• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 8, 2019

    Legal Advice (US, MA) Found out 10 years later that my Grandfather's Will wasn't honored by my Father (Executor) to his grandkids (me, cousins). Do I have any legal recourse on this?

    Legal Advice (US, MA) Found out 10 years later that my Grandfather's Will wasn't honored by my Father (Executor) to his grandkids (me, cousins). Do I have any legal recourse on this?

    (US, MA) Found out 10 years later that my Grandfather's Will wasn't honored by my Father (Executor) to his grandkids (me, cousins). Do I have any legal recourse on this?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 11:42 PM PDT

    So I found my Grandfather's Will the other day after him passing 10 years ago. My grandfather was a very wealthy man, and loved his grandkids. MY FATHER, his executor, did not follow out his will as it was planned. I am pissed, and so are my siblings/cousins.

    In his will, he named my Father's Sister as Executor of the Will. He left various accounts to his living wife (my grandmother), specific dollar ammounts to each grandkid (to be used after the age of 25), and specific personal assets (antique grandfather clock, his family home, etc) to some of the grandkids. Overall, he had about 8 accounts with roughly ~10Mil (or more?) in them, including Life Insurance policies.

    After my Aunt was named Executor, my Father coerced her to name him Executor instead, and was successful. This is where things went wrong.

    My father said my grandad left an "old will" that left everything to my grandmother. (For example, he purchased a property in Upstate NY in her name with 180 acres, in cash, with my GF's life insurance policy). He consolidated all funds and assets to my GM, and 2 years ago, when she passed, he inherited all the money and her assets. He is now a very rich man.

    After reading the will, I found out I was attributed ~$100k from my GF's original assets, as well as all his other grandkids (7 total, so $700k). My sister was given his house and the clock, but we never received any of these things. They were all taken from us.

    Currently, my father owns all of these assets, 10 years later. Actually, the house I mentioned is STILL IN MY GRANDFATHER'S NAME, legally. I also found public records of my father listing my grandfather as a resident at my childhood home, which is odd, because he never lived there. EVER.

    Basically, I want to know what to do. My father cheated ME, and 7 other family members, out of an inheritance so he could have it all to himself due to lies. Now we are paying the price for it.

    Do I have any recourse whatsoever? Or am I screwed?

    submitted by /u/mikegates90
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    I was falsely accused of sexual assault and the courts won’t do anything.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    This happened in Utah . I spent 7 months in jail then my lawyer got her text messages and she told a guy that nothing happened so the charges were dropped. She later admitted in a Facebook messenger conversation later to everything and offered to do sex acts on me. I took screenshots of the whole conversation and sent them to cops and they won't do jack to her. She admitted she lied under oath (Preliminary trial) and did it because she was mad at me. Isn't that perjury? If the cops won't do anything can I sue in civil court? With the screenshots hoe likely am I to prevail?

    submitted by /u/hollywoodhypocrites
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    Update: Neighbor touched my son

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    Original Post here:


    I know the original post didn't get a lot of attention and there probably isn't much demand for an update, but I did want to thank the people who commented and maybe give some guidance on expectations for anybody who might have the horrible luck to fall into a similar situation. Also it's just not something we want to talk about with friends/family…. So call it therapy for me.


    TLDR for the 1st post: Last Monday, soon after I left for night school, my son (5) reported to my wife that our (deaf & mute) neighbor touched his private parts.


    Update: On Tuesday morning the entire family went to the police station to file a report. My wife and I interviewed with an officer and detective together at 1st and then my wife alone. After that the detective contacted the county prosecutor's office.

    An hour or so later we were on our way to a county facility, so we could all be interviewed by a couple of detectives from the county prosecutor's office. Once interviews were over the county detectives sat down with my wife and I to let us know my son had given them some actionable information and they intended to act relatively quickly. The detective who interviewed the children had tears in her eyes.

    From there we went home.

    That afternoon, Neighbor knocked on the door, looking to play with the kids. I opened the inner door (left the storm door closed) and made it clear he needed to go away, which he did. Soon after I went to night school, asking my wife to stay in doors with the kids for the night, which she did. When I got home, she said nothing else had occurred.

    For the most part, Wednesday was quiet and relatively normal. We did not see Neighbor all day. Wednesday night, we came to know why. A detective called to let us know Neighbor had been taken into custody on Tuesday night (while I was at school) and would remain in custody for a few days until his hearing (I assume arraignment).

    Thursday morning a woman from the state DCF/CP&P office came to the house. She made a cursory check of the house and interviewed my wife & I together. To my mind, this was actually a good thing. She was able to let us know that Neighbor had been charged with 2 counts (I don't recall exactly what they are). She also provided 2 other important facts:

    1 – Neighbor had a history, albeit old (late 80s, early 90s) and in California.

    2 – Neighbor had admitted the act to the detective that arrested him on Tuesday evening.

    From there, she advised we were entitled to have my son evaluated by a state specialist and possibly therapy if necessary. We will need to have them check in with us once a month until the case is closed on their end, and the evaluation etc. will necessarily extend that time frame, but we opted to go this route anyway.

    While she was there I asked if she knew what the likely penalty was (she did not), and whether or not she thought we should pursue a restraining order, if Neighbor was likely to be free again soon. She was unsure and promised to check in with the detectives on the subject.

    Friday (yesterday) afternoon, we received a call from the county detective. She informed us that Neighbor's hearing was set for Monday and that his lawyer intended to ask that he be released to his home, with an ankle monitor, for the period between the hearing and his trial. She wanted to ask for our input as to how hard the prosecutor should push to have Neighbor remain in custody.

    Here's the thing. Neighbor, so far as we can tell, actually lives with a family… and they have small children. I advised the detective that we were ok with Neighbor being 'home', so long as he was confined to (approximately) his property. She confirmed that would be the case, and that a 'no contact' order would be in place. We agreed that was ok with us, but also said we felt strongly the family with whom Neighbor lives should have input.

    That brings us up to date and, to be honest, I am torn. I HATE what this man did. I hate that it has happened before, and I never want it to happen again. With that said, at first I was unsure as to whether or not Neighbor even knew what he did. He clearly has some emotional/intellectual challenges. But he also knew, at least to some extent, what he was doing…. As he admitted the act to the arresting detective. I get the feeling he is something akin to a deaf/mute Lennie from Of Mice & Men, and that tears my heart out. I don't think he really understands, and I don't want to be vindictive to someone like that. At the same time, he touched my son. If there were no clear impairment, I would want to take a baseball bat to his head. But there is, and instead I just feel like shit for everyone involved. This sucks, full stop.

    On a more selfish note, the Megan's law registry. There are a handful of homes for sale in the area. Until now, my wife and I were hopeful that more families with children would move into the area. That hope is now over. Because Neighbor's history all predates Mega's Law, he was not on the registry. Now he will be, and no families with kids will move into the area. I realize this is tangential to the main topic, and pretty self-centered, but it's just one more way that Neighbor is going to make our lives a smidge worse, just by existing. To repeat myself, this sucks, full stop.

    Sorry for the book, and if the Mods see fit to remove the update… as it's not all that particular to legal matters, I understand. Honestly, I just feel a bit better getting it all down and putting it out there.

    Thanks to anyone who reads through.

    submitted by /u/NJ_ThrowAway2019
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    My ex-husband was caught molesting. I need to make sure he cannot come near my son. (OH)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    My ex-husband was caught touching a child yesterday. Not my child, but a two-year-old. We co-parent. It came out yesterday that she was not the only child/person he has done this too. My son has special needs. He has told me that things happened at his dad's house that he is not allowed to talk about. I think he may have touched my son too. How do I make sure he doesn't have access to my child? How I change the parenting order? Do I get a restraining order? I don't know what to do. I am lost, I am numb, I am hurt and worried for my child. I made my child a emergency counseling appointment for Monday because I don't know how to explain this to him. I need to know if this monster hurt my son. This post may be rambling and I apologize, but I need advice. Thank you if someone can point me in the right direction, I am lost right now.

    submitted by /u/throwaway87669
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    I (17) have a summer job with the city and my pay got cut $1.50 an hour without me knowing

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    This is my second summer working for them (at a day camp for 1st-8th graders), I wasn't taken off payroll during the school year so technically I've worked for them all year I just didn't get hours. Before working this year I emailed my boss, in April, and asked if I need to re-interview, re-apply, or contact HR or payroll; he responded with no. I just got my first paycheck and my pay per hour has been cut significantly, I feel as though I should have been told about this prior. This is the only job I've ever had so I'm really not knowledgeable on this sort of thing, is there anything I can do?

    Edit: This is in Arizona

    submitted by /u/Pandrai
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    Husband is selling our home without my permission (NC)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    Located in North Carolina, US.

    So my husband has decided to sell our home without my consent. He purchased the home on mortgage before we got married however the mortgage was paid off after we got married. But my name isn't on the deed. He's supposed to meet with a lawyer to sign over the house and they said they needed me there to sign my consent as well even though my name isn't on the deed. So can I refuse to sign? If I refuse to sign can my husband get sued for breaking contract by not selling the house?

    submitted by /u/crowsb4hose
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    Is this still considered ‘false advertisement’

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    I work at a gas station in North Carolina.

    The station I work at only the manager can change the roadside sign letting customers know what the gas prices are. Currently it's saying it's two cents cheaper than what the actual price of our gas is.

    I've been told to tell customers to come back when the manager is here and she'll reimburse the customer the difference so they're still getting the gas for the same price the sign says.

    Is this still considered false advertisement?

    I just had a customer threaten to call the police over this after I explained to him I'm unable to change the sign but he'll be able to get the difference when the manager was in the store.

    submitted by /u/itsyamomcallin
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    Can my mom drug test me against my will?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    To give some background, it's my first time in reddit, and I hope I can find some people who know more than myself.

    My mom caught me smoking weed once, and she found the packaging for a cart I had another occasion. Ever since then I've stopped having anything weed related in her property and I've stopped smoking since. I figured I'd respect her rules since I'm living under her roof until I go to college and then I can make my own decisions.

    However, my mom told me she plans to go to my college once a month and rug test me herself. I'm 18 and by the time I go to college in the fall I'll be 19. Can my mom legally force me to take a drug test?

    submitted by /u/PreSchoolDropOut0
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    So I sold a truck as is in Texas, they stopped payment and returned the truck next Day...

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 07:24 AM PDT

    So I sold a 03 GMC 2500HD. Told the buyer it was rusted and the rust was scaring buyers away. He sent his business partner who crawled underneath and looked it over. He test drove and decided to buy it. I did a bill of sale and he wrote me a company check (my first mistake).

    The next day the other partner looked it over and called me. Said he didnt want it. I said I would return a grand to him (more then I had to do) to make it more fair but I'm getting ready to sell my house and go overseas I don't have anywhere to keep it. That's why i knocked a grand of my sale price before he bought it. I explained to him, his guy looked it over. Test drove it and wanted to buy it. He then returned it to my house, text me he put stop payment on the check with the title under the armrest. He claims the rust was bad and he couldn't trust it to haul equipment for his business.

    Here is my question. He did stop payment on Wednesday, the money is still in my account as of Saturday. It was a legitimate sale. If his stop payment didnt work, can I just tell him to come get his truck? I was willing to work with him in the beginning but I noticed my radiator fan squealing since he had it. Found two oil rags under the hood after he returned it (guessing from him looking it over). Him being sneaky and dropping it off and leaving makes me not really want to work with him any further.

    submitted by /u/KJgreen8555
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    My husband has been under a non-compete for about a year now set to expire in 2020. The company he signed the agreement with just went under. Is he still bound by the non-compete? (Us, IA)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    Title about explains it but my husband got some specialized training paid for by the boss of this tiny shitty company he worked for for a few years. A couple months after the training my husband quit and has been working outside the field as agreed on by the non-compete agreement he signed. But the company was just closed for all sorts of sordid reasons, and he's not happy at his current job but is unsure of the agreement would still be binding or not. Advice?

    submitted by /u/sleepingdragon80
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    I’m a low voltage controls technician that works on multiple government funded jobs.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    I have worked multiple jobs within the last two years on some government funded construction projects in FL. I was on one of those job sites the other day and overheard another subcontracted employee talking about how he makes more money per hour when working these types of jobs. So curious me went over and asked why he makes more at this job. He informed me of the Davis Bacon Act and how he gets paid "prevailing wages."

    I went home and did some googling and from what I find, I think I am owed some wages. These are multi million dollar contracted construction jobs on a military installation. I make less than the prevailing wage for what I believe my job falls under (electrician low voltage included)

    Job: low voltage controls

    Location: NE Florida, Jacksonville area.

    submitted by /u/bornt00pizza
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    17 y/o brother broke into a furniture store for fun, set off an alarm, and was arrested for burglary.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 11:21 AM PDT

    Will keep this brief :)!

    Location: Florida

    My brother greatly enjoys climbing buildings in the spirit of parkour and has been climbing random things for years now. The other night, at 2AM, he climbed a two story furniture store near our home and made it to the roof. He was with a friend who he usually climbs with.

    At this point, they usually go home since most of the fun for them is just in getting to the top. But, this time they saw an open hatch + ladder that led directly to the store. So, they went down. Not the most intelligent move.

    At this point, he takes of his shirt off and cover his face and his friend had an actual mask - since they didn't want to get caught by a random camera in the store. My brother was wearing a GoPro and starts recording when they get in the store. The GoPro is held by the police right now on account of it being evidence, but the recording shows him and his friend just walking around - and then leaving.

    As they leave, the friend trips off an alarm. So, they hurry out through the hatch and back down the roof. As their coming down, police arrive. The friends makes a dash and escapes. My brother gets caught.

    My brother cooperates, lets police know who his friend was, and is officially arrested.

    Upon picking him up, the officers tell us that he has been charged with two felonies - burglary and possession of burglary tools. The furniture store is also pressing charges. He'll need to go to court and fight the case. Note: The burglary tools in this case was a a backpack with some screwdrivers and swiss army knife that they often use to unlock ladders to get the roofs of some buildings.

    So basically, now we need to hire an attorney and fight this thing to show that he was just being a dumb kid and had no malicious intent - else these are felonies that will stay on his record. He is a clean kid with no record and very active in school activities (track team, clubs, etc).

    - What is the best course of action now? Any basic tips here would be awesome as I don't even know the first thing about hiring a good attorney :).

    - Is there any hope to get this thing removed from his record completely, or is it done-zo?

    - What implications are there now that the furniture store is involved in prosecuting him? Does it make it worse or the same as it would have been?

    Thanks all <3!!

    submitted by /u/SeshHollowMemeBoyz
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    I was arrested with 1g of weed. At my court hearing they said I had 168g. What do I do (US,IN)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    I'm a 22 y/o m with nothing but speeding tickets in the past that are all paid.

    I Live in TN, grew up in IN. 2 months ago I drove home to visit some friends. I drove straight from TN to my friends and arrived to my buddies apartment at 4 pm just as he had gotten off work. It was me and 1 friend in the apartment. We started the Volcano (a weed vaporizer) and packed a bowl for 420. We only had about 2g of weed and smoked 1g of it. At 445 3 officers come to the apartment door and knock. I go and open and they say they had a call for the smell of weed. They then said they can smell it. I said yes we were smoking and was 110% compliant. I tried to be overly nice and helpful because I knew we only had 1g at the time and so I figured maybe they will run us, see both of us have clean records, and let us off easy. The cops then search the place and find a grinder, a rolling tray, the 1g ziploc of weed, and the volcano. They were confused as hell by the volcano and what it was so I explained it was a vaporizer that essentially toasted the bud rather than burning it. They then looked to the lounge table and say a Folger Coffee Tin which was used as an ash tray. They asked what all it was and I told them it was the weed that had already been smoked, just an ash tray. They took the tin with the other items. They then ran our id's and came back. They told us they were going to let us off easy and not take us to jail but still charge us. My friend and I both received the same charges, Possession of paraphernalia and Possession of Marijuana/Salvia. Side not I never understood why it said Salvia when we never had any of that. Skip ahead to 2 weeks ago, I go to my initial hearing with no lawyer. I'm feeling pretty good at this point thinking I can just take some small probation probably or something for the 1g of weed, and get it over with then move on. I get called up before the judge and he says "1st charge, possession of marijuana over 30 grams, 168 grams. Second charge Possession of Paraphernalia." I pleaded not guilty and received another court date in July. After that I was like wtf just happened. The only thing I can think is that they weighed that Folgers tin of ashed weed and counted it. The thing is, is that weed is no longer potent so how can I be charged with that? I really can't afford any sort of legal services but if I am fucked then I will find a way.

    Another Important note is that my friend never had to go to court. He has a close family friend who is an attorney that talked to the court for him pro bono. My friend signed a deal for 30 hours community service and 6 months probation. My friend also was surprised when I told him the amount. He told me that his attorney never said there was anything about that kind of weed.

    My legal question is do I need to get a lawyer? Can I claim I should get the same charges as my friend since he already received his and we were in the same situation? Can I claim that the court screwed up being that they are trying to charge me with a FALSE amount?

    submitted by /u/MikeTribbiani
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    [ME] Ex-boyfriend stole from me. After I filed a police report, he said he will no longer pay me back the $800 he owes me.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 02:10 AM PDT

    My ex-boyfriend moved out of my apartment last month. We live in Maine, and he has moved in-state. The day of, he gathered his things and also took my playstation with him, despite both verbal and written agreement that he would not (I paid for it but his reasoning that he should have it was because he "had the most games downloaded", even though you can redownload games on another console through your own account). I filed a police report and they contacted him. He sent it back but then said that he wouldn't be paying me back the $800 he still owes me.

    This money was for his fair share of rent and bills, as we were both still on the lease. I have it in writing from him, through many Facebook messages, stating the amount of money he's paid me over time (which can be proven through Facebook, as that's where he's sent the money) as well as what he still owes. He'd stated his clear intent a while back to pay me a certain amount per paycheck, and for the full amount to be paid back by mid-June.

    Is this sufficient evidence to take to small claims court and have a strong case?

    submitted by /u/LumpySmoke
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    GF's Ex-Husband "Begging" To Stop Paying Child Support

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    GF and I bought our first home together. I make a comfortable income. When she was in college, her and her ex conceived a child. She stopped studying and he pursued his career. They married, had a second child, and she eventually went to school to become an esthetician but makes significantly less. He became abusive and they divorced. She was VERY generous about child support.

    The boys are now 9 & 13, and we are the primary care givers. Since she has met me, he has been begging to reduce payment or stop it completely. I've seen her shaking because of the anxiety she gets and all of his messages are "you are not letting me provide for our boys because I can't afford a home and I can't qualify for a loan." He's pushing the blame on her. She has told him consistently "no". Yet every few weeks, he'll text her 30-50 messages, calling, leaving voicemails...he hates not being in control of a situation.

    Meanwhile - she makes about ~30k a year and she told me he makes ~60k a year, paying $700/mo on child support. He lives with his parents, has no car payment, and is about to finish his service for the army when he was deployed last year.

    I want to step in because her being upset and fearful of his return needs to be addressed and I want to call his bullshit out. Two questions:

    1. What steps should we make to stop this harassment and put an end that we will not budge on the child support?
    2. Can I find public tax income records and how? To prove his salary is more than enough to cover $700/mo with no other major debt that I can think of.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/isometrixk
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    Former Employer Refuses to Honor Labor Commission Judgement. Advice Needed

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone,

    Like the title states, a former employer of mine is refusing to pay a judgement that was awarded to me by the California labor commission. I worked for this employer for 5 days (last year) and was then let go. I never received pay for the days I worked. As a result I decided to file a claim against the company at the local labor commission office. The employer was a no-show. I had luckily saved emails, text messages, and other information that proved I was an employee. The office agreed that I was entitled to pay, as well as penalties, and I am now owed an excess of $5K.

    Unfortunately, due to family matters, I had to move out of state. I am now living on the east coast and am not sure how to collect. My uncle is an attorney and offered to write a formal letter to the employer asking for the judgement to be honored or face further legal action but the letter was returned unopened. I suspect that my former employer is attempting to dodge this whole thing.

    Since my uncle is busy with his own practice and doesn't have the time to prioritize this matter I am seeking advice on how I should proceed so I can expedite this process and receive my judgement. I appreciate any advice I can get. I am just trying to collect and put this whole matter behind me. If I haven't provided enough detail please let me know and I will add the necessary details in order to paint a clearer picture for you guys.

    Thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/WolffAccounting
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    Car ran into the condo I am renting, and landlord has ghosted me about repairs to make it fit for occupancy

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 03:59 AM PDT

    In San Diego, CA

    Tl;dr Lady crashed into condo I am renting and I am now paying rent and for a hotel out of pocket. Landlord has not responded to me in any shape or form. Am I at the point that I should just get a lawyer or file costs with her insurance and/or mine?

    About a week ago a car crashed through the livingroom of the condo I am renting. The driver admitted fault, landlord came almost immediately when I called him and information was exchanged and police reports were filed, etc.

    The city's structural engineer deemed the condo unfit for living and marked it to limited entry. I was told I could only enter to get personal belongings. Landlord asked what needed to be changed to get the restrictions removed, and was told some sort of shoring or bracing structure--even temporary--would suffice. Cool, so some shoring and plywood and I can move back in? Easy.

    Landlord told me the HOA could cover 3 nights of a hotel stay and not to worry because everyone had insurance (me, the driver, and him).

    Well after 2 days nothing had changed with the status of the condo (not even a single piece of drywall has been cleaned up) and I had to check out the next morning so I called. And I texted. And I emailed. Repeatedly asking for any info. Nothing.

    Then late at night in an email from landlord (to me and all the members of the HOA of said complex) that says in essence "The driver is responsible for all damages, if you need anything here is her information and claim number." The thing is I had already filed with the drivers insurance for my personal property (TV, furniture, etc) and he knew.

    I sent him an email stating politely that although she (the driver) is responsible for the damages to his condo, he has a responsibility to his tenant and he needs to make it habitable and let me know if and when I will be able to move back in.

    It has been 2 more days since I emailed, and I still have not been able to get in contact with him. Neighbors also have said he has not replied to anything.

    So far I have already paid rent this month and I have paid for my hotel stay out of pocket. I have extended my stay for a few more days and it is currently at the limit that my own renters insurance will cover, however, I have not filed anything with them.

    Lease is very bare bones and doesn't talk about repairs other than giving proper notice when something breaks and right of entry for repairs.

    Can I force him to pay for my accommodations if I'm stuck in a hotel for weeks? Can I withhold rent? Is it worth it to file a claim through my insurance? Is there anything else I should be writing to him to keep a paper trail about his lack of responses?

    I feel like I'm spinning my wheels, should I give up and just get a lawyer?

    This is all a nightmare, and I just moved in a month ago! Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Youcantparkheremaam
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    Named the executor of someone's will - what do I need to do?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 06:59 AM PDT

    I live in Texas.

    My best friend and his wife recently had a kid and are planning to draft their will. They've told me that if they both die before he turns 18, they want me to be his legal guardian and the executor of their will. I'm honored that they'd trust me with this and would like to accept. Obviously I hope that I never actually have to do this, but I'm wondering what I should be doing in case it ever does. In particular: my friend's parents are both awful people, and he doesn't want either of them to get custody of his son. He hasn't had contact with either of them in a few years, but I'm concerned that if this will ever becomes relevant they might suddenly come out of the woodwork and try to get something out of it.

    submitted by /u/MercuryChaos
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    Food stamps and college

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:33 AM PDT


    I'm posting this here because I haven't been able to find any information online about my situation. I am a low income college student and I have applied and been approved for (after a long tedious process) for PA SNAP benefits. I work 20+ hours a week during school and over the summer so I satisfy all the work requirements necessary. My parent is not really helping me financially so this is why I need to access these benefits.

    My question is: I have now gone home for the summer break, in a state that is different from where I live for college. The benefits only work in said state. Should I call to cancel the benefits for the three months I will be gone? It was really hard to get the benefits so I don't want to run the risk of me doing something illegal and losing the benefits because I really need them during the school year. On the flip side, should I save the summer benefit money for when I need them during the year?

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/p0eticnaturalism
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    My mother is severely mentally ill and dangerous. My siblings and I want to help her. Some have suggested conservatorship. I am lost. (CA)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    Back in 2015, my mother was arrested for choking a 10 year old kid at a homeless shelter she was living at. She was declared incompetent to stand tried, and over the past few years, she occasionally called me from the county jail or the state hospital. About a year ago, her attorney called me to tell me she was going to try to have her released. That was the last I've heard on her.

    Until tonight. Someone who has been looking after my mom called my sister and informed her that she is living under a bridge, and is in pretty bad shape.

    My siblings and I cannot take her in. In the past, I have tried to get her adequate medical care, housing, and other services. She fought me, tooth and nail, at every step. My brother has kids, I have pets. Given her history, it is simply too risky for any of her kids to take her in. My brother has children, I have pets. She severely injured a 10 year old, tried to kill my dad when they were married in the 90s, and swung at a cop. She will hurt us. Going to a homeless shelter is also not an option for her because of her previous crime.

    But she's still my mom, and I love her. I don't want her living under a bridge with the constant fear, untreated infections and everything else that goes with it. Conservatorship has been suggested more than once, because she will not do anything willingly. She will stay right where she is until someone takes her in without condition, which is not safe.

    I want to get her to safety, in the care of people who are qualified to handle someone like her. Maybe adult foster care?

    I'm sorry my post doesn't have much in the way of clear questions; I am feeling heartbroken and so lost on where to begin with all of this. How does conservatorship work? What options do we have to get her off of the streets?

    submitted by /u/derpeyduck
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    Can I ask for a service animals documents?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    I'm located in NY. A woman comes into the coffee shop I work in frequently with a dog. The first time I told her we didn't allow pets, she claimed it was a service dog. It doesn't wear a vest but I know some don't. I also know you can't ask why a person has a service dog. If it were sitting quietly under a table I wouldn't mind, but it is unruly and barks. She also allows people to pet it: this makes me suspect it isn't a real service dog. I obviously don't want to get in trouble for denying someone with a real service dog business. Can I ask to see documents? Is there something that must be provided as proof? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/cnk93
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    I was contacted today about joining a class action lawsuit against 3M.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    It appears that 3M knowingly supplied the military with earplugs that were defective.

    I spent the first 8 years of my career in a role that utilized these earplugs on shooting ranges, shoot houses, and loud tactical vehicles. As a result I have documented hearing loss and undocumented tinnitus that is actually more difficult to deal with than the hearing loss.

    I've always been wary of class action lawsuits because I hear that the only people who make money are the attorneys. I could also lose my current job if they were to find out about my tinnitus.

    What is the best way to play this? Is there actually any potential for realistic compensation?

    Edit: I currently reside in MI

    submitted by /u/M203isMIBenis
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