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    Saturday, October 19, 2019

    Business idea aimed at 12-30 yr olds small business

    Business idea aimed at 12-30 yr olds small business

    Business idea aimed at 12-30 yr olds

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:05 AM PDT

    Hey guys I've been looking at business ideas aimed at the age group stated in the title.

    I have two kids myself and they always complain that in our city there is absolutely nothing to do for them and their friends (18,22) other than drink alcohol and party. There is a clear gap to target this group for something fun to do and engage with fun activities other than drinking. I live in Belfast which has a very heavy drinking culture so breaking into this age group could be hard but I believe it to be achievable as many complain about lack of things to do with their time,

    I really want to try and open a fun sports kind of business and I've came up with two ideas. One is high risk and the other I consider to likely be popular but that's just from the small opinions I've gathered. So I'll just discuss the one I consider the less risk but no doubt still a high risk option.

    I wanted to try and open up an indoor sports arena where groups of youths can come and try lots of different sports, we have many ideas for games they can play aspects off and compete with friends. (golf,soccer,rugby,GAA,baseball,basketball and a few more). I have the advantage of having a good capital behind me to start a business such as this. And we also have ways of creating a scoring system linked to the whole experience so they can have that extra edge of competitiveness against their friends and also maybe an overall highest scoreboard. It would be laid out in a set circuit that customers would follow and get a set amount of attempts at each sport, such as penalty kicks in soccer, putting in golf, scoring a try in rugby. Ideally the whole experience should take players (depending on group size) 40-60 minutes.

    I understand it's a high risk as I've mentioned before as the investment needed would be quite high but believe the return could be great if it took off. I've took a bit of market research in and around our city center and asked the age group I'm aiming at and it's been mostly very very positive with many suggesting they'd love somewhere like this, however I'm more looking for opinions on what you guys think could be stumbling blocks or serious issues in starting a business like this.

    Thoughts guys?

    submitted by /u/HelpSeekingCitizen
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    Stumped on what to name my small biz. (Reclaimed wood state signs)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:39 PM PDT

    Long story short, my dad and I stumbled into a small business together. He recently sold his company (up-cycling scrap wood into wood cut to size for various large companies) and in his spare time as a retiree, was fiddling around with using pallet wood to create custom wall hangings. He started created pallet wood states and I started posting them on Facebook, and it just kind of took off. We've sold a shit load, to use technical terms, without much effort.

    Personally I think pallet wood stuff is overdone, but I will say these are very well made and different from what I've seen in the market. We don't do cutesy stuff like words or symbols painted on top. It's just cool wood cut in familiar shapes.

    You can see some of our products here. product examples

    I'm a marketing professional by trade and know we can take this to the next level very easily through Etsy and digital advertising. Only issue is I can't come up with a company name we both like, which means I haven't yet established a visual identity of any sort. I can't stand kitschy names on Etsy and want something unique and clever.

    Our last name is Lafree, so we've toyed around with a few ideas there: "LafreeCountry" or "Home of Lafree". We could also go the route of something related to states ("State Lines"?) although feels impersonal. I have no clever wood-related ideas to share. We both live in Indiana.

    Please help, creative minds of Reddit!

    submitted by /u/meowmeow289
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    I am worried....

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:08 PM PDT

    I just got everything started....here in OK to start a used car dealership. I've acquired all the requirements to file for the dealers license, lot, ins,bond etc. I am happily filling out the application and almost done and I get to the FINANCIAL STATEMENT part. And I just die inside of worry. It has a million questions that I am just going to have to leave Blanc because they don't apply for me since I'm young and don't posses any assets, 0. As it says, if you do not list adequate assets that show you can support your business your application will be denied. I have a business checking account I just created with 25k which I was gonna use roughly 18k to buy my first batch of vehicles. Now I fear that if the only thing I can show is 25k in a bank account I will be denied and have wasted 5k on all the preliminary requirements. Hopefully someone can give me some clarity and peace of mind.

    submitted by /u/xander1101
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    Should I set up a business in the UK?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 05:07 AM PDT

    Hi. I happended to make a bank account in UK. I am thinking of starting a trade business and I want to get payments from this UK one.

    But I wont have any inventory to stay there in UK since my partner will send me products as soon as I place an order.. So if receive money throught this UK account,but do business in the states, should I set up and register for UK business license? Thankx

    submitted by /u/nimbusmettle
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    Starting a small landscaping business in a different state

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:49 AM PDT

    Hello, I live in Milwaukee and there is nothing for me here and the entire town is a dump. I recently travelled to Denver and noticed how much money goes through the city but also how many parts of the city that aren't downtown are in desperate need of landscape work. I see thousands and thousands of dollars worth of jobs everywhere around the city.

    I've wanted to start a landscaping business for a bit. I started doing side jobs and getting $1800-2000, I just charge a couple hundred less than what legit companies are quoting. A friend and I have been discussing buying an llc this winter and getting some basic equipment and getting more serious about this. We would not mow and just do landscape work, fertilizing, weeding, pruning, and clean ups.

    So theoretically I'd do this for a few years and we'd split off and I'd like to get to Denver to do the same type of work. I was wondering how risky this is and if anyone's done anything like this. I really just want out of Wisconsin, this place is a dirty ass shithole.

    What type of things should I be thinking about besides the obvious (cost of living, business taxes, a garage to store my shit etc)

    I'm like 20 grand in debt atm but i could have it paid off and 10-20 grand saved up by fall of 2021

    submitted by /u/throaway922222
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    Advice needed! Tell me your struggles / problems / experience finding & managing supply and shipments

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:11 AM PDT

    Are you struggling to find, work with or manage a supplier, warehouse or shipping partner for your product? Or are you setting up a FBA (Amazon) with an overseas supplier and not finding it as easy as you had hoped?

    I hear about a lot of challenges in this area, and would like to figure out a way to make this easier for small businesses and entrepreneurs. I am a career manufacturing and supply chain professional, with deep experience managing overseas supply and the entire end to end process. This is my business idea, and I appreciate your advice!

    I am not selling anything. At this point I am just collecting user stories and getting some real experience from people on what has been driving them crazy, and what they would like to see improved. The more I know about what you are going through, the better I can understand what kind of solution can help the most.

    Please let me know comments here, or just send me a note directly. If you are willing to take some minutes to talk, I am also happy to give you any advice or tips that might be helpful for you. If you want to check out my LinkedIn, it is here.

    submitted by /u/SC_Elle
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    Barcode Scanner and System advice needed

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 11:00 PM PDT


    The goal is to be able to drive out to a client site, pick up some of their items, put a barcode on them, scan them onsite to a laptop, then use this for documentation so nothing gets lost/ misplaced. Probably talking between 10-20 items per site visit.

    Does anyone have recommendations for barcode scanners? I'm assuming we will just get a Bluetooth one and use a laptop onsite.

    Are there special packages that would help for a scanner/ barcode printer? Or can I use an HP laserjet printer?

    Is there special software I should use or would an Excel spreadsheet be okay?

    Is there an app that would suffice for this?

    Thank you for all the help!

    submitted by /u/AK_Ether
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    How important is your website for your restaurant/cafe?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:50 PM PDT

    I am lucky and have a successful cafe that's been open for about 9 months. I don't have a website yet but plan on launching one. It will only be informational (story, menu, location) and will not be taking orders.

    Should I invest time and money into this or will it just be something nice to have so the business feels more complete?

    submitted by /u/Vic18t
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    Rebranding Help? New business name?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 11:35 PM PDT

    Tl:dr, rebranding my furniture business.. woodworking, upholstery, and home decor. Need a new clever catchy name.

    I'm moving into a new location and taking this opportunity to rebrand my business. I'm hoping to get more into production in the coming year, so I want something less generic that could lean in several different directions.

    I do custom upholstery and restoring of antique furniture for clients. I have done pretty well, and even pickup and deliver to larger cities once a week or so. I also build custom upholstered pieces and wood furniture pieces of my own designs for clients and to sell myself. I want to start focusing on growing more of my client base to furniture stores and even online, and even offering a line of home decor products.

    I'm to the point where I need to start designing new logos, signage and marketing materials but I'm stuck on a new business name. My current name is super generic. I want something clever, even punny, that describes what I do or the materials I work with. I have gone though lists and lists of words trying to come up with something catchy but I'm at a complete loss. I'm looking for something trendy, maybe hipster-ish, but nothing cutesy. Any great ideas??

    submitted by /u/mt-traveler90
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    Can I get a credit card for my DBA?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    I have a small business that I recently decided to register under a DBA. I have been using my personal credit card to make purchases to finance it, over time I realized that I could probably benefit from a business credit card.

    That being said, since I haven't filed for a DBA yet, I was wondering if I can get the business credit card under the DBA name or if it had to be under my name. Since I haven't registered for the DBA yet, can I even file it under the DBA? I was looking it up online but all I keep getting are ads/credit card sites that tell me which is the best for banking but zero info for DBA small businesses.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/NailingtItBoutique
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    Best Internet Marketers

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:14 PM PDT

    Does anyone know what company is the best for the money for online optimization of websites and and google page and advertisements?
    Thanks in advance. James May Pride and Perfection Home Improvements

    submitted by /u/jpmay0709
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    I want to start applying for an EIN, but I'm not sure what legal stricture I should use

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:58 PM PDT

    Im thinking eith sole proprietor or partnership.

    The situation is, my uncle is going to provide all the startup funds and I handle everything else. Once everything is up and running, he will help with whatever I ask of him (as lobg as I handle the administrative part). This makes him a partner, am I correct?

    Also, we both live in different states at the moment. Me in Texas, him in North Carolina. I'm not sure if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/soattainable
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    What is the best CRM for running a small business?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    Been working in Esports for a couple of years and starting work on a new venture and came across some interesting automated programs for running the business. I wanted to pick yalls brain on what CRM is best and why. Any info would help!

    submitted by /u/ChowRunn3G0
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    Small businesses looking to work with other small companies that want to save $$!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 11:40 PM PDT

    I wanted to reach out to you to share with you an offer that our company is doing for merchants across the country, and I wanted to share it with the great businesses of the United States.

    eGlobal Merchant Services has been in business for over 25 years and have longevity with our clients. We have a great service and tech support departments along with innovative ways of processing credit cards for you. eGlobal is one of the top providers in Credit Card and Merchant Processing in America, and we want to offer you a deal you can't pass up!! You will find our company and all the information you need at www.eglobalbsi.com

    We are currently offering a guaranteed 50% savings on your credit card processing fees, over and above interchange!!! If you give us a merchant statement to analyze and can save you 50% on your fees otherwise we will send you $250.00 cash. It's free to get a side by side comparison and either way you win. Let see what you are currently paying and what we can save you, and there is no obligation to make any change.

    If you look at your merchant statement and see the fee's over and above cost (Interchange) we will cut in half at a minimum. By letting us give you an apples to apples comparison of what you are paying, you will see this and see exactly what we can save you. Every dollar helps and goes to your bottom line!

    If you went to purchase a new car, don't you wish that the salesman would show you what the dealership paid to the car manufacturer for that car? That way you would know how much you are exactly paying. Well what I am about to do is show you what our costs and everyone selling credit card processing is paying from Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express. We mark it up from there to do the Front-End Processing and the Back-End processing. Everyone gets charged the same amount, it is then marked up by the processor to do the processing. We mark these costs up by about 50% less than any other company, and that's how we are so confident that we can save you the 50%. Here is an example of our Interchange cost for some of our clients:

    Our Cost

    Interchange Program:

    Credit Qualified Rate = 1.69% + $0.10

    Debit = .50% + $0.22

    Credit Mid-Qualified Rate = 2.00% + $0.10

    Credit Non-Qualified Rate = 2.79% + $0.10

    Now the rate you pay will be determined by me and the underwriter and I know that we can get you switched to us, with no limitations on the amount you process or any hold back retention's.

    For easy math, if in the month of April your fee's are $5,000.00, at least $3,000.00 of that would be interchange fees which all processors have to pay. That is our buy rate and every processor has the same buy rate from Visa, MasterCard and Discover. If this is the case, your current provider is making the $2,000.00 above cost. I guarantee I can cut that down to $1,000.00 and saving you $1,000.00 a month without question. If your fees are higher the math is simple at my guaranteed 50% savings.

    Thanks in advance for your time

    Best regards,

    Isaac Murphy-Crain

    Business Development and Partnerships

    eGlobal Merchant Services

    Office: 800-670-8064

    Fax: 321-445-5558

    Cell: 920-475-0510 (text)


    eMail: [merchantservices@eglobalbsi.com](mailto:merchantservices@eglobalbsi.com)

    eMail: [isaac@eglobalbsi.com](mailto:isaac@eglobalbsi.com)

    submitted by /u/kidmurfy
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    Planning on Tourism/Charter business

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:27 PM PDT

    What should I be planning towards this kind of business in the North? What should I be looking at and building towards?

    submitted by /u/Neyando12
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    As a small business, what challenges do you currently face with using your company's data?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    Small business owners and employees, what challenges do you currently face in using the data your company has collected or generated? And on the opposite side of that question, what hurdles do you face in collecting or generating data which prevent you from using it?

    By "data", I mean any and every bit of information you've collected from customers or during the normal course of business operations that you think can provide useful insight for you. Not just the bits you've generated through your website, but also physical forms too.

    Background: I work in data engineering and analysis for a mid sized online retailer, which involves aggregating, managing, and reporting on data from a variety of sources, and have been thinking about starting a side business to help other small businesses manage and utilize the data they've collected. I'd like to understand your problems so that I can determine what services would best help future clients use any data they have.

    All relevant commentary welcome and appreciated! Happy Friday all!

    submitted by /u/DataIsLikeAnOnion
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    Stadium and Arena retail space rental rates?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:11 PM PDT

    I'm looking for information on leasing a space in an arena. The hockey season will be most valuable for my business. What kind of costs will I be looking at? How will the offseason work out? I assume it's going to have some major differences from a traditional lease. I don't see how it can be based of square feet because it's essentially a kiosk. Do they require a multi year commitment? If anyone has experience and is willing to give some advice I would appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/DrHARDCOREy
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    What are the best affordable, inventory management softwares available online?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    My dad has a small tire shop and he really needs help managing his inventory. He has been literally relying on memory and I want to help.

    My mom and I bought him a lenovo from Costco, and want to get him set up. We have looked through Quickbooks and my mom likes that but the price is steep ($70, I havent confirmed).

    Anyone have anything they use and love and would recommend to someone?

    submitted by /u/boundthree
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    What do you think about your point-of-sale system?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    I'm thinking of making a point-of-sale app similar to Square. If your business uses Square or something similar, or an analog register, or something else entirely, what do you like about it? What do you wish was different?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Cichlidsarefriends
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