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    Sunday, March 24, 2019

    Accounting But is it worth it?

    Accounting But is it worth it?

    But is it worth it?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    Week 13 of Busy Season

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 06:07 AM PDT

    Which one of you fellow accountants did this?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    Never working with Robert Half again

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    Throwaway story time. Whenever there are threads on this sub about external recruiters or Robert Half, I'm among the people that think "ah they're not so bad." This is because I got my current job at a cool small company in industry 2.5 years ago from a random call from a guy at RH, but in retrospect I think it was completely dumb luck/timing rather than any particular skill/effort on the recruiter's part.

    My job as Accountant is part general accounting/part FP&A and I wanted to move to a job that was mostly FP&A, especially since I had FP&A experience in contract jobs previously. Started working with a recruiter at RH and was upfront I was looking for Financial Analyst jobs, which initially he agreed to. Over time he started pushing me more towards Senior Accountant roles with no FP&A, telling me it would be difficult for me to get a Financial Analyst job, or actively discouraging me from applying to Financial Analyst jobs I saw posted with RH/telling me he'd look into it and never get back to me. This really mindfucked me into thinking my self-assessment of my skills/experience was all wrong. Other bullshit:

    • Calling me in the middle of the work day (knowing I was still working at my current company) to pitch me a shitty job instead of just sending me a goddamn email
    • Calling me in the middle of the work day again to follow up about whether I've read his email, which I had replied to the night before turning it down ("oh sorry I haven't checked my email yet" -- what?)
    • Unprofessional when asking why I'm turning down these jobs -- ex. Me: Sorry, it's not a good fit / Him: "WHY'S THAT??" instead of "What's concerning you about this job?" or "Ok sure" Uhhh because the job is exactly what I told you I don't want to be doing in my next career move? Maybe I'm being nitpicky but it completely rubbed me the wrong way
    • Getting calls from Robert Half's temping side, asking me if I'd be interested leaving my permanent FT job for 2-month Accountant contracts

    Eventually after getting zero interviews from this guy, I received an offer from a large public company as a Senior Financial Analyst (applied directly). FWIW later in my job search I was also working with a nice recruiter from a boutique agency who was also pitching me FP&A jobs -- so much for "it will be difficult for you to get a job in FP&A.". His colleague called me to follow up with a job I had previously expressed interest in. I let him know thanks but I've just accepted a job offer elsewhere. I never heard from the first guy again and assumed the other guy let him know.

    Fast forward to last Friday, it's been about 2 weeks since I gave my four weeks' notice. My boss forwards me an email from the first guy introducing himself as a recruiter and saying "I heard from someone in my network that your Senior Accountant has left the business" and basically pitching himself to find my replacement. Immediately I was furious. I've calmed down since then, reminding myself I already gave notice and my boss and I have a good relationship (he was asking for my opinion on whether we should use this guy to help fill my role). But at the same time I'm still pissed that not only was this guy completely useless in helping me, actually made me question my experience/career goals, and wasted my time, now he is using his knowledge of my departure to generate a new sales lead for himself in the most tactless, fucking ham-fisted way possible. He could've said "hey I see we placed u/throwaccountant with you two years ago and his LinkedIn shows he's still there. Must be going well, are you interested in expanding your accounting team?" Instead he blows any sense of confidentiality out of the water. Not to mention he had no idea when my new job started. What if I hadn't given notice yet because my new job wouldn't start for a couple months? I've thought about emailing this guy to call him out on his unprofessionalism and cc his manager but maybe they won't even give a shit. Seriously fuck Robert Half.

    TL;DR: Shitty recruiter makes me question my skills and experience, then uses knowledge of my upcoming new job to (poorly) try and score a lead with my company to find my replacement.

    submitted by /u/throwaccountant
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    4 Exams in 5.5 Weeks

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    First, let me preface this with a huge thank you to my family and my work for allowing me time to dedicate towards studying. Thank you also to this community for answering study questions and for all the memes to keep me sane. I don't think I would personally have come close to passing these exams without all this support.

    Thinking about writing this post and actually writing this post both make me feel like an a-hole, but I am writing this for 2 reasons:

    1. I couldn't find anyone online doing such an expedited strategy when I was deciding whether to undertake this task. There was an immense fear that my time would be in vain. I had only my own assumptions to lean on and suggestions from co-workers who were rightfully skeptical. I wanted to give anyone else that may consider this strategy confidence that this is very much possible with the right commitment

    2. I try to have reasonable humility in real life, but in actuality I am ecstatic to have accomplished this goal and want to shout from the rooftops.


    I used Becker because it was provided by my firm. I watched 90% of the lectures (missing some in AUD and a lot in BEC due to time constraints). I didn't underline or take notes with the instructors, just tried to be present and focus on what was emphasized. I tried to do as many multiple choice questions as time would allow while really trying to absorb the explanations of those I got wrong or guessed. I didn't do a single task based simulation except for those on the practice exams. I thought that if I worked to truly understand the concepts behind the multiple choice questions, I should be able to reason through any task based simulation. I made sure to do all three practice exams and review every answer in detail even if that meant taking all three exams and reviewing them the day before my exam. My main theory was that no matter what I get through or don't get through in the material, if I could at least know the practice tests inside and out, I would understand enough on exam day. These exams were by far the most valuable part of the study material in my opinion. I also didn't really study on exam day to minimize the brain drain from staring at so many multiple choice questions.


    Exam: FAR – 16 study days – 87

    Exam: REG – 10 study days – 84

    Exam: AUD – 6 study days – 89

    Exam: BEC – 3 study days – 81

    My 2 Cents:

    Each test felt like I failed, especially BEC. I have heard from others, that if you feel like you passed you almost always fail, and if you feel like you fail, you almost always pass (unless you didn't really study at all). AUD had the most curveballs that I hadn't seen before. AUD was also the most boring to get through while studying. FAR and REG felt pretty straightforward as to what I studied. TBS seemed longer on the test than from BECKER. Average study time was probably 7.5 hours a day, every day with much much longer days for the last two sections. If I had to go back in time, I would take two days from FAR and add one to BEC and one to AUD. I would also watch all the lectures at 1.5x speed, since I didn't notice that feature until my very last day of studying. I would recommend others to consider my method if you feel you have a brain that responds well to cramming and time opportunity to not be working. I am also biased because I am a highly impatient person so going hard was always going to be my inevitable path.

    Lastly, Gearty doesn't get the love Olinto does but I loved them both. Thanks Tim and Pete!

    TLDR: Passable method: all/most lectures and MCQs, ignore TBSs, take all 3 practice exams.

    submitted by /u/cpathrowawayyy
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    kill me

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    What do you hate the most about public accounting?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 06:31 PM PDT

    Did you have any straw that broke the camel back stories?

    submitted by /u/Adept_Feature
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    A+ controls

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:45 PM PDT

    Feeling like I finessed my way to my degree, scared for real world

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    Currently I am a junior, I have an internship lined up at a Big 4 this summer, but I feel like I know nothing compared to many of my peers. I do enough to learn the material well enough to pass the class and then basically forget about it after that. I've managed to get around a B or higher in all of my accounting classes which isn't terrible but I feel like many of my peers are getting 95's and higher.

    I feel like once it comes time to work and take the cpa I'm going to know so little because I never really put forth the effort to really learn the concepts well enough to sink in.

    Did I fuck up or will most of my skills and knowledge come from actual work and training? Will I struggle with the CPA exam?

    submitted by /u/thro122333
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    VT or UVA

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 09:09 PM PDT

    I a, choosing between VT (full ride) and UVA (20k) Master of Accounting. I am an international and my goal is to get into big 4 after my grad school. Which school is more suitable for me? Also UVA might get a STEM designation, so how much would this help me staying in the US?

    submitted by /u/amhegazi15
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    Just got laid off

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 05:34 PM PDT

    I have 3 years of accounting experience. I haven't passed any parts of the CPA yet. My company merged and my position got eliminated. I'm desperately searching for a new job- under what title? What are good staff positions listed as?

    I have shot up my black tar heroin BTW

    submitted by /u/ecupatsfan12
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    I work. I die. I work again. Joys of busy season....

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    1040: Post-it Edition

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 05:11 PM PDT

    How can you look like a team player while still meeting your own goals and focusing on your personal life?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    I got pretty good reviews, but one of the criticisms that I received is that I could be a better team player. Historically I have received pretty high ratings in that category, but I struggled balancing my schedule with busy-season hours this year. I do a lot of stuff like work out four days a week, volunteer on weekends, and I have a social life, so I go out and do stuff on Friday/Saturday nights. I'm also pretty health-conscious, so I try to eat well and get 8 hours of sleep.

    This led to some tensions with the team, as I had to be firm with them to be able to meet my own commitments. While I worked the same amount of hours as them, this meant I wasn't always there 100% of the time they were, and I worked a bit more on the weekends than they did. I also wouldn't order food with the team most of the time, because they would order some pretty unhealthy stuff. I communicated my schedule with the manager and he was fine with it, but I still think these tensions were why I didn't get the best rating in that category.

    I honestly am not sure what I could have done, though. I could have been a people-pleaser, showed up when everyone arrived and left with everyone else, not worked out, ate the unhealthy food the team ordered, but I feel like that would be the wrong thing to do. The issue is everyone else on the team is doing these things and conforming, so it makes me look bad when Im the only one doing things differently. These problems all result from the time crunch of busy season, so I'm probably not going to face them again until next year, but I'm wondering if you guys have any advice for being able to balance personal vs. the team. Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/prospectiveCFA333
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    Anyone here a CISA?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    For non-IT auditors, did you have trouble meeting the 5 year experience requirement (really 2 years if you have a degree and 1 war experience in general audit)?

    Has it made a positive impact on your career?

    submitted by /u/PhilTippettFromJP
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    They know us all too well

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:22 AM PDT

    Advice on accounting class schedule

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:33 PM PDT

    I have 10 more classes to go until i graduate and Im seeking advice on how much i can realistically cram into this summer semester. I work full time but attend school part time mostly. These are all online classes but from an in-person (real) school.

    Summer session 1: Computer based accounting w/ Advanced accounting OR principles of finance

    Summer session 2: Cost accounting II w/ Advanced accounting OR Advanced accounting problems

    If you recommend saving any of those for fall/spring full length semesters, that would be helpful as well.

    submitted by /u/madmax79818515
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    Looking for a CPA in Greater Seattle area

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:29 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is the best place (or if it's even allowed) but I thought I'd try out good old reddit.

    To make it brief, I am a self-published writer with multiple facets of revenue. I've been going to H&R block for the last two years now but my income has gotten to the point where I feel like I need a CPA that I actually keep in touch with and can get financial advice from instead of meeting once a year and giving him/her my financials.

    Ideally, I'd like someone that's worked in the writing/arts industry but it's not necessary.

    Forgive me if I sound ignorant since this really isn't my area of expertise. Even if no one is interested, if anyone can point a finger in the direction of the best place to find such an accountant, I'd be grateful!

    Thank you,

    submitted by /u/TurtleMe93
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    To put or not to put current experience

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 09:02 PM PDT


    I don't know if this is the right place to ask this but I know you guys can answer this.

    So, my spring Internal Audit internship starts on April 1st. I am also considering IT as I am starting to not like accounting. My university has this IT job available for students and the deadline to apply is April 8th. My question is would it be okay to put the internal audit internship duties on my resume after April 1st but before April 8th so that it looks like I have more professional experience, even though I would only have 1 week of my internship experience under my belt? Or would this come off badly? Should I apply to the IT job without listing this internship?

    submitted by /u/Zwarrior98
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    For those who left "early" in public accounting how is your career?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    Currently working in (B4) I'm starting to fantasize more and more about leaving this job. I get that staying will technically "lead" to better exit opps, but i've done the cost benefit analysis and I would rather make $90k+ as a senior accountant and have all my weekends back. Right now my life seems to just pass by post and during busy season.

    submitted by /u/Adept_Feature
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    What do interns do in conferences in Florida?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:31 PM PDT

    I heard there's one for EY interns around the end of July. Is it a must to go? Will I learn anything there that is relevant to what I'll be doing when I start full time?

    submitted by /u/bubumaelou
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    Managerial Accounting Question

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:28 PM PDT

    So i have homework to complete a variable income statement and was wondering if i messed this up at all. I'm mostly concerned with if i'm supposed to put the ending inventory anywhere on it.


    submitted by /u/Pipns
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    cpa exam question

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:24 PM PDT

    does the work experience really need to be in public? or does that depend on the state? if u get the cpa in a certain state is it worse/better then getting it in another?

    submitted by /u/Odin16596
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