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    Monday, July 8, 2019

    Startups I'm the founder. Should i sell the product myself, or hire a salesman?

    Startups I'm the founder. Should i sell the product myself, or hire a salesman?

    I'm the founder. Should i sell the product myself, or hire a salesman?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    So a bit of context:

    I'm a social person. Im a likeable person. Its part of the reason I got to where i am today. I run a small marketing agency and I am a decent salesman.

    But, i understand that sales is an art, one im definitely no professional out. In the end of the day, I'm a marketer who learned how to sell himself, on his own.

    Should i continue to sell my service to my leads on my own, or should i get a salesman?

    The crux of this is I understand the service better than anybody, so i can answer any technical question with 100% confidence, but I'm sure i could hire a salesman thats better than me, however he wouldnt have the same knowledge.

    submitted by /u/Necroking695
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    How do I file an 83b election post company formation?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    I've formed my company and was told by the incorporation service (Stripe Atlas) that I need to fill out a form 83B and submit to the IRS. However there were no instructions on how to do this. I know what an 83b is but don't know how to file it. Google is surprisingly not helpful or my Googling skills suck.

    Anyone have experience with this? would be extremely grateful!

    submitted by /u/PracticalArtist4
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    promotion with scam/spam

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 02:14 AM PDT

    How do you promote your new start up without looking like a scammer? How do you let people know about your new business without spamming your family and friends. I have just launched my business and people were confused by my business name. My last name (which is part of business name) is also the name of a town in the state where I live. I am hosting an event where I will be giving out free stuff. Letting people know about without blowback has been a headache. I am not sure what to do?

    submitted by /u/premar16
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    What are typical conditions for a SAFE contract?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 01:30 AM PDT

    Is the following within the ballpark of typical deals?

    The Setup:

    • startup at the idea phase with no MVP
    • startup business value $10M in 6 months
    • solo founder can build MVP without hiring anyone
    • investor has strong network of potential clients

    The Deal:

    • SAFE contract
    • investment of $60k
    • cap amount of $600k
    • no discount

    I already understand that each case is special, that more details will be required for this specific case, etc., but I'm really just looking for whether or not this deal is within the ballpark of typical deals. The money would go towards surviving 6 months assuming no revenues.

    submitted by /u/shadiakiki1986
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    Learn to write production quality code?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 12:03 AM PDT

    I'm currently starting to work on writing the code for the software I am planning on selling. The problem for me is that I have never really formally learned to program, I just watched youtube videos for the problems I've faced while coding and learned those. I'm able to create a solution to the problem, but I don't know if I am writing good code, when I should be committing/branching in git and how to separate the code.

    I want to learn these things, but I wasn't able to get an internship this summer before my first year of college. Do you guys have any recommendations? I've tried to find places to learn online however these seem to be things that most people learn at their first job or internship, but I really want to start working on my software and wasn't able to get any internship.

    I would like to learn these so that in the future the code would be maintainable and also would allow me to hire on other programmers to assist me.

    submitted by /u/ChanceOffer
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    Mobile app ad revenue

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    How do i calculate mobile app projected Ad revenue? We need the number for the business plan. We've been stuck on it for sometime because there are certain factors and numbers we can't punch in without analytics.

    How would we be able to calculate a projected revenue?

    submitted by /u/Clubpenguinfeen
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    A startup I recently quit owes me over 10 thousand dollars

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    This is for a remote job and and a remote company. The state of incorporation is Deleware. The governing law jurisdiction is California.

    So i've been posting and struggling about this for a while now. I've worked there 6 months. Pay never came on time. I got my paycheck after every 6 weeks nearly every time. I was cool with that because at least I was getting paid.I became fed up with that and would stop working around week 4 until I got paid again.

    Fast forward and one of our most valuable employee quits. Another quit a few weeks ago. I decided to reach out to hear his opinion and he said he was not getting paid and there was zero communication. The company would never explain the pay issues. I asked if I should pursue legal action and he said just cut ties and forget about it.

    What should I do here? I am a recent college grad and can't really brush off 10k and say oh well. What's the best way to recover my pay. I've heard of going to the labor board but will that get me my money or will I need a lawyer?

    Extra info: I began saving every bit of evidence that would help me in court if I didn't get paid. I saved every email and have logs of all the work I have done with proof. I emailed my boss and the CEO about 3 times a week and was rarely responded to. I wasn't paid for 11 weeks. However, in an email at about week 6 my boss apologized and said I would be paid in two days, which I wasn't. The same thing happened about 2 weeks later. Finally, I quit in a professional manner and sent them a final invoice in the email. The CEO apologized and ensured my debt would be paid off.

    I don't believe there is any chance I will get any money. They have never said anything about money problems. They let people work for free know full and well they would not be paying.

    submitted by /u/lucidlights
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    Best place to be as a marketing tech startup?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    About to raise our first significant round of capital which enables us to move either to SF or NYC. We are a martech startup with a web-based platform and a lot of our clients are large marketing agencies.

    We are currently based in CT and are considering moving to NYC or SF but cannot really decide.

    Any input?

    submitted by /u/matthewgillen
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