• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 2, 2019

    Legal Advice [TN] My landlord had a break-in a few months ago where every tennant’s financial information was stolen. Now I’m getting letters about owing $2900 on a credit card.

    Legal Advice [TN] My landlord had a break-in a few months ago where every tennant’s financial information was stolen. Now I’m getting letters about owing $2900 on a credit card.

    [TN] My landlord had a break-in a few months ago where every tennant’s financial information was stolen. Now I’m getting letters about owing $2900 on a credit card.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 05:48 AM PDT

    Back in February, the apartment complex where I live had an office break-in. At the time were assured that nothing of value was stolen and we had nothing to worry about. Last week, I got a letter from a collection agency stating I owed them around $2900 on a credit card I've never had. The account address returns to Florida, it's obviously not me. Checked my credit, sure enough about 3 weeks after the break-in the account was opened.

    According to one of the managers, applications for around 300 people were stolen. Some were former tenants and people just applying, but along with it all the current tenants had their information stolen as well. The only reason I know about this is because there are at least 3 other people in this complex who have received letters from the same collection agency over the past couple of weeks. One of them put two and two together and figured the office probably wasn't telling the whole truth about the break-in. He went to the police department and received a copy of the police report through FOIA and it turns out all of our applications were kept in an unlocked file cabinet in the break room.

    What would my next step be here?

    submitted by /u/83charliekelly
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    [NE] Pregnant wife is a preschool teacher, a student pushed her down from the back and she fell on her stomach. Doctor says we might lose the baby. What is our recourse if this happens?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 09:03 AM PDT

    I'm really upset typing this. My wife is a preschool teacher (age 4-5) and she is pregnant. One of her students knocked her down from behind today and she started bleeding. According to her the kid was running around, ignoring her telling him not to run. Sparing the medical details there is a possibility we will lose this baby. Not sure if it matters but she just entered the third trimester. She was not under doctor's orders to stop working yet.

    Do we have any legal recourse if we lose this baby or any complications arise from what this kid did to her?

    submitted by /u/NotTheManYerLookin4
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    UPDATE sister stole $4500 necklace and pawned it for $50

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    Original post here

    It's been a few months but some people have been asking for an update to this.

    Once we threatened to go to the police, my friends sister and mom got the necklace back within a few hours.

    We did still go to the police, but they told us there wasn't much they could do since we had the necklace back, but we were welcome to file a report.

    Her sister begged for a chance to get her shit together, so we gave her two weeks to turn her life around. I think this whole thing was a wake up call, because it worked.

    She graduated from basic training last weekend and is moving on to a specialized training next week! We're all incredibly proud of her and how much she's changed (well, except her mom but that's /r/raisedbynarcissists territory).

    My friend has invested in a safe and everything is locked away, even though it isn't much of a worry anymore. We would like to thank everyone for the advice, it was all very helpful.

    submitted by /u/eggmarie
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    [KY] Apartment complex claiming they oversold and cannot offer me a unit.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 03:01 AM PDT


    Spoke with the apartment complex today, they've apparently found my missing room in a 2x2 unit -- just as stated in the lease. I've learned a lot, so thank you all for that!


    Lease is signed by both parties as of several months ago.

    I entered into a lease with an apartment complex for a 2br 2ba unit, with a move-in date of mid-August. Yesterday, I got a phone call from them and they claim they can't offer me a 2x2 unit anymore -- they tried to get me to switch to a 4x4 for a whopping $15/mo decrease from normal 4x4 pricing.

    Now I'm nearly a month from the date I need to move, and I don't have an apartment. I've found a 1 br 1 ba unit across town in a new complex that I like, but it's considerably more expensive and I don't believe I could even enter that lease until I settle this mess. (I couldn't afford a double lease.)

    This is an apartment complex for students, and largely for first-time renters (like me). I strongly feel they do this on a consistent basis. I did not speak directly with the landlord, but with the student worker in the front office -- I was told the landlord would call me but when I called 2 hours later I was told that she left for the day even after being notified I was waiting for a call.

    Here is a relevant section of the lease agreement:

    In the event Landlord cannot deliver possession of the Leased Premises to Resident on the Lease Commencement Date through no fault of Landlord or its agents and despite our reasonable efforts, Rent shall not abate; provided, however, Landlord shall provide substitute living accommodations (which may be a hotel room comparable to the Leased Premises, based on a monthly rate comparable to the Rent due by Resident under this Lease, availability, and other factors as dictated by hotel) until possession of the Unit is given. Landlord shall provide you with access to one (1) 10'X'10' climate controlled storage space during the period that Resident does not have possession of the Unit. Landlord or its agents shall have thirty (30) days after the Lease Commencement in which to give possession of the Unit to Resident, and if possession is tendered within such time, Resident agrees to accept the Unit. In the event possession cannot be delivered within such thirty (30) day period, then this Lease and all rights and obligations hereunder shall terminate upon conclusion of the thirty (30) day period from the Lease Commencement Date.

    TLDR; The lease specifically mentions a 2x2 floor plan, though no specific unit is listed. They say there are no 2x2 units left because they oversold.

    Do I have any recourse? Should I just seek to terminate the lease so I can find a landlord that hopefully gives a shit?

    submitted by /u/Rabbitary
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    [AZ, Mesa] Can a landlord charge a fee for a tenant calling the police?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 03:59 AM PDT

    A neighbor at my complex called the police when she was in the midst of a domestic abuse situation. Her significant other was arrested. Our complex charged her a fine of $200 for the police being called to her unit. They said they charge this fee regardless of who calls (the tenant or otherwise), or the situation, and that the fees are stipulated in the lease everyone signs.

    They were right, the fee is outlined in the lease. Specifically:

    VIOLATION OF LEASE CAUSED BY RESIDENT. You agree to pay us two hundred dollars ($200) if police are called to the Property as a result of your occupancy or the illegal activity or disturbances by you, your occupants or your guests as a reasonable estimate of our costs resulting from such actions which would otherwise be difficult to calculate. In addition, if a courtesy officer or patrol was required as a result of your conduct, you agree to reimburse us for the prorated cost of that courtesy officer or patrol.

    She explained the domestic violence situation to the complex. They were aware that the man was arrested. But they only came back with the same canned response of this fee being part of the lease she signed and that she should have read the lease.

    I fully understand the fee if the police are called to a unit because it's residents and/or visitors are doing something that is harmful to other tenants. But I hadn't considered that I or my neighbors might need to pay a $200 fee if we are in a scenario where we need to ask the police for help to stop a serious crime from occurring in our unit (domestic violence, an armed intruder, etc). Is this fee actually legal in scenarios like this?

    I've hunted for the answer to this online, but haven't found this exact situation. I'm hopeful that someone here can point me in the right direction.

    Either way, I'm horrified that a victim would be fined for asking the police for help, so will be leaving the complex when my lease is up.

    submitted by /u/caydewasahero
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    [ID] Can a towing company remove all the items in your car and put it all on the ground before they tow it? And leave it all there for anyone to take?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    I live in Idaho and my car was towed this morning (I discovered it towed this morning but I assume they did it the previous night) and next to where it was parked was a pile of all of my things in my car, just sitting in the wet grass and I had expensive textbooks and journals and a bunch of keepsakes in there as well. Nothing is damaged but I just am shocked that all of my stuff was left there overnight possibly just for anyone to take that walked by. I am just wondering if that's at all in any capacity allowed.

    edit: my car just got stolen by someone kind of nice edit 2.0: to the person who said it was someone in my family ... congrats you were right lmao

    edit 3.0: my alcoholic father came and stole it in the middle of the night but didn't want to take all my annoying belongings with him so what a turn of events

    submitted by /u/TheFrenchElephant
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    Just got a message essentially trying to blackmail me. Is it time to get a lawyer or file a restraining order?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 04:07 AM PDT

    OP: I (25M) just got a call from an old fwb little sister (19F) accusing me of 'molesting' her sister (22F) and I have no idea what to do (MI)

    Girl contacted me at about 3am last night via snapchat telling me to venmo her $100 or she would go to my parents house and 'tell them what I did' and then in her words she will 'go to the police with a full report (:" She says she already 'has the police in on a little' and told be to 'be careful'

    What do I do from here? My parents are incredibly anxious and protective people I do not want them to have to deal with this at all. I want to block her but I am afraid if I do she will go nuts and do the things shes saying she'll do because she cannot contact me

    I saved the messages but is this technically blackmail? And how do I proceed here...

    EDIT: Fixed the link

    submitted by /u/Somewhereoutthere123
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    [PA] Any legal concerns for making condoms accessible to teen clients as a mental health counselor?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    I am a therapist (LPC/Licensed Professional Counselor). I work with teens primarily (14-18) but also some adults. A lot of the teens are sexually active, and most of them are sexually active without their parents knowing. Many have expressed that they can't access birth control, condoms, etc. due to either cost or concern for parents finding out (e.g. could get birth control but insurance coding and billing info would be accessible by parents). There have been a few pregnancy scares that the parents literally have no idea about. I have provided basic info on how OTC pregnancy tests work, how to access free birth control, etc. but I feel the need to do more. A lot of the teens I work with are dealing with serious mental health issues and becoming a parent accidentally would be a huge problem.

    I don't want to directly hand condoms to teen clients (for reasons such as not wanting parents to think I am "condoning" or "encouraging" teen sex if they were to find out), but was considering having a giant bowl of them in my office with the implication that anyone can just take one, so if a teen client chooses to take one, that was fully their own decision. I know places like Planned Parenthood and other health centers do similar things. I've tried to do some research on this but I am not finding anything clear cut for PA therapists specifically. It looks like the Minors' Consent Act allows minors to obtain contraception without parental consent, but I'm not sure if this protects ME, the therapist. I know there have been some controversy with schools making condoms accessible, but I'm not a school counselor or affiliated with a school. I know the safest thing to do is to be direct with parents when I do the initial intake (i.e. general statement that if their teen asks about safe sex practices, I will tell them, and provide access to condoms if they ask for it), but this doesn't help me with all of my current clients. Calling up a parent in the middle of treatment and going "hey can I give your kid condoms?" is not something I can do without pretty much disclosing that their teen is having sex.

    Is the bowl of condoms, free for the taking, a potential risk for me legally?

    submitted by /u/megmiku
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    Realtor told me house was not in HOA; a year after I buy it, I find out it is in a HOA which has put a $20K lien on it.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    Alabama, USA - About a year ago, I bought a house for about $300,000. It is located in a suburb of a major metropolitan area in Alabama, which I'll call Smallville. Before buying, while the realtor and I were looking at various houses, I emphasized repeatedly that I refused to buy a house in any area that was covered by mandatory covenants of any Homeowner's Association (HOA). I have several emails to her where I have documented this requirement, and at least one email from her acknowledging that she is aware that I insist upon this and she agrees not to show me any houses that are covered by any HOA.

    So we found a very nice house in Smallville that was near, but she assured me not, in the same neighborhood as one subject to a HOA, which I'll call "Shysterlawn". At closing, I specifically asked her and the lawyer whether they were sure that the house was not in Shysterlawn or subject to any other HOA. The lawyer said she didn't know, but the realtor assured me that it was not. I made an audio recording of the entire closing, which documents this. The realtor and lawyer acknowledged verbally, at the beginning of the recording, that they were aware they were being recorded and they gave me their permission to do so. (The seller was not present at my closing. Apparently, he did his part of the closing just before or after I did mine. I have never met him.)

    I verified, verbally by asking the lawyer and realtor, and by reading it myself in detail before I signed it, that there was no language in my purchase contract that subjected me to the authority of any HOA. (I found out later that the Shysterlawn HOA covenants required the seller to put language into the contract that obligated the buyer to agree that this house was under the authority of the HOA. This was not done.) I have copies of everything that I signed. There is simply no language in my buyer's contract that says anything about any HOA.

    I had just sold my old house, so I paid cash. (Certified check? I think, maybe wire transfer? I don't recall. Anyway, there was no mortgage, although I did buy Title Insurance.)

    A year has passed since I moved in, and I have made about $50,000 in improvements to the house. Nothing radical, just repainted the outside with a different, neutral color, added a large front porch, etc.

    Last week, I received a letter from the Shysterlawn Homeowner's Association informing me that they were putting a $20,000 lien on my house because of my "unapproved modifications" and my non-payment of membership fees. This is the first I'd heard from them.

    I talked with the neighbors, who confirmed that their houses were all in the Shysterlawn HOA and that the former owner knew that his house was in the HOA. In fact, the previous owner had had numerous conflicts with the HOA and told several of my neighbors that it was a major reason why he sold the house.

    I then met with a person at the Shysterlawn HOA. This is a large HOA with over 1,000 houses in the neighborhood, and is about 20 years old.

    He claimed that, until about a month ago, the HOA was unaware that the previous owner had sold the house, so all of their warning letters were forwarded to him. (At an address that is no longer valid. Nobody knows where he is.) That's why I didn't get any warning. Apparently, they are pursuing some legal action against him that they would not discuss with me.

    Once they discovered that I was the new owner, they sent someone who photographed my changes to my home, and based my lien on that. The person at the HOA was adamant that my $20,000 lien was because of my modifications and my non-payment of HOA dues, and had nothing to do with the previous owner.

    I then informed him that my purchase contract did not say anything about any HOA, so that I was not obligated to follow any of its rules, nor did they have any authority to place a lien on my house. He quickly became angry and accused me of lying. The situation deteriorated rapidly from there, so I suggested that he get a copy of my contract from my realtor, then I left. Yes, I secretly made an audio recording of the entire meeting. (This is legal in Alabama.)

    (BTW, the Shysterlawn HOA has a reputation for being enormous a**holes, much worse than the other HOA's in this metro area. All of my neighbors hate the HOA, because it is very nit-picky and does not hesitate to take legal action against its own members, who consider much of the HOA's behavior to be absolute harassment. This is probably because the HOA is still mostly controlled by the guy who built the neighborhood 20 years ago. There are lots of rumors about him lining his own pockets with HOA funds, but I don't have any proof and that's not relevant to my current situation, so I won't discuss it here.)

    I called the realtor, who told me that it was "not her responsibility to know if a particular house is in an HOA", and that she "can't do anything about it", so I "had better talk real nice to the HOA and see if I can work out something". I escalated to her boss, the owner of the realty agency, who told me about the same thing. I secretly made an audio recording of each of these conversations.

    In the past year, based on the number of her "For Sale" signs in people's yards, and current listings available online, this realtor has personally sold several houses in Shysterlawn, and currently has several for sale there, subject to the same HOA. According to her online bio, she has over 10 years experience as a realtor in the Smallville area. It is simply inconceivable that she did not know that my house was in the Shysterlawn HOA.

    I also reviewed the year-old MLS printout, that I had in my files, that described the house before I bought it. The agent that I used to buy the house was also the agent for the seller. So she and her agency were responsible for the MLS listing. It does not mention the Shysterlawn neighborhood by name. If it had said, "Nice house in Shysterlawn neighborhood", I would have guessed that the house was subject to the HOA, but all it says, is "Nice house in Smallville", so there was no indication that it was in the neighborhood that is covered by the Shysterlawn HOA.

    I know I need a lawyer, but I am new in town and I don't know anyone. A friend recommended one, and we have an appointment for next week. I've never met this lawyer and I want to be as prepared as I can be before the meeting, just so that I can be sure that she knows what she's doing.

    Here's what I want: I refuse to be subjected to the authority of this or any other HOA, and I simply want the HOA to acknowledge that they have no legal right to make me do anything. (1) Ideally, I'd like to stay in this house, so long as I don't have any HOA associated with it. In this case, the realtor would compensate me for any expenses I have related to convincing the HOA to leave me alone, clearing the lien, my legal fees, etc. (2) If I do have to move, then I want the realtor to compensate me enough to pay off the lien and other expenses imposed by the HOA, any loss that I incur from having to sell a house that I have made many improvements to, sales expenses, moving expenses, legal fees and all of my other expenses associated with my having to sell & move.

    I don't want to have to try to deal with the previous owner, because nobody can find him. Some of my neighbors think that he has left the country.

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/faithful2yahweh
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    [SC] Signed a "rental agreement", not a lease, for $700 per month. The landlord informed us, after signing, that she intends to collect a pet deposit of $350 pet pet, per year, but did not put this is the agreement. How should I inform her I will not be paying?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    My school nurse let me go through anaphylactic shock

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I live in Pennsylvania. Now I am allergic to peanuts. I was eating lunch during school and I had an odd feeling that something bad was gunna happen to me, then I started getting really scared (one of the symptoms of anaphylactic shock) as I threw out my lunch I started feeling weak and my mouth went numb and I was getting mild hives.

    I asked my friend to take me to the nurse and she explained what happened. The nurse obviously knew what was wrong and I asked her to give me an epi pen injection. She said she couldn't because I didn't have the right paperwork

    I was visibly angered but I also started to have trouble breathing. The nurse told me to sit down while I cried in the seat. She kept saying that it's my fault that she can't give me the epi pen. My schools security guard (who is absolutely amazing) went to my locker and got my own epi pen out of my backpack and have it to me. The nurse yelled at me and told me not to take it.

    She called my parents, my mom didn't pick up for awhile and my dad was on a plane so he couldn't get me. After about an hour I called my mom again and she finally answered. The nurse explained to her what happened so my mom kept her cool for awhile. When we got home she went on a rant about how childish the nurses were and how I could have died.

    Fast forward to today. I went to my doctor and I told him the story. He said that there was no harm in giving me the epi pen even if I didn't need it. And it is against the law to not give someone the epi pen when they need it. Paperwork or no paperwork.

    I've always hated the school nurses but I didn't think it was that serious. We even have a rule at my school where there is no phones at all. So when I texted my mom about it they confiscated my phone until my mom came.

    What do you guys think? Should've the nurse given it to me or just wait it out like she did? All comments are welcome. Thank you for reading

    EDIT: I failed to mention that this incident happened in my second year of going to that school, so the previous all the needed paperwork was filled out, telling the administration that I was fully capable of getting the epi pen when needed. So why is this important? Because the nurses said they had last years paperwork but they couldn't give it to me because it was not up to date.

    submitted by /u/kiramcb
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    Friend ( F38) gave car keys to my 14 year old and then my 14 year old totaled her car.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    My " friend/ previous colleague " came up for the weekend to work for me and earn extra income. While we ( co-worker and myself) were out in my car working I get a call my 14 year old is at the ER and lucky to be alive.

    My daughters friend overheard my friend offer her keys to my daughter and said just don't get caught and if you do you lie.

    My daughters friend gave her statement to police who apparently were already suspicious that my friend didn't show any signs of being upset hearing her car was just totaled.

    Police escorted her off my property and she was citated.

    My daughter has a court date as well for driving without a license. What consequences will there be for my " friend"?

    submitted by /u/Anonyms5678
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    [TX] Landlord (not mine) harassing me after grandfather's death

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    My grandfather became ill about 4 months ago. I relocated from Florida to care for him, where I stayed in my inlaws' guest house. He recently passed away. His apartment manager called me about an unrelated matter and I mentioned he passed away. She is now demanding that I return keys, sign a notice to vacate, and pay a daily rate until the apartment is cleaned out to their satisfaction.

    During the last ~4 months I was my grandfather's limited power of attorney and medical power of attorney. I signed rent checks on his behalf at his direction. I've been advised that LPA/MPA terminates at death.

    Grandfather was on a fixed income, social security, section 8 housing. There is no estate assets, and no will. Items of value have already been removed from the residence.

    I have not lived in his apartment in over 10 years. (he cared for me as a child) and other than a few overnight stays when I first came into town I've not stayed there. He's been mostly hospitalized through this time period.

    Management is repeatedly calling advising fees will continue to accumulate until I respond. Once they mentioned fees/signing anything I immediately stopped responding/answering. They keep reiterating that its a HUD requirement for them to have their notice signed and get keys.

    Am I financially liable, or otherwise responsible for this issue?

    submitted by /u/xarron
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    Accidentally over served

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    Colorado—- I gave a coworker 3 shots (not on the clock) she was on a first date with a guy. She didn't seem intoxicated . It was within an hour and she left without paying her tab. The guy she was on a date with came back and asked me to help her into her apartment. No keys no phone... I ran back to the restaurant got her dads number ( he works there too) by the time I ran back she was being taken away by an ambulance. I gave the cops my name and number told them how much I gave her. Am I going to go to jail for over serving? She was totally coherent and didn't seem fucked up.

    submitted by /u/SingleMaltBitch
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    Doctor called my parents to try and get me to pay my debt.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 06:38 AM PDT

    So, real quick, I'm 29 years old. From Illinois, so obviously this is a US legal advice post.

    About 7 months ago I had some emergency dental work done, and I couldn't pay for it. I wanted the tooth pulled, because it would have been much cheaper, but my dentist told me that these are her teeth (wtf?) and that she wouldn't allow me to do that. So she sent me to an endodontist to get a root canal (cost me a few hundred dollars) and then had me come back to her to get the cap put on by the dentist. When I went in originally, I still had insurance. When I went in for the fitting of the cap, I still had insurance. But by the time the tooth came in for her to put in my mouth, I had lost my job, and subsequently, my insurance coverage. I had known I was losing my job and insurance before this last appointment and had told her and she said that she would pre-date the bill to a date before my coverage was up if I promised to come back in and get it done on the appointment date. Well, all was fine and dandy, got my work done and I thought this would all be taken care of and I could continue to live my life. Well, I started getting bills in the mail from her, and admittedly I should have tried to call her back when I first started getting them, but I didn't, shame on me I know but I digress. Time went on and I kept getting them, but the bill was over $500 and I just don't have that extra funds just laying around, and I didn't do anything with it because I have other debts that needed to be tended to. Well, fast forward to yesterday and I get a call from my mother who is livid because I still owe the dentist X amount of money, and they called her and told her all about it and that I have an outstanding balance and yada-yada-yada. I'm quite ticked off that she called my parents to discuss my medical information, bills and procedure and all that. My parents knew I had this work done, but that's only because I had told them when it happened. My question is, is it illegal what she did, contacting someone other than myself, about my debts to her? I want to know because I am going to call her today on my break and I need to know just how angry I should be here, and what type of recourse I can take against her if she says she didn't do anything wrong.

    If there is any more information needed, just let me know and I'll gladly tell you.

    tl;dr. Had some work done on my teeth and didn't pay my dentist because I couldn't afford to and so she called my parents to tell them about my debt and to get me to pay her.

    submitted by /u/mikefosh
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    Can I sue the Military for inadequate medical handling?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia

    Hey guys, first post. But I'm in a predicament. Served 4 years and 14 days in the Navy, around 6 months into my contract, I had an injury that gave me a blood clot in my leg. It took the doctors about 6 months to actually figure out it was a clot (They assumed it was Rabdo at first) followed was 2-3 months of Lovonox usage, followed by a year of Cumadin (I think that's how it is spelt) then a surgery to what I assumed was to remove the clot. The surgery was actually to implement stents into my Iliac crest to hold open my vein (there was damage to the valve). Over the last 3 years, I have progressively gotten worse in condition (I.E. Not being able to run, increased heart rate, swelling and discoloring of my left and right leg) I was forced to be on a mandatory physical training since I did not meet certain requirements (I would pass my physical test, but just barely). Eventually it led to me not even being able to pass a physical test. I informed the CFLs (Command Fitness Leaders) of this issue and all I got was "Go to Medical". Well, I would do just that. But would then be turned away by Vascular doctors, Cardiologists, Pulmonary specialists because they were not able to figure out what was going on. So I took it into my own hands to stop going to the PT sessions because of the regression of my health. 2 months before my contract was to expire and I was to be discharged honorably after completion of service, I was discharged with a General Discharge, Under Honorable Conditions, as a result of failure to oblige to Navy Standards and reduced in Rank from Petty Officer Third Class to Seaman Apprentice. I am now forced (with little job experience) to work on my feet, making my situation worse, with no family to live with (living with a roommate but trying to figure out how to pay rent) and I am ineligible to use my GI Bill or file for Disability. Am I able to sue the Government for improper handling of me and my situation? I just want to heal my leg, or get what what I worked for and served for. I have images of my leg but I am new to Reddit and don't know how to post them.

    Leg Images: https://imgur.com/a/K7aySMQ

    submitted by /u/3rescan
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    [AZ] My 6 year old is/was being left in charge of her 3 year old brother and sister while their mother is out for long periods of time.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Yesterday my 6 year old mentioned she had been babysitting her 3 year old twin siblings. She said her mom told her she was old enough to watch them and make them oatmeal, mac and cheese, etc. I was pretty shocked when she mentioned it but I didn't want to try and get more out of her in fear she would clamp up thinking she was getting her mom into trouble. I asked her simple questions like, "what do you do if there's a fire?" and "do you know how to call 911?" She said yes to both so I asked if she could show me how to call 911 on my phone and she didn't know how. As far as I know I'm not sure if she still does this since her grandpa lives about 30 minutes away from them but I really don't know.

    This brings me back to a few months ago I got a phone call from a family advocacy counselor from Japan. My ex was active duty air force stationed in Japan and was caught leaving the kids alone there unsupervised while she went clubbing and bar hopping. When I got the call my daughter was already living full time with me but then it made me wonder if my ex was repeating past behavior.

    I have to tread carefully around my ex when it comes to sensitive things like this. She has a history of becoming very vindictive and hostile. The counselors in Japan told me my 6 y/o was most likely being coached by my ex and I feel confident that she is still coaching her.

    I'm not sure what my next course of action should be. Is calling CPS an avenue I can depend on without getting backlash from my ex towards my daughter or myself? TIA.

    submitted by /u/secretasianmanmanman
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    Rival competition impersonating our business?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    Hi all, I'm in Southwest Colorado.

    Here's the situation: We have had a local business since the 90s, in 2016/2017 we moved locations (we rented, we moved to a building we own and built) from downtown to a more commercial part of town. The business who moved into our old space is our direct competition- we had no control over this because we did not own the building.

    They have changed their name to sound similar to ours and are in our location, that's bad enough. However, they are also actively impersonating us by lying by omission.

    We have had several customers come in saying they went to our old location, calling the business by our name, and no employee corrected them. I have had customers confirm that some of the employees even laugh at the fact that they aren't correcting customers and stealing our business by not correcting customers, including long term customers.

    Recently, a woman called our biz asking for an employee from our competition. When I told her we were not that business, she was LIVID. She told me she did a huge job with them, specifically mentioning our name several times (she said no less than 8). She brought in print outs from our website and mentioned she had done jobs with us specifically in the past. The entire time, they did not correct her and even deceived her by eluding to the fact that they were us.

    So, we are frustrated. We are a small business and are having our customers unethically stolen from us. Is there are legality in this? Can we send a cease and desist if they are only lying by omission and deception? Basically, do we have any legal leg to stand on to make these unethical business practices stop?

    TLDR: Colorado- Business is lying by omission by pretending to be our business and not correcting clients who come in specifically asking if they are our business. They have admitted to other customers to doing this. What can we do?

    submitted by /u/kllabeas
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    Dealership gave out number

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 04:43 AM PDT

    Question for my father-in-law who recently purchased a new vehicle; he went to a dealership in Florida and traded in his old vehicle and purchased a new truck.

    A few days later, he receives a call from a random number and the person leaves a voicemail. The voice message is a gentlemen asking questions about my FIL's previous vehicle and is the customer who purchased his old vehicle from the same dealership, meaning the dealership gave out his number to the customer as a selling point.

    Does my FIL have any legal action he can take and would any of it be worth his time?

    submitted by /u/Namahsllort
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    [AL] My employer says I'm being overpaid by $1/hr and wants to payroll deduct the amount I "owe" for the last 6 months

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    When I started this job in January I was told I'd be on 2nd shift. I asked if there would be any opportunity to move to 1st and was told they would try. First day of orientation I get pulled out and told there's a spot on 1st if I want it, and I do. So I signed a paper acknowledging my shift change and who my new supervisor would be.

    My new hire paperwork says my rate is $17/hr. Nothing on that paper says anything about a shift differential. Neither does the shift change paperwork. But HR has informed me that 2nd shift gets an extra $1/hr and that there was a clerical error when I moved shifts and they never took that $1 away. I confirmed this with several coworkers.

    Now HR is telling me that I owe the company the difference in pay, which comes out to nearly $1200 after taxes (I've worked a ton of OT). This was Friday. When I got home I dug up all my paperwork and brought it to them this morning. I told them I'd take the $1/hr paycut I was supposed to receive, but I wouldn't pay back the money because all the paperwork I was given says I was getting the correct pay.

    They told me that if I wouldn't agree to a payroll deduction that I would be terminated and they would take it from my last check (this Friday).

    What can I do? I've already sent out a few job applications elsewhere, but it's unlikely I'll be able to get into anything soon.

    submitted by /u/jarackin
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    Do I call the cops or CPS if a family member dumps their kid on me without permission?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    I live in Illinois. I have a family member who has on two separate occasions come to my house with their toddler (without notifying me), lifted him over my side gate and into my yard, gestured him to go around to my back porch, and driven away. They called me on the road to let me know that their daycare fell through and they left the kid with me, the diaper bag is on the front porch. I have recently told this person in no uncertain terms that I am unwilling to provide childcare and if they came to my property again with or without their child I would call the cops. They said they understand my position but I have my doubts.
    Thinking about it, though, I doubt the cops would do anything. I doubt they would consider it child endangerment, and from reading this sub and others I know that cops will sometimes dismiss interfamily disputes as civil matters. So, should I call CPS instead? I don't have any real concerns about his home life or safety, but I cannot allow this to continue. I also don't want to waste resources that would be better spent on a kid in real need. So, what are my options, legally speaking?

    edit: I should clarify that I only intend to do something if it happens again.

    edit2: While I would like to thank the handful of people that gave me objective legal advice, I find most of the comments here disappointing. If I wanted to hear from a bunch of hens clucking about how I need to get my head checked and OMG this child could and definitely will die soon from neglect, I would have posted to one of the JustNo subs.

    submitted by /u/FormalTiger
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    I have dash cam footy of my mechanic driving to the corner store, chugging a beer in the drivers seat then driving back to the shop - what am I supposed to do?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:31 PM PDT

    Los Angeles County, California U.S,A.

    I have dash cam footy of my mechanic driving to the corner store, chugging a beer in the drivers seat then driving back to the shop - what am I supposed to do?

    This happened today. The only reason I checked the footage is because I got a call from the desk guy at the end of the day. He asked me about the dashcam. Wanted to know if it was filmed front and back, and what brand it was. He said he was interested in a dashcam.

    I found this peculiar so I pulled the footage. One of the first things I see is the mechanic chugging a beer while test driving my car. He threw the can on the street.

    This infuriates me for many reasons, besides being a huge breach of trust. I use my car professionally, this guy is drinking beer, and littering from my car in a busy area.

    What is my response to this? Contact the management, the police? I really have no idea what I am to do and what to expect in this kind of situation.

    Any ideas would be helpful and appreciated.

    Update: I ended up taking the footage in to show the owner of the shop. He told me it wasn't the 1st time, that they had a problem a year ago and he'd been in treatment. He was thankful that I brought him the footage and brought it to his attention. Hes going to deal with it.

    As far as the desk guy, that was a serendipitous accident. He was legitimately calling because they had a another client that was curious about daah cams and he had seen mine that day, thought it was really cool.

    I decided not to involve the police at this point because honestly in my town they don't care about anything unless it's a felony that they happen catch in the act. Sounds cynical but I have experience. We have a lot of serious problems they are better working on.

    I felt like I had to say something though, Out of respect for the business and respect for my community. Last thing we need is drunk driving mechanics littering all over the place

    Thanks everyone for your opinions and insight. It helped me a lot.

    submitted by /u/rundabrun
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    Man keeps coming to my parents house after being told to no longer come

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 03:11 AM PDT

    So, a man keeps coming to my parents house after my father felt sorry for him after he was begging for money to do some work on the house. My father allowed him to do his yard "work" which involved my dad basically after 30mins telling this guy heres $30 don't come back here again since the guy was just complaining about having to work in the sun and just wanted his money. Come to find out after visiting them, this man keeps showing up every day becoming visibly more aggressive, after telling him multiple to not return he keeps returning. We have camera footage of this occurring from outside the house. We live in Florida if that seems to make a difference but its scary to think since my mother is home alone a lot of the time do to my fathers work and this man is visibly harassing them almost every single day since that first encounter growing my aggressive each visit. What should they do?

    submitted by /u/Reoost12
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