• Breaking News

    Friday, June 7, 2019

    Legal Advice Car got towed from both designated spot and visitor's spot at apartment complex, other tenants having same problem, 3 days still no response from property management.

    Legal Advice Car got towed from both designated spot and visitor's spot at apartment complex, other tenants having same problem, 3 days still no response from property management.

    Car got towed from both designated spot and visitor's spot at apartment complex, other tenants having same problem, 3 days still no response from property management.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    I've been living in the same apartment complex (College Park, MD) with parents for the past almost five years. We always used the same parking passes, just like everyone else, but suddenly one morning my car gets towed from our designated spot. Towing company reasoning is "Your passes are no longer valid. You need to speak with your property manager." Neither my parents or I were ever informed about any new parking passes or anything. Met other tenants in the same building who also got their cars towed despite having a pass, and were never informed about new passes.

    I try to get in contact with property management, call their company number and not even a receptionist answers. End up going down the extension list, trying to get a hold of anyone, still no answers. Property management's emergency line is the only one where somebody answers, and every time it's just an operator who says will pass on my message to a manager. The operator was at least helpful and said she's passing on my message to multiple managers. Still no call back, and every time I call back there never seems to be any manager available, regardless of time of day. I tell operator to mention in the message that I'm going to go pick up my car, because otherwise the fees will keep piling up, but I demand to be paid back for this. Emphasis on the fact that other tenants including me are getting towed despite never being informed about new parking passes.

    Pick up my car in the morning, figure well if my pass is now no longer valid that means I can't park in my own designated spot, so I'll just park in a visitor's spot. Four hours later, my car gets towed again. Reason? "You need a pass for visitor spots now, too." At this point I'm absolutely livid, we suddenly can't park in our designated spots or visitor spots with out some new parking passes, and I'm now $450 down the drain. We were never informed about new passes, and we can't even get new passes because property management is being unresponsive.

    What can the other tenants and I possibly do about this?

    **UPDATE**: Wow I can't believe my most popular post on Reddit is me being pissed about my car getting towed lol Also for people asking, no I don't got to UMD, and no the apartment is not in anyway affiliated with the school. Alright so me and two other tenants (Just for clarification, my parents legally own our apartment, the two other tenants are renting their apartment from somebody) tried going to the address provided by the emergency line, turns out it's wrong and they haven't been in that address in years. Great start. We're finally able to get the new address, head there, and was able to get a hold of the property manager of our complex. He does give us all the new parking passes, which is good I guess. He claims that a (1) notice was sent out via mail back on March 28, and he handed all three of us a copy of them. Neither my parents or I ever received this notice in the mail, and the two other tenants' landlord claims he never received the notice either. He also claims, and is also stated in the notice, that on May 2nd he and a member of the board of directors were in the parking lot between 5:30-7:30pm handing out the new parking passes as a courtesy. Not going door to door, or even entering the actual apartment complex, just hanging around the parking lot. He also claims that he is not involved with or personally authorized the towing company. When asked who was responsible, he said the board of directors. When asked for the board of directors' contact information, he said that he can only give that information to the property owners (aka my parents and the two other tenants' landlord). The property manager was also overall pretty snarky and rude with us, kept deflecting the fact that I wasn't getting any responses from the 3 days worth of phone calls, saying that isn't his responsibility, and then telling the three of us "You kids need to learn how to control your tempers."

    It's great that we got the new parking passes while we were there, but this is still absurd. At this point, what should be our best course of action? And could we still possibly take this court? The other two tenants did say they were gonna get in contact with their lawyer and would definitely keep in touch for this.

    submitted by /u/KimchiKrunch
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    Neighbor trying to get us to sign common use contract of driveway before sale, seems to only benefit them

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    We bought our house about a year ago with the understand that while our driveway runs alongside our neighbor's, they were considered "separate but attached". Now our neighbors are trying to get us to sign a contract declaring the area "common use".

    In this contract we'd be giving them the right of vehicular and pedestrian access over our half, we'd be agreeing to split maintenance costs (our half has new asphalt and theirs has several unmaintained pot holes) and all subsequent heirs will be bound to this forever.

    Is this a crazy thing for them to be asking or does it seem standard? Either way I'm not signing it but was wondering if they think we're stupid enough do declare part of our property shared and agree to maintain their driveway.

    We're having our realtor find the exact wording used when we bought the house so we can tell them that's all we'll agree to. Any advice on what else to do as we proceed?

    Edit: This is taking place in western Pennsylvania, can give more specific location of needed.

    Also what I'm mainly looking for is language that would allow brief passage to respective driveways but no obstruction while each driveway remains under the power of the owner of the property and maintenance costs will NOT be shared.

    Edit 2: Thank everyone so much for the advice. We'll be returning the contract unsigned and with a list of points we will agree to.

    1. Both parties agree to the separate but attached nature of the driveways.

    2. Each driveway remains under total control of property owner. Brief usage of neighboring driveway is allowed, at owner's discretion, when reasonable and necessary to gain access to respective property.

    3. Parties may not obstruct neighboring property. Owners have no obligation to prevent obstruction on their property as both driveways have access to public roads.

    4. Each property owner is responsible for maintenance and upkeep of their own property.

    My plan if this all goes south and they become assholes is to just put a fence down the center of the driveways. Would anything in those points prevent me from being able to do that in the future?

    submitted by /u/BatMom525
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    I suffered a heart attack and was made to wait in the emergency room for 4 hours before anyone believed me. (Pennsylvania)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    I am a 35 year old female. Many find it hard to believe I had a heart attack at this age. I live in Northeast Pennsylvania.

    On Tuesday, at 3:30 in the morning, I woke up with crushing chest pain. The pain started with a stabbing through my heart and radiated to both upper arms and across my back in between my shoulder blades. I could not move my lower arms very well. My husband called 911 and the ambulance showed up 15 minutes later. The EMTs on scene did nothing to help me except continuously ask me if I was "on anything like IV drugs". The medic came and finally agreed to take me to the hospital. The only thing they did for me was put an IV in my left arm. I arrived at the hospital at 4:05.

    The ER was not crowded at all. No one came in to see me for a half hour. A nurse finally came in and asked me what was going on and I explained the exact same thing as stated earlier. She left and came back and injected Tramadol into my IV. She left for 45 minutes. The chest pain did not get any better and the stabbing pain was coming in waves that would take my breath away. The nurse comes back, asks my pain level (which was still at a 9), and then proceeds to inject morphine into my IV. She again left for 45 minutes. Cue the nurse again, same question about pain level, it is still the same. She goes to get the doctor. The doctor comes in and asks me what's going on, am I sure I don't take IV drugs, have I been traveling recently, useless questions. I then receive a dose of fentanyl into my IV.

    I am left alone again for 45 minutes, in excruciating pain. At 6:45 am, the doctor sends me to get a cat scan of my chest. When I return, he does an ultrasound of my heart, which comes back inconclusive. At 7:30, the nurse comes in and gives me aspirin. She says they are waiting for cat scan results. 8 am, the doctor tells me he thinks I have an infection around my heart and they are looking for an ambulance to transport me to a bigger hospital. 8:20 he tells me they found a doctor who will see me, but since I still have chest pain, they have to life flight me out to the big hospital. 17 minute flight.

    After I wake up in Cardiac ICU, I am told I have had a major heart attack. My LAD was 100 percent blocked and they had to put a stent in. I was lucky to survive. I currently have un repairable damage to my heart from waiting so long to get into the Cath Lab.

    My question is, Do I have any grounds to sue the original hospital for not taking me seriously and making me wait almost 5 hours before actually helping me?

    submitted by /u/melissalmay2003
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    My employer has a written policy that employees cannot discuss wages and no one believes me when I tell them that the policy is illegal.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    I work for a company in NC that has a strict policy against discussing wages. The policy handbook states " [company] discourages discussion of compensation between employees, due to the range of responsibilities and varying positions in the company". The company has a nondisclosure agreement that I DID sign saying we cannot discuss wages that also includes talking about whats in the handbook so by even saying what was in the handbook I am technically breaking the nda now.

    We got the handbooks today during a meeting and when we were discussing the discussion of wages, I pointed out that it is a protected right to discuss wages between employees that are non supervisors. I was told that firstly, not everyone on the floor who's in a non supervisor role is paid the same based on experience, education, etc etc so talking about it will just cause conflict. I was also told that despite there being federal regulations against it, a company is within their rights to create by-laws that do prohibit wage discussions. My boss used hemp as an analogy, he said that even though hemp is not illegal federally, a state can still say it's illegal in that state. He said it worked the same with the creation of by-laws, which doesn't sound quite right to me.

    My question is if this is legal, if an nda can cover wage discussions, and if no how can this be resolved? As a side question, I read that this law doesn't apply to agricultural workers but I couldn't figure out what qualified as an agricultural worker so I will say that I work with hemp in its non living form, do I qualify as an agricultural worker?

    The other employees all seemed very irritated with me for even bringing it up but it's something that has bothered me since I started, especially since NO ONE believes me when I say this is illegal. The founder of the company is a lawyer for gods sake! Even one of the other employees stated that he'd worked for several companies that had him sign paperwork saying not to talk about pay so it's fine it happens all the time.

    It's really not a PRESSING issue and is honestly starting to turn into more of proving a point than anything else but something doesn't sit right with me about the secrecy. We can't discuss what we make, we cant discuss the handbook saying we cant discuss what we make, and on top of that I was asked in my interview (another thing I'm not allowed to talk about) what kind of pay I was looking for and I got that exact pay, which to me seems like an easy way to take advantage of people. Like oh you'll work for only $9? Sweet that's what we'll pay you but you can't say anything because then you might realize we hired other people with the same qualifications at $10.

    Can I talk to a lawyer? Is it even worth hiring a lawyer for?

    submitted by /u/MsMollusk
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    Prospective Buyer is Demanding 3 years Worth of HOA Financial Disclosures - NJ

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 06:24 AM PDT

    I am on the Board of Trustees of a very small fee simple HOA (13 townhomes). We are a very relaxed Association in a very quiet cul-de-sac, run entirely by volunteer residents. Our HOA fee is only $100/mo, just enough to cover the cost of common area landscaping and maintenance.

    We have a potential buyer for one of our townhouses who is asking for 3 years worth of Treasurers Reports. Again, this person is not a homeowner and is simply interested in buying a property in our complex to use as a rental property.

    I already disclosed the CCRs & Bylaws, and our Treasurers Report for 2019. I have answered endless long emails from him and he keeps coming back with more demands.

    My neighbors and I worked very hard over the last few years to revive and recover a nonfunctional HOA (previous board members died in 2013 and locked us out of the depleting HOA funds... long story for another day).

    We are incredibly transparent with our residents, we don't do anything without everyone's consent, as I mentioned this HOA is completely run by us homeowners. We are formal enough to have Bylaws but besides that we're just quietly running the place, making sure our landscaping is nice and we're all respectful of one another in our shared spaces.

    I tried googling NJ law regarding HOA financial disclosures for prospective owners with little luck. Is the HOA legally obligated to disclose so much to a non-member? Both the seller's agent and the buyer's agent have been apologizing to me for his behavior.


    edited to add: Thank you everyone for your legal advice and personal insight. I truly appreciate everyone's opinion and perspective. Thank you. I'm going to re-send all of our financial records and other documents to the seller and let her deal with him.

    submitted by /u/planetttelex87
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    New Mexico, my neighbor keeps calling the police on me.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    About a month ago we got a new neighbor. I think she has some sort of mental disability. As near as I can tell she sleeps all day and is up all night. Since she has moved in she has called the cops on me numerous times. Multiple times a week.

    She has said that I'm walking around with a gun, I don't even own a gun. She has said I broke into her apartment and raped her. That I've murdered someone in the courtyard. That I've started a fire. That I've planted bombs in cars. Many other things.

    These reports always come in when my wife and I are asleep. We get woken up by the police in the middle of the night. These encounters can take some time while they investigate her accusations. I've never been arrested for anything she alleges.

    There are 2 dozen apartments in our complex and I don't know why she fixated on me. I said hi to her when she moved in and carried a few boxes. She doesn't call the police on anyone else.

    The town we live in is pretty small and the same police officers have knocked on our door so many times they're almost apologetic now. I understand the police have a job to do, but it's getting old.

    I don't want to seem unsympathetic to what my neighbor is going through, but my wife and I work hard. I don't think it's unreasonable to let us sleep through the night. Do they really have to wake us up everytime our neighbor makes a wild accusation?

    Is there anything we can do?

    submitted by /u/losthiker234
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    [Illinois] My mother used naked pictures of me, that I had taken, without my knowledge when I was 16 to show the courts that I was unreliable during my mother and fathers divorce nearly 10 years ago, and I am just now finding this out because they still have them. Do I have any recourse?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:54 PM PDT

    To spare from the dramatics, I'll keep this as close to basic details as I can. I apologize in advance if this is not well put, as I am still an emotional mess from this whole ordeal. If anything information is needed, please let me know.

    The general gist is this; about 16 years ago my mother and father started the divorce process. This progressed from being civil to downright vindictive through the course of their custody hearings. After the divorce was finalized and my mother remarried, my mother and step father wanted to see my father rot in jail. They were at the time doing anything in their power to ensure he didn't see the light of day. This included running me over as much as they could because I wanted to get as far away from them as possible due to my stepfathers abusive tendencies, and wanted to reside with my father instead of them. They made my life at the time hell, and I have since cut all contact with them as a result, beyond civil interactions to spend time with my younger siblings.

    I am disgusted, appalled, and this is genuinely taking a toll on my life and emotional state of being. My mother has always been a narcissistic personality, and I assume she only kept them as blackmail. The only reason I found out about them is because my younger sister found them in our family pictures bin and let me know so I could tell her what to do with them. She is meeting with me tomorrow to deliver them to me.

    I didn't know the extent of what she had said about me because my father would never tell me. The only things I know about are actually what my mothers lawyer had told me when I was about to use him as my own divorce lawyer from my ex husband, and he made it out to seem as though I was a real nasty teenage girl who lied at every chance I got.

    Do I go to the police? Do I contact a local lawyer? I honestly don't know what to do. My stepfather used to make comments to me that I didn't have to hide my body from him "because he saw everything anyways" and I never knew why until now.

    To add some details to context;

    My mother was trying to discredit me. This went as far as trying to take me to multiple psychologists to prove I wasn't in the right state of mind to be making any decisions, key-logging my chats with friends, pictures of anything I did including a condom found in my purse.

    The details of most of the case are foggy to me. My sister was used by my mother in a lot of ways, and she knew a lot of what was happening, but a lot of the details are foggy to her as well because she was so young.

    I am unsure if other pictures are floating about, and I have not personally seen them yet, so I don't know the extent of how bare I actually was. My sister didn't want to look through them, but just told me the ones that she had found were bad.

    I don't know if it's worth it to even consider civil proceedings. My only concern right now is that I don't know why they would still have them, or if they have more of the pictures we just don't know about. I will be discussing with my father further to see what other things were said/shown during that time period.

    I have just spoken to my father, and he said they wanted to paint me as promiscuous to show my father as a bad influence because my father was accused of taking us around pedophiles. None of that happened, but that's what the goal was from his and my understanding. He still has the original court documents, so I will be going through them myself as to see what else may have been used. My father was unaware of the pictures himself, but they did other things as well to try and show I was a promiscuous child.

    submitted by /u/Breh069
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    Can anyone offer some advice on copyright in relation to selling art prints?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    So over the last few days I've uploaded a few edits including copyrighted characters (you can see these on my profile) that have really blown up on here. So far they include Godzilla, Iron Giant and an AT-AT. I've had many people asking me if I sell prints so they can buy them. Would I have any legal issues if I were to set up a store to sell these prints? I'm not too clued up on copyright law (I'm from the UK if that matters?) and would love for people to be able to buy them as I've had so many requests from people really wanting to.

    Thanks in advance for any advice offered!

    submitted by /u/UltraNinjesus
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    Detective wants to "just talk over coffee" after coming to my home with an armed group of cops

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    Today, three unmarked squad cars rolled up my home today while I was at work. They asked my wife if I was home, then told her that they needed to talk to me about something "so we're on the same page". The detective who spoke with her left his number and left, saying that either I need to call him so we can set up a "casual" chat at a coffee shop or they'll come back to talk at our home soon.

    The ominous thing is that all these 5+ officers with him were decked out in bulletproof vests with their hands resting on their pistols. My wife said that the detective was very nice and sociable, but the atmosphere was that of extreme tenseness. I'm really concerned about how it would have gone if I was home.

    I called the detective after I got home and the conversation pretty much went along the lines of what he told my wife, except for a couple little details. First, he let slip that he contacted my old workplace and the HR person mentioned that I forgot to finalize a transfer of retirement shares to my portfolio ("just FYI, they've been trying to contact you, haha"). Secondly, he mentioned where I currently worked in a sidehand comment when saying "oh, that town is where we work too!" and tried to subtly worm out when my hours were. Lastly, he said that he'd love to get me a coffee in the next few days and talk about something he can't disclose bover the phone, and that I'm not in trouble yet.


    What should I do? Should I meet him in a public place and say very little? Go there with an attorney? Ask instead to speak at their office with my attorney? I'm also going to record our conversation, do I have to notify him that I'm recording? I live in Washington state, if that helps.

    Thanks in advance, I look forward to getting some other opinions on the matter. My wife is getting hysterically fearful and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely stressed and anxious as well.

    submitted by /u/redditaccount2956
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    Employer Worked Our Crew On A Hazardous Job Site Without Informing Us Of Chemicals Found In Soil (Indiana)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 08:27 AM PDT

    I work in construction doing excavation work. I am very often around the dust made from disturbing the ground on a job site. I recently found out that a job I worked at for several weeks was found to be hazardous, with up to 14 hazardous chemicals in the soil.

    My employer made no effort to inform any employee on the job about coming into contact with these carcinogens and chemicals.

    What course of action am I able to take to make sure my employer provides information like this to employees before work begins in the future?

    Source About Jobsite: https://www.theindychannel.com/news/working-for-you/judges-concerned-about-marion-county-justice-center-as-campus-proves-to-be-hazardous

    Edit: A little more information. We are a subcontracted company with union employees.

    submitted by /u/SeaSwogles1234
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    Redditor wants to sue me over a youtube channel (California)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    Hello, i'm in a bit of a predicament at the moment, I'm 14, just moved to california with my family, and I run a fairly popular youtube channel where I make videos where I compile popular stories from a subreddit into a video. When I was first starting out I was stupid and didn't ask for permission to use the reddit posts in my video from the original poster.

    since i've gotten more popular though I started asking permission to use each post and usually I get it. well I got an email from someone a couple days ago claiming that I used his story without permission in one of my first videos and he was pissed. like extremely angry. saying that I was using his intellectual property without his permission which was highly illegal and he DEMANDED I take the video down (which I was hesitant about considering the video had 9 million views at the time, but I ultimately agreed) and pay him a portion of the profits made from the video. I tried to negotiate with him into just being happy with me taking the video down but he would accept no less than what he wanted originally. he also disturbingly included a lot of personal information about me that I would of thought impossible to know, the address of the house my parents recently bought in CA, my name, my age (he got this wrong somehow) and said he would not hesitate to sue me if I did not agree to his terms, and he provided proof that he was the one who made the original text post. this guy is very scary and I don't know what to do.

    this is my last shot to get some advice before I pay up because I really don't see any other option, other than getting my own lawyer or hoping he doesn't actually sue me. the amount he wants is a fraction of what i'm getting off youtube/patreon so that honestly doesn't seem that bad, but i'm thinking he won't stop after that and will want more. and yes i've told my dad about this but he doesn't know either, he told me to just ignore him like he's some cyberbully or something. whats my recourse here? i'd really appreciate some help. I also apologize if this formatting looks weird i've never used reddit before.

    submitted by /u/beirutthrowaway902
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    Getting a divorce. Wife says she wants child support and alimony even though we have the same income and I have 2 of our 3 kids (Ontario, Canada)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 06:10 PM PDT

    Wife and I separated. She moved to Nova Scotia from a job were she made the same as I to one were she gets a bit less (23/hr to 18/hr). All 3 kids currently live with me in Ontario but the youngest is moving to NS after the school year. She says she wants alimony, to pay for her moving expenses and child support starting in July. I already agree to let her keep all the monthly child tax ($600/mth) Does she have any rights to any of here requests?

    submitted by /u/charming_chap
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    Relocated from abroad after accepting a job offer then rejected on first day of work without receive explanation

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    I had a legal dispute with my previous boss in Panama for my mandatory (inalienable) unpaid benefits. During that time, my boss started an intimidation campaign, saying that he is friend of who would be my new employer. At this point, I thought the new company (corporation B) would know how to handle this kind of situation. So, I decided to not to give up and do the right thing. At the end we got an agreement where they paid. Once relicated in the US, surprisingly, the afternoon of my first day of work at the new company, the principal told me that after a background check, I couldn't keep working with them. They refused to say what was the reason or if it was related with my previous job. I am sure there is nothing wrong with my background. So I wrote a letter explaining all the situation and sent proof of everything, asking for a reconsideration, which was denied. Now I am a green-card holder experienced professional living in a hotel room with my wife and four years old son, in a city where I know nobody, trying to find a job desperately.

    submitted by /u/fer_lopez
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    Sideswiped by a teenager not covered by his parents?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    Hey a 17 year old managed to sideswipe his dad's car against my parked car. I took a picture of his dad's insurance card and made a claim with their insurance. I got a letter saying that the insurance wouldn't pay out because the son was a noncovered person. I was wondering what my options were. Thanks.

    Location of accident was Alabama. I am a Florida resident.

    submitted by /u/KingD123
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    Is this some kind of scam?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    Originally posted in r/nostupidquestions and someone suggested I ask here.

    Something has happened and I can't make sense of it. While it all feels suspicious, I cannot figure out how it might be a scam or what someone could gain from it. Please help.

    A week ago, I received a package from an online vitamin/supplement company (am I allowed to specify which?) - a large container of protein powder. I didn't order it, had never heard of the company, and there was no invoice or packing slip in the box so I had no idea who ordered it. The package did not require a signature upon delivery.

    Expecting that my credit card info may have been compromised, I kept checking my account online and the charge never showed up. I only have one card so it wasn't hard to keep checking. It occurred to me that someone may have opened a new card in my name so I ran my credit report and two credit bureaus confirmed that there are no cards that I am unaware of with my name on the account.

    Yesterday, I contacted the online business' customer service (they claim to have no telephone customer service line so this was all conducted via chat) and inquired about the order (order number was on the package's shipping label). They said an account had been made with my name on 5/30 and the order had been made on 5/29 (they didn't answer when I asked how the order could have been placed a day before the account was created). Both my first and last names are extremely uncommon, and I am 100% positive that there is no one on earth with my identical first and last name combo, so someone deliberately created a fake account in my name. The order was made with an Amex with my name and billing address and they gave me the last 4 digits of the card number. They wouldn't tell me anything more because even though I received the package and the account is in my name, I do not know the account login info.

    I immediately contacted Amex and they confirmed that (while my name is in their system because I had an Amex many years ago) there is NO card in their system with my name and billing address that matches the last 4 digits of the card that was supposedly used to make the order. I asked if someone could have opened a card with my billing address with a slight variation in my name and they confirmed that there is no card in their system that has my address as its billing address. The card that the customer service rep described simply does not exist. So how could the charge have gone through?

    What does someone have to gain by falsely creating an account in my name, ordering stuff with a fake(?) card, and then sending the item to me?

    Who ends up paying for the item? Amex doesn't have a card in their system that matches the one used to make the order so I won't get a bill and I can't imagine how Amex would end up paying for the fraudulent charges since the card doesn't exist in their system. The supplement company wouldn't send stuff to random people at their own expense.. right?

    After I told the customer service rep that I didn't make the order and don't want the item, they offered me a refund and said I wouldn't need to pay to ship the item back. I asked how they would apply a refund to a card that Amex confirmed doesn't exist and they didn't really answer. When I said "sure go ahead and refund the card", the chat suspiciously disconnected and the next rep claimed a refund could not be provided since I could not provide the account login info, even though I literally have the item, live at the address to which the package was shipped and allegedly billed, and am the only person in the world with the name that was on the card allegedly used to make the purchase. I'm frustrated and confused.

    I googled and the company isn't small. There were plenty of bad reviews but I couldn't find anything about the company and a similar situation happening to someone else.

    This all feels wrong and like someone is trying to mess with me, but I cant figure out why. Any thoughts?

    Edit: I'm in the United States.

    submitted by /u/stash-of-who-hash
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    BP workers razed my backyard this morning, and claim that their easement allows them to do so. Do I have any recourse?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

    Backstory: I moved into my new house about three weeks ago. A week and a half in, I get a letter from BP telling me that there's a pipeline that sits in between my property and the property behind me, running all the way down our hill. It stated that workers would be showing up for "trimming branches and maintenance on the pipeline", and that due to an easement, the workers could come and go as they pleased. I was not made aware of any such easement by the seller, agent, or title company.

    This morning, a bobcat with a shredder on the front came into my backyard and razed multiple 10-15ft tall honeysuckle bushes, along with some small trees. I had no knowledge beforehand that this is what they were going to do. These plants were within my property line. One of the workers told me that BP has the right to clear anything within 25ft of the pipeline due to the easement regardless of property line. I checked my mortgage contract and title. There is one small blurb about an easement, and it's written in such a way that it sounds like it pertains to the sewers on the street.

    Image of blurb: https://imgur.com/a/1FnguJv

    Before/After: https://imgur.com/a/i42HhsW

    BP is apparently not going to replant or fix the grounds. Do I have any recourse in being at least compensated for the destruction of my yard?

    submitted by /u/InfinitelyMobius
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    [Colorado] My car was stolen 4 months ago, I believe my ex boyfriend stole it. Police say nothing can be done because he’s had access to the car in the past.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 08:55 AM PDT

    As the title states, my car was stolen 4 months ago, the same weekend (but a day before) my ex boyfriend was arrested for Harassment with a Domestic Violence enhancer. I was in the process of moving us into my apartment so I still had a lot of my things and his things in the car. It was stolen from 10 miles away from my apartment as I was staying with a friend that weekend to escape my ex. This Monday my car was found, with everything but my ex's belongings, 100 yards from my front door.

    When I reported the car stolen and explained that I believed it could have been my ex I was told that they would be unable to list it as stolen if he was the thief because I'd given him permission in the past. When we didn't find the car at any logical place he might have been I reported it again, the same day and it's been listed as stolen for 4 months. When we found the car it solidified my belief that my ex stole it, but the officer that came out reiterated that if he was the one that stole it, using the spare key, they can't do anything because his finger prints and DNA wouldn't hold up in court due to him having had access to the car previously.

    The officer did end up finger printing the car and pulling some DNA samples but I'm not hopeful.

    My question is, does this imply that if I ever loan my car to anybody they can just take it at any time with no consequences? And if my ex did take the car, does he just get off Scott free? I don't want him to get away with stealing my car and I don't understand the logic of, if somebody has been in the car at any point, or had permission to drive it, they can just take the car and get away with it.

    I am remapping the key I have with me now to ensure that while he still has the spare key, he cannot take the car again.

    I have a criminal restraining order against him preventing him from coming within 100 yards of me or my apartment. The car being just about 100 yards past my apartment means he had to pass by my apartment to drop it off. How are any of these things not criminal offenses that he can be charged with?

    (This happened in and around Boulder Colorado)

    submitted by /u/mynameislucaIlive
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    [MI] Ex-wife accessing my private calendar for the last year without consent

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 04:00 AM PDT

    Long story short, currently engaged in a custody battle for my children and just received her list of evidence which includes cell phone pictures of my private Google calendar (via sync with Microsoft calendar) for the last year. I never gave her my passwords (even when married) and never gave her consent to access it for obvious reasons.

    The computer is a previous family computer for which we had separate password protected accounts and I deleted all passwords, cookies, accounts, etc, before handing it over in the divorce. My calendar must have remained synced to Microsoft calendar somehow.

    There is nothing on my calendar I wouldn't feel comfortable explaining to my grandma or defending in court, but it just feels like a huge invasion of my privacy. Is this illegal in the US, specifically Michigan?

    submitted by /u/NBA4pay45
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    I need advice on CPS cases, please.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 11:14 AM PDT

    I am from Louisiana.

    I (7 months pregnant) got into a car accident a month ago with my two toddlers. When I arrived at the hospital, a social worker was already there for the children and she made me do a urine drug test. She is claiming I was dazed and confused and did not seem to care about comforting my children. (I had the youngest in my lap the entire time.) After discovering my water broke during the accident, I had to undergo an emergency C section and my newborn was transferred to another hospital with an NICU. I failed the drug test for amphetamines.

    The next day, another social worker with CPS came to talk with me (while I'm still on medicine from the c section). She asked why I failed the drug test. I explained how I had the flu the month before and gave a list of medicines I was taking. I told her that's the only way I could have failed. She said that my children had been taken away and that I could not have them back unless I cooperated with CPS. I was terrified and I agreed. For ten days I believed her. I took a hair follicle test, answers every question, went through a home inspection, did everything I was asked to do. I finally sought advice from a lawyer. He told me to ask her if I had custody or if the state did because at this point, we had not actually gone to court. When I asked her, she became angry and told me that while I did still have custody, I could not take my children from where they were staying (They were with family) and that if I did, I would be in big trouble.

    I hired the lawyer and took my kids that evening. At midnight, a cop showed up for a welfare check. The CPS worker came by the next day to let me know she had warned me not to take them and now we were going to court and she would have them placed in foster care. The next week, a different worker showed up and did another home inspection and told me I needed to go through a mental health and substance abuse assessment or they would go to court to take the kids from me. I told her I needed to speak my lawyer first. He advised me not to go through it. The following week, my newborn was released from NICU into our care and we got to bring him home. I come home to a card stuck in my door saying I missed an appointment with CPS.

    Monday, they came by to harass me into accepting the assessments and getting substance abuse treatment or we would go to court. I told them my lawyer advised me not to do so. Tuesday, they came with the police and did take them into state custody (They are back with family). Thursday we had court and our lawyer is now telling us we should just cooperate and do what they ask. I don't understand why and reading through the court documents made me cry when I saw how some family members lied about us and how the first case worker from the hospital and the second worker twisted things into making my husband and I sound like horrible parents. I have proof that a prescribed medicine I was taking could make me fail the drug. I failed a hair follicle too obviously and they are using that against me too.

    My children were drug tested and all three (yes including newborn) had nothing in their systems. My blood work was clean. We passed two home inspections with CPS. I don't understand how we have to now cooperate with CPS, according to our lawyer. Why tell us not to cooperate and then after court tell us we have to do as they want?? I don't understand how it's okay for them to lie and twist things around to make their case solid and we aren't allowed to fight it or defend ourselves? I don't understand why they won't test my amphetamine levels from the test against the medicine I was taking to prove that's the cause of a failed drug test? How is anything CPS does legal? Is there anything I can do at this point to help my case besides just cooperating with CPS? We are cooperating but I just want them to go away and leave us alone.

    submitted by /u/Woodburner25
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    [TX] $21k in Damage to Owned Condo, Neighbor Clearly Responsible but Refuses to Pay

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    This is going to be a LONG post, but I've prepared a TL:DR and follow up with lots of details by category. We've done a ton of legwork but keep getting shut down on recouping damages and don't know what to do now. I will appreciate anything this community can provide, even if it's just words of encouragement. (Flair note: I thought this would be considered property law, but it's not "personal property" so "real estate" seems to be the better fit.)

    TL:DR – Condo Owner (upstairs) Neighbor caused $21k in water damage to my (owned, downstairs) unit. His insurance didn't pay because he wasn't negligent. We had to pay for all repairs (aside from $8k from my own insurance) on credit. Ongoing water damages likely causing severe medical issues. Neighbor's property also continues to cause water damage. Neighbor refuses to pay more than $4k as a favor because "insurance told (him) (he's) not responsible." Lawyers refusing to answer referrals. The only one that did respond wanted a $7,500 retainer which we cannot afford.

    The Property – I own a downstairs condo unit built in 1969 that's 2 bedrooms and 1.5 baths (Jack and Jill style with a shower room in between). It's a U-shape with a single wall between the living room and the master bedroom. Both units have the same floorplan. HOA's master policy deductible for water is $15k (relevant for later, see Money).

    Neighbor has caused water damage four times in two years and this post is about time #3. The first two were in the kitchen, the second two were in the bathrooms. The most recent occurred three weeks ago but the relevant damage was in January 2019. The first two damage instances were not properly corrected (dried out, dehumidifer, fans, etc.) but were just patched and left. Thankfully, there does not appear to be mold growth (see Medical).

    The Event – On January 16, we come home to water on the living room floor, extending about five feet in from the back door and five feet from the wall between the master bedroom and living room. In the master bedroom, water has flooded our ceiling fan and poured through to the floor, covering about 75% of the master bedroom, the closet, and extended to the living room through the wall. Water is also coming down in the bathroom ceiling, the master bath vanity, the built-in cabinets and shower room. The ceiling in the bathroom is lower than the bedroom so it's not immediately apparent that the leak is coming from the bathroom. The emergency plumber that comes out insists that the leak is from the bedroom area but finds no source and leaves, refusing to check the bathroom ceiling because "water does not magically start crawling up".

    The next morning the property maintenance supervisor comes out and finds that the upstairs owner's toilet flange was falling apart, spraying liquid waste out of the flange and onto his subfloor for an undetermined amount of time, with every flush of his toilet. His subfloor is rotted and likely started to fall apart, causing the water to pour down into our drywall and through the ceiling fan into our unit. This means that we've been living with liquid waste in our ceiling for some time, and we've been cleaning it up without proper safety equipment. Thankfully, there's no smell so there's no way we would have known.

    The Rebuild - We continue cleaning up while dealing with insurance to find out what to do next. Neighbor's insurance denies the claim within less than 24 hours because Neighbor wasn't negligent. There's no way he would have known about the leak. We accept it because we can't do anything about it and start the claim on my insurance.

    Husband and I do most of the demolition ourselves to save costs, including wall and ceiling drywall removal in the entire bedroom, closet and one living room wall, insulation removal, and haul-off. We left the bathroom alone because we didn't want to cause more water damage by accidentally damaging a pipe.

    We have to move out during this time and moved back in about mid-March (about two months later). Early estimates are between $30-40k, which are absolutely impossible, so we work with the lowest bidder and try to take on as much on our own as possible to save money. Overall, it's about $15k in labor, $6k in materials (including tile, paint, new tub, doors and vanities, etc). We still haven't rebuilt all of the bathroom storage because we simply cannot afford to.

    Money – I received only $8k from my insurance because of major foul-ups when the policy was created. $3k policy MAX in rebuilding costs and $5k in personal property loss. The policy has since been corrected for the full value of the condo but they refused to retroactively increase the coverage, even with offer of payment.

    We presented a bill to Neighbor of about $9,3XX in February to cover damages that are very explicitly caused by his water. We decided that if he could pay that amount, we'd be happy because that's what would get us out of debt in all of this, even if it doesn't make us whole. We approached Neighbor two weeks ago after no communication about payment, who said that we would not be paying that amount because his insurance told him he's not responsible for the damage. He would give us $4k on a payment plan throughout the year as a favor. We told him that's not acceptable and left it at that for now.

    The HOA Board is flat out refusing to file a claim because they don't believe the damage was actually more than $15k, even though we presented them with bills for more than $21k. They had someone prepare an adjustment that conveniently totaled $13k and presented it to us as evidence that they are not going to file a claim. I know that the adjustment was not a result of filing a claim and that it was done as a favor to the HOA Board. We felt that we couldn't fight it so we left it at that.

    Lawyers – Our city has a referral service that will give us names of attorneys that can help. The first was a complete disaster. We had one phone consultation where he'd requested everything via email. It was provided and then no response. A week later, I follow up with a second email with no response. The attorney's website is filled with inaccurate information (CEO, CFO, Controller for an attorney's office?) and filler Latin words where their "about us" should be.

    The second lawyer was a friend referral who didn't respond to email.

    The third lawyer actually called us back, but wanted $750 to prepare a demand letter and $7,500 as a litigation retainer, both of which are impossible without going into more debt.

    Medical – I've been fighting an on-going sinus infection since 2017 that ended up with me having adenoid-removal surgery in January 2019 (two weeks after the damage was caused). It should have cleared up the infection but it's already back. My doctors believe that it's being caused by the environments I am in because there's no way it should have been back so soon.

    We had a mold test performed on the condo with positive results – no mold growth detected in any of the flooded areas, only slightly elevated spores in ambient air so the recommendation is regular duct cleaning. Symptoms started while I was living in the condo and after Neighbor moved in, so it is likely that the continued water damage had an effect on my health. I don't know if this is relevant to the claim(s), but is important because of how many times Neighbor has caused water damage to my unit.

    The Request – What can we do now?

    If we pursue this on our own, without taking on the expense of an attorney, we are limited to small claims and $10k in total damages. We would have to go through the demand letter and court system on our own. I've kept all of our documentation and receipts, so it will be easy to prepare.

    However, would it be worth it to hire a lawyer considering the extensive costs of repairs, the fact that we had to move out for two months, the fact that his property damage likely caused my medical issues, and continue to cause water damage to our property? As I mentioned, we are on instance #4 for water damage. The latest was caused about three weeks ago in the same bathroom. Three of the instances were minor and incurred negligible expense (<$100). What if it keeps happening? I know that Neighbor did not repair his rotting subfloor and if it causes more damage, it could be so much worse.

    The first advice people keep giving us is "get a lawyer." Well, we have been trying! They are either too expensive ($7,500) or they refuse to respond. Do we just keep throwing darts and hope one sticks? Are there lower-cost alternatives? Pro Bono? Which type of lawyer do we need? I know there are rules against asking for referrals, but I don't even know how to FIND a lawyer. The resources my city offers keep leading to dead or too-expensive ends.

    We've done a ton of legwork here and feel like we just keep getting shut down and told no. We're making the bill payments, but with very little left over for an expense that shouldn't have even been ours to shoulder in the first place. We need help.

    submitted by /u/LadyJulieBug
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    Executor of my mother's will wants to pay funeral guest's hotel bills out of decedent's estate; I am sole beneficiary.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 01:46 PM PDT

    I am willing to: A: agree on a fixed dollar amount, to be disbursed as compensation for the hotel expenses; or: B: reimburse family only.

    It's not even about the money at this point. It's about people bringing their significant other of the day and booking a room at the most expensive hotel in town. What is it about death that turns people into greedy pieces of shit? Edit: Turns out that the executor did mean family only. He has given me a notarized copy of the will, as well as records of my mother's assets. Still wish I had talked to a lawyer, but hopefully I will gave some ground to stand on. After reading these comments, I will be seeing a lawyer, even though I already signed. Thank you everyone.


    I wish I had seen these posts beforehand. The orders, signed by me, are now sitting in the judges office, and will be signed by the judge. I guess I'll find out the hard way about probate law.

    submitted by /u/kromatika
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    Trouble with the TSA, causing airport shutdown. What to do?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:50 PM PDT

    I'm asking for my friends, who have been under extreme distress.

    My friend successfully went through TSA check-in with an expired ID to catch a flight out to Hawaii about two weeks ago. But while waiting to board, she called her brother to get the new ID at home and drive to the airport to get it to her. When he got to the airport, instead of her exiting her gate and going through TSA check-in again, they decided that he could throw the card from one end to the other across the hall where the one-way security exit gates were and she could simply pick it up from the floor. The brother couldn't make the entire hall's length and the card landed far enough where my friend couldn't reach from where she was standing. She was shouting out to a random passenger who was walking through one of the gates to pick it up and pass it onto her - they kicked it back to her - and that's where airport security caught her crouching down and over at the gate and thought she was trying to smuggle in illegal items. The airport was temporarily shut down.

    Both the friend and the brother were held by the TSA there and then and had their ID cards pictured (the sister had a mug shot taken). They were released shortly after - the sister boarded another flight and the brother went home. Last week they separately received a notice stating that TSA will investigate further into what happened, and if applicable, they could issue a fine up to $13,000 (if I remember correctly). However, in the notice TSA said my friends could explain in writing their accounts of what happened to help the investigation and have 20 days to submit. But as you can imagine, they have been in panic mode and don't know how to write the response in a way to avoid admission of guilt, or simply worsen the situation they're already in.

    What is in your opinion the best way to respond to the notice? Is there anything specific they should refrain from doing/saying?

    We live in Seattle, Washington.

    submitted by /u/pauln178
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    Code violation for 20+ year old carport - Seminole County, FL

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. I purchased the home approximately 10 months ago. It is in an unincorporated neighborhood in Seminole County, Florida. Needless to say, it is not the "nicest" looking neighborhood and there are obvious code violations at probably every house.

    Well for some reason, I received a letter from code enforcement for the carport attached to my home. It is an aluminum carport that has been through MANY hurricanes. Looking at the permits, I can see the original carport was permitted to be converted in to a room back in 1997. With the permit being that old though, I can not see all of the details on it. My neighbor is still in contact with the people that converted the old carport and they said that the new carport that was built was part of the old carport conversion. I asked code enforcement about viewing the original drawings and they said that they do not keep records that old.

    Another issue is that the carport is approximately 3-4 feet from the property line. The setbacks list it at 7.5 feet. There are a lot of sheds and carports close to the property line in this neighborhood, so I have a feeling that the requirement was different 20 years ago.

    Am I screwed here? From what I can gather, my only option is to demolish the existing carport. With the setback requirements, that leave me less than 8 feet to build on, so I couldn't even rebuild the carport if I wanted to. Code enforcement mentioned detaching it from the home and making it free standing, but they weren't really sure if that was an option or not. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/subservious
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    [LA] Debt sent to collections even though I've been paying it

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 06:13 AM PDT

    My dad had previously been paying this student loan for me but he missed 3 payments last year so I took over paying it. I made sure to pay the amount past due in addition to all late fees. Since then I've been paying more than the minimum payment on time each month (sans one month where I paid late but before any late fees were charged). Yesterday we received a letter stating the loan has been accelerated and is with a collection agency, even though I had just made a payment. I guess my question is how best to handle this situation. Is there any way I could have dfaulted on the loan even if my last payment was in May 2019? Should I call the collection agency and try to explain that I don't believe the loan is defaulted? Should I request verification of debt even though I know the loan is mine? Or am I able to go straight to disputing the debt?

    Thanks in advanced, I know there is a lot of info on the internet about debt/collection agencies, but I couldn't find anything pertaining to this specific situation. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/dontwantdebt
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