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    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    $6,000 short for the semester. Any ideas? Student Loans

    $6,000 short for the semester. Any ideas? Student Loans

    $6,000 short for the semester. Any ideas?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:10 PM PDT

    I am $6,000 short for the semester. I recently got denied for the College Ave private loan as well as many others. I do not have another cosigner. Any ideas left for me?

    submitted by /u/SupremeSniper_
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    Might be an obvious answer...but should I just pay it all off?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    I made a post here the other day regarding PSLF. Turns out it't not a feasible option for a few reasons. Please excuse me for my lack of financial awareness.

    I have never given this much thought until I logged into my FedLoan account and saw how much interest is accruing. So I'll get to the point.

    I currently owe ~35k in student loans (with interest included). The average rate is 6.45 percent, which according to them, I am charged ~$6-7 a day, or something like that.

    I currently have a savings account with Discover, which could pay basically pay maybe 85 percent of it. While I do get some nice interest return out of it, I know I will be taxed on it. I don't touch the savings unless I absolutely need it, which wasn't until earlier this month when I had some expenses. I was working full time and then switched to school full time in order to graduate earlier.

    My original plan was to just pay it off in with my paycheck once I start working, but then I realized that could end up being more costly in the long run. Would it be better to just pay most of it, if not, all of it, with my savings? I will be starting work next month. My expected salary is to be in the high 40s and will be more if I work odd hours (social worker in hospital, yay). I dont have any major expenses other than a phone bill, which is $75 a month. Housing is free as I still live with parents. I wouldn't drain ALL of my savings right now to pay my loans, but I am thinking once I have some solid steady income at the end of November or mid-December, I could have it all paid off. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/david12795
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    I really don’t want to work another year through and a half ish through school

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:31 PM PDT

    So I have to go back to school again. I don't want to work full time again. I got super depressed. My schools going to cost 30-40k . Is it possible to borrow more than I need to cover cost of living? I literally don't care if I go 100k in debt as long as I can wait til I finish to start repaying it?

    Again, not looking for advice whether this is smart or not, just possible? And how do I go about it with the lowest rates etc

    submitted by /u/elegantvaporeon
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    Surprise forbearance?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:18 PM PDT

    I got an email from my federal student loan lender telling me to log into my account for an important message. The message is letting me know that my forbearance request has been approved and I have no payment due until 9/2021. Sweet, right? Except I haven't requested a forbearance. The loan status says "Admin Borrower Defense". Not sure if that matters.

    Obviously, I'll call the lender tomorrow, but in the meantime I'm curious if anyone has an idea what caused the surprise forbearance? Is this a clerical error? Something else?

    submitted by /u/NekoVonGoth
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    Pslf question

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:26 PM PDT

    So I have been paying off my federal student loan for about 9 years now. I consolidated the loans a couple years back and did the paperwork to qualify for pslf program. I have always filled out the employment verification form and have verified the number of payments I have made in the program. What I am not sure if i have done is the proper recertification for my annual income. If I missed this step, will my payments not count?

    submitted by /u/mmstier
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    What's the cheapest interest rate student loan with no bull crap attached in the fine print?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    What should I do for graduate school?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    I am graduating from my undergrad degree in December completely debt free. I will be starting grad school in August and I am trying to figure out all of my options. This is what I have figured out so far.
    -My mom will pay my rent/groceries/car insurance/ health insurance and probably help as much as possible with my other miscellaneous things (books, auto parts, gas etc.) -The grad schools I'm looking at range from 85,000-60,000 full cost no scholarships. - I have a little credit card debt I'm going to pay off before grad school and save as much as I can. Now my main questions are do I only use federal loans or is it okay to use private loans? After taking the loans out what is the best repayment option? Any other tips and tricks will be appreciated.

    Thanks for the advice. I do realize I am very lucky with my situation so I want to move forward as smart as possible.

    submitted by /u/Natalieb242
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    Timeline of Fed Rate Cut Passed to Borrowers

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    Many borrowers (not just those with student loans) may be closely watching whether interest rate cuts follow each Fed meeting.

    My question is: When the group decides on a rate cut, how long does it take for that new rate to pass on to potential borrowers?

    If the Fed meeting concludes on a Wednesday and they determine another .25% rate cut, would borrowers see lenders offer the lower rates immediately? Within a couple days/a week? A month?

    Been on the fence with a SL re-refi, and I'm trying to line it up with the next (and possibly lowest) rate that will follow this week's meeting.

    submitted by /u/nvp37j
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    Take an additional loan out in one semester?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    Im inmy second year of school right now and i took out a loan this semester. Unbeknownst to me the loan was split in between two semesters, so i only recieved half of what i was expecting and the other half next semester.

    I thought i would be fine but apparently when it rains it pours and everything broke on me at like the same time. My fridge went down , my phone apparently broke or the battery died , and i dont have money for the bus. I tried to fill out another loan but it said i had to go into the financial aid office.

    what do you think they will say? can you get two loans during one semester? I also tried to email this person at the school about this emergency fund but i still havnt received an email back about that.

    submitted by /u/TheKlonipinKid
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    Re-fi insane rates with iffy history

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    Hi all. Hoping for some clarity on my husband's student loans. He has 3 being paid through Navient, 2 govt ($19,800 at 6.25%) and one private ($21,900 at 12.375%). I think these rates are OUTLANDISH. Having never had loans myself, I have no idea where to start with helping him refinance. I stay at home with our newborn, and we are completely crippled by these payments each month. The loans haven't been in default for a few years, but they haven't always been on time. Hoping someone can give me some insight into whether or not it's possible to consolidate and refinance these. He has slightly above average credit, the degree was an assoc. from Le Cordon Bleu. TIA. (Mods, I checked the rules, but if anything in here isn't allowed, please let me know!)

    submitted by /u/sweett412
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    Standard Payment Goes Down with Extra Lump Sum Payment? (Currently In Grace Period)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    My federal student loans are serviced by Great Lakes Borrower and I noticed something kind of interesting. Right now I am in the grace period for monthly payments on my loans until next month. This is after graduating in May of this year.
    Since graduation, I have made two payments of $1,500 and $1,000 with respect to the time of the payment.
    After the $1,500 payment, I configured my monthly payment for when my grace period ends as a fixed standard payment of $269 for 120 payments. After my $1,000 payment last month. I noticed that the $269 figure dropped to $251 a month.
    Would this be because the plan is still configured at 120 payments and still in the grace period?
    I plan to make a "bonus payment" to my monthly payment as my standard monthly payment will act as a safety net for when I have a bad month (say expenses suddenly increase, or I have a low commission month with my current sales job) so I honestly have no problem with that payment going down.
    However, should I also expect the pre-configured $251 monthly payment to keep decreasing with each extra payment on top of the monthly payment?

    submitted by /u/DMANinc97
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    Suggestions on how to get a school/student loan

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    I am asking on behalf of my brother. He is a returning student after a career change. He had started his career as a auto mechanic, without schooling. After 8 years in the field, he decided that he wanted to help people and switched to a CNA. He started on his RN path, but withdrew and decided to go back to get his automotive mechanic certifications. He finished that part, but drained his finances (being a single dad of 3 boys does that). He got accepted into the TTENs program and now we are needing a loan to pay for it. He has bad/no credit due to divorce and bad decisions during it.

    Any suggestions on how to get a student loan with little to no credit? We tried getting financial aid, but because of his withdraw on the RN attempt, he has to finish this semester before it can be reinstated next semester. (He is on his internship portion of the semester, he finished with all As and Bs)


    submitted by /u/somiux
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    I want to hide my credit history from my dad when we go to apply for my loans this year, is it possible?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    I have had a credit card since I was 17, unbeknownst to my dad. Over time its limit has increased to $5100, and as a result of some unforeseen situations, I currently have a balance of $4300. If my dad were to find out about this, there would be hell to pay.

    At some point in the next year, I will finally be ready to transfer out of community college to a university, where I will most certainly need to take out student loans.

    My dad has mentioned shopping around for rates and co-signing for me and things like that in past conversations about school plans, and I really am deathly afraid he'll find out about my credit. I have a plan to slowly but surely pay off the credit card, but I really would like to know how high the chances are that it will come up.

    Maybe it won't come up at all? Maybe I'm worrying too much? My dad isn't exactly a reasonable guy (he's downright scary to be honest), and as immature as it may seem, keeping things from him is sometimes the only way to keep the peace. (A sort of "what he doesn't know won't hurt me" sort of deal 😅)

    submitted by /u/aznls1
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