• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 14, 2019

    Legal Advice My brother has severe Autism, ID and tonic-clonic seizures and is in a Alabama County Jail where they refuse to give him medication.

    Legal Advice My brother has severe Autism, ID and tonic-clonic seizures and is in a Alabama County Jail where they refuse to give him medication.

    My brother has severe Autism, ID and tonic-clonic seizures and is in a Alabama County Jail where they refuse to give him medication.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:16 AM PDT

    My parents were his care giver but they passed away in a car accident a year ago and I had to take over. I am 24 and he is 21. I am working on getting him into a home for people more suited to care for him but it is slow going. Last time he was institutionalized he went downhill fast and nearly died from refusing to eat. He hates being out of his element and he doesn't understand needing to adjust. I have papers from his doctors. He has severe autism with ID and can't be left alone. He will repeat things and mimic what people say. He also has epilepsy and has long lasting tonic-clinic seizures. They are some what controlled by medication but he often needs an emergency medication because they sometimes run longer than 5 to 10 min. It is diastat that is given rectally.

    Yesterday, he wandered off and took some things from a store. When officers came he put up a fight. He is tall and massive because he loves to work out but he hates to be touched. He has a medical alert that says call me because he has autism and seizures that he wears but no one looked at it. They took him in. He has a tracker but I didn't notice and get there quick enough.

    I tried to bring papers to the jail but they said they have to have their medical professionals assess him. They have yet to do that. He has had three seizures so far. He needs his medicine. He is refusing to eat because he has an issue with consistency. He doesn't seem to know what is going on and he has admitted to things he couldn't possibly ever have done. He keeps fighting people who try to touch him.

    I talked to the store and offered to pay them for the items but they said this wasn't there doing. It was the police because he resisted and swung at the officers.

    He is obviously ID. I am not sure how they could talk to him and not know. He can't write his name. He can't spell it. He rocks back and forth all the time and speaks to himself.

    One of the country jail staff seems sympathetic because they help me with getting information and call me when he has a seizure but there is only so much they can do. They just call a tech every time he has a seizure who checks his blood pressure and breathing after and apparently doesn't see any issue with any of this. He gets asked if he is okay and he says "okay" but he just repeats what people say. It is pretty much what he does other than when he demands things like I a particular food. I am scared another inmate will notice and take advantage of him.

    I feel awful that I wasn't looking and he wandered off. This is my fault.

    What do I do? Obviously he shouldn't steal things but he doesn't actually know you shouldn't. They can't take a confession from him right? Since he just says what people want him to say?

    Would a lawyer be able to get him medication? If someone asks him if he is guilty he will say whatever they want him to say. He does that. He repeats and loves to people please. He isn't even his own guardian. I am. I have no idea what I am doing.

    submitted by /u/epilepsyinprison
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    Mom scammed Dad

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    I don't even know where to start with this. My parents are elderly and have been married for over 60 years. We thought they were financially comfortable- Dad had a significant inheritance from his family. He also worked hard to build his own successful business from scratch which he sold his interest in to a business partner when he retired for a significant sum. Mom never worked but she managed the household - cooking, cleaning, sewing, etc....and she took care of the finances. Mom has long had a compulsive buying problem. It's a bit of a hoarder situation (the house is mostly livable except for one bedroom which is piled with junk and she filled up a large storage trailer outside) but we thought they could afford it and it was just an eccentricity. Otherwise lived pretty simply - driving cars until they wore out and living in the same simple house for 60 years. They gave generous presents (typically $100 to their children and grandchildren for birthdays and Christmas) but nothing extravagant.

    Mom had a fall a few weeks ago and ended up in the hospital with a broken hip which required surgery. While she has been in the hospital, Dad started opening the mail. Mom had always been the one to get the mail. Dad realized that he is basically broke. Their bank account was overdrawn by a few thousand dollars, they had several credit cards with high balances, and their retirement investment accounts were almost empty. At first we thought Mom had fallen for some sort of scam. But we started helping Dad go through paperwork which was covering the dining room table and realized that Mom had been falsifying statements for the investment account. The forgery wasn't particularly good but it showed a balance of over a million dollars, and that's what Dad thought they had. We dug through old papers in the storage shed and found that she had been doing this at least since 1991. It may have been going on longer but that is the oldest falsified statement we found. We confronted Mom about falsifying statements and she admitted to it. Additionally, we just found that she recently cashed in her and Dad's life insurance policy. She forged Dad's signature on those papers. She also recently pawned almost all of her jewelry. We don't know the actual value of the jewelry but she received $17,000 from the pawn shop, so I'm sure that's only a fraction of the actual value. We ran a background check and found out that they have at least $100,000 in credit card debt.

    We found several years of credit card statements and those purchases all seem normal. We aren't sure exactly where all the money went. We haven't confronted Mom about this just yet because she just had surgery this week. We speculate that perhaps she was day trading. She used to watch CNBC all day and keep meticulous notes about stocks. Dad is heartbroken, but he still loves Mom. He just doesn't know what to do. We are all in shock and never expected anything like this had been going on for such a long time. We have opened his own bank account and moved his social security and other residual payments to be deposited in that account which only he has access to. He owns a fair amount of land which he could sell off to cover the debts, but we are at a loss on how else to move forward. If we pressed charges against Mom, I don't think we would be able to recover any of the lost money, but would the life insurance company be able to reinstate Dad's policy if it was fraudulently closed? Any other advice? They live in Texas by the way.

    submitted by /u/Riviera_Sunset
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    South Carolina- My ex boyfriend will repeatedly call me until I answer the phone. Yesterday I had 200plus missed calls. What can I do?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 04:43 AM PDT

    He calls me one right after another. I can't use my phone, no one can call me. I can't txt. I have all of his numbers blocked, but he is calling from "no caller ID", so I can't block him. He says he won't stop until I talk about our relationship, but I told him it's over and there's nothing I want to talk about. I know he will just try to manipulate me into staying with him. Please help.

    submitted by /u/leo_33
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    [NE] Evacuated apartment from March floods, but Landlord still wants rent for ruined apartment by Monday.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    On March 13th my ground floor apartment was flooded in its entirety. Maybe 2 inches of standing, frigid water. Not as bad as many people, but I still had to evacuate the apartment with my two cats. The temperature increased dramatically over the next few days, causing quite a smell. The water sat in the apartment until March 17th, when they ripped out the carpets and installed some fans.

    I had a free consultation with a lawyer, who initially suggested there was nothing I could do except file what he called a 14/30. The Landlord would have 14 days to fix the flooding issues or I'd have put in my 30 days notice. A friend of mine had looked at the Nebraska Tenants Rights Handbook and saw something about flooding: Leave the apartment and give your Landlord a 14 day notice that you have vacated and intend to end your lease. Some googling told me it was Nebraska Landlord Tenant Act Revised Statute 76-1429. I showed this to the lawyer and asked if this would apply to me due to the casualty damage from the rain and melting snow. The Lawyer (after apologizing for forgetting this law) said it would, and that I would be owed prepaid March rent from after the day I vacated and my security deposit. He advised me to write up a letter using similar terminology to the law and hand it into my Landlord. He was very sure this was a non-issue, that it was to the Landlord's advantage to be accommodating and pro-rate my rent, and we likely wouldn't end up in court. The lawyer told me not to pay rent for April. "The worst case you're evicted, and you don't even live there. If things end up in court, you call me again."

    My Landlord did not appreciate that letter. She told me her lawyers said they were "immune to these laws because we're working to fix the problem." She said she would take it as my 30 day notice and nothing more. I tried to offer her my apartment keys, but she refused. "As far as I'm concerned, you're obligated to be in that apartment until the end of April." She also said she was forwarding my letter on to her legal team, who would be reaching out to me. They never did.

    It's now been over 30 days since the March floods and I still have no livable apartment. There is no estimated time for the repairs to be finished. When they ripped out the carpets, they left glue, nails, and pieces of wood all over the bare sticky floors. They have done considerable drywall work, enough that for a week there was a hole big enough for someone to crawl into the my apartment from the hallway, but they are still not finished. I have not been able to live in this apartment since March 13th. This last Friday I got a call from the Landlord that I must pay $1050 in rent for the month of April by Monday or she will begin the eviction process - the thing my Lawyer said was so unlikely.

    I've been effectively homeless for a month now, relying on the kindness of friends and family for a place to stay. I lost most of my belongings. I had made plans to buy a house, but now the threat of eviction on my credit has me scared. My lawyer is out of his office until Monday, the day my Landlord will start the eviction process. Friends and family tell me to alert the news and make a fuss, but am I in the right? My Landlord is so confident! I don't want to pay such a such a steep fee for an uninhabitable space. Any help you can offer, Reddit, would be well appreciated.

    submitted by /u/toxoplasmic_tiamat
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    Neighbors are trying to control the road in front of their house. Virginia

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    This has been going off and on for two and a half years. I live in Virginia. I am a 20ish woman and live with my 50ish parents and late teenaged brother.

    About two and a half years ago I had to move back in to my parents house because my partner and I broke up and I couldnt afford rent. The first day I moved in, a white truck followed me down the road about three minutes after, stopped in front of our house, the men inside stared for a bit, went down a little further and turnwd around. I thought it was strange, and my dad swore under his breath at the sight of them. Apparently our neighbors on "the turn" do it every time they see a new vehicle in our neighborhood. They go find where its parked, and tell the driver they were going too fast.

    Apparently before they had moved in and asked everyone if they could drive slowly because they have kids. Thats cool. My parents understood. Then it turned into pestering every other week about driving too fast. My dad politely informed him that the speed limit is 25, and our family goes 15-20 mph. This guy says he knows we go faster and it's way too fast.

    It came to a head when my mom drove home from her college class one night, around 11pm. This guy followed her home and confronted her on the porch. She told him to fuck off, but he was clearly drunk or high (driving 5 miles under the speed limit is too dangerous, but under the influence is A okay). She went in and got my dad, who in no uncertain terms told him its never okay to follow a woman home at 11 pm, and that if he ever did it again our neighbor would have my dad to deal with. He also informed him that his and his family were to never set foot on our property again.

    That's why they stopped when they realized I lived with my dad and they were afraid to give me "the talk".

    I wish that was the end of it. They claim its because of their kids, but who lets their toddler play in the road at 11 at night? He has a company vehicle, and his daughter (the mother of the kids), has a nice car. I think they dont like the dust from the dirt road. Hes frequently out spraying the road with his garden hose, like four times a week at least. My dad says apparently they have a chemical you can mix and spray to cut down the dust? Anyway, they eventually called our hoas security on everyone on the road for speeding. Its a small town, the security guy is related to my dad somehow, and asked for the real story. He went back and informed our neighbor that the speed limit was 25, deal with it, no one is breaking any law but him by following people home.

    About a year ago, his daughter decided she was going to take matters into her own hands. I was driving around the turn, and she was coming the opposite way in her nice little car. I slowed down to get over because its a narrow road. She jerked it over onto my side, and I had to go halfway into the grass just to avoid the collision. I was bewildered, stopped, and she refused to move. She rolled down her window and starts screaming obscenities and telling me she was sick of me driving too fast. Her kid was in the front seat, by the way. I wasnt ready to deal with a family that followed my car home, so I rolled up my window and drove my car all the way onto the grass and around her. Then went to work. I immediately bought dash cams for myself and my family and had it installed before I drove home. I told my dad what had happened and everyone got the dash cams installed. We talked about it and decided the best course of action would be to wait until we had footage, because we had no proof of what had happened. Afterward they would scream and waive their arms every time we drove by. My mom called security anyway and they stopped their antics for a while.

    They have a bloodhound too. During the calm, I drove by and it was running loose. They let it out all the time and I'm afraid to walk my dog anywhere near. I slowed down to a roll not to hit it, and I had my window down and my arm out of the window. It jumped up and tried to snap at my arm. I dont slow down for that dog any more. It scares me and I keep my windows up. I still avoid it tho, because its not the dogs fault his owner is an idiot.

    Anyway, two nights ago they started again. I was coming home and one of them had just pulled out. My car has been in the shop, so I borrowed our little used SUV. It was dark, but I believe it was the daughter. They backed out into the middle of the road, and I stopped to give them time to finish. Then she parked it in the middle again and sat there. The cab light turned on because she was opening the door. I slowly (very slowly) took the SUV into the ditch and drove around because I refuse to deal with that crazy. To be clear, she hadnt gotten out, and I gave the widest radius I could. I was still on my side and nowhere near hitting her. And being the little used SUV it was the one. Fricken. Vehicle. That didnt have a dash cam (now amended).

    Yesterday my parents and brother were driving by and they were standing by the road. They went ballistic and just started screaming, trying to get them to pull over and wave them down.

    No one in my family has ever had to call the police for more than a fender bender or minor property damage. How should we proceed? I doubted myself at first, so I now watch my speedometer. I'm always going about 15. Ive watched my parents too. They do the same. My brother does about 20, and I have fussed at him for the kids sake, but we certainly aren't going over the speed limit.

    submitted by /u/trinketfox
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    My dog got taken away and we took care of him

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    A family member recently rescued a dog, a puppy, that was in bad shape. The previous owner let him go to the point of being furless and very skinny.

    She took him from this person and started treating him. She fed him and got him medical care (his fur loss was cause by allergic reactions to gluten. We found out later he had a poultry allergy as well) but my family member was having medical concerns of her own and so gave him to me. This dog fit in perfectly with us. My husband is a Iraq war veteran and was in the process of getting approved to train this dog as a PTSD service animal.

    He was doing well and then started losing his fur again, getting hotspots and throwing up everything he ate. We narrowed it down to the turkey in his canned dog food. We started giving him food without any poultry and he had just started to put on weight again when the animal control officer came. The first words out of his mouth were yelling and threatening me. He would not believe that I was not neglecting this dog, and he would not look at the hundreds of dollars of meds and treatments I had for him. He was 100% sure he had mange and told me dogs don't lose fur due to allergies. He threatened to take me to jail right then if I didn't sign this one paper and told me the paper was just to get permission to get him seen by their vets. I tried to read it but he threatened me more (I have many, many witnesses to this) and took my dog. He told me to call in about a week to see about getting the dog back and not any sooner. I told him this was NOT an owner surrender.

    The Humane Society called me the day after asking about the dog. They said it was brought in as an owner surrender and my aunt (who answered ) told them it wasn't (they also said he did not have mange of course) and they said they were calling the officer. He called back and loudly cursed me. He was mad that I had called before the week was up and I told him they called me. He tried to gaslight me about what he said and when that wasn't working, he said If i contacted the family member that took him to the vet he would talk to them as proof that he got medical care. I had the family member talk to him and he wouldn't hear it. He wouldn't even release the dog to her because he didn't want there to be a chance for me to even see him.

    I did not every neglect this dog. I would take him on walks around lunch time every day and take a sandwich for me and some treats for him to eat next to a creek. This is killing my husband, who has PTSD as this was going to be his service animal. They threatened me any time I tried to explain this. Is there anything that can be done? This dog was family and slept in the bed with me and the kids. They thought that since he was in bad shape that I did this to him and I have tons of proof otherwise. I believe they thought I was a single, unemployed mom with 4 kids in a trailer trash home that was neglectful when in reality I am unemployed, but because I am a stay at home mom and my husband is a lineman and makes enough to give this animal medical care anytime he needed it but my husband is gone 5 days a week to his job so he wasn't here when this happened. We were at my grandmothers house when this happened which happens to be an old trailer because we are moving Wed. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Xamry14
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    [PA] Stepkids cutting kids out of parents will.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    Basically, my grandfather remarried 16 years ago. She brought nothing into the marriage, while he had a paid off house and retirement money. They sold his house and bought one together. He had 4 kids, she has 3. They both changed their wills to make each other the beneficiary and then stated that the 7 kids should split what was left when they both passed.

    Unfortunately my grandfather passed first. Immediately after, the step grandmothers child with POA (or whatever it's called) dumped her in a nursing home and has ignored her. She also changed the code/locks on the house so we were unable to get the items of my grandfathers (including a handmade two person swing and his American flag). My parents just found out that they have since sold the house and changed step-grandmothers will so they are the only heirs (see edit). (We are unsure if step grandmother knows they did this or not. She still calls my father to complain that they never visit her, etc.)

    My parents don't think they have a case because legally, she is the beneficiary and can do what she wants with the money. I was just hoping for a second opinion because they are so upset about this. It isn't about the money, it's about how they are acting and the refusal to let us get my grandfather items before they sold the house.

    Edit: They did not change her will, they took all of the money from their accounts and the sale of the house and put it into a trust with only the 3 of them as beneficiaries.

    submitted by /u/drunkenpenguin28
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    Dealership sold my car before receiving title (Indiana)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:57 AM PDT

    My wife and I traded in her car for a new car. The previous car was in her mom's name, and still had over 7,000 to pay it off. We went through with the deal for the new car with trading in the previous. We stated numerous times that we still owe money and are making monthly payments. A few weeks later, we were making sure that the dealership got the proper paperwork for the previous car. The dealer then stated that he thought it was paid off the whole time. (How do they not catch this in the three weeks they had the car?!) So, to add the payoff to the new car, it will cost us a significant amount more monthly. We just want the old car back, but the dealer says that he already sold it and that it is gone.. is this legal?! How can he sell the car without a title?! Is there anything we can do to get the car back?

    submitted by /u/zrushton
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    [TX] My boyfriend let his brother and friend borrow my car yesterday, they have disappeared.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:05 PM PDT


    The police found it at the around the same area where my bf had let them take it from. They said nothing appears to be wrong with it and they left the keys under the hood. I still don't have all the answers I want, but at least my car is safe.

    Like the title says, my dumb bf let his brother (Dave) and his friend (John) use my car to go visit his accountant. Needless to say, they never made it there. My bf hasn't heard from them since. Last night after work when he finally told me about this, we called the police to file a report. At first they didn't even want to send an officer out because my bf gave him the keys so it's not theft. We called again and they sent an officer out who took our statements and gave us a case number but essentially said the same thing.

    I was hopeful they would turn up today, but Dave's gf says he hasn't been home, so does John's roommate. I'm officially freaking out. I call the police again to check and make sure my car isn't impounded anywhere (it's not, at least not in Dallas county, I need to start calling surrounding areas). The man told me to call the auto theft unit on Monday, which we weren't told before.

    I'm sorry for being all over the place, my stress is maxed out right now. My main question, I think, is regarding insurance. If something happens to my car (which at this point seems like a high possibility) will I be able to collect any money for a new vehicle? I have the case started, but since we can't call it theft, will I still be at fault?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/lostcarhelp634
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    House bought in my name when I was seven niw being sued by bank of America

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    My mom passed away in 2009. She bought several properties in our names in FLORIDA and managed them well until she died on hopes of gifting it to us as income streams when older. When she died everything hit the fan. There is one home I guess had tenants in it who paid the mortgage until 2014. I didn't know about this house as when she died it was unexpected and a mess. I was seven when she bought this house... Is there anything I can do? What lawyer do I need? I don't have the money Bank of America is suing me for.

    Please don't bash my mom she was a good person trying to help us but she died when I was still a minor.

    submitted by /u/confused123456
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    Niece just had a baby - Nurse claimed chord was "Plugged up and spilling over" with THC

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    Hi /r/legaladvice

    STATE: West Virginia - Marijuana is illegal here for non-medical use.

    This one's weird, I'm kind of at a loss for what's happened here. My niece went into labor and was taken to a local hospital instead of the one further away that she had been going to up until she went into labor. They had no records or prep time - she walked in and popped out the baby pretty quickly.

    Since someone else drove her, I'm pretty sure there was a weed smell in the air when they walked in. I know the guy, he's a good guy, but had smoked weed earlier in the day.

    When they got into the room, she started delivering. The nurse then starts screaming at her to "Hold the baby in! do not push it out!" - she wanted to wait for a doctor and didn't want to deliver.

    Naturally, the baby came anyway and the nurse had to deliver.

    The minute they walked away with the baby, the nurse turns around and whispers in my nieces ear, "I saw that the umbilical chord was plugged up with THC. It was spilling out all over the place." and told her that if she admitted to being a smoker, she wouldn't call CPS and they would just help the baby.

    Being a bit naive, and medicated from the delivery (epidural and whatever else they gave), plus the trauma of delivery, she panicked and told the nurse that she was still smoking weed when she found out she was pregnant, which was pretty late into the pregnancy - I'm guessing 3-4 months pregnant.

    As you would suspect, CPS rolled in later in the day and is now doing an investigation, wants to search their home over the next week and whatever else that procedure entails.

    My general questions - Is the nurse in the wrong to try to make her hold the baby in? Can the nurse lie about the physical health and wellbeing of a baby just to try to squeeze out a weed smoking confession? They made it pretty clear that they hadn't had time to test the umbilical chord, it was immediately after birth that this happened.

    Thanks in advance and please let me know if any further information would help.

    EDIT: Thanks again to those who have taken the time to answer.

    Based on your answers and my knowledge of the family's lifestyle, I'm going to do the following...

    I'm advising the parents to brace for a CPS investigation and to handle it properly and openly, meaning to not resist or try to fight it. From what I've seen of the family, they should be fine. Their house is nice and clean, neither drinks or does hard drugs. Opiates and meth are a massive problem here so I'm sure that's what they will be checking for, which nobody in the household does. They should do fine.

    I've also informed them to not worry about the request to hold the baby in - none of us knew if this was ok. It sounds like its often needed for good reason!

    Regarding the nurse. I'm advising they file a complaint with the higher ups in the hospital once they are discharged and if anything happens to go wrong with the baby's health, I'm advising them to get an attorney and pursue a suit against the hospital since they demonstrated that their suspicion of weed smoking appears to have taken priority over the baby and mother's health immediately following delivery - they didn't ask her about any other drug or alcohol use, clearly they smelled weed on the person with them and acted on it. The improper prioritization here is a problem IMO. Immediately following delivery the mother and baby both need their health and wellbeing taken care of. Jumping on the mother within a minute of delivery shouldn't be a medical professional's priority when the mother's legs are still open. Obviously the mother was going to be in the hospital for a while, it could have waited.

    submitted by /u/LegalThrowAwayTimes
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    Sexual assault of a student: Title IX vs. Title VII?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    I am a female medical student in the United States. To make a long story short, a senior faculty member/trusted advisor pressured me into drinking more than I could handle and raped me. I asked one of my mentors for help in navigating the situation's aftermath and, although I did not want to report it at the time, he told me that he was a "mandated reporter" and initiated the Title IX process. All of the interviews have been conducted and I was under the impression that the investigation would soon be coming to an end. I was recently informed that the investigation is transitioning into a Title VII investigation "to expedite the process."

    I was hoping that this community could clarify a few things for me. I do not understand how my case is relevant to Title VII, how this transition would expedite things, and if this will influence any of the protection (retaliation) I had under Title IX.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/dopamine96
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    I got hustled by a immobilization/booting parking company. Miami. Recommendations, or any similar experiences?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    So i paid for parking, and came 10 minutes before time was due and saw I had gotten booted. I need to clarify, when i got back there where 3 other guys looking around the lot and i wasn't the only car with a boot (keep this in mind).

    I remember I did put the ticket on my dash (I have a picture!), when i got there the guy who was putting the boots told me the ticket was not there, went to the car and it was NOT there, I searched and nothing! I was seriously feeling crazy.

    I got pissed, but nothing i could do about it (felt i was going nuts). So i decide to pay, as i gave the guy my debit card and license and he proceded to pay himself on his app i started taking pictures of his van, license plate, etc. He didn't notice, as he was taking a bit long to write the "ticket" and charge me. I paid, and he got off his car and proceeded to get the boots out, as he finishes i open my car door and BAM there is my ticket!! I look around and the other boots had been taken off.

    I tell the guy my ticket is there, show it to him and he shows me a pic of my dash (even my vin is seen in the pic), and no ticket. He shows me another pic of another car where you can see the ticket clearly in the floor of the car.

    He gets in his car and leaves. The other three dudes had left before. I feel i got hustled to pay for a parking boot, i have bank confirmation and the ticket! (Which latter appeared inside my car). I feel i got broken in an played like an idiot, is there anything i can do? Imagine these dudes are making a living out of $70 a pop.

    Edit: Forgot to say i did show him my pic of the ticket in my dash, he said i had to pay no matter what.

    submitted by /u/ajajajajajchx
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    [MA] Fire originating from another condo effected my unit triggering a claim and $1000 deductible. Can I recover that money?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:04 AM PDT

    Hello all and thank you in advance for any advice.

    So there was a fire in a unit in my condo complex. It was caused by a kitchen fire involving an unattended child (local FD documented). The family living there rented their unit and I own mine. The fire spread effecting mine and another unit. This triggered an insurance claim for my belongings as well as a master insurance claim. Neither the renters or the owner of that unit had fire insurance but I do, condo bylaws state all units "shall" have personal fire insurnace.

    In the time since the fire, the renters have disappeared and I have become chairman of the board of trustees as the previous chair didn't want to deal with this and I want to go home, but I digress.

    My question is, can I seek repayment for the 1k deductible from the person who owns that unit? I am hoping to work it out with this guy without small claims court but I just want to get my ducks in a row before requesting payment.

    If I am entitled to repayment, would I be able to include additional damages for court fees, emotional distress (missing pet), and the colossal amount of time and effort this has cost me?

    Any advice would be helpful and if there is more information that I didn't think to include I will do my best to answer it.


    submitted by /u/Master_Poopy_Dick
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    Can my parents press sexual assault charges on my behalf without my consent?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 03:40 AM PDT

    I am an 18-year-old living with my parents near Ann Arbor, Michigan in the USA. Last year, I was diagnosed with dyslexia after living most of my life believing I was stupid, being held back twice, and eventually just dropping out of school all together. After being diagnosed, I decided to pursue my GED now that I knew what was wrong. My parents agreed to hire a GED tutor whose parents are family friends. This person also teaches special ed at the local high school, but I was never technically one of his students. There was no paperwork or contracts involved. Long story short, we had a romantic relationship, my parents found out and are threatening to press charges. From what I know, the age of consent in MI is 16 (18 when the older party is an authority figure, which in this case I'm not sure). Can my parents report this considering I am legally an adult? If they do, could this person lose their day job or end up doing jail time?

    INFO: I am an 18-year old male while the other involved party is a late-twenty-something male. Our relationship started around my 18th birthday, but on the record I say I was 18.

    submitted by /u/kindreggsurprisebtch
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    [MA] My grandmother burned herself. Local hospital said they were 1st degree and to go home. 5 days later she was admitted to a regional hospital for treatment of 3rd degree burns.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    I'm just now learning the details of this so I'll share what I know. My gram was cooking and her nylon blouse caught fire and she got burned. She didn't tell anyone for hours and she finally told my uncle and let him take her to the hospital. The hospital local to them told her it was 1st degree burns and to take some motrin and she'd be fine.

    5 days later my aunt visited my grandmother and showed her the burns, at this point they were black (and probably infected). My aunt immediately called an ambulance and had her brought to a different local hospital. After a couple of hours at that hospital the wound unit advised her the burns were 3rd degree and that they would immediately be transporting her to a regional hospital that has an intensive burn unit.

    She is still in the hospital and is going to need multiple surgeries/grafts and months of physical therapy. My grandmother is not one to complain about anything, however she has expressed that the pain she was in the passed few days has been immense.

    My aunt is already talking to the family lawyer, however I'm not sure he's versed in medical malpractice or other similar situations.

    Any specific information I should be giving to my aunts and uncles who are dealing with this issue more hands on? Tyia

    submitted by /u/Cougey
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    My boyfriend smashed my windshield and my iPhone

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    I only put boyfriend in the title so it was shorter to explain.

    So, this guy I've been hanging out almost everyday with for a month now. He even came to stay with me for two weeks at my apartment, which is three hours away from my hometown. We do mess around but I don't want anything serious. Anyway, I came home from college because one of my relatives died. We hung out last night because I didn't want to drive alone to drop my friend off at a party since she was already drinking. Once we dropped her off, he started to drive back to town and everything was fine. Then he had asked me for $20 and I looked at him like "what the heck?" and immediately said "Psh, no way. Why would I do that?". After I said that, his mood completely switched. I had never seen him so mad. While he was driving said, "Just give me some fucking money!", as he punched the inside of my windshield with his right hand.

    After that he said, "Call the police then!" and I was grabbing my iPhone 6s and about to unlock it and he takes it from my hands. Puts the phone under his leg and then I tried grabbing it but he kept pushing my hands away and said "Stop! I'm driving I'll go back to where you picked me up."

    Then we get there, since its just down the street where he smashed the windshield, he parks on the side of the road in front of the house. As soon as he parks he tries hugging me and says, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" over and over. I kept pushing him off me and I said, "Get out and leave! I don't want nothing to do with you". But he wouldn't leave and so I was opening up my side of the door and he shut it three times before I could finally get out. Then he said, "What are you doing you're going to cause a scene!" and I said "I tried not to but now I have to since you won't get out." So I started to talk louder outside saying, "Hello! Can anyone help me? Can anyone help me?", and as I said that he angrily shut my car off and threw the keys at me and got out of the car and threw my iPhone on the cement and busted into pieces.

    He then tried to push me around but I grabbed my keys and the remains of my phone. He then starts walking in the alley and I told the people he was staying with what happened. They said he's not allowed there and the doors are all locked. I am not sure where he walked to. But I had went to my friend's house and she came with me to go make a police report and they said they will charge him with Vandalism.

    I have to go back to college tomorrow, Monday. Of course my luck I start training at a new job at the mall on Monday too. I am unsure what to do since I haven't told my parents yet and they are paying for my phone and car insurance.

    Do I stay in my hometown longer since no auto shop is open on Sundays where I am or do I go back to college with my windshield cracked and no phone? What kind of process should I expect from this situation? Will there be court? Will I be reimbursed? I am not sure what to do. Also, I apologize for the overuse of "he" I didn't want any names. Takes place in North Dakota. Any advice appreciated.

    submitted by /u/catkay240
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    I’m pretty sure my whole unit is illegal by California code, and last night my floor broke, causing me to fall through and injure myself.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    What actions can I take? My landlord is specifically cheap and will fight me tooth and nail, but my floor is rotting and I fell through it.

    My concern is that my apartment will be condemned. I live in an attic. All the wiring is on the outside of the walls. The floor is rotting to the point that my right leg broke clean through to the floor below.

    I live in a very expensive part of California (oakland), where housing is hard to find. If I have been living in a death trap for 3 years, am I entitled to any return on my rent? What are my options? I do not have much money.

    submitted by /u/TEARCOVEREDPENIS
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    HOA demands that I give them a house key. Really?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    The HOA sent everyone, not just me, a letter saying that they're going to have some work done on the gas lines and they need keys to all the houses so they can go in and shut off the gas, and make repairs if necessary. If we don't give them a key, they threaten to call a locksmith and the police, and bill us.

    I'm not cool with giving maintenance workers a key to my house! Does this sound legal? I live in Texas.

    submitted by /u/theglandcanyon
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    Suing nail salon and having my toe cut open

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:24 AM PDT

    Hi! Sorry for formatting problems, I'm on mobile.

    I'm in NYC if that matters. The salon was in Lodi, NJ

    So in mid February I got a pedicure, and the woman doing it cut me with one of the tools. I thought nothing of it, because since it's a nice salon, they must sanitize their tools right!? I saw her pull the tools out of a plastic drawer bin but I thought they were probably clean.

    My big toe on my left foot started hurting a few days after I got the pedicure, but I just thought I was getting an ingrown or something. Slowly it started getting swollen, and yesterday puss started to ooze out of it.

    I went to the ER instead of working on a huge project due Monday, and since I'm in university, I can't exactly miss doing any work. They had to cut my toe open to get all of the puss out. I can barely walk now, and I have to miss class because I am in pain since I got this procedure done.

    Would I be able to possibly sue the nail salon for not sanitizing their tools and giving me an infection that's costing me my gpa?

    submitted by /u/tatakaa
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    Haven't filed taxes in 10 years. Don't know where to start.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    I've struggled hard through adulthood; this year I was diagnosed as bipolar. I got treatment and finally got a lot of high risk behaviors in line. I have lived like tomorrow wouldn't come for years. I just felt like, in my lifestyle, death was imminent anyway. I'm alive and changing my life for the better.

    There are a lot of past messes and debts I'm dealing with. One is that I haven't filed my taxes in a very long time. I managed to keep jobs and get paid despite my life otherwise being a wreck. Like many of my choices, I don't understand why the hell I did this. I'm pretty sure I'm owed refunds. I've gotten no bills or correspondence from the IRS.

    I don't know how to best protect myself moving forward. I can file them myself (have the business / accounting experience), and would rather avoid the costs of a lawyer with all my expenses. But I understand if it's to cover my ass I need all options on the table. I can't sleep at night right now and need to move this dark cloud from over my head.

    [EDIT: One confound: Two places I worked are out of business. I'd like to request a wage and earning transcript from the IRS, but I'm concerned this will place me on their radar by creating an irs.gov account or requesting so many years. I'm gathering the docs I have to see what I'm missing.

    Location is United States, Missouri.]

    submitted by /u/throwawaytaxday
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    Protecting my sisters from their Dad

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 01:49 AM PDT

    Location: Australia

    I've been caring for my sisters aged 12 & 14, their father was abusive and hasn't seen them in 6 years. When he found out they live with me he filed a recovery order which was rejected in court, but he now knows which school they go to, our address was suppressed. We live in different states, but I'm afraid of him coming over and waiting for them at the school, we live just down the road and I'm afraid of him following them home, I have my own children. Firstly, could I call the cops if he did show up, could it be considered stalking? My sisters asked for no contact and are scared of him. Should I get them a phone to call me just in case or just walk with them everyday? I basically just want to know how to handle this, whether it's legal advice or not I'm not sure. Thankyou

    submitted by /u/anonymousfemalehuman
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    Started new job, Social Security flagged as restricted

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    Im an American citizen, born in the US on an American military base. My social security was flagged as restricted in my employers system, saying I need INS and DHS permission to work. Luckily I could use my birth certificate to finish registering as an employee.

    Im nervous to go to the Social Security office near me for fear that my race was the reason it was flagged. Do not want to jepoardize my employment, even if its cleared up eventually.

    Edit: Location - Florida

    Edit: My question is what reason could a social security be flagged like this, and how can I cover my ass as far as reprsentation goes. Ill need to sort this with the Social Security office but how can I make sure Im not taken advantage of or put in a vulnerable position especially concerning my employment?

    submitted by /u/socialthrowaway2001
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