• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 25, 2019

    Legal Advice [IA] My father left my 3y/o daughter about $500k in a trust, ex-husband (who lives in MN) wants to use the trust funds for living expenses

    Legal Advice [IA] My father left my 3y/o daughter about $500k in a trust, ex-husband (who lives in MN) wants to use the trust funds for living expenses

    [IA] My father left my 3y/o daughter about $500k in a trust, ex-husband (who lives in MN) wants to use the trust funds for living expenses

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 05:19 AM PDT

    My father left my daughter, who is 3, about $500k in a trust. The trustee is not a family member, but a professional trustee. My daughter is supposed to begin receiving the money at 25, but they explained that they have the power to dispense money early for the right circumstances, like a private school or medical bills - or, as they very loosely and briefly mentioned, basic living costs in an emergency hardship situation. They gave an example that if I were to become ill and unable to work, the trust could provide some level of assistance to ensure my daughter does has food on her plate and a roof over her head. However this was glossed over pretty quickly and I don't know the technical details.

    About two months ago my ex husband quit his job because he said they are unwilling to be flexible with him for his debilitating migraines (his employer told me that he claims to have migraines but has never actually seen a doctor about them for treatment), and says he has been unable to find a new job and intends to instead pursue getting on disability, but expects that to take 2-3 years. He says that he will soon lose his apartment. He is unable to receive most government-based assistance because he scammed the system last year (lied about income to receive food assistance for which he was not qualified and got caught).

    So, he has now approached the trustee and wants to use the trust money to pay for an apartment, utilities and a car until he is approved for disability. I was especially surprised about the car portion - he says he needs money to purchase a safer vehicle because his vehicle is old, rated poorly for crashes and does not have working seatbelts (which is a surprise to me - just a few weeks ago I buckled her into the back seat when he picked her up, so not sure what exactly he is claiming there).

    I disagree with this use of the funds, particularly because he only has her for 6 days per month. I understood the ability to use the trust for living expenses should be limited to scenarios in which she is genuinely in danger of being homeless or neglected, and that is not the case as I provide everything she needs now and can do so all the time if he is unable to. My father intended the money to provide her with opportunities once she is old enough to use it wisely, not to facilitate my husband's visitation in our custody agreement.

    Since my ex husband has a history of committing fraud when receiving government assistance and also a history of faking illness (he lied to a previous employer to receive paid time off work claiming he was being treated for cancer when he was not), I do not trust that his intentions here are genuine. I suspect he sees the trust as a way that he can get free money so that he doesn't have to get another job.

    Anyhow, my question: since the trust is for the benefit of my daughter and she is obviously a minor, what can I do to ensure it is protected? Should I assume that the trustee has her interests in mind and will not prematurely release money for something like this, or does it sound like there is real danger that he will drain the trust? Is it possible for me to hire a lawyer to argue that the money should be saved for her later in life unless the circumstances are truly dire? I'm not sure if I can actually hire a lawyer and get them involved because I am not the trustee, the company is.

    Thank you for any advice you can provide.

    submitted by /u/inlawsarejaws
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    "Best Friend" told my abusive ex where to find me.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:41 AM PDT

    I live in Nevada.

    2015 my ex boyfriend beat me very badly. For almost 2 hours I had to endure him holding me down by my throat while he looked through my phone and forcing me to give him all my passwords. Every time he got mad at something he would hit me in my head over and over. He threw me around by my hair. Bit my lip while he screamed in my face. Held me up to the wall and punched me straight in my stomach. During all this he kept telling me to stop blocking my face from his punches or he would go get a knife and cut my face up. He kept threatening not to stop until he killed me because he already knows he's going to jail.

    I pressed charges. He was let go with a small fine of less than $400 and mandatory counseling.

    Over the next few years he would randomly message me one or twice a year asking me to move in with him or asking me on a date. I never responded. I just wanted him to go away.

    Two weeks ago my "best friend" came to town. We had a falling out. She told my abusive ex boyfriend where I was working and he showed up to my work. I quit my job the next day because I really didn't feel safe to go back

    Last night he sent a different girl (an ex friend of mine from 6 years ago) to find me. She went to the location mentioned above, where I quit, and asked for me. The girl at the desk told her where the other location is and that I'd be there. The girl (ex friend from 6 years ago) came to my work claiming that she wanted to rekindle the friendship. I believe she was there to help my abusive ex to stalk me. She admitted that the two of them have been in contact over the past few years.

    To protect myself from being stalked my my abusive ex I had to quit my job at both locations, leaving me without a job. Please tell me there is legal action I can take.

    Can the girl who told him where to find me be held responsible? She put my life in danger. There has to be charges for that, right?

    Can my ex be charged? What can I do to make him leave me alone?

    submitted by /u/BeMeElle
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    I've been locked out of my apartment building and staff is refusing to help me get back in. (Denver,CO)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    My building has a key fob entrance. At some point yesterday all of my key fobs(front building door, garage) stopped working. Earlier in the day I turned in an extra key fob that was for another car. It looks to me like they accidentally cleared all of the key fobs. I've called the emergency maintenance number and they refuse to help me get back in. Also, an on-site supervisor is refusing to help me enter the building. I've called the police and 311 and still no way to get in. It's now Sunday and the office isn't opened until Monday morning. Do I have any legal action here? What are my options?

    submitted by /u/cluecas
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    Texas Board of Nursing screwed up, and my girlfriend might be dropped out of nursing school because of it.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    Texas - DFW area

    My girlfriend just started her first semester of nursing school last week, after 2 years of prerequisites/applications. It was brought to her attention that other students received a 'blue card' in the mail from the Texas Board of Nursing (TBON) before the start of the semester - this blue card allows them to work in a hospital as nurses for their education. She never received this card, and I don't even think she knew about it until school started last week.

    She contacted TBON immediately via email, and they that they would send a replacement. After several days, she contacted them again and they said the same thing. At this point, her professor let her know that she will be dropped from all classes on August 30th if she doesn't have it, so she called TBON. The person on the phone was EXTREMELY unhelpful; he INSISTED that he would mail it (it is a postcard, which strikes me as odd because it has her fingerprints on it) and absolutely no other solution could be reached. My girlfriend proposed the following solutions:

    1) she would be happy to pay to mail it certified, or priority, or at least something with a tracking number

    2) she would be willing to pick up the blue card in person

    3) they could email or text a photo of the blue card, either to her or her school

    These all seem perfectly like perfectly reasonable, attainable solutions. Things that TBON can do pretty easily. Not to mention that if she is dropped, she will have to wait until next semester to reapply to nursing school, and she would have to restart in a year (assuming she gets in; being dropped will hurt her chances of getting in again). But the rep not only insisted that TBON couldn't do anything other than mail a replacement, he wouldn't even let her speak to a manager because he was so completely certain that they would say the same thing. I think he was covering his ass, because he strongly implied that the second and third copy were never sent. We did not record the phone conversation, although we still have the email correspondence where they agreed to send replacements.

    The clock is ticking, but my girlfriend is scared to pressure TBON because someday she will be a practicing nurse in Texas, and she doesn't want to be retaliated against.

    So, I have 4 questions;

    1) is she right to be afraid of being retaliated against? How can she protect herself?

    2) how do we pressure TBON to actually send it in time?

    3) can she sue for damages if they do not send it in time? She has over a thousand in tuition, textbook access codes (not reusable), a skills kit, drug tests, background check, application fees, etc.

    4) will she have any claims regarding the year that this could postpone her education/career? This is a potential year of nursing wages, completely lost.

    Any relevant advice is appreciated, thank you all so much in advance.

    (Edited for formatting)

    submitted by /u/Disposablenurstudent
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    I moved out but my parents keep on stalking me/harassing me and people that I know to find out exactly where I am. (CT)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    I moved out Friday on the 23rd and ever since then they have been going crazy nonstop texting and calling and even forced my twin sister to text me. I lied to them that I went off to college about 2 hours away by car which is not true, which they also suspect. They have been physically, mentally and sexually abusive to me when I was a child and would neglect me with little to no food. They have randomly gone to my boyfriend's house to ask for me and I know they will go to the house I work for (I'm a nanny). My father would attempt to kidnap me if possible and has even claimed that he would hit me and lie in court. I am terrified of getting a restraining order because I KNOW they won't adhere to it and will DEFINITELY break it and still try to contact me. Is it possible to call the cops to tell them to never contact me again or else I will get a restraining order on them. Or is there any sort of restraining order that does not reveal my address? I am terrified.

    submitted by /u/Serniebanders69
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    (FL) Landlord made unauthorized repairs and billed me for them after, while destroying my property

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    I'm a tenant in Florida. My house has a pipe leak and during the week insurance was repairing the floors the landlord "repaired" and "replaced" a plethora of items.

    My kitchen has four smart color changing bulbs (about $25 each) and because they were disconnected during the power from the leak they flash like a strobe lights when turned back on.

    Landlord saw the flashing and threw them out and bought new high end LED bulbs and billed me for the new bulbs. He didn't ask why they were flashing or call or text.

    He replaced a SINK because of rust stains (that I have photo proof were there day of move in) and billed me for a replaced sink and his labor.

    There was a total of $541 in Repairs all of which were not relayed or were documented preexistjng issues.

    Do I have to pay? Can he repair or replace things without asking or telling me?

    submitted by /u/adviceneeded117362
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    I have disputed a debt, and requested proof that the debt is mine. The debt collection company sent me back 'proof' that I believe isn't sufficient. What's my next step?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:42 AM PDT


    Last month I was contacted by debt collectors in relation to a particularly weird looking debt that I didn't know existed (and the contact information listed was not mine) so I disputed the debt via mail. Recently I received a letter back from the debt collection company with nothing but a single piece of paper with the exact same information they sent before, claiming that this is "evidence that I agreed to pay" for the original debt.

    Obviously, this isn't enough for me to feel comfortable accepting that the debt is mine. What would be my next step? Would I mail them back asking for more proof?

    Thank you for any advice.

    submitted by /u/bustycrustacean69
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    Is it legal to refuse to rent a campsite to me because my source of income is my Social Security/Disability check? (Texas)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 01:43 AM PDT

    I would like to know if I have reason to see a lawyer here or can this woman actually do this to me? I have been permanently disabled since 1998. I use an electric wheelchair to get around, however when I am inside and only have to go a few feet here or there I can manage well enough with a set of forearm crutches. I am married but I am self sufficient, if my husband goes somewhere for the day I am perfectly fine by myself. My husband is also disabled, he has been diagnosed with severe arthritis and a heart condition but he doesn't receive disability. He does small odd jobs for money when they are available. We have decided to simplify our lives. Right now we live in a house trailer but it's a wreck, and I do mean a wreck. The landlord needs to renovate but we would have to leave in order for him to do so, which is fine because we can't afford to stay here any more anyway because of the condition of the place. We have 2 of the bedrooms closed off to make it easier to cool in the Texas heat but there are so many holes that all the A/C just goes right out into the yard. Our electric bill the last one we got was $488 dollars FOR ONE MONTH. So a friend told us that we can use one of his older RV's to live in. All we would have to pay is the lot rent at the RV park, which is $400/month, and that is all-inclusive, electric, water, sewage, cable, internet, etc.
    We found a pretty little RV park right in our town bordering along the bay where we both love to fish. We called the manager and asked if she had a spot open for the beginning of September. She asked my husband a few questions and he answered her. He told her that I was disabled but that I didn't need any special consideration. She asked him what he did for a living and he told her about his situation, and at that point I could see by his face things had gone awry. What she told him was that she didn't want "our kind of people in there, you know, people who depend on their disability check for their income" because she doesn't want excuses about where her rent money is. She said she has "2 here like that right now but I'm working on getting them out of here".
    My disability check has been my only source of income and has supported me since 1998. The check itself is three times what the rent is, and there would be no bills on top of that. So if my income is $1200 and the ONLY money due is $400, who is she to say that we can't afford this? Is it legal to keep someone out of a place like this because they are disabled even if the disability check is three times what the only bill would be?
    I guess my question is, should I consult with an attorney? Do I have a leg to stand on (no pun intended)? Advice would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Ghyllie
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    My town's water supply was infected by E. Coli, and I caught it.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    As the title says, I caught E. Coli from my towns water supply. My town contracts out a water testing company, and apparently they were aware of the outbreak for 5 days before notifying the town water authority. I am wondering if I have any legal recourse against them for negligence?

    EDIT: I live in Victor, NY

    submitted by /u/johndunaske
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    HR photoshopping signatures to make it look like I resigned from Best Buy

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    I currently work at best buy Canada full time, I asked to step down to part time because school is coming up. I handed in my availability sheet with the part time hours that I'll be able to work. A couple days later my GM told me they have to let me go due to lack of headcount. The thing is they had already approved me going to part time and are going back on their words it looks like. So I came in to look at my availability sheet to see if it was signed off(approved). They told me they might have thrown it into the garbage, when every single persons sheet was neatly organized in the binder. So I had to come back the day after to see my sheet. My sheet was signed off but there was a comment saying "does not meet requirements". The thing is it actually does meet part time requirements, I have the exact minimum shifts they need. And how that availability form works is that you either sign it, approving it, or you communicate with the employee and have them write up a new one. There is no comments section. So I told HR that my manager has his signature on my part time availability sheet. She told me she was going to talk to him. Day later she messaged me saying there is NO signature, with a picture of my exact sheet but with no signature. While the whole time I have a copy of the original WITH my managers signature on it. So I went back to my store to see the original sheet and the signature is there. So HR or whoever photoshopped the sheet to make it look like there's no signature. What can I do here? Do I have a case?

    submitted by /u/azyzz69
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    Pawnshop charged me $80 for something that's $10 and I just found out from the banking app

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    So I bought something from the pawnshop yesterday for $10. It was just a ratchet and socket set. I didn't think any of it, but now that I checked my account apparently the guy charged $80 toward it.

    The pawnshop closes on Sunday and I went yesterday so I haven't gotten back there and confronted them about it yet. I really do hope that they will say it is a mistake and refund me the money, but just in case they intentionally try to fuck me over, what are some things I should know to protect myself? I don't think I have the receipt.this happens in Arkansas, US.

    submitted by /u/Tarchianolix
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    My mother stole my identity. Need some advice

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    I recently found out that my mother opened a few credit cards in my name and maxed them out. My credit score is now terrible and I have debt that I am unable to pay off. I haven't yet confronted her about it, but don't want her to go to jail. Wondering if there is any peaceful way of resolving this without an arrest. She doesn't have the means to pay the debt back and I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/Phannydantom175
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    [NY/NJ] Financial Prisoner, Want to Escape

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    r/personalfinance said y'all might be able to help


    Husband (38M) and I (31F) got married a few years ago to help get his green card (still doesn't have it). We put the apartment, the car, and our single bank account under his name in attempts to prove to the government that he'd be a functional member of society.


    Our situation has changed; and I want to get out so badly. Won't get too detailed, but I am indeed physically okay, at the moment. I'm just emotionally destroyed. The only thing that's keeping me here is that $100K our of our $150K in the bank account is mine. I know it. I killed myself for this money working 2-3 jobs at any one time. If I left him, he'd keep it all. It's too late for me to start over with nothing; and I don't exactly have records of paystubs.

    How do I get my money under my name so I can leave? I don't want to be his financial prisoner anymore. How can I do it fast? I'm terrified of what he'd do if we went to court about this or something.

    Please help me, reddit.

    submitted by /u/ScaredOrangeMoon
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    HOA CCRs, exhausting Neighbor and Trees

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    Really looking for some guidance/next steps. Location: Colorado

    Our HOA is only 4 home units total. The CCRs have been in place since 1991. The wording in the CCRs state that the document would be renewed every 10 years until changed, so I believe they are still valid. Nothing has changed or been amended since then.

    The HOA has been ran very loosely since we moved in 10 years ago. The original Board of Director/President handed over the HOA "duties" to my wife shorty afterwards. There was no vote or written documentation of this transfer. All of the finances (Bank account, Insurance, Utilities) are managed by the wife on behalf of the HOA. The Bank of the HOA does define her as the HOA President.

    Since the "transfer", the other 3 homes have changed Ownership. There has been no issues collecting dues, etc until exhausting neighbor moved in a year ago.

    "Neighbor" is now cutting live trees, building sheds, refusing to pay dues, etc (breaking many of the T+Cs of the CCR). The CCR reads that no tree can be cut without the written approval of the Architectural Committee. This committee, has never been defined, given the loose enforcement of the CCRs since we moved in. The guy is pulling free rein, doing what he pleases. We would like him to stop and abide by the CCRs

    1) Would the wife legally be considered Director the Board/Architectural Committee to enforce these CCRs?

    2) Are the CCRs still valid?

    3) What would be the next steps in recourse? Go straight to a Lawyer?

    We are at a loss on where to begin. Again, any insight/suggestions would be welcomed. Many thanks in advance. Edits: grammar

    submitted by /u/llama113
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    Is hiring volunteers to do the same work as regular employees illegal? (Central Florida)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    I want to keep this as vague as possible.

    I recently just quit my job at a wellness spa. Spa offers a multitude of services. Long story short I got a much better paying job and a job where I hopefully wont have to deal with the unorganized mess that was my old job. Problems ranged from minuscule (such as scheduling issues), to major (such as not getting paid on time because the owner was "so busy this week").

    Very rarely does this establishment hire direct employees. Most must volunteer, in exchange for spa services, for at least a few months before being hired as paid employees. This was not the case with me as I was close friends with the owners daughter. However, the owner owns a few locations and had asked me frequently to volunteer in exchange for spa services so I could learn the ropes at the other location (I refused, I was barely making above minimum wage as it was).

    I have been doing some digging and I found one article that seems to say this type of activity is illegal.


    TL:DR- Article states that it is illegal to have a volunteer do the same work as a regular paid employee would, in exchange for spa services. What would be legal, is exchanging one service for another. Ex- having someone design your website or fix your AC in exchange for a few free services.

    I no longer work here so I don't even know what the point of me posting this is, more for my curiosity maybe, but this business has done a lot of shady stuff- like I said above, not paying employees on time in accordance to our handbook (on way more than one occasions, I would understand if it was a one off thing), and an employee who was fired months ago never got his commissions from his last month of sales on his final check (pay is hourly + commissions + tips)

    submitted by /u/nofreework4me
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    Workers comp denied back pay

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 11:08 AM PDT

    TN. I got hurt at work a few months ago and initially was being treated and paid by my works insurance company. The doctor they sent me to misdiagnosed the injury and then with imaging proved i did not have that injury, and so he released me back to work even though i informed both him and my case worker that i was still in a lot of pain and nothing had been resolved. They closed my case and gave me a return to work date. I saw a independent doctor who diagnosed the injury as something completely different than the original doctor and told me i needed an MRI and physical therapy ASAP. I ended up having to take the insurance company to mediation with the state workers compensation board. This process took 3 months. The insurance company finally caved when caught in lie, as the case worker stated i never told her i was still injured and disagreed with their doctor, but i had email proof that was not true. They agreed that I should've been receiving benefits this entire time and now are in the process of setting an appointment with the correct type of specialist. However, when i tried to bring up the pay benefits that i have not received in the last 3 months the lawyer from the state said, "The workers compensation act doesn't contemplate back pay as such. Additionally, it does not look like any temporary disability benefits are currently owed." I have not been able to get into contact with the mediator to ask him about that statement as their lawyer sent that email at the last minute Friday afternoon. So, my question is, do i have a chance in seeing that back pay at all? Is this lawyer territory? I have been doing this entire process myself as I cannot afford for a lawyer to take a percentage of the back pay I am owed.

    submitted by /u/Flaccid_Platypus
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    Can my girlfriend sue a company if one of the employees took inappropriate pictures of her without her consent

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    So my girlfriend is a model. She is 18 years old, so she is not a minor. I don't want to state which organization she was working for, but, essentially, while my girlfriend was changing for her next photo shoot, a photographer took nude pictures of her. These pictures were taken in a house owned by the organization.

    My girlfriend was really uncomfortable, and she implied that she didn't want him taking pictures by saying in an angry tone "excuse me I'm changing". Where the problem lies, is that my girlfriend is bound under a contract in which all her pictures are basically owned by the organization, and she is also forced to keep quiet about everything that has happened during her time with the company for 18 months. The contract also says there is no obligation of confidentiality.

    Recently my girlfriend posted a review on the company talking about how her experience with them was awful, however, not giving away any details. Now she is scared that the organization will somehow sue her, and she plans to use the nude picture experience as a counter.

    I'm trying to sort this out for her because I am confused too, but if anyone needs more information please ask! Thank you

    We live in California

    submitted by /u/Jawsumness
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    Voiding a judgment in New York State

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    To try to keep it simple. But willing to answer anything!

    A hospitals lawyer took me to court and won a judgment for an unpaid hospital bill on August 6th. My insurance has been helping me. On August 15th, the hospital finally issued me a refund check and is now stating that I do not owe anything, it was an "error".

    How do I make sure this judgment is vacated and does not show up on my credit report? Especially since they are admitting it was an error on their part.

    submitted by /u/Katie22c
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    (WI) Apartment neighbor banging on walls when she simply walks from Point A to Point B

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 06:25 AM PDT

    Obligatory: I'm trying to help a young lady (19F) & her BF (19M)..neither is on Reddit.

    What I know/been told: I've been watching this young lady post for a several months now about her next door neighbor who has escalated/keeps banging on the walls almost every time she moves around in her apartment. It appears to happen when she's cooking, cleaning, quietly getting up at 5am to go to work (BF is still sleeping so she's careful not to wake him), or simply walking from point A to point B in her apartment. She has stopped having friends over (again, she was being VERY careful NOT to be loud & quit having the friends over because she worries the neighbor is going to get her evicted) and has even stopped having her little brothers visit because the neighbor seems to lose it with the wall banging & more recently accused her of having the little brothers live there (that would be a lease breaker).

    She is at her wit's end and doesnt know what rights she has in this situation. To the best of my knowledge the cops haven't been called on her and the BF, but the neighbor banging on the walls (in her words) has reached the level of "ridiculous".

    I want to add here this is her 1st apartment and she is stressed out with the neighbor's consistent banging every time she goes to the kitchen to get a snack or to the bathroom. Her father has stage 4 cancer (about 6 months to live) so she is stressing about that (obviously) as well. She is NOT having parties as she is focused on getting her life shit together since Dad is dying so he can pass with the knowledge she's "making it" in her life. Recently, she's been quite proud of herself as she's paying bills on time and recently filled her fridge and cupboards with groceries (we remember those days, right Reddit?). She's trying to do "all the right things here"....

    Doesnt she & the BF have a right to quiet enjoyment of their apartment? What can she do about the neighbor? Any advice legal experts?

    submitted by /u/Noelle305
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    [SF CA, USA] SF building management co won't allow gigabit internet

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    Longtime San Franciscan and Redditor here with a throwaway to ask for your help.

    Sonic gigabit fiber internet is available in my neighborhood — but not my building. The Sonic team has been calling my building's management company to let them know several of us in this building want Sonic, and they need to access to install the equipment.

    The building management company won't return their calls.

    According to what I've been told, SF 250-16 from 2016 mandates that in MDUs 4+ units the landlord has to allow fair competition, i.e. they must allow Sonic in my building by law.

    So what should I do? Do I need to hire a lawyer? Could I just send a persuasive, legally-worded email? Help!

    submitted by /u/BroadbandSadness
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    Dog Sitter that I hired through Rover left the door open and my dog died

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 07:55 PM PDT

    Yesterday, I had to go out of town with my partner. We joined Rover and contacted one of the dog sitters to take care of our dog. We were nervous but the sitter had good reviews and we ended up dropping the dog off yesterday at around 4pm.

    At 9:30pm, we sent a message to the sitter to check in and he asked to call us. Apparently when he got back from the walk him and his gf/wife left the door open and both their dog and our dog ran out. Their dog came back but ours did not. He said that they were driving around searching for him. Today at 7am he calls us to tell us that his wife found our dog dead after being hit by a car.

    I drove back into town today and went straight to the sitter's place. I picked up the dog and dropped him off at the hospital to be cremated. Needless to say that both my partner and I are devastated. All Rover did was tell us that they are sorry and that they will pay for the care costs ($75). Looking online I realize what a mistake we made. When you read these things you never imagine it would happen to you.

    Reading through Rover's terms of service they say they are not liable. I want the sitter to make things right. I want to ask him to donate to the shelter from where we adopted our dog otherwise I am thinking about pursuing this in small claims court. If I understand correctly, in California pets are property and I cannot ask for pain and suffering. It kills me to think that this guy will basically get away with getting my dog killed.

    I live in the Bay Area in California.

    What should be my next steps?

    submitted by /u/RoverKilledMyDog
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    Landlord enters my apartment at will

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:44 AM PDT

    I live in Colorado (Denver specifically), and I rent my home. my landlord enters my apartment without notifying me. He has in the past refer to my kitchen bathroom front hall area as a "common area," and feels that this give him the right to enter when he needs to.

    As far as I know, a common area would be like the main hallway where everyone can enter their own apartments, the front stoop/stairs leading up to the main entry, the laundromat, etc., But not the area past the door to my apartment.

    When he enters, he does not knock or make himself known in any way, uses his own key, and then suddenly he's just there standing at my bedroom doorway.

    a few times he's claimed that he came in to do maintenance, but I have seen no maintenance done. On more than one occasion he has come in basically just to "shoot the shit."

    I have witness arguments that he has had with other residents of the building about his habit of entering their apartments without permission, so I know that this is not something that he assumes I have given him permission to do but rather something that is common practice for him.

    And he often does this after business hours. I can sometimes hear him using power tools and other people's apartments, sometimes well after 10 p.m.

    now I like my apartment, I would like to stay, especially since it's so difficult to find reasonable housing in Denver at the moment. Prices have increased all around the city, and the population has exploded making any available apartments difficult to find and compete for. I would really prefer not to give my landlord any reason to not renew my lease, but I'm also trying to figure out a way that I can prevent someone who shouldn't be in my home from entering my home at any time.

    What legal options do I have? If anyone is able to assist me in figuring this out I would be very much appreciative.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/asterhandd
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