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    Monday, March 25, 2019

    Startups Anyone else feel like there’s a cultish feel and overuse of the book The Lean Startup?

    Startups Anyone else feel like there’s a cultish feel and overuse of the book The Lean Startup?

    Anyone else feel like there’s a cultish feel and overuse of the book The Lean Startup?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:07 PM PDT

    There are some people who I talk to and they will allude to that book for EVERYTHING related to entrepreneurial ventures, ideas.

    Its always MVP, its always this way of testing the brand, product, etc, and I think its way overused, especially by people who have not built companies.

    It seems to serve some people like a bible of startup, some infallible truth. But the author isn't some rockstar like wayne huizenga, or steve jobs. Yes, failure can teach you how to do the right thing, but it's not like he failed a bunch then started hims and uber.

    I just personally think there's a bit of a weird vigilance around the book, to its fans. Any one else encounter that?

    submitted by /u/jamesldavis1
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    Should I focus group test the name of my company?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    My sister is quite in love with design think and the teachings of The Lean Startup.

    I'm inclined to trust my intuition as I have done in the past with naming things, as it seems to work out, but wondering what people here have done as far as naming with or without market feedback.

    Ultimately the only downsides to market testing it is any expense and effort incurred, and that the testing group might not be sufficiently large enough and may not simulate real world thinking enough and may lead me to name it something I don't trust in and isn't in the end, as marketable

    (Her impression is that good companies market test their names, but I'm not so sure google, facebook, uber, slack, snapchat did that)

    submitted by /u/jamesldavis1
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    Start up just got funded Looking for Advice

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    Hello everyone hope you all are enjoying your sunday. My cofounder and I have just received 120k in funding for our VR concept. I have a couple of questions but feel free to drop any knowledge you think would be helpful along this journey.

    Question 1: Africa or Bangladesh Vs San Francisco for building our beta product. We were looking towards out of the country to be able to stretch our funds until our beta is out to begin bringing in revenue.

    Question 2: If you guys or gaks received 120k in funding where would relocate to build and why?

    Thank you in advance for anyone who has or will respond. For the people who think they should stop building because they haven't gotten support or funding DONT STOP ITS JUST THE BEGINNING.

    submitted by /u/justgotfunding
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    Why would an employer cancel and reissue stock options?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    Finding a Big investor in a short period of time. How realistic it?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:22 PM PDT

    I mean an investor that's willing to give $30 Million?

    I'm a Canadian citizen and live in Canada, but I now am planning to go back to the country I am originally from, to start a big business. (can't say which country, somewhere in Asia).

    I've always been an entrepreneur and pretty much unemployable here in Canada. My elder brother who lives in that country is running a growing business, and makes close to $800K after taxes and everything, which is good, but not a lot of money. It's still a small business.

    But we see a gigantic opportunity in 2 niches in that country - no competitors yet and timing is so great that everything is ripe for disruption.

    The only problem is that we need substantial funding to build a necessary infrastructure for our company and hire more people and scale. And I mean I need at least $25-$30 Million dollars! Yes that sounds huge now, but we can make much more than that if invested.

    I 100% believe that we can make around at least $90M-$100M annually in just 6-7 years from now... but only if we invest around $25-$30M to build a necessary infrastructure for our business ( logistics centers, automation tech, avgs, also smaller expenses like Tesla-semis trucks, and hire some smart engineers, etc.)

    Here's the thing - finding $1M investment is not a problem me, we can do that.

    However finding a bigger and long-term investor who can back us with $30M or more is a real challenge in that country (VC as an industry is in early stages of development).

    What advice can you give me in this situation?

    Do you think it's a good idea to register a new company in Canada and do business that country as a Canadian startup? And start with less than $30M? I want to assure potential investors that they won't lose their money. The worst case scenario for them - they get their money back and lose some time.

    I've never sought for investors' money and always avoided it, but now we can grow and scale pretty fast, only if we get a serious funding. I've been thinking of contacting some Chinese investment companies, in case I am not successful with US, Canadian investors.

    What can you tell about Chinese VCs?

    How realistic or difficult to find a big US/Canada investor that can bet $30 Million in some Asian country? The good thing is that their investment will be safe, I mean our situation is a fool proof business. We've found our secret sauce:) and I know how to keep the competitive advantage in that area.

    What advice can you give me in this situation? Where do I begin? or at least can you recommend me a company or service that will help me with finding the right investment company?

    Thanks, Merci!

    submitted by /u/maxt11
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    Buzz words

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    Ok so I'm in the beginning stage of writing my business proposals and defining my purpose/elevator pitch etc and I want to know your opinion on buzz words.

    I have a ton of buzzwords I truly believe in but once I see it on paper or say it out loud or practice it in networking it sounds cheesy

    I also wonder what you think about buzzwords when they're a consumer facing.

    Not sure if the regular consumer sees it but nowadays when I look at businesses' about sections, if there are too many buzz words I roll my eyes. Do you feel the same way?

    Some context: I want to make a product based company and challenge the current way of making stuff

    Some examples I do believe in fully: - circular economy - sustainability - innovative technology - direct to consumer - locally made - customizable

    Examples that although they ARE my goals, I want to stop saying because they're too cheesy - building a solution - revolutionizing the current production/manufacturing cycle - although my purpose is sustainability I almost don't want to use that word anymore I hear it SO often

    submitted by /u/jjttorque
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    Producing a similiar product as an acquaintance's brother

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    Good evening, a few weeks ago i was at acquaintances house and the brother was prepairing his product in his garage. The product is pretty requested and i'm sure i could the a similiar good product but different design. Before i start making more thoughts on how to proceed, i would like to confront the brother, that i will produce a similar product. I dont want to ask the brother for permission, but i want to tell him, that i will make my own design and wont be a rival or so.

    What do you think about the idea? How should i confront the brother with these news? What would you like to hear in the brothers position?

    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry for any wrong grammar, not native english speaker.

    submitted by /u/Ombrecutter
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