualifies) and if I find my own shop then it's a "possible reimbursement."

    Do I go with either option? Just eat the whole cost of the window without insurance?

    And if anyone happens to know... I did not purchase the extra damage protection insurance of my dealership (Nissan). Do I need to report this to my dealership for their shop to handle it?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/xdaisiesx
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    Defend my (Deceased) Father's payout?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    I don't know how to word the question so forgive me if this has been answered somewhere. Links appreciated if there are any.

    My Dad passed away back in March. I've been waiting on the Insurance company to review his <2 year policy. I just received a letter yesterday stating that his initial application was filled out incorrectly. There were health questions asked that he answered with a 'no' when there should have been 'yes'

    They state in the letter that if these questions had been answered correctly, they would have been unable to approve him.

    They then say, "in an effort to give this matter every possible consideration, we would like to obtain your comments regarding [Deceased's] significant undisclosed health history." What are they asking me here? Are they asking me to defend his inability, or unwillingness to understand what he should have? Should I just let it go, and accept the <2 year premium payments back?

    Edit: Adding in some of the things they cite as the issue:

    According to the paperwork they sent he had COPD, had been told by Doctors to either get tested for, or get treatment for diseases or disorder of the heart, arteries or circulatory system (High blood pressure or stroke).

    There's also something here about treatment or consultation for use of narcotics. He wasn't the type of person to do anything illegal, so I'm wondering about that. He was on pain medication for a while.

    submitted by /u/DoIReallyHaveToNow
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    Central Arkansas. A hospital is billing me after I revoked consent to treat.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    I posted in r/legaladvice but I was told it may be better suited here. This may or may not be true. Apologies if this is the wrong place. My question is what can I do about an insurance bill when a therapist continues to treat after I unenroll from the program. I did get some advice from legaladvice which is great and I plan to follow it but I could always use more guidance if you have any.

    In Arkansas. My child received therapy through an in school program ran in conjuncture with a major hospital. Basically a major hospital sent a therapist to work in the schools with the children. My child struggles with anxiety and it sometimes impacts his school behavior. He is 9. He has been in this program for a year. He started having anxiety issues at 7 and they have gotten progressively better using an independent therapist (not the school based therapist) but when the new school based program came along I was overjoyed we wouldn't have to miss school or work days for him to go to an appointment since he could have it right at the school. I enrolled him. There was so debate whether my insurance would cover it but eventually they said they took my insurance and we proceeded. Then my workplace changed their insurance provider. This new insurance provider considered this type of therapy not a covered type of therapy because of how they bill it. They rejected the new claims leaving me on the hook for nearly $1000. I immediately called and unenrolled my child. I told them effective today. I can't afford it self pay.

    I got with the therapist we saw before. They accept my new insurance and we can resume seeing her again in a few months.

    I got another bill recently and talked to my child and apparently they have continued seeing him at the school even after I talked to multiple people saying to stop.

    I went and saw the therapist at the school and she said that no one told her at her clinic to stop pulling him out of class but they clinic said they have many notes where I did and they told her. The billing at this hospital is saying that I am responsible since they provided a service.

    At this point I am out $2745.00. The therapist also seemed to be seeing him very, very frequently. Nearly twice a week which seems excessive.

    The therapist said she could still see him under self pay and she suggested doing that. It would be $270 an hour though and she would see him once a month. I told her I had an old therapist we were using before and she said she would need proof of that. She said she had to make sure he was still receiving treatment and told me to have the old therapist contact her to confirm we had another appointment soon. My son is not in crisis and we see his regular doctor once a month for check ups and medicine. What? Can they do that?

    submitted by /u/Freeslanor
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    New homeowners insurance. ALLSTATE is bad

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    Like the post title says I need to look for new homeowners insurance. I also would like to get the best homeowners insurance with the vast auto insurance bundle. I live in Ohio. I heard Westfield homeowners insurance is really good and respectable to their customers

    submitted by /u/UnderFire45
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    Anyone w/ any experience with Dental Insurance?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:51 PM PDT

    Hello all -

    Litigation adjuster here who is having an issue with dental insurance billing, hoping someone can return the knowledge.

    Apparently about 2 years ago I had a deep cleaning done on my teeth at my previous dentist. I knew I had some kind of cleaning done, but honestly, didn't really remember much about it. I moved to a new place, got a new dentist, life moved on.

    Two weeks ago I go see the new dentist and they recommend a deep cleaning type procedure. They tell me the cost, and the next week I come in to get it done. I pay them about $150.00 and think everything is okay.

    They call me today and tell me that evidently the procedure done 2 years ago was the same thing as the thing done this past week and I'm only allowed one every 3 years. Insurance denied claim, now I owe $505.00 more.

    I called the old dentist, verified it was the same thing, and the lady ended up telling me that the new dentist should 100% have been able to see that I already had it in the system. She also told me that if she made this mistake, she would eat the cost. I call back the new dentist and she swears she cannot see any listing of previous procedures in the "system" and that they could have only found out if they had asked for some kind of "preapproval". Why didn't they ask for the pre-approval? There is no good answer.

    So I guess I'm looking for a little knowledge. Does anyone have experience with these "systems"? Would they list previous procedures? Could new dentist have just called the insurance and verified this wasn't covered in a very short period of time? Or would it have been reasonably time intensive?

    submitted by /u/ZBTHorton
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    American Family WA Policy Form that defines a Chargeable Incident for Auto

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    I looked through about a dozen policy forms and cannot find the definition of a chargable incident in WA.

    Their website says it typically only applies to an incident where you are 50% or more at fault.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    Thank you!!!

    submitted by /u/WreckedInWA
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    Currently paying $195/month on full coverage auto insurance in Michigan, is there anything I can do to reduce my payment?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:48 PM PDT


    Here is a clip of my current coverage through Progressive, whom I have been with for the past 4 years.

    I have had no accidents or incidents within the past 5 years, I am 29 years old, male and my credit score is roughly 739 according to CreditKarma.

    I just recently financed the 2014 Nissan Sentra that is on my policy, so I require full coverage. With that in mind, is there anything I can do to reduce my monthly payment by any means?

    submitted by /u/RBrim08
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    Cabinets damaged- matching rules?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:45 PM PDT

    We're in the midst of a claim for our kitchen that was water-damaged. The bottom cabinets were damaged and are not repairable. We're using the USAA-approved contractor and are in California.

    Our agent/claims adjuster was re-assigned at some point and this new guy is dragging things out and fighting things that were already agreed to. The previous adjuster had agreed that if the cabinets had to be replaced, that they would replace the uppers too because we had to be put back in the same condition and the cabinets cannot be matched.

    We had to do some demo work to find out if they were repairable or not and while that was getting settled and done, the new agent was assigned and now he's denying the upper replacements Because they weren't damaged. Our contractors are telling the agent to review the prior communications where this was already discussed and settled. I don't know if he disagrees with the earlier conclusions and if he is right or if he's over-eager.

    Are we fighting a losing battle here? Should I try to talk to this guy's supervisor or fight it out a bit first? (He said he wants to talk to the contractors again but was adamant that matching wasn't reason enough to pay for the uppers...so it may still work out without escalation).

    From what I'm reading, California law includes a provision that items in the same area need to be replaced if the damaged ones can't be matched.

    We're mid-demo and are really stressed out.

    I'm also sensitive to being dropped since this is our second claim (both bad luck, not negligence or even weather/area related and we're paying out of pocket for some things to mitigate this and installing other safety measures). They were really great and easy to work with on our last claim and this one started fine.

    submitted by /u/WinterOfFire
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    Tips for studying RIBO bylaws?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:07 PM PDT

    I wrote my RIBO equivalency exam and passed the auto but failed the bylaws. I have my rewrite booked but am having a hell of a time studying the bylaws given how dry the material is. I've asked colleagues who have written it and they said theres really no good way to study them other than reading through it all.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/_helena_handbasket
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    My kid was rear ended and not at fault. Contacted her insurance while waiting police report to get other driver's info

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:14 PM PDT

    Her insurance seems to have opened a full blown claim, put her in a rental, and how has provided a report which has declared car a total loss. Settlement is value of car less her deductible which all makes sense I guess. She did not accept the settlement.

    But really the other driver is at fault which is not in dispute. Should she not be going after the other driver's insurance to get fully reimbursed all losses? There should be no deductible this way, right?

    The main question is now that a claim has been filed with her insurance can she still open a new (same?) claim with the other driver's insurance? How does that work if you are working two claims?

    submitted by /u/l00sem4rble
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    Life Insueance Shopping

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:47 AM PDT


    My wife and I are 26. We've been debating getting policies on each other until we're in our 50's, or until we have substantially saved up our Roth IRA's and 401k's.

    I've done some research but feel that I'm reading conflicting advice.

    What should I be looking for in a policy? And, what should I expect the cost to be.

    Neither of us have any major illnesses or injuries. Both are employed full time, each with a single employer.

    submitted by /u/highflee1992
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    Car Insurance if I'm Not on Policy

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    Hi. I am covered for my Honda under Progressive. My mother is 80 years old and I am not on her car insurance policy for her Hyundai which is with a different company. Is it okay for me to drive her around in her car or am I not protected for that?

    submitted by /u/and_youf
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    Need help understanding quote process for term life insurance.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:13 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get term life insurance. My agent gave me three companies with initial quotes. I have to do physical/medical record review before a company will give me a final quote.

    I want to do this with all three companies simultaneously so I can chose which one has the best final quote. My agent keeps telling me I have to do them one at time, then choose as each final quote is given whether I want that company or not without knowing the next company's final quote.

    Is there any way I can just let each company do their thing so I can get the final quotes to compare, or do I have do this piecemeal?

    submitted by /u/Sekmet19
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    I hit a parked car and paid the owner out of pocket. Now the owner sent documents showing the repairs cost more than what I paid and needs more money. What are my options?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    -The owner said hes a mechanic and gave me the initial estimate which I paid out of pocket.

    -I have a memo signed by both parties that the out of pocket payment represents closure of the incident.

    Side question for the future - at what estimate amount is it usually better to pay out of pocket vs filing with insurance?

    submitted by /u/SaltyAreola
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    My car was totaled due to hail damage. Should I just save some money and change my policy to liability?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    (State of Colorado) I have a 2007 Honda. My boss is saying that I should just take the money and change my insurance policy to just liability now. Is that a good move?

    submitted by /u/dianalau
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