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    Friday, March 29, 2019

    Legal Advice My lawyer was secretly working for my baby’s mother. Help?

    Legal Advice My lawyer was secretly working for my baby’s mother. Help?

    My lawyer was secretly working for my baby’s mother. Help?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    I went to court for custody of my daughter this past Tuesday in Georgia. I paid $1500 for a lawyer but was unaware that my lawyer was actually close friends with my baby's mother, who subsequently disregarded our plan for court and threw the case so my baby's mother would be given all her demands and I was unaware until we were physically in court. Papers have been filed saying that I work full time at my job when I'm only part time, that I'll have to start paying $450 a month before paternity is even proven, and that visitation will only occur every other weekend. This is far from what I wanted as I was seeking full custody. I don't have enough to pay another lawyer to fix what the last did and I don't have any witnesses to what occurred. Are there any steps I can take to get the ruling overturned given that most of the papers we filed were done under false pretenses and with the wrong information? Or if that isn't possible, what can I do to get the payments reduced or more time with my daughter?

    submitted by /u/PMicks17
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    After I cracked the door, police pushed it open on me (VA, USA) UPDATE

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 09:52 PM PDT

    [https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/b5q6ha/after_i_cracked_the_door_police_pushed_it_open_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app](Original Post)

    Background before yesterday's post:

    So, December 2018, I had a fall and fractured my wrist. It turns out, when police forced in the door on me, combined with cuffing me, he refractured my wrist. I've attached a report from 3/26, the day, the incident occurred.

    So, to summarize:

    1) I cracked the door open about 2 inches.

    2) 2 police officers, with no paperwork in hand, when I asked "what are the warrants for?"said they'd have to go check.

    3) arrived at my door stating I "may have outstanding warrants."

    4) I told them 3 times, In a runaround conversation, me: "what are the warrants for?", and they "we don't know" and me: "I will call the police station and if I have warrants out I'll turn myself in", and they: "no ma'am you need to come with us."

    4) Upon my fourth request for the warrants and statement I'd turn myself in, an officer pushed the door open on my body by force, with my right hand on the door.

    5) that same officer, agitated, then cuffed me by force, although I didn't resist.

    6)! During this time, my right wrist was refractured.

    7) During this time I was a female in under pants and t shirt, which I had already mentioned to them repeatedly.

    8) I stated I had some warrants three weeks ago but did not mention that I added already been arraigned on the charges (meaning quite a bit of time for the paperwork to update passed I had been arraigned a full week earlier).

    9) The officer who forced the door asked for my SSN. After some calm questions I provided it.

    10) After radioing in my info, I was uncuffed, as it was discovered I had turned myself in 3 weeks before for these warrants. The officer apologized "it had to go this way." I indicated that I've been researching my rights as a citizen and I had no idea they could burst in that way.

    11) the officers left with polite pleasantries.

    12) shortly after the adrenaline wore off, I noticed the pain in my wrist.

    13) later that say I went to a local medexpress and found my wrist had been refractured.

    So, with no warrant and ultimately asking for nothing more than my SSN, officers broke my wrist forcing my door in on me with not a stitch of paperwork allowing them to do so.

    I'm beyond angry. I cannot believe that these cops could behave so egregiously they not only completely ignored the 4th amendment but they basically started me completely over on the healing of my wrist.

    If anyone has comments, I guess i should maybe share on r/bola or r/legaladviceofftopic? Not sure which.

    Thanks to all who commented fairly on my original post.

    My proof: https://imgur.com/gallery/FwzdM8p

    submitted by /u/Whatchagonnadowhen
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    [OH] Nursing student was accused of "inappropriate touching" at clinical site (hospital). School is investigating, graduation in peril.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    Dear Legal Advice,

    Even coming to this sub to get this advice makes my heart heavy. I was informed just 8 hours short of a 130 hour clinical rotation that I was not allowed back on my clinical campus and my rotation was terminated.

    After a day's calling around distraught, my school's Compliance office was contacted with more details. I was accused of "inappropriate touching" by an employee of my clinical rotation, or someone who would have essentially been a coworker to me during my time on the floor (I was simply told 'not a patient', and as I literally was only on the floor and came and went completely alone, it would have to be an employee). I am gutted, as I have never had an issue like this in my life, and I did no such thing at any point in my life.

    I was told the process is now an investigation by my school to include the accuser and me and any witnesses, and that it can take up to 2 months. As I can't make up my last 8 hours, I am not considered competent to graduate. I have been an outstanding, competent student. I have worked in a hospital in an ancillary capacity for 10 years with stellar reviews and excellent coworker relationships. I literally already have signed for a job. This is obviously in jeopardy.

    Because of me knowing my conduct on the unit, my optimistic side is thinking this will work out. However, what should I be doing to most aggressively help myself. Is a lawyer a reasonable idea in my case? Does that even apply to my situation? I have no criminal complaint against me (can't believe this is even being typed, I'm just flabbergasted). I was told that the completed investigation was presented to a student council who had the power to essentially not do anything up to expulsion.

    Please someone help me. I'm a mess from grief and stress. I worked so hard and have been so proud of my success. This is just a disaster.

    submitted by /u/throwawayRNadvice
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    [NC] I was rear ended by a police officer at a red light

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    I was fully stopped at a red light in a right turning lane. In NC, you can turn right on red. I was creeping forward because my vision was slightly obstructed and then I braked again because I realized it was unsafe to turn. All of a sudden I feel a thud and I'm jerked forward. My coffee in the cup holder flew everywhere — including on me and my suit. I luckily was not burned or injured. When I got out of the car, the cop asked if I was ok and was assessing the damage. He said that it was my fault because I braked suddenly and in an unsafe manner. I disputed this and he said he has the whole thing recorded. He said my insurance will be responsible for the damage and he is filing a report. I know he's lying but what can I do when it's his word against mine? Not sure if he's bluffing about the whole thing being recorded or not.

    TL;DR: I was rear ended by a cop at a red light and he's accusing me of being at fault. It's essentially his word against mine. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/thephunnieman
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    Im an adult and my father put a GPS tracker on my car that he refuses to remove

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    I live in Philly my father lives in New York and the car has New York plates.

    I am 20 years old and the car was originally Co-signed with my mother but I have since paid off the car. I am the only person on the title. I pay for the car insurance on my own and all other car fees/maintenance. My father put a gps on the car when I got it when I was 18 and living in his home and I have since moved out and he refuses to tell me where the GPS is hidden and I am not able to find it. He will text me and comment on where I am or where I was like "How was the movie you saw?" "Staying late at work today?" and it scares me because he is an abusive person. I feel trapped and this causes a lot of an anxiety for me.

    submitted by /u/SuspiciousResponse6
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    My parents landlord gave my parents 24 hours to get their dog out of the house, when the dog is on their lease.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    My dad got a call from the leasing management saying he had 24 hours to get the dog off the property despite all dogs in the home being in their lease.

    The reason for this is that a neighbor reported my parents dog for "viciously attacking her dog" two days ago. My dad was taking the dog potty, had her on a lease since she was sicker then normal, and the lady walking her dog, allowed the dog on one of the extend leashes to go in my parents yard, our dog proceeding to jump eagerly on their dog once, my dad moved our dog away and put her inside, went out to talk to the lady, and she had left. Now she went to the management and told them this lie, saying his eye is kind of bulging out now, since our dog jumped and bite her dog viciously.
    My dad said he was there at the time, that his dog did not bite her dog, but if she accidentally scratched the other dogs eye, he'd happily pay for medical bills if she brought those to him, but she has not gone to the vet or have any photos showing injuries. My dad is freaked out about what to do. He told them if she has no photos or vet bills, or any proof that this vicious attack supposedly happened, why should he have to remove his old sick dog (13 year old shihtzu) that has no history of ever being violent or aggressive.

    What steps should my dad take to keep his dog and his home (it's his trailer and he's renting the plot of land)

    Location: Illinois

    submitted by /u/ameliabean13
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    "Baby Momma" tattooed our 13 year old daughter!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    This happened in WA. I just found out my kids mom tattooed our 13 year old daughters wrists. A flower on one and a heart on the other. There is no parenting plan or legal custody although I have been the sole provider for the kids for 7 years, we split up in 2012 ....3 years of which the kids and I lived in another state. I'm currently making a doctors appointment for blood work as I doubt they were done in a sterile environment. What I should I do? Press charges? I wish I had a tattoo gun so I could give her one on her forehead!!!

    submitted by /u/ripplerichXRP
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    Mom Lied To Father Saying I Wasn't His, But I Am.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit, this is my first time posting anything, so I apologize if I do anything wrong, please correct me.

    My situation is a little weird.

    This is in Texas. 20 years ago, my mom found out she was pregnant with me. When my dad found out, he asked her if I was his and she had told him no. That was that. As far as I know, he has never contacted my mother again for either a relationship with me or to get DNA tested.

    I recently found him (and a half brother) and wish to contact him but before doing so, I would like to know if there is anything he could do to my mom.

    Basically, what legal actions could he take against my mother for lying to him and saying I wasn't his, when I am?

    submitted by /u/throw2981
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    Ex-Tenant of the house we own is threatening to call the police if we do not forward the packages she is having sent to our address.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    My wife texted me today saying someone who used to live in our house as a renter came banging on our door this morning. She didn't answer the door, but she found a note from this person saying if we do not forward the packages she is still having sent to our house she is going to call the police. Can she do this? And are we in any way legally obligated to forward her packages? I'm thinking no but would like to confirm.

    What should I tell her when I call her up to discuss this other than fix her address on the sites she orders items from and get bent?

    Edit: I live in Oregon by the way. Got a message to add the location to my post.

    submitted by /u/born_again_atheist
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    Car totaled by taxi driver who ran a red light, taxi companies insurance denying remainder of claim because THEIR driver was uninsured, can I go after the company for having an uninsured driver?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    This occurred back in December, 2016 in Savannah GA. A taxi driver for a well known company ran a red light ( texting and driving ) and totaled my vehicle. The vehicle was less than 6 months old, and paid off in full ($26,000). I filed through my insurance company and received a payout for the vehicle of $18,000 roughly, with a $2,000 deductible. My insurance company has been fighting with the taxi companies insurance to retrieve the money lost in the deductible, but the cab company is refusing liability because the driver wasn't insured. Am I in legal bounds to go after the Taxi company for having an employee operating a vehicle illegally working for them? I would like to at the minimum receive the money for my deductible, but feel maybe there is more that can be sought after due to the company having an uninsured driver? There were no injuries. Any advice as to who I should speak to? My insurance company advised potentially trying to sue either the driver or the cab company, I'd prefer to go after the cab company because they should not have a driver who is not insured to begin with. Not sure which type of lawyer to speak with , and if I would potentially be able to sue the company for more than my deductible?

    Thanks everyone , sorry for the long read.

    TLDR: Taxi driver ran red light - totaled my vehicle. Taxi company refusing to payout full amount due to the taxi driver not having car insurance. Can anything be done against the company?

    submitted by /u/teachme2save
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    15 year old left with parents ex. NH

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    My nephews father left his ex and is living in his car, leaving my 15 year old nephew behind. The ex is nice but is not able to continue caring for my nephew and she shouldn't have to. My nephew wants to come here to stay with me in TX but Dad won't sign anything. School here only requires notarized letter from parent that he lives here. I am currently unable to fly out to NH for court until May possibly June.

    Nephews mother is on board for him staying here but doesn't have physical custody. Unsure if she has legal decision making rights.

    1) if she does can she sign letter and send him here

    2) if she does not, is there anything my nephew can do that doesn't involve contacting CPS to get here?

    3) is there anything I can do from tx to get him here?

    submitted by /u/avakaine
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    [TX] While my wife and I are out of town, landlord decides to repave apartment parking lot and tows wife's car without providing any notice.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    [TX] My wife and I decided to spend our spring break with my family, so we hopped in my car, left town, and returned 6 days later. When we returned, we discovered that the parking lot where we left her car had been repaved and the car was no where to be found. I explained the situation to the apartment office, and they waved me off and told me to contact the towing company (who still haven't returned my calls).

    When we returned to our room we found a note taped to the door regarding the lot maintenance (which had apparently been done 4 days before we returned). However, the office does have record of our ownership of the vehicle and all our contact information and made no further attempt to contact us.

    We have yet to receive any formal notice or ticket that the car was towed. I understand this may just be a case of bad timing and miscommunication, but my question is: do we have any ground to stand on if we request a towing hearing?

    Edit: Tow Hearing, Section VI https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/towing/consumerinfo.htm

    submitted by /u/Ranebuggz
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    Divorced and Co-Parenting : my son found a gun in my ex wife’s nightstand (he is 6) and pointed it at his 10 year old sister.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    My relationship with my ex is good but this is horrifying. She told them where the gun was and just told them not to touch it. My son found it and pointed it at his sister. My ex basically did nothing. Just yelled at him etc.

    I no longer feel I can trust my ex to be a responsible parent. That was (in my opinion) very dangerous and irresponsible.

    My question is do I have any legal recourse to get custody shifted to me and supervised visits with mom?

    The current situation is I have them Thursday at 4 until Sunday at 4. They go to school in her county. Then I get extra time on the holidays and summer vacations. I live in a much larger and more stable home. Have a better job.

    I don't want to be up at night worrying about what could happen over there. Please someone help me.

    Kids aged 10, 7, and 6. They all have expressed a deep desire to come live me with me and their new half sister.

    submitted by /u/fruitcommander
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    House in the woods has been throwing trash into the forest. Can I do anything about it? [MA]

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    One day, my friend and I went to our favorite hiking trail and decided to take a different path (but a well established one) to try something new. At one point on an incline, we stopped to admire the scenery. My friend got something lodged in the bottom of his shoe and when he picked up his foot, there was a relatively big piece of broken glass stuck in the sole (did not penetrate into the shoe but left a decent cut in the sole). We looked at the ground and all around us was broken glass of various sizes and colors (honestly don't know how we didn't notice before as it was EVERYWHERE). We looked up a hill behind us (which the trail did not lead up to) and I could see what looked like even more glass. Intrigued, we walked off the path and up the hill (being extra careful with all the broken glass) and found a HUGE pile of beer bottles, some broken, some not. Basically, there was a lone house in the middle of the woods with a driveway leading out to main roads (but no other houses around). They had a metal fence with beer bottles tossed over on the left side and a straight pile of garbage (literally trash bags full of regular household garbage) on the right side. As their entire backyard was a hill, some trash got chucked deep into the woods, some stayed in a pile just over the fence, and a good amount had begun sliding down the hillside opposite where we had hiked. From the trail, you couldn't see much besides the broken glass all over the ground, but if you hiked up the hill, there was garbage all over that appeared to have been chucked clean over the fence.

    We took pictures of the area: the garbage, the broken glass on and off the trail, and a picture of the house's fence with the garbage (so you could see that it clearly looked thrown over). I also dropped a pin on my phone so we could find this place again if we needed to.

    I'm absolutely disgusted as it was an absurd amount of litter, like someone said "eh fuck it, I live in the woods, who gives a shit?" I'm also upset that there was a decent amount of broken glass on the actual trail (assumingely from them throwing beers bottles which shattered on trees or the ground and sprayed glass) and families use these trails!

    Can I do anything about this? Or am I out of luck if they own all the property? Are my pictures of the fence and garbage not enough since they could claim someone else has "probably been putting their own trash here?" I assume w could also get in trouble for trespassing, right? Could I still get them for the glass that's all over the public trail and the garbage that has slid down deeper into the woods?

    Edit: Forgot a word

    submitted by /u/kdropdaddy
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    Red light ticket when my car was supposed to be getting tires changed, several blocks away from shop

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    This is in Maryland. Today I got a red light ticket in the mail. Its a route I take sometimes on weekends and figured I made a right on red somewhere that I wasn't supposed to of it until I looked at the date which happened to fall in the middle of the week, during my normal working hours. Meaning, I wouldn't have any reason to be at that location, at that time, on that day - but somehow there was video and photo evidence of the violation from my car and I got a ticket for it. Then I remembered my car was at the shop for new tires and a brake inspection this day. I dropped it off around 7am and the ticket was around 9:15 am. I have uber receipts of being picked up and dropped off at the shop to prove this. Also the receipt and credit card statement from the work they did on that day.

    The location of the ticket is nearly 3/4 of a mile away from the shop, at an intersection that leads to the highway. Now I'm not a mechanic, so maybe this is standard practice when putting new tires on. Maybe driving it at speed to make sure everything is ok?

    I feel like all I need to do is ask them to reimburse me for the ticket since the car was in their possession at this day and time, and then leave it at that. Is it worth asking why the car was in the location it was? Is this just asking for him to get defensive and possibly not pay up?

    It's no points and no insurance change for me if I just pay the $75 fine, but I'm just hoping they don't put up a stink about this.

    What would reddit do?

    UPDATE: Called this morning, they didn't ask for any details, just to come in so they can get the full story. Went in, he didn't put up a fight and wrote me a check for reimbursement. Made a copy of the ticket. Said there shouldn't be a reason for one of his mechanics to be driving in that area, but then backtracked and mentioned it may have been needed for what i brought the car in for (to be fair, i did mention some wobble at 70mph). But - it was agreed upon that I needed new tires anyway, so I'm not sure how necessary it was to replicate the wobble if i was getting them replaced anyway, but I'm not a mechanic and didn't want to make assumptions or accuse them of joyriding in my car. It's a 2007 A4, so it's not some super sports car that would be fun to whip around in.

    All in all, glad to be reimbursed although I have hesitations of taking my car back there for future work. Maybe I'll give them a 2nd chance. I do have a headlight that is out now...

    submitted by /u/phenderbender
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    Help! My stepdad might be spying on my sister and I. What should we do?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    Two days ago, my sister felt something hard while using a towel in our bathroom... but she ignored it. This morning while my sister was using the towel again, she felt the object and decided to take a look at it. She found a black IPhone 8+ wrapped around by the towel and a rubber band with a hole cut through just for the lenses to see through. She turned the towel on the other side and saw a recording button... recording. My sister paused the recording and skimmed through the video. She saw my stepdad looking straight at the phone and then leaving. A few seconds later into the video, she sees herself entering the bathroom getting ready to dress. My sister noticed that the video started recording at around 5:50 am which is when we get ready for school. She deleted the video and left the room to tell me about it. I didn't doubt her since I remembered watching those videos about spy cams in public bathrooms and how much of a problem it is in South Korea. My mom and grandma are out of the country for a family emergency. The only people in our house right now is my sister, stepdad, grandpa, and me.

    submitted by /u/KrazyJelly
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    accidentally accessed the WLAN of the Technology Institute of Thailand.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    So, a little backstory here:

    I'm 14 and I live in Germany

    Today I spend some time on shodan.io (This is a completely legal site which lists every kind of IoT Devices and it's IPs). I found an IP and I clicked on it. The site asked for a password and a username. I typed a default password (i won't wright it here so that no one can access the site.) And suddenly I were in the Router Config. I didn't touch anything. I did't even red something. I clicked the site away and wrote an email to them (after I had to use google translator to read thai lol). I wrote this text:

    Hello, I found your WLAN password on shodan.io. I didn't change anything. Just wanted to report this so nobody can acces your WLAN. Here is the link:
    this is your wlan ip

    Now, i'm a little worried about the law (as I said I live in Germany, so just mind there are other laws). Did I do something illegal? I mean I wrote them to change their password. And it's Thailand. Shit.

    P.S. isn't it ironically if a 14 year old can acces the wlan of a tech institute with a default pw and username?

    submitted by /u/sarliiix
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    can CPS take me out of my school and put me in a different one?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 08:12 PM PDT

    I'm going with cps tonight because i have nowhere else to go while my mom is in jail. if i end up staying with them permanently can they withdraw me from my school and switch it?

    I'm from bryan/college station, texas.

    update: it's 5:53 AM and i just got to a shelter in austin not too long ago. seems like a nice place. we get allowances, wifi, they help with whatever they can help you with. i have a roommate too lol. that will help me get a better understanding of this place a bit. thank you all for your comments and concern. im confident i will be okay. ive been pretty calm so far so i think that's good. just going to trust the process.

    anyone else going through a hard time, things will get better.

    submitted by /u/localedgybitch
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    [AZ] Patient hit my car and didn't stay, am I violating HIPAA if I give them away?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    Hello hello! So, I'm an urgent care PA and I'm in an unusual situation. Yesterday I had a patient come into my clinic for a cold. They got upset when I told them they didn't need antibiotics and they left angrily. I didn't witness the accident, I was with another patient, however, my front desk staff saw the aftermath. According to the front office the patient got into their car, squealed the tires and peeled out of the parking lot, lost control, and hit my car. It's certain they didn't know it was my car. Regardless, they got out of their car inspected the damage then quickly left.

    Now, we know who it was, because they were a patient. But, by telling the police who they are and how we know them, is that a violation of HIPAA? The guy wasn't very pleasant, and if it's a violation of HIPAA, I can easily see him causing me huge a headache over it. I'd rather pay my deductible then deal with HIPAA nonsense. I've already left a message for our risk management team, but I haven't heard back and so here I sit with you, my Reddit attorneys.

    TLDR: Angry patient hit my car and ran. Is giving his information to the police and my insurance a violation of HIPAA? I only have that information because he's a patient.

    submitted by /u/HIPAAviolator
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    What should I do now? Domestic abuse reported?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 03:56 AM PDT

    To keep it short, a very heated argument ensued between my boyfriend(26) and I (20). We argued for hours until he finally snapped and started closed fist punching me repeatedly. He went after me about 4 times total. Got my face, ears, mostly my arms, and some of my legs/ass area. He had hit me before but nothing was like tonight. Full on rage and it felt never ending even though I was screaming for him to stop. After he beat the shit out of me he spit on me twice. I threw clothes on since I was only in spandex with no top, and ran out of the house and called 911 frantically. About 4 cop cars meet me down the street from the house and start asking questions. I just wanted to file a report but not press charges or get him involved at all. I just wanted to be safe and go home. The officers told me with my injuries that they didn't have a choice and they were going to have to arrest him. I am so scared, this is my boyfriend of 2 years. Regardless though, I know what he did is inexcusable. I am beyond scared and my mind is everywhere. Getting the law involved has made this very surreal and I'm scared for what's next because I don't really have an idea. Everything is kind of a haze right now and I don't remember exactly what the officers said. I just remembered him saying I'd receive something in the mail about a court date with him. Can someone please give me a rundown on what will most likely happen? Do I show? What happened to him when he got booked? I just want to know what I should expect I suppose. From start to finish.

    I'm so upset and if I'm being truthful I am filled with regret and so much fear. His family comes from lawyers so I honestly have no idea what type of stunt he would try to pull

    From PA

    submitted by /u/platypusfrown
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    Probation Officer not answering calls

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    I got a DUI last October, and just got out of serving 30 days in county jail. I called my probation officer the day I got out, and twice today and did leave a voicemail. I'm trying to get ahold of her to ask if I can use the therapist I've been seeing before I served time and was convicted for the counseling issued by the judge, and where I need to go to do the daily PBT's and drug testing, and to tell her my car was totalled in the accident I was involved in the night of my arrest, so it cannot be immobilized (also issued by the court). Basically I have a number of questions and concerns, and would like to get the ball rolling on probation, it's only six months but I plan on moving soon. Also I can't really visit her whenever, I live two hours away from the courthouse. What should my next step be? Edit: Located in Michigan, courthouse is 87-C district court, Crawford County

    submitted by /u/4_set_leb
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    Is it legal for a school administration to refuse to let all students use the bathroom?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Hey all, I'm actually asking for a friend of mine up in Canada. She is a junior in high school. The school is a conjunction school, so it has grades K - 12. Earlier today she explained in our Discord server that no high school students were allowed to use the bathroom during any class time whatsoever due to certain students getting caught smoking in the bathrooms. They are allowed to go during short breaks. This seems reasonable at first, but since it's a small school each bathroom only has one toilet and the breaks are not long enough for everybody to go. To make matters worse, the elementary and junior high kids are allowed to use every bathroom at all times, even though they're also getting caught smoking and writing on the walls. I just wanted to ask if this is legal?

    Thanks. :)

    submitted by /u/offbrandqueerios
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    Being recorded in my own home. Connecticut.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 07:45 PM PDT

    I recently discovered a "spy camera" disguised as a phone charger in my living room. It was definitely put there by my father. Under further investigation I realized there are all kinds of cameras and audio recorders scattered about. I'm not sure on the location of the rest. I also know that there was a gps tracker put in my mother's car. Is any of this legal? If relevant the people living in the house are my father my mother myself(19) and my brother(16).

    submitted by /u/fuzzysocklover3n
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