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    Saturday, July 6, 2019

    Earthquake Insurance in a catastrophic event? Insurance

    Earthquake Insurance in a catastrophic event? Insurance

    Earthquake Insurance in a catastrophic event?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    With the recent earthquake activity in Southern California, I can't help but wonder what would happen if/when the San Andreas Fault goes big time. Wouldn't the insurance companies and their underwriters just go bankrupt? Does the US Government just step in and "print" more money? Let's assume that 50% of property is insured (commercial and residential). That's a huge amount of value to underwrite (something like US$1T).

    submitted by /u/Takakikun
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    Got into accident with our 5th wheel, damage in multiple spots. Paid around 53k, insurance valued at 52k new, now saying it’s worth 60k Used 2 weeks later. The dealership estimated damage at 36k. After insurance adjuster came by, didn’t look at inside only out, is saying damage is only 18k

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    What do you even do from here? Clearly the prices are very different and how do they go from valuing it normal new to so high used?

    submitted by /u/geenuhahhh
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    Need some advice.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 08:07 PM PDT

    I'm 31, from Québec. Been a Claims Adjuster for the past 6 years and and LOVE IT, until recently.

    I was wondering if there is connected jobs. Some place who will recognize my experience as a claim adjuster as an asset. Dont hesitate, pitch my your ideas.


    submitted by /u/Math1988
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    Fraud? Please help.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 02:10 PM PDT

    Hey Reddit.. need your help. So my girlfriend moved out of her parents @ 18 (abusive situation) & got her own medical insurance taken care of so her parents dropped her from their plan. She scheduled wisdom tooth surgery & had a $0 deductible. Well, she recently got a letter from her parents insurance & they added her back on (without her knowledge or consent) & her deductible for the wisdom tooth surgery is now over $300. Can her parents do that? Add her to their policy without her consent when she is already covered under her own? Please, feel free to ask questions if you need them to help answer.

    submitted by /u/BlkBrd99
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    Insurance for boat rentals?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 09:37 PM PDT

    I'm planning a trip to the Florida Keys later this year, and I'm renting a waterfront property with its own private dock. I've been doing 1-day boat rentals for several years, but this is the first time I'll have my own dock, and I plan to rent a 19' boat for the whole week and keep it at my rental property the entire time. I've confirmed that the boat rental company permits me to keep the boat at a private marina or dock of my choice for the entire rental period, and I've confirmed that the rental house permits me to keep a boat at its dock.

    I did a few googlings, and I couldn't find any information about any sort of insurance available for such a short-term, rental boat situation. Ideally I'm looking for insurance that covers my liability for property damage to the rental boat, other boats, and structures such as docks, moorings, buoys, etc., as well as bodily injuries to my passengers, passengers of other craft, swimmers, and myself if possible.

    I hold a boat licence/boat safety certificate from my home state, which is accepted by Florida for short-term visitors. I have no other documented licenses or any professional experience. I have enough experience, including in the local waters, that I have no fear that I'm actually going to cause any damage or injury, I'd just like to explore coverage for "just in case." Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/tinker_toys
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    FL Bodily Injury Demand

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    Hey all. I submitted a demand to State Farm last month for my bodily injury claim from November. My medical bills were over 15K after my PIP coverage exhausted. They only have a 10K policy so I demanded their limits. They called and asked for an extension which I gave and their response is due by 7/8. I called today and was told they received it but hadn't reviewed it. As I am not an attorney, if they don't respond to my demand, what recourse do I have Other than getting an attorney involved?

    submitted by /u/andygrl1989
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    (ON CA) car was backing in a parking lot hits my stationary car while I was in it.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:49 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    Background: I live in Toronto Canada. I'm covered under my parents insurance (Allstate), it is my parents vehicle. If I were to claim this accident it would be my 2nd claim within a year. My first claim I was involved in a minor collision where I was deemed 100% at fault (not sure if this is relevant). The car damage is minor but my dad is super anal about his car so repairs to the current panel isn't really an option, he was given an estimate of about $700 for new panels. I exchanged information with the other party, took pictures, etc.

    I'm Just looking for advice if I should do a claim for this as I worry about my own rates going up and perhaps anything else I'm forgetting

    Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/iredditall11
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    Disputing Zero Payout claims

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    Can you dispute a Zero payout claim in the CLUE Report? When I informed my Auto insurance I was assured that this is marked as a information and no claim being opened but now I have a zero payout claim. Can someone comment on this?

    submitted by /u/Ec0n0mlst
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    The Hunt Continues

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    Yoder/Ellicott/Callahan Colorado

    So I still can not get anyone to offer any type of coverage for the land/shed.

    If someone has advice please share.

    Currently have land (35.6acers) with electricity on it.

    We have done the following on the land. Fully fenced it with 3 bar wires running the length of the land.

    1 small house (no running water, just electricity and a wood burning stove/heater) 750sq ft Have 1 large chicken coop (7 chickens currently) 1 small barn meant for 1-2 goats. 1 small smoke house 1 small out house

    1 small, small arms gun range ( legal as zoned A35)

    So no insurance company wants to cover this or knows how to cover this.

    Everyone I talked to said to put homeowners insurance this has to be a primary residence.

    Cant put homeowners insurance on it since there is no running water.

    The house is strictly made to be used as old town living. Really not being dependent on anything the city has to offer.

    I dont understand how others have insurance out there with much worse "shacks"

    Can someone please point me in the right direction.

    We have currently esurance for our main house and they said they do not know how to cover that.

    Is there anyway we can extend coverage through a umbrella policy (idk what that even means ) ?

    submitted by /u/theoneawesomesauce
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    (US - NJ) In Network Emergency Room Provided Out of Network Surgeon

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    I had an appendectomy at the beginning of May in New Jersey. I went in for abdominal pain, and after a CT, they told me my appendix was slightly inflamed. The ER doc recommended surgery, and I asked for all doctors to be in network, as I am having financial difficulties. After waiting ~9 hours, the surgeon came and the surgery was performed.

    2 months later, I received a bill for over $24,000 today, with more to come, and have now learned that the surgeon they arranged was NOT covered by my insurance, despite my request. Is there anything I can do, or am I on the hook for every penny?

    Any and all advice is very much appreciated. I have no idea what to do.

    submitted by /u/dead_inside_9
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    Currently in London from Australia and need to see a doctor.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 06:08 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is exact place to post - but I've recently had a bit of a skin rash reaction and need to potentially see a doctor to get it checked further. I do own travel insurance, but what exactly do I need to provide/tell them when I get there?

    submitted by /u/MatthewMir
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    Homeowner Insurance Coverage

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I live a condo and I recently had a water leakage from my dishwasher that cause some water damage to another unit. I do not have homeowner's insurance so they had to use their insurance and charge me for the deductible. However I recently received a bill of some $3000 of emergency repair(installing dryers and fans, vanities removal etc.). Apparently this part of the repair is not covered by their insurance, only the actual repair afterwards is covered.

    I'm a new homeowner so I'm not very knowledgeable about insurance coverage. Can anyone tell me if this is the usual case?

    submitted by /u/huduck13
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    Uninsured motorist insurance

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 03:29 PM PDT


    So a few weeks ago my parked car was hit and damaged by a drunk driver. It caused significant damage to my car. My landlord has a video of the accident but we don't have a license plate and the police have not apprehended this individual. The car is a lease and the lease is up next month so I need to fix it ASAP.

    Here is the issue. I have essurance and don't have collision. They told me they can't use the uninsured motorist coverage because they can't determine whether or not the driver who hit me had insurance. Basically since he hasn't been caught they aren't going to pay.

    My issue with this is that the accident was clearly not my fault. I have a police report and video showing this. Am I obligated to find out whether the driver who hit me was not insured or is it my insurance companies obligation to prove that he wasn't insured? The insurance company is putting the onus on me.

    submitted by /u/fuckshitpissboston
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    Is Root legit, or am i gonna get scammed.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 08:59 AM PDT

    I'm trying to find out which company I want auto insurance with. I'm a new driver and young, so rates are already gonna be high. I've seen ads for Root and it seems a little too good to be true, and especially confused by how it determines a "good driver". I've read it's based on miles but idk seems weird.

    submitted by /u/willy3284
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    Auto Insurance Question: Hit & Run

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 01:28 PM PDT

    I was driving on the freeway in the #2 lane and a young woman driving in the #1 lane attempted to pass a bus in front of her without there being an opening in the #2 lane. She drove in-between me and the bus and collided with the driver side of my car smashing the left side mirror and causing damage to the door. I followed her in the #1 lane for quite some time, taking pictures. She would not pull over. I filed a report with the CHP. The CHP verified the license plate # and knows who this woman is. I had the option to have the CHP pursue her, but I did not think this to be necessarily as I assumed the report itself would be enough for my insurance company. Yet Geico is telling me I have to pay the $500 deductible and that possibly they could get me reimbursed from the driver, but this was not guaranteed. I am not okay with having to pay a deductible for something that was not my fault when we know who the driver was and have her plate #. Is this a normal procedure? It doesn't seem right. What does one do in a situation like this? I don't have $500 to spend right now. Should I have the CHP pursue her to force her to comply with an insurance claim or face criminal charges? Is this even something the CHP will do? I would think Geico should first attempt to find her and collect her insurance information and then if they were unsuccessful I could have the option to pay the deductible or get law enforcement involved. Thanks for your help with this.

    submitted by /u/MoralPanic3
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    Travel / kidnapping insurance

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    Moderators, please remove if this type of post isn't allowed. I'm a researcher for a U.S. based freelance journalist who is planning a trip to Africa in August with a camera crew of four. There will be five people total in the group between the ages of 40-50. We need to get a quote, even just a range, for medical/repatriation and kidnap/ransom insurance. I'm having a hard time finding one company that will write it all. The Rory Peck Trust, based in London, has a resource page, and i'm in the process of contacting everyone on the list. Have also attempted to contact Hiscox (for kidnap/ransom), but the agent/broker hasn't returned my call yet. Most are asking that we fill out detailed applications for each person before they will quote a rate, or even a range. We need to give the sponsors a total budget, with a line item for insurance, or at least a range.

    If anyone is knowledgeable about this, would love your suggestions for brokers or companies that might be able to handle all of it and who could give us just an estimate. Thanks for any input.

    submitted by /u/kbenn17
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    Moving to another state, how to avoid medicare coverage gaps?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I know nothing about this. After googling a bit I can't seem to find much aside things like COBRA and short term health insurance products. I'm just wondering if there's a way to avoid the gaps or have them be smaller in length.

    Thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/intotherockies
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    Switch from Homesite to AmFam?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    I currently use Esurance for auto and their bundled homesite for homeowners insurance. I've read not so good things about Homesite.

    Got a quote from American Family and rates are fairly close. Coverage seems better with more dwelling, personal prop, and loss of use coverage with AmFam.

    Auto rates are a bit higher but I'm more concerned with good home coverage.

    Should I go ahead and make the switch? Is AmFam relatively good for claims?

    submitted by /u/TheAbdominal_Snowman
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    Not eligible for health benefits for another month, can I leverage workers comp?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    This suuuuucks. Got a job managing a kitchen, much more physical work than my previous gig. No problem.

    I'm almost certain I've developed testicular torsion over the last week or so, and it's definitely from the kitchen work.

    Is this a comp claim or will I be hit for one hundred million dollars to untwist my nuts?

    submitted by /u/coleslawcholo
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    Insurance being possibly dropped

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    I don't know if this is the right sub but

    I got into one accident last year that was my fault and just got two speeding tickets in a month(stupid I know) one was 14 over and the second 22 over and my father said after the first speeding ticket if I get one speeding ticket I will be dropped by StateFarm along with my mother and step father if I go to court and try to get the second speeding ticket dismissed(or getting the points off) by doing a defensive driving course will statefarm drop me anyways or will they keep me?

    submitted by /u/bdubz08
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    Insurance for gear in extreme sports?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    So I'm just getting into paramotors. These things cost 12k new, and then the wing is about 4k new. Used you're still at 7-10k for a setup. I'm looking for a way to insure the actual unit for damages, if I were to crash, it falls off the back of my truck, gets stolen, etc... It does have a serial number on the wing, but I'm not sure if it counts as aircraft. Does anybody have any options available to me?

    submitted by /u/SavageIndustries
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    Is $260 usd car insurance ok for new driver?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 12:19 AM PDT


    I just got my california driving license and looking to finance or lease a toyota corolla or a honda civic (or another car in the same price range).

    The lowest car insurance quote I got was ~260, and usually the other quotes are around 280~300. Which is more expensive than such cars' monthly payments.

    Do these numbers look sane? Does it make sense to pay 150~200 for a car and 260 just for its insurance?


    submitted by /u/Vanaikol
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