• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 6, 2019

    Now entering hour 3 of being on hold waiting for the IRS. Anyone ever found a solution? small business

    Now entering hour 3 of being on hold waiting for the IRS. Anyone ever found a solution? small business

    Now entering hour 3 of being on hold waiting for the IRS. Anyone ever found a solution?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    This is ridiculous. My choices seem to be: paying a tax professional $x hundred an hour to sit and wait, doing it myself or trying some sort of callback system/VA setup. Has anyone used one of those successfully?

    This is probably the only time I'll have to do it this decade but one stupid issue not addressable via website just ate my whole afternoon and it isn't even over yet.

    *Edit: Five minutes later. Holy crap, just got transferred to "thanks to technical difficulties we are unable to answer your call at this time. Please call back later" and a hangup. I'm just trying to pay them. wow. Frustrating beyond comprehension.

    submitted by /u/BigSlowTarget
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    Skills needed

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 11:19 PM PDT

    I want to open a small business but have no business background ... do you suggest I got back for my MBA? Or Can you tell me what skills I need to have to be a successful boss. Do I have to be a workaholic? (i hope I make sense)

    submitted by /u/jcj0804
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    Opinions on mall kiosks.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    I've had a service and retail business for eleven years. The space I have now really caters toward the services but does not showcase my retail they way it should. I have my own brand essential oils and formulate natural products and skin care. My quality is great enough to have its own speciality store. I want to start small and figure a mall kiosk might work. Thoughts? Questions I should ask. The mall guy is asking $1600 a month non holiday months. I haven't seen the space yet.

    submitted by /u/ausamitgirl
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    Business ideas

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    So, i'm not one for grammar online or spelling ETC, but i'l' try my best to keep it readable.

    A while ago i posted here talking about how i wanted to peruse drop shipping and no pun intended i'm dropping the idea for now. I'm currently 15 right now during summer break and i still want to make a business, yet i don't actually have anyway of gaining "capital" I've called everyplace that says they hire at 15 but in my area all told me 16 and the one that did hire at 15 didn't accept me. Its back to the drawing boards for me. I thought about landscaping, but my parents wouldn't buy a lawnmower just for that reason or any reason in general . I've gotten skills on digital marketing but i don't know how to actually get clients that would trust a teen to ya know do their marketing. I thought about flipping houses but i don't think that's going to happen for a while. I was hoping if any of you had any ideas in general i could use to get something on my metaphorical white bored. Any ideas are welcome if i can run it from my home without parent involvement for the most part or i could do it from online it would be something i would mainly prioritize. As of now however, a bunch of ideas rather than none is way better. I will post this in r/Entrepreneurs just for more ideas so if it seems familiar sorry.


    submitted by /u/starassassin43
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    Tesla Model 3 Pricing for Business Users

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    After quite a wait, we finally have Tesla Model 3 pricing for company car & business drivers in the UK.

    They're coming in from £400/month all-inclusive (that's everything but electricity)

    What do you think, would you get one?

    submitted by /u/green-biz
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    Employees monitoring sales, is this good or bad?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:22 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    Been in the concession business for the past few years and have had some good success throughout the summers. Over the past two however, I've noticed that my employees are beginning to look more and more about at the reports section of the square register app. They really want to monitor and see how much we are selling and how much money we are making.

    I am torn on whether or not this is a good or bad thing. My thought process is that this is a good thing because they are interested in how we are doing as a company and want to continue to drive the number up.

    My bad thinking is that it's bad for my employees to know how much we are making because they might feel under appreciated when it comes to wages. Some of them even tell their friends and customers when they come up to the window and say "it's been so busy we've just passed x dollar amount in sales today"

    What would you all suggest? Should I limit employee viewing of the report section?

    submitted by /u/prev96
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    Credit Card/Business card question

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:35 PM PDT

    I'm a manager at a local family owned restaurant and was thinking of investing in the business.

    I was wondering if I would be able to get a business card through this business obviously if the owners were wanted this.

    I know I could just use a personal credit card, but my bank has kept my limit very low. When I sign up for other cards I can get a couple thousand limit but my bank only barely gives me a thousand. It's probably because the other cards are store specific credit cards like best buy card etc..

    submitted by /u/strawloofy
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    ERPA/ROBS financing

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:24 PM PDT

    Has anybody had experience with ERPA/ROBS financing? I've only learned about it tonight. On the surface I think it sounds amazing: investing in my own business instead of some random evil corporation. All experiences and advice is welcome. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/PayLayAleVeil
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    Fire in a Flea Market

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    Hey guys, first time poster and I have some really bad news.

    I own a small startup (just got started and moved on to selling last month). I had a small booth in my local flea market, and we were finally gaining momentum when the Fire Nation attacked. And by fire nation, I mean there is a nasty fire that is still going as I write this.

    Now, before anything, everyone got out and is safe. To me, that's the important part. Everything left in there is just things. Unfortunately in my case, it's about two thousand USD worth of things. We haven't got clearance in there to assess any damage yet, but just from the location of the smoke, I know it got my booth.

    I have no idea how bad the damage is yet, but there is a LOT of smoke and the people in my area are also going to be out thousands. I checked our lease and I saw nothing in there about responsibility in case of fire. My question is if I should try to get information on the flea market's insurance or if I should hold out until we have more information on the origin spot to see if we should file a joint lawsuit upon whoever's booth is responsible.

    It's all just a sticky situation and I'm just a little devastated and trying to figure out what my next steps are, since I am relatively new.

    submitted by /u/thequeensrealm
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    Leeches keep wanting Equity

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    It's me, the guy who got out of the toxic business partnership and is about to launch in a week or 2.

    One interesting thing I noticed is that suddenly everyone becomes a business man when they hear you're starting a company. I called up a friend for some help in coding for my website and he offered to do it for free, which I didn't like. He then followed that up with "just give me a stake in your company" like I wouldn't understand what that meant. Anyways shot him down right then and there and said I'd pay him for s contracted job but no way I'm giving up equity.

    Next, another guy I haven't talked to in a while suddenly says he could help me get in touch with a marketing agency he knows (I didn't ask). I said sure go ahead. Next thing I know he tells me he's talking to them and he wants to give me some money so he can take some equity.

    Happened 1 more time. I haven't even launched yet and people are coming out of corners and acting like the guys from shark tank.

    Anyone else have experience with this? I think it's just best to lie when people ask what you do from now on.

    submitted by /u/StratumF
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    Need opinions on a job offer

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 07:02 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is not the right place to post this question.

    Recently, I was offered a job/partnership position in a business. The terms are still being negotiated but basically they are offering a base salary, as well as 'sweat equity.' The equity builds 2% annually for a period of 5 years, maxing at 10% after the 5th year. The equity however will not vest until the 5th year is complete and will only come as a form of profit sharing until that point.

    My question: How do I protect myself from a situation where they decide to let me go prior to that equity maturing. For example, if after 3 years they decide they want to go in a different direction and fire me, how do I protect myself from that type of situation in the contract?

    Not sure if that makes sense. Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/xXGreco
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    Looking for brick & mortar store landline alternative phone service

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    I have a brick & mortar store with a main phone #, a 2nd # that gets spillover calls, and 3rd # we send/receive faxes on. Not much volume a month for calls. Mostly all local calls, except customers with out of area cell #s.

    We have AT&T landline service for this company for 15 years now. My bill is $217/m, plus about $10-$15 for 3rd party long distance carrier. I called customer retention department 3 years ago and was able to get a deal of $107/m for a year. I called again yesterday and while talking to the retention rep. he needed me to answer YES to some disclosure question so he could talk about a different solution. I didn't feel comfortable about that and said NO. So the best he could do was $135/m +taxes and fees.

    I'm out of contract right now and looking for other options. My internet is not the best & most stable, ~26Mbit, but it's free. Looking into Spectrum Business, possible $65/m bundle for 200Mbit and voice, but about $90/m after 12 month promo. Plus any additional money for a 2nd line and/or possible 3rd. I require sending FAXes for customers, so VoiP may be unreliable in some situations. I'd also need to keep the same store phone #, so hopefully it would be able to port into another service which it should reading their terms & conditions. I'm not sure I'd be able to get any VoiP service without getting some form of internet package too.

    I think some alternate AT&T company wants to install/upgrade me to fiber VoiP. Got a spam call last week stating they were AT&T and a tech needed to be scheduled to install fiber VoiP. Probably what the rep needed me to answer YES to yesterday. I've read AT&T is trying to ditch copper lines and shifting people to fiber VoiP since around 2017 even though AB-2395 didn't pass here in California.

    Anyway, $217/m for 3 landlines is ridiculous. What are some alternatives other businesses do for phone and FAX with or without internet?

    submitted by /u/TomTom38745
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    Quick Bite/finger food type of restaurant?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 06:06 PM PDT

    I am interested in opening a Indian Quick bite restaurant around college area. I'm trying to see if others have or know about similar resturants?

    Similar to Chiptole, where the customer tells you what to make off of the menu in front of them. There are three Full Indian restaurants that do very well in the area, but they are all sit down. My niche is quick grab and other quick grab places do well in the area as well.

    I have family members that own restaurants and I will be working with them to see how it is all run.

    One issue I am having is the location I am looking at is asking for high rent, $8000-9000 a month. It is the only spot in that are available and it is very busy street throughout the day. My only concern is, if I am dishing out $8000 for rent alone what will I pull from the store after other expenses. Is there any way to find out what other stores are paying monthly in that area?

    I am mainly in gas station business like all Indians, but this will be my first resturant venture. I am very interested in this because I am certain it will do well. I am just not sure how well.

    Any tips/recommendations or anything helpful will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Johidi
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    I can help market your business online through Search engine Optimization (SEO) for Free

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 05:47 PM PDT


    I'm a high school graduate and 18 years old who enjoys learning digital marketing. I'm an introvert and I enjoy playing video games and watching TV shows. My favorite subject is economics.


    Eight months ago, I wanted to earn side income and to do that I took an interest in starting my own blog. I planned to monetize it through Google adsense. I wrote 1000-1500 words articles and ranked 4 posts in my 2nd and 3rd month. It used to get 50,000-70,000 monthly views. I made pretty good money with it.

    What I'm offering:

    I can critique and make a report of problems your site has that is stopping it to have a good user experience and ranking #1 search results page. I'm going to do everything manually so it can take me some hours. This way you can get an idea on what to improve on which can help you in the long run. I will also give you some SEO tips which would be very helpful. Please don't comment or message me if you're doing drop shipping.

    Why I'm doing it:

    I'm not joining college this year and have free time to play video games and watch TV shows. I might as well help people struggling with getting leads to their business. I'll only charge $50 for minor changes and $100 for 1 month of consultation otherwise suggestions and advice is free of cost of course

    submitted by /u/salman_ahmed99
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    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 04:24 PM PDT

    Anyone know what's a good company to go through for small business shipping labels. I want to start shipping products instead of local

    submitted by /u/Dice4life9076
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    Launch Creations - Graphic Design and media agency

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 04:16 PM PDT

    Hello. We're Launch Creations. A mainly digital media services brand. We offer a range of top quality services in a wide variety of industries. Our services include our most popular service, which is graphic design, but we also offer a range of other services such as SEO assistance to get your content seen, branding to make sure your brand stands out in a world where branding is getting constantly harder to be unique, video, photo and audio editing to make sure your content is as great as it can be, and we also offer a wide variety of other services.

    We started Launch Creations because of a few reasons. Mainly, our passion for the services we do and our strive to help brands, businesses and people develop their creations, projects and platforms and take them to the next level. We really enjoy the services we offer and love working with the people we do work with. There's no better feeling at the end of the day for us than knowing we helped someone or a brand or business and took them to a level they, before us, weren't able to achieve. We also started Launch Creations because we wanted to be different than your average media related service company, brand or person. We don't want you to have to go to 100's of different people for each individual service you want to ensure you get the best quality in each service. That takes a lot of time, a lot of effort which could be better used and also is just not how it should be. We offer a wide range of services, all with the exact same top quality service and all under one brand.


    submitted by /u/JamesDavis191
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    Ideas for partnership

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    So I have a software consulting company that caters to a specific type of customers. With the change of landscape within our industry, we're force to offer products and services that we're not experts at.

    There are companies that offer products/services that we're looking for; they are also looking at us to offer their prospects what we offer.

    There are 2 companies that I'm interested in doing a "joint venture" with. We would be marketing under one brand, but each of our companies would step in if it fits within our expertise.

    The caveat would be that each of us to maintain our own companies and we'll only get paid for the work that we do.

    I think this would be similar to partnerships in a large CPA firm where you have a bunch of partners in that company?

    My question is, has any one done something like this? How do you guys split the profits and costs? Is it a good idea to remain separate? Or formally do a merger?

    How would you structure this "partnership"?

    submitted by /u/deadlizard
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    Are there specific differences between B2B & Vertical businesses?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    According to the definition you're familiar with was wondering if anyone could clarify.

    submitted by /u/jackandjill22
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    Buying a small health insurance agency

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    I am a healthcare agent who has been working under another agent for the last 4 years. We have discussed me buying her out once she is ready to retire. Initially we were going to do a book of business transfer and over the course of three years doing a 70/30, 80/20, 90/10 split (with her getting the smaller amount) and then at that point she would no longer receive commissions. I would also need to come up with money to buy the office equipment, etc.

    She has since decided that she wants me to buy in first, then move forward with the split. Obviously this has stressed me out and taken me by surprise, since I am solely responsible for running this business and if I was to leave the business would go under. She basically does nothing. I understand that is really neither here nor there when it comes to valuing the business, though.

    I don't even know where to begin in this process and would love some advice from others. She has a lawyer and I know I am eventually going to need one. My boss is pretty easy to work with (she takes my advice on most matters) for the most part and if I can come up with a good, fair plan for both of us she would agree. I just don't know what is fair. Last year our total incoming commissions were about $250,000, this obviously does not take into consideration our outgoing expenses.

    submitted by /u/suckmykiss182
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    Your Feedback: I would love your feedback on a project I have been working on for the past 2 years: Free A.I. NDA review tool.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    Not a promotion post or spam.

    For the past 2 years, my cofounder and I have been developing an A.I. NDA review tool that analyzes, redlines, and edits Non-Disclosure Agreements. After going through Y Combinator and raising a seed round, we are finally ready to get some initial feedback. I would greatly appreciate any advice.
    NDAs are reviewed in minutes, not days. We compare your NDA to market standard computed across 1,000s of NDAs. Klarity is currently used by companies like Salesforce and Segment.

    For reference: klaritylaw.com

    submitted by /u/akhi_yc
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    Targeted Marketing

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    Hi, I started a pressure washing business about 4 months ago and things are going pretty well. I am looking into marketing more towards commercial and industrial clients. My thought is simple, in order to appeal to businesses I cannot waste their time so I will drive around and take notes of commercial buildings that would benefit from power washing at that time. I would then go home and research the approximate size of the building and use that to determine the price of service. At that point I would mail them a letter with a personalized quote on a cleaning service with an offer of something like a 10% discount for signing a service contract.

    Does this seem like an alright idea? what would you do to improve on this plan?

    submitted by /u/the-official-review
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    What is considered a good conversion rate for a SaaS website?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    I am managing a SaaS website that offers a free demo with the goal of generating leads for enterprise sales. What is a good conversion rate of a free demo user to becoming a qualified lead (introductory sales call)?

    For reference: klaritylaw.com/nda

    submitted by /u/akhi_yc
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    Staffing in a retail Brick & Mortar

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 12:52 PM PDT

    I've owned a retail business for 5 years. In the first year it was just myself and my business partners running the place. Since then we have hired on staff and currently have 6 employees. My frustration is around staffing. I feel like it's a continuous revolving door. When we get a good team in place, somebody leaves. Just today, I had to talk to an employee about the fact that a long-time customer pulled me aside to talk about his attitude. I approached this in a very non-accusatory way and asked for his side of the story. He literally shut down and walked out on the job right then & there. It seems like stuff like this keeps happening. I understand that I can't have the same team forever, but it seems like I am constantly interviewing and filling in gaps. I guess my question is, is this the norm? Do I just need to accept that staffing will just be one of those constant things?

    submitted by /u/elberko12
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