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    Sunday, June 9, 2019

    Owner looking to retire in 5 yrs small business

    Owner looking to retire in 5 yrs small business

    Owner looking to retire in 5 yrs

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    An older acquaintance of mine owns his own $6m revenue small business and is looking to retire in 5 years. He and I are considering a deal where I come work with him now with salary, and start getting a staggered ownership percentage each year, then in 5 years either (a) buy the rest of his stake, or (b) we sell and both cash out.

    Does anyone have experience with this type of situation and different strategies/structures to consider? Or things to look out for?

    submitted by /u/noeldive
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    Hiring a past drug abuser/thief

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:07 PM PDT

    I own a tattoo studio. It has its fair share of drug use that many artist fall prey too.

    I have an artist that really wants to come work for my shop. We are a really nice shop in a good area. Also we are all drug free. I do have a recovering addict (he moved here from out of state for rehab 4-5 years ago) he's been with the team for about 2 years, and has been clean for at least 4 years. I put a good bit of trust in him as he's never given me reason to doubt him.

    This week I've been approached by another artist that wants to come work in our studio. It's a nice atmosphere, in a good area, and we are drug free. This artist is also a recovering addict. He's local and he's worked at nearly every shop in town, and hasn't left on good terms because of drug use. He said he's been clean for 6 months. I know he actually had weight on his body and has been working out as before he was so thin and pale.

    He's a young, talented guy, he offered to do random drug tests. Offered to come in at lower pay. And also said he would be willing to do a trial and just see how he works out. 

    My gut says give him a shot. I think I have the best environment for him. But I have a recovering addict that's doing awesome. Is it unfair to put him in this position? I haven't dealt with something like this. I have talked to my guy and he said wouldn't be to happy working with him.

    I want to try offer this kid an opportunity and push him to better himself. But he has a bad track record.

    I can't separate business from heart on this and I need help understanding what to do.

    Thanks in advance

    I've just been appro

    submitted by /u/smlbizz
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    Uber Clone Apps

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 03:10 AM PDT

    Customers are becoming technology obsessed and they want services done at their very own convenience. The good news is that the current generation of entrepreneurs is equally technology biased to service their customers according to their convenience with just a few clicks. Our uber clone is 100% customizable comes in both android and iOS with fully white labeled solution where you can add your logo and images our apps has been structured with the end goal that it will perpetually change the manner in which you maintain your business.


    submitted by /u/julesboutin567
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    How to bring more traffic to my business? So I won’t end up being homeless? 19 F

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    I recently in March launched my business and after I lost my job I went full time and put major work into it. Some weeks are better than others, when some weeks I'll make nothing. I barely make any money at all. From the span of now to March I've made $435. And don't get me wrong I'm grateful. But it's hard because this isn't a liveable income. I've had no luck with jobs at all or I either can't afford to catch a lyft to the interview cause I had no money. I live with my mom who is doing chemo for cancer treatment so she has no income at all cause she doesn't work and all disability and SSI turned her down. We're literally scraping our last from any means necessary to have a home. I'm thankful for even when I don't get sales of traffic because it humbles me. But I really want to save my mom and me and my business just haven't been doing well at all! I sell accessories and one time I had made $200 a night! But that's just because some famous twitter account retweeted me. But overall I just need any tips or guidance anyone has. I definitely won't give up. And I know this feeling is only temporary. But yeah...I'm not looking for pity or anything just some wisdom or gems anyone can drop. Thanks everyone. Sending you all peace, love and light.

    submitted by /u/fuegoallure
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    What's your favorite social media platform and why

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 01:38 AM PDT

    what's your favorite social media platform and why ?

    Is it LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram Twitter, Snapchat or others

    submitted by /u/globalsocialdude
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    How much you are willing to pay per month to outsource social media marketing?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:41 AM PDT

    Since most of the marketing agencies are going after mid to large scale business , I though to look into small business and grow with them. What do you think?.

    submitted by /u/ParkerKarel
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    What are triggers in Marketing?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:09 AM PDT

    What are triggers in Marketing?

    A trigger is the actuator of behavior—the spark plug in the engine. Triggers come in two types: external and internal.- Habit-forming products start by alerting users with external triggers like an e-mail, a Web site link, or the app icon on a phone. Triggers take the form of obvious cues like the morning alarm clock but also come as more subtle, sometimes subconscious signals that just as effectively influence our daily behavior. A trigger is the actuator of behavior—the grit in the oyster that precipitates the pearl. Whether we are cognizant of them or not, triggers move us to take action.

    Triggers come in two types: external and internal.External Triggers

    Habit-forming technologies start changing behavior by first cueing users with a call to action. This sensory stimuli is delivered through any number of things in our environment.

    External triggers are embedded with information, which tells the user what to do next.An external trigger communicates the next action the user should take. Often, the desired action is made explicitly clear.Online, an external trigger may take the form of a prominent button, such as the large "Log in to Mint" prompt in the e-mail from Mint.com. Here again, the user is given explicit instructions about what action to take after reading the e-mail: Click on that big button.

    Notice how prominent and clear the intended action is in the e-mail from Mint? The company could have included several other triggers such as prompts to check your bank balance, view credit card deals, or set financial goals. Instead, because this is an important account alert e-mail. Mint has reduced the available actions to a single click: logging in to view and fix your account.

    Types of External Triggers

    Companies can utilize four types of external triggers to move users to complete desired actions:

    1. Paid Triggers

    Advertising, search engine marketing, and other paid channels are commonly used to get users' attention and prompt them to act. Paid triggers can be effective but costly ways to keep users coming back. Habit-forming companies tend not to rely on paid triggers for very long, if at all.

    Imagine if Facebook or Twitter needed to buy an ad to prompt users to revisit their sites —these companies would soon go broke.Because paying for re-engagement is unsustainable for most business models, companies generally use paid triggers to acquire new users and then leverage other triggers to bring them back.

    2. Earned Triggers

    Earned triggers are free in that they cannot be bought directly, but they often require investment in the form of time spent on public and media relations. Favorable press mentions, hot viral videos, and featured app store placements are all effective ways to gain attention. Companies may be lulled into thinking that related downloads or sales spikes signal long-term success, yet awareness generated by earned triggers can be short-lived.

    For earned triggers to drive ongoing user acquisition, companies must keep their products in the limelight—a difficult and unpredictable task.

    3. Relationship Triggers

    One person telling others about a product or service can be a highly effective external trigger for action. Whether through an electronic invitation, a Facebook "like," or old fashioned word of mouth, product referrals from friends and family are often a key component of technology diffusion.

    Relationship triggers can create the viral hyper-growth entrepreneurs and investors lust after. Sometimes relationship triggers drive growth because people love to tell one another about a wonderful offer.

    For example, it is hard to top PayPal's viral success of the late 1990s.- PayPal knew that once account holders started sending other users money online they would realize the tremendous value of the service. The allure that someone just sent you money was a huge incentive to open an account, and PayPal's growth spread because it was both viral and useful.

    Unfortunately, some companies utilize viral loops and relationship triggers in unethical ways: by deploying so-called dark patterns. When designers intentionally trick users into inviting friends or blasting a message to their social networks, they may see some initial growth, but it comes at the expense of users' goodwill and trust. When people discover they've been duped, they vent their frustration and stop using the product.

    Proper use of relationship triggers requires building an engaged user base that is enthusiastic about sharing the benefits of the product with others.

    4. Owned Triggers

    Owned triggers consume a piece of real estate in the user's environment. They consistently show up in daily life and it is ultimately up to the user to opt in to allowing these triggers to appear.

    For example, an app icon on the user's phone screen, an e-mail newsletter to which the user subscribes, or an app update notification only appears if the user wants it there. As long as the user agrees to receive a trigger, the company that sets the trigger owns a share of the user's attention.

    Owned triggers are only set after users sign up for an account, submit their e-mail address, install an app, opt in to newsletters, or otherwise indicate they want to continue receiving communications.

    While paid, earned, and relationship triggers drive new user acquisition, owned triggers prompt repeat engagement until a habit is formed. Without owned triggers and users' tacit permission to enter their attentional space, it is difficult to cue users frequently enough to change their behavior.

    Yet external triggers are only the first step. The ultimate goal of all external triggers is to propel users into and through the Hook Model so that, after successive cycles, they do not need further prompting from external triggers. When users form habits, they are cued by a different kind of trigger: internal ones.

    Internal Triggers

    When a product becomes tightly coupled with a thought, an emotion, or a preexisting routine, it leverages an internal trigger. Unlike external triggers, which use sensory stimuli like a morning alarm clock or giant "Login Now" button, you can't see, touch, or hear an internal trigger.

    Internal triggers manifest automatically in your mind. Connecting internal triggers with a product is the brass ring of consumer technology.

    Emotions, particularly negative ones, are powerful internal triggers and greatly influence our daily routines. Feelings of boredom, loneliness, frustration, confusion, and indecisiveness often instigate a slight pain or irritation and prompt an almost instantaneous and often mindless action to quell the negative sensation.

    Positive emotions can also serve as internal triggers, and may even be triggered themselves by a need to satisfy something that is bothering us. After all, we use products to find solutions to problems. The desire to be entertained can be thought of as the need to satiate boredom. A need to share good news can also be thought of as an attempt to find and maintain social connections.

    As product designers it is our goal to solve these problems and eliminate pain—to scratch the user's itch. Users who find a product that alleviates their pain will form strong, positive associations with the product over time. After continued use, bonds begin to form—like the layers of nacre in an oyster— between the product and the user whose need it satisfies.

    Gradually, these bonds cement into a habit as users turn to your product when experiencing certain internal triggers.

    A study at the Missouri University of Science and Technology illustrates how tech solutions can provide frequent psychological relief.- In 2011 a group of 216 undergraduates volunteered to have their Internet activity anonymously tracked. Over the course of the academic year, the researchers measured the frequency with which these students used the web and what they were doing online.

    At the end of the study, the researchers compared anonymous data of students who visited the university's health services to treat symptoms of depression.The study demonstrated that people suffering from symptoms of depression used the Internet more. Why is that? One hypothesis is that those with depression experience negative emotions more frequently than the general population and seek relief by turning to technology to lift their mood.

    Consider, perhaps, your own emotion-cued behaviors. What do you do in response to your internal triggers?

    When bored, many people seek excitement and turn to dramatic news headlines. When we feel overly stressed, we seek serenity, perhaps finding relief in sites like Pinterest. When we feel lonely, destinations like Facebook and Twitter provide instant social connections.

    To ameliorate the sensation of uncertainty, Google is just a click away. E- mail, perhaps the mother of all habit-forming technology, is a go-to solution for many of our daily agitations, from validating our importance (or even our existence) by checking to see if someone needs us, to providing an escape from life's more mundane moments.

    Once we're hooked, using these products does not always require an explicit call to action. Instead, they rely upon our automatic responses to feelings that precipitate the desired behavior. Products that attach to these internal triggers provide users with quick relief. Once a technology has created an association in users' minds that the product is the solution of choice, they return on their own, no longer needing prompts from external triggers.

    In the case of internal triggers, the information about what to do next is encoded as a learned association in the user's memory.

    The association between an internal trigger and your product, however, is not formed overnight. It can take weeks or months of frequent usage for internal triggers to latch onto cues. New habits are sparked by external triggers, but associations with internal triggers are what keeps users hooked.

    Products that successfully create habits soothe the user's pain by laying claim to a particular feeling. To do so, product designers must know their user's internal triggers—that is, the pain they seek to solve. Finding customers' internal triggers requires learning more about people than what they can tell you in a survey, though. It requires digging deeper to understand how your users feel.

    Think you need help in building your brand equity? Hit us up at viralify.me

    submitted by /u/askdubailaw
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    Do sole proprietors in South Dakota need to file an annual report?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:21 PM PDT

    Hey r/smallbusiness,

    I am the owner of a sole proprietorship here in South Dakota. Does anyone know if I need to file an annual report with the secretary of state? They list information on the website, but it is confusing me.

    Thanks all who respond!

    submitted by /u/ctx400
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    What’s the Best Way to License as a Sole Proprietor and Business Simultaneously?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 04:16 PM PDT

    Hi All —

    I'm new to this sub, so please excuse any errors on my end.

    I am a dog walker in Los Angeles, and have been operating under my SSN for a few years now. Recently I started my own business, and filed a DBA under the business name with its own EIN in the event I need to hire contractors at some point.

    What is the best route in licensing? Do I need a separate license for the EIN? Would a Joint Venture License be better? I am still working as a contractor for another company in addition to my own business.

    Any insight is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/BirdBrainuh
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    eyelash studio owners how long/how did you guys retire?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    How long did it take ? Do you even need to ? Ha sorry for the silly questions ..

    submitted by /u/deeeb0
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    Anyone here have experience creating royalty agreements?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 05:14 PM PDT

    Specifically for selling products using someone else's design.

    Before anyone says to talk to a lawyer, I am but the appointment is a whiles away and it's always nice to know more. Also before anyone says avoid it just buy the designs upfront, beyond budget there are reasons why it doesn't make sense in my case.

    I was planning on doing 10% (Gross Sales - Deductions)

    Deductions being credit card fees, absorbed shipping costs, return costs, factoring in reduced cost purchases such as the item being on sale or discount codes, factoring in using affiliate partners,

    Credit card card fees and absorbed shipping costs are pretty easy to calculate. But struggling to think how I would account for the other three.

    Anyone have any experience?

    submitted by /u/ExtraFirmpillow
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    Anyone have any words of wisdom about withdrawing partner experiences?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:23 PM PDT

    Going through a bit of a "learning curve".

    submitted by /u/craftybirdd
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    Company name?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 07:44 PM PDT

    Intending to start a kickstarter campaign on an idea i have. However i find that most of the name i intended to use are findable on google when i google it. Does that make it "illegal" for me to use it?

    I used the industry that i focuses on and add it on with another verb or noun. I could use something totally but i wanted my project to be more easily reliable to the stuff i am working on.

    Any advise?

    submitted by /u/stingray888
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    As a contract-based company, how do you charge for administrative employees' hours?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 06:00 PM PDT

    This may seem a little basic, but where do you bill for the hours that aren't specific to one customer? Do you split the hours evenly across all your customers?

    For example, say you brought on an HR person to do hiring- do you pay them from your profits, or do you factor their pay into what you charge your customers? Is it fair to divide their hours evenly across all customers?


    submitted by /u/MyBusinessAdventure
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    Searching for a "backup" wireless plan for using Square

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    I'm using VZW as my primary mobile provider. My "workplace" is a small pavilion in a small town. There's no Wi-Fi. VZW has extremely poor data availability (I can call and text). So, I want a backup, preferably on GSM. I don't need to spend $35/month. I just need something on an as needed basis for Square. Any ideas? Thank you.

    Edit: I've been told that Sprint and T-Mobile work well here. I would like to use one of the discount providers like Simply Wireless, Total Wireless, Net10, etc.

    submitted by /u/NealJ777
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    A makeup side gig?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 04:50 PM PDT

    Has anyone here started a makeup side gig (i.e. for proms or parties) and if so, what was your startup like? I want to have a full kit with everything I need but am unsure where to start.

    submitted by /u/hibbydibbydoo
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    Business model - Custom computer builds

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 04:32 PM PDT

    Friend and I want to try our hands in the business world building custom pcs for people. We have several ideas on services we could offer to differentiate ourselves from competition. The question that gets me is how do we add more value to the service to make it worth more? The million dollar question is how much is the right amount to ask for? Is it a flat 10% markup for the service of building the rig? do we charge more for adding software? All of these questions are floating in my head and I want to know what you guys think.

    Thanks in advance for your time!

    submitted by /u/ShadowOfCrimson
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    A question regarding SQUARE POS system: how do I get rid of the “Regular Price” modifier printed on receipts and ticket orders?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    I run a cafe with food and when I have a button for an item that needs to be modified, "regular price" pops up under the item (For instance, HamEgg&Cheese needs to substitute on a wrap so I hit the button and print out the receipt and it prints out to the kitchen with "regular price" as a modification.)

    I've noticed that it's only happening on the square POS device and not on the apple apps that you can download on the iPhone or iPad.

    It's really annoying to see that line of text when it means nothing and we're getting slammed with no time for distractions any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/sord-fighter
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    Accountant vs Financial Analyst, Screening questions to find a decent one?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    Our accountant is starting to show signs of incompitability with us (always late for services, refuses to provide data reports for trends or provide advice on how we are growing and is never in office/ and rarely returns calls.

    We can respect that they are busy, but we can barely get one response or call in a 30 day period.

    Are we expecting services from the wrong person or do we need an anaylst?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/DarkJester89
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    Feedback and Advice for Website and Getting Clients?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 02:07 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I set up my business last September after getting a few bits of work on the side. Since then I now have one client who pays me a monthly retainer as well as project work that falls out of the scope. This one client used to be my employer so they know me and my work and are generally quite easy to deal with. I am now looking to add to my client list and would like any feedback / advice / comments on the below:

    Working full time for another job gives me limited time to work on this business at the moment. The long term goal is to do this full time but I have to be realistic and I'm taking it one step at a time. The next step for me is to get one additional client. I want to deal with a business that I've not dealt with before and learn from the experience.

    I'm looking for advice for how I should be getting that next client. I've uploaded my website this morning and would appreciate any feedback on the content and branding (https://moonfive.co.uk) - I'm still working on a few technical aspects of it. I don't want to target the masses at this very moment in time as I can only handle a finite amount of work - so I'd really like to optimise my website, social media and marketing to attract low volume hot leads.

    A few things I'll be working on over the next few weeks (unless advised are a waste of time) are:

    Blog Posts - I'm not much of a writer but I quite like writing documentation in my day job - I figured I'd post about simple topics such as 'Getting Your Business on Google' - something a director of a SMB may google ?

    Portfolio - I'm desperate for any portfolio work. All development work I have done for previous companies were internal apps which I'm unable to showcase. I've got a couple friends who are sole traders or have a small business which I'm planning on getting online for free but they're not that bothered about a website and it's quite demotivating - i'd rather do a site for someone who wants it. How would I go about getting businesses to let me do a simple landing page for them - purely for a portfolio. I see posts all the time on Facebook offering free web design and I think it looks suspicious - should I just create a few dummy sites?

    Once I've got the portfolio in place and content on my site I'll be looking at ad's and marketing but I've not really planned that far ahead.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions etc

    submitted by /u/jack_24d
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    Can we receive electronic billpay?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 01:54 PM PDT

    I would like for our customers to be able to go to their bank's "Bill Pay" feature, put in the name of our company, and send us money. Then I want that to be electronically transferred to our account, rather than a check being mailed to us (after the customer is asked for our mailing address).

    Is this a thing? I am sure that big companies aren't receiving ten thousand paper checks in the mail all sent from the same processing company every month, but I'm having a hell of a time getting anyone at any layer of the process to give me information about how to get our foot in the door.

    submitted by /u/sparr
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    Is it possible to report on and maintain my own D&B account?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    So I got a call from someone over at D&B as well as a letter stating that my business D&B account is incomplete. Because of a major oversight we have not been self reporting all of our info for our profile(something we didn't realize was necessary) and it recently cost us a lease on a newer truck vs. the one we were approved for. Needless to say this has to be rectified but we are being told it will cost a couple thousand dollars for this service. Does this need to be done via D&B or can we do this ourselves? This may be very obvious to you guys but it was something we didn't even think about and thought it was done automatically.

    submitted by /u/Flash-Borden
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    My Facebook fan page is not displaying the address on the main page, making me lose tens of new clients each day.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    I have 2 physical stores which were promoted by 1 Facebook page. On my old settings, a map with the physical address of the main store could be seen up-front between the cover page and the "About" section. Customers would locate my page, scroll down, and click on the map which would then would redirect them to google maps.

    Last week I started messing with the "New" location settings that Facebook rolled over last year which allows you to add multiple locations to your page.

    What I did not know at the time, was that by adding multiple locations to the map, my page would be turned into a BRAND PAGE.

    When my customers click on my page, they no longer find the map when scrolling down and instead a small tab named "Locations" has been added.

    My customers are not tech savvy and not having the map displayed on the main page is resulting in them sending tens of messages daily asking for the address.

    Can I go back and have that Brand Page turned into what it was before? Is there a way for the map to display when scrolling down and not clicking any tab? I have 50K fans.

    submitted by /u/jhtduncan
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    If you’ve worked with a marketing consultant or agency and were unhappy with how it turned out, why?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. I've been working in corporate jobs in marketing for almost 10 years now and am going to start taking side work with small businesses. I'm hoping you can give me some info about negative experiences you've had with consultants or agencies.

    What kind of work did you hire them for? Where did it go wrong? Where is there an opportunity for the experience to be better?

    I'm trying to build an honest marketing business and your feedback would be super helpful.

    submitted by /u/Brandon133
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