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    Friday, March 29, 2019

    Personal Finance Weekend Discussion and Victory Thread for the week of March 29, 2019

    Personal Finance Weekend Discussion and Victory Thread for the week of March 29, 2019

    Weekend Discussion and Victory Thread for the week of March 29, 2019

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    If you need help, please check the PF Wiki to see if your question might be answered there.

    This thread is for personal finance questions, discussions, and sharing your success stories:

    1. Please make a top-level comment if you want to ask a question! Also, please don't downvote "moronic" questions! If you have not received your answer within 24 hours, please feel free to start a discussion.

    2. Make a top-level comment if you want to share something positive regarding your personal finances!

    A big thank you to the many PFers who take time to answer other people's questions!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Am barebones as I can be. Still not making it. Advice?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Hey all, I've been reading over topics, and the biggest advice I see is "cutback." I am unsure where to cut back at this point and my area is a bit of a job desert.

    Income: EMT 11.25/hr. 36 hours a week. My bring home pay is approximately $660 every 2 weeks. Overtime has recently been forbidden unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. Scheduling is very much all over the place, making a part time job difficult.

    Rent: $550 Electric: $300 (on a budget plan from summer, currently paying $180/mo.) Internet: $50 Cellphone: 47.50 Car Insurance : 50 Gas: Varies slightly. Between $80-$100/month. Car is paid in full.

    My income is too high for assistance by approximately $5k/year...I've checked everywhere.

    The situation arose come winter time. It's my first year in this place, and the landlord informed me during winter - electric would run $150. ...it ran about $350, and I was as cold as I could tolerate. (about 60 degrees in my home), and I've been struggling to recover since. My diet consists of rice and eggs. Occasionally, I'll treat myself to a McDonald's meal after a long transport.

    I've got a few retro games to sell at this point, but as for anything else - I'm down to my desk/computer (my only real source of entertainment), bed/frame, and dresser...plus my kitchen items.

    The only place I can fathom saving would be internet...but...video games are genuinely my only source of entertainment. They're the one place I can socialize with friends for free.

    My lease is up in July, I want to try and find a new place to live...but...this place (rent-wise) is about as cheap as they come, and I'm unsure if I'll be able to come up with a security deposit.

    Jobs in my area...basically, gas/oil jobs. I'm an environmentalist, but still sold my soul to that devil for 2 years...it was more soul crushing than being poor now.

    I'd like to get out of EMS. I've been doing it for nearly 4 years, and I just...can't...anymore.

    Retail - less money than I'm currently making.

    I don't have any parents to turn to (long story), my brother is expecting a daughter in the next few months, and my sister bought me groceries last month - I can't keep reaching for a short term solution to this problem.

    ...can anyone offer any advice?

    Edit: There seems to be a general consensus in the thread. I appreciate you all taking the time. Thank you.

    Second Edit: Did a quick Google search (worst states to find a job), and mine is Number 1 on several, Number 2 on some others. ...looks like moving is my best option...now...to figure that out.

    Edit 3: I'm receiving a lot of posts about the insanity of my electric bill. At this juncture, it's basically determined this is due to baseboard heating in a not well insulated property.

    Final Edit: For those of you that weighed in, I'd just like to thank you all for taking the time out of your day to help me out. You've given me a ton of great advice, and it's all invaluable to have. Thank you again!

    submitted by /u/Extra_Guy
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    My parents just confessed to me that they used all their retirement income on my brother and i’s tuition. My parents are both 60. I need honest guidance/advice on what I should do to help them. I’m almost done college and have applied to many job openings.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 06:28 PM PDT

    Title says it all. Not asking for a handout just honest piece of advice to help them. I'm very stressed out about this. Thank you all for even taking the time to look & respond.

    submitted by /u/Jppry
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    Just saved 0.375% on our mortgage that we would have missed due to lender being lazy!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    If you're closing on a mortgage in the near term, make sure you press your lender for a rate adjustment. Per WSJ article from yesterday (3/28): " The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage fell to 4.06% this week, its lowest since January 2018, according to data released Thursday by Freddie Mac, the mortgage-finance giant. The rate was down nearly a quarter point from a week earlier, its biggest drop in over a decade. "

    I pressed our lender on a rate adjustment two days ago (3/27) after the news that the Fed had no plans to raise rates again in 2019. Our lender claimed that "Freddie was holding rates steady". I forwarded the quote above and asked him to explain. After some back and forth we're now closing and 4% vs the 4.375% we were quoted a month ago. This will end up saving us $5,500 in interest over our estimated hold. We will close a week later but given our circumstances this isn't an issue.

    I trust that this was laziness vs malice as he now needs to have it underwritten again. Aggravating and deceptive nonetheless. Just a reminder to watch out for yourself.

    submitted by /u/yahoo4ewe
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    Disputed a debt and they did not repond in time

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    Virgina. I worked for a residential real estate company last summer. They kept charging me for these desk fees months after I left. So I sent in a polite letter disputing their debt claim after they sent me an invoice ( it said I needed to dispute the They did not respond within 30 days after I disputed it with an itemized list of charges. Under the fair debt collection act , do I no longer have to pay them and it is unlawful to try to collect this? Outside of the 30 day time frame I got an itemized bill with a total bill that they finally reduced because of my calling them months prior, today. Do I have to pay this? I'm from Virginia. These are for desk fees and it's the real estate agency trying to collect. They say I have 10 days to pay or they will put lawyers on me in this most recent letter I received.

    The bill is for 300$ of desk fees. I'm reluctant to pay it because I did not make a dime the 6 months I was there.

    submitted by /u/jimmyeatflies
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    28 and stuck in a retail job, living with parents. Looking for a way out and for a way to get a real job

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    Edit- I appreciate ALL your comments and insights. Thank you all for your time and I will take each point carefully into consideration, form a gameplan, and update the situation as it unfolds in the future.

    Hi everyone, so here's my situation. I'm currently 28. I live in Chicago. Luckily I live with my parents so my only costs are 70 for my cell phone, and 150 for my dental Bill's each month, plus 80 for my bus pass, and around 150 a month for whatever I want to spend it on. I earn around 1500 to 1600 a month.

    The rest of my money I've been actively trying to save as much as I can. So far I have 1300 saved up so far. I can manage to save up around 1000 a month. I just started saving recently but I plan to keep going as long as I can. I'm bogged down in defaulted student loans so I can't pay them, as that would totally kill my income (450 a month!) And I have some minor credit card debt (under 700 total, nothing major).

    I want to buy a car to make transportation easier and also to give me a better opportunity to look for better jobs. But my main goals are to somehow find some sort of industry or industrial school in which I can learn a trade and have actual liveable income. Next goal would be to move out, as my parents are repatriating back to Europe in less than 2 years.

    Do you guys have any advice on the best ways to proceed, ideas on potential career routes I can look into, or what to do about the living situation in the future? I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed at this point and something's gotta give.

    Thank you greatly for reading and any ideas on helping me with a gameplan would be like a godsend. Thank you guys and gals so much in advance. All the best.

    submitted by /u/bubadmt
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    Massive PT bill, can I fight this?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    Pardon if this isn't terribly coherent but I'm freaking out.

    I went to a single session of PT after being referred to by a physician about my shoulder in the beginning of February. They charged me an initial bill of $235 for 20 minutes of eval and 15 min of suggestion exercises (which I thought was exorbitant already). I paid it nontheless thinking it would be the end of it. . .

    I just got stuck with ANOTHER bill of $251!

    This was the itemized bill:

    *Therapeutic Exercise 15 Min Pt $240.75

    *Pt Eval Low Complex 20 Min $457.00

    . .

    My network discount is only about $200 and I haven't hit my deductible of course.

    So I would pay $500 for 35 minutes of PT that wasn't even that great!

    I talked to the billing department after receiving my itemized bill and they just told me to fill out a financial assistant form, which being full time employed, I definitely won't pass.

    Do I have any recourse at this time or is this the most expensive lesson in the world to NEVER EVER go to PT??

    It's confusing because last year, I went to PT for a much worse injury and I paid probably about $700 for 6 sessions. Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/grooverequisitioner2
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    50/30/20 Rule Question

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    I am trying to create our personal budget and wanted to follow the 50% (needs), 30% (wants), 20% (savings) rule but I encountered a problem.

    What number do you guys base it on? Is it your net pay or do you add 401k contributions back in? What about HSA? I am contributing a large chunk to my 401k and DON'T get an employer match so I feel like by just looking at my net pay, I am almost incentivized to lower my 401k and HSA contributions to have a larger base. I know from a tax perspective that's not the smartest thing to do so I figured I could use my net pay but add 401k and HSA into both the total available and then into my savings column.

    TL;DR do you just use net pay or how do you determine your base for your 50/30/20 rule.

    submitted by /u/Jeepguy_EinsZweiDrei
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    Hate my new job, but it brings in the $$; help me semi-FIRE?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    I'm 24, and Ive recently started a new job paying ~73k/year. I'm in a situation (very low rent & costs) where I can save at least half of my monthly salary.

    The problem is, my job is stressful as hell (I'm sure others can relate!) I don't think I'll find another similar-paying job in this area in this field. I'm ok with working hard for a little while for more $$, but I'd eventually like to "retire" early in my mid 40's and switch careers to something low-stress (barista?) or where my passions are.

    I'm building up my emergency fund in a high-interest savings account, I'm contributing to my 401K, and I've opened a Roth IRA, where I'm contributing the max.

    What else should I be doing? Is my plan too far out of reach, or is it doable? TIA!

    EDIT EDIT: Thanks for the advice on how to deal with stress, but that really isn't my question! I would LOVE advice on the financial aspect of this, please

    EDIT: OKAY — maybe "hate" was poor word choice for the title! For those saying I shouldn't work a job I'm not content with, I can currently stomach my job, and there are a lot of perks that come with it.

    My issue is that I just really can't see myself working in such a high-stress position 20 years down the road, so I'm trying to prepare to "retire" (aka switch careers) in about 20 years. I don't mean I'm going to cash out and sit back in my hammock on a yacht. I'd just like to prepare financially so that, before retirement age, I can switch to a lower-stress, lower-paying position I'm more passionate about until I can truly retire.

    submitted by /u/MajesticChallenge
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    Husband got up and left in the middle of the night. Woke up this morning to $3000 withdrawn from our joint account

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    My husband left in the dead of night literally. We have our own personal account but our joint account has over 20,000. At the time of writing down from 50k. After a total of 25k was transferred yesterday. This is day two I've tried contacting him, called, texted, emailed. Nothing I live in Florida. I'm not too sure what to do. Can I have the money transferred to my personal account and remove my name from the account without him being present? I have three kids I need to look out for. I'll worry about everything else later.

    submitted by /u/throwaway678oe
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    Putting 15% Toward Retirement

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    So my wife and I are in a spot where we can start putting away the recommended 15% toward retirement. We both have 2 options each through our employers. I'm not looking for fund specific advice; really top level advice on options.

    Me: Civil service with access to TSP. Dollar for dollar match to 5% of pay. Traditional and Roth options. All matching is traditional, even if I go roth-only.

    Wife: Vanguard 401(k). Her company matches 20% of her contributions. Unsure of limit; looking into it. Traditional and Roth options.

    If we assume that together we can hit the $19k limit, what is our best approach between the 4 employer-sponsored options? If we're still not at 15% after maximizing those plans, I would assume basic investing in mutual funds will come next to fill out the 15%.

    I guess it's also relevant for matching calculations to know that I bring home a little less than double what my wife brings home per year.

    submitted by /u/NomadicLogic
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    Offered a new job but have other interviews pending. How to coordinate them without losing this offer?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    I was offered a job and the hiring manager is asking for my decision within the "next few days". I have a first round phone interview scheduled on Monday (for my top choice) so who knows how long this process will take. I have a final round scheduled for 4/8 (for my second choice).

    I plan to tell the HR person during the first round interview on Monday that I need to expedite the process. I also plan to reach out to the person who scheduled my final round interview on 4/8 to see whether I can move up this date. Do you think coordinating all of these will be possible without being forced to reject the offer? How many days do you think is reasonable before I get back to the hiring manager who gave me an offer?

    submitted by /u/pbf15
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    Amazon Business account

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    Hello, I want apologize if this post does not belong in this sub beforehand.

    I was recently offered a free upgrade to an Amazon Business account due to the high amount of electronic purchases on my personal account (I share it with my family). I am not a seller, and I don't plan on being one any time soon. The upgrade to business business will allow me to get special discounts on certain items, which is something I'd be interested in. If I move forward and decide to create this Amazon Business account, will I have to file for taxes as a corporation if I did not sell anything?

    Will this affect my financial aid?

    submitted by /u/Checks0verStripes
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    Another $3K Medical Bill - Not Understanding My Insurance

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 05:41 PM PDT

    I just got yet another medical bill for almost $3,000, and I honestly don't understand what is going on. I honestly think I am on the verge of hysteria. At first I cried, and then I just started laughing uncontrollably at the thought that I'm going to die destitute all because I tried to keep myself alive.

    My plan runs from 7/1/18 to 6/30/19. I thought that meant any deductible, out-of-pocket maximum, etc. would also apply to that period (e.g. if I met my OOP in December 2018, it would be met until 6/30/19). I met my OOP max in August due to three hospitalizations. Throughout the rest of 2018, I only owed my usual copays (doc visits, labs, ER copays, etc.).

    I was in the hospital again in February. I just got a bill for a little over $2,800--$500 for my deductible and $2,300+ for my coinsurance. None of it makes any sense to me. I thought the deductible was for the plan year. If you meet the deductible during the 12 months of the plan, isn't it met until the plan resets? Same thing with the OOP max/coinsurance amount.

    I looked up the claim in my insurance portal (I did not get it in the mail; I am just now getting EOBs for services provided in Feb. 2018, so I won't get the EOB for a while), and I don't understand the claim info, either. The hospital bill says they billed a total of $5,893.80, my insurance paid $5,529.08, and I owe $2,869.60. The claim form on the insurance portal says the hospital billed $4,821.80, the provider discount was $3,576.88, the allowed amount was $8,398.68, the hospital paid $5,529.08, and I owe a coinsurance amount of $2,369.60 and $500 toward my deductible. My coinsurance is supposed to be 70/30, so even if I had to pay 30% of the original billed amount ($5,893.80), that would only be a little under $1,800, not almost $2,400. Also, how can the allowed amount be nearly twice as much as the billed amount? The allowed amount is usually the difference between the billed amount and provider discount. For example, I had an ER visit in January that was billed at $5,114; the allowed amount was $790.83, and the provider discount was $4,323.17.

    None of it looks right to me, and I am so weary from dealing with this shit all the time. I already owe about $7,000 in medical bills (which I realize is not a lot compared to some people, so I am not trying to be insensitive), and this would be another $3,000 on top of it. I don't understand the amounts on the claim form, and I don't understand why if I am paying for a 12-month insurance plan, my OOP max and deductible would reset only five months after the plan year started.

    submitted by /u/ChewieBearStare
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    My mother in law wants an annuity. How do I find her a good one?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    Age 64, Female, widow. She wants to put $400,000 of her $620,000 IRAs into an annuity to guarantee her some income to go with her social security, assuring her a lifetime income. I don't think necessarily think this is a bad idea because she is pretty financially illiterate and I think the guaranteed income makes her feel comfortable. She wants to get away from any market risk.

    She went to a financial adviser who pushed one specific annuity on her which I later discovered they basically only did because it had one of the highest commissions in the industry.

    The only things she wants out of the annuity are 1. guaranteed income for the rest of her life. 2. some form of guaranteed death benefit for her 3 kids.

    How do I go about helping her find the best possible annuity for her? It seems like salesmen are only looking out for themselves, and when I search online the results are really confusing and there are seemingly infinite choices.

    Is there some kind of website out there that I'm unaware of where you can check boxes of what you want from an annuity and it spits out one with the absolute best rates?

    submitted by /u/Examiner7
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    Surprise termination today. Have around 3 months of expenses in savings. What are the best steps forward?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    What are the most commonly overlooked resources or pitfalls from here? Any advice is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LeoneVolpe45
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    Mom Claimed Me as Dependent in 2018 - I Think This Was Incorrect, However

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    Hey PF,

    My Mom has already filed her 2018 taxes and claimed me as a dependent. I have not filed mine yet. After reading IRS.GOV however, I am not sure she was eligible to do so, due to not meeting some of the tests. Here's a little background on my situation last year:

    I am 22, and graduated college in December of 2018. I was attending school full time from January 2018 - May 2018 where I lived off-campus and paid for expenses using loans. During the summer, I worked and made around $8k by living with my half brother's family (NOT my mom). They certainly helped out financially as I did not pay rent or any bills, but they did not contribute up to 50% of expenses for the year. In September - December I continued on in school part-time by living on-campus paying for everything myself through loans once again.

    So, to summarize:

    -I didn't live with my Mom at all during 2018

    -She did not provide any money to me in 2018 (or a very minimal amount--nowhere near close to 50%).

    -I provided more than 50% of my own support financially, through loans mostly (she tried to counter this saying her income got me the loans lol--they're all in my name only)

    Therefore, am I right in thinking I am not eligible to be claimed as a dependent by her, or anybody for that matter?

    Lastly, I spoke with her about this already, and she got really mad claiming I'm wrong. She said what does it matter anyway if we both say I'm a dependent, even though that is likely illegal, and that it won't affect my taxes that much. How can I calculate how much money I would save if I filed with no one being able to claim me?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Throwaway20192007
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    13k medical debt in collections, not sure what to do.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    Hi all! So as the title states, I racked up over 13 thousand in medical debt in October of 2017. Due to complications with my Medicaid and poor communication from the hospital, it got sent to collections before I could work out a payment through the hospital directly. Fast forward to now, that debt is split between 3 different debt collection agencies who are all hounding me for the money. I'm paying $50 (that's literally the most I can afford, I've already cut costs) a month to each and I feel like I am drowning. Every day this debt just consumes my every thought and every worry I have leads back to this debt I can't get rid of. Anyways, I am hoping to get some advice on what is the best action to take in my situation. 1. I've considered trying to get a loan so I can pay off the debt collectors and have just one monthly payment instead. Horrible idea or no???? 2. Family is telling me to file bankruptcy. I am 24 years old so they claim I am young enough that I can build my credit back up in decent time after that. But I've always had this notion that that's the worst route to take... 3. I have a court date in April for one of the collection agencies because they claim I am "not paying enough". Which is ridiculous and I'm pretty sure illegal. Is there a negotiation I can make with them there?? Please help, I am so lost and I am so close to faking my own death and running away into the mountains (kidding but also....not a bad idea)

    submitted by /u/ronbonjonnn
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    Mom wants me to put her house in my name, do any risks come to mind?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    My moms parents bought her his house 10 years ago when she got divorced and had no money. They paid cash it's completely paid off. My grandpa died recently and my grandma feels very urgent to get the house put in my moms name so that if my grandmother died the house would not have to be split between my mom and her sisters. (She knows she could put it in a will but is still concerned it would have to be split.) Anyway, my mom is over $100,000 in debt and does not want the house to be put in her name because it would be vulnerable to debt collectors and she plans to file bankruptcy soon. So to avoid this, my mom wants to put the house in MY name temporarily until she can get her finances together. I'm 23 and do not live there. I was immediately skeptical, I am very close with my mom, but under no circumstances do I trust her with money or my financial future.

    Are there any risks associated with the house being put in my name? Should I do this or is this a bad idea?

    I also emailed Dave Ramsey but he is yet to answer on air lol.

    Edit: Thank you so much everybody, I have officially decided I'm going to have to tell my mom I won't be doing doing this. Thank you for all of your thoughtful perspectives and advice!

    submitted by /u/bluemargmonday
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    Forced to go to ER, got bill for $12k, cannot afford

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 11:03 AM PDT

    "forced" in terms of my parents basically coming over to my house and diagnosing me and thinking i was having signs of a heart attack. Now, im stuck with the bill, and the hospital did nothing to help me except hit me with a bill. What do i do now?

    submitted by /u/Sinanbee
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    Question about how Roth IRA's work!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    So I know you can contribute $6,000 per year to the account and that you can only contribute to a Roth IRA if you're under a certain income, but I was wondering what happens if you contribute to a Roth IRA for a while because you are under the income limit, and then (by some miracle), my income goes above that, what happens to the money? Or are there penalties for taking it out or switching the type of account? Thanks for any and all answers!

    submitted by /u/HungryPeach
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    Home Buying: I'm confused about the role of price negotiations vs the appraisal

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 05:20 PM PDT

    So from what I understand, you find a house you like, you submit an offer, negotiate on price/terms, until the buyer/seller agree.

    THEN after that, the home gets appraised. From what I understand, the mortgage loan will only loan you enough money to cover the appraised value of the home. So if the home is appraised for less than the price you agree on, either the buyer has to pay the difference out of pocket or the seller agrees to reduce the price.

    But what happens if the home is appraised for less than the appraised value? Does the seller just lose out on that?

    Ultimately, what's the point of negotiating price if the home is just going to get appraised?

    I know negotiations involve terms, etc, as well but I still feel like I'm missing something conceptually here.

    submitted by /u/Machiavelli127
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    Exterminator money issue

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    If this not in the right place let me know.

    My mom has bed bugs, well had, she moved out. I work 2 jobs and live in my van, but was using her place to store medical supplies and some computer equipment. As a result of her moving, I had to move out as well. So my gf and I got an apartment together. But the bedbugs had nested on and in the boxes of my supplies (the suppress themselves are fine). Going to her place to pick up supplies and get mail delivered was fine, I don't have to worry about the bugs spreading. But getting all my supplies out allowed them to follow me.

    Now the apartment that my gf and I have together is also infested with the bedbugs. The apartment complex says that I need to pay for the exterminator, as it didn't have them before we came, but I don't have the money to do that. My gf already told them that we brought them over.

    Is there anyway that I can either get financial help, or have the complex pay for it? I live in Virginia, as I know that is relevant to legal stuff or for certain resources that may be available in certain states ,I just don't know what, if anything I can do.

    submitted by /u/anonymousart3
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    Roomate not paying rent-late fees+eviction notice.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    Long story short, I have the most irresponsible roommates on planet earth. Lately, one roomate sublease his room, and split a room with the other roomate. The thing is, he took his subleases rent and spent it, and hasn't paid his rent in the last 2 months as well, leading to an extra $2300 + in charges. The 2 roomates are complete idiots and it blows my mind, literally refuse to even talk about it.. seriously. Not only have we received another electric shut off notice, due to in a couple days, but This has now lead to our 2nd eviction notice, in 6 months!!, it was a 3 day notice. My thing is, I have been trying to email the landlord, as I have made every payment on time, yet she says something about a joint lease and blah blah. They also charged us 4 lates fee, each late fee is $235, 10% of total rent, but not outstanding balances, so if one person pays late, it is 50% of their rent! Again, she said joint lease she if one person doesn't pay rent on time it effects everyone. I move out in a couple months and can't fucking wait. But what can I do in the meantime. Do I have any protection against this? Can they charge late fees like this? Sorry to ramble, am on mobile.

    Thanks to all!

    submitted by /u/PyzzaGod
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    Investing advice for young adult with moderate inheritance

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 07:04 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I am a 20 years old college student and I recently came into a moderately large inheritance from a family member of about $35,000 that is currently sitting in a Barclays online savings account. The account earns 2.20% APY. Ideally, I would want to earn at least 3% a year to follow inflation but I am not exactly sure where I should be sending my money.

    I have already thought of possibly putting maybe half of the money into a Schwab index fund account, but with a bear market looming, I am extremely weary of tracking any kind of market at the moment. I know as a young adult, liquidity is important, but the only large bills I can see in near future is paying off student loans. If you have any ideas of how I can diversify or get a bigger bang for my buck it would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Bonjo13
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